Blai in Oerth
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"And I'll be cleaning - things? People? Wounds?"


"I'm assuming you'll want to prioritize the people with the infected wounds, but if you get through all of those and don't want to do something else instead I'm sure the refugees would appreciate help with laundry and dishes."



"Is the best practice to clean the wound before healing it or after?"


"Before." Pastry shop. "Occasionally Cleaning will be enough to clear the infection entirely, and then if you heal them afterward it won't get infected again." He looks through the arrayed pastries, lingering over a blueberry cheese bun.


"A currant scone, please," Blai says, after a sweep of the eyes over the options; he fishes out his remaining spending money.


Raafi ends up getting the blueberry cheese bun, after a bit more waffling.

"By the way, I have us in Hempholme this evening; I didn't put it on the itinerary but the Archmage has a temple there, if you wanted to stop in and ask them any questions."


"...does He have any other titles, it's not a little confusing considering that there is a party of mortal archmages about on Golarion and in many contexts I would need to add a name. Not even just a last name, as two of them are married to one another."


"In some places they call him the All-Knowing. Or the Uncaring, but I wouldn't call Him that in front of His clerics."


"...well, at least there is only one other individual I might mix Him up if I go around calling him the All-Knowing, and I think Nethys is technically the All-Seeing... anyway, as I'm not an arcanist they might well have more questions for me than I for them. - also, I remembered this morning the insurance adjuster's name, I think he's the best person to send a preliminary Sending."


"All right. I assume you need time to compose your Sending?"


"Yes, high-compression Sendings aren't a particular skill of mine so I'll probably want to think about it practically all day."


"This seems entirely worth using two castings on if you need to. Or more. But there's no rush, we can tentatively plan it for tonight."


Nod. "I expect the Abadarans will do their best to pay you back for the charges, even if we use a lot of them, but certainly it should be dense even if it doesn't wind up being short."


He grins, and briefly stows his bun to note something down. "I'm going to want to check for fellow-Travelers at Hempholme, hopefully there'll be a few and we can eat dinner together; I want to catch them up on what's going on and ask them to keep an eye out for potential clerics of Abadar for us. Do you want to come, or should I figure out something quieter for you? We'll almost certainly be drinking."


"I'm accustomed to being around people who are drinking and if I'm meant to explain what to look for in an Abadaran I should be there for at least the first part of the evening."


"All right. I'll try to get us to meet at an inn, so you can rent a room for a while if you want some space. ...oh, and if we're there late enough the lot of us will probably go over to the All-Knowing's temple to sell spells, I wasn't especially planning on it but it's a safe bet I'll want to go along."


"I assume you would have told me if there were something very marketable I should be dedicating a couple of slots to."


"They always like healing, most of the time they'll want you to convert most of what you have into that."


"That I can do."


"I figured. Let's see, what else - oh, should I be assuming we're coming back tomorrow for game night, if I have the spells for it?"


"It hasn't been anywhere near a month so only if there's nothing pressing, but it would be diverting."


He nods. "I do expect to have the spells, and the Pelorians should be fine without us for a few hours. I'll probably go over to the baths, though, if you think you'll be okay with just the Luxuriants."


"I think I will be fine with them on game night specifically."


"All right."


Om nom scone.

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