elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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<We will have to agree to disagree on that. Or we could bet. I can tell my proposed ruler of the humans to stop by in ten years to pay up or collect.>


The Yeerk laughs. "Hard to settle. You can call somebody ruler of the humans, but whether they actually are might be ambiguous."


<We shall see.>


"Sure," says the Yeerk agreeably.


And he goes back to reading questions for him from the humans.


Humans want to know if Andalites can communicate with animals. Humans want to know if he has any brothers or sisters. Humans want to know if he likes their favorite book/TV show/movie/poem/production of Riverdance. Humans want to know why, since Andalites don't talk unless they're shapeshifting, they have pronounceable names. Humans want to know if they have a high tech way to predict the weather. Humans want to know what the words for all one's fingers are when one has six to a hand. Humans want to know if Andalites accidentally cut themselves up with their tails a lot. Humans want to know if Matirin has budged on the being attracted only to blue centaur aliens thing, like, even a little, maybe, please? Humans want to know what kind of interstellar commerce they can hope to get in on. Humans want to know how much wood a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood, in Matirin's personal opinion. Humans want to know if he will accept free things sent in the hope that he might mention the existence of those things to his audience and produce a boost in sales. Humans want to know if he has any idea how much inconvenience all this ambient radiation is to certain delicate scientific experiments and if the Andalites have any decency and can just tell them the answers to the questions they can't answer now. Humans want to know his astrological sign.


Andalites cannot communicate with animals, but morphing gives you instincts for what animal body language means to that creature.


He used to have six brothers. Four of them died in the war with the Yeerks. 


He is busy curing cancer and has not gotten around to their favorite works of media yet. The translation chip renders the Andalite language in sounds for the benefit of sound-using species. He can predict the weather: nuclear winter with a side of radiation poisoning. Andalite meteorology journals have been shared in the general technology dump. He teaches the Andalite words for each finger. Andalites never accidentally cut themselves with their tails, any more than humans accidentally claw themselves in the eye.

Matirin remains exclusively into blue centaur aliens, but perhaps it's just that no human has impressed him sufficiently. He channels Morfirin for a lengthy talk on intergalactic commerce. Matirin will acquire and morph a woodchuck and let them know. If anyone wants to donate useful free things to the Andalite organization's charitable arm, he will definitely give them a mention. The Andalites are happy to answer all human science questions. His homeworld has a different star and a different length of a year so perhaps the astrologers should invent new astrological signs. Though he was amused by all the people insisting that he was probably Cancer, considering.


Humans are very sorry about his dead brothers. Are the live ones around or back where Andalites come from? What are their names like when they don't have translation chips? Humans want translation chips. Do Skrit Na have an opinion on the war? How old is he, they can figure out what his astrological sign would have been if he'd been born on Earth. How long do Andalites live?


The location of his surviving brothers is classified. He cannot communicate his real name except over thought-speech, which can't be sent out over the internet. Humans should definitely get translation chips, but he does not have the technology on hand, the humans will have to reinvent it. Skrit Na have no opinion on the war. Andalites live two hundred years; he is a hundred twenty.


Well he looks very good for his age. ...insofar as that is a relevant concept for a shapeshifter. Wait, why doesn't shapeshifting mean you can live forever. Do the mindreader frog aliens have an opinion on the war? Do his human morphs appear in really tight clothing for the express torment of human questioner xxprincessxx_xx1985xx? At what age are Andalites considered grown up? Does he have an opinion on the following controversial political issues: gay marriage, abortion, where to hold the Olympics, racism, progressive taxation, compulsory military service, Sharia law, feminism, Eurovision?


It should be possible to use the shapeshifting technology to live forever but the Andalites have not quite sorted it out yet. They are working on it and maybe the humans can help them once the humans are up to speed. The Leerans are another species targeted by the Yeerks and they hate the Yeerks and are allied with the Andalites. HIs human morphs wear tight clothing because morphing into clothing is hard. When he first arrived on Earth he actually went around naked, but he quickly learned not to do that. Andalites are adults at 35. 

He wants to ask Bella before answering any of the politics questions. 


The internet collectively fans itself. Bolder inquisitors ask if he would do a historical reenactment?


He thinks he's more handsome in Andalite form, personally. 


They arrive in Beijing and he tells his people that he requires a volunteer to be Yeerked for five seconds - surely someone is curious about the experience? And the 40billion yuan and fake documents. <Bella? The Yeerks are debating whether to blow up the Earth and I would like to spread some misinformation to make that less likely an outcome.>


...morph for thoughtspeak and: <Do go on.>


<They are worried humans will be an asset to the Andalites. I want to spread that we are close to reverse-engineering the Escafil device so we can make more of them, in the hopes they will wait in anticipation of getting their hands on a blueprint. I also want to spread that I am planning to ask the humans to shield me from the Andalites, and therefore that the races will start on less than friendly terms.>


<Are you going to follow through on that?>


<No. I do not want humans and Andalites on unfriendly terms, that sounds like a recipe for disaster. And I am not cowardly enough to put others in harm's way rather than accept the consequences of my choices.>


<It might not look likely that you can pull it off if you don't make any overtures in that direction.>


<Might be a way to salvage it. Announce that we have heard rumors some overzealous commanders in the Andalite fleet might want to arrest me, and rack up human support, and then when the Andalites actually arrive claim that saner heads prevailed.>


<That's just asking for conspiracy theories when you go on to actually vanish.>


<I got an assignment to go help the Leerans. I will stay in touch and record videos for them.>


<They'll let you do that from prison?>


<I can make the case it is important to Earth's continued stability.>


<I guess that might work. Is reverse-engineering actually on the horizon?>


<Cayaldwin thinks he could figure it out but we do not, in fact, want the Yeerks to get it.>

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