Blai in Oerth
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"I don't have any money with me, I was planning to pay my way on the road with Created food."


"I wasn't intending to have you pay for it, you don't seem like the type I can talk into figuring it out by interviewing people instead."


"- talk into figuring it out by interviewing people instead?"


"Fharlanghn does want people to learn things about the places they find themselves, or places they might. Experiencing it firsthand is best, and hearing about it from someone who did is good too, but books are far better than nothing."



"I like books."


"Then I'll ask about it at the library. Is there anything else you might want a book about?"


"The gods here. Geopolitics."


"They should have something covering all the global-scale gods. Politics tends to be more regional, here, I'm not sure they'll have what you're looking for in one book or even a few, but I'll ask."


"Even a profile of the local organization of one example civilization would be useful."


"Sure, I can get something like that."


"Thank you."


Raafi eats in silence for a minute.

"I'm not sure any of us here are the right kind of cleric for it, but if you want to talk to someone about being stuck here, I should be able to come up with a recommendation and drop you off with them."


"I thought your wizard friend was going to see about fixing it, do I need to answer questions about where I was at the time or about where I'd like to land or something?"


"No, I meant - do Golarionite clerics not... offer advice, walk people through thinking about difficult situations, that kind of thing?"



"Maybe some of them do."


"Well, we do that here, except I'm only really good for it if your difficult situation is a rough bit of terrain and the Pelorians are healing specialists, not counselors. But if you want it, I can probably figure something out."


"I wouldn't know what do with one."


"The good ones can work with that, it's not a problem. I don't mean to pressure you, just... I'd expect anyone in your position to benefit from the help, and... does Iomedae have anything to say about looking after yourself mentally and emotionally? It's that sort of thing."


"For complicated reasons I mostly know Her instructions to Her paladins and am mostly assuming the rules are the same for me. They include things like 'you have to do something fun at least once a month'."


"That's roughly the kind of thing I'm talking about, yes - one of the things they might do would be to talk to you about how best to implement that kind of rule, to make sure you're following the spirit and not just the letter of it and to help you get the most out of it, or figure out how to adapt it for a situation where the normal rule doesn't work. Or, I favor a chaotic counselor, mine helped me figure out what principles I personally should be following, to have a better life."


"...I'm very temperamentally Lawful and would rather follow whatever principles Iomedae set down for me, I'm just in an awkward position of ignorance as regards that. I'm not in any danger of going a month without doing anything fun, I'm not good at Prestidigitation but I can use it to make chess pieces wherever I happen to have a spare hour."


Raafi nods. "I'm just worried that six months is going to be a long time for you."


"...surely it will be the same amount of time for me as for everyone else and will include at least six chess games."


That gets a chuckle. "Well, you can always change your mind about it. I'll leave it alone, though."


A few minutes later, they spot the young cleric from earlier making his way through the crowd, heading for them. He hangs back awkwardly rather than finish his approach, looking nervous.

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