Blai in Oerth
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Blai does what's needful in the hospital tent, though they've got everybody pretty stable and he just pokes a lot of folks with Cure Minor Wounds a locally remarkable number of times. Once everyone's walking-wounded at worst he finds Diona and goes where she suggests for filling barrels and cleaning stuff.


Raafi sends a runner at lunchtime to let Blai know that he needs another hour or so before he'll be ready to go to to Twin Ridge, and then another an hour and a half later to tell him that the teleport group is meeting up in the clearing. At Twin Ridge - a mountain city with a mixed population of mostly humans and dwarves, with a noticeable minority of a larger species that Raafi identifies as goliaths - they have everyone ready for the healing, and Blai's donations ready for him immediately afterward, along with a small bag of mail for Raafi to bring to Hempholme; it doesn't take long to go through their magic quarter and determine that they don't have a bag of holding available, though Raafi does manage to pick up another wand of Sending. Hempholme is more typical of the other places they've been - they're almost ready for him - and then does, after a bit of rumor-following, have a Bag of Holding rated for 500 pounds. Raafi rents a room to spread his portable hole out in and retrieve Blai's earnings from his channeling, and also to make sure he knows about safe use of interdimensional spaces.


Shortly after he's climbed back out of the hole, as he's handing Blai bags of coins to load into the new bag, he perks up and grins. "No rush, but I'm being summoned - that spell I told you about for finding people, the hand it makes isn't visible to bystanders. It's most likely another Traveler."


Blai has previously interacted with Bags of Holding mostly when they contain huge amounts of fort supplies and is less accustomed to getting specific things out of them and is experimenting with putting books in and taking them out. "Should I accompany you?"


"You can, or if you want to take your time with the new bag while I go see who it is and I'll come back for you that seems reasonable too."


"I can put things into the bag and take them out again while I walk." He loads up the remaining bags of coins and follows Raafi.


The spell leads them to the traders' district; Raafi eventually determines the tavern it's leading them to and tucks his holy symbol into his belt before going in.

Inside, there are only a few patrons; the evening rush hasn't started yet. Two elves - one with silver-streaked auburn hair and the other with tattoos like the roads on a map - and a remarkably muscular middle-aged human in simple robes are sitting together at a table by the door, and that's apparently who they're here to see: Raafi closes the distance and the other three stand to share a round of hugs.

"Oti! Miakill, Faylan! How have you been? This is Select Blai, my charge at the moment, I'll tell you all about him in a bit, it's very exciting news. Blai, this is Oti," the human, "Miakill," the redhead, "and Faylan," with the tattoos, "fellow Travelers. Oti has a focus on orcs and Miakill and Faylan were cataloguing herbs out in the Lemstino swamps last I heard, how did that go?" he asks as he sits, taking the free chair next to Oti and gesturing for Blai to take the one next to him.

    "We got a book out of it! We've moved on to Kejiwa valley now, there are some promising magical traces in the area."

"I look forward to hearing about it! So who cast the spell, is something up or is this just a social gathering?"

        "That was me," Oti acknowledges. "I haven't heard of anyone doing the Blackstone run this year, I'm hoping someone will be up to take it on."

"Ah. Well, Blai's situation has me pretty busy but maybe we can work something out if nobody else can do it."

        "What are you doing?"

"He has this area effect healing burst he can do twice a day, I've been teleporting him around to different cities with it."

    "Oh, fun."

"Mmhmm. It heals everyone in range, the Pelorians are thrilled."

             "Not just them, I bet."

"It's pretty great, yeah. Anyway, he really needs two teleports a day for best effect, but we might be able to figure something out if it's just for a week, maybe the dwarfholds have enough people to justify both or something."

        "Hm, maybe."


Blai inclines his head politely (but, see, those are clearly Raafi's friends, whereas Blai is his party member, there's the difference right there). "Perhaps someone else with adequate knowledge of the locations could escort me if there were boots of Teleport available to borrow from somewhere?"


    "I don't have a pair but somebody might," Oti nods. "Or scrolls - I do have teleport now, had you heard?"

"I hadn't, congratulations. Divine scrolls of teleport are pretty impossible to come by but I can commission some, if it comes down to it."

        "Or two of us could go, if someone else with Teleport turns up. It's not like there's a shortage of Travelers who'd take the excuse for a city tour."

"There isn't, it's true. Well, we'll see who turns up."

The waiter comes by with a snack tray, Oti and Raafi send out more seeker spells, and the conversation turns to the elves' botanical expeditions until a young woman dressed like a caravan guard joins them. The elves recognize her, but Raafi and Oti haven't met her before, and there's a tense moment when it seems like she might take offense to Oti working with orcs, but Raafi and the elves smooth things over (Oti would never encourage or facilitate them attacking other travelers, they say, and the orcs' freedom and travel is as important as anyone else's) and transition the conversation to swapping stories of places they've been and things they've done. As the evening rolls in, they're joined by a trio of halflings - a Traveler and her companions, searching for a caravan the companions like better than their starting one - and a tabby catfolk in town to restock on his quest to find a planar rift that's rumored to be in the area. They're a huggy group - even the caravan guard who nobody but the elves had met gets an offer, and offers in turn when the others show up, though nobody will comment on it if Blai doesn't participate.

The conversation eventually comes back around to Blai, when the catfolk proves to be curious about him. "Would you like to tell it?" Raafi asks. "I haven't actually heard the story all together yet."


"I was stationed at the border around a rift to the Abyss - it's closed now - and was asked to attend my country's constitutional convention, so I went with the next supply teleporter back to within the national borders and started walking the rest of the way. I was ambushed by a monster that resembled a giant snake with a mirror for a face and it transported me to Oerth somehow, I don't know what kind of monster that could possibly have been, I've never heard of anything like it. I wound up more or less on top of Traveler Raafi and some refugees he was assisting and have been accompanying him since then to make the most possible use of my burst healing ability and reusable orisons."


    "So, wait, you're from another plane? You look human."

"Oh, farther than that, apparently if you wander far enough it wraps around almost to normal again - different Prime Material entirely, different gods, different magic. The healing burst isn't a rare quirk, it's just something clerics can do there."

        "Woah. Can we get there yet? What's it like?"


"I've been given a six month estimate on getting home again. It's - different in somewhat fewer ways than that description might lead you to believe? I am a human."


"Most of the practical differences we've found are pretty minor but some are more fundamental - do you all know about favored souls?"

The catfolk, the guard, and the elf with the tattoos don't, so he explains. "They're a way for young gods to get something like a cleric, when nobody knows about them yet to reach out - the god will reach out Themselves, and empower someone without them doing anything at all to prompt it besides being the right sort of person. Here, they're different from clerics, they cast more like a sorcerer and can't turn undead. There - it's called Golarion - that's just how clerics are, you can just wake up one day as one."

    "That's bizarre," opines the redheaded elf. "What if none of the gods suit you? What if one does and just never happens to notice?"

"They don't have unaligned clerics at all," Raafi nods. "And I think if a god doesn't notice you you're just out of luck. What I've been wondering though is if it'd work at all for us to reach out to the Golarionite gods, they have a couple that sound interesting. Blai keeps mentioning their god of trade, in particular - not traders, banks and things."

        "There are people that interested in banks?"

            "Of course there are, I'm surprised you haven't met one yet. Tell us more, though?"


"Abadar's clerics run all the - well, all the trustworthy banks, there are a few places where the operating conditions aren't adequate for them so they have untrustworthy banks instead. He's the god of trade. - though to clarify I think it's pretty rare for a Golarion god to cleric someone out of absolutely nowhere, they'd make a mistake and then have to be renounced, I think I was usable for Iomedae in part because I knew exactly where to send a letter asking for instructions, and if I'd never heard of Her I wouldn't have been able to cast any spells since I wouldn't have been able to cobble together a holy symbol. Anyway. Abadar. I think in his case in particular it's almost like He's the hiring department of the church. He indicates with a cleric circle who's - not going to defraud people, who has the right instincts about incentives and value and fairness and wealth. Once I have a Sending or a few of them composed, the man I mean to Send to back on Golarion is the Fiducia - that's the Abadaran title, for the global church, there's a separate organization in His theocracy - the Fiducia who used to adjust the insurance assessment of the fort I commanded, because I can be sure that he, unlike the archmages who called for the constitutional convention or anyone in my own church, will be able to name his price for being interrupted if I catch him at a bad time and that he will know who to talk to about the trade opportunities a new world opens up and that he will be able to secure financing for the enterprise if it needs any because everyone knows it's safe to deal with a Fiducia and that one would never make such a thing up or lean on the scales to turn it toward their particular advantage covertly. I don't have the head for numbers or the - virtuous acquisitiveness? - to be an Abadaran myself but I admire them very much."


    "That does sound handy."

        "Six months, you said?"

"Maybe longer, my wizard friend expects to know in six months how long it'll be."

            "So His domain is... banks, trustworthiness, fairness, knowing the value of things? Probably fairness especially. What's the holy symbol?"


"I've seen two different ones, though I think they don't correspond neatly to which branch of the Church one belongs to and it's a personal choice or something? A key, and a - crossed diagonal golden lines sort of thing."


    "A key or crossed golden lines - could you draw the lines for us? Raafi, you have pencils and paper, right?"

        "What other gods do you have there?"


"Some of yours have nearly-direct counterparts; the Shining One's a near match for Sarenrae, for instance, and we also have an omniscient true neutral god of magic, Nethys. Mine is Iomedae, Lawful Good, goddess of victory over evil - when things are going well - or triage, when they're not. Erastil is popular, Lawful Good, farming and hunting. Shelyn, Neutral Good, art and love. Desna, Chaotic Good, travel and dreams and stars. Pharasma is our creator goddess, patron of birth and death, True Neutral; we've got a Neutral nature god also, Gozreh. There's... Calistria, revenge and lust, Chaotic Neutral. - we don't have the thing where saying their names gives them much of a window into what's going on, to the point where a solid chunk of our calendar months are named after evil gods, and I don't have titles memorized for all of those, do you want me to list them?"


This suggestion gets him some alarmed looks. "I'm going to need to Commune with the Dweller in not too terribly long anyway, I'll see if I can find out whether that's a concern or not."

    "It should be safe to describe them, as long as you don't say the names," Oti concludes, and the others nod.

        "If they start turning up it's better if we know enough to notice."


"There's one who started out as Shelyn's Chaotic Good brother and then somehow got into something that - flipped Him around - and now He's the god of pain and darkness. There's the King of Hell. There's the Destroyer, It's trapped inside the planet Golarion. There's a demonic goddess of disease and another one of monsters. There is a god of crime, He's one of the ascended ones like Iomedae - as long as I'm listing those there's also Cayden Cailean, chaotic good, god of... alcohol and adventurers, I think..."


    "Well, that's no worse than ours, I suppose."

        "I'm glad the Laughing Rogue isn't Evil."

            "Yeah, can you just imagine."

    "It's weird that their travel god is Chaotic Good."

                "I don't know, I could see it, almost. You'd have to divide the domains up differently but it's clear they're doing that."

        "I wonder if They're different enough that we could have both here."

            "Maybe. If we can import them I think we should do the farming god next, though, see if we can displace the Cudgeler a little."

                "Oh, yeah, we totally should. What's that one like? Erasti, I think you said the name was?"


"Erastil. He's also concerned with marriage and families and accordingly has a wife, whatever that means for gods. Jaidi. If she has a different portfolio I don't know about it, though."


    "Yeah, the farmers will definitely go for that. What are His clerics usually like, do you know?"


"They... did not show up at the Worldwound very frequently, I'd be going off the thinnest of hearsay."


    "Well, it's worth a try, at least, maybe somebody will get a vision about it."

"That isn't very likely as I understand it, the Golarionite gods are differently limited than ours."


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