...to depend on others
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kitkatcat: fire a-rank from Japan, had a falling out with her partner. apparently she was a massive pain to work with?
Zzzzgirl: okay but like, how sure are we that he's not just mad he lost that, because I'd be mad I lost that.
kitkatcat: idk, my japanese isn't great and all of the articles don't have korean translations
Tconnoisseur: she totally set her contract on actual fire, I just heard Seo-Ah bitch about needing to redo a bunch of stuff and basically rewrite the whole thing.


nomu?: that's not gonna last

taegun fan no. 1183: hey, if she set the contract on fire to ask for revisions it means she wants to stay, ye?

yoo-min-max: how's that copium supply going, need some more?

taegun fan no. 1183: look a girl can hope that people she looks up to will get nice things!

yoo-min-max: you sure you're not just trying to live vicariously through her and get a piece of HunnyGunny's @$$?

MODERATOR ANNOUNCEMENT: Please do not use vulgar language or make sexual remarks in the group chat, and do not use terms of endearment for other members.

kittykatcat: omg did she really???
kittykatcat: @SeoAAAAAA, hey, hey did she actually set the contract on fire, like, in front of you???
kittykatcat: because wow we really did pick up a fire princess didn't we.
Zzzzgirl: you could say she's....
Zzzzgirl: hot.
Tconnoisseur: why do I give my hot goss to this chat again, I don't do this for the bad puns.
Zzzzgirl: cmon on that was funny!

SeoAAAAAA: you guys know i'm not allowed to talk about it
SeoAAAAAA: even if, hypothetically speaking, it had in fact been the case that a new recruit had somehow managed to set a contract on fire so completely that not even ashes remained and yet somehow not trigger the fire alarm
SeoAAAAAA: i would not be allowed to tell you guys about it

qt patoo t: holy wowers so it's true

nomu?: maybe she can deal with sunbae's backlash

taegun fan no. 1183: Tae-gun-sunbae doesn't have a backlash

yoo-min-max: no one knows what his backlash is like

taegun fan no. 1183: Tae-gun-sunbae doesn't have a backlash!

nomu?: i bet @youngwoo knows


youngwoo: Tae-gun-sunbae doesn't have a backlash


qt patoo t: omg you're here didn't you go talk to prez
qt patoo t: what happened?

kitkatcat: tell ussssssss. is our boy going to be okay with her. is his perfect face safe from any burns??
kitkatcat: do we need to avoid the new girl for fear of her fiery wrath??
Tconnoisseur: found a video of her fiery wrath
Zzzzgirl: omg!!!!!!

youngwoo: you don't need to worry, she's cool
youngwoo: prez though is in hot effing water


taegun fan no. 1183: honestly he deserves it

qt patoo t: what'd he do?

taegun fan no. 1183: what didnt he do?

nomu?: preach

yoo-min-max: hey though that video is rly cool
yoo-min-max: is that limp blob next to her her old partner?
yoo-min-max: good riddance, our hunny gunny is way cooler and hotter

MODERATOR ANNOUNCEMENT: User @yoo-min-max has been muted for ten minutes.

Zzzzgirl: ymm died a hero
Zzzzgirl: F
Tconnoisseur: F.
kitkatcat: f
discountraidcaptain: okay but she moved all the way from japan, can we try to be really nice to her guys, I bet she's going through some stuff.

taegun fan no. 1183: legit, esp if she gets on well with sunbae

nomu?: no, dude, just regardless, she's not here to be tae-gun-sunbae's emotional support esper, she's her own person

taegun fan no. 1183: sorry, mb, thats not what i meant

nomu?: what did you mean?

taegun fan no. 1183: just that since their partnered if they get on well shell be here a long time probly

nomu?: oh
nomu?: yeah legit

qt patoo t: we gotta give her a warm quasar welcome!

kitkatcat: yeah for sure, if nothing else I love her style!
Zzzzgirl: the warmest welcome for our warmest esper!
Tconnoisseur: why are you like this.

taegun fan no. 1183: sunbae has a mission tonite ne?
taegun fan no. 1183: think theyll be together?

nomu?: mission on the first day? unlikely


youngwoo: you guys realise that sunbae's in this chat, right?


nomu?: yeah but he never reads it


Tae-gun sighs and closes the chat app. He should, actually, start preparing for his mission; his meds have stabilised him but he has research to do on the dungeon.


The next day, Hye-jin gets an email saying that the Guild president would like to meet with her at her earliest convenience, no need to schedule in advance.


Mhm, mhm. So, she doesn't have any openings until tomorrow. So sorry. She's very busy, see. Her lawyer should have contacted them about the contract revisions? Are they acceptable?


Yes, they most certainly did receive the revisions, and they most certainly are all acceptable. No rush, though! He'll be here whenever.


Of course. She'd hate to burden his no doubt busy schedule. She thanks him for his consideration and time.

(She is going to get a tour around Seoul from her delighted cousin! And throw lots of money at buying nice things for the both of them! They will be having fun and she is not thinking of fucking Quasar at all for the next twenty four hours.)


Quasar will wait. Patiently.


It had better.

The next day, she shows up at 6:30 AM in spotless and expensive business attire and heels. Hello! She's here to see the guild president, is he available right now?


They've been told to expect her. "Kim Hye-jin-nim? He's available, yes. Would you like to be shown to his office?"


"Yes, please, if you would."

It's slightly disappointing that this doesn't seem to be outrageously annoying to him. Damn it. She should have made it 5 AM instead, but that would have been too obviously hostile. Sigh...


So this receptionist will themself lead her to the top floor of the building then all the way to the end of a hallway to the president's office. They knock, then open the door. "Guild president? Kim Hye-jin-nim is here to see you."

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