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intoxicated by the urge
to depend on others
Permalink Mark Unread

    "Hey. It's going to be fine. Lee Tae-gun is there, isn't he?"

"I know, I know, but..." She glances out the airport windows which open to the lanes and planes themselves and looks at the pitch-black circle floating above the floor there, its edges glowing red and swaying and crackling ominously. "It's still scary. This is an international airport. Can you think of a worse place for that thing to have opened up?"

    "How are people reacting over there?"

She looks around, then back at her shoes. "They all seem pretty chill, actually... Just watching and taking pics and stuff. Guess I'm the only one who's freaking out. But I mean, what if something goes wrong? We're like sitting ducks here, right next to—"

    "Hey. Hey. Relax. No need to panic, okay? Lee Tae-gun will handle it. He's a machine, he's got a hundred percent clearance rate. He hasn't failed once."

"Yeah, but still—"

    "Hold on," her sister says. Then, "Yes! Look out the window!"

She does, and her chin drops while she watches the edges of the portal slowly turn green. "He did it?"

    "Yes! Look!"

"I'm the one who's here, how come you saw it before me," she grumbles.

    "Well, I'm watching the live broadcast and knowing you you weren't even looking."

She can't really argue. While she thinks of something to say, though, the edges of the portal finish turning completely green and it starts emitting a loud vmmmming sound and getting brighter and brighter. "What's that noise—"

    "That's normal, don't worry! When a dungeon—" The sound stops, then, and the black surface of the portal starts to ripple. "Hey, look. Here comes Lee Tae-gun."

The woman tries to watch closer and—

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A man emerges from the dungeon portal. He's wearing a plain white T-shirt, black slacks and a long black jacket, and heavy-duty leather boots. Blue ice shards follow and surround him, floating with the same purpose his steps carry, but one by one they start melting away into nothing. At the same time, new ice shards appear, as big as skateboards, forming a set of floating steps he climbs down to reach the floor from the portal, and then those, too, disappear.

He has a calm, serene look on his face, and when he spots the TV helicopter with a camera crew filming him from above he offers them a smile for a second.

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    "I know, right?"

"It's one thing to see him on TV but—"

    "He's gorgeous, right? I'm so jealous."

"I think I'm in love."

    "Are you taking pictures?? Take pictures!!!"

"—right! I will!"

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After a few more seconds he lifts his right hand to eye level, index and middle fingers pressed together and pointing forward, and slides them down in the air, which causes a holographic screen to appear floating before him. He taps at it, gives the cameras another smile and a wave, then presses a button that makes him disappear in a flash of light.

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    "Does he really look that perfect from closer up?"

"It's like he walked out of a magazine or something. Aren't espers meant to get, like, super messed up after using their powers, if they don't have partners? He went in solo, didn't he?"

    "That's Lee Tae-gun for you. Backlashes are for other people."

"Seriously. —anyway, the plane is going to be late, obviously, but I'll be there soon."

    "Cool, see you!"

"See you, unnie," she says, hanging up and watching the portal to the dungeon slowly dissipate into the air.

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Lee Tae-gun appears in the foyer of his isolation site, his forced smile melting away with his composure, and he doesn't make it to his bedroom before collapsing.





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Kim Hye-jin is resolutely not reading any news articles, at all. None of them. They are all off limits, because any one of them might be about her, and even some of the tabloid-like headlines are enough to set off her already extremely frayed temper. Best to just swear off the whole thing for the next month, or two, or three, and tolerate being a little bit out of the loop while she puts the pieces of her life back together. This will not be made better by setting anything on fire, even if she might feel better afterwards. While she's a good enough esper to not endanger anything or anyone with any totally justified fiery outbursts, she - has some habits she needs to break, because the consequences of backlash are now actually a real concern for her.

She's got a contract with a Korean guild that's supposed to maybe fix that, but even they are a bit dubious about this being something solid. In fact, she's not convinced the guy this guild wants to set her up with even has backlash, which leaves her kind of in the lurch, doesn't it. Apparently the man has also avoided any and all partnerships with anyone in the past half decade. So. He's probably some kind of alien, and she shouldn't expect it to work out. She'll try anyway, out of sheer professional integrity, but if it fails, she won't be particularly broken up about it. It's mostly an excuse, anyway. They're offering her transportation to Korea from Japan, a generous salary, a neat little not-at-fault exit clause for if this doesn't work out (which they really seem to expect it to), and if she likes the guild itself she can get a new contract with them after. That makes it the best way to stop sharing a country with her previous partner as fast as possible.

So she'll attempt to make it work with the some-kind-of-alien, and if this means she has to tank her own backlash for the next year or something, fine. She'll live.

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The foyer of Quasar Guild HQ is clean and professional but not bare or too utilitarian; they have an image to uphold, after all, and it wouldn't do to look anything but welcoming.

One of the walls is taken over by a cute small café with a few sitting and standing tables, while the center is dominated by a beautiful fountain with pretty karp swimming in it, surrounded by benches. The doors outside are glass set on glass and the reception desk is across the hall from them. The last wall has four elevators sectioned off from the rest of the room by swing turnstiles which require either a visitor's pass or registered biometrics to pass through, and heavy-duty security people stand at attention by the turnstiles. The floor is marble and the walls are polished steel, and there are two muted TVs hanging behind the reception showing two different news channels, one of which is showing a section on Korea's only S-ranked combat esper, Lee Tae-gun—a.k.a. her prospective partner.

The area is moderately busy, with a few groups of people having coffee or standing around chatting or just sitting by the fountain admiring it.

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The teleport she accepts does not drop her immediately into any kind of social situation. Which is good, she's pretty sure everyone involved would hate that. She has a courtesy half-hour before they are going to put the espers in the same room together and see if they can successfully make nice. So she checks in at reception, gets herself a cup of coffee and a muffin from the café, and munches it while she informs her aunt that she made it safely to the appropriate country. Apparently there was some kind of something at the international airport? Anyway, she was teleported, it's fine. Thank you for your hospitality while I get my feet under me, looking forward to seeing you tonight, etc.

Once she finishes with her muffin and coffee (both pretty good, actually, having an in-house café is nice) she heads up to the office the meetup is supposed to happen. She's early, of course.

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She's intercepted by a man with long green hair tied in a ponytail and brown eyes behind large, thin-rimmed glasses. "Kim Hye-jin-nim? My name is Min Woo-young," he says, offering his hand to shake.

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Oh, a handshake, that's - okay, sure, yeah, she came prepared to handshake today, if admittedly not with this person. This is going to be the first of her cultural hiccups, isn't it. Well, she wanted to not be in Japan anymore. "Pleasure to meet you, Min Woo-young-shi. I'm not too early, am I? I can wander around the headquarters a little while longer, if that would be better...?"

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Min Woo-young is also, it seems, an esper, but they are so not compatible it's not even funny. Whatever his backlash is, it has nothing to do with hers.

"No, no, you're great, it's great that you're here early, actually. Tae-gun-sunbae will be here soon, too, so I can introduce you two." He starts walking to lead the way to the meeting room.

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Yep, see, this is why Japan does bowing instead of handshakes for most circumstances. That wasn't physically uncomfortable, exactly, but wow it sure is a thing to get a blatant 'not at all compatible.' Sort of like walking up to a closed door, or maybe a sidewalk abruptly ending in front of her. She supposes she'll have to get used to it.

"Sounds good, thank you." She will dutifully follow. Look at her, so easygoing and not at all like the fire breathing princess the Japanese media portrays her as.

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"So have you just arrived in Seoul? Anything you're looking forward to?" he asks, conversationally.

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"Just arrived, yes. I mailed my luggage ahead, it's safely arrived at my aunt's. I'll be staying with her for the next little while, and one of my cousins is excited to show me the sights, so I'll be letting her lead me around."

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"You're not staying at any of the guild lodgings?"

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Nooooope, she wants a life outside of your guild, thank you, she has already experienced some major downsides to letting professional and personal lives intertwine! She's not saying that.

"I haven't seen my father's family in years! I couldn't pass up this opportunity to reconnect," she demurs.

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He can read between the lines well enough. "Will you be using a guild-provided silo or your own? —I don't have any sort of official interest, to be clear, I'm just some guy."

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"Depends on how things work out with my prospective partner, doesn't it? But I'd had my own, in Tokyo." And boy did that turn out to be a good idea, didn't it, that she could just lock Fujita Hideyoshi right out and have no one able to do a damn thing about it. No pressure or 'what happened' or 'well have you tried talking to him again' or anything that might make her set anything on fire. An isolation room that is actually isolating! Imagine that! No corporate meddling to speak of.

She's trying to be casual and friendly, but: yeah this is in fact a sore subject for her, so please stop pushing.

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He didn't mean to push! He was just curious. 

"Yeah, that makes sense."






"So, Tae-gun-sunbae can be a bit difficult."

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Yep. She got that from how many prospective partners he's gone through, how much they're paying her to be here, and the very generous no-fault exit clause on the contract. Not to mention the teleport. That is not normal guild recruitment behavior.

"So I've heard." Well, surmised, but same thing. "Anything I should be aware of?"

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"Just... don't take it personally? He's not gonna insult you or anything but he's... very guarded."

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Guarded honestly sounds so great to her right now, though? After everything. Yes, keeping each other at arms' length sounds fantastic, sign her up. She doesn't say that, either.

"I'm fine keeping our relationship strictly professional," she says, instead, which is almost the same thing.

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"No, umm..." This is awkward. "He might—probably will—outright refuse to work with you at all."

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Yeah, she figured that, too.

"... So, even if we don't do the typical esper partner thing of mutual backlash reduction, working together can nonetheless reduce it for both of us even if we never touch? From an efficiency of power used standpoint. Magnification of each other's strengths and covering each other's weaknesses and whatnot."

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"Oh yeah, but prez—I mean the guild president is calling in a favour to ask him to actually work together. ...backlash management might be harder but we'll—ah we're here." Here's a door to a nice meeting room with some comfortable chairs and a beautiful table. "Anyway, we'll figure it out?"

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This guy doesn't seem to understand that she's well aware she's on a doomed vessel heading off a cliff. The point of being on this doomed vessel is that it is A: not in Japan B: has a cultural stake in seeing her as more than just the vindictive celebrity girlfriend who turned crazy and broke up with her partner for no reason, and C: is paying her a lot of money and giving her a lot of freedom, contractually. Her plan is to do her best, obviously not be at fault when this situation explodes, and collect on the goodwill she'll have earned by trying very hard to be a saint to an obvious weird alien that doesn't have backlash and doesn't care to try to work with anyone else ever. Gotta think long term with these things.

She just nods, and steps inside to sit at a comfortable chair.

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"Right, I'll be right back." Pause. "He's a good person. It's a tough, uh, he'll. He's spiky. But he's a good person."

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"Okay," she agrees, still a little bemused.

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"Right-o. Be right back."

And off he goes, slipping out and closing the door behind himself.

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Okay. She'll just, uh, wait here, then. And play games on her phone while she waits.

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"Sunbae! So good to see you."

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"Any missions today?"

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"Not until the evening."

Which is weird, usually HQ has his schedule jam-packed.

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"Oh! That's rare," he says. "In that case, mind coming with me a bit? There's someone I want you to meet."

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"Excellent. So how's, ah, recovery going?"

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Eyebrow twitch. "Fine. It wasn't a hard dungeon."

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Which you solo'd.

"Good, good." Ahh how does he... He doesn't, actually. If he just stays quiet, Tae-gun isn't going to care. He can just lead the way.

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Walk walk walk here's the lift oh there's a star-struck newbie there that Tae-gun is ignoring cool cool here's the room. 

"...don't be too mad at prez?"

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"...why would I—"

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But Woo-young doesn't wait for the penny to drop and pushes the door open. "Kim Hye-jin-shi, sorry for making you wait. This is Lee Tae-gun. Tae-gun-sunbae, this is—uh?"

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Tae-gun is frozen in place, and Hye-jin will know exactly why.

It usually takes touch for espers to get a good read on each other, but as soon as the door opened she could feel his presence. She wouldn't need to touch him to tell: they're more compatible than Hye-jin has ever been with anyone.

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Well, they were going to pretty obviously be compatible, what with being literally fire and ice, and all. But. Uh. Wow. It kind of makes her want to run immediately, actually.

But she's a grownup, so she'll stand up and - she's supposed to shake his hand probably but he's staring at her like she's the most horrifying thing he's ever seen, so she'll instead just do what's comfortable and bow.

"Um. Hello," she says, a little lamely.

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He follows suit, saying, "Nice to meet you," mechanically.

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"—right, this is Kim Hye-jin, she's transferring over from White Star Guild in Japan."

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He straightens up. "Woo-young."

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"So the guild was thinking—"

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"—that since you're probably pretty compatible—"

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He looks at Hye-jin again. "Apologies, Kim Hye-jin, but I'm afraid there must have been some confusion."

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Blink blink.

".... Of... them not telling you, and. Just springing me on you out of nowhere. Yes, that. Would be very confusing, wouldn't it."

Is that a hint of anger from the fire esper? Why, yes! Yes it is!!

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"I'm not sure if it's been discussed with you, though I can't imagine it wouldn't have, but I don't take partners—"

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"—so I'm afraid you may have wasted a trip—"

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"The guild president is calling in his favour," says Min Woo-young with an expression that said he had been really hoping he wouldn't have to bring it up.

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Tae-gun stops talking and looks at him.

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"He would like you to really pretty please try to work with her?" he says, dropping to casual speech.

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"Look, frankly I'm not comfortable working with a guild that attempts to stealth teleport in potential partners for their people without their -" no, bad Hye-jin, do not start yelling, you are trying to be a nice fire witch. The way his backlash is already pushing against her from this far away says some things, like this maybe actually being that kind of emergency. Even if it's personally distasteful, to the extreme. ".... Could you just. Give us a moment, please? Outside?"

Her smile is slightly terrifying. She may or may not back up this request with fire. It depends on how she's pushed.

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He straightens up further and says, "Yes, of course. I'll, uh—" The president is going to be unhappy about this. "I'll leave you to it."

And he vanishes in a flash of light.

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Tae-gun stops talking and pinches the bridge of his nose.

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She gets out of her chair and very carefully and deliberately relocates to the other side of the room, as far away from the door as possible, to give him the most space she can.

"Okay. Uh. I wasn't aware you didn't know, so. I apologize for my part in surprising you like this."

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"...it is certainly not your fault. I'm the one who should apologise for the situation the guild is putting you in."

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"It's fine. I've been in worse guild politics, actually. Honestly, getting it out of the way early means it's much cleaner and easier. Less entrenched and personal." She looks away from him, anxiously tapping her fingers on the table. So, uh, try to head West, then...? Her English isn't great but maybe America's guild culture is a bit less, uh, this? Maybe??

... But that backlash is really fucking bad....

"How... long have you been doing this?" she asks, still trying to digest the. The thatness. That is contained within this man.

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"I can feel the storm of backlash from here, dude, I'm not sure I could live in the same city as you and not eventually notice. How long have you been doing this to yourself??"

That last part came out with a bit more bite than intended, and she winces. "Sorry. Just. Look, I almost understand where your guild is coming from, you're going to give yourself an aneurysm or something like this."

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"I can manage it," he says, shuffling uncomfortably.

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"Right up until your aneurysm! Or stroke! Or heart attack! Or... I don't even know what flavor of backlash you get, but whatever it is. You will, until it kills you, and it's going to. And you know it, and your guild knows it, and, fucking hell, what kind of fucked up partnerships do they have here that it's better to do that to yourself than - sit next to someone regularly. Forget holding hands, sitting next to each other would probably help you at this point!"

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Tae-gun would really like to argue but actually he cannot. Just being in her presence is... helping. He's not acutely backlashing right now, he doesn't go out in public when he is, but the mounting pressure is...

...for someone as compatible with him as she seems to be...

"I don't work with partners," he repeats. "I—"

But he's interrupted by his phone ringing. When he looks at the caller ID he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "Do you mind if I take this?"

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“Go ahead.” If it’s your guild president, tell him to shove up his contract up his ass. And, oh, she quits.

She doesn't say this, but it’s perhaps obvious from her expression.

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He doesn't actually step away, but the phone's volume is low enough that a regular human wouldn't have been able to use it at all and Hye-jin can't hear the other side from where she is. "Guild president-nim," he says, adopting a much more formal tone of speech than Min Woo-young had been using earlier.

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"...yes, I've met her. Yes. Yes, obviously. Yes—"

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"—yes. I know. I—"

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He stops talking for a second then closes his eyes again. "No. No, of course not."

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Another pause. "...I see. And that's—" Pause.

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A much, much longer pause.

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And a defeated sigh. "Yes, guild president-nim." Pause. "Yes, guild president-nim." Pause. "No, guild president-nim." And a final pause. "Yes, guild president-nim." Then he hangs up.

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Yeah. Yeah, she thought that was the guild president.

“Let me guess. Telling you to make nice with me for at least a little while, so you live long enough to make it to someone you like better?” she asks, looking, uh. Like she wants to burn this building to the ground a little. Because she does. Arson is unfortunately a crime, though.

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"Yes. Something like that."

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“Mhm. Didn’t seem to occur to him that this little stunt might piss me off, though, did it.” Her? Bitter? Yes. Yes she is. Same old games. New fucking country. She looks away, and consciously clamps down on her urge to make a little mote of fire to properly express herself. She’s being responsible with her backlash.

“Look. If you want to kill yourself with your powers in the longest, most indirect, and painful way possible, I won’t try to make you stop. I think you’re being a dumbass, but that’s your business, really. I’m not… whatever thing your guild is doing, I’m not a part of it. If you want me to stay and help you, I will, but because you want me to. If you don’t? I will absolutely burn every single bridge here on general principle.”

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"It's complicated."

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“Okay. Then I am going to stay here in this chair for now, and you can explain the complications to me, or not, or leave, or not. And you can decide what you do. Sound good?”

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"No. Let's just," sigh, "get this over with. I'll work with you."

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She doesn't love the lack of enthusiasm there, but, well. She was never expecting enthusiasm from him, and that sounds like actual consent. This is a step in the right direction, probably? It's hard to tell. She wants to leave Korea and put this guild on her blacklist forever and never have to think of this again. But also, she doesn't want to leave this poor man to kill himself. So, yeah. It sure is complicated.

"... All right. Then what does working with me look like to you, ideally?"

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"We go on missions together. We stay in range of each other. We do not touch. We do not share an isolation site. We are not friends, and we definitely do not," a flash of irritation, quickly smoothed over, "grow closer."

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"That sounds perfect," says Hye-jin, nodding. "Strictly professional."

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Yeah. Hopefully.

"Have you been assigned any missions yet?"

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"No. I arrived in the country about an hour ago."

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He nods. "Then I will see you when you are." And he doesn't wait for a response before summoning a holographic screen and pressing a button that makes him disappear in a localised flash of blue light.

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That seems like a horrible waste of the teleportation reserve, but she supposes she just met the likely candidate who is responsible for keeping it topped off. She can understand wanting to tweak his nose a little. If admittedly very indirectly.

She'll instead use her legs and go tell... someone... that, yep. She is compatible with Lee Tae-gun and is looking forward to working with him, and she will bottle up her anger at being dropped like a tactical bomb on a man who did not know she was coming without any kind of heads up. That'll come out later, when dealing with someone responsible for this fiasco, probably. But no, seriously, what the fuck, guys.

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When she opens the door out of the room Min Woo-young is out there, looking like an anxious bee, leaning against a wall. He's not literally by the door but given esper senses he probably heard... most of it? Unless he just teleported there, which is also likely.

"...hello," he says, looking awkward as hell. He was probably just caught between the higher-ups and Tae-gun and was almost certainly not involved in any decisionmaking, especially given that he called Tae-gun "sunbae" earlier. "How... did it go?" he asks, suggesting that he didn't actually eavesdrop.

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She stares at him. It's hard to tell, from here, if he's one of those people responsible for this fiasco. But it's not hard to tell from where he's standing that: oh, yeah, she's. She's pissed.

"We have agreed we're compatible enough to work together in a professional capacity," she says, downright frostily. "So. Success for Quasar, really."

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He winces and looks at his feet. "...I'm sorry. For the, for this whole—I swear we're not usually like this. It was—" It would not be a good look to blame it on prez even though it was prez's idea. It would also not be a good look to make excuses even if they're true. He can apologise for his own mistakes, though. "I'm sorry for not telling you in advance. I didn't mean to hide it from you, it just—slipped my mind." Because he was so frazzled and worried about sunbae.

Damn it, Woo-young, you're usually a lot better at this.

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She continues staring at him.

"In the future," she says, still in the same frigid corporate tone, "I find it much easier to work in a professional capacity when I know what I'm getting into. This should have been explained to me at the contract level, before I met you." A last minute 'oh by the way, he doesn't know you're coming,' does not cut it either.

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Another wince. "I know. I'm not trying to make any excuses, I'm just... apologising. This was a huge blunder on our part." He straightens his back and bows to her, really really deeply. "I hope we can have a productive partnership and make it up to you," he says, without rising from the bow. Why is he speaking on behalf of the guild again? But clarifying it would once again sound like excuses.

He's going to yell at prez so much augh.

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Usually one would say the mirrored version of this, something something, productive partnership, let's all work together, something something. She doesn't.

"Is there anything else Quasar needs from me for today, before I get to settling in?"

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Woo-young finally stands up again. He was about to say that he doesn't actually know, which is half-true, but that'd make the guild look even more incompetent.

Maybe we deserve to look incompetent.

"I believe there was some finalising of the contract needed?" he ventures, that being the part he does half-know.

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"Oh, yes. There would be, wouldn't there."

Hye-jin is perfectly amenable to going forth and finalizing the contract. Well. In her own way.

"Sorry, I think there's a problem with this, actually," she says after she's sat down with the paperwork and a pen in front of her. Casually as can be, she picks up the contract and then incinerates it. "The relocation to Korea has been more stressful than I'd anticipated, could I request a larger salary and housing stipend? I'm going to need a little bit more than I expected to get properly on my feet."

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"—oh?" asks the bureaucrat she's dealing with, looking kind of baffled. The concessions already present in the contract are... pretty generous already.

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(Woo-young, on the other hand, has to cover his mouth to hide a smile.)

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No. They aren't. They should be more generous. By a large margin. But she understands if Quasar can't manage this, she can just go back to Japan. She's sure they can find someone else who is compatible with Lee Tae-gun-sunbae that he's directly agreed to partner with. Despite his history of, you know. Not having any partners for years. And how he's so against having a partner they had to secretly set up his meeting with her. Definitely easy to find another compatible esper replacement, right? Right.

She apologizes for the inconvenience. While smiling like some kind of carnivore. Seoul has just been such a cultural shock, see.

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"I... I see. I can pass the request up the chain of command, then," as well as the report that she set the contract on fire what the f

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(And the count of people prez has fucked over with this mess goes up by one...)

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Please. An amateur would 'set the contract on fire.' She totally incinerated it, there's not even ashes left of that contract, and the fire was so efficient it didn't even set off smoke detectors. There's a difference.

"I also worry that the cultural gap between Lee Tae-gun-sunbae and myself might be more vast than I expected, and I would hate to put him in the awkward position of having a partner he's uncomfortable with." Therefore: both parties can dissolve this, at any point. No fault, at all. She will owe Quasar nothing, they will let her walk at any time, and they will like it because it means she will still work with them. Quasar will accept this change, or she will give her deepest, sincerest apologies and take the financial hit for reneging on the contract, for what is clearly an incompatibility, on her end.

But they will accept it. Won't they.

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"Ah, would you be willing to write down your requests, Kim Hye-jin-nim? That way we have no misunderstandings and we can verify what's feasible—"

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(Woo-young makes a throat cutting gesture at them, subtly, from where he's standing behind Hye-jin.)

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"—I mean, we can get it formalised to the satisfaction of all parties," she amends quickly.

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"Of course," she agrees, sugary sweet.

Her demands are extensive. They are not merciful. She is not making friends here, anymore. Quasar will pay her through the nose to get to work with her, in a capacity where she can walk at any time if she ever feels like it, and it will thank her for the privilege. Won't it.

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That's up to people higher up the hierarchy than she is! She's definitely not cleared to authorise changes this extensive to the contract.

They'll get back to her on it, if that's alright?

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Yes, of course. They have her phone number and email? Good, good. Then she'll be going now. Have a wonderful day, she'll be in touch.

And then she'll take her leave.

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Woo-young would feel kind of guilty drawing from the guild's storage of his power for this, but he's perfectly willing to spend his own storage to get to prez asap. He might be unable to walk when he gets there and he'll absolutely be completely immobile when he comes back but snuggling his partner Tae-hwan when he does will work well enough. He is in any case certain enough that this is worth the backlash. 

So he calls prez to make sure there's a chair waiting for him and teleports.

"You fucked up," are the first words out of his mouth after he collapses on the beach chair next to prez, in fucking Hawaii.

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"Hello to you, too, Woo-young, how are you doing?" he asks, sipping from a fruity drink.

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"No. Just no. You do not understand how much you fucked up."

The kind of informal—and even rude—speech that he's using with the guild president would probably be grounds for being fired from most other companies, but prez wants them to be buddies? He'll be buddies. Buddies who are pissed off at each other.

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"Relax, it's fine. It's working out, right? Hunny gunny accepted, didn't he?"

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"You fucked up with Kim Hye-jin."

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"Are you just completely unaware of what happened to her?"

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"She had a falling out with her partner—"

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"She and her partner looked like the dream couple, except for how he kept talking like he was the main contributor to their work when anyone with eyes could see she was clearly the powerhouse.

"And then, suddenly, they separate, he does the Japanese equivalent of venting in public, she immediately fucks off to Korea, the gossip mill is filled with people calling her a fire princess."

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"How do you think White Star Guild must've handled that, for her response to be that extreme? How do you think she's feeling right now about bureaucracy?

"Then she gets here, her welcoming party is me, a rescue esper whose only qualification is being Tae-gun-sunbae's best and maybe only friend—"

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"Hey, come on, now—"

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"And he gets dropped on her unsuspectingly because you couldn't afford to tell him in advance—"

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"You know he would've said no and avoided HQ for two weeks—"

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"But you could've told her, let her know your reasons and reasoning! You can't just hope dropping a lot of money on someone will just smooth over anything! Especially when she's already feeling jerked around by bureaucracy! And now she's feeling jerked around by us too because it looks like we only want her to appease our star boy."

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"Are you joking, she's an A-ranker."

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"And how many lines of her contract are spent on that versus on managing her relationship with sunbae? And what was the very first thing you scheduled for her before she'd even signed her contract? How do you expect her to feel valued for herself after this? I'm honestly surprised all she did was incinerate the contract and ask for more concessions."

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"She did what?"

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"And you know what? You're going to give her them. All of them. If she asks for a butler you give her one, if she asks for a helicopter you give her one, if she asks for a summer house in the Maldives and a winter house in the Alps you give her them, if she wants to set you on fire for half an hour you take it and thank her afterwards. You'll do some research on Japanese culture and find the humblest, most demeaning bow they have and you'll offer her it while you apologise and you'll pray to whatever gods or spirits you worship that you haven't ruined our professional relationship with her forever.

"Do you understand me?"

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"Woo-young I'm the guild president—"

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"Then act like it! It's all well and good if you want us to be a big happy family like that's a real thing but she's an outsider who has no reason to overlook this disaster of an introduction. This may have been a hiccup that sunbae will get over soon but to her it's all she's seen of the guild."

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"Alright! Alright! I get it! I fucked up! I'll fix it!"

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"Anything she asks for. Anything. We can repair third degree burns but I'm not confident we can repair this relationship. But you have to try. Not just for sunbae, for her, because she's not just here for sunbaeGrovel."

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"I will, I will! Geeze, Woo-young, I haven't seen you this mad in a while."

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"And I haven't seen you fuck something up this thoroughly in a while. I know sunbae is special but that doesn't mean you get to treat other people as unimportant."

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"I didn't—" Pause.





"You're right. That was what I was doing, wasn't it?"

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"Yes it was."

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"I just—you know how hunny gunny is, you saw his phys reports, he won't last two more years at this rate, I just..." He runs a hand through his hair, and he can't hide the note of pain in his voice.

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Woo-young sighs, too. "I know. I know. I'm worried about him, too. But that's no excuse. Do it right. You're still the company president and you need to act like it regardless of how worried you are about sunbae."

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"Yeah. You're right. I get it. I'm sorry."

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"I'm not the one you need to apologise to."

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"I'm sorry for putting you in this situation if nothing else. I'll... figure it out. Or I'll do my best to."

Woo-young successfully imparted on him that it may not in fact be possible to fix it, but he's gotta try.

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"You're forgiven. For the part that involves me. 

"...now get me something cold and alcoholic to drink and a cigarette, I've got a headache and my legs are throbbing and Tae-hwan won't be available to catch me for another two hours."

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Kim Hye-jin gets settled in to her aunt's guest bedroom. She'll go apartment hunting, at some point. That's really much more comfortable than living out of a guest room, and if she's going to be working here, which she probably will, she's going to want it sooner rather than later. She's tempted to pick another city to apartment hunt in, just to make that fucking guild foot the cost of constant teleports, but. That would probably just end up as inconvenient for her more than anything. Not the proper twist of the knife that she wants.

She excuses herself from her family with how she's very tired and still has some work to get done - that last part is even true, considering her contract's still up in the air - and closes the door to her tiny, pathetic living space for the foreseeable future. Quasar offered her lodgings on the guild's dime, she could have accepted. The places they'd offered seemed nice. Spacious. Quiet. Lots of aesthetic options and room to breathe and make whatever place she chose hers. She's glad she didn't, even if she feels like she's suffocating in this tiny room that it's painfully clear she doesn't belong in.

Then she sits on the bed, and very quietly, stifling herself so that no one else in this house can hear her, she sobs.

Stupid girl. Why would you think any of it would be different just because you fled the country?

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The only reason Tae-gun doesn't immediately collapse when he gets home after that meeting is because the pitiful amounts of guiding he got from just being near Kim Hye-jin for a few minutes are still carrying him. 

It doesn't last long, though. He manages to stumble into his room, barely, breathing hard and flushed from head to toe, but he loses his ability to stay up halfway into taking his clothes off.

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It's ridiculous. He hasn't used his powers—the opposite. He shouldn't be feeling any backlash right now. But he knows that what's happening is a sort of rebound reaction, like drinking a small sip of cold water in the scorching desert and realising once again just how hot you are.

Hot, and in pain, pain that he's been carrying for years and learned to ignore but that eased a fraction for a few minutes.

Hot, in pain, and exhausted, exhaustion he pushes through every day but that got momentarily lifted, while he was in Kim Hye-jin's presence.

It's been five years since the last time he had a partner, the last time he had anyone compatible like that, and it was a disaster. And, really, "like that" isn't true, because he's never met someone this compatible, he wasn't aware it was possible to be this compatible with someone. He'd heard of people who could guide each other from a distance like that, but he thought that was exaggerations, he's certainly never met anyone who claimed to have ever gotten a partner like that.

He's overheated, and in pain, and exhausted, but above all, he's...

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Tae-gun hates it. He hates himself, and he hates his backlash. He hates that the opposite of "cold" is hot, and that it means that, means that, means that he spent that entire meeting picturing increasingly-implausible ways he could get her clothes off, could get her to touch him, kiss him, bite him, fuck him, ride him for hours like there's no tomorrow. Even now he can still see her face, clear as day, and he can imagine what she'd look like in all sorts of situations.

Does she make noises? What faces does she make? What would she look like when it's just her and him? What does her body look like, what will he see when he strips her naked, what does her skin feel like, taste like—

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His house doubles as his silo, and there are protocols for preventing him from leaving, from requesting a teleport, because his ability for rational thinking goes out the window when he's like this. When he's more possessed of self-control he can easily navigate the security systems to let him through, but in his state he can't think of anything but touching himself and her.

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After about half an hour, though, he's managed to calm himself down enough to reach for his meds in his bedside table's drawer. He takes them dry, chews and swallows so that they'll take effect more quickly, and waits.

He doesn't want to wait, he wants to keep touching himself, he's already had several orgasms, he wasn't counting, and his motor is still going, but he knows that the meds will soon work the way into his system and then he'll be. Fine. Better, at least. More in control. In possession of his faculties.

More like himself.

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🐣qt patoo t: OMG
🐣qt patoo t: I think hunny gunny has a partner now???

taegun fan no. 1183: what r u talking abt

🐣qt patoo t: I saw him going into a meeting room that Kim Hye-jin had gone into earlier
🐣qt patoo t: then I saw her go to legal??

taegun fan no. 1183: ...r u forreal?

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kitkatcat: there were some strings pulled because Woo-young teleported off to talk to prez right after.
💤Zzzzgirl: I saw her and she's gorgeous. Full marks, would want to be in that room between both of them.
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🍸nomu?: Kim Hye-jin, like, the fire princess?

🐣qt patoo t: yeah! her!

taegun fan no. 1183: fire princess? what's the T?

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kitkatcat: fire a-rank from Japan, had a falling out with her partner. apparently she was a massive pain to work with?
💤Zzzzgirl: okay but like, how sure are we that he's not just mad he lost that, because I'd be mad I lost that.
kitkatcat: idk, my japanese isn't great and all of the articles don't have korean translations
🍵Tconnoisseur: she totally set her contract on actual fire, I just heard Seo-Ah bitch about needing to redo a bunch of stuff and basically rewrite the whole thing.

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🍸nomu?: that's not gonna last

taegun fan no. 1183: hey, if she set the contract on fire to ask for revisions it means she wants to stay, ye?

yoo-min-max: how's that copium supply going, need some more?

taegun fan no. 1183: look a girl can hope that people she looks up to will get nice things!

yoo-min-max: you sure you're not just trying to live vicariously through her and get a piece of hunny gunny's @$$?

MODERATOR ANNOUNCEMENT: Please do not use vulgar language or make sexual remarks in the group chat, and do not use terms of endearment for other members.

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kittykatcat: omg did she really???
kittykatcat: @SeoAAAAAA, hey, hey did she actually set the contract on fire, like, in front of you???
kittykatcat: because wow we really did pick up a fire princess didn't we.
💤Zzzzgirl: you could say she's....
💤Zzzzgirl: hot.
🍵Tconnoisseur: why do I give my hot goss to this chat again, I don't do this for the bad puns.
💤Zzzzgirl: cmon on that was funny!
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🆘SeoAAAAAA: you guys know i'm not allowed to talk about it
🆘SeoAAAAAA: even if, hypothetically speaking, it had in fact been the case that a new recruit had somehow managed to set a contract on fire so completely that not even ashes remained and yet somehow not trigger the fire alarm
🆘SeoAAAAAA: i would not be allowed to tell you guys about it

🐣qt patoo t: holy wowers so it's true

🍸nomu?: maybe she can deal with sunbae's backlash

taegun fan no. 1183: Tae-gun-sunbae doesn't have a backlash

yoo-min-max: no one knows what his backlash is like

taegun fan no. 1183: Tae-gun-sunbae doesn't have a backlash!

🍸nomu?: i bet @youngwoo knows

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🧋youngwoo: Tae-gun-sunbae doesn't have a backlash

🐣qt patoo t: omg you're here didn't you go talk to prez
🐣qt patoo t: what happened?

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kitkatcat: tell ussssssss. is our boy going to be okay with her. is his perfect face safe from any burns??
kitkatcat: do we need to avoid the new girl for fear of her fiery wrath??
🍵Tconnoisseur: found a video of her fiery wrath
💤Zzzzgirl: omg!!!!!!
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🧋youngwoo: you don't need to worry, she's cool
🧋youngwoo: prez though is in hot effing water

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taegun fan no. 1183: honestly he deserves it

🐣qt patoo t: what'd he do?

taegun fan no. 1183: what didnt he do?

🍸nomu?: preach

yoo-min-max: hey though that video is rly cool
yoo-min-max: is that limp blob next to her her old partner?
yoo-min-max: good riddance, our hunny gunny is way cooler and hotter

MODERATOR ANNOUNCEMENT: User @yoo-min-max has been muted for ten minutes.

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💤Zzzzgirl: ymm died a hero
💤Zzzzgirl: F
🍵Tconnoisseur: F.
kitkatcat: f
🛡️discountraidcaptain: okay but she moved all the way from japan, can we try to be really nice to her guys, I bet she's going through some stuff.
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taegun fan no. 1183: legit, esp if she gets on well with sunbae

🍸nomu?: no, dude, just regardless, she's not here to be tae-gun-sunbae's emotional support esper, she's her own person

taegun fan no. 1183: sorry, mb, thats not what i meant

🍸nomu?: what did you mean?

taegun fan no. 1183: just that since their partnered if they get on well shell be here a long time probly

🍸nomu?: oh
🍸nomu?: yeah legit

🐣qt patoo t: we gotta give her a warm quasar welcome!

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kitkatcat: yeah for sure, if nothing else I love her style!
💤Zzzzgirl: the warmest welcome for our warmest esper!
🍵Tconnoisseur: why are you like this.
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taegun fan no. 1183: sunbae has a mission tonite ne?
taegun fan no. 1183: think theyll be together?

🍸nomu?: mission on the first day? unlikely

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🧋youngwoo: you guys realise that sunbae's in this chat, right?

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🍸nomu?: yeah but he never reads it

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Tae-gun sighs and closes the chat app. He should, actually, start preparing for his mission; his meds have stabilised him but he has research to do on the dungeon.

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The next day, Hye-jin gets an email saying that the guild president would like to meet with her at her earliest convenience, no need to schedule in advance.

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Mhm, mhm. So, she doesn't have any openings until tomorrow. So sorry. She's very busy, see. Her lawyer should have contacted them about the contract revisions? Are they acceptable?

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Yes, they most certainly did receive the revisions, and they most certainly are all acceptable. No rush, though! He'll be here whenever.

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Of course. She'd hate to burden his no doubt busy schedule. She thanks him for his consideration and time.

(She is going to get a tour around Seoul from her delighted cousin! And throw lots of money at buying nice things for the both of them! They will be having fun and she is not thinking of fucking Quasar at all for the next twenty four hours.)

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Quasar will wait. Patiently.

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It had better.

The next day, she shows up at 6:30 AM in spotless and expensive business attire and heels. Hello! She's here to see the guild president, is he available right now?

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They've been told to expect her. "Kim Hye-jin-nim? He's available, yes. Would you like to be shown to his office?"

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"Yes, please, if you would."

It's slightly disappointing that this doesn't seem to be outrageously annoying to him. Damn it. She should have made it 5 AM instead, but that would have been too obviously hostile. Sigh...

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So this receptionist will themself lead her to the top floor of the building then all the way to the end of a hallway to the president's office. They knock, then open the door. "Guild president-nim? Kim Hye-jin is here to see you."

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"Ah, yes, please invite her in."

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The receptionist steps aside and opens the door further, showing an office that is... normal? Not really that ostentatious at all. It's perhaps not the most utilitarian, and it's large enough to have two sofas and a center table before the desk, but for all that it's not huge and doesn't have pretentious paintings and sculptures or anything showy like that.

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However, perhaps most relevantly to Hye-jin will be the fact that it does look like the guild president was bothered by the early hour. He has bags under his eyes and a hot cup of hastily-bred instant coffee and his shirt is slightly crooked where it goes into his trousers. All in all, it looks like he was woken up the moment she arrived and rushed to become minimally presentable at inhuman speeds. Beyond that, he looks like a pretty unremarkable middle-aged man, with dark hair and a clean-shaven face.

"Welcome, Kim Hye-jin-nim," he says, which, as the president: damn. "Would you like anything to eat or drink? Coffee? Tea?" He's using extremely formal language and honorific verbs for her, just a step below what a humble servant would use when talking with nobility.

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Oh, good. That makes her feel better. She looks completely perfect and professional. Also: hotter than hell itself, but that's normal for her.

She sees he has begun the groveling early. It pleases her, but it's not going to change a damn thing.

"No, I'd hate to waste any of your no doubt precious time, Park Yeonho-nim."

The way she says it is perfectly polite, humble, and... exactly as calculatingly distant as work colleagues. She does not sit.

"What did you wish to see me about, sir?"

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"Ah, yes." He clears his throat then gives the receptionist a look that they correctly interpret as asking them to leave and close the door behind them.

Once that's done, he gets down on his knees, then bows until his forehead is touching the floor. When he speaks, it's in Japanese. "I wish to humbly apologise for the way I have treated you since your arrival in this country. It was thoughtless and careless of your priorities and feelings, and very insensitive and poorly-thought out. I do not have excuses. I am truly, deeply sorry, and you would be in your rights to want nothing to do with Quasar ever again. I only request that you not blame the people I got involved in it; the fault lies entirely on me, and it would deeply shame me for my mistakes to be reflected on the people who count on me to lead and provide for them."

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Yeah, no. Good, but no. She inspects her nails.

"Apologize for my treatment?" she asks, faux innocently, still in Korean. "What treatment would that be? I was under the impression that the way my transfer went was ordinary Quasar policy. Was that not the case?"

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He remains where he is, but switches back to Korean. "It was most certainly not. From our first contact to the moment you met with Lee Tae-gun, including the way your contract was structured, you were treated as lesser and as someone whose contributions and emotions and individuality don't matter. That is not how Quasar is, nor how it should be; you should be valued for who you are, you are valued for who you are, and that I made such an inexcusably poor showing of it does not make it less true. I understand these words may ring hollow, but I mean every one of them. I would not wish you to leave under the impression that we just want to use you, or see you as an accessory to someone else, or as a replaceable pawn, because of my mistakes. Nothing could be farther from the truth."

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She hums, thoughtfully. "You know, from where I'm standing, I think you've just found the truth uncomfortable. Or possibly just that you're experiencing consequences and don't like them.

"Either way, you should be ashamed of yourself and your whole company. Do not kowtow there like this was a singular accident and not a series of them in favor of your primary concern. You have made yourself very clear. I would not be working with you at all if it were not for the state Lee Tae-gun-sunbae is in, which you are also accountable for. How long has he been without a partner? Who was in charge of setting up his last one? Did he get as much input there, as well? How did that go for him, to twitch like he does at the mere idea of a damn handshake? How much have you been treating him like he's not valued for who is is, hm? Sending him off on mission after mission, all by himself, while he's like that?"

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"...I cannot share... Lee Tae-gun's reasons for his choices. I can promise that I have tried to stop him from taking this many missions and he has not allowed me to. I do not wish to try to absolve myself of blame for that, either, but I care for him a great deal and do not, from where I'm standing, know what to do to help him—" He cuts himself off, but the emotion was getting strong in his voice there. "I'm sorry. I can't share more.

"If there is anything I can do to reassure you that I mean everything I say and that this was a mistake, I will do it. And if it is your wish that your relationship with the guild be limited to going on missions, then, that is your prerogative also. But there are many people here who would like to get to know you, if you'd give them the chance, who had nothing to do with this blunder of mine, and those doors will always be open to you regardless of what formal relationship you wish to have with the guild."

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She scoffs.

"So you and they can care for me as you did him? As you did me, the foreigner already once-burned by another guild that didn't treat me like a person, out of her element and uncomfortable and alone and -" she stops before she starts actually spitting fire. "No. I want nothing to do with you. Any of you. I'm here to save a man's life from your incompetence. That's all. You want to make it up to me? When I find another guild, which I will, you will give me a glowing recommendation. That's it. That's what I want. Certainly nothing to do with any of you."

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...well. That's that, then.

"I understand. I will not take up any more of your time, then." He finally pulls himself up to a kneel and then to his feet. "I have the contract here. If you wish to review it in your own time or with a lawyer we will wait until you are done to finish everything."

He fucked up. He really did. At this point he's probably just a CEO to her and nothing he says will be believed. Actions speak much louder than words, after all.

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They really, really do. He really is just a CEO to her, and all of his people are just - strings he could use to drag her back to use her some more. Risks that she will not be taking. Not for them.

"I'll take it and review it with my lawyer."

She gives a somewhat ironic bow, and then turns and departs. The clicks of her heels echoes through the office, and then the hallways, as she leaves the guild's HQ immediately after this meeting. No lingering, no getting coffee. Fuck you all.

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The contract includes all concessions she requested—no-fault dissolution by either party with no necessary advance warning, no accommodations to be provided by the guild, full control over her work hours—plus a monetary bonus in excess of what she asked for.

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Yeah, they are pretty fucked without her, aren't they. Makes sense that they'd pay her more than what she asked for, especially since she didn't buy the CEO's paper thin sob story when he realized how fucked his company would be if she went full scorched earth. Because that would be bad. If she takes what's been happening to Lee Tae-gun to the media? Yeah, they're really really fucked. She didn't and won't do that because the main person who would suffer from that is Lee Tae-gun, but. She could. It's an option. A horrible, awful option that would suck for everyone involved and ultimately not be worth it, probably, but an option nonetheless.

Anyway, fine, she'll sign it now. And then go apartment hunting.

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"So that was a disaster," he sighs.

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"If it had been a disaster you'd be in full-time war room mode dealing with the media fallout," he points out.

They're in the president's office, and Woo-young just came back from a rescue mission so he's in a wheelchair, while the president is sulking at his desk.

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"...yeah, fine, not that bad," he concedes. "She signed the contract. But that was all. She wants nothing to do with the guild, ever, at all. We are to assign her missions with Tae-gun, pay her, and that's that."

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"Can you blame her for it?"

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"Well—I mean—"

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"Prez," says Woo-young warningly.

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"What do you want me to say? Obviously I understand she'd be pissed and traumatised but it's—it's letting my mistake hurt my people, Woo-young."

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"Prez, she doesn't owe us shit. She could've gone to some other guild, she could've gone to Lucid—"

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He makes a face.

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"I know Lucid woulda been worse, you know Lucid woulda been worse, but she doesn't. It's, like, if you're bar hopping looking for someone to spend the night with a minor negative sign from someone will get you to keep looking, you won't insist on someone who gives you bad vibes just in case they might be your soulmate."

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"...do you do that, Woo-young?"

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"Don't change the subject. What do you want? Really, really? No bullshit, full honesty?"

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"...I feel like you're fishing for an answer."

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"Okay, then, I'll start for you. You want sunbae to not die—"

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"—and you also want him to be happy and healthy. You want all of your people to be happy and healthy, obviously, but the one you're failing the most blatantly is him."

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"Why does everyone insist on saying I'm failing him? It's self-inflicted!"

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"I know that, you know that, sunbae knows that, but you still feel responsible for it and it eats away at you and you hate it when it's pointed out."

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"Can we go back to last week when you didn't talk to me like this?"

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"You're the one who decided to get me involved, prez, so lie on the bed you made."

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Grumble grumble.

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"And obviously the fact that he's the face of the guild, Korea's most powerful esper, plausibly single-handedly responsible for over ten percent of the lives saved from dungeons in the country, is weighing heavy in your considerations, too."

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"...Min Woo-young. No."

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"No. If I treat him differently, it's because of who he is as a person. He is not a tool and he is not just 'the face of the company' or 'the most powerful esper in Korea'."

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He pauses and scrutinises prez's face. "Huh. You mean that."

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"If only Kim Hye-jin could see that too!"

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"Aaand you feel guilty."

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"I see we're back to stating obvious things."

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"No, I mean... you were considering her one of our people already, weren't you? That's... that's why. Huh. You'd... just already bucketed her in your head as one of us so you acted like she was. And so the fact that she refused is..."

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He flinches at that. Being read like filth is not pleasant to experience.

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"...man, that sucks."

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"You should've seen her, Woo-young. She looked... sad. It felt like I'd stabbed someone in the back. And it, it was such a small thing—"

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"Prez, she wasn't one of our people. She isn't. She's a stranger, we're strangers to her, and such a small thing will definitely colour her impression of us, and when you meet a stranger who treats you callously especially in a way that rings so close to something that just happened you go to the next bar and try your luck again."

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"Okay, seriously, do you—"

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"Not the point. The fact that she decided to stick around is—surprising, honestly. I mean, I don't think Lucid or anywhere else would offer such generous terms but my read on her is that she's not doing it for the money. And, I mean, let's be real, who amongst us is, you don't go into hell dimensions every other day—or multiple times a day, as the case may be—for money."

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"She's doing it for hunny gunny. She could tell how strong his backlash was."

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"...huh. I knew that, but... I'm surprised that was enough?"

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"That just makes it worse, you know? Her heart is in the right place, in a righter place than lots of other espers I could name. And now she's here, in a new country, without friends, and she won't even let people who could be her friends in because they're associated with me—"

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"Prez, that's really patronising."

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"She's an adult, she's an A-ranker, she doesn't need us to have friends. That's not how any of this works." Sigh. "Don't blow it up out of proportion either, okay? It'd be great if she worked out, with sunbae, and it'd be great if she could be one of our people, but we weren't hurting for people last week—"

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"I mean..."

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"—okay, yes, we're shortstaffed, but the entire world is, one extra esper isn't going to make or break anything and the important thing there is dungeons getting closed and people getting rescued, whether she joins us or not isn't that relevant.

"Point is, it didn't work out. That happens. And maybe something will change, maybe it won't, only time will tell, but if literally all we got out of this was a powerful A-ranker helping Korea out and maybe someone who can give sunbae a little bit of respite? That's winning, already. If someone rejects you because of your fuckup you say sorry, you learn not to do it again in the future, and you move on."

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"...alright, and if it doesn't work out with Tae-gun?"

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"Then we're still no worse off than last week. Arguably better, because this might shake us into trying to actually fix the problem."

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"How do we fix the problem?"

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"I don't know, prez. I really don't know. But whatever the solution is, it does not involve throwing an unsuspecting Tae-gun at an unsuspecting stranger and hoping for the best. That's unfair to her, and unfair to him."

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💤Zzzzgirl: our new fire princess had a meeting with prez.
💤Zzzzgirl: at 6:30!!!
💤Zzzzgirl: she just showed up, went in, met him, and left right after.
🍵Tconnoisseur: does that mean you're more of a zzzz girl than usual today, if you were up so early staring?
💤Zzzzgirl: absolutely.
💤Zzzzgirl: the most zzz.
💤Zzzzgirl: actually hold on.
Zzzzgirl has changed their nickname to ZzzZZZzzzgirl.
💤ZzzZZZzzzgirl: there, that's more accurate.
💤ZzzZZZzzzgirl: worth it though! no regrets!
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yoo-min-max: you know who was also up and has two thumbs? this guy!
yoo-min-max: she was there for like five minutes tops
yoo-min-max: you think prez had been sleeping in his office to wait for her or something?

🦔gangnagwhy were the two of you up so early

yoo-min-max: had an assignment at 4
yoo-min-max: the dungeon in gwangjin
yoo-min-max: was on my way back

🦔gangnag: damn that was a big one, congrats to you and @SenSoJoo

SenSoJoo: zzzzzz

🍸nomu?: who you talking to @gangnag?

🦔gangnag: ?
🦔gangnag: wdym?

🍸nomu?: just now, it looked like you were talking to someone

🦔gangnag: @yoo-min-max and @SenSoJoo

🍸nomu?: ah, ymm... taken from us so young... such promising talent, we'll never see anyone like him again

taegun fan no. 1183: F

🐣qt patoo t: F

yoo-min-max: wtf?

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kitkatcat: F. a hero to the end.
kitkatcat: died speaking the truth and came from beyond the grave to close a dungeon, too
kitkatcat: that's dedication.
💤ZzzZZZzzzgirl: sometimes it's like I can still hear his voice.
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yoo-min-max: what are you guys on about

ha-djinn: do none of you have work to do, do you just spend your whole day in this chat

🍸nomu?: half of us are risking our lives every day and the other half are enabling us, let us have our entertainment, man

taegun fan no. 1183: tru
taegun fan no. 1183: anyway anyone got a bead on when the new girls running her first dungeon?
taegun fan no. 1183: inquiring minds want to know

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ChoiBokBok: have her scheduled for a date this evening.
ChoiBokBok: with a dungeon, I mean
ChoiBokBok: hunny gunny will be there too I guess.
kitkatcat: you used that phrasing just to mess with us, didn't you.
ChoiBokBok: and you make it so easy!!!
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🍸nomu?: which one is it?
🍸nomu?: bet it's a big one, two heavy hitters like that

🐣qt patoo t: I don't know, their first run together, might not be that big?

taegun fan no. 1183: you doubt hunny gunnys prowess?

MODERATOR ANNOUNCEMENT: Please do not use terms of endearment for other members.

taegun fan no. 1183: @do-not-jin chill

🚫do-not-jin: I'm just doing my job, someone has to keep this chat PG so HR doesn't come at us.

taegun fan no. 1183: its just a nickname
taegun fan no. 1183: you didnt say anything when @ChoiBokBok said it

🚫do-not-jin: If I ever see him thirsting over Tae-gun the way you do I'll give him mod warnings, too.

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ChoiBokBok: you know my strict no spoiler policy.
💤ZzzZZZzzzgirl: think of the power of this chat if we were allowed to go full XXX. we'd be unstoppable.
kitkatcat: more like none of us would get any work done.
💤ZzzZZZzzzgirl: but think of all of the hilarious raunchy in jokes we'd make! it'd be glorious!
🛡️discountraidcaptain: if any of you see them before they head in, send my well wishes, I'm still out of town.
🛡️discountraidcaptain: but whatever it is, they got this. that dungeon's going to be so confused about what temperature it is.
kitkatcat: lol!
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yoo-min-max: you can still make hilarious raunchy in-jokes if you're willing to take the tempmute for the team

taegun fan no. 1183: this is bringing me back memories of ymm
taegun fan no. 1183: i can almost hear what hed say abt this
taegun fan no. 1183: sth abt how you should never be afraid of sacrificing urself... so brave......

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💤ZzzZZZzzzgirl: truly the greatest of men. we will miss him always. there is no way to fill the void of silence that he left
💤ZzzZZZzzzgirl: except maybe with constant pen clicking.
💤ZzzZZZzzzgirl: now I can't even listen to a pen click without tearing up. It just reminds me of him!
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yoo-min-max: what the fuck are you guys on

MODERATOR ANNOUNCEMENT: User @yoo-min-max has been muted for ten minutes.

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Their first mission together actually happens to be in Seoul. It's a small dungeon, relatively speaking, at least compared to ones Lee Tae-gun often goes after, but given that it'll be his first dungeon with a new partner it's good to start small, so thinketh Quasar. It appeared behind a shopping mall and started spewing low-grade formless monsters which would be individually not a problem but which were numerous enough the guild thinks there's probably something bigger inside. After a couple of C-rankers were dispatched to the scene to deal with the small fry they isolated the area so that the dungeon could be fully dealt with.

When Kim Hye-jin accepts the teleport request she will find herself behind the yellow tape, a hundred meters away from the dungeon portal, near a couple of fabric canopies where the support team is gathered.

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Lee Tae-gun appears nearly-simultaneously with her, and flinches for a fraction of a second before schooling his expression and body language when he senses her. And she can, of course, sense him herself.

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Hye-Jin was bracing for his presence and the uncomfortable heat of his awful, awful backlash, so she doesn’t flinch. But: it’s so bad. It’s so, so bad. The poor, poor man. Part of her wants to just reach out and hold him for a while so he can stop being in so much pain, but… well. That would cause him to run. Besides, she doesn’t much feel like cuddling on its own merits right now, she’d be tolerating discomfort to try to fix him. Like he’s not an adult who can make his own damn choices.

Instead she just gives him a cordial nod.

“Good evening. Do you have any preferred strategies for this sort of dungeon?”

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"...I am unaccustomed to working with others. I usually just go in and... deal with it." He frowns at himself.

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…. Ooooookay.

“I’ll handle the large and weak crowds, you cover any holes I leave,” she won’t leave any, but she will play pretend that she might, “and watch for an opening to take down the center of it as we get closer?”

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He nods. A big part of the reason to do this at all is to see how they work together and try to get a sync, but... Tae-gun honestly feels like if they want to do that they shouldn't send Kim Hye-jin and him after small fry. If either of them could take the dungeon solo without breaking a sweat that won't do much to help them coordinate. 

Well, whatever. He'll deal, like he always does, and he'll try to ignore Kim Hye-jin to the best of his ability. "Do you want to go in first?"

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Nod. And then, in she goes.



She really, really could just handle this herself, though. It’s transparently obvious. She has really a lot of fire, with a lot of accuracy and control, and methodically burns the way to the thing they’re looking for.

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Yeah, see, he thought so. Does he even need to be here? What's the point

He spots a medium-sized formless over there that her fire didn't quite reach, perfectly aware that if he just waited for it she'd deal with it too, but he's really bored and feeling useless so he sends a small ice spear flying at its small glowing core, almost lazily.

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...except the spear he ends up actually throwing is about half again as big as he meant it to be, and when it hits the monster it shatters into several mini-spears that fly in all directions. 

The fuck?

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She’s surprised by his surprise.

Was. Was he not expecting and compensating for the power up working with her would give him? Was that a surprise to him? Because it’s not a surprise to her. She was expecting it. It’s still a little scary, how easy it is to make there be fire with him here, compared to what she’s used to, but she was prepared to compensate for it. And has practice with this phenomenon, if not quite to this degree of magnification. He… doesn’t. Huh. That… is probably something to work on. Or, well. Give him space to work on.

“…. Do you want more room to practice?” she offers, a little awkwardly. “I can tone it down a little.”

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The way he's flushing to his neck is a trick of the light. That, or his backlash. A tiny amount of backlash from the tiny nothing he just did to that monster. 

That's his story and he's sticking to it. 

"It's fine. I'll deal." He's ever had a partner before, he's just gotta remember.

...not remember. He'd rather not remember. He's gotta practise. Just a bit should be enough.

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Uh. Okay.

She gives him a bit more space to practice in anyway, though. See, there are now holes for him to cover for. That’s definitely an accident and not clearly deliberate, you can tell by the… systemic and predictable pattern of where she leaves openings, where they wouldn’t be particularly dangerous or debilitating. Yes. Very accidental, those. So accidental.

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Well if he ever needed more reason to think that he's a pathetic excuse for an esper who can't be trusted to do anything on his own, he's got some. 

It doesn't take him very long. The thing is just that they usually measure power expenditure by the amount of backlash it produces; there aren't any other measures. So espers get used to gauging, constantly, how much backlash they're accumulating, and what this means for how much more they can do and what that accomplishes. And Tae-gun is good at this, probably owing to the fact that he's always carrying a decent amount of backlash. He has to pay attention to minute changes in it and adjust for them, to manage his energy levels very close.

But he hasn't had a partner in years, and hasn't had to compensate for the passive backlash reduction they cause since, and the way his backlash heat fuels his partner's active fire while their backlash cold fuels his own active ice. He's having to recalculate and relearn it on the fly. 

With an audience.

In summary everything sucks and he wants to die.

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Hye-jin is actually impressed by how quickly he adjusts, but she doesn't say that, because it would probably seem patronizing. And she, for one, hates being patronized, and suspects that Lee Tae-gun is a similar flavor of 'too prideful for his own good' to her own. So. She'll just leave it be.

Fortunately, the dungeon's cleared up very quickly. It's really not a difficult one for either of them, much less both of them, even when practicing. But it's pretty clear why Quasar wanted them on this one, anyway. Along with the practice, they have more of a feel for each other's strengths and weaknesses. In short: he has more range and precision, she has more flexibility and firepower. It's a bit more complicated than that, of course - for example, she can achieve range similar to his if she works at it - but she's not as fast or as effective as he would be.

Before they leave, though, his partner awkwardly offers her hand and asks, "... do you need, um..?"

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"No touching," he replies immediately, taking half a step away from her.

She might... notice he's trembling, a bit. Just a bit.

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"Right. Sorry."

It's just his backlash is barely even chipped away at?? Like taking a bucket of water out of the ocean. It's better than literally nothing, but... well. It's really, really not enough.

But he won't let her do more to help, so. They can just leave the dungeon. That's fine.

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No no it's helped a lot. For someone who is tracking every bucket in his ocean. Also, his flush now is in fact backlash.

He takes a deep breath and prepares himself to pretend that everything is fine. Like he always does. It's a very well-exercised muscle, and the fact that it's being tested more than it's been for the last while is immaterial.

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The support staff is waiting for them when they step out but they know better than to hover around Lee Tae-gun. Not that they'd be inclined to hover much, they're professionals and are used to this and only hover if the espers actually need help, but Lee Tae-gun never does.

There are, also, onlookers on the other side of the yellow tape. Actually a lot of them, much more than would be expected from such a small out-of-the-way dungeon, even accounting for the fact that Lee Tae-gun is the one closing it. Actually, it's probably in large part because Lee Tae-gun is the one closing it—with a partner. He ever goes into dungeons with other people, but it's usually teams, not a single other person, and the implications are implicative.

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Right. Public face on.

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Yep. Hye-jin has one of her own, and on it goes.

Hello, onlookers and media! She definitely doesn't hate you all with a passion and feel like she's in a fishbowl! No, no, she's honored to be so well liked!

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(This is why he leaves via teleport, right? Can she do that too? Because she really, really wants to.)

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Oh, yeah, absolutely. Actually, when he makes a teleport request on his commscreen, she gets pinged with an invite to be teleported with him.

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Yes absolutely let's not be here right this minute. See! They're such a good team! Synchronized teleportation!

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Vvvwoom and then they're in a quiet resting room in HQ dedicated for exactly this. It has sofas, a stocked mini-fridge and kitchenette, coffee, backlash control meds, a TV, and an ensuite bathroom.

(An ensuite bathroom that is rather larger than it strictly needs to be, with a rather larger than it strictly needs to be bathtub in it.)

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Tae-gun makes a beeline for the meds, grabs three pills, and swallows them dry.

Now that they're under corporate lights, she can see the sheen of sweat and the flush much more clearly than in the dark dungeon or under the glaring sun in public. She can also see the way his hands are shaking, the way he's having to still his arms to not drop the box of pills. He's not looking at her, and he's tense like a violin string.

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Yeah. She's seeing them, but she's trying to pretend she hasn't. She'll continue doing that.

Physically, though, she would have preferred the glaring sun, if not the public crowds in it. This backlash isn't particularly bad - not with a partner she's insanely compatible with right there the whole time, not for such an easy dungeon - but she is kind of unhappy about now being in carefully air conditioned environment. She carried the brunt of that dungeon, and therefore brunt of the backlash, and now she's kind of chilly. It's not bad, she's had worse, just usually her after dungeon care is... better than this. Because there are no space heaters in here, she's sure as hell not getting cuddles, and she does not want to take a fucking bath at Quasar HQ. Fine. She'll just. Get coffee. And if she curls around her hot cup of coffee a little more than is normal during this time of year, well, that's nobody's business but hers, isn't it.

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He sits near her. Not right next to her, but just beyond arm's length. And if he's not close enough for his actual body heat to reach her, his metaphorical heat is pretty close, and that is after all the source of the physical one, isn't it?

"I can switch the A/C to heating," he murmurs, looking down at his feet rather than at her, squeezing his hands into white-knuckled fists.

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Aw. That's actually very sweet.

He's way worse off than her, though.

"I'm okay. But yeah, I'm going to need to get my own silo with specialized equipment, probably." Is she going to hold it against this guild that no one thought to ask 'Hey, what's your backlash and how can we make things easier for you in your high risk, personally demanding job'? Yes. Yes she is. Again: what the fuck, Quasar. Yeah she's been avoiding the HQ itself, but you have her phone number and email.

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"...if... that's how you prefer it. I figured you might want to get some guiding, even if just a little, but if it's not enough then I won't bring you here with me."

He would honestly prefer that, he'd much rather be alone in his silo than around someone whom he's having thoughts he really shouldn't be having about, but it's... part of the point, isn't it? And he can't say that being around her isn't helping substantially more than these meds.

...that only makes it worse, though. He swallows dryly and tries to push his thoughts away, both the ones caused by the backlash and... the other ones. Their mixture makes his stomach churn, and he's ready to bolt, but he's staying because he promised he'd try.

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"It's - you're fine. This is fine. This place just. Makes me really nervous. I don't... like... impersonal silos controlled by other people."

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He blinks at her a few times, and then remembers that people who have stable partners usually have a shared silo and do not end up in one of HQ's.

Tae-gun does not want her in his silo.

...he probably wants to be in her silo even less. It's probably not rated to hold his backlash-addled self. It's almost certainly not rated to protect Kim Hye-jin from his backlash-addled self. Right now he's fine, but on a busier day with more dungeons he will absolutely not be fine at all.

.......and he doesn't want to be in an environment controlled by someone else like that, either.

"I feel the same."

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"Yeah. I'll. Get something sorted out in the next week. I've been apartment hunting, but honestly, it might be better if I just went and got a house." Considering how much she's being paid.

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Oh. She doesn't have a silo yet?

He opens his mouth, intending to offer her help with that, then clamps it shut. He himself said they're not friends, they don't get closer.

This is why he hates his backlash!!! It keeps trying to insidiously (and sometimes not-so-insidiously) mind control him into doing things he doesn't want to do. Like spend more time with his partners. Like doing—things—that he didn't want to do—

But it's his turn in this conversation and he thinks it's been too long for him to say something but he should say something but he doesn't know what ahhhhhhhhhh.

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She's actually fine with the silence. Instead she's broodily staring into her coffee. Does this place even have blankets? How hard is it to have blankets just in case!!! How is this so difficult, she has the easiest and most obvious backlash in the world, how the fuck can they screw this up??

"... You have a silo of your own, right, you're not just, stuck with this, you're only here so we can guide each other for a bit?" she confirms, sounding... like she wants to pick a fight. With a guild. Because she does.

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"...yeah?" he replies, bemusedly. Of course he has a silo?? What kind of question is that.

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"... Okay. Just checking." She goes back to brooding over her coffee, feeling like a paranoid lunatic. But, well, all of her weird quirks sure did come in handy for protecting herself, didn't they, and fucking Hideyoshi always belittled her concerns and quirks. So. If she's overcorrecting and acting paranoid and crazy, fine.

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"Okay." A topic a topic—she looks cold—oh. "Do you want, um, a blanket?"

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"Oh. Um. Yes. If you know where one is."

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"Yeah. There, uh, should be one... somewhere. Here." He gets up and starts opening cupboards around the room until, there it is, fluffy and warm. He walks back and offers it to her, staying at arm's distance. "I don't use these rooms much..."

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She carefully takes it from him, even though he’s the obvious and blatant source of available heat that’s sitting there like a toasty furnace, mocking her.

“Thanks,” she says, wrapping it around herself. The near touch probably did more, but, well. No touching.

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No touching. Especially given the way the near touch made him flinch with the conflicting thoughts and memories.

He sits down abruptly so that it doesn't look like he's adjusting himself.

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Well, she’ll just be over here. Wrapped in a blanket drinking hot coffee slowly. She guesses they did have a blanket in here. She… partially rescinds her earlier contempt for this guild’s incompetence. A little.

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Yeah. Okay. Sure. They can do this. He can do this.

...the guild president asked him to actually give this a try...

.......it's hard enough as it is, alright? He's trying. Just... give him some time. It'll be fine. He can do this. And it's not fair to Kim Hye-jin.

He'll... rethink the "no touching" condition once he's had enough passive guiding that it feels less like a risk, to both of them.

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Honestly, that’s pretty legit. She doesn’t seem bothered, even, and she’s instead looking at houses on her phone. Or, well. The lead up to houses. Figuring out preferred housing locations.

“Recommend any particular neighborhoods in or around Seoul?” she asks, as she scrolls through charts about neighborhood demographics.

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"...uh." He doesn't really... go places. And his own house is not in Seoul, either, so... "I don't know." Man he really is useless. "What are you looking for?" He can maybe try to be less.

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"I'm... not entirely sure, I suppose? Nothing too large. A practical and reasonably safe location. Scenic and with easy access to parks." The problem with buying a house is that she'd then own a house, and that would make leaving the country harder. Hm. "... maybe renting a house if something like that's available? I'm used to everything being apartment based, I think I'm just a little awestruck by the prospect of maybe having a whole entire house that's mine."

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Okay Tae-gun, time to try to be useful. What places of Seoul would have that. How would you even tell, she has the internet, too—oh.


What he can do instead is think back on dungeons he's cleared and try to remember what their surroundings would've been like and, yeah, actually, he does have suggestions. They're... not incredibly in-depth, but hopefully they're good enough pointers?

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Yeah! That's something to go off of! Kind of more than what she had before, really! (She hasn't asked her family these questions because, you see, the answers would be 'next door' or 'together in a cousin's apartment,' and Hye-jin does not want those answers.)

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He was useful!

...he should not be this happy about being useful. No growing close, he said. His fucking backlash.

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They have a second dungeon scheduled that same day, with only about enough time for them to recover from their respective backlashes, but it's only slightly more difficult than the first one, and could also have been solo'd by either of them easily.

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And as Tae-gun suspected, it was his backlash trying to make him cosy up to Kim Hye-jin; by the time they're at the new dungeon he is no longer feeling the urge to spend more time with her.

He knows this will change by the time they're done, but still, the distance is as much for his safety as hers.

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Okay, so while it doesn't get into the realm of an actually challenging dungeon, it does just barely limp into the level of difficulty that she's enjoying herself. Or possibly it's that she's better at working with him; instead of leaving deliberate and methodical holes for him to cover for, she's leaving things better suited to his skillset for him. It no longer feels like it is the Hye-jin show as she drags along and babies the S-rank to give him practice at actually having a partner! Instead they're... fumbling a bit more actively together to figure out what is best done by which person! Progress!

And also: she's definitely having fun. She's practically skipping by the time they're done, lingering chill in her fingers or no.

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Tae-gun, on the other hand, gets progressively more taciturn and upset as they go through the dungeon to its core. The way he walks back towards the dungeon entrance after they're done could well be described as "stalking", that's how irritated he looks.

Why is his backlash like this. He did not want to mow down a horde of mid-tier monsters while sporting an erection that he has to constantly conceal. He did not want to feel like if she sees it she'll... she'll...

It's a good thing his slacks are exactly the right colour and cut to make that easier for him; after all, this is a known problem he faces, and it would not do for him to walk out of a dungeon portal in his full-mast glory for all media outlets in Korea to see.

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But he is of course bright and cheerful once they actually step out.

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She feels kind of bad about enjoying herself when he's... clearly having a bad time. She wants to offer to hold his hand again, but, well. She thinks that would just upset him more.

Anyway yes they are now outside and accordingly have on their outside smiles. Hi, media and onlookers, she definitely doesn't want to crawl in a hole and die upon seeing all of you! That's a true fact that you can tell from this smile, which is one hundred percent real and not at all the kind of thing she has had way too much practice at making!

Aaaaaand: teleport, yes? No walking through the crowd?

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Well it looks like there's media outlets wanting interviews, actually!

Unfortunately for them, Lee Tae-gun does not give unscheduled interviews, so after saying a couple of platitudes they can teleport. The guild will deal with the media for them.

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(He wonders when they'll be sent to deal with a dungeon that requires rescuing people. That is definitely going to be a harder test of their coordination; they're both high caliber artillery but rescues are harder.)

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(Yeah. That'll be... Yeah. But they probably won't have to deal with it in their first week of partnership. Especially as neither of them are the most suited for it, powers wise, and there are usually going to be better options available.)

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It's the same silo as before; she gets a cup of hot chocolate going and retrieves her blanket, already cuddling up with it without any prompting. Something actively warm is better than a blanket that's based on magnifying her own body heat, but this still isn't particularly bad backlash. A blanket and warm drinks are good enough for now, especially with her absurdly compatible partner right over there.

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Tae-gun on the other hand is definitely suffering remarkably less than he ordinarily would, and even that wouldn't have been a lot of suffering, all told. Easy dungeons.

And yet he's still having. Thoughts.

"Kim Hye-jin, may I—excuse myself?" he asks, tightly, having barely stopped himself from saying something he'd regret after he started the sentence.

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Blink blink. But she thought they were getting along fine...? Apparently being a bit to happy while he was suffering was a bit too much. Well.

"Yes, of course? Uh. I'll stay here for the next while if you need extra guidance. ... Sorry if I... I like doing dungeons, when they're not rescues and the right type. Should I tone it down in the future?"

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"—huh? No, this has—nothing to do with—you didn't do anything wrong. It's—something else."

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"Oh. Okay. Then, um. Good luck with it? Let me know if you need help?"

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He DOES NOT need ANY help, especially from KIM HYE-JIN.

"I will," he says, which is true because he DOESN'T so he will not let her know that he does. That's logic.

Actually logic is going down the drain right now, so, "I will—see you later."


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Well. Guess she's dealing with her backlash with just warm drinks and a blanket.

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He's not as desperately horny as he was when he first met her, he knows to expect it and he took the meds, but he still needs to take care of business if he wants to be able to think at all.

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Unfortunately for him, there is one person who can get access to his house without needing to ask permission, and that person shows up there less than a minute after Tae-gun himself does.

"—wow, that was quick, I thought I'd be able to catch you before you had your dick in your hands."

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He doesn't shriek, because he has great reflexes, and he doesn't skewer Woo-young, because he has great reflexes, but both of those are near-things and the fact that he's exposed like this is the worst.

(Well, but is it—)


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"I'm not in the mood, deal with it yourself."

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"Min Woo-young."

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"It's nothing I haven't seen before, sunbae."

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He thinks he might spontaneously combust.

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"It's your house, I'm sure you have rooms you can lock yourself in to take care of that while I wait."

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"why are you here"

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"Just go, you know you won't be able to hold a proper conversation in this state."

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Woo-young grins shamelessly then summons his commscreen to browse aimlessly.

He really did mean to get here before sunbae was in a compromising position, so he refuses to feel guilty.

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He gathers what's left of his sanity and dignity and locks himself in a bathroom and stays there for half an hour.

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But he does leave, eventually, and the dominant emotion now is anger. "Min Woo-young," he says, in a tone of voice that would terrify most people, coming from the most powerful esper in the country.

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Unfortunately for him, Woo-young is not most people. "Sunbae, I literally have seen you like that before, you don't need to work yourself up so much."

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"That's—not the point—"

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He sighs. "Fine. I'm sorry for showing up unannounced, I didn't mean to catch you like that."

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"Seriously! I didn't! You wouldn't tolerate me if I were that kind of person."

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...well, granted.

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"I also kinda figured that being around Kim Hye-jin would've calmed you down some? Surely you got any guiding."

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"I haven't—touched her."

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"—wait, for real?"

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He nods tightly.

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"I'm not going to ask why because I know why, but why. Sunbae—"

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"I get some guiding from just being... near her."

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"Enough to count?"

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"Give me a break, Woo-young, I'm trying."

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He takes a deep, calming breath, then releases it. "You're forgiven."

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"I guess that... kind of answers what I came here to ask."

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He shrugs. "Wanted to check on you, see how you were doing. You haven't had a partner in years, not since—anyway, it was bound to be important or change things or something. And if I needed to do any kinds of interventions it'd be better to do that earlier rather than later."

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He flinches at the "not since" then smooths his expression again.


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"Yeah, like yelling at prez. I did a lot of that right after he dropped you on Kim Hye-jin without forewarning because wow that was a stupid idea."

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It was?

"I don't think you need to yell at prez for anything?"

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"Not now, that was just an example of the kind of thing I mean."

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"...I see."

He doesn't.

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"You don't," he says, grinning. "But it's alright. Good enough to see that our hunny gunny isn't suffering or in trouble."

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Tae-gun scowls and blushes at the mention of "hunny gunny".

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Woo-young wanted to press Tae-gun for details but actually, he thinks he has a better idea.

"Well, since you're doing fine, I'll get out of your hair, then."


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Hye-jin receives a series of texts a few minutes later from one Min Woo-young. 

hi, Kim Hye-jin!

it's Min Woo-young, we met when you visited quasar HQ the other day

i heard you and sunbae sealed two dungeons today? how'd that go?

actually why don't you tell me over a glass? my treat

if you don't have a place in mind i know this lovely bar that i'd like to show you

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Hey! Hope you’re doing well. Thanks for the timely teleports, I did not want to be ripped apart by a hungry pack of reporters and disappointed fangirls.
Uh, maybe, is this a guild thing? Are there going to be other coworkers there? I don't think I have the energy for a whole guild thing.

Because if so, that sounds super unpleasant, and she will fend it off with excuses about how alcohol is bad when combined with her backlash. It’s true, mind, but she has long ago mastered the sacred Japanese art of picking a relatively weak drink, sipping it politely at regular intervals, and acting like the friendly chill person who is intoxicated, but not too intoxicated. Instead of what she’s like when she’s actually drunk, which is much less socially acceptable in Japanese society. So there being alcohol involved is only a barrier of entry if she needs it to be.
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oh, goodness, no

i have enough guild get-togethers already

no, this is just you and me and a bottle of red

or a bottle of white, i'm not picky

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Well, she does need to make friends in Korea, and it would be pretty stupid to burn bridges with a teleporter because he .. came to check on her. Okay, scratch that, she'd just be an asshole. Stupidity optional.

All right, sounds good. What's the place?
I'm about to be teleported there aren't I.
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you have five seconds to refuse! ^_^

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And she actually is still laughing, as she's teleported.
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He's also grinning when she gets there, sitting at a table in a quaint little hole-in-the-wall bar with a bohemian vibe. "Kim Hye-jin, good to see you! Forgive me for not getting up, I don't trust my feet right now."

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“Good to see you, too! It’s fine, nothing to forgive. I know how backlash gets.” She sits. “I’ll have to be careful about drinking for similar reasons.”

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Oh that's bullshit. 

"Wouldn't want you setting the city on fire," he says, nodding sagely. "So! Wine, beer, soju, sake? Vodka?"

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Is not! Watch, she's going to explain how.

"A nice rosé, if one's available. Honestly, the danger isn't to everyone else? They'd all be fine, no fires to speak of! I'd just quietly die of hypothermia."

She says it very matter-of-factly, even cheerfully.

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He imagines that wouldn't be much of a problem were sunbae doing his fucking job but, well, so many things would be different were sunbae doing his fucking job. 

"Are you alright on that front right now? We could probably get a space heater here. Regardless of alcohol, that is."

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"I'm okay, I'd been using the transition between guilds as time off to reduce backlash. Thank you, though."

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"Yeah, no prob." He looks over his shoulder and calls, "Noona! Nooonaaaaaa!"

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A woman, shorter than Woo-young but with a striking family resemblance other than the green hair walks over to them. "I'm coming, I'm coming," she says, looking irritated. "Geeze, what did I do in a past life to deserve such an annoying younger brother." She doesn't really look any older than him, though, not that that means a lot.

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Woo-young grins and turns back to Hye-jin. "Noona, this is my new hoobae Kim Hye-jin. Kim Hye-jin, this is my noona Min Ha-young; she's fifteen minutes older than me."

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She bows politely. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Kim Hye-jin-nim. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this loud brother of mine."

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Hye-jin stands so she can bow in return.

"The pleasure's mine. Nothing to apologize for, he's helping me settle in after I fled the country."

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"He's always been a lot nicer to other people than his own blood," she says, nodding sagely in a way that's actually really reminiscent of the way Woo-young did earlier. "Anyway, what can I get you?"

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"Your best rosé? And maybe, hmm, Hye-jin do you like sushi? I haven't had sushi in a while."

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"That's a silly question. I didn't flee Japan for incorrect opinions. I love sushi!"

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"Excellent, the tasting platter, then, noona?"

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"Sure, sure. I hope you're not making Kim Hye-jin pay for it."

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"What do you take me for?"

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"Just checking. Alright, back in a bit."

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"Thank you. So I've been house hunting, I think I'm going to find a place to rent. Any neighborhoods you can recommend to me?" 'Not guild ones' is unspoken, and yet still loudly echoes over the table.

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Boy howdy does he! He's actually really opinionated about it, it turns out, and very happy to explain his opinions in detail and in useful ways. It turns out that Tae-gun's suggestions are all on Woo-young's list, and he has comprehensive pros and cons for each of them.

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His sister shows up with the rosé a minute into this but the sushi will take a little bit longer.

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Very reasonable, thank you very much!

Also: yes. This is exactly the kind of information she wants. Yessss delicious opinions yessssss. She'll take notes on her phone, because this does actually matter a bunch!

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He serves the both of them some wine and offers his glass for a cheer.

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She's still a little bit formal, and as promised she does only barely sip her wine, but she's still charming company. And she has so many stories from Japan! One of the dungeons she handled was a literal ice dungeon, it was the most hilariously one-sided clear she's ever gotten to do...

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Oh he bets! He's seen videos of her in action and it's glorious, honestly, she looks so cool.

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Thank you! It took a lot of practice and she's still working on it. There's a tricky art to it, and precision is actually harder than power. A whole part of it is understanding the chemical reactions happening with fire, and how hers isn't actually fuel based, but it's more expensive to reduce materials to their basic compounds, and so it becomes where and when to cheat to avoid smoke or the creation of harmful chemicals that could impact any bystanders...

Surprise! She's a nerd. If he seems to be enjoying the explanation she will happily go into detail about the many, many ways she has figured out her powers. It's actually a lot of work to be as safe as she is with her ludicrously destructive abilities!!! She tries very hard!!!!

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Holy shit she's more destructive than she looks??? That's bullshit.

But Woo-young is not, himself, that much of a nerd, even if he finds her excitement contagious. He's had people try to explain to him the principles behind his teleportation and he just went cross-eyed and didn't retain any of it. 

Also, unlike Hye-jin, he isn't avoiding drinking, and his cheeks are slowly but surely turning pinker.

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(Here's your food! Enjoy!)

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(Thanks noona you're the best.)

"So how've you found the two dungeons you did today?"

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"Good! Straightforwardly easy, but really good for practice. Tae-gun-sunbae is a very different partner than my last one, so there was a lot of adjustment."

Mostly on his end but she's not saying that!

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"I bet sunbae was fumbling idiotically," he snorts. "That'd be like him."

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... okay maybe now she'll say it.

"I was also adjusting to having an actual partner!" she defends, which is basically agreeing that, yes he was, but in a polite way. "It's deeply weird to me to not be dragging along dead weight with occasional assistance in making a wall of fire I don't have to babysit. I was kind of like, 'What? You're helping? Without me telling you to??' Wild concept, I know."

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He snorts again and pops more sushi into his mouth. "Sunbae hasn't had a partner in years and it really shows. Hmm. I guess maybe not if you didn't know 'im then but he was... hmm. More?" He downs the last of his current glass of wine then gestures at Hye-jin's glass with the bottle to offer to fill it for her.

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No, she's all right, thank you!

"He was a really quick study! And the poor man was really frustrated with any imperfections or mistakes. Korea's dungeons are doomed, by the way, now they've got two raging perfectionists partnered together."

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He shrugs and drinks more from his own glass. At this point he's properly drunk, slurring his words a bit and drooping.

"You plannin' on going international?" he asks. "Sunbae does, sometimes, for bigger dungeons. 'S expensive but they got a lot of my power stored up... hmmm..."

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"I'm not already?" she wonders, wryly. "I'm kidding, I know what you mean. I'd love to, but haven't had the opportunity yet."

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"'M sure you could. Next time sunbae goes, but maybe even without 'im?"

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"Does he do that often? I've been avoiding the news lately. It seems like that would be kind of..." Suicidal! With his backlash, especially! What the fuck, Tae-gun!

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"Sometimes," he says, doing a so-so gesture with a hand. "More than he ought to. But that's everything, with hunny gunny—ahh, with sunbae."

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"Hunny gunny," she repeats, delighted.

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He giggles and hiccups. "'Scuse me." More wine. "Don't say that in front of him. Or do, he doesn't hate it, he just gets embarrassed."

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She cackles. "Of course he does. I love it. That's amazing. Is that just you or like, is that a nickname??"

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"Oh that's everyone. 'S 'cause he's really cute. He's got a resting bitch face and newbies always get intimidated but then they get to know 'im and he's a softy."

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"Was I supposed to be intimidated by him? Oops. Missed that Quasar memo," she muses, wryly. "Maybe it's the knowledge that I can just melt whatever ice he makes, but, like. He's pretty obviously an idiotic self destructive softie?"

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"So self-destructive," Woo-young sighs. He yawns enormously and hiccups again, then clonks his forehead on the table. "Such an idiot." He turns his head to the side to rest his cheek on the table and grabs another piece of their nearly empty sushi platter. "I've been trying so hard... hmmmm..."

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"Yeah. Speaking as someone with more pride than sense, he is definitely a kindred spirit. So, uh, sorry?"

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"Maybe you'll be the best person to deal with 'im. He keeps... throwing himself at stuff. Works himself to the bone, refuses to get a partner on principle like a dumbass." Hiccup.

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"... What principle????" she wonders, astonished. "Ugh - don't tell me, it's not actually my business, and I think the thing he needs is space and patience more than anything else. Like a, a deer. Or a rabbit. Heh, in English that'd be hunny-bunny."

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He snorts then stars giggling. "Yeah I can't tell you, just ask 'im, or, no he wouldn't say. Idiot." Sigh. "Good luck with him. You're gonna need it, he's a tough nut to crack."

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"Thank you, he certainly is." Whether that's to 'idiot' or 'tough nut to crack' is an exercise left to the reader. Wine sip. "It's going to be so hard not to call him hunny-bunny though. Because that's totally him, shy little bunny with a resting bitch face and ice knives."

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"Yyyyyup." He sighs again. "...I worry for him. He's... I've seen his physicals. It's not... not pretty."

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So, the ordinary thing to do here is overshare a little because you're drunk, but for Hye-jin, who is not drunk but is competently pretending to be at least a little, it's calculated. All of what she's saying is true! This is what Ideal Drunk Hye-jin would be doing! But it's calculated.

"It's really, really not. I'm - sort of torn between wanting to get him in a good space so he feels safe to go find whatever partner he wants - be free, little bunny! - and also general protectiveness? But like. That'll be soooooo awkward long term. 'Hi honey, how was your day,' 'Good, barely even acknowledged my simmering resentment of your guild, what about you,' 'Oh, you know, didn't get myself killed pretending I'm a space alien, but there's still time.'"

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"Well, you can't be friends with all of your partner's friends," he says, reasonably, then hiccups again. "He'll have to get used to it."

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"Well, yes, but... Maybe it's different here." She kind of doesn't think so, anymore. "I guess I'll have to at least work to be cordial."

It's very obvious she doesn't want to be.

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"Hey, you're cordial to me, that's like, half the battle. ...one percent of the battle. .......something, I don't know what our headcount actually is right now. Hmmmm..."

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"It's not the individual people I'm worried about? I'm sure they're all lovely. It's just the... overall expectation and entitlement of things from me. Come, be friends, do it for the guild, so on, and. I'm so sick of that."

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He sits up straight suddenly as if shocked. "Who's saying that? I'ma fight them."

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"The - Quasar president? You're going to fight your own guild's president??" She snorts. "Well, good luck, let me know if you need backup??"

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"Oh, him," he says dismissively, and lays down in the table again. "I already yelled at him. Yelled a lot, that dumbass. 'M surrounded by dumbasses, hmm."

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"You -" she starts, then stops. "... you fought the president???" For her??? He barely knows her!! That's very much risking his job, holy shit! That's - that's -

No one's ever done that for her before????? It was all platitudes and sympathies and empty words and - everything else that made her want to flee Japan.

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"Yeah. The way he treated you wasn't right. Like that very same day, I went over to where he was and he said that sunbae was going to forgive him and I just went you nincompoop what about her." Snort. "He'd just kind of assumed you'd be fine with it or like, yell at him yourself if you were pissed off? Like, no, what, you were strangers, he can't just treat you like a friend before even saying hi to you..."

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"Wait, that's how he treats his friends, what the actual fuck, that's worse - I mean. Thank you. I. I appreciate it."

She's. Actually having trouble not tearing up a bit. Um. She'll just. Have some more wine. Um.

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"Yeah, sure." He shrugs. "And I mean, it's fine, right, if you're friends with someone sometimes you're an ass to them and you fight and make up later and it's fine. Like he didn't realise how much of an ass he was being? But with friends it's fine to be an ass sometimes." Yawn. "Ughhhh whatever let's stop talking about him I'm getting mad at him all over again and it would do no one any good for me to punch him."

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"I don't know, I'd kind of enjoy it," she says, a little wryly. But. Despite her clever wit, she's still sure having some feelings. She should not be having feelings, feelings are not what she signed up for at this time! This is why she only gets fake drunk! Unfair to have real feelings when being fake drunk.

"U-um, it's. Getting kind of late." It isn't, really. They'd been chatting for a while, but it's still not really late enough to properly turn in. "Thank you for the drinks and food and company, I should - head home before my aunt gets worried about me. You know, families of espers, they kinda have it harder than us sometimes..."

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"Oh, okay." He has no idea what time it is so he'll take it on faith that it's late. "Bye then." And he closes his eyes.

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"Good night. And. ... Thanks."

She will go make sure his sister knows he's here without company and be sure that he'll, like, get home safe. And while she's there Hye-jin will give her thanks for the excellent food and drink and be generally very Japanese about it. But making sure he is safe is the priority before she runs. It's probably fine, but still.

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Yeah yeah it's fine he'll wake up on his own or she'll wake him then he'll teleport on top of Tae-hwan and they'll make out until they've both dealt with their backlashes.

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Did not need to know that information but she will nod along like she did! (Good for him but also, ow, that's not a thing she's probably ever going to get with her extremely cold partner!)

And then she'll flee.

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She has a proposed dungeon schedule with Lee Tae-gun, if she'd like to follow his insane hours. She can of course refuse to do so, like a reasonable person, and Lee Tae-gun can take care of some other dungeons alone, because he's going to work insane hours with or without guild oversight so they might as well help where they can, but the ones they've selected are stepping up in difficulty and complexity slowly so that they can get used to each other in more situations.

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No, she's totally down to follow his insane hours. Honestly, she'd been getting kind of bored. She will require a space heater in the silo they've been using, though. If that's a thing that Quasar will get her, great, if she has to buy it and drag it in herself, fine, but she'll hold it against them until the end of time.

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No of course they can get her whatever she needs in her silo, it's all good. They don't need to use the small apartments Lee Tae-gun has been taking her to, either, they have other on- and off-site on-demand silos. They're not going to be as good as ones that are personalised for her specifically but they're the next best thing.

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.... Huh.

She's still going to personalize her own silo, have it be entirely in her own name and not beholden to any guild of any kind, but.

.... Surprisingly decent of them??? She was kind of expecting a corporate 'Fuck you, you said you wanted nothing to do with us, so you get no help at all.'

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Her contract says that she won't be requiring a guild silo but it doesn't say that the guild isn't allowed to offer her isolation if she wants it. It in fact does its best to, legalese permitting, leave open the possibility for her to use whatever guild resources she might want.

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Right. Just...

Nevermind. Thank you, she'll take a temporary Guild silo until she's got her own sorted out to her satisfaction. Stocked with these amenities. If one is available with a fireplace then that would be great.

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Yeah absolutely.

...does she want it to be shared with Lee Tae-gun? It'll be harder to outfit one that's good for both Kim Hye-jin and him, given the way, uh, temperature works, but they'll try their best if she wants them to!

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No. They are not at that level in their relationship yet. ... Maybe have a bottle of the backlash medications he prefers available, but. No, this is for her.

(Ugh. She is now reminded of why she doesn't want a guild silo, even if it's more convenient...)

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Sure sure can do.

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And then they can... clear some dungeons together, he supposes?

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She's downright peppy about this, though she does check on him and make sure he's okay. She is still concerned for him. Backlash from their first time out together wasn't that bad?

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It wasn't. Honestly, she carried him so he basically didn't use his powers at all, relatively speaking, which he can admit out loud was probably good for him. At least now that he's proven to himself that he can adapt to having a partner again quickly enough that he will not be making a fool of himself, he'd be having a lot more trouble admitting problems he wasn't already most of the way to solving or at least certain that he could.

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Objectively speaking it's not surprising that the most powerful esper in Korea isn't taking any credit for her work, but...

... He's also not attempting to protect his, as Hideyoshi would say, 'masculine dignity.'

Huh. Weird. She appreciates it, though.

Anyway! Dungeons. Kim Hye-jin is, as it turns out, a total workaholic who actively enjoys her job. Wheeeeee a partner who can make judgement calls to use his powers in more than just the most basic ways and the one she tells him to do! Amazing!!!! She was missing out for years, apparently! This is objectively really fucking sad, but look, she didn't realize it had gotten that bad until it has now stopped!

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Tae-gun also, actually... really likes his job, it turns out. Once he's no longer moping about having failed at something and is used enough to his backlash having decided to have a target that he can correct for it, he... likes it.

And boy howdy he's good. It's one thing to read about it and see the very few occasions when he's needed to use his powers in public and it got recorded and a whole 'nother to witness it in person. He's in his element when he's fighting, he's really good and getting better with practice at using only and exactly the amount of power necessary to achieve their goals, he's amazing at battlefield tactics (at least in these "easy" dungeons), and it's clear very quickly to a discerning eye that he's much less about power than precision and cleverness.

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She loves precision and cleverness!! Oh, she loves it so much!!! Honestly, for Hye-jin, this is in many ways better than sex. She is so happy with him, and is very, very obvious about it!! Next to him she's a bright bundle of joy and fire that is gleefully setting him up for precision and cleverness once she has a good feel for his tricks.

With exposure to her, it becomes obvious that she's packing a lot more power than she usually displays, it's just that actually having too much fire is bad. In most situations, precise is just better. But! But!!! With him here! She can cut loose, for more reasons than just the backlash reduction and power magnification! He can just actually cancel her out, or at least put a wall of ice between them and the searing hot, metal-melting inferno that she can call up. Which means she can go so very hot! Eeeheeheeheeheeeeee.

It's after one of these is used to take out a dungeon core that she unconsciously reaches for his hand, grinning madly.

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Three things happen, then, in sequence.

One, a jolt of not-electricity runs through them at the touch, even more confirmation that they're so compatible it's the stuff of stories. It's, again, the sort of thing that you have to feel to believe, not even the fact that they can feel each other from as far as they can could really prepare either of them for the strength of the connection. 

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Two, he looks at her. He looks at her with, with some kind of expression. It's not the kind of expression you'd want the most powerful man in Korea to point in your direction, not if you valued your safety.

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Three, he pulls away like she threw acid at him, like he'd sooner cut his hand off than keep holding hers. He jumps away from her and turns his back to her, not daring to face her, not even saying anything.

He doesn't trust his voice. 

(A flush creeps up his neck, his heart hammers in his chest, his breathing grows heavy and shallow. All this, she can tell, because she's an esper.)

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Oh she fucked up. Regardless of - of - that expression he had at her, and how nice the - the - thatness of the touch was, or how she kind of wants to fling herself at him for victory makeouts, she fucked up. She was absolutely not allowed to touch him without prior expressed consent, and she has broken a rule, and she feels immensely guilty.

"I am so sorry, I - that was an accident, I. Have some bad habits I need to work on, apparently. Um. Are you okay?"

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He needs to take a breath and calm himself down but he also needs to answer her but also he's not sure what words would actually come out of his mouth if he opened it but she's going to think, think—something—he's not sure but it'll be bad—if he doesn't say anything. 

"It's fine," he says, and his voice is too low and almost a growl and he hates it and, and he needs to get out, actually, fuck there'll be media outside again as always and he'll need to smile—

—he can do it. He can do it because he has to, because the alternative is staying here and he can't do that, so he has to be able to go out and smile for long enough to get a teleport out. Smile for long enough that people don't get the wrong impression, don't think that something absolutely horrible happened and that he's injured or something, but he can do that.

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He also can't walk too fast because if she takes too long to get out after him people will also think—something bad. 

So he walks, with purpose but not too quickly, so that she can walk after him, and so that he can leave.

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She does, a few steps behind him, keeping her distance but not so much that it would worry any onlookers when they do exit the dungeon. But before they get there:

"It's not, I'll - it won't happen again. My deepest apologies." She's going to need to get a pair of gloves. She hasn't, because her extremities lose heat so fast from her backlash that it's not usually worth the amount of cumbersome they are, or the barrier between her and her partner, but, well. Now she kind of really needs that, doesn't she. Damn it, she should have thought of that sooner, now he's not even looking at her...

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"It's fine," he repeats, steps out—

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—and smiles.

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Yep. Smiles all around. Nothing is wrong. Nothing. Is. Wrong.

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There's nothing that could be wrong. In fact, he'll even wave a bit at the onlookers, turn his brilliant smile at his partner, and hang out for a little bit before summoning the commscreen.

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And then he's fucking gone.

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ACK and she's been ABANDONED TO THE MEDIA!!! HELP!!!!!!

"I'm really enjoying Korea," she says to the onlookers, to explain why the fuck that wasn't another synchronized teleportation. As she pulls up her own commscreen to BEG WOO-YOUNG FOR HELP. While still smiling.

help, silo
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...why is she requesting him personally for a tp?

Well, it's probably urgent, so she can get one, but then he'll ask,

all good?

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TG left me to media!!!!

Okay that's not the correct framing, she's just panicked. She takes a couple seconds to breathe and put actual events in order and explain herself.

I accidentally touched his hand in the dungeon and so I think he's now having a meltdown. Obviously didn't bring me along with his teleport this time. I am very sorry and deserved to be ripped apart by the media but I am instead a coward. Sorry for bothering you.
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She's going to hide under a mountain of blankets with her space heater and hot chocolate and no one can stop her. SHE IS TRASH.

shut up
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He sends her a big sticker of a teddy bear bear hugging another teddy bear.

he'll get over it

dw about it

he might be a bit grumpy a while but it'll pass

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But my shame will remain!!!!!!!

Hide hide hide hide. That's her. Hiding. Like a coward. A terrible awful coward who can't follow BASIC RULES OF CONSENT.
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god help you both you deserve each other

glad things are working out well though

busy first week huh

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shut up
thank you though
but shut up

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🧋youngwoo: "A Dance of Fire and Ice" #Supernatural #Drama #Comedy #Romance #WillTheyWontThey #Broody #Cheerful #Tsundere #Miscommunication

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taegun fan no. 1183: ...hello???
taegun fan no. 1183: sunbae????

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🍵Tconnoisseur: I think it's about right after Hunny Gunny and his fire princess cleared their latest dungeon.
🍵Tconnoisseur: but I don't know, I think it's pretty clear she's very happily getting railed. #thetagslie #NoMiscommunication
MODERATOR ANNOUNCEMENT: User @Tconnoisseur has been muted for ten minutes.
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🐣qt patoo t: another brave soul who died for speaking the truth

🆘SeoAAA: F

taegun fan no. 1183: f

🦔gangnag: F

yoo-min-max: F

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💤Zzzzgirl: F
kitkatcat: f
kitkatcat: hey 1183 do you need ice cream or are you still living vicariously
🫘beancounter: are we sure he didn't just forget his partner, though? because he would.
💤Zzzzgirl: who could ever forget her, that's a crime.
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taegun fan no. 1183: @kitkatcat yes

yoo-min-max: if he's forgotten her I'll remember her for him

SenSoJoo: wow hyung

yoo-min-max: awww come on Seungjoo you know my heart has enough space for both of you

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kitkatcat: lol that's what I get for under specifying xD
💤Zzzzgirl: oooo we got drama in chat
💤Zzzzgirl: watch it be @SenSoJoo that has compatibility with her tho
💤Zzzzgirl: or someone else
💤Zzzzgirl: she's confirmed bisexual, btw
💤Zzzzgirl: I checked, she mentioned it in an interview once
kitkatcat: you would
💤Zzzzgirl: representation is very important to me okay!!!
kitkatcat: and you don't at aaaaaall wish you were an esper and could see if you're compatible.
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taegun fan no. 1183: espers can get some amount of compatibility even without power matches

yoo-min-max: ...Seungjoo?

taegun fan no. 1183: remember Kang Jaeha-nim?
taegun fan no. 1183: his power wasn't even for combat but apparently he was super compatible with tae-gun-sunbae

🐣qt patoo t: actually all of tae-gun-sunbae's prior partners have been male now that I think about it

taegun fan no. 1183now that you think about it?? you're a fake fujo

🐣qt patoo t: I'm not a fujo at all!

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🫘beancounter: rofl ymm is in the dog house tonight.
💤Zzzzgirl: okay but like, how sure are we that they weren't just, you know.
💤Zzzzgirl: working very hard.
💤Zzzzgirl: to overcome.
MODERATOR ANNOUNCEMENT: User @Zzzzgirl has been muted for ten minutes.
kitkatcat: lol died for her pun.
kitkatcat: it's what she would have wanted.
kitkatcat: f
🫘beancounter: F.
🫘beancounter: dropping like flies today.
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taegun fan no. 1183: f

yoo-min-max: guys Seungjoo isn't responding to my DMs ㅠ.ㅠ
yoo-min-max: @SenSoJoo babe I'm sorry!! it was a joke!!!!

MODERATOR ANNOUNCEMENT: Please do not refer to other Guild members by terms of endearment. 

yoo-min-max: he's literally my boyfriend!!!

🦔gangnag: the rules apply to everyone

🚫do-not-jin: You shouldn't date at work anyway.

taegun fan no. 1183: youre in the wrong industry if you dont want ppl to date lol
taegun fan no. 1183: wdyt their guiding sessions are like? they gettin it on

MODERATOR ANNOUNCEMENT: User @taegun fan no. 1183 has been muted for ten minutes.

🦔gangnag: man it's a massacre

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kitkatcat: t-t-triple kill! do-not-jin is unstoppable!
🫘beancounter: also not all esper partnerships involve sex.
🫘beancounter: they can just be friends who watch movies or something together guys.
🫘beancounter: don't need to always make it weird.
kitkatcat: yeah that's an awful stereotype that hurts espers.
kitkatcat: fun as a fanfiction trope tho
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🐣qt patoo t: tru but also Yoo-min and Seungjoo are dating

yoo-min-max: @SenSoJoo T.T

SenSoJoo: oh wow lots of unread notifs
SenSoJoo: I went to the bathroom, what'd I miss?

yoo-min-max: ...

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kitkatcat: I unfortunately can't count that as a quadruple kill but ymm is definitely dead from that.
kitkatcat: f.
🍵Tconnoisseur: OoooOoooOoooo F oooooOOooOOooooo...
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🐣qt patoo t: F

yoo-min-max: I'm being bullied by everyone

SenSoJoo: it's okay hyung you have me I'll protect you from the bullies ^.~

yoo-min-max: ....♡.♡

taegun fan no. 1183: wow
taegun fan no. 1183: i didnt get a single f?
taegun fan no. 1183: i see im not loved here
taegun fan no. 1183: thats ok my life-sized cardboard cutout of tae-gun-sunbae and i dont want anything to do with you guys anyway

🍸nomu?: lol???

🆘SeoAAAA: wtf

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Okay, so - she's still mortified and feels awful, but she needs to have a conversation before their next scheduled dungeon. Fortunately the one where she'd forgotten herself was their last of the day, so there's a whole night of sleep between her and it, but, well. The guilt is still there.

So, before their next dungeon is scheduled:
Hey, Kim Hye-jin here. I'd like to apologize again. I got a pair of gloves.
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It's fine.

That wasn't necessary.

And I also apologise.

For not looping you into the teleport, that is. It just slipped my mind.

Min Woo-young said you messaged him? That's not necessary either, I can show you how to work the automated teleportation system.

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It's okay! You seemed pretty freaked out.
But yeah please do, if I'm allowed on it. I wasn't sure if the automated teleportation system would, like.
Let me or needed a password or something.
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I expect you should have the same access as everyone else? 

We can check in-person in a little bit, though, to make sure.

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I mean I kind of
Sort of
Yelled at Quasar's president and told him I wanted nothing from him or his guild or something
So, uh.
Turns out that's kind of inconvenient!
I'm still working on hiring an independent company for support staff for myself, so uh. Little awkward!
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But you're working with the guild, no? That's where we get our missions from?

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Yeah, but they are not contractually obligated to give me anything except money and mission assignments with you, so
I was expecting only that.
Actually do you want to hear my explanation in person, it was like, a whole thing.
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It takes longer than the other messages for him to respond to that one, but, 


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Yeah, she's not surprised. She wouldn't normally push, but if they're already having an extended conversation, she's kind of concerned about his backlash!! If he's already willing to talk to her then they should be leveraging that time, really!

... I don't have a non-guild place to meet. Does my temporary silo work okay for you? It's better than the HQ at least.
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Yeah, that works.

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Then, after a brief tutorial for how to operate the automated teleportation system:

Here they are! At her (temporary!!!!) silo.

"Hey," she says. She's got her gloves on, and is respectfully keeping her distance. "So, uh, how much... of my background do you know?"

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He's also keeping a distance from her and has his hands folded behind his back. "You used to work at White Star Guild in Japan, you had a falling out with your old partner, you came here."

...wow, Tae-gun. Maybe you should... know more about your partner? Like literally anything???

On the other hand the idea of getting any closer to her feels terrifying for some reason.

hahaha who is he trying to fool he knows the reason

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"You have the broad strokes, then! Um. My ex-partner and I also dated, which started after several years of working together platonically. It was almost entirely based on esper compatibility and spending a lot of time together, and was definitely a mistake, in retrospect. For multiple reasons. Um. But one of them was that the - White Star Guild," she needs to specify, of course, "had... kind of been pushing for it because it was good for optics and media attention and, like, you know how people get with esper partnerships anyway, right. They thought we were cute together. And I-I mean I guess we were, superficially, but."

She looks down at her lap. "So, that ended badly, with him on a personal level, but also, it was. Not. Good for the guild's media presence? And he was the one who did interviews and was more social and well liked by everyone, so." She fidgets. "I learned really fast that guild anything comes with strings. People I'd thought were friends were - telling me I was overreacting, to give him another chance, that we were so cute together, that really what he wanted was for the good of Japan, a-and I was getting stonewalled resources wise and it was just. Bad. It was bad."

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He wants to immediately defend Quasar and say that they wouldn't do that but does he really know that? He's their star, does he know for sure that the guild wouldn't do something like that if he and Kim Hye-jin got into a fight? They did bend over backwards for him after don'tthinkthename

"...Min Woo-young would fight anyone who treated anyone else that way at Quasar," he says, because at least that much he's sure of. There are probably others who would, now that he thinks about it, but he's very sure that there's at least Woo-young. Maybe he should also say that? He doesn't know how to, though, and being near her like this... clouds his judgement.

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"Yeah he - actually already did!" She's still pretty astonished by this, actually. "Um. But that's getting ahead of things a little. Quasar, or at least - I don't know, whatever... fraction of Quasar I was dealing with... kind of. Did. Something like that. Because I got dumped in a room with you and you didn't know I was coming. And no one - warned me or explained the situation or. A-a-anything." She is not going to start crying. She is not. She is not. "And I realized everything in my contract was all just. To put me in a room with you. Another pawn for another guild's star boy." She'snotgoingtocryshe'snotgoingtocry.

"That's - not to say I'm mad at you or blame you or anything," she says quickly, because it's necessary to say something to stop herself from sobbing. "I just, it, I. It did it, and I yelled at the president about it, and he was just, 'Oh but think of all of the people who want to meet you' and it was just. Everything. All over again. So. Uh. I will basically always hate your guild for that. Sorry."

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"I don't really... know these things. People things. I guess I... But the guild wouldn't... cut your access to things." Not for him, because if they did he might—do something about it. He doesn't know what. "I don't know. I don't blame you? For feeling this way. Or, or think you're wrong or. Anything." ...he doesn't know where he's going with that. Maybe nowhere? This feels fraught.

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"I mean I don't blame me for feeling this way either, these are defensive instincts that kept me from being swallowed whole into a suffocating domestic housewife situation with White Star, they're fucking precious and I will fight anyone that tries to dismiss them, just. Um. I don't. Trust that they wouldn't. Because, again. They. Just want me here for you."

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"That seems..." He really, really wishes he could refute it, but what does he know? Only the way the guild treats him, and it's...


"That would be stupid if they did," is what he settles on. "Anyone with eyes could see how useful—I mean, how good you are."

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Okay, now she'll cry. She still doesn't want to, but she does anyway.

"Right! I'm very, very good!! On my own merits without any..." Sniffle. "Anyone else involved, really. But. Um. I figured you should know my baggage or something? Have context for why I'm wary of your guild and don't really want to be attached? Honestly the - the professional distance thing is kind of great for me too, even if I'm super concerned about your backlash and kind of fuck up sometimes, it's, I, just. Um. Fuck I'm making a hash of this, I probably should have done this over text, I'd be more coherent that way. I just would have spent forever trying to figure out what to say..."

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Yeah he totally agrees actually this is awful but it is what it is, they're already here, even if he's having to grip his wrists behind his back with enough strength he'd have squeezed a regular human's to a pulp in order to not reach out. And in order not to do something else that he might regret.

One of those is a lot safer than the other.

That's better. It's better if he can't reach out and touch her, better for all involved. Especially after what she just said, it's better if she doesn't get even a whiff of the—thoughts—it's better. He's been there and done that and it's not worth it, and he needs to protect himself.

"I think Korea is lucky to have you and Japan should be sad to have lost you," he says, which is literally contentless after what he'd said just prior but he doesn't know what else to say instead. "...if there's anything you do need from the guild then—I don't know if this helps. Um. I think... anyone? Not just me, I think if you asked anyone you'd—get it. I don't know what. ...the teleportation worked?"

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"I-it did, yes," she hiccups. "So that's nice. Um. I'll - probably do any reaching out for guild resources for now in the interim as I - sort out something I like better for myself? Turns out it's kind of hard. To be an esper alone in a new country. There's a lot we need for support and I - barely know this side of my family, really, and I'm living in a guest room and a silo someone else set up and everything is behind like a billion contracts and research and hiring and. It's a lot. Um. Sorry, I. Did not expect to cry. I. Probably should have. Um. Thank you for listening, sorry to suddenly. Dump my entire emotional everything on you? I mostly just wanted to give you context. And. I guess you did get it, huh?"

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"...yeah. Do you want to talk to—no she's from the guild." Does he know... anyone... outside the guild...? Not really. "Uh, maybe I could get someone to rec someone else who's not in the Guild to help?"

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Giggle-hiccup. Yeah. Yeah, she knows how it feels to suddenly realize all of your friends are in your workplace, though she'd glad his realization is less, uh. The way hers was.

"I'd appreciate that. Maybe not today, though, I mostly just want to destroy all dungeons who dare oppose us and then turn my stupid brain off for a while doing... something. Sudoku, maybe."

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He nods. "...I think I want to ask HQ to start sending us on real missions." The practice has been good but he's been getting antsy with these dungeons that don't even have names.

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Nod! "Sounds good. Um. I feel we've had enough practice together."

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"It's only been a week, I guess, but. ...um." How does he put this. "I don't think we're gonna get much practice working together out of dungeons either of us could've easily cleared alone."

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"No, I agree we're now past that. Honestly there's probably an argument to be made about splitting up for the easy dungeons, cover more ground? I mean my main concern there is your backlash and both of us recovering quickly from it, but, uh. ... We can absolutely both solo dungeons."

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"Usually when there are bigger dungeons, with. More people. I tend to cover... parts of it. On my own. Already. So it's not unusual." Pause. "We could just solo the dungeons we have scheduled for today at the same time and meet up for guiding afterwards." Wait, shit, no, that's a terrible idea?????

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"... Yeah, okay. Uh - you are looking better on the backlash front, but send me a message if it gets too bad and you want to meet back up again? But. .... we can totally knock out our day's dungeons in like, two hours and get ultimate bragging rights." She sounds like she would find that great fun, actually.

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Well now he can't very well back down, can he.

—that's the backlash talking. Review, correcting for it... yeah no it's fine, it'll actually be overall less total time spent in a room with just her and no one to stop him were he to—never mind.

He summons his commscreen and—uh, he wanted to walk over to her but that's three separate times in thirty seconds that he's had thoughts related to wanting to get closer to her so he should Definitely Not—shares the list of dungeons they have for today with her then suggests a split between them based on what to him seems to best fit their specialties (not that it matters much when they're such small fry). What does she think?

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Yeah, that works for her! Nicely divided up to give her the 'blast it with so much fire' stuff and him the 'precision targeting' stuff.

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Pretty much!

"...I'll let HQ know. They might need to scramble a bit to have personnel on site but..." They don't need personnel. It's really just a formality, and they're in the business of clearing dungeons, not formalities. "They can figure it out by the time we're done with our first dungeons."

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Lee Tae-gun has been having a lot of trouble recently predicting what's going to come out of his mouth but he's not sure there's anything in the world that could have prepared him for the words, "Wanna race me?"

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"Ha! Yes."

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Terrible, terrible idea.

Terrible idea.

"I'll comm you when we're by the door of our first dungeons, first to clear all three wins, including downtime."

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"Deal!" She's grinning, and brings up her commscreen to get to teleporting to her first dungeon.

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...please stop smiling.

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He takes a little bit longer than she does to get there because her first dungeon was meant to be their first dungeon while his first was meant to be their third, so HQ does have opinions about that, but their opinions boil down to "Oh shit, um, sure?? Uhhh we'll figure it out do you need anything right now—no—okay godspeed." so it's not that much longer.

I'll sync a countdown between our comms, we both start fifty meters away from the portal and go on zero.


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She believes in fairness, so she follows the listed rules and is fifty meters away from the portal before she replies:

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The countdown starts on her screen.





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She could theoretically blast herself into the dungeon's portal with appropriate leverage of fire, but she's up against her own backlash as much as the clock. Doing that would be spending down valuable power. Besides, running builds body heat, and it's best for her to have as much of that as possible. So: she will be running. While grinning. Are the watching onlookers very confused? Absolutely. Does she care? Absolutely not.

In she goes. She's careful to be indiscriminate and sloppy with her fire with this first dungeon, so that after the core's destroyed, there are plenty of still-hot rocks she can pry from their surroundings. Those get shoved down her clothes to keep her warm. It won't stave off her backlash forever, this is a temporary hack, but it's better than not doing it. Her clothes are a bit worse for wear and singed from the experience, but she feels fine. Then she can incinerate the last of everything threatening to crawl out of the dungeon, and step outside by herself.

There's a crowd with cameras when she exits the dungeon. As she puts in the request for teleportation to her next destination, someone asks something about if she and Tae-gun are no longer working together, which briefly distracts her from her typing.

"What? No, we're still partners. We're having a race."

And then the request goes through and she disappears.

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Another reason this was a good idea: oh right if he doesn't have her around his power levels also change. On the bright side that's just the same as the moment-to-moment adjustments he's already been having to do with her around, just in the opposite direction, and he has years of practice with not having a partner, so it's just a tiny hiccup at the start.

Tae-gun is careful and doesn't go all-out like Hye-jin does, but unlike his usual M.O. of cleaning the dungeon completely he makes a beeline to where the sensors suspect the core monster would be. He also leaves ice spikes near the entrance to slow down any monsters that might decide to come out and summons two ice swords to go melee on anything he can do that with. 

He wouldn't do this for the kinds of dungeons he tends to tackle, but he can afford to be sloppier for ones like this. He'll clear it fast enough, probably.

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There's a message waiting for him when he's finished his second (of three) dungeon.

2/3 done. Let me know if you need me to come in to help with yours! ;)
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That makes him stumble and stay outside dungeon two longer than he'd meant to.

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Which allows someone from the media to shout out to him, "Lee Tae-gun-nim! A moment, please! Is it true that you and Kim Hye-jin-nim have separated?"

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"...what? No, we're racing. Ah, excuse me."


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...Tae-gun what are you doing. This is going to be a headache.

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This time, there is a someone waiting for him once he's finished this dungeon.

Perched in the warm sunlight, wrapped in a bundle of blankets, nestled between two portable space heaters is his partner. She is sporting a hot cup of tea and a cheeky little grin.

There are a few Quasar personnel who are attempting to figure out how to fuss over her, but she mostly just showed up with all of her supplies and parked here without notice. They... don't super know what to do. They weren't expecting this. The media wasn't, either, and there hasn't been time for appropriate crowds to gather.

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Tae-gun doesn't immediately manage to process what he's seeing as he slowly floats to the ground, and just blinks at her a couple of times, a nearly-blank media-friendly expression on his face.

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(His backlash is... strong. Quite strong, actually, maybe stronger than it was on the day she met him. She can feel it from where she is, in the open air, and see it in the way he looks tense and high-strung.)

(See it on his face, which flashes with something very, very similar to what she saw after she touched his hand.)

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The expression lasts barely a second, though, and then it's media time. Despite the strength of the accumulated backlash he manages to walk steadily towards her. "Well, I guess you won, fair and square," he says in a carrying voice.

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Oh, this was so, so stupid. Her backlash is more deadly than most, and easy to overdo and then regret later. The sort of thing that seems fine, right up until she collapses in a dungeon to quietly die where no one can find her. And his backlash is already quite bad, and they're still working on helping him recover. Strenuous activity when one is in recovery is not, typically, the sort of thing that literally anyone would recommend.

But the look on his face and the taste of victory make such thoughts feel insignificant and ridiculous. They're bonding, okay. It's a very important part of esper partnerships. Also, tactically speaking, collecting this much backlash in such a short time is better for his recovery - similar levels of it between compatible partners causes speedier recovery than one who is in a bad way and one who is fine.

"Yes I did," she agrees smugly, in a similar carrying voice, to the sparsely gathered dregs of what media presence could manage to scrape themselves together in the minimum time they've been given to work in. News outlets don't tend to have much access to esper teleportation, and are instead beholden to the fickle whims of physical distance and traffic. This is a very nice thing about having done this very stupid thing.

And then he gets a teleport request to join her in her silo, because no seriously they need to handle the backlash as soon as possible.

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He takes a couple of seconds after she teleports to look at a likely camera nearby and roll his eyes fondly, and then vworps.

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To immediately find the farthest possible wall from her and examine it really closely.

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"That was so stupid," she giggles, looking pale and exhausted and not at all sorry. "The media's going to be in such a frenzy."

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Then she spots his distance from her and frowns. Uh, if he's going to be avoiding her then she should actually have teleported herself to a hospital, and honestly, she'd really rather not. "Um, still no touching is fine, but I think I might actually need you closer than that, I kind of overdid it. Sorry."

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He is struck by the insane thought that maybe he should get himself some handcuffs.

"Alright," he manages to get out, without turning to look at her. "Can we sit." Because it is a tiny bit harder for him to do anything he'll regret if he's sitting down rather than standing up.

It's a tiny bit harder for her to do anything they'll both regret if she's sitting down rather than standing up, too.

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"Yeah, of course," she agrees, stumbling clumsily over to the nearest couch and collapsing onto it. She manages to set her tea down on the nearby table, but very nearly spills it. "Sorry I didn't - um, there's whatever pills you take over there, I asked for them but didn't really... ask for amenities for you. Um. I should have prepped better, sorry."

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"It's fine," he says, going for the pills first. Then it's—is there anywhere to sit near her that isn't the couch.

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There is a second couch! It is near but companionably beside!

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Good enough.

His skin has a soft sheen of sweat, but not a lot. From up close he feels hot, but not that much. He does not look like he's melting in place. He does not seem to mind the temperature in this room.

His neck is flushed and his breathing is steady and purposeful and his hands are balled into fists on his thighs.

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Hye-jin meanwhile has started shivering. This might not look like an improvement, but actually, it is! Her body is having the expected physical responses to its internal temperature being colder than it should be, whereas before, it hadn't been. It hadn't had time to catch up, and wasn't compensating accordingly. This is more uncomfortable for her personally, but better for her recovery.

She has the presence of mind to sluggishly point a space heater at herself and cuddle up to several of those instant heat packs, in different locations around her body. Then she nestles under her several blankets, and shivers miserably. She's very, very tired and kind of wants to sleep.

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Oh but that's miserable.

This was a terrible idea. Why did he have this idea? He should not have done this. This was terrible. And now she's suffering and it's his fault.

He had a lot of fun though that's selfish.

She had a lot of fun though enough to justify this?

He really wanted to wipe that smirk off her face why is his brain bringing this up exactly this is the opposite if an argument for this???????

She's not don'tthinkthename

"I'm sorry," he murmurs quietly.

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"Oh, hush," she mumbles. "I'm not. Honestly, this was - good practice, I'm not used to dealing with this much backlash? I always had a partner. You were bad a'the partner bits, now I'm bad at... these bits."

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Wow what glowing recommendation, isn't it? He's good practice for not having a partner.

He could just touch her he doesn't want to just touch her and he knows he won't be able to control himself.

...she could touch him?

He extends his hand out. "You can. Touch my hand. —don't hold it. Just."

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"Mmmkay," she agrees. Scoot scoot, across the couch, and over she goes to touch his hand.

Waaaaaaaaaarm. It's just their hands but waaaaaaarm warm warm warm warm.

She practically melts.

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Tae-gun on the other hand had his eyes squeezed tightly shut and was trying to prepare for it and it still almost made him come.

It's the first time he's had backlash this bad and not done... something about it as soon as possible. Holding it in is... difficult. It's very, very difficult.

A part of his brain notices that he's not sure how he'll be able to stand up from where he is. It'll be very, very noticeable, if he tries. Maybe he will just teleport home from a sitting position.

Or, well, there's this piteous amount of guiding, which isn't actually doing much.

.......oh his chest hurts. He hadn't noticed because he'd been so focused on the one thing but his chest hurts. ......hurts more than normal, that is, he's always in pain these days but now it's worse. Which, well, of course it would be, but sometimes he forgets that backlash isn't just the metaphysical stuff, there's also the very real damage he's doing to his body all the time.

............................the pills just won't help with that. They can—halt it, prevent the damage. But doing three dungeons back-to-back, even easy ones like that, without taking pills in between, means that there was a lot of time for the mounting backlash to damage him. This amount of chest pain might be a new normal he'll have to get used to.

He coughs.

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"Mmn?" she mumbles, opening an eye. "Y'okay?"

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"Yeah," he says, and another cough belies it. "I might have breathed something in," he adds, which is true but unrelated.

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Waaaaaaarm hand.

"..... think we should get medical in here?" she wonders, a little distantly.

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pathetic pathetic pathetic pathetic pathetic "Not on my account." pathetic pathetic pathetic pathetic pathetic

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She similarly really doesn't want to ask for help, ever, at all. For anything. Especially from Quasar. Especially with how unpleasant medical intervention can get. They'd probably intubate her, and she hates that.

Probably they should anyway. Just in case. She thinks they're fine, but she would.

On the other hand: that sounds hard and she's so warm and sleepy.


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...it's bad if people fall asleep in the cold. Her cold is not environmental but he's not totally sure if—

—he can't touch her—

—if she dies because of a stupid idea he had and because he refused to touch her out of his dumb hangups he will never forgive himself—

—he's exaggerating, she's not going to die

—it wouldn't hurt to check

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He focuses on her. Her breathing, her heartbeat, is she... stable?

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Breathing's fine and even, though he can't exactly tell her heartbeat without, you know. Touching her.

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No he totally can, if he gets a bit closer he can hear it. Just a bit closer. And he just needs to make sure it's above 40, if it's above 40 then there's probably nothing to worry about.

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It's hard to tell from this distance, just by listening, especially when her pulse is kind of weak, but....

tha-thump. tha-thump.

Yep. That's above 40.

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He lets out a relieved breath. No dying of hypothermia.

...but he'll stay here a while longer. Make sure she's doing alright. It's helping with his backlash, too. And it would help even more if he got closer and touched more of her, maybe her face...

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He doesn't jump away, this time; just freezes in place. He doesn't want to wake her up.

And what's so bad about it, anyway? Partners fuck all the time. Park Yoo-min and Choi Seungjoo are dating, Min Woo-young and Seo Tae-hwan tumble...

...well, he doesn't know that Kim Hye-jin would want it, for one. If anything, he has some evidence that she wouldn't, what with how apparently stuff went so catastrophically with her prior partner. She herself said, even, that she appreciates the professional distance. She almost certainly doesn't want it.

Besides, even if she did want it, she probably wants someone who will respect her boundaries and consent, someone who can think while having sex, as opposed to someone who becomes a mindless uncontrollable animal. Or someone who will be begging, who will be pliant and weak and unable to take initiative, someone with no opinions beyond "more" and "please". Even if she did want it, she'd probably want a person, not a sex toy.

And he doesn't want to be a sex toy. He doesn't want to be a toy. He doesn't want to rely on anyone, especially not for this. He can't, can't let that happen again. Can't let someone see him at his most vulnerable, can't let them have such cheap access to his brain. His heart, his body. Him. He can't rely on someone else, anymore.

They shouldn't need to fuck, really. Just holding hands is enough for any espers, or at least any espers that don't build a backlog of backlash. More touch makes it take less long and is more thorough, exchange of fluids even more, but holding hands ought to be fine. Except with the amount of backlog he's built they'd need to hold hands nonstop for days for it to start making a dent. Snuggling would be better, but the thought of doing that makes him feel nauseous. Hell, holding hands was enough to send his mind places—not even because of the touch itself, as much as because being guided feels nice, even with zero backlash it feels nice to touch someone you're compatible with, and if he starts getting associations between feeling nice and touching her his brain will want more. He doesn't trust it.

Plus, there's... the image angle. He hates that angle but it's so important and he doesn't want to think it of her but he's known her a bit over a week. He doesn't really know her. He doesn't know that she wouldn't run to the media with the juicy gossip about what his backlash is like. He remembers, a while ago, a story about a Japanese S-ranker with clairvoyance powers whose backlash was kept under wraps just like Tae-gun's is, until it was leaked that when backlashing they went pliant and docile, like they were under hypnosis, and they'd tell you anything you wanted. That was devastating to their and their guild's image; Tae-gun has no idea whether they're even still around.

And finally... he doesn't know her. He doesn't know her. The backlash keeps telling him he should, but he should not. They do not grow closer. They do not share intimacy. They do not.

He doesn't want this for himself, and he doesn't want to put Quasar through something like that. Not again.

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So, he renews his convictions. He will not let Kim Hye-jin know about his backlash, and he will not let himself be tempted. He will not.

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She does, eventually, wake back up.

"Nnnnnmmhiiii," she yawns.

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Tae-gun freezes for a fraction of a second then relaxes again. "Hello," he says, without looking at her. He's sitting on the floor, in front of her couch, and at some point he placed her hand on his shoulder, so that he'd have both of his hands free to use his phone. And the skin where she's touching him grows warmer, noticeably, as she wakes up some more.

He'd almost forgotten she was there. Almost, not quite, but enough that he'd relaxed some. And the guiding was... good.

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She resists the urge to sleepily pet him. But she would like it noted that she really really wants to. Look, backlash makes her very snuggly, okay? And it's really nice to touch him.

"... your backlash is looking better," she muses. "And I think mine is mostly gone and so the - matchy matchy effect has slowed down a bit for handling yours. If you'd rather stop touching."

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"It's fine," he says. "The problem is—never mind. It's fine. If it's just this. I'm sorry I'm such a difficult partner, I know you didn't expect this—any of this—when you signed up. Or before that, when you got your offer. I guess these are separate things, the way the guild dealt with you and me. But it's a problem. Isn't it? Even if they told you I was difficult, I can't imagine you thought I'd be difficult in this way, which affects you so much. So I'm sorry. I'll, I'm doing my best. I promise. But I can't tell you, I can't say—I wish you wouldn't be so mad at the guild. —sorry, I shouldn't have said that, forget I said it. Why did I say that? I don't usually—oh, fuck."

He stands up abruptly and takes a few steps away from her, clamping a hand over his mouth.

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Oh no, he's so cute though?????

"I think this particular difficulty is both of our faults? And you are not the most difficult partner I've ever had. I locked the last one out of my silo. He went on a media smear campaign against me, and it was all... being mad that I wouldn't be controlled. Doing your best is really good, actually?? He didn't. I'd prefer working with you even before we had our massive fight."

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He lowers his hand and his lips are shaped like a small 'o'. "Working with you is good. Better than I'd expected. ...I guess my other partners weren't bad either, but, um. There were other reasons. And it's why I'm careful. Anyway I'm not going to try to control you. That'd be stupid. Very stupid. You could set me on fire. Also like the things you do are neat. When you're controlling them, I mean. So I wouldn't want to. And you shouldn't try to control me either. Quid pro quo, isn't it? I need to stop talking. I need to go back to my silo." He covers his mouth again and starts pacing.

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But he's adorable!! Look at him!!! So adorable!!!!!! Babbling!!!!!!! Help!!!!!

She should not keep him here just because she finds him cute, especially if he's in distress about what he's saying.

"I could set you on fire!" she agrees, amused, peeling blankets from herself and turning the space heater off. She checks herself for injuries, and is pleased to find that aside from the backlash, there aren't any, despite her sloppiness in the last dungeon of the trio and her questionable decisions about where hot rocks should go. "Thank you, I like what I do, too. And I don’t want to control you, either. Why don't you head back to your silo and then meet back up here later when you're feeling more yourself, and we can take out more of your backlash when you're actually consenting and not doing it because I'm a massive dumbass?"

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Right, yes, good idea, he vworps.

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A few seconds later he texts her:

oh i forgot to say bye


and thank you

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I wasn't offended! Bye to you too, hope you're doing well.
Honestly that was really really adorable and I was very charmed by it, just I am well aware of how backlashing espers are at their most vulnerable, so.
Gotta look out for my partner!
Good work today, though, but if we ever decide to race again let's have mandatory after dungeon breaks for each one, this was totally irresponsible and we are definitely going to get yelled at.
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we are SO going to get yelled at

the media asked me what we were doing, i said racing

i don't know what that'll do

wait i shouldn't be talking

i'm going to lock the texting app

can't say stuff i'll regret if i can't say stuff at all

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Yeah of course. Won't hold any of this against you.

She debates whether or not to add that if anything she likes him more now, but probably that would be rude and overstepping. Instead she sends:
Take care of yourself.

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Woo-young looks at the caller ID on his phone, sighs, and picks up. "What's up, prez?"

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"Can you get your man under control?"

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"...Tae-hwan? What'd he do?"

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"Oh." Pause, long-suffering sigh. "What did he do?"

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"Didn't you check the news?"

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"I was on assignment and then I was getting froyo, I did not check the news."

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"Well, do that."

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He summons a commscreen and pokes around until he figures out what it is prez is talking about. "...they had a race? —was that all of the dungeons they were meant to clear together today?"

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Woo-young sporfles.

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Yeonho will be patient about this because it is, admittedly, kind of hilarious.

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"Oh, that's amazing, I love it. Guess they got real impatient with the easy stuff you guys got them, huh?"

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"I guess! But I can't get a hold of Tae-gun and Kim Hye-jin is off-limits."

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"Well what's the problem, though? This looks like great optics, especially the fact that she won."

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"There are several problems! They gave almost no advance warning to our people and the media definitely picked up on how confused our on-sites were by the whole affair, the amount of backlash that caused was enough that—here, look at this." He sends Woo-young a link.

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It's a close-up of Tae-gun's face as he was stepping out of the last dungeon, when he was making a particular face.

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"...oh my. Is it just me or did it get hot in here? I might need to check the A/C."

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"Some people want to run the angle that he looked really angry and some other people want to run the angle that he looked really horny—"

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"It's both."

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"I know it's both! That's also a problem!"

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Woo-young laughs again.

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"And it's not like we can't work with that, but the image hunny gunny himself wants to project is perfect and invincible and I have no idea how I'm going to hold onto it after that."

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"Well, he and Kim Hye-jin both took down three dungeons apiece in less than two hours all told, solo, if that's not invincible I don't know what is."

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"And that's not all! There are people who are saying it was staged for Kim Hye-jin's sake, to make her look badass. There are people who are saying it wasn't staged by us but it was staged by Tae-gun to make her look badass, like a gentleman. There are people who think he was genuinely mad at her for winning. There are people who are mad that we'd assigned two powerful espers such easy dungeons that they could clear them like that when we could've instead assigned them actually dangerous ones that actually need their powers."

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"Oof is right." He sighs. "I can probably figure something out on the official media channels side of things but I am going to need you on your A-game for social media."

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Woo-young is not sure why he decided to accept the job of managing Tae-gun-sunbae's social media accounts but, well, he is getting paid for it. "Aye, aye, cap'n. ...are you sure I can't run the angle that he was really horny, the fanfic writers are going to go insane about what must've happened when they went into isolation after the last dungeon."

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"That, Woo-young, is between you and Tae-gun. But good luck."

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"You too, prez."

Woo-young hangs up and sighs. Looks like he might have a long day ahead of him. Well, nothing to it. His next dungeon assignment is in six hours, so he's got time.

He texts Park Eun-ji on the company chat app.

🧋youngwoo: we got an assignment directly from prez
🧋youngwoo: you up to date on the hot goss yet?

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With the rapid fire fast replies of someone whose whole job is being on the internet and attempting to steer the fickle whims of social opinion:

kitkatcat: aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
kitkatcat: unfortunately
kitkatcat: on one hand this is the most badass thing to ever happen in Korea
kitkatcat: on the other hand they're dumbasses and if we don't say they were being dumbasses other dumbasses will try copying them, and they really should have given us some notice!
kitkatcat: probably best spin is that they were testing kim hye-jin-nim's backlash for safety reasons now, before there are tough dungeons, and got competitive and took it too far?
kitkatcat: actually first can you confirm for me that everyone's alive, because if our fire princess killed herself for the hot boy, well, I get you sis, but also no
kitkatcat: I literally do not have any way to contact her, oppa refused to give me anything. tell him he's the worst for me next time you talk to him, because he is. what did he even do and why can't I make sure she's even alive!!!!!
kitkatcat: but no seriously hypothermia is scary. Is she at least with hunny gunny??
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Oh shit that didn't even occur to him. 

🧋youngwoo: they at least teleported together so i assume they must be but I'll check

And he can't talk about the reasons why sunbae might not have have guided her. He hopes they weren't that stupid but knowing sunbae...

He texts Hye-jin's personal number. 

so just to make sure are you like alive

i need to know this for government reasons

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Aw, only government reasons? My heart! It breaks!
Yeah totally fine, thanks for checking.
Tae-gun-sunbae held my hand and made sure I was good before he fled. We're both fine, if idiots.
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he held your hand????

are you sure we're talking about the same sunbae?

the one i mean is tall and gorgeous and an idiot tsundere

actually quick Q do you want Quasar to deal with the media fallout because uh

actually i'm not sure how we could possibly manage sunbae's side of things without doing yours

but we don't want to fuck you over

might want you to come over though if you have input

and actually do you know why the fuck i can't get in touch with sunbae

pardon my french

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He seemed to have broken his word filter and was saying lots of things, so he removed his ability to say more things via text.
But his backlash had improved a bunch and he is not in any danger.
I should probably interact with Quasar's media people, but I kinda don't wanna, I'm tired and achey.
Can you just say we got carried away and competitive or something? We'll both agree it was dumb, because it was.
Maybe reassure that I'm fine but say I'm recovering to buy time, because I am.
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kitkatcat: you're getting distracted I can tell by your silence
kitkatcat: @youngwoo is she alive, y/n
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Awww he's sad he missed that, it's always funny when sunbae's backlash is word hemorrhaging. He starts typing a response then sees Eun-ji's message and swaps to that.

🧋youngwoo: y
🧋youngwoo: she's alive but she's wary of guilds doing guild things without her permission after the bullshit with white star so i'm trying to figure out what we're allowed to do

And to Hye-jin:

i'm quasar's social media people for sunbae specifically

we kinda do need to figure something out fast though

i know we've only known each other a week but do you trust me to figure this out and advocate for you? 

i swear i'm not going to fuck you over on the honour of all of the cat pictures i've sent you

also sunbae might kill me if i did but that's less important

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kitkatcat: k. understandable.
kitkatcat: do I have her permission to say she's fine and recovering at least?
kitkatcat: that's the most important thing.
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... She kind of doesn't, really? Is the thing? She wants to, but she doesn't.

Can you do the equivalent of radio silence aside from the fact that I'm recovering well and let me handle the rest?
Quasar's allowed to say that it thinks I was stupid, I think I was stupid too, just.
Don't want any words said for me if that makes sense, sorry.

Ugh, she's going to need to do an interview, isn't she. Damn it.
Also don’t schedule me for anything or make any statements on my behalf, please
I’ll do an interview or something eventually, just. Later. On my time.
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To Eun-ji:

🧋youngwoo: yeah

As for Hye-jin, he can read between the lines and fair enough, really.

do you want to do interviews?

by default quasar tries to avoid it just because well

it fucking sucks and we're already risking our lives saving people and having to do interviews on top of that is ass

to me at least 

we're not gonna put any words in your mouth though for sure

sorry if i came off pressure-y

media is jumping on this like vultures and social media is even faster

He starts typing an explanation of what angles the media is going for an then stops and backspaces it.

i'll stop bugging you

we'll figure something out dw


actually i realised i was assuming you don't want to know anything about this until later but lmk if that's not true

There, no making assumptions.

And back to Eun-ji:

🧋youngwoo: she doesn't want us to say that she said any things she didn't say
🧋youngwoo: and i'm gonna drop onto sunbae's head

Ah shit that definitely implies sunbae and Hye-jin aren't together. Well, whatever, war mode right now.

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I’d rather do them than be entirely powerless in my own presentation, but.
They suck a bunch and it sucks more that people feel entitled to them
But yeah I kinda want to just sleep rn
Just say I’m tired and recovering please, I’ll sort it out later
I’ve been avoiding media and news anyway it’s nbd.
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kitkatcat: k
kitkatcat: I’ll say they’re recovering well and request patience
kitkatcat: can never go wrong with asking for patience
kitkatcat: well you can but
kitkatcat: here it’s fine
kitkatcat: after that, second most important thing is that no one else tries to do something this stupid, it’ll get people killed.
kitkatcat: don’t want to throw anyone under any buses but we do gotta say we don’t recommend this
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He wants to argue with the "entirely powerless" thing but it's a dumb thing to do and the wrong time to do it. 

alright! have a good rest

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His partner sends him two texts:

hyung, have you still not gotten your froyo?

I'm walking on the walls here hyung

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...ah fuck. He forgot his froyo and that Tae-hwan was waiting for him. 

sorry tae-hwan-ah something came up

I need to go bug tae-gun-sunbae

give me ten minutes and I'll be with you

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This is too much stuff 

🧋youngwoo: what do i do about sunbae's picture though
🧋youngwoo: there's no way people will overlook his instagram account not mentioning it
🧋youngwoo: noona i do not envy your job it's so much easier to deal with just sunbae and no one else

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kitkatcat: idk he seems like a lot
kitkatcat: guild stuff is a lot of ‘don’t be idiots, and stop pestering the people saving the world’
kitkatcat: whereas personal media presentation is like
kitkatcat: personal and shit
kitkatcat: anyway I think nothing is the thing to do about the image tbh
kitkatcat: every celebrity gets shitty unflattering pictures taken of them
kitkatcat: people are gonna meme and fap to it but that’s it
kitkatcat: plus if anything it says they have a good partnership
kitkatcat: and then they’re all distracted making dumb jokes about sex
kitkatcat: like guild chat!
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See that would be okay if sunbae weren't the sort of person who would absolutely hate to have a fappable image. Like he hasn't looked in the mirror or something.

🧋youngwoo: you might be right tbh

He notices he's procrastinating on teleporting onto sunbae. He should get on that. 


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"Oh good you're wearing clothes."

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kitkatcat: I definitely am :P
kitkatcat: now if you’ll excuse me I gotta make some recommended ground rules for other espers that want to RACE
kitkatcat: ugh ugh ugh what a shitty idea ugh
kitkatcat: but if I don’t tell them to do one dungeon at a time with backlash recovery in between,,,,,
kitkatcat: guess what,,,,,
kitkatcat: I’ll stop procrastinating good luck with your s rank headache
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🧋youngwoo: thank you and good luck with your thing too

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Tae-gun is lying in bed, indeed wearing clothes, and was browsing the internet idly when Woo-young appeared in his room. Now he is lying in bed, wearing clothes, trying to still his panicking heart.

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And Woo-young is—well, not standing, that's for sure, because his legs are definitely not trustworthy after the earlier rescue assignment and teleporting here. "Sunbae, what the fuck was that this morning."

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"...which part?"

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"There are parts??? I mean the thing where you and Kim Hye-jin raced to complete three dungeons, what other parts are there!!"

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"Oh. That. Yeah. I held her hand, too. But I didn't do anything else! Just that. Did she tell you that? Did you tell her she's pretty? ...never tell her I said that. Oh locking the texting app was such a good idea. I hate this."

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"Sunbae, please, it's very endearing when you're like this but I actually need you to focus here. Why'd you do a race?"

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He flops back on the bed and stares at the ceiling. "These dungeons are boring. We could've cleared them solo. So we did."

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"Why a race, though?"

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"...I dunno." Even at the time he didn't know, really.

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"...fine. Sure. Alright. Why not. You don't know. We can work with that."

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"I mean, spending the whole day doing them side-by-side would've been boring and useless, we're already working alright together in these small fry dungeons, there's nothing else to practise there, we're only going to work better together with stuff that actually challenges us at least a little bit. So this way we knock them all out quickly, that's strictly safer, right? Less time for them to kidnap civilians or spit out monsters. We get the rest of the day off to deal with the backlash and, I dunno, bond? That's part of the point, isn't it? Only I never know how much of that is the backlash speaking, do I? I want to be near her, it feels so nice to be near her, but that's the backlash for sure, but also if we're going to be partners we should at least enjoy spending time together, or at least not hate it, right? And it worked! I think we bonded, probably. But also I'm scared. I'm really scared of bonding, even if it's tactically smart. This has implications that I don't want to think about, though, so would you kindly change the subject because I don't know how to do that when I'm in this state."

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He sure does say a lot of words when he's in this state, it's true. "Okay, that first thing you said there is good, though. Going through them quickly, I like it.

"Sunbae, did you see the pictures they took of your face after the third dungeon?"

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Woo-young links him it.

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"...my chat app is locked."

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"...right." He scoots over next to Tae-gun and widens his commscreen to zoom into the picture.

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"...oh. Oh. Oh no."

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"Look, any other esper could work with that, clearly you were really horny—"

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"She was smirking at me and I wanted to—"

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Woo-young covers his mouth. "You do not want the memory of having said what you were about to say to me. Thank me later. ...is there even a point in me asking this. The picture can't be untaken, I don't know what kind of damage control we could possibly do right now but it's fine, it was just a moment, your image of the perfect shining hero is just slightly dented not shattered."

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"...just say I was tired after clearing three dungeons and that's what I was thinking?"

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"Sunbae, look at that picture. That is not a man who is thinking about the monsters he's just killed unless he has very interesting predilections about monsters."

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"Right. Park Eun-ji-noona suggested that we just do nothing and tank it, and honestly your fangirls are going insane over this—at least the ones that aren't crying themselves to bed because it turns out you're not gay—"

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"I'm into men too, you know that." Though he wishes he weren't.

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"Fujoshi fangirls are not known for their complete lack of biphobia, sunbae. Anyway—" Sigh. "I'm not gonna do anything. I'm going to publish one of the videos that doesn't linger overmuch on your face, I think we have one with a good angle. And then once you're not backlashing you'll tell me what you want me to do about all of this. Sound good?"

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"...I guess."

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"Excellent, good talk, have a nice rest."

And now he is going to teleport directly on top of Seo Tae-hwan because he wants to be confident in his ability to walk and because he can do the rest of his job today before the next dungeon while snuggling and that's the best possible work environment, really.

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Park Eun-ji finishes carefully placing the final copy of the adorable little calico-with-chocolate-on-her-head avatar with the rest of the text. This isn’t a circumstance that needs anything more complicated than ‘tiny cat pointing dramatically in various poses, sometimes with a stick,’ so she doesn’t take the time to get her avatar any new kind of prop or pose, and just sticks with her current library of premade options. Speed is more important than personalization right now, and Eun-ji doesn't have the time to sink into lovingly creating new adorable ways for a cartoon cat to gesture.

Hey guys! It’s Kitkatcat’s semi-regular reminder that espers are people, not robots!

It would be great if they could be perfectly efficient dungeon clearing machines that can accurately judge risk factors and always respond accordingly. But they’re human, and let’s face it, no human can do that all the time. And sometimes, humans want to have fun with their job, even if their job is really really important!

Clearing dungeons quickly is good! If a dungeon is cleared quickly, resources spent keeping people safe from that dungeon can go elsewhere. The most obvious are espers, yeah, everyone likes thinking of them on the news, but espers are only one part of a system for keeping people safe. There are many officials in charge of detouring civilians around dungeons, or keeping track of missing people and getting accurate counts for rescue missions, or figuring out which sets of teams would be best suited for which dungeon. They all work together to make things easier on the people on the ground! But every person that’s keeping a dungeon safe now is too busy to be able to do the same for a newer dungeon, whether that be finding the portal’s exact location or tracking down all of the monsters that come out or getting word out early that something’s gone wrong. There’s a lot of work to do, and only so many people doing it!

So! In the appropriate circumstances, espers doing their best to close dungeons quickly helps everyone!

Does this mean that all espers should try to close all dungeons as fast as possible? Absolutely not! Lee Tae-gun and Kim Hye-jin's dungeon race got a little bit out of hand, but there were some important factors to remember about their chosen dungeons! The first and most important is that no one was inside any of them, and they were isolated from any really centralized or populated areas. The second is that these dungeons were all well within standard parameters of dungeons of their type. Some dungeons can be unpredictably dangerous, holding unexpected risks or nonstandard monsters, but these were all checked over by sensor specialist espers beforehand. For experienced espers who specialize in combat and clearing, it was just a normal day of work. Everybody gets bored at their day job sometimes, and man-made difficulty in a safe environment (with support staff standing by to help in case of a medical emergency!) keeps everyone ready for if things go wrong in a real emergency. A safe stress test gives important information about what things might go wrong where, and how they can be mitigated and prevented in the future, which makes everyone safer in the long run when something unexpected inevitably happens.

Did both of Quasar's powerful A and S rank espers get a little bit too competitive? Absolutely! The rankings Korea uses are more than just based on raw power - it takes a lot of hard work and determination to get recognized as a high ranking esper. That means that most espers ranked A or higher are very driven and ambitious. Put two very driven people together as partners, and, well... sometimes things go a little bit too far! Quasar does not recommend espers having unplanned dungeon-related competitions for exactly this reason. If you are going to do something, especially when it comes to something as dangerous as dungeon closing, your first priority should always, always, always be safety.

She's got another post planned and half-drafted, but she is not going to be putting that online until and unless idiots driven and ambitious espers start actually copying their idiots. A set of recommended ground rules for racing dungeon clears would seem like encouragement, instead of the urging of caution and risk management, at least this early. She really, really hopes she doesn't have to make that post, but she doesn't have high hopes. People are stupid, and there are several A-ranks who want to make Korea's S-rank tier a bit more crowded. Lee Tae-gun publicly getting into a dumb race - and losing! - with his new partner is just blood in the water for ambition. Some of it will be well planned, some of it won't be. She can't really urge people to do the former this early without some freelance espers without guild support getting the bright idea to be like their idol.

Anyway, that's just planning for the future. For now, she just wants to get the basic explanatory 'this wasn't quite as dumb as it looked, but it's still stupid, don't do it' post up. She gives it another spellcheck, and then throws it out to the vicious wolves of public opinion.
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This complete, she goes to see about something like this never happening again, at least not in Quasar. There is a department that is to blame for letting the powerful and high energy and therefore very easily bored espers actually, you know. Get bored. She sends one of the members of that department a direct message over guild chat.

kitkatcat: hey so have you learned your lesson about not underscheduling our star players
kitkatcat: because if not
kitkatcat: don't do that
ChoiBokBok: it wasn't even a very gentle ramp up!!!!!
ChoiBokBok: sunbae hasn't had a partner in years!!!!
ChoiBokBok: I put them on the accelerated schedule!!!!!!!!
kitkatcat: hunny gunny has never been normal or rational
kitkatcat: if you were expecting him to suddenly become normal because he got a partner
kitkatcat: surprise!
kitkatcat: his partner beat him in a race!!
kitkatcat: she's crazy too!
kitkatcat: neither of them are normal, throw out your standard dungeon clear ratio charts
kitkatcat: all of them
kitkatcat: they're useless now
ChoiBokBok: they're still very useful!
ChoiBokBok: even for them, actually, though not for standard scheduling reasons
ChoiBokBok: I now have a much better idea of the level of extended time working to backlash ratio for Kim Hye-jin-nim
ChoiBokBok: it means I don't have to be as worried about dungeons doing something unexpected
kitkatcat: sure sure
kitkatcat: whatever you need to say to not have to give up your comfort spreadsheets
kitkatcat: just don't let them get bored again

Getting a reaction out of him makes her feel a little better, but it's still going to be a very long day.

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taegun fan no. 1183: @youngwoo are you seriously only going to upload that video to insta?
taegun fan no. 1183: you can barely see sunbae's face!

🍸nomu?: ?

taegun fan no. 1183this video and this face

🐣qt patoo t: oh wow

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💤Zzzzgirl: that's a travesty, give the people what they want!!
💤Zzzzgirl: they want that face!!
🍵Tconnoisseur: I'm not sure why you're trying to hide it tbh, there are already memes of just a picture of it online.
💤Zzzzgirl: yeah!!!!
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yoo-min-max: have you guys seen the meme with Kim Hye-jin?
yoo-min-max: hang on let me find it

🍸nomu?: this one*?

yoo-min-max: yesssss

taegun fan no. 1183: oh me too bc same sis


* A gif of Hye-jin saying "I'm really enjoying Korea!" above a gif of Tae-gun's face with the text "Korea:" written on top.

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💤Zzzzgirl: yesssss get it girl
🛡️discountraidcaptain: I know it's all in good fun, but there are pictures of espers with all kinds of faces and that doesn't mean any of the emotions are accurate or endorsed.
🫘beancounter: also it's dickish
🫘beancounter: would you guys be joking about this meme if Kim Hye-jin were in here or if Lee Tae-gun actually read the chat.
🫘beancounter: if you wouldn't, here's a hint
🫘beancounter: you're being a dick
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🧋youngwoo: yeah Kim Hye-jin is not here and most of you guys don't know her so maybe chill a bit
🧋youngwoo: sunbae is fair game though if he wants to object he can do so himself

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taegun fan no. 1183: ...yeah ur right sorry

yoo-min-max: you're right I didn't think about that OTL

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💤Zzzzgirl: yeah, sorry.

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When Hye-jin wakes up, she'll have a cute cat video waiting for her in her inbox.

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Awwww. Thank you, Woo-young. She sends a laughing face and then a thank you.

Then she checks on Tae-gun.
Hey, are you allowed to text again yet?
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Okay, good! Hope you're doing well. Do you need any guidance before I head home?
Well. 'Home.' The place that she's sleeping, more like.
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I'm fine, thank you.

And I'm sorry about the way I was behaving.

It was very unbecoming.

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I'm sorry I got so bad you needed to babysit me!
I don't think espers in the middle of backlash should have anything they say or do held against them?
Just the things we do when we're fully functional
... the race was really fun though. I'd be up for doing another, but maybe with better rules and enforced breaks between them.
Still. Worth it!
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I also had fun. 

They will probably change our planned schedule though. 

Hopefully we will get more appropriate dungeons in the future.

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Yes!!! I was getting so bored!!!!
They might make us have a mandatory day off for being dumb though.
So, uh. Oops. I think we played ourselves, sunbae.
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I suppose we will see.

If they start sending us on dungeons of appropriate power level we will need to start doing proper research on them anyway, so having some time to prepare will not be so bad.

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That's true! :D
Are you comfortable having pre-dungeon planning sessions in person?
Because we can try to figure out something to let us plan long distance if you need to.
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There's a long pause before he sends,


We can do it in person.

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Okay. Let me know the minute you need space though!
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Another long pause. 


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Heading home, then. See you later!
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She could get to her aunt's house the usual way, but she has suspicions about what's going on with the media right now, and so she doesn't want to be available to be cornered for any kind of interview or paparazzi. Teleportation it is.

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It turns out that there are memes about her and Tae-gun.

How she learns about this is her youngest cousin asking her for details about what he's like in bed.

If she's getting a day off tomorrow, she's definitely going to be getting a different place to stay, even if she has to sleep on the floor in a shitty shack in a shittier neighborhood. She doesn't think she'll have to, but. Still. She needs her damn space.

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Okay. It's the day after the very stupid dungeon race, and Park Eun-ji still has no way to directly contact Kim Hye-jin. It's fine if she doesn't want to make a statement, but living eternally in limbo is doing no one any good, and she suspects from context and knowing how her cousin works that this is entirely his fault.

This is unacceptable. She will be fixing it.

Eun-ji checks with his secretary to make sure that he's not in the middle of a meeting, and since he's not, she storms in.

"Oi, oppa!" she says. "What the fuck is happening with Kim Hye-jin!"

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When she gets to his office the sight she'll see is her cousin holding his head in his hands, elbows on his desk, gripping his hair hard enough to turn his scalp red.

"Eun-ji, I'm really really happy with how this company works, you know," he says, and his grip tightens. "I fucked up big time, made decisions when I should instead not have made decisions, and now she thinks Quasar is a pile of toxic waste just like every other fucking guild out there and nothing we say can be trusted and everything we try to do is just more strings we want to attach to her.

"So that's what the fuck is happening with Kim Hye-jin. I don't know how to do right by her and I'm hoping someone more qualified than me will show up to yell the solution at me."

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"... So why's she working with us at all?"

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"Because she took pity on hunny gunny. ...that's dismissive. Because she saw how much Lee Tae-gun was self-destructing at a glance and wanted to help. Please don't let it spread that he's self-destructing but he is and he really needs a partner and she's a beacon of shining light for him and she obviously thought we just wanted to use her for that."

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"Already knew he was self-destructing, I have eyes, thanks. I only pretend to think he's invincible and perfect in chat. So she's basically a freelancer working with us with her nose held, and. ... We have not given her any kind of direction or resources to alternatives to Quasar assistance. Oppa."

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"Are you here to yell the solution to my problem? Please yell the solution to my problem, I'd love nothing more. Her contract says that she wants nothing to do with us, she told me as much with her mouth, I have no idea how the guild could send her any resources without her thinking they're poisoned so I've been just waiting for her to ask for stuff and giving her everything she asks for."

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"Oppa, the solution to your problem with optics with the new recruit was getting the cousin you hired for literally that exact job to help. Instead of just, whatever the fuck this is. Ugh. You're such a dumbass. Okay, you're going to explain to me what exactly the contents of her rightfully yelling at you included, and what stupid fucking shit you said back, and then I'm going to see about not leaving an A-rank esper using the fucking subway or whatever the hell she's stuck using as a freelancer in a country she just got to!"

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"Are you insane she's being teleported—right. Fine. Yes." It's been a week and he didn't record their conversation but the meeting got seared into his memory so he can recount it well enough if not in every particular.

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Eun-ji takes notes on her commscreen, and looks like she wants to strangle him several times during the recounting.

"Okay, so, she has lots of money to throw around, but probably has no idea where to aim it at all. Because she just got to the country. And she's basically a freelancer who's just here for her partner. Okay. You know what? I can fix this. I'm going to need Jo Ji-min and Yu Hyunwoo on this, clear their schedules and have them come find me. First priority is going to be looking through independent companies that provide esper support structures and getting a list together to send to her, which she can pick from, or not.

"I also need literally any way to contact her - if you're going to flinch at contacting her, like I know you're about to, have Tae-gun do it. He's the one she's here for anyway. If she's smart she has a burner number for this kind of stuff that she can mute, we should have that. If she doesn't then have him recommend she gets one of those. Clear instructions that you can work from?"

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He looks like he's about to cry. "Yes Eun-ji thank you Eun-ji I don't know what I'd do without you Eun-ji."

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"Shrivel up and spontaneously combust, after losing like, half your espers and suffering for a year or two first. Get me sooner next time, baka."

Right then! On to work.

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Jo Ji-min's and Yu Hyunwoo's schedules are cleared, and the president messages Tae-gun.

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...? Okay, he can relay that to Hye-jin.

The guild wants to know if they're allowed to contact you to send you information packets about freelance esper support companies and agencies.

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... that would be so great, actually??? Why didn't they do that sooner???? She doesn't trust it, but maybe they've realized that if she literally dies on their supposed watch it'll be bad for their optics.

Yeah, okay. This number's fine, it's my work number.
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They also told me to suggest getting a burner phone of some kind that you can mute to contact only them if you want.

I think they would probably buy you it if you wanted? But I guess you might not trust it?

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Work phone can be muted and is separate from my personal phone number for that reason!
Thanks, though.

There's a pause, then:
If you know, what changed? They'd been ignoring me before.
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I don't know, sorry. 

Woo-young might?

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I'll ask, thanks.

Then, to Woo-young:
So did I terrify Quasar with the dumb race stunt, because I'm very confused about suddenly getting assistance to find non-Quasar esper support alternatives.
Not turning it down, mind, but. ?????
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the short answer is that someone competent finally showed up to hit prez with a mallet and take over relations with you

the long answer involves some quasar internals that aren't like secrets or anything just I'm not sure how much you want to know

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... Wow.
Gotta say that if that's what it took I'm not sorry I'm keeping Quasar at arm's length tbh.
Anyway thanks I'm good, I will accept my notes on how to get outside help and I will only mildly distrust them as traps.
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competence in this guild is very noncentralised

has its perks but also its down sides

you can let whoever know if there's any other things you do need or want btw

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Can do.
Might not, but I will be aware I can.
Thanks though, really. ^_^
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yeah 'course

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Online forums are abuzz with activity, that one fraction of a second of a change in facial expression of Lee Tae-gun's fuelling all sorts of discussion and speculation. For him to do something as reckless as racing through dungeons and then look like that at the end, well... Kim Hye-jin must be something really special, right? Lee Tae-gun never lost his composure like that in public before, not even when he had other partners (and there's heated discussion about which of his prior partners should've been the most likely to cause a reaction, with Kang Jaeha being the most popular one).

Of course this results in the Korean public—or the part of the Korean public that's really into espers, at least—to really start digging into Kim Hye-jin. It is unanimously believed that Tae-gun is a step up from Hye-jin's Japanese partner, but there's a growing contingent of people who think that she is also a step up from Kang Jaeha, despite both of them being A-rank espers. There just isn't really much that can compete with the kind of bullshit they just pulled, and it makes people speculate that maybe Hye-jin should be promoted to S-rank, too.

Tae-gun's official social media pages just don't engage with the thirsty masses begging for any more scraps of information, and the official traditional media outlets run a very flattering story in parallel to Park Eun-ji's blog post: the two espers wanted to challenge themselves, test their backlashes, and bond; it got a bit out of hand, but they knew what they were doing and took many reasonable precautions; other espers are cautioned against trying something like this and encouraged to seek their guilds or other support structures for guidance and care. Neither Kim Hye-jin nor Lee Tae-gun give official interviews, and their words as relayed by Quasar (with both of their consent) reinforce that message.

...but, really, the overall tone of all outlets, official and non, is that Korea has probably managed to score an incredible new asset in their struggle against dungeons. Everyone is rooting for Kim Hye-jin.

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...not everyone.