elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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"Chinese'd be useful."


<It would. ...I think we should go back and offer the same to the rest of the Resistance Yeerks, at least.>


"Back to Syria, you mean?"


"Bella's staying here."


He would smile, if he had a mouth. <Yes. Bella is staying here for as long as she needs.>


"Good." Andi goes and hugs Bella again.


And they go back to offer all the Resistance Yeerks the opportunity to become nothlit not-Yeerk things.


Birds! ...Some concern about how long birds live, does that still apply if they're morphed? Humans! This one wants to be a dog and go with that one who wants to be a human! These ones are really attached to their hosts is it at all possible they can keep being Yeerks.


...the hosts get a month Yeerkless. After a month they can petition to have their Yeerks back if they please.


But this one's host is like a total mess without his Yeerk helping. He forgets to eat and will promptly be on the verge of losing his job and he gets so lonely and sad. A month is way too long, look, ask him, he'll tell you.


He will call up his job and ask that he get a month's medical leave to recover from having been a Controller.


His job fires him on the spot, that's reputational poison right there having Controllers on staff. The Yeerk is mad. Now it will have to find him another job!


He can have six months' salary to go off and can work somewhere that's not run by people that shitty.


Okay but he really does forget to eat. He will get sick.


Here is more money, he can have an in-home caretaker for the month.


Oh good. The Yeerk recommends the host's sister.


...she's not a Controller?


No, she's just his sister and before she got married she used to help him out but now she's got four kids but as long as they're throwing money around she can totally get some help with the kids and sit on her brother and make him have three meals a day for a month.


Great. Done.




The other Yeerks are all less anxious about spending a month out of their hosts, although when they hear there is free money going around many of them want in on that.


Nah, he hasn't actually checked if this world has the right levels of inflation.


But this one's host has adorable children who want various material objects!


Andalites aren't like this. He misses his dead family and his people.


He declines these requests.


And then, much simpler to deal with, are non-Resistance Yeerks who are very alarmed at all this collaborating with Andalites that is going on.

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