Blai in Oerth
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Blai can create ten gallons of water every six seconds wherever they want it to go.


It looks like there are a couple hours of light left when they finish, and Diona sends someone off to try to find materials for a tent as they head toward the cookpots. "I don't think we're likely to have much luck with that for tonight, but you can have mine if not, I'm more comfortable sleeping rough than most."


IS he hitting on - oh, no, he's volunteering to sleep outside of the tent - still though - "My travel plan involved staying at farmhouses when I could find a hospitable one and sleeping on the ground if I couldn't and I don't see any farmhouses."


"Well, the offer's open. I do think you should stay pretty close, at least, if something happens in the night nobody else will be able to tell you what's going on. I'll need to talk to Geneia and the Pelorians about our plans now that everyone is fit to travel, but I assume I'll be heading out for supplies tomorrow and probably bopping around a little bit to see if I can find any better prospects than the nearest city to drop everyone off at, and you're welcome to come with me for that if you're not comfortable with the necklace and don't want to be without a translator. They're going to want to stay for at least a few days, though, in case there are any stragglers still on their way up."


Whyyyyyy is he blending all the weird friendliness with practical considerations - oh, right, he's not Chelish and he doesn't know what Chelish people are like, that's got to be it, maybe this is totally normal for foreigners talking to each other. OR he's hitting on Blai. What is the Foreigner Thing to do here - "The necklace isn't uncomfortable per se, I'm just not accustomed to carrying anything that valuable."


"I'd guessed; most people don't realize. I have an in with some bards who can make them more cheaply, if that makes you feel any better about it."

(He's not hitting on him. Not that he'd turn him down, necessarily, but 'nervous and withdrawn' isn't really his type.)


Nod. "The Abadarans will be delighted. - did she say, if it was going to be possible to go back and forth enough for it to make sense to trade any more than what I can carry on me when I go?"


"Probably not. It sounds like it'll be a hassle, closer to a Limited Wish than a True Resurrection quest but still not something we'll be doing casually. I'll definitely be visiting, though."


"I'm not familiar with the quest colloquialism."


"That does seem like something that could be different - you have resurrection spells, I assume, and they probably require a pretty hefty offering to the god providing the spell? They'll also accept someone having completed a quest in place of the offering, here, if it's impressive enough - figuring out what's a good enough quest is more of an art than a science, but you're liable to be at it for years for a True Resurrection."


"- to the god? No, absolutely not, what would Iomedae want with a diamond?"


"Diamonds are the standard fallback but I'm not sure any god prefers them, it's better to offer something more useful or more aesthetic. It's just all diamonds, for you? Do you know why?"

Diona peeled off from the group when they got to the cooking area; Raafi has followed his nose to one of the pots and laddles some stew into a bowl, which he offers to Blai.


"It's anything rather than just a spell - it's a spell rather than a routine miracle granted when any lay worshiper asks for it and isn't being an idiot to do so - because the gods all police each other to limit their intervention on the Material Plane. There are so many cross-purposes among them that - thank you - that they write off the vast majority of the power expenditure they'd put in if they were not so restricted, and operate through limited and usually very specific and standardized interventions. Picking clerics and granting cleric spells according to all the operative constraints is a major one and diamonds of particular regulation sizes are standard."


"Huh. There's a cost to it here because it's expensive for them, pulling someone out of whatever afterlife and undoing the transformations that happen in them. And I guess our gods are more, mm, cooperative, comparatively? Not that They don't fight - one of these centuries Ehlonna and the Piper are going to have a war and I'm very glad it doesn't look like it's going to be this one - but not to the point of whatever would happen without what your gods are doing with Themselves."


"... I suppose it's possible some subset of Golarion gods could operate like that but it would absolutely not include Iomedae, who prayed every day of her mortal life for the destruction of Hell and has not exactly mellowed out about it since then."


"I assume that's not entirely literal? I wouldn't expect it to be ontologically possible to destroy an afterlife, plus then what would happen to all the Lawful Evil people. Anyway it seems like our gods have the underlying physics set up differently enough that I'm not too surprised they've found a different equilibrium."


"I think existing deceased Lawful Evil people would probably not fare well in this operation but if the plane were destroyed then no new ones could be sorted there. My understanding is that Nirvana has the capacity for them if they can get the Judge to offer them up, and probably some borderline cases would wind up in Axis or even the Boneyard."


"That's very different from our arrangement, from the sound of it - you have Someone deciding where each person goes? It's part of the physics, here, like gravity."


"- oh, we have a Judge. Who also created the universe. The judgments are mostly consistent enough that you can guess if you know enough about a person, but there is a step where it's possible to get a better, or worse, result than would have been expected."


"Sounds complicated. And like Iomedae - does She have a title? - is probably not a fan, considering."


"The Inheritor. She is very - measured - in her holy book, probably because it was mostly written when she was alive and it was more constructive to praise the Pharasmin church for their invaluable assistance in her crusade against the legions of undead - they don't like the undead - than to object that the Judge should allow Nirvana control of the sorting mechanism, but there are other churches and other gods she praises with... I'm not sure how to describe... less straining for rhyme."


"I can imagine. As an aside, in case it doesn't work this way for you, mentioning a god's name lets Them see and hear you and the area around you for a little while, and retroactively for the stronger gods - they can also see Their clerics and holy symbols and the areas around us, the same way. They won't necessarily take advantage of the opportunity, They don't have enough attention to be everywhere They could, but it's generally considered friendly to Them to offer. On the other hand it's a little strange to refer to a god by Their name all the time unless you're Their cleric or something. Fharlanghn's title is the Dweller on the Horizon, Pelor is the Shining One, and Ehlonna is the Lady of the Woodlands."


"Oh, that's good to know, I don't think ours actually work that way - there's a verse about Aroden being half-blind in a forest even if His people went inside it, He was the god of civilization, and if they could have just chanted His name over and over they would probably have done that."


"It's handy that way, definitely. That's why I was proposing going back with you as a way of establishing contact between the worlds, too, if anything were going to let Fharlanghn see the place well enough to figure out how to get there it would be having a cleric there."


"That stands to reason. I think a lot of the present barriers to travel on Golarion are things no one really likes, like sea monsters, so He'd do some good there."

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