Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.
"She doesn't know how to navigate the forest safely; we'll have to go find her - come on Sandstorm; Cinderpelt you stay here." Fireheart takes off in the indicated direction.
"I am a magical being Fireheart accidentally summoned and I am trying to orient to this new universe because the universe I'm usually summoned to hasn't got sapient cats to the best of my knowledge."
"If I had a good answer to that there'd be fewer things I needed to be told about! But, hm, what sort of magical being are you; what's the place you're usually summoned to like; what's the place you're usually summoned from like; what do you even mean by 'summoning', really; what's it like being a Twoleg?"
"You know what, when you put it that way, being a twoleg is not great! Without the wings and tail I can hardly balance! Hands are marvelous though. I don't have a word in this language for the kind of magical being. Twolegs would say 'demon'. The place I'm from doesn't have anyone who can talk besides demons, and we can all make stuff whenever we want, so it has lots of stuff. Summoning is causing someone to appear in one world from another."
"How do you know what it's like without your wings and tail," she asks, sitting down and splaying her bad leg out to the side.
"Oh, I didn't use to have them, I used to be a non-magical twolegs and then I turned into a demon after that."
"In my world it happens if somebody summons a magical being and then dies! I got murdered, specifically. I have no idea if this will happen to Fireheart."
"It would be nice to be able to talk to a StarClan cat outside of dreams, if we could summon him from there."
"Yes. I mean, the enormity of the dwellings is scaled to the size of the occupants, also, but yes."
"Yeah, if it were just a nest and all it was for was sleep a house would be pretty excessive, I'll give you that."
"Cooking, elaborate water-based sandbox-and-licking-oneself substitutes, privacy, shelter, storage."