elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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<My interest here is in the planet not being blown up. I imagine it is a shared one.>


"Depends on what you envision me doing with the rest of my life on this not-blown-up planet."


<Pick something, go nothlit in it. That is what we're offering everybody.>


"I'm not everybody, I've got something you want."


<And what do you want in exchange?>


"Wow me," suggests the Yeerk.


<You can be a very rich human, if you would like. I would offer rich and famous but that might put you in danger from your old commanders. I am not sitting on a tremendous supply of delightful goodies, though I expect that within a human lifetime Earth will have marvels to rival any civilization in the galaxy. If it does not get blown up, an outcome which I think we are shared in opposing.>


"Money converts into power, but not perfectly and much worse when the local friendly aliens know one is a Yeerk and hold a grudge about that," comments the Yeerk.


<I am the only person who knows you are a Yeerk and I am not likely to be here. I can avoid telling anyone.>


"You're going somewhere?"


<When the Andalites arrive they are going to arrest me for flagrantly violating every law and directive in our books.>


"Wow, all of them? I bet that was fun.

"I want a fantastic selection of genomes to morph from, a chance to go in somebody who's got Mandarin, and forty billion yuan and a Chinese passport."


"Great. I can talk to the Pool ship just fine while human-shaped, so we can do that first."


<I want to dissuade them from blowing up the world. Towards that end I can leak either or both of two pieces of information. One is that we are reverse-engineering the Escafil device so we can have several of them, and should be done in a few years. The other is that we are considering telling the humans that the Andalites will arrest me and asking them to help protect me from the Andalites. I do not know how you could most plausibly have learned either of these things, or how persuasive they will be.>


"That's how you're curing cancer, isn't it? You're having trouble keeping up with demand last I heard. Make some optimistic announcements about that, I'll make some obvious inferences. Other thing - they don't know you took my pool yet. I can say I've got somebody inside your organization."


<Perfect. Let us travel back to Beijing together, I do not want to ask someone over the phone to make those announcements.>


"I don't fancy spending the flight in a goldfish bowl, I'll tell you that."


<Is your host comfortable staying this way for six hours more? If so, you can travel in a chartered plane.>


"Are you gonna believe me if I tell you he doesn't care as long as he gets paid and I don't make him have sujuk for lunch?"


<No, I will ask you to pop out and back in, but I will not even ask if you tell me he objects.>


Sigh. The Yeerk squishes out.

"I just really hate sujuk," comments Marwan. "I don't know how he likes it when he has to eat it with my mouth. Six hours is fine."


What a fucked up species. Maybe Bella is part-Andalite somehow.


<Thank you.> Yeerk goes back.


"Told you," says the Yeerk. "We're not that bad, you know."




<A friend morphed a Yeerk to verify something important I knew and I was only able to recover afterwards because he erased the memories for me. And I had consented in advance. The experience is horrifying beyond description.>



And stiffly, <I am glad some humans do not find it so.>

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