Blai in Oerth
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"...can I help you?"


"It's all right, Brother, you can come talk to us," Raafi says, rather than translating.

The Pelorian comes closer; he seems just as nervous of Raafi as of Blai, despite the reassurance. "Sorry, the other clerics said I should leave you alone, I just wanted to thank you for healing everyone and ask if you think I could learn to do it like that."

"Ah. Maybe, we were talking about that a little bit earlier. Hold on." He switches back to Taldane. "He wants to know if you can teach him how to channel energy, and to thank you for the healing earlier; do you want the necklace back?"


"- that might be more efficient," and then, "It came automatically with my first circle, I didn't learn how as such."


"Does it feel different from a normal spell, or anything? I just... it was just luck that we didn't lose anybody..."


"It feels different. Most clerics at home can do it more often than I can, that runs on Splendor. Some people can" he used to be able to "project it through a weapon strike, though with positive energy that's only useful against undead specifically. I met a Gozrehn once who could also somehow use it to cast Endure Elements on everybody in her range, which was wildly useful in our context, but she didn't think I'd be able to pick it up, it may have been Gozreh-specific."


"So it's more like a metamagic than its own thing?"


"...I'm used to the word 'metamagic' referring solely to a thing you can do with spells, and most people cannot attach spells to their channeling, just that one Gozrehn."


    "Okay. So probably not, then?"

"I'm going to see if I can find someone who knows some spellcrafting to have a look at it. If you don't mind, of course," he adds, to Blai. "So there is a chance, I think just not today."

    "Okay, that's good then."


"I can and should do it twice a day every day," Blai nods.


    ""Good. Uh, I'll go now?" He asks Raafi.

"I don't bite, I promise. But sure, go ahead."

    He skedaddles.


"Timid fellow."


"That's probably more to do with me than him, honestly - I don't want to be treated differently because of my tier, but some people have trouble with that, it's not a big deal."


Nod. Blai would probably have felt like that if he'd ever had a compelling reason to approach Aspexia Rugatonn but he'd have sat on it better. These people are however not Chelish.


They really aren't.

Nothing else disturbs them during dinner except a runner letting them know that the search for a spare tent for Blai didn't come up with one; afterward, Raafi suggests that Blai should pick a campsite while there's still some light left. This turns out to be wise, since most of the good spots are taken, but Raafi eventually remembers overhearing that someone might have talked a friend into letting him share his tent, and when they check the spot he'd been staying in it's still free.


Blai sets up there. He isn't very well equipped to camp - the armor alone takes up most of the weight he can handle - but he can put his head on his pack with all the armor padding on the top, and sleep under his coat.


Raafi isn't satisfied with this. "Give me a minute and I'll see if I can find something to put under you, it's getting to be too cold at night to sleep on the bare ground."


"The coat is rated for extreme temperature."


"I can see that, but it's not going to do half as much good on top of you without something underneath."


"I could just wear it?"


"It's really no trouble to get you a blanket."


"As you say."


He comes back with two, in threadbare patched blue and threadbare patched yellow. "The pile is pretty picked over at this point, but the two of these together should be good enough. I'll have to see if I can get some more somewhere while I'm out tomorrow."


Blai nods and lays them out to sleep on.


"My tent is over that way if you need me, or if you change your mind about where you want to sleep; the one with the glow on top and Fharlanghn's symbol on it." And he takes his leave for the night.


Nope he is no way changing his mind about that with an invitation like that. He has successfully avoided that entire mess since That One Time In Seminary and means to keep right on avoiding it.

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