Blai in Oerth
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The camp is only moderately quieter overnight; a lot of the refugees were on different sleep schedules underground and haven't adjusted yet, and all of them are used to sleeping while other people are awake and not used to being especially quiet in deference to sleep. He's away from the worst of it, by the cookpots, but he can tell that it's quieter still among the tents.

There's a little bit of additional commotion on the edge of the camp in the small hours of the morning, but it doesn't sound like the night watch is having any trouble with it, whatever it is.


...this is not his fort, noise does not mean demons. Even if it were his fort, the night shift's job is to raise the alarm if they need backup. He listens for a minute but goes back to sleep if it doesn't change markedly in pitch or fervor.


Nope, they've got it.

It's early autumn, and the nights are starting to get long; he might be up before Raafi, even though the older man rises before the sun.


He's pretty used to letting his god wake him but if it gets noisy and he's had enough sleep he will wake up, again, and listen to the hubbub.


Raafi swings by to check on him shortly after the sun peeks over the horizon; a few people have gotten up to start breakfast or other morning chores, but most of those who slept overnight are still asleep.


Well, once the sun is peeking over the horizon he's in prayer, sitting up with his coat over his shoulders and his little dagger-and-wire holy symbol in his hands.


Raafi doesn't interrupt, of course, but comes by again in an hour with a bowl of porridge for him. "Do you want to come with me to talk to the Pelorians about our plans?"


Blai takes the bowl, nods, stands up and starts eating while they walk.


When they get there, the Pelorians and some of the refugees are working together to tear down one of the big hospital tents that's no longer needed in its current form. Raafi pitches in, helping get the poles taken down safely and the lines bundled up for their next use.


Blai is not familiar with tents but if he can do more good than harm here he will.


It's pretty straightforward, but if he hesitates very long one of the Pelorians will ask a question and point him to where the eldest of their number is winding the ropes they're taking off the tent into coils.


He can totally do that. Off he goes to coil ropes.


Raafi joins him as they get the last of the tentpoles taken down; there's plenty of rope still to coil and canvas still to fold. "They've got three more tents to take down, but since we're ready they'll take a break after this one. Have you thought about whether you want to come with me today? Otherwise I'll be using the teleportation slot to bring one of the refugees to one of Pelor's temples, but I don't know who yet, the Pelorians have been keeping better track of everyone than I have. I can leave the necklace with you while I'm gone if you want it."


"- if the wounded were all covered in the channel radius yesterday there's probably more for me to do in a city."


"It looked like everyone was fit to travel; they might want one more channel before we leave to catch anything that's lingering but I don't think it's urgent." He considers something for a moment - "I might stop by and see if I can pick up a second translation necklace, but I suspect it'll go better if I leave you behind for that, Lastai's temple can be a bit much if you aren't prepared for it. The Shining One's temple should be fine to host you for a little while while I do."


"...a bit much?"


"Well, she's the goddess of pleasure. They do all kinds of things there, if you wanted a music class I'd suggest them too, but they do cover the obvious thing."





"You're welcome to come if you want, it's not like they're going to drag you down to the dungeon without so much as a by-your-leave," he's probably joking, here? "It just seems like the Pelorians are more your speed."


"The Pelorians seem lovely."


"Mmhmm. I shouldn't be long, anyway. So, drop the refugees off, ask the Pelorians - they use the title Brothers or Sisters - for donations and to coordinate things for your channels, hit up the library and the market and Lastai's temple in some order, do whatever else the others come up with, and stop at a couple other places on the way back to see how they feel about taking in the bulk of the group. Is there anything else you want to do while we're out?"


"Nothing I know to ask about from here."


"All right." He winds rope; the pile dwindles, more quickly as people finish other tasks and come to help, and eventually the Pelorians have all gathered, along with a middle-aged woman in a knitted cloak of undyed wool carrying a gnarled walking stick and being followed by half a dozen sheep who he points out as the local druid Geneia. Raafi offers Blai the necklace again as they get down to business.

The Pelorians want to break the refugees up into multiple groups, is the main news of the day; helping such a big group will put a strain on even their biggest temples, and while they could manage it anyway, it'd be better not to. They're also badly in need of shoes, still, since few of the refugees had them. A few of the clerics left spell slots open for Pelor to fill this morning and one of them got Helping Hand, which they're taking to mean that it's time to call the paladins back up and generally get ready to head out as soon as Raafi has figured out where they're going to go. Raafi suggests that he might hire a few hunters to accompany the group(s) back to civilization; the others think that this is a very good idea, since the refugees are still struggling with eating surface plants, and Geneia suggests a young local woman who might want to join them in that capacity.


"I haven't heard of Helping Hand."


"It's third circle; it makes a little illusory hand that looks for a person matching a description you give it and leads them back to you."

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