elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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<Morph a Yeerk or morph a Leeran.>


"Naturally." Andalites wake up. She switches mic outputs to address them. "As I have just demonstrated, if I wanted you infested it would have already occurred. I have negotiated a cooperative outcome between myself as the ranking member of the Yeerk Resistance and your party. In a few minutes' time I will arrange your freedom of movement to one another."


He is pretty much holding Matirin up with his tail. They lean against the wall and sob silently.


(Explosions continue to make no sound in space.)

She shoos some Yeerk personnel, shuffles others around, gets corridors clear so the Andalites can all congregate and gives them directions, except for the one in the 'ponics bay. They will have to alleviate the concerns of the one in the 'ponics bay themselves and should inform her when they are prepared to do that. In the meantime it would be convenient for getting everybody to their quarters if they would all go to this room over here.


They pull themselves together.


They do that.


The Blade ship has been destroyed and she can open a corridor to the 'ponics if they'd like to go prove that they are themselves to their comrade.


"Take a right, go down one level."


Behold: hydroponics. (No grass. Lots of trees, and some grain substances for some food animals for Taxxons, and some miscellaneous human garden items. Visser Three must have kept all his grass on his Blade.)


They'll live. The remaining Andalite does not have a Leeran morph. Morphs Yeerk. Verifies that Finleran does not already have a Yeerk in his head. Goes to join the others.


Lovely. They can squeeze back into their own ship or she can give them a lift (cooped up, but less cooped up) or some combination of the two.


They will send two people in their original ship, since it will be expected back; if she does not mind taking the rest, that is convenient.


She doesn't mind. At some point she remembers to introduce herself; her name is Ristrell.


<Finleran. A pleasure.>


<We were not expecting that mission to have any survivors.>


"I'm delighted to hear that making my acquaintance is not worse than death."


<Everything is over. Earth's safe.



And I imagine you spent this war under as much pressure as we did.>


"It appears likely to have been worth it, presuming certain levels of optimism with respect to your reinforcements and mine alike."


Tail-flick-nod. <Matirin is confident he can handle ours. And Earth will be able to handle itself, in not too long.>


"Disinclination to think of Earth as a monolith."


<It does not make much difference to our interests whether it is China or what remains of NATO or Russia or all of them glaring at each other, once any humans are a spacefaring power everyone else has less latitude to meddle.>

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