Blai in Oerth
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Tani just grins and moves her queen.

"Don't rush on our account, we'll be in the other office."

    "Sure, we'll come get you when we're done."


Blai loses but he makes her work for it.


She's a gracious winner. "Have they mentioned our weekly game night yet?" she asks as she puts away the pieces.


"It hasn't come up." There were instead jokes (probably!) about dungeons.


"Day after tomorrow, after dinner. You're welcome to come for dinner, too. We have all kinds of board games but at least two chess boards, and sometimes people will bring extra from home if they especially want to play."


"Thank you for letting me know."


"I hope you can make it, this was fun!" She has the pieces packed up and brings the board with her to knock on the next door down the hall. "We're all done, Kat!"

    "Send him in, please!"

She opens the door and gestures for him to go in.


In he goes.


This room is arranged similarly to the other one; Katrianne and Raafi are snuggled up on the bench again and Kat nods for Blai to take the chair.

"Kat told me that you're not sure if you're allowed to keep your history a secret but that you don't like to talk about it," Raafi says once the door is closed. "Is there anything else I should know about that? I'll keep you away from gnomes, of course."


"I think that about covers it unless you have more of your own questions about it."


"I'm assuming horrible things were done to you and required of you and if I need details for some reason you'll tell me. I've had enough of consorting with Evil to know better than to ask beyond that." (Kat pats his hand.)


"...I'm not sure what it is you would expect to happen to you if you did ask, are facts about my history going to be actively harmful to a gnome if one corners me?"


"No, it's just upsetting. If you do end up talking to a gnome it'd be kind to take the conversation slowly and give them opportunities to stop asking."




    "We'd also wanted to talk about how you've been handling the planning; Blai prefers a more predictable approach. Once it's a reasonable idea to do it he'd like to be left somewhere to use his orisons in between healing, and in the meantime he'd like to get a written itinerary in the morning. Does that sound like something you can do?"

"I can try? Today we didn't know the mage's guild had an auditorium until we got here and that changed the order it made sense to do everything else in, but I could have rewritten it, if that's all right."

   "I expect an explicit rewrite to help a lot. Blai?"


"It's useful to have something to consult, yes, even if it's not set in stone."


"All right. What level of detail should I be aiming for?"


"Like - at such and such an hour teleport to some particular place for channeling, I don't need an estimate of how long exactly it will take to gather the people into the radius."


"Do you want to know... where we'll be stopping for lunch, my second or third options if my first one doesn't work out somewhere, should I be trying to plan more specifically than 'check the adventuring quarter for bags of holding'?"


"Just writing 'lunch' is fine, and 'shopping' is also fine though I might annotate it myself with whatever you mention about it."


"All right. I'll leave room for annotations, too." He takes out his notebook and writes the itinerary for the rest of the day, and passes it over.

  • Big Reeds
    • Temple of Pelor - discuss refugee relocation
  • Griffon Hill
    • Temple of Pelor - discuss refugee relocation, channel prep
    • dinner
    • Town Square? - channel
  • Refugees
    • unpack portable hole
    • if time: discuss refugee relocation with Pelorians
    • misc troubleshooting
    • sleep

    "If you have the spells for it you should spend the night here," Kat adds.

"I should, shouldn't I. I will unless something comes up."



"Thank you." He reads over the itinerary, then folds it up and pockets it.


"Anything else, before we go?"

    "That's everything I remember. Blai?"


"What spells is it you need to spend the night here?"

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