...to depend on others
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This guy doesn't seem to understand that she's well aware she's on a doomed vessel heading off a cliff. The point of being on this doomed vessel is that it is A: not in Japan B: has a cultural stake in seeing her as more than just the vindictive celebrity girlfriend who turned crazy and broke up with her partner for no reason, and C: is paying her a lot of money and giving her a lot of freedom, contractually. Her plan is to do her best, obviously not be at fault when this situation explodes, and collect on the goodwill she'll have earned by trying very hard to be a saint to an obvious weird alien that doesn't have backlash and doesn't care to try to work with anyone else ever. Gotta think long term with these things.

She just nods, and steps inside to sit at a comfortable chair.


"Right, I'll be right back." Pause. "He's a good person. It's a tough, uh, he'll. He's spiky. But he's a good person."


"Okay," she agrees, still a little bemused.


"Right-o. Be right back."

And off he goes, slipping out and closing the door behind himself.


Okay. She'll just, uh, wait here, then. And play games on her phone while she waits.


"Sunbae! So good to see you."




"Any missions today?"


"Not until the evening."

Which is weird, usually HQ has his schedule jam-packed.


"Oh! That's rare," he says. "In that case, mind coming with me a bit? There's someone I want you to meet."





"Excellent. So how's, ah, recovery going?"


Eyebrow twitch. "Fine. It wasn't a hard dungeon."


Which you solo'd.

"Good, good." Ahh how does he... He doesn't, actually. If he just stays quiet, Tae-gun isn't going to care. He can just lead the way.




Walk walk walk here's the lift oh there's a star-struck newbie there that Tae-gun is ignoring cool cool here's the room. 

"...don't be too mad at prez?"


"...why would I—"


But Woo-young doesn't wait for the penny to drop and pushes the door open. "Kim Hye-jin-shi, sorry for making you wait. This is Lee Tae-gun. Tae-gun-sunbae, this is—uh?"


Tae-gun is frozen in place, and Hye-jin will know exactly why.

It usually takes touch for espers to get a good read on each other, but as soon as the door opened she could feel his presence. She wouldn't need to touch him to tell: they're more compatible than Hye-jin has ever been with anyone.




Well, they were going to pretty obviously be compatible, what with being literally fire and ice, and all. But. Uh. Wow. It kind of makes her want to run immediately, actually.

But she's a grownup, so she'll stand up and - she's supposed to shake his hand probably but he's staring at her like she's the most horrifying thing he's ever seen, so she'll instead just do what's comfortable and bow.

"Um. Hello," she says, a little lamely.


He follows suit, saying, "Nice to meet you, hoobaenim," mechanically.


"—right, this is Kim Hye-jin, she's transferring over from White Star Guild in Japan."


He straightens up. "Woo-young."


"So the Guild was thinking—"



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