Blai in Oerth
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"...I can imagine it becoming so costly for a mortal government to have slavery on the books that no one does, even if the laws are not universally obeyed. But unfairness seems like it would be - less centralized and so less possible to effectively manage."


"He doesn't act on every instance, yeah. I'm sure He'd like to be able to harbor everyone with an unpleasant spouse, just as an example, and I'll actually take His church over the Shining One's for that all else equal, but He has better things to do with His time than pursue individual cases; He and most of the gods are much more interested in things like influencing which laws are passed and how they're enforced."




"I should also mention that clerics generally have specific obligations related to their clerichood - this one I don't have notes on, I don't usually have a good reason to ask and just assuming that if it seems like it'd be their area it probably is works well enough. But if someone comes up to me in the street and asks for help getting somewhere I'm supposed to give it, if I can without disrupting the other things I'm doing. Accompanying you counts as something I'm doing for as long as you need me to do it, though, you don't need to worry about that."


"What kinds of help?"


"Just about any kind; directions and advice on how to prepare are common, giving people supplies is a little less so, going with them or walking them through the whole process of figuring out where they want to be and how they'd go about getting there are pretty rare but they happen. Sometimes there'll be something more unexpected but as long as it's genuinely about helping people get where they want to go it's my job."


"Sneaking them past a border? Buying them passage on a ship?"


"Mmhmm. Fharlanghn isn't a Lawful god, or a Good one."

(He's keeping it off his face pretty well, but he's not chelish; the topic bothers him.)



"I don't think you'll like Golarion very much."


"I'd noticed," he says, with only a little bit of bite. "What's the issue this time?"


"- well, you would have a lot to do, and your god would need to obey all the usual rules about material interventions - at least He probably would - and I think you are used to already having your way on this matter, only occasionally needing to prop up the conditions you're accustomed to as they are irregularly violated. On Golarion... a lot of it is built on different conditions."


"Yeah. I'll have to see how it goes - the Good churches don't approve of slavery either, it'll probably work best to let them do most of the heavy lifting and just supply support, like a reverse evacuation."


"Lastwall has conscription. I don't know if they consider exile an alternative. It would not surprise me if they did not."



"That's surprising."


"It could be that they do let people choose exile and it's just rare enough I never heard of it, but - they also abided by the Worldwound treaty, which forbade them to harbor fugitives and defectors from other signatories."


"How people are received where they go isn't, theologically speaking, my business, actually; we might prefer a policy of allowing people exiled from other places but it's not obligatory. Allowing exile as the alternative to slavery isn't obligatory either but we do push pretty hard for it."


"On my trip to Westcrown from Taggun Hold I expected to have to present my letter summoning me to the convention at all county borders."


"So, we're burning the whole setup to the ground, then?" he jokes.

"More realistically - I do want you to know that you're welcome to come back here, or to stay, but aside from that I think the thing to do in this case might be to let the gods work it out and take it from there."


"Okay. I just - expect you to find the result disappointing. Nobody gets even most of they want on Golarion."


"I can kind of tell. Hopefully we can do something about that but it's well above my tier."


"The archmages are presumably closer than most people."


"And I'm very glad they got you. Maybe we'll be able to be in touch, even if it turns out unviable to visit."


"I - don't really expect any of the Archmages' personal attention as an individual?"


"Even if not I'd expect them to be curious about a different world."


"- I suppose that might get me attention from them personally now that you mention it."

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