elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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Yes, certainly, they can set up a business and market it once the whole warfare business has calmed down, if it calms down without the Yeerks blowing up the world.


This is pleasing unto Fussy Shawarma Yeerk. If it can help with the not blowing up the world business please let it know.


Does it happen to know of any sympathetic Yeerks in the Pool or Blade ships who will conveniently agree to negotiate the end of the war.


There are some Resistance Yeerks who don't happen to be radiation-resistant cousins, the two things aren't related at all! Here are some names of individuals who should still be alive.


...he was not expecting that line of inquiry to get anywhere. But. Excellent. Is there a way to reach them?


Not as such? There's the channel up to the Pool ship but it isn't exactly a one-to-one protocol that can ring up whoever you want.


Understood. Thank you anyway. The Yeerks are presumably monitoring Earth media: would it be helpful to announce willingness to make all interested Yeerks nothlits?


They are presumably doing that but it probably wouldn't make it easier for the Resistance to take the ship or anything like that, they're staggeringly outnumbered and not well represented among the hosted.


And there are not many people on the fence or upset with the Command's willingness to keep throwing away lives on attempted invasions of Earth?


It's sort of dangerous to try to sound other Yeerks out on that from a cold start, so mostly the Resistance-qua-Resistance are the ones who showed pretty obvious signs and could be safely talked to. It's not sure how many fence-sitters there might be.


<Think there is anything to lose by publicizing that?> he asks Bella.


"A lot of people are still under the impression that there aren't any Yeerks planetside. Of course, that could break at any time if someone who's been acquired for a Yeerk form or the guy we got Chinese from mentions that; they don't know you can't acquire in morph but there's no reason you'd choose to acquire in Yeerk form so it adds up the same."


<We could probably avoid disclosing that. Just say 'we are expecting expanded capacity on the cancer-cure soon and it can also give Yeerks the opportunity to reconstitute their bodies into human ones; any Yeerks who care to land and take us up on that offer will be kept safe and the populace kept safe from them.>


"Oh, yeah, if you make it sound like they'd have to land first then you're good, but expect to be quizzed on how you're going to keep the populace safe from them."


<Set up a supervised prison camp in rural China somewhere, until we can screen them individually?>


"So, humanely treated prisoners of war - screening process looks like -?"


<Leeran, or if you had a host who'll testify for you, that'll do it.>


"I suppose the Geneva convention doesn't actually forbid mindreading. ...I don't know if any of them would think to try this but if one of them went nothlit and wanted to let another use it as a host is that okay?"


<I cannot think why not.>


"So that might come up if there's cousins up there. I do want to keep track of Yeerks-that-are-still-Yeerks even if they're being very innocuous."


<Maybe we can do a very comprehensive scan of all pools, make sure that the only ones are under our supervision. I could ask Cayaldwin to develop a way to detect Kandrona rays but he is very busy already.>


"We wouldn't have found the one Li was in if we hadn't been tipped off. It was sharing a generator, but it's not really practical to search the full radius of a generator."


<I wonder if there's a morph with good scenting that could be trained to smell Yeerk pools.>


"There's dogs bred for that. I'm not sure if they're actually best at it if you factor in that they also had to be optimized for communicating their results to humans. It would also be good to have a noninvasive way to check humans that doesn't take as long as an MRI. Ear swabs that change color in the presence of Yeerk goop or something."


<We can put some human researchers on it.>

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