elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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Pocket translators sell like hotcakes which translate any language naturalistically in real time. The next country on the be-Malawi waiting list gets to start working on being Malawi.


...can't identify whether someone is in morph, but can have ID chips that zip off to z-space with the rest of you when you morph, and can put on peoples' photo identification whether they are morph capable, and that should be sufficient to stop impersonation from being a serious problem. Gleet bio-filters are becoming commercially popular as a replacement for windowscreens anyway. Someone is wondering if you can make a Gleet biofilter that allows all species except malaria-carrying mosquitos and just rake the whole planet with it. 


Cayaldwin laughs and says they can't do that unless the humans are sure they have catalogued all their species, but he'd be happy to figure out a ranged biofilter that can be used in that manner over select areas where malaria-carrying mosquitos are exceptionally bad.


Maybe they could come up with a nonlethal biofilter. So idiots doing stupid things, or people who are confused by their morphs, and blunder into what looks like open space, do not actually die. They could set off an alarm, perhaps.


Cayaldwin has that one working pretty quickly; lethality is hardly a necessary design element there. Commercially available biofilters will just turn people around.



People are concerned about losing track of time and getting trapped in morph. There is a revival in interest in church bells that go off every fifteen minutes.


Once they have translation chips they can do time-sense, too, but humans are annoyingly hard to chip, the scientists have gotten to 'non-harmful' but not to 'functional interface'.


"How come we're hard to chip?" Andi wonders. (She hasn't been very talkative since the Atlantic attack. She's maybe coming out of it a bit now.)


<I assume because we are telepathic and by default interface our thoughts directly with various other things. I wish I knew more about the most advanced non-Andalite technology in the galaxy. And non-Yeerk, I suppose.>


"But we can thoughtspeak in morph, even if we just morph other humans."


<The Escafil device does add a brain interface. If we had reverse-engineered it thoroughly enough I am sure we would also understand how to chip humans.>


"But isn't it the morph capable humans you want to be able to chip anyhow?"


<I suppose it might only work on them. I wonder if that can responsibly be tested.>


"What would go wrong? They're not dangerous at this point, right?"


<Morphing as a human with a chip has not been tried but in principle should be safe enough.>


"Demorphing fixes everything, doesn't it?"


<Except something that renders you unable to demorph, like brain damage might.>


"...oh. Wasn't there maybe going to be an experiment with having Yeerks morph people who were brain damaged?"


<There was. Bella has been handling all Yeerking-with-consent-complications approvals, I do not know if that one was approved.>


"I dunno either, I've been kinda spacey."


<I understand. Me too. We are both lucky to have someone who can fill in the missing bits for us.>


"Everybody on the internet thinks he's your boyfriend, you know."


<I have enough cultural context by now to have picked that up, yes.>


"How come you don't say?"


<I have been avoiding commenting on things that are politically divisive on Earth. Once we are more established, and have given everywhere that wants it the Malawi treatment, and have the political credibility to make sure no one goes off into space on wars of conquest, then we can ask ourselves how to productively nudge local mores. Also, uncertainty produces more enthusiasm than I expect the truth would.>




Is he though."

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