elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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There's legal battles about whether insurance should cover it, apparently, that's going to throw a wrench in the works. And there are honestly some nonfatal chronic conditions he probably doesn't want to gouge people too badly about either...


He doesn't want to gouge people at all, he wants to distribute all of the money in the world between ways of improving human welfare as efficiently as possible, and if there is way more demand for this than supply then they have to charge a lot of money. Does Bella want to figure out how much various conditions suck and what set of price points works best here.


It turns out on inspection that there is actually a scale for how much various conditions suck. There is less of a scale for how much to spend per point on this scale because it's different by country. They could just use China's?


How does that affect people in countries poorer than China?


Negatively by comparison, but they mostly can't afford the trip anyway and are particularly effective targets for the charities they're funneling money at.


Sure, they'll use China's numbers for this.


China may periodically reevaluate its numbers but it will probably do this in fairly predictable ways.

There's not really a good way to warn people that jumping the queue now will render them ineligible for the superior version that's coming along later, is there?


There isn't. Focusing mostly on people who wouldn't live that long helps.




"When the Yeerks leave, if they leave, will we know right away?"


<Not necessarily. I have been checking regularly, but they could deceive our instruments from here. It would be useful to track down the Syrian Yeerk in contact with the Pool and I have put some people on it.>


"It hasn't come back to the Syria pool? That'd mean there's another functioning pool left or that it's gone up to the ship..."


<Or it has come back wearing a face different than the ones we were told to expect, but yes, most likely.>


"If it's still in the Syria pool it won't be talking to the ships, so there's that... Are the ships going to have a hard time feeding the hosts up there?"


<I would not expect them to. Andalites taught them how to grow food in spaceships.>


"So they can park as long as they like working on a solution to the radiation problem or trying to reestablish contact with the cousins in Syria or whatever... or they can give up and leave... or they can be waiting for reinforcements... or they can attack us on the ground out of spite..."


<Yes. And we do not have - not even a good, a mediocre one would suffice - a way to guess or respond.>


"Well, there's 'lean really hard on tech-leaping humanity and hope it doesn't spook the Yeerks, space-fight them off'..."


<I can only assume they are observing us and would react before the point where we could credibly challenge them. But maybe they'd react by leaving.>


<I am not brimming with optimism.>


"Me either. Do you know anything about their next best sources of hosts?"


<Leerans, they're trying something there. I am not sure where else.>


"Eugh," murmurs Bella. "How're the Leerans doing defensively?"


<They have the advantage that a secret infiltration is impossible and that Yeerk military capabilities are mostly useless under water.>


"I suppose that's helpful, but if the Yeerks think it's worth trying..."

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