elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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They cure cancer (and miscellaneous ailments). They amass and spend real money instead of fictive money. They occasionally ask Mr. Li for a consult on how to report to the Yeerks that, yep, the Andalites expect increased capacity, and are also talking about rebelling out from under the Andalite Command because they think they can handle the humans more effectively.


Mr. Li consults obligingly.

Malawi's doing well.

The southeastern United States, the Bahamas, a nubbin of Mexico, and the entire island of Cuba are abruptly annihilated. Haiti and Jamaica are singed.




...might be cover for landing some Yeerks, did anybody see any movements that could be stealth ships, how many people -


Millions of people.

How good's their tracking?


Not ready yet, they weren't ready yet, they thought they might have managed to stall the Yeerks longer - what did the Yeerks even gain from this - 




...the opportunity to claim that the Andalites did it, apparently.





He will answer questions on live video. He will book interviews with every media company in the world. Yes obviously they can assassinate him but they could have wiped China off the map and did not, they must not want to risk the Escafil device. This is what Andalite ships are. This is what Yeerk ships are. The Yeerk ships in orbit, which everyone knew were in orbit, did this, here are the weapons systems they used. Humanity is going to fight back. Andalites take their laws against hurting civilians so seriously Matirin will be in lots of trouble when it is learned he authorized the irradiating the planet; Andalites would never do something like this.


If people want to send him the names of dead loved ones, he will remember them. All of them. It is important to him.


Renée's boyfriend lived in Florida where was Renée when -


Her name was Renée Swan and she didn't know her daughters were alive -


<I am so sorry, Bella.>


"Wh-what are we going to do -"


<They must have had a reason, they must have wanted something - we will not be able to hold our own with Earth's technology for years yet ->


The Yeerks tell Matirin what they want.

They want the cube.


Matirin would like to know what kind of assurance he has they won't blow up the planet anyway once they have it.


He hasn't done so much that humans are impossible to pacify and take over. They didn't prefer to do it through open force but they can. They have worked around the little nuclear bomb trick, too, ha ha.


They probably aren't lying about that, they were working on a way.


He replies that that outcome is obviously worse than the destruction of the planet.


Well, the destruction of the planet improves on the Andalites having billions of human friends, too. Would he prefer to agree on the destruction of the planet?


Can they agree on the Andalites not having billions of human friends, but instead new human enemies? He can sadly confess on television that actually, now that he's seen the evidence, he believes that the Andalites were responsible. But the condition is that the Yeerks leave.


Nope, that's not good enough. They want the box.


The box in exchange for leaving? Sure. He will take the box up in a ship, jump, give them the coordinates. When they meet him there with all of their forces, he will hand over the box. If they shoot him down, box gets destroyed. If he sells them out, Earth gets destroyed.


He picks a spot that is a ten-day trip through Z-space away. 


He goes to Montana and he finds one of the ships that they stopped flying, when it stopped being safe. He records a video to be released to human media if it seems appropriate. Records a few, actually, so Bella has some latitude in how to spin it.


He tells her where the biological weapons that will if needed wipe out humanity are. He tells her that he's been meaning to put her in charge of the planet, here are flavors of announcement video for that. She does not need reminding that the Yeerks were trying to get radiation-resistant ones and might have succeeded. He reminds her anyway. 


He sends the Yeerks the coordinates, makes sure it is very visible to sufficiently good cameras in orbit that he is getting on the ship with an Escafil device in hand. 


And he goes.


- he's been meaning to what this is the sort of thing she might have wanted warning for there isn't exactly a "being in charge of the planet" office for her to step into or anything -

- good luck -


It is a small ship. By necessity it is a small ship; the illusion is that he is going alone. 


There are forty-one of them. They are taking everyone except the humans. The humans will remain to carry on if this fails, and he is not especially optimistic. Thirty-nine of them, in a ship with space for two. They spend almost all of the ten days in morph, or sleeping flank-to-flank, six in a row across the tiny space, miserable. 


They arrive.

The smallest animal on Earth is the parasitic wasp Dicopomorpha echmepterygis. They are about 200 μm long. He has forty-one of them on the fourth finger on his left hand. 


The Yeerks show up. Pool ship, Blade ship. Impossible to tell from the outside if the ports for the fighters are occupied or not.

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