SDORM is pretty simple.
Pairs of players install the app on their phones. After choosing a buddy, a player's buddy becomes known as their bunkmate. Bunkmates can view each other at any time on their phones, and manipulate each other's environments. When initially connected, you'll see the usual machines you've come to know and love - the totem lathe, the alchemiter, the pre-punched card... but look closely! The cruxtruder has been replaced with a new and improved DICRUXTRUDER, with double the cruxite dowels, and two sprites!
In previous versions of SDORM, whether players shared a session was determined through long, closed chains, in which one player acted as server for another player, who in turn acted as server for yet another, and so on, until the final player acted as server for the original player. Rest easy, we're out of the stone ages! With the latest version, the SDORM app may be pre-patched by institutions pre-distribution to ensure all their students arrive to the same session. Mechanics dependent on the "order" of server-client connections will now be automatically assigned by advanced artificial intelligence.