Blai in Oerth
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"I'll bear it in mind if it turns out I can get Oerth orisons at all. Is it deity-specific?"


"That's why I say it's a longshot, it wouldn't surprise me."


"The Abadarans get a first circle truth spell with the useful property that if you throw it off it's visible that you did so. I don't think Iomedae has any unique spells, though."


"I don't think any of the major gods have unique spells here. Which is a little odd, now that you mention it."


"...why is that odd from your own perspective?"


"Well, the minor gods do, sometimes, and it's not clear why that would be a difference between them."


"I'm not privy to how it's done on Golarion. I suspect it's expensive for the god or Iomedae would have something. But that probably isn't the explanation here."


"It could be, they aren't infinitely powerful. Though in that case it still wouldn't make very much sense for it to only be the smaller gods."


"If they are limited in power per se and not in intervention budget they might have said something."


"It's pretty likely that I could find out if I asked around, yes."


"I suppose it's not necessarily important. I just - remember thinking it explained a lot, when I learned that the gods are rationing, and it is different here but not by quite the magnitude I might have guessed."


"Rationing isn't exactly the word I'd use but they do have limits, yeah. That's why they have the policies we were talking about over dinner; they oppose things that make them weaker."


"- those things make them weaker, that's interesting, I wouldn't have guessed that."


"I don't know if your gods work the same way, at this point it wouldn't really surprise me if they didn't, but ours are, in an important way, the things that they're gods of. So the Laughing Rogue might not care very much about any given thief being caught, any more than you or I would care about a bug bite, but anything that makes a real impact on His domain diminishes Him, and of course He'll fight back."


"So - would that make Him very nearly as interested in preventing the prevention of theft, is he against conditions in which people do not feel motivated to steal even if those do not principally take the form of punishments for actual thefts -?"


"I haven't heard of it coming up, but I wouldn't really expect to. There's also a factor of - for us, eating makes us stronger, but if I cast an entire Create Food right here, you wouldn't get very much use out of it; the gods have something like that too. It doesn't come up for me but it does for Katrianne, it wouldn't do much good to expand Lastsi's church beyond what She can make use of."


"Okay, that makes sense... are they mostly all in favor of population growth?"


"The Piper definitely isn't, and I expect the Lady would start objecting at some point, She doesn't mind cities like He does but they aren't Her favorite. The rest of the major Good and Neutral gods I think are positive or neutral on it, it's Good to have children if you can care for them properly or make sure someone will."


Nod nod.


"Do you know much about how your gods work, in that sense?"


"No. The Starstone would be more confusing and not less on that model, though."


"That's the artifact that lets people become gods, right? It's not entirely incompatible with our gods but you're right, it's a bit confusing. Unless - no; I was going to say 'unless it only works on clerics without gods' but you don't have those."


"We don't, and Iomedae was the most powerful paladin in history."


"That's at least less confusing than it could be. We do have stories of gods that are ascended mortals; it requires the intervention of a god but it's only sometimes that the god gives the mortal part of Their domain, sometimes the mortal has a new, complementary one, and always it's something very central to who they were in life. For someone like a cleric or paladin it seems like it'd usually be pretty obvious what their domain ought to be, so you wouldn't strictly need a god to figure it out, but most people don't really seem to have anything quite like that."


Nod. "- we've drifted from the topic of spell preparation, is there anything else I should pick up?"

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