Blai in Oerth
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"Just a teleport, to get back."


"Oh, I see."


He squeezes Katrianne's knee and gets up; she gets up too and gives him a tight hug. "See you soon."

He leans into it a little before breaking off. "Mmhmm, I won't be long," and then he offers Blai his hand for the teleport.




The Pelorian temple they're now outside of is much smaller and less grand than the one in Greens, but the design sensibility and decorations are similar. It's right on a river - here and there along the banks are stands of reeds, presumably giving the town its name - and the population here is skewed more heavily human.

Inside, rather than a help desk, there's a sign directing them to an office; Raafi follows the directions, and ends up talking to a woman about his age who says that they're concerned about the state of their grain storage for the winter - they have enough stored, but the storage buildings took some damage in the earthquake, and they aren't sure they'll keep the grain dry and edible, and they can't take anyone in until that's fixed.

He makes a bit of a face at that. "I don't have anything for it right now, unless I can figure something clever out with a summons, and you're going to get rain overnight."


Blai didn't prepare Make Whole this morning and Mending won't fix an entire building. Presumably Raafi didn't prepare Control Weather. If - hm - "Mending won't work on the building, but if you took apart one or two of the tents and they're waterproof enough, and they could cover the gaps, tomorrow one of us could prepare a Make Whole, and I could Mend the tent?"


"You can Mend something that big? I'll forgive it the ten minute casting time, in that case. I won't have a spare Teleport to bring you back to the refugee camp if I want to Fly the canvas up, but I don't think that will be a problem, you can stay there or come back to Greens if you prefer."


"A whole tent is a bit heavy for it but I think I can, if the tent's fully disassembled and I'm only concentrating on the fabric pieces."


He nods. "If we end up just giving them a couple of tents, it won't be popular with whoever's tents they are but it's better than letting their grain rot. I'll try to be back before sunset, then," he tells the other cleric. "But we have other errands and I'm not sure how long they'll take. If you can have someone ready to take the canvas and the Fly spell from me I'd appreciate it, actually, it's been a bit of a long day already."

    "Of course. Thank you for your help, both of you."


"Of course."


And they can head over to Griffon Hill, which also has some damaged buildings but is much more on top of repairing them. They had a cave-in in the earthquake; not too big of one, they think they can get the mine back operational again, but they'd like to be surer of that before they agree to take in any refugees. Fortunately that's easily handled; Raafi can summon a team of earth elementals to shore it up and report on any damage they can't fix.

They very much appreciate Blai's offer of healing, since the cave-in injured a bunch of the miners and many of them are still out of commission; the local clerics will get everyone together for it while Raafi and Blai get dinner.

They also recommend Rene's for dinner; the orchard has been producing especially good fruit this year and she makes the best pies in town. Raafi gets directions and leads them that way.


Are the miners mostly humans or do they have dwarves or orcs or something?


"Mostly humans, it's not common to see humans and dwarves mining together. I'd expect a few half-orcs, too; are your full orcs comfortable enough with humans to share towns with them?"


"...I wouldn't call it a matter of their comfort. Mines are very dangerous and usually worked by convicts or slaves in most parts of the world that can't maintain a dwarf population that can tolerate the conditions indefinitely. Or undead, I guess."


"...Ah. Fharlanghn doesn't allow involuntary slavery, here. You do see conscipts taking the option, in some places, but it has to be an option, if the mines can't be made safe enough that it's preferable to exile they won't do it."


"I thought it was unusual, for gods here to have theocracies?"


"It's not that, it's that his clerics are obligated to stop it if we find it happening. It wouldn't especially surprise me if the earthquake that freed the refugees was our doing."


"...the gods on Golarion are usually, also, projecting power through their clerics and not directly."


"I'd assumed so. But I meant that we're not... limited to an area, or anything. We'll influence laws, generally preferentially to taking direct action, but we're not making them ourselves."


"If you enforce a law and everyone knows that you will do so and your coverage and power is adequate to the task such that there are no prominent violators, then I would tend to interpret that as... all mortal-scale societies being vassal states of some divine compromise-theocracy, presuming it's not only the Dweller who has commandments of this nature. It's neater if the law is written, but an illiterate society can have laws so it's certainly not required, just knowledge and enforcement."


"I suppose that's a reasonable way to think of it, sure."


"What are the other relevant laws, I should know them if they might be that unintuitive."


"The Shining One forbids creating undead, and in most places that includes trading in black onyx. The Archmage as far as I know doesn't have any rules like that, but his clerics are rare enough that it might just never have come up. Similarly I'm not sure about the Piper, but I don't expect His rules to come up outside of His lands, and I'd strongly recommend you stay away from them anyway, He's fairly hostile to most humans. The Lady of the Woodlands forbids killing Good magical animals, especially unicorns. Those are the ones I run into regularly, I'll have to check my notes for the rest when we get there - that's it up ahead."




They go in and get a table; Raafi asks the waitress to surprise him with his meal.

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