Blai in Oerth
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Munch munch walk walk.

It's a fair ways to the mages' guild; a bit more than halfway there, a confused-looking courier spots Raafi's holy symbol and calls out to him. "Traveler, can you help me, please?"

"Sure, what's the problem?"

    "I can't find this address. Do you know where it is?" He shows him the card attached to his package.

"Trefoil street? You've got the wrong district, you want the dwarves' quarter, just south of the big courtyard."

   "Oh no, and I'm already late..."

"It's no trouble, here." He chants for a moment and holds out his hand, glowing gently blue. "Fly spell. Are you familiar with them?"

    "Not really..."

"It'll let you go twice walking speed for fifteen minutes, plenty of time to get over there if you take a straight line. When it runs out it'll float you down to the ground safely as long as you aren't higher than an average treetop, just be careful not to land on a roof you can't get down from."

    "Wow. Thanks!" He isn't quite sure how to take the spell, and ends up holding out his own hand for Raafi, instead, which he takes, and the courier flies away.


"What do you do if that happens in a city you've never been to before?"


"Apologize for not being able to help them, mostly. Sometimes I can figure it out from common patterns, a trefoil street is almost always going to be in the dwarven quarter. If I'm not busy I might help them look."


Blai supposes that if people walk up to Voyagers in Andoran and ask for help finding places he wouldn't know about it but it seems more than just breakaway-province levels of foreign.


He's in a more than breakaway-province level of foreign place, to be fair.

"The really fun - or 'fun' - situation is when it's a little kid. We don't have an exception for them. Most of the time they just want an exciting day running around and as soon as the sun starts to set they want to go home and it's all pretty cute, sometimes they're actually trying to run away and mean it."


"Do you have some way to warn whoever's minding them of what's going on?"


"Not systematically but usually the neighbors will have some idea of who they are and I can tip them off that someone should be told, or I can talk them into stopping by a temple where they might be looked for."


"I suppose at least everyone's accustomed to this being a possible explanation for a vanished child."


"More or less," he nods. "It still surprises some people."


"No doubt, but I can at least presume they don't jump to assuming their governess sold them to a passing caravan."


"Well, yes, that doesn't happen here with any regularity."


"I don't think it does in most parts of Golarion either, admittedly."


Did Blai just tease him?

"Oh, good."


"Do you get fairies kidnapping people, here? I don't know how actually common versus a common myth it is at home."


"We do, yeah. Not commonly but more commonly than a caravan having any interest in buying a child."


"Do you have to rescue the children from the fairies or is that not part of your mandate?"


"We're allowed to assume they're fine if we don't know otherwise. We'll usually check, though, and I basically always do, especially after that thing with the petals - the petals themselves were perfectly friendly, they just didn't realize the strangling vine they were nesting in was killing people."


"...if my residence were killing people I'd think that would be kind of conspicuous."


"They were pretty embarrassed about it when I explained! But that's the kind of issue you see with fairies, sometimes, here. Are yours different?"


"I have never spoken to one and would tend to consider myself in mortal danger from the moment I was aware I was speaking to one if I did."


"Huh. I wouldn't want to talk to one of ours unprepared, but a fair portion of them make reasonable neighbors if you're respectful."


"There is perhaps cultural knowledge and - credit - about how to approach fey respectfully and which ones to try it with, that I don't have."


"It's unlikely to come up while you're sticking to cities, at least, or at least not dangerously - you'll probably see a killoren eventually, they look like leaf-green elves with catperson-ish faces, but any of them that have voluntarily come into a city won't be touchy."




"I know some dryads who like company, too, if you want to safely meet a faerie - we can't wait too long for it, though, they mostly go dormant in the winter in places that get snow."

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