elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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They could agree to talk to the Yeerk only through people the anonymous source is willing to trust a little farther instead of doing the mindreading thing. For instance, its escaped host isn't unwilling to work with Andalites and while he wasn't thrilled about Yeerk-hosting as a lifestyle he isn't actually repelled by the idea of doing it again (for some money, with somebody making sure it's not a permanent arrangement, and help emigrating to Brazil afterward). If the Andalites tell the escaped host that they'll abide by his say-so on what to do with his Yeerk after the fact the Yeerk will probably agree not to disclose anything sensitive to the involved humans while it's got a mouth to do it with and just talk human-irrelevant strategy.


Sure. They would be happy to abide by the say-so of the host and give him money and help emigrating.


The ex-host will meet them at the pool they've already taken and show them to the other one, then.


So it's back to Syria. (Bella can stay; she's got lots else to do.)


Lots and lots. (Bella appreciates it.)

They meet up with the ex-host, whose name is Marwan, and he directs them to a spot not too far from a military base the United States put up while they were invading all the everything. There was a pool in the base, but it was demolished when the soldiers got free of their irradiated Yeerks. Marwan's Yeerk has been using a mini-pool running off the same Kandrona generator, which is still intact. Here it is.

It's about the size of a bathtub because it's literally a bathtub with other gadgetry set up to bounce the rays as necessary. There is a Yeerk in it.


And is Marwan comfortable making it possible for the Yeerk to talk with them?


Sure. They should probably tie him up, though, so they don't have to resort to 'twitch and be stunned till you starve'. There's stuff to do that with near the bathtub.


With someone who isn't morph-capable that's not really necessary, but if he's more comfortable that way, can do.


Well, Marwan doesn't want to wake up having been stunned for three days, that sounds way more uncomfortable than being tied up.


No, the point is that since Marwan is not morph-capable they have a lot of alternatives to stunning and starving if the Yeerk is uncooperative. But okay, they can secure him.


And then somebody will have to put the Yeerk to his ear.


They do that as well.


There is a pause while the Yeerk and Marwan do some internal negotiating.

And then the Yeerk looks up at the Andalites and says, "What do you wanna know?"


<What is going on up in orbit, first and foremost.>


"They didn't tell me all that much. Need-to-know. I think they're arguing about whether to blow up the Earth now it's looking more likely to be an Andalite asset than a Yeerk one."



<I see. Thank you. Can you get in touch with them again? How were you getting in touch with them?>


"There's a linkup in the pools. The real pools, not this thing. I don't know if you broke the one I was using or not."


<Not deliberately. Were you supposed to report in regularly?>


"When I could, but I gave them a lot of bullshit about the situation being unstable and needing too much of my attention."


<Are they going to try to evacuate surviving Yeerks, if they blow up the planet? Get their hands on the Escafil device?>


"They'd love the Escafil device but if they've got a plan to grab it they didn't have it finalized in a way they could order me to carry out before you showed up. We don't have a way into orbit but they might want us badly enough to find a way to evacuate us anyway, get more radiation-resistant Yeerks."


<Is a decision imminent on blowing up the planet?>


"Don't know. It didn't seem like it but it'd be just like Visser Three to suddenly go 'fuck it', you know?"


<All right. I would like you to get in touch with them again.>


"I bet you would."

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