Isabella is in some danger of catching up on her reading list. She'll just have to cultivate more interests. She could probably get into Klingon literature if she tried, she didn't give it a fair shake last time really. Their opera is more widely renowned but they do have some plainly written narratives.
"How old are you, anyway?" she asks, starting at a sedate stroll into the Davlian town to see if she can identify some kind of bank.
"16? 17? Hm, 18 billion at the oldest - I was something of a late bloomer embarrassing as it to admit."
"Well, at least you didn't find yourself hurried by circumstance."
"The big bang did make everything seem more urgent but my younger self wasn't really mature enough to notice this was the case."
"What was it like around here before then?" She picks a likely building but finds it not open to the public when she tries the door and moves on.
"I'm sorry to hear that. I imagine it must happen a fair amount over enough billions of years though."
"Oh, well, if you normally only make friends within the species that would certainly help."
"Well, they did start to seem rather dull after long enough. No panache, no sense of adventure, no originally in the lot of them. Except me of course."
"The appetite for adventure provoking the linguistic, uh, shuffling, on the planet you mentioned?"