elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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<The concepts only loosely correspond.>


<I think most humans fully-informed of our relationship would call it that.>


He turns three eyes on her and blinks them confusedly.


Andi is delighted! She giggles and twirls down the hall.


...he is negotiating with the European Union a solution to the problem where flocks of refugees from harder-hit parts of the world fly in morphed and then want to stay. The French are stressed at dealing with so many American refugees and would like it if Tunisia in particular would stop letting people morph at the airport and fly north.


Well maybe Tunisia could afford to do that if SOMEBODY would make it the NEXT MALAWI.


Somebody would be utterly delighted to, but there are a lot of places worse-off than Tunisia.

Israel's upset by people flying in and settling too, can they have a Gleet bio-filter for the whole country? Matirin reads about relevant regional geopolitics for a few hours and then escalates that one to Bella with a note that just says help, humans.


No, Israel, you cannot have a Gleet bio-filter for your whole country. The border is rather long and the alarm would go off constantly. She'll pretend you meant the nonlethal kind. It's a bad idea. What exactly is the disagreement you have with your would-be settlers, are they absorbing too many social services or driving up housing prices or not learning the language or what?


They are pretty committed both to the 'democracy' thing and the 'Jewish state' thing but those only work in the same place if more than half the people are Jewish.


Well, they have a right of return thing that already only applies to people who are about yea Jewish, maybe they could harbor but not grant full voting-type citizenship to non-qualifying randos.


See, this would be superior to keeping them out but then everyone gets furious over the injustice of having a permanent non-citizen underclass and calls you an apartheid state, whereas they don't get very mad about deportations, so this is not an option in practice. ...does Bella want to Malawi up Gaza so it's a nice place to stay and people stop trying to leave for Israel?


She'd love to but there's a waiting list and Eritrea's next. How strongly do they feel about the permanency of their non-citizen underclass? Like, maybe their kids could be citizens, or if they live there for ten years and are being good Israeli residents for that time they could apply?


And then in ten years Israel's majority non-Jewish does she see the problem here.


She was imagining some people might leave Israel after they have a while to find their feet, but apparently their projections differ and she's not going to contradict them. Have the refugees commented on why they chose Israel?


The Americans didn't invade it and it's not a war-torn mess!


Well, yes, but people could also go to Europe. Some of them are. Something is making some people go to Israel and not France. (Something is also making some people go to France and not Israel, but that's not at issue right now.)


It's a lot closer, if you don't have a really excellent flying morph or are paranoid about being caught in a storm over the Mediterranean or want to be able to visit people back home.


If that's really it Israel could make it easy to non-morphfully continue to another country which does not have the Jewish state/democracy tension going on. Show up in Israel, receive hummus, proceed to Switzerland?


If Switzerland will take them they will totally do that.


Well, maybe not Switzerland in particular. Who in Europe likes Caribbean and American and Mexican refugees, anybody?


Everyone could kind of do to have fewer refugees, all things considered. 



Hey Malawi, want some refugees.


Malawi would be delighted.

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