elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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<....I - who's alive, please, who's alive ->


She swivels a screen around, shows him internal camera feeds of everyone he brought along who is alive. It's actually most of them.




Finleran's father is dead, he might not be in dramatically better shape to negotiate - but he probably does not desperately want to die, that'd be a major advantage - he nods at the feed. <He can speak for us. Who are - who are you - negotiating - what are we negotiating ->


"Do you want to do the talking after all, or do you want him to do it?" she asks, folding her arms.


<I killed my brother - I killed my brother - I got most of them killed but this was different ->


She sighs and turns the screen back to a more convenient angle for her. She flicks on the microphone in the room where she has Finleran trapped. "Hello. Are you in a state to negotiate?"


<Do you have a reason we should not all kill ourselves?>


"It would make negotiating with you considerably more difficult."


<At least fucking tell them you aren't taking hosts, if you aren't ->


Eyeroll. "I asked you if you wanted to do the talking and you told me to talk to him," she tells Matirin. "Do you want to work that out amongst yourselves? You should be within easy thoughtspeak range. I can give you a few minutes before I really need to be moving things along."


<I will tell them all to kill themselves. It is the correct course of action under the circumstances. If you desire an outcome other than that you will have to volunteer information. If that is impossible for you, then you will not be able to negotiate with any Andalite that still has a tail.>


"I am not interested in having any of you infested," she snaps. "Observe how uninfested you are. How absurd of me to imagine that in a situation like this my bare word would be meaningless, clearly I radiate trustworthiness."


<Were you imagining I could tell Finleran 'oh, I'm not infested, the Yeerk is operating in good faith'? I am sure that would be terribly persuasive.>


"I was imagining he could also observe that he is not infested. Nor, frankly, does he have anything I might conceivably need for hostile reasons other than purest malice and be unable to get if he were dead, and while malice is not an unexpected assumption I'd hope I have demonstrated, again with more than my bare word, that I have other motives in play. Andalites," she says. "Having established that no one is going to be infested will one of you assume responsibility for your party's negotiation process?"


<Do you care to produce evidence for the claim that we would all be infested if you wanted that?>


"As you like." She presses a few keys. Finleran's room is gassed. He's out for forty-five seconds.


<Thank you.> he says. <I have no idea if the situation will arise again but if it does, lead with that. How can we help you?>


"The Blade ship will be under the impression that we are continuing to have a firefight in which as many of you as possible are captured alive and that attempting to join and reinforce us would do more harm than good for another twenty to thirty minutes. I can simply destroy it before they begin to wonder what is taking so long. I am so inclined. I can maintain control of this ship, as well. It would be inconvenient to be then marooned on it with no foreseeable ability to safely interact with literally any planetary power. Earth will do, but it will do by far most readily with corroboration from you. I am not taking your delightfully condescending offer of turning nothlit, as I have no interest in being a martyr to Andalite aesthetics; nor do I wish to spend the rest of my days in submission to your tenuous political hold on Earth; but perhaps it is loosely possible for Andalites to negotiate with members of other species as equals in good faith. Hope springs eternal." She doesn't really sound like hope springs eternal.


<We will corroborate everything truthful you say about what transpired here.>


"You're too kind, I'm sure. How are you planning to verify what I tell you?" she inquires, winding a lock of hair around her finger. "How are you planning to advise the Earthlings to posture themselves if I try to open diplomatic relations? To what extent should I expect to be going about my business only to be blown into orbital smithereens? You see my problem."


<You had Matirin. Were you unable to verify the answers to those questions to your satisfaction, or was that Yeerk not one of your people?>


"We are not a hive mind, you must have us confused with some other species," she says. "I legitimately accumulated the authority to step in for Sub-Visser Nineteen and Esnal recognized that and to that extent he is one of my people. To the extent that I would want him knowing that I'm trying to arrange terms of secure diplomatic entrez with Earth with Andalites, he is not."


<Anyone whose host is consenting is welcome on Earth; that is our standing policy and I can put you in contact with many humans and Yeerks happily living in such relationships.>


"How lovely," she drawls. "But I don't want to die of radiation poisoning. Is there a smarter Andalite I could talk to?"


<You have him, I take it, still chained to the edge of your pool. You could let me come in there and try to get him functional. The same policies apply to Earth's star system as to the planet proper, or will as soon as that is in our power. You could also wear a helmet or live underground for a few years, after which the planet should again be safe.>

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