elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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The Yeerk snorts but doesn't actually say "pathetic". "Humans, my quadrupedal associate, humans are fascinating. They can do all kinds of things if you push 'em this way or that. Including get along with Yeerks."


<You say that as if it inveighs in their favor.>


"I'm not passing moral judgment on the critters, they're just about a million times more interesting than you lot. Never heard anything to suggest that there's ever a reason to keep track of different Andalites except to avoid calling them the wrong name."


<I would introduce you to my father, but he is dead and also would eagerly help you invent some horrifically destructive weapon for your side just because it was an interesting engineering challenge. And hardly just him - Seerow's folly was not kindness but inventive enthusiasm.>


"You know, nothing would actually entertain me more than having the rest of this conversation, but wasn't there something about a chartered plane? I hear it's possible to have conversations on those."


They get on the plane.


"So if you weren't exaggerating about your father being easy to convince to invent weapons for Yeerks for fun the difference is that apparently everybody around him managed to keep him well away from Yeerks to invent stuff for. A human like that, and there's gonna be humans like that, guarantee you, a human like that who really wanted to do that would do it. You read Earth history? It's full of people betraying this or that political unit for its enemies for all kinds of beautifully fucked-up human reasons."


<So you expect to have a hard time persuading the Yeerks that they do not need to fear a human civilization allied with the Andalites? Because I am going to turn the humans against my people to save myself?>


"Nah, I think I can sell it. I've moved around between hosts a lot and most people don't pay that kind of attention and the Visser's never infested a human in his life."


<And probably does not share your opinions on the lack of variance in Andalite traits.>


"Where do you think we get our Andalite gossip? From the numerous Andalite defectors hiding in our cargo holds?"


<There are no Andalite defectors to the Yeerks.>


"Exactly. We know what Visser Three says and from observation and that's it. So I wouldn't be so sure he's got a scintillating opinion of how interesting you are."


<I am concerned entirely with the plausibility of the cover story to keep this planet intact. If it will not be received well we need to develop a different one.>


Eyeroll. "Even if they don't believe all six billion humans think you're the Prophet Matirin peace be unto you and will hate whoever you tell them to hate, they'll believe that humanity as a group will mostly lurch that way."


<What is in question is whether I would do it, not whether humans would believe me if I did.>


"Dunno. Is Visser Three's host acquainted?"


<Yes. Twenty years ago, though.>


Thoughtful lip-chewing. "Your guess is good as mine, then. Maybe if it looks like you think the humans can't be left unattended and that the Andalite Electorate would totally botch managing 'em?"


Tail swish. <That seems plausible, yes.>


"Personally I'd love a front row seat to what the humans would do unattended, but oh well."


<I do not know how long to expect the Andalites to take. Possibly years, now that it is not a pressing emergency.>


"Sure. I mean nobody breathing down their necks at all, though, just humans and tech and the whole galaxy for them to kick and see what it does."


<Depends very much who was ruling the humans.>


"Ruling the humans," snorts the Yeerk. "A unified Electorate can rule the Andalites. A unified Council can rule the Yeerks. Nobody rules the humans. Some people rule some humans and not very well and that's it. It's beautiful."

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