elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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He sends a transmission.


You asked if I would accept the destruction of Earth as a compromise. I appreciated the time to consider the question. I decided that I will. Before I left I planted the capsules of the biological weapon we were going to use to kill humans, when it looked like the planet would be lost. I am the only person who knows where they are. They trigger in twenty days. I would rather everyone on Earth die than see the planet fall to Yeerks. But if you keep your word - if you leave the star system and stay away from the star system - then after I have given you the Escafil device I will disable them. And I will wait, and if you ever enter the star system again, then I swear to you on the bodies of my father, of my brothers, of every warrior who died in my service, I will kill every human. Are we agreed on terms?


Then how would they like their Escafil device delivered?


He may approach the Pool ship and hand it over there.


Lovely. He will do that. ...he will do that after he has rigged himself with explosives so that if they try to stun him he dies. He hopes they understand. 


He approaches the Pool ship.


He stares disdainfully at the Gleet bio-filter. He transmits: Do you want to break your new toy? The Escafil device functions by containing samples for processing of the DNA of everyone who has touched it. If I put it through that, it will break.


(They experimented with the biofilters after they took control of some pools. "In your mouth" is safe. He could morph human, morph almost back to Andalite while preserving his mouth structure, have the bugs in there. But he'd tried; he can't do it reliably, not like Andi. It is the backup plan but it is a 'you might kill everyone you know in a second's slipped concentration' backup plan.)



They turn it off.


And he hands them the Escafil device. The wasps are stuck to the underside; he tells them they are clear and should move.


The Yeerk he's handed it to has a Hork-Bajir host and takes the box carefully in bladed hands.


<I hope this was a positive sum transaction> he says curtly. He turns to go.



And he falls over. 

(The vest doesn't go off; it's set to respond to a stun, not a gas.)



He wakes up. He stands and removes the vest and glances with one stalk eye at the Hork-Bajir on the floor close to where he was, dead with its own blade in its throat.

He briefs the command on the presence of the wasps and resets the biofilter to prohibit Andalites and steps back from it.


The wasps are already well away and moving. HIs warning comes in before the cry of 'Andalites' from several different decks of the ship, but not much before it, and only some of the Andalites are Andalites, the others are Hork-Bajir or human, ripping weapons out of the hands of real Controllers and firing them at random.


He knew a fraction of a second before his knees buckled but it wasn't enough time to move his tail - 


- should have fatally poisoned himself before coming -

- he'd told Bella screaming was strategic, better than letting them use your head, more distracting than -

- move his tail, move his tail, they say you can wrest back control if you're careful he needs half a second, less than that, he can catch it when it's already in motion and change the direction -

- no no no no no no no no -


This Yeerk, unlike Bella's, is not trying to calm him down. It's not talking to him at all.

It gallops him into the fight.

And maintains total control over his tail.


The primary mission objective is to crash this ship into the other one. Even better would be to get to the weapons deck and shoot the Blade ship and not all die, but controls will be easier to reach than weapons, they are expecting, and if controls is taken first, they aim for the Blade ship. Straightforward. 


He guesses the instant he sees Matirin, even before he has time to notice who Matirin's targeting. <Got him somehow> he tells everyone else, and slices through three people and on ahead, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, soon they'll all be dead -


And of course as soon as Matirin notices that Finleran has noticed the Yeerk knows too. No need to continue pretending.

It's still briefing the command as it races across decks. The bluff, the twins, the compromised Syria pool, the fact that its host's companions have detected its presence.

It's pretty good at multitasking. Matirin's tail has its work cut out for it.


There is no way to tell if a mission like this is going well or badly, you just kill everything that is trying to kill you and then eventually either nothing's moving or you're dead. The door to the weapons room is barred, doesn't yield to several max-setting discharges of a shredder or to his tail. So that means it's 'dead', this time round. 

He sees Matirin turn the corner and he has a shot and he has never missed in his life at this range and he - doesn't take it - 


The Yeerk has no such hesitation.


No no no no no no no no no NOOOO -


[he is hardly forming thoughts just screaming wordlessly -)


- this isn't doing anything maybe something other than collapsing in unimaginable agony will be more distracting -

- 'other than' he can't do, maybe be can do something while collapsing in unimaginable agony -

- no no no no no no no I hate you no no no no -



The Yeerk does not care that Matirin hates it. It relays intel to the command. The box is a crippled one-shot version, useful but not what they wanted -

There's a shuddering noise as all the doors in the ship slam shut.

There's microphones for transmission of orders and information, throughout the ship. It clicks on. "Shipwide announcement. Sub-Visser Nineteen has been taken out of action," says a smooth human voice. "I am assuming command. I have sealed off all the compartmentalizable ship areas; no combatants share quarters at the moment and I will be gradually unsealing them and relaying more specific orders. If you are in immediate distress, transpond your location and await assistance."

There's another click, and the microphone in, presumably, just this corridor, says, "Esnal, I will be clearing a path for you to the Pool presently so that you may turn your host over. Commendations on your performance today."

<I don't get to -?>

"You were selected because you had an expendable and sufficiently suicide-inclined host, Esnal, not because you have earned an Andalite host. You will be rehosted in short order."

<...Yes, Commander.>


Matirin is going to remember the Yeerk's name and slowly torture to death every Yeerk by that name, if he's ever free - he's already a war criminal, why not -


Eventually the doors open. He trots down to the pool. Visser Three has Andalite-appropriate restraints installed.

"Go on then." The commander who has assumed control of the ship - same voice - is hosted in a thirtysomething human woman, looks like they probably picked her up in the Andes when they were doing things down there. "No, not like that, he'll morph out. Haven't you seen the Visser do this? Morph until he's out of capacity and then lock up."

Esnal morphs - quick ones, just into other Andalite foms - till his host is exhausted, then locks up and exits.


He tries to morph anyway. Humans can do it - must be possible - he can be trapped in morph, that's fine, or halfway in, as long as he doesn't have an ear canal -


- doesn't work -


Once Esnal is out, the commander pushes a button and the restraints tip up so no opportunists can sneak into his ear.

"There," she says. "Now we can talk. Are you in a state to negotiate or should I list who of yours is still alive and conscious so you can delegate that?"

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