where my feet lead me |
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Info | |
Template | Raafi |
Facecast | Alexander Siddig in Atlantis |
Description | Raafi 5'8", 165lb, average lightly-muscled build, hazel eyes, salt-and-pepper hair styled typically for a cleric of Fharlanghn, light beard, tanned skin. Always wears a brown leather vest. family tree Old Male Human Cleric 15 Size/Type: Medium Humanoid Hit Dice: 15d8-15 (63 hp) Initiative: +3 (-1 dex, +4 improved initiative) Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares) Armor Class: 13 (+4 leather +2, -1 dex), touch 9, flat-footed 13 Base Attack/Grapple: +11/+10 Attack: Quarterstaff +10 (1d6-1) or dagger +10 (1d4-1,19-20/x2) Full Attack: Quarterstaff +10/+5/+0 (1d6-1) or dagger +10/+5/+0 (1d4-1,19-20/x2) Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft Special Attacks: Spells, spontaneous casting (cure), spontaneous casting (travel), turn undead (6/day) Special Qualities: Luck domain reroll, travel domain freedom of movement Saves: Fort 8, Ref 4, Will 14 Abilities: Str 8, Dex 9, Con 9, Int 14, Wis 20, Cha 17 Skills: Bluff +6, Concentration +16, Diplomacy +10, Gather Info +6, Heal +7, Hide* +1, Intimidate +5, Know (arcana) +4, Know (architect) +3, Know (geography) +4, Know (history) +4, Know (local) +6, Know (nature) +6, Know (nobility) +3, Know (religion) +6, Know (planes) +4, Listen +9, Move Silently* +1, Open Lock +0, Sense Motive +13, Spot +9, Survival +10 Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative, Negotiator, Skill Focus (Concentration), Domain Spontaneity (Travel), Extend Spell, Heighten Spell Alignment: True Neutral Languages: Common, Terran, Aquan Spells: save DC 15 + spell level Orisons: 6/day; cure minor wounds 1st: 7/day + domain; cure light wounds, longstrider, entropic shield 2nd: 6/day + domain; cure moderate wounds, locate object, aid 3rd: 6/day + domain; cure serious wounds, fly, protection from energy 4th: 5/day + domain; cure critical wounds, dimension door, freedom of movement 5th: 5/day + domain; mass cure light wounds, teleport, break enchantment 6th: 3/day + domain; mass cure moderate wounds, find the path, mislead 7th: 2/day + domain; mass cure serious wounds, greater teleport, spell turning 8th: 1/day + domain; mass cure critical wounds, phase door, moment of prescience Notable Gear ✳ leather vest +2 ✳ boots of speed (10 rounds/day Haste) ✳ belt of hidden pouches ✳ portable hole ✳ +1 shock/+1 thundering quarterstaff - "spotted with blue dye, with a lightning motif carved into the top third" ✳ cure-storing (3 sp lvs) +1 merciful/+1 quarterstaff - "bleached lighter than the others and adorned with bands of sunny yellow tiger's eye" ✳ tracking quarterstaff - "left mostly natural, with a wide band where the bark appears to have been worn away for gripping and a rough green gem the size of a fist enclosed in the gnarled top" ✳ warding quarterstaff (1/day lv5 heightened Sanctuary, 9 rounds, DC 17) - "carved with striking geometric patterns and carefully dyed in a variety of muted colors" - command word "azil" ✳ mithral dwarven buckler-axe: - used as a shield, +1 armor class, 0 armor check penalty, 0% arcane spell failure chance - used as a weapon, 1d6/x3 slashing damage (masterwork, +1 to hit) ✳ rings of endure elements (4+), feather fall (3+), jumping (2), swimming (2), climbing (1) ✳ Cloak of Elvenkind ✳ Folding Boat ✳ Periapt of Intelligence +2 (note: necklace, not hat) ✳ Rope of Climbing ✳ necklace of Tongues, green jade pendant ✳ Gloves of Penmanship: These fine leather gloves grant a +5 competence bonus to forgery checks to write or draw in a particular style, for example to mimic someone's handwriting, or for any other check where fine control in writing or drawing is the primary concern. ✳ Blanket of Peaceful Slumber: This fluffy goosedown comforter is designed to ensure that whoever uses it gets a good night's sleep. Anyone sleeping under it takes a -10 penalty to all skill checks to notice their surroundings and receives a +10 bonus to all checks and saves to remain asleep, and will not naturally wake up until they are well-rested; if the blanket is placed on a sleeping person, these effects start working after 2d4 rounds. Additionally, a person sleeping under a blanket of peaceful slumber may attempt a DC 10 Will save once each night to ensure that they will not have nightmares. (A failed save doesn't guarantee that they will have a nightmare, but allows them to if they naturally would.) If laid on a newly-resurrected person while the resurrection spell is being cast, it takes an hour for them to become well-rested and awaken naturally. The blanket has no effect on someone who is not already asleep. ✳ Cloak of Comfort: The wearer is are protected by a constant endure elements effect, as are any allies within 30 feet of them. They also gain a +1 resistance bonus on saving throws. "rust-brown cloak with autumn leaf decorations at the hem" ✳ Armband of Reduction: 1/day Reduce Person for up to 2 hours. "slim silver armband decorated with swirls and curlicues" ✳ Blindfold of True Darkness: blindsight 60, immunity to gaze attacks ✳ Minor Circlet of Blasting, only functions for Good characters ✳ Brilliant Jewel: A character wielding a brilliant jewel gains a +1 luck bonus on all saving throws. You may cast any spell or spell-like ability into the jewel, causing it to flare with rainbow colors. It illuminates out to a 30-foot radius with bright light and 30 feet further with shadowy light. The brilliant jewel remains illuminated for a number of rounds equal to the spell or spell-like ability cast within it. Once activated, all spells and spell-like abilities you cast of a school corresponding to the spell cast into the brilliant jewel are cast at +2 caster levels. (large rainbow quartz crystal) ✳ Animable Scorpion, Tiny: When empowered by Animate Object, these rat-sized bronze scorpion statues animate for one minute per caster level rather than one round. (6) Tiny Construct✳ Trace-trail beetle: This diminutive brass beetle can be activated by casting a divination spell on it that would normally allow the caster to detect something within a cone-shaped emanation, for example a Detect Evil spell. (This can also be accomplished by immersing it in a suitable potion, which uses up the potion.) Under the influence of such a spell, it flies off toward the nearest object, creature, or location that would register to the spell, as long as it is within a number of miles equal to the level of the spell. It flies at a speed of two miles per hour - comfortable walking speed through easy terrain - without regard for obstacles that may slow a follower down, for up to a number of hours equal to the caster level of the spell empowering it. If the creature or item it's tracking moves, it will adjust its bearing to follow; if another suitable creature or object comes closer than the one it's currently tracking, it will switch to track that one instead. If the creature or object it's tracking moves out of range or otherwise becomes an unsuitable target for the spell empowering it, it will switch to the closest suitable target in range, or, if there isn't one, it will drop to the ground and stop moving until a suitable target comes into range again or the duration of the effect expires. The effect also ends when it touches the object, creature, or location that it's tracking. A trace-trail beetle is not strong enough to fly while carrying any load, including a leash heavier than a light thread, which has a high chance of catching on something and breaking as the trace-trail beetle maneuvers. Single-use gear ✳ feather token: bird (3) ✳ scroll of true resurrection (1) ✳ Fairy Button: These small bits of stone resemble brightly colored mushrooms or flowers. When incorporated into an illusion spell, a fairy button doubles the area of the spell, as if affected by the Widen Spell feat. (34, must use 1 per spell level) (own spells affected: Silence (lv2), Bewildering Substitution (illusion swaps enemy/ally) (lv2), Dark Way (usable bridge) (lv2), Doomtide (concealment) (lv4) ✳ Signal Torches: these torches are alchemically treated to burn in various colors. (8) ✳ Blasting Pellets: Blasting pellets look like ball bearings or stones and come in bags. One bag of these alchemical items is enough to cover a 5-foot square. During each round when a creature moves through an area covered in blasting pellets (or fights while standing in such an area), it must make a successful DC 15 Reflex saving throw to avoid breaking one. Breaking one pellet sets off a chain reaction among the others, and they all explode loudly, dealing 1d6 points of sonic damage to the creature in the square. Spreading a bag of pellets over a wider area or throwing the bag at a target has no substantial effect. (3) ✳ Shards of the Fissure: When emptied onto solid earth or stone, the shards burrow into the earth, causing a slight tremor. In 1d4+1 rounds, an equal number of Small earth elementals claw to the surface. The elementals are not under any control, although they can be controlled later through charm monster, dominate monster, and so on. They attack the nearest creature or creatures, then continue their rampage until destroyed or banished. (1) ✳ Pocket Stalagmite: thrown stone produces a Sudden Stalagmite in the square where it lands, caster level 7th (7d6 piercing damage + pinned in place, Ref DC 16 halves & negates pin, DC 15 Escape Artist or DC 25 Str to escape pin; Str escape causes 3d6 slashing damage) (9) ✳ Powdered Sunlight: This glowing sandlike powder can be suspended in oil to make a rough pigment that lasts 1d3+1 days before rubbing off, shedding light as a candle for the first day and dim light thereafter. When used as an optional spell component, one pinch per spell level empowers any spell with the Light descriptor. Trade goods fabric blue dwarven silkstalk gold and green gnomish experimentally-dyed linen metal iron ingots, 2 tons/8 cubic ft/60 gallons gold coins, 50lb/2,500 coins copper coins, 42lb/2,100 coins silver coins, 45lb/2,250 coins platinum coins, 5 lb, 250 coins (equivalent to 5246 gold on hand) |