elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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<No way to make sure the notes would be useless if stolen?>


<Possible, but will slow down the process. The same challenge is present with making an Escafil device that allows one-time-only morphing or similar.>


<Speaking of which, when the other Andalites show up are they going to demand the box we already have?>


<Almost certainly, yes.>


<This would constitute a problem. There is still going to be cancer then.>


<I have a few strategies in mind, depending on who shows up. One is to offer to cooperate and not embarrass them only if they leave the box.>


<So having the word out that uncool heads in the command may want to arrest you could serve more than one purpose.>


<Might, yes. How do I start dropping hints to that effect? Also, what are my opinions on gay marriage, abortion, racism, where to hold the Olympics, progressive taxation, compulsory military service, Sharia law, and Eurovision?>


<...start very oblique and see if you can fan it into a nearly baseless Internet panic without saying it outright, in case you have to backpedal. Like, find someone asking questions about the Andalite legal system and answer them and make a joke about how depending on who leads the fleet you might have a more detailed answer later. Is anyone threatening to take your opinions on these things actually seriously?>


<I do not think so.>


<Okay, in that case you can polarize your fanbase by producing actual opinions of some kind, or look wishy-washy by declining to do that.>


<Can I have actual, but charmingly eccentric, opinions?>


<...You can probably do that for at least some of them, yeah, although people are gonna want to know about the Andalite cultural background if you say "what is 'marriage'" or something.>


<Andalites have marriage, or something sufficiently analogous it translates clean. What is 'gay marriage'.>


<Same thing but specifically when the participants are of the same sex. I think I covered the existence of stigma there a while back.>


<Yes, you mentioned. Hmm - Andalites recognize the significance of loving partnerships for childrearing and also loving partnerships for reasons other than childrearing; some species partner only for childrearing but that does not seem to be true of humans - will that response cause offense?>


<You probably can't avoid offending anyone. And human same-sex couples sometimes adopt kids or have them from previous relationships or go to more or less medicalized lengths to create them.>


<Then maybe I will skip those ones and suggest that the Olympics be held somewhere very spacious next time so that Andalites willing to shapeshift human can compete, not that we will be very fast or graceful on two legs, and say that advancing technology obviates many of their other questions.>


<Good dodge. It is almost certainly entirely safe to produce a real opinion on Eurovision if you have one but I somehow doubt you've been tuning in to European musical competitions in your limited spare time. Come to think of it you could probably also produce real tax opinions.>


<We can announce in response to the tax question that a universal income works well among Andalites and that we are rolling out trials of whether it works for humans in some poor country.> He misses Morfirin.


<Ooh, excellent. Get me parameters on that and I'll pick a poor country.>


So he figures out how much money they can spare for that and sends her a summary of how an experiment could be conducted.


Bella does some research, recommends Malawi.

The Yeerk awaits acquisitions and a Mandarin speaker.


A Mandarin speaker who'll have a Yeerk for five minutes for a couple thousand dollars is found. A lot more people willing to be acquired for a Yeerk being turned into a human are found.


"Is this also a good time for us to learn Chinese as long as there's a guy here who's okay with it? Not speaking Chinese is getting annoying."

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