Blai in Oerth
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- he pokes his head out to see if the break-upper has it under control.


Somebody has a black eye and somebody else is being given a stern talking to; nobody else seems like they're about to get involved or anything.


Back to unloading the hole then.


They can get everything out without further issue. The sun is well into setting by the time they do.

"I have Longstrider up from earlier, if you wanted to distribute another round of water you could try out the new staff and save some time at it."


"I don't know the spell."


"It lets me walk about a quarter faster." He demonstrates.


"I can try to sit on the stick if that's what you mean."


He sets it up for riding. "It won't try to roll out from under you or anything, but some people feel more steady on things like this if they lean forward and hook their feet around the back part."


"Like - this?"


"Yup." And off they go, distributing water as the sun sets. It gets too dark for comfort before they're done; Raafi takes out a glowing stone to see by when it does.


"...permanencied Light?"


"Somebody's first magical object, I think."


Nod nod.


"All right, we've got the tents for Big Reeds next. Let's, hmm... let's go talk to the Pelorians about the logistics for that. Are you going to want to come to Greens with me for the night? It might come up."


"I am told that the temple of Lastai does not have its game night until the day after tomorrow, and since I have no other hobbies I must assume that whatever they have on the schedule for tonight would possibly disagree with me, but I'd have no objection to an inn if that's convenient."


"All right. There's a couple inns not too far from there if you want to check before we get you a room; last time I was in Greens long enough to learn the schedule it was singing, two nights before games."


"I can't really sing."


"It's pretty fun even if not everybody is good at it, and you'd also be welcome to just listen. It's your decision, anyway."


"An inn is fine."


"All right." Over to where the Pelorians have been sleeping, then; most of them have turned in for the night but the young one and an older one are sitting by a campfire, talking quietly about the events of the day. Raafi explains about Big Reeds and Blai's Mending and that they're going back to Greens for the night, and can they maybe get tents from four people they'd be waking up for the trip anyway and hopefully distribute the Mended ones tomorrow?

The older of the Pelorians takes the opportunity to ask the younger one who he thinks they should send; he approves of three of the four choices and suggests a fourth that the young man says he didn't realize was doing that poorly, and they head off to get them.


Makes sense, if you don't make the juniors practice making judgment calls when will they ever learn how? Blai waits patiently.


The refugees trickle in before the tents do, two adults and an eight year old with infected wounds and an elderly man with a twisted leg. The Pelorians and a helper bring the canvases from three tents over shortly after.


Do the tent canvases feel light enough that he'll be able to Mend them?


The heaviest one isn't but the other two are probably fine; fortunately they've been trying to keep the tents as small as possible so more people can have them.


"I don't think I'll be able to put this one back together completely," he says, passing back the heavy one. "I can try, it might stretch to that point, but it probably won't."

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