Blai in Oerth
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"Yes? The druid circle is certainly a longstanding institution but things can be longstanding institutions and not religions. Countries. Schools. A given order of paladins, who are the same religion as the order across the street but have a different focus. - Iomedae is younger than that."


"Oh, wow. Anyway, I wonder if that's a linguistic difference or a functional one - I'm going to have some questions about how your gods relate to their followers once I've had time to figure out what they are."


"I have a copy of Her holy book on me, if you would like to look at it. It's mostly about her adventures when she was a mortal paladin."


"I might take you up on that, if it starts looking like I won't be able to visit."


"If anything stops you is it likely it will also stop me?"


"I'd expect so, but there's a reason I called in a specialist for this one."


"I suppose you might have fewer young gods because you wouldn't have the Starstone. An artifact that Iomedae's own patron Aroden made when he was mortal, which allows those who touch it to ascend immediately to godhood."


"Wow, yeah, we don't have anything like that. We do have a few ascended gods but I think they were all hand picked by another god to ascend."


"Iomedae more or less was, it just happened that the god in question left the artifact behind. It did also ascend a small number of other gods, less notable."


"Sounds like quite a story. - I am interested, it's just that one of our core tenets is that it's always best to go see for yourself, and failing that to hear it from someone who's been there. Books are better than nothing but no substitute for real experience."


"I'm not sure what precisely you have in mind to see. I suppose you could tour Her country, Lastwall."


"Tour the country, talk to some clergy, attend some services, see what you do for people, yeah. Maybe tag along on a mission or two, if you're as focused on that kind of thing as it sounds like you might be. And probably read the book eventually, if I get that far into it, but I'd want to read it with the context of the living practice if that's an option at all."


Nod nod.


"One of the things we do is advise people, when they know they need a change but don't know where they should be, so we take that kind of thing pretty seriously. Not that you should let that stop you from telling me things, you certainly count as someone who's been there."


"I'm a - recent convert, I don't know as much as I should and most of what I do know is from the book." PLEASE DO NOT ASK HOW HE IS THIRD CIRCLE AND RECENT


"Huh, that certainly sounds like there's a story there. For another time, though, if at all. So, hm - what else do you do with your time, any hobbies?"


"I'm very fond of chess."


"Good news, that translates. Though I'm not sure which kind you mean - I can muddle through a game of rock chess without embarrassing myself too badly but I'm not entirely sure of the rules of cloud chess, for example; those are the dwarven and halfling versions in particular."


"I actually have a book of variants - on me, I'm carrying everything I own - and they can get very distant, but the base game has pawns move one square forward and capture one square diagonal, knights jump in an L shape, rooks move by rank or aisle, bishops on the diagonal, queens do both of those, kings one square in any direction."


"That sounds almost like rock chess, except that instead of the knight they have a dragon - jumps up to twice on a diagonal - and you can move two pawns in one turn. Cloud chess is more complicated, capturing pieces transforms them rather than removing them the first time or two."


"I don't believe those variations are in my book! Maybe I'll write them down and then someone can Scriven from the expanded version."


"Maybe I'll see if I can pick up a chess set in the next supply run, I really am pretty dreadful at it but probably somebody else knows how to play or would like to learn, or maybe you can teach me some tricks."

A human wearing the same golden sun that the halfling had comes in and speaks excitedly to them, gesturing for them to come with him. "They're ready for you," Raafi confirms, and heads out.


"I usually just Prestidigitate the chess pieces. I'm not good at anything else you can do with the spell but I did get that down." And out he goes to do his channel.


"Huh, we don't get that one."

They appear to have hastily deconstructed a couple of tents to make a space big enough, and it's packed tight, with the less ambulatory patients sitting or lying on the canvas of the downed tents. Some of them seem quite badly off, to the point where Blai might wonder why nobody has taken a moment to Stabilize them.


"Oh, Prestidigitation isn't a cleric spell on Golarion either, I just picked up barely enough of one wizard spell. - oh dear." He quickens his pace. He wasn't prepared for healing this morning, he was prepared for travel, if nobody else had it either that's a little weird but mostly bespeaks lack of coordination and this was a surprise emergency - when he reaches the center out goes a burst of positive energy.

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