Blai in Oerth
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"Mmhmm. That's not quite what I was getting at, though - I'd like to be in touch with them, maybe we can figure out how to work together to improve things over there. They sound like the sort of people who'd be interested in that."


"...if you want to try Sending them I know their names but I would in my own capacity be inclined to at least start with an Abadaran I have met before. One of their party is an Abadaran Inquisitor, so they should have some line of communication if it's really necessary to get ahold of the party."


"It seems more polite to wait until we know a little more about the state of things but I might take you up on that - I'll Commune with the Dweller about it in a month or two if He hasn't spoken to me about it by then, but I'd give reasonable odds that He will."


God of travel with no budget limitations talking to his ?high? priest about opening relations with a new planet is barely even weird; Blai nods.



"What would you say is the highest priority, over there?"


"...with the Worldwound closed and Cheliax conquered? Uh, there are some more evil countries, but poking them has historically gone poorly, Infernal Cheliax was by far the youngest and least entrenched of the ones I'm thinking of... there's still plenty of demons who were already on the Golarion side of the portal when the Wound closed but while that's very inconvenient for the countries bordering it I'm not sure it would make the list of top priorities... the Abadarans would certainly tell you that whatever your priorities are you should approach them by making and spending a lot of money by trading things like the styluses and the local spells we haven't invented and I'm not sure they're wrong, they're not my church but they're easier to predict."


"Well, I can probably find instructions on how to make pencils somewhere to send back with you, and anything else like that you notice. I expect there'll be people smuggling people out of the Evil countries no matter how bad the situation is, and if They can operate there at all our gods will be interested in supporting them in that, so that's something. I know less about reconstruction but maybe we can help with that, too, I'm sure it's some kind of a priority. - actually if you want to come back to Greens with me tonight it'd be a good opportunity to see if we can do anything with each others' spells, I'll be going to the mages' guild anyway to sell my leftover spells."


"It's not impossible to smuggle individuals out of Geb or Nidal but the latter would run a considerable risk of Malediction... This would fall between 'misc troubleshooting' and 'sleep' on the itinerary?"


"It would, yes - I'm planning on bringing a few more of the refugees back with me and dropping them off with the Pelorians, we'd go to the guild from there and I'd bring you back to the temple or rent you a room at an inn, your choice - or you can come with me but I'm not sure what other activities they have planned tonight, you might not be comfortable there."

"I haven't heard of Malediction before."


"Fourth circle, if the target dies in the next minute they go directly to the Evil afterlife of the caster's affiliation."






"Does raising them fix it?"


"If the raiser is stronger than the maledictor, or the same alignment as them. - I could possibly dig up some records somehow if you happen to be on good terms with a fourth circle Lawful Evil cleric whose god would participate."


"I will find someone. The Stern Lady's church is a good place to start, I can stay up an extra hour tonight to speak to them."


"- it might only work if the god is also Lawful Evil, come to think - I never got to fourth circle so -"


"Mm. Is there some complication with just having a stronger cleric do it?"


"No, it just won't necessarily work every time unless you're a lot stronger."


"Well, I can't cast ninth level spells yet but I'm getting there."


"Then you could probably pull it off most of the time, yes. Given remains, which won't be trivial, unless you have a way around needing them below ninth circle."


"I might be able to find one, I'll have to look into it."





"If there's someone personally relevant to you that I can prioritize I'd like to do that for you."


"No, no one in particular, I don't have a lot of - personal relevance, around, in my life. I did briefly have a scroll of Malediction but never had cause to use it and burned it when Iomedae chose me."



He catches the eye of the waitress as she walks by. "We need some pie, please, one of each."

    "Yes sir."


"If you can think of anyone - especially useful, especially - whatever - I do have a scroll of True Resurrection. It's meant as my life insurance policy but I can replace it."


"You can buy resurrection insurance from the Abadarans and it only costs as much as a True Resurrection scroll if they think very poorly of your risk management."


"Well, that's one way you've got it better over there," he says wryly.

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