Isabella is in some danger of catching up on her reading list. She'll just have to cultivate more interests. She could probably get into Klingon literature if she tried, she didn't give it a fair shake last time really. Their opera is more widely renowned but they do have some plainly written narratives.
"Mental, principally. I don't know if whatever it is you do would have been detectable like conventional psi. Also I have some private notes."
"Oh I didn't read any minds in my search - they're so scrunched up and complicated and I can't understand them the least without getting a headache. I suppose I noticed you typed a lot but I wasn't paying attention to what."
"We have so much in common already! How about we spend our evening somewhere more interesting than this drab tower they've got you cooped up in?"
"I assume you know that would be flagrantly illegal, as is of course your presence in my cell such that I must imagine you're suppressing the alarms and spoofing the cameras."
"It's not that I object to things being flagrantly illegal in principle, you understand, but it seems like it might warrant more plan-crafting."
"Well I believe it's traditional to return one's date to their house afterwards but if you'd prefer somewhere else I'm sure an exception can be made."
"I did think the decorating was rather droll but I wasn't going to comment. I could put you somewhere they won't find you? A remote asteroid or an uncontacted civilization or wherever you prefer."
"Well, Davlia ultimately decided not to join the Federation, unless my information is out of date."
A snap, a flash of light, and an unnecessary sound effect later and they are standing on an alien road.
Q squints. "No it doesn't look like a Federation planet now does it."
"That's probably more reliable." She turns on the spot. "I never did land here. Or most places."
The locals are antelopey with twirly horns and clacky hooves. Isabella waves a little when they get second looks.