elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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"It makes a difference if the establishment of my secession meets with different results in different populations."


<Are you hoping for that, so you can find somebody favorable, or hoping for unity so it is more predictable?>


"Favorable unity is better than dissent is better than unfavorable unity."


Tail-flick-nod. <We will see what we can do.>


"Thank you. I'm going to need a dip in the pool soon. If you want to talk to Josefa while she's empty that would be the time. You will have to put up with some unbecoming behavior; I don't know what kind of voluntary hosts you've previously run into but I had sufficient limitations on supply that I had to settle for 'fetishist'."


<Thank you for the warning.>


And when it is time for Ristrell to soak up some rays she clears the intervening corridors of crew and invites any Andalites who want to watch Josefa make a fool of herself to the Pool.


The Andalites do not want to let each other out of sight.


Then Josefa can embarrass herself in front of the lot of them, Ristrell does not care.


Josefa does in fact have a habit of stroking her Yeerk while she's out. Just for a bit, then she puts her in the pool. And looks at the Andalites and bites her lip and sits on her hands.


The Andalites will enjoy having a little more space to move around in.


"Were you going to ask me questions or something," says Josefa, squirming.


<You do not seem to prefer to be rescued. Is that right?>


"Yeah. Are there really a lot of people with other reasons to want Yeerks, is she gonna dump me?"


<I expect there are more than a few hundred people who want to be voluntary hosts on Earth, probably fewer than a few thousand.>


"Okay. ...If you don't need me for anything I'm gonna go for a bit." And she lets herself out and runs off; the door closes behind her.


She's back an hour later. She locates Ristrell in the pool and scoops her up and puts her back. Ristrell sighs and rolls her eyes.


The Andalites go back to their room.


The rest of the trip elapses. The Andalites receive twice daily updates on the host rotations Ristrell is arranging. Gedds are harmless and stupid enough to be emptied and kept in their quarters. She doesn't have a good way to keep Taxxons from eating each other or Hork-Bajir from becoming confused and possibly damaging sensitive equipment uninfested, and the involuntary human hosts aboard could be more dangerous still, but she can arrange to make sure that her Resistance friends who won't put up a fight about leaving in the presence of better host handling options and will handle their hosts gently in the interim are the ones occupying these people. The Taxxons are extremely likely to wish to be nothlits. The humans can be sent home when they reach Earth. The Hork-Bajir and Gedds, maybe the Andalites have an idea?


Part of Earth could probably be designated a Hork-Bajir reserve. Can Gedds live independently?


In larger herds than this and with a fairly high mortality rate, yes. As-is they need looking after, although it could conceivably be external. Their actual opinions on the subject are pretty confused. They find some aspects of being controlled distressing but they find many aspects of being left on their own distressing too and have often circular preferences about the differences between the states.


Well, that is a hard one. How do they feel about zoos?


They do not understand why people would want to look at them and have comparably circular preferences about other zoo features.


Maybe they can try a bunch of different environments adjacent to each other - zooish thing, wildlife preserve thing, space with a Yeerk pool - and see how many Gedds go for the Yeerk pool. If the other ones want to exist in the wild with high mortality that seems their choice.


That's fine with Ristrell, but she does want to sterilize them all if they're doing that.

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