elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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Andi demorphs and leaves her ears pointy till the last second and giggles about being an elf.


And they start figuring out how to work shredders on five-digit hands.


It is workable. Shredders are not meant to be easy to fire but they are also not meant to take a long time the shooter might not have.


Bella has better aim if she morphs her sister, it transpires.


That is interesting. Perhaps they should look up the winner of human competitions for shooting and see if that person can be acquired.


"I suspect it's actually just compensating for my clumsiness thing - this is why Andi knew how to work Charlie's gun and I didn't, I would've been a hazard - but it's possible there's some extra edge to be had."


And more practice shooting things and shooting things under distracting and variously hazardous conditions.


Neither one is a sharpshooter but they can mostly hit things if the things are not very small and not moving too much.


Which no creatures Yeerks infest are. He is more worried they'll freeze up in an emergency than that they'll miss, but the practice will help with both. Humans are perfectly teachable. He probably should start recruiting.


"How good is morphing at getting rid of long-term injuries in the baseline form?"


<Barring a few rare conditions which persist through morph for Andalites - of which your clumsiness might be a human analogue - perfect.>


"You could probably get free bonus goodwill by going after people with assorted impairments, then. If you want ex-military there's plenty of overlap there. And you can disappear people with cancer or whatever and it won't be particularly suspicious if they 'die'."


<Damaged former soldiers would be an interesting population to draw from. And one the Yeerks would have been unlikely to bother with.>


"Yeah, they can't get the same mileage out of 'em. Do be advised that former soldiers frequently have psychological damage too."


<War is terrible.>


"Yep. It's possible that human PTSD is different from whatever happens with Andalites, though, so be on the lookout."


<How does trauma manifest for humans, is it likely to affect you two...>


"I'm not a psychologist - off the top of my head hypersensitivity to reminiscent stimuli even in safe environments, and flashbacks? And maybe."


<Notify me if it does, please.>


<I would like to start going over your capital city and how we can reach your leadership without drawing Yeerk attention.>


"Are you pretty sure the Yeerks don't have the President or half the Senate or anything?"


<No. Evaluating that is one of our next priorities, though.>


"Well, assuming the Yeerks don't already have the attention of the leadership in the worst possible way, I bet there are private phone lines you can get the numbers for with your miscellaneous spy tech and get the President's attention that way? And it's less likely to be taken as hostile than most other mechanisms of contact. Again assuming the Yeerks are not there the security measures will not be intended to handle small animals if that doesn't pan out and you have to have somebody surprise him in the Oval Office, although they'll probably be at least reasonably robust against dogs and other domestic creatures that might be dangerous in their own right or carry bombs or whatever, you'd have to be a bug or something."


"Once we determine that the Yeerks do not already control the leadership, I expect we will not have much trouble being taken seriously. It would also be useful to have a sense of whether the president is likely to openly react and push the Yeerks into escalating - I do not know how much is publicly known about his temperament or advisors..."

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