elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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He doubles the guy's pay and the guy agrees yes, sure, lots of Yeerks, why not.


Twins also learn Chinese.


And the actual Yeerk acquires a bunch of people and morphs a marvelously attractive young adult Chinese fellow and obligingly stays like that for two hours. He will need clothes.


And now the Yeerk can nothlit himself and then go back to Syria and get in touch.


Yup. Is anybody going to look over his shoulder while he talks to the ship?


Yes definitely.


(Marwan packs off to Brazil.) (The Yeerk, who never gave his original name and now wishes to get used to being addressed as Li Yang, returns to Syria.)


(Followed by one Andalite openly and one in morph.)


Mr. Li accesses his comm thing in the environs of the pool. He seems unconcerned about letting Andalites look over his shoulder as he enters access codes; presumably they change according to some algorithm and re-inputting them just the same will not do anything.

He successfully reaches somebody shipside. He apologizes for the delay; these Middle Eastern humans will keep having conflicts frequently even without Yeerk influence and he has been unavoidably called away.


The Andalites note the passcodes anyway.


Mr. Li tells the ship that the cousins are still successfully flying under the radar, not actively recruiting hosts. He's gotten somebody hired as a (remote) consultant and localization assistant for the Andalite's organization so they can hear the gossip. There are rumors in the organization that the throughput of the obviously-an-Escafil-device cancer cure will soon improve! What's new with you, Pool ship.

What's new with the Pool ship is that it's working on getting radiation resistance more widespread. They don't know how to get it into existing Yeerks who don't already have it, but they do have a few individuals of the cousins' strain shipboard, not all of them were Earthside when the bombs went off; they're picking out other Yeerks with whom these cousins may be expected to most productively cluster.



Well, fuck. Okay.


Mr. Li is instructed to continue with the flying under the radar thing and is congratulated on the organization insider thing. He should prioritize letting them know if the insider learns anything new.


Thank you, Mr. Li. Does he care to stay in this role and continue having leverage, or take his retirement money and go live in China?


Hong Kong, but Mr. Li doesn't correct him. Mr. Li thinks they'll fuck it up if they try to talk to the ship, even if he gives them the codes they'd need to do it. How long do they expect to need this done?


Another year, probably. 


Well, in that case he'll take the money, go, email them the codes, and consult online whenever they have a conversation with the ship out of the goodness of his heart and the ongoing ability to demand random favors TBD, sound good?


Sure. He is presumably as not-thrilled by the planet blowing up as they are and not much excited by the idea of the Yeerks reconquering it.


They understand each other. Lovely. Off disappears Mr. Li.


And they start planning for the possibility the Yeerks are going to have another go with radiation-resistant strains. 

They can teach humans how to recognize even shielded Bug fighters, given a couple of months to build the detectors. They start that.


(They were not quite lying about output on the cancer cure being close to increasing. Cayaldwin thinks he's made some progress on a one-shot morph device that will suffice just as well and require less supervision afterwards.)


Mr. Li emails the codes quite promptly.

The month for the Yeerks who wanted to be with their voluntary hosts comes up.


Then anyone who would like to be re-Yeerked can do that.


Perhaps unsurprisingly, Yeerks turn out to have been good at predicting what their erstwhile hosts would do!

The one who was worried about its host remembering to eat fusses over him as soon as it's back, muttering under his breath, you poor thing, did Layal not remember that you need protein, we are going out for shawarma right now.





He does not have any teeth to grind.


They go back to Beijing and to managing the aftermath of the land-based war.


Fussy Shawarma Yeerk sends an email after a while remarking that Yeerks really do make very good assistive companions for all kinds of things and maybe after the whole warfare business is calmed down that could be a thing?

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