This shallow valley in the foothills of a broad mountain range is usually unoccupied aside from the occasional shepherd and flock. Today, though, it's bustling: much of the space is taken up by a hastily erected tent city, mismatched canvas scrounged from wherever it could be found, with cookfires clustered in the rockiest section and a field hospital laid out near the small lake at the bottom of the valley, all in use by an especially heterogenous and ragged collection of humanoids. Near the hospital, a bit of space has been left free for various purposes, including the music performance it's currently being used for, which has drawn an audience of children and their parents.
Raafi hums thoughtfully, and fishes a small vial of iridescent powder out of his belt. "Is this the kind of thing you'd be better at if you were higher circle?"
"Try this, then," he passes the vial over. "You'll pour it on the tent before you cast and cast into it, it helps that for transmutation spells."
"...I find it slightly hard to believe it's worth less money than the tent, but if you say so."
"I'd rather use it than wait for them to kick someone else out of their tent and bring it here; I'm getting tired and we still have things to do tonight."
"All right. But it won't be time to mend the tents till morning, so you should hold on to it until then."
Raafi and the younger Pelorian help, and Raafi gets everyone arranged for the teleport, has them wait outside while he goes into the temple to get the volunteer canvas-installer, then jumps them the rest of the way to Greens. He lands them at the healers' emergency night desk, this time, and yawns while catching the healers up on the refugees' situation. (The 8-year-old has a mother, back with the refugees; she knows where she is and will head this way when the group splits up. It should be fine to put her with the orphans for a few weeks as long as they don't move her too far.)
"All right, mages' guild and then to bed."
Thataway, then. There's a little bit of a line when they get there, with clerics making up a minority, at least of the ones they can guess the classes of by looking.
Even having used up a fair number of his mid-tier spells, Raafi has plenty to sell when they get to the front of the line; it gets fairly obvious fairly quickly how he's as wealthy as he is.
"And, do you have a small Pearl of Spell Storing that we can rent briefly and possibly buy? My friend has some unusual magic and we'd like to see how shareable it is."
"Not on hand, but I can check after it slows down and have it for you in the morning if we do."
"Sure, that should be fine."
???they're friends??? Maybe it's just not idiomatic to say "my party member" in this language.
It doesn't feel not-idiomatic.
"All right, inn next. Are there any amenities you want? Probably breakfast isn't worth it, I'm on an earlier devotion schedule than you are, I'll pick something up while I'm waiting for you."
"Baths and a room safe would be the obvious ones you might be interested in. Maybe a desk if you're expecting to be awake for a while."
"I don't think there's one in this part of the city with an overnight cleaning service but I can prepare Cleaning in the morning, the refugees will appreciate it too. That's a less common orison, it's similar to Prestidigitation's cleaning but only once in a larger volume and a little more thoroughly."
"That would definitely be useful, among other things it's handy for infected wounds."
"Really! We don't have anything that's really good for infected wounds - are you saying Prestidigitation would be too, used by someone who can clean with it -"
"Yep! Not as good, the orison is more thorough and it matters, but I've had wizards use it after emergencies and it absolutely helps."
Well, then, Blai knows what he's doing with his spare time as soon as the chess books are copied. (The very idea that he would never have anything more important to do than attending emotions classes, really.) "So I'm preparing a Make Whole and attempting to see if I can get Cleaning and Cure Minor Wounds, anything else I should attempt?"
"Let me think... really very few of the uncommon spells are orisons... Kat gets one for easing pain that I think might be an orison but it seems like a longshot and not very useful compared to your others."