elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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<Probably not. Depends how good their intelligence is, at least in part.>


Sigh. <I do not really wish they would do something rather than nothing but sometimes it  - gets unpleasant, knowing, waiting...>


"Well, they could be doing something very quietly, but that's not better..."


<Indeed not.>


"Ideally they would just cease to exist in some unambiguous way without any collateral damage but the idea's not worth the moment I took to compose the sentence..."


<Yes, I think they will inconveniently fail to comply on that.>


"Kinda makes it worse to have a better idea of how much they vary."


<It complicates just killing them all. 


But not by that much.>


"The majority does enough damage to overwhelm the minority but they're still there -"


<And the majority would probably accept being a nothlit, could we offer it.>


That having been as much time as they can afford for introspection, he gets back to curing cancer.


He can cure cancer and other terminal illnesses for twenty five thousand people a day. There are mass briefings in auditoriums, then there are treadmills to send clusters forward to touch the box, and then there's two supervised hours on the other side. It is mindless work; he can keep up on the questions being asked by the public, and dictate his answers, while he does it. He cannot do much more complicated than that.

It has not escaped him that at this pace doing everyone on Earth would take seven hundred years, and that by then there will be a lot more people on Earth.


Cayaldwin will figure out how to make Escafil devices. But then the Yeerks will probably be able to get the design specifications, and that would be a disaster.


The Yeerks have not acted yet. What are they waiting on?




The ex-host who anonymously tipped the Andalites off about the Syria pool has more information.


They are interested. They conducted themselves as promised, the ex-host can verify that by talking to the following ex-Yeerks who didn't mind being contacted in this capacity. 


The ex-host follows up on that.

All right. The cousin Yeerk who was in touch with the Pool ship had access to another pool nobody else alive-and-planetside knew about, and has been using it since the Andalites took the one the rest of the cousins are in; but had a mishap trying to get in and out solo. Its host escaped and went to ground with the anonymous correspondent. The anonymous correspondent would like to know what the Andalites are going to do about it if they say where the pool is.


Talk to the Yeerk who is in touch with the Pool ship, they urgently need to know what's up with that.


Yeah, but then what?


Same offer they made the other pool.


The anonymous source is concerned that the Yeerk in question will be able to identify the anonymous source.


Do they want a lot of money and a new face and new identity?


They don't particularly want the Andalites to be able to find them either.


In that case they will need to produce some concrete suggestions.

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