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perinoveau's reclist

nonexhaustive list of my favorite glowfic threads. heed the content warnings!


complete threads not from larger continuities

Complete aviation is really remarkably safe [1 2 3 ... 9 10 11] Sandboxes 270 by lintamande
I regularly reread this thread to make myself happycry. lots of feelings about human industry and problem solving
Complete clouds of grey [1 2 3 ... 20 21 22] Sandboxes 534 by Bobbi
fantastic character work and exploration of the Fabulous setting. this thread is what made me fall in love with the Jaime template
Complete in spite of a nail [1 2 3 ... 12 13 14] Sandboxes 332 by Alicorn
benefits from but does not require having read Effulgence. I love the Sherlock template and Minus in particular
Complete then everything changed [1 2 3 ... 50 51 52] Sandboxes 1277 by Alicorn
I'm very fond of Diaeresis' A:tLA worldbuilding and particularly enjoy how this thread shows off the edges of the world
Complete Has Warnings all witches burn [1 2 3 ... 60 61 62] Fulmination murder girlfriends ~ smol peals 1531 by Diaeresis
technically part of a subcontinuity but I adore it as a standalone story. heartwarming torture scenes!

selections from larger continuities that I particularly enjoy

Complete by the seashore Effulgence fire and water 0 by Alicorn
from Effulgence. I recommend immediately continuing to the next post
Complete Has Warnings Ellie Potter and the Unhallowed Deaths [1 2 3 ... 27 28 29] Fulmination murder girlfriends ~ plan for noon and plan for night 725 by Decima
requires context from the rest of the continuity. big fan of the emotional arc
Complete interlude: zash the stampede [1 2 3 ... 16 17 18] Aurora Gunsmoke 430 by red
part of the fantastic Gunsmoke subcontinuity, but can be read on its own
Complete secret AI cape from canada [1 2 3 ... 43 44 45] Silmaril shard 1115 by lintamande
requires context from the previous thread. I chose this thread to highlight because I love Fëanàro's breakdown towards the end
Complete severe discomfort [1 2 3 ... 30 31 32] Amounts of Dragon 800 by Kappa
requires context from the rest of the continuity. highlighted because I love Piro's epiphany
Complete Has Warnings intoxicated by the urge [1 2 3 ... 27 28 29] Aurora Guide 702 by red
the worldbuilding, characterization, and conflict in this subcontinuity are all outstanding. very high reread value. also, Kang Jaeha
Complete now that I know what I'm without [1 2 3 ... 26 27 28] komorebi wake me up (wake me up inside) 677 by Blazing Darkness
possibly the most heartwarming story with a Dementor protagonist ever! has a downer ending but also a sequel that undowners the ending

AndaisQ is so good with words that he gets his own section

Hiatused you're saddled up; there's no recourse Sandboxes 12 by AndaisQ
do people also have feelings? like how horses do?

threads that don't fit into the above categories, mostly because they aren't complete

Hiatused Intended Purpose [1 2 3 ... 12 13 14] Sandboxes 348 by Diaeresis
really engaging introduction to the Arabek setting
Hiatused Has Warnings no gods no masters [1 2 3 ... 11 12 13] Sandboxes 306 by westwind
currently not much onscreened plot but there's very good exploration of the MDZS characters and how they relate to the gods who chose them
Hiatused Has Warnings not that there's anything wrong with that [1 2 3 ... 22 23 24] Sandboxes 599 by Alicorn
glowfic in the false-daisy setting! fuck yeah!
Hiatused your stare was holdin' [1 2 3 ... 281 282 283] Sandboxes 7063 by Alicorn
thread of all time. crash course on BlazingDarkness' characters, if a thread with thousands of tags can be called a crash course
Has Warnings the world that I envision [1 2 3 ... 74 75 76] Sandboxes 1886 by Alicorn
came for the promise of a better time for Kang Jaeha, stayed because jaeharu utterly captured my entire heart