Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
He's in a forest. Looks like there was a pretty bad fire here recently. There's no summoner apparent at eye level, but the flash of orange darting off into some charred undergrowth probably makes him look down.
The circle around him is not very neat, to say the least. It's in ash, some of it having sort of a watercolor effect against the forest floor where rain didn't wash it away, some of it tracked back on in tiny pawprints.
Also the two, largely-overlapping dialects he just acquired seem to be made up of . . . meows.
"Er, hello," meows presumably the flash of orange from under the burnt bush, sounding equally confused.
"In ThunderClan's territory." The cat emerges. "I didn't know any Twolegs could talk."
"That's unfair to parrots," says Cam blandly. "You summoned me, so now I speak your language, is how it works."
"I was making a joke. They have two legs and can learn to imitate sounds such as speech. Where I'm from, cats don't talk."
"It looks like it was an accident, but this arrangement of pawprints and whatnot here appears to constitute a summoning circle, that being a diagram which enables beings like myself to appear in response. Traditionally you would offer to trade me something in exchange for some sort of material object but I'm not wedded to that."
"I usually take media recommendations but you don't seem to be literate so I'm not sure what kinds of media you might have to hand. It's okay, don't worry about it."
"All right." The cat gathers his resolve, shifting from a confused demeanor to a confident one. "I'll escort you to the border, then."
"Kittypets live in Twoleg nests and - eat food given to them by Twolegs. Clan cats live in the wild and take care of themselves and each other."
"Of course," he meows. ". . . There are legends about cats who don't talk but I haven't ever met one."