Blai in Oerth
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A cheer goes up from the group, and the youngest of the Pelorians bursts into grateful tears.


"Is there going to be a different group for a second channel or should I do another one here and now too?"



"They have some more people they want to bring over, if you don't mind waiting." One of them is already directing the bulk of the group out of the circle, while others explain what's going on to the newly conscious, who they seem to be leaving in place for the second round. (One of the older ones is comforting the crying one, instead.)


"Of course I don't mind. I wish I'd had Stabilize prepared, did we lose anyone waiting for the circle to be arranged?"


"I don't think so, we ran through all our spells pretty quickly but I think the Pelorians knew enough mundane doctoring to keep everyone we couldn't get to together. I really should try harder to keep a wand of Cure Minor Wounds in stock - that's our healing orison - but it's too easy to run through one of those once I have it."



"Why would you need a wand of an orison?"


"...for the same reason I'd need any other wand?"


"You can't catch an orison and use it again? What about cantrips?"


"No? Now that you bring it up I can sort of see how I might try it, maybe some wizard somewhere figured it out and just never shared the trick." He takes a notebook and pencil out of his belt and jots something down. "I'll have to mention it next time I meet a cleric of the Archmage - our god of magic. It'd be game-changing, if that works for us."


"Would it help to watch me do it? If you can't then - do you need water anywhere, I can create plenty of water -"


"I wouldn't expect it to - I never got into spellcraft, I don't spend enough time around wizards for it to be worth it. We do have the creek for water but I'm sure the people farther away from it would appreciate not needing to haul it as far."


Blai nods and waits, very still as a conscious compensation for the urge to fidget, until they've swapped out all the patients in the circle.


They're significantly faster at it this time, partly because some of the refugees who heard the cheering came to investigate and stayed to help. Some of them stayed to get in on the healing, too, and there's still a bit of negotiation going on at the edge of the circle about whose scraped knee is worse than whose sore back when the halfling from before comes over to tell him to go ahead.


He can extend an arm in the negotiation direction to try to get the circle centered a little bit that way and catch them both.


"You've done a lot of good here." Raafi claps him gently on the back. "I should go check on Zelena, but if you'd rather stay and help them get people rearranged I can loan you the necklace of Tongues for a few minutes."


How rich is this man. "I'd like to be shown where water would be best placed, or maybe many Guidance castings if that would be more valuable."


"That'll take longer than I'd like to leave Zelena alone, but, hm..." he looks around, and calls out to a grey-skinned orcish-looking woman, who turns from what she's doing to head over to them. As she comes, he takes off what's presumably the aforementioned necklace and hands it to Blai. "This is Diona, she's a bit of a community leader for the refugees, she can get you started. Diona, this is Select Blai, cleric of Iomedae, the goddess of triage and defeating evil; can you show him where it'd be best to make drinking and washing-up water for everyone? And bring him back to the clearing when you're done, if I haven't found you by then."

    "Sure, I can do that."


OKAY he will WEAR the NECKLACE of TONGUES. It's just worth more than every object he has ever touched in his entire life put together, that's all!! That's FINE. "Thank you very much."


    "Thank you, Select. How many castings should I be planning for?"

"Oh, as many as everyone needs, he has a quirk for it."

    "Oh! Well, I can definitely work with that. We'll just, hm..." she thinks for a moment and then leads him off through the tents, stopping here and there to fill barrels and cookpots and mixing bowls and, in a couple of cases, waxed canvases strung up like hammocks. She's not chatty, but instead keeps a keen eye on their surroundings, occasionally pausing to offer advice or a correction to one of the people they pass, or to ask someone to run ahead and make sure containers are ready for them.


He will create water! He has done it thousands of times and it's very straightforward.


They're up by the far end of the encampment by the time Raafi catches up with them again, and he waits for Blai to finish casting before joining ranks with them. "So, it's not good news - the way she thought she might be able to throw something together for you isn't going to work, something about crossing a field of some kind? and it's going to be at least six months; she'll know then whether it'll be longer. She headed back; I was right, there was a trace, and she got everything from that that she could get from examining you, unless you happen to have some specific magical reagents in your pack."


"No, just a couple of books and - and letters and my coat and things."


"If you want a hug I'm told I give pretty good ones. Or I think the next casting spot is going to be over there."


A what. ...Blai is going to give back the expensive necklace, it is complicating the question of whether this man is hitting on him. With that safely handed off, is this man hitting on him?? That has never happened to him before! How about Blai doesn't acknowledge that that might have been a thing that was happening at all and instead heads straight for the next casting spot!


Raafi seems entirely content to take the necklace back and follow along, leaving Blai to his thoughts except to clarify where to go when Diona's pointing isn't sufficient.

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