elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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"Do you actually want to evaluate my paranoia or might I need it unknown to you in the future?"


<I will tell you what happened and then you can calibrate your paranoia appropriately.>



And he does.


"...I can think of ways you could've suicide-bombed the place but if you wanted to do that you could have just called in an orbital strike," she murmurs. "Do you want a hug, is that even a thing Andalites do -"


<We have much weaker arm strength than humans. I would not mind, though.>


<What needs to get done here?>


She lets go and consults her to-do list, especially updates made in the last two hours, and rattles off what might benefit from his input.


<Thank you. I will get to work on those.>


"- how long have you been planning to put me in charge of the entire planet?"


<Since I offered it faster-than-light travel. That could end badly with the wrong human governments driving it. Now that we have more time and resources it should not be a problem - I am envisioning a structure more like a very large corporation with standing agreements with all extant human governments of the form that we can operate freely in their country and they can have a share of the revenue. We have a lot of things besides morphing to offer for that, there is a great deal you can do just with more powerful and smaller computers, and we can reconstruct translation chips and other innovations in that direction, we can be the primary source of revenue to every Earth government and then we can lean on them to change their policies.>


"...okay. Should I talk directly to Ristrell?"


<Might be worthwhile. She seemed very surprised when I said I wanted to consult my human advisors before making a few decisions.>


"I wonder why. I'll contact her."


<Let me know how it goes. There is no reason not to start offering people morph now, is there?>


"How much does it increase the risk of the main Andalite fleet exploding the planet?"


<They would not do that.>


<The decision to release a bioweapon on the Hork Bajir home planet was the only one ever made by the Andalite High Command that had civilian casualties as a deliberate effect, and only after all hope had been lost and the vast majority of Hork Bajir were already slaves, and it was deeply controversial and the people responsible punished for it. They will be panicked. They will not kill six and a half billion people in their panic.>


Now closer to six billion. She doesn't point that out. "Then yeah. We can still use the one-shot box to speed things up for lethal cases though."


<And we will be able to make more one-shot boxes faster than more Escafil devices, and I would feel comfortable distributing the one-shot boxes to hospitals once we can mass-produce them.>


"With trained personnel accompanying them so some idiot doesn't turn into his grandma or something, but sounds great."


<Cayaldwin thinks he can solve aging - you can change your haircut when you demorph, you should be able to change your physiological age - with enough time and equipment. You might want to check in on him with regards to motivation, once I am gone.>


"What's the likely limit on his motivation?"


<Everyone he cares about is dead. Some people are sufficiently motivated by the desire that people in the abstract live good lives, but my brother needs there to be people in the world who care about him.>


"...life in prison counts as dead or is there something you haven't been telling me about the Andalite justice system?"

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