Isabella is in some danger of catching up on her reading list. She'll just have to cultivate more interests. She could probably get into Klingon literature if she tried, she didn't give it a fair shake last time really. Their opera is more widely renowned but they do have some plainly written narratives.
She will assume he means to share and have some. She doesn't really care for priv.
After that she asks a passerby if there is a hotel to be had nearby. The first person she asks doesn't know.
Q is happy to share. They aren't even as good as strawberries it turns out.
"Oh I suppose it was terribly silly of me to lead you here without a proper home. Let me make amends."
With a flash the pair find themselves in the grand entryway of a white stone castle. T'Mir may also notice that she's now wearing a dress out of a fairy tale, to match Q's princely costume.
"I have no particular objection to the dress per se but please don't alter what I'm wearing without my advance agreement. Also. Where is this castle."
"You may have your old clothing back if you insist though I really don't think the outfit was nearly as fetching. As for the location -" and now they are standing in the tallest tower the castle has to offer, rising well above the Davlian village below. She can see the table they sat and discussed at not five minutes ago. The immediate grounds of the castle appear to be the field they landed in earlier, though if she looks behind herself she'll see a rather magnificent garden with a fountain and hedge maze.
"Like I said, no objection to the dress, and I also don't miss the prison uniform, but the transition is not how I prefer to go about changing outfits. Was there already room for this here? Did you make sure you weren't going to cause subsidence or mess up the watershed or anything?"
"I of course made sure the location was stable and suitable."
He glances down at the ground below.
"I can touch up the watershed and such I suppose." he says, doing so with a wave of his hand.
"You say 'of course', but you appear to routinely perform actions without checking things that I would consider common sense, so I suspect it's necessary to be a bit more granular and basic in establishing common knowledge."
"I promise to do my very best to provide you with a castle befitting at least one iota of your excellence, however difficult that may be."
"Which is a very sweet sentiment! But now I have no idea if its presence will upset the Davlians, so I have to go check that before it would be responsible for me to tour the place."
"Hopefully they'll be able to suggest a good place to move it to if it's unwelcome here. Are you just omnipotent in general or does it only seem that way from a mortal perspective?"
"I suppose if I had to I'd say that as a continuum the Q have no equal but as individuals we may at times equal each other."
"Interesting. Is it as nice as it sounds?" She lets herself out of the castle and heads down into the village.