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your stare was holdin'
Cam and Warrior Cats
Permalink Mark Unread

Cam catches a summons while he's in the middle of Atriama. He's seen it before, it's fine.

Permalink Mark Unread

He's in a forest.  Looks like there was a pretty bad fire here recently.  There's no summoner apparent at eye level, but the flash of orange darting off into some charred undergrowth probably makes him look down.

The circle around him is not very neat, to say the least.  It's in ash, some of it having sort of a watercolor effect against the forest floor where rain didn't wash it away, some of it tracked back on in tiny pawprints.

Also the two, largely-overlapping dialects he just acquired seem to be made up of . . . meows.

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"........hello?" Cam... meows.

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"Er, hello," meows presumably the flash of orange from under the burnt bush, sounding equally confused.

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"Where am I?"

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"In ThunderClan's territory."  The cat emerges.  "I didn't know any Twolegs could talk."

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"That's unfair to parrots," says Cam blandly. "You summoned me, so now I speak your language, is how it works."

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"I what?  - How is that unfair to parrots."

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"I was making a joke. They have two legs and can learn to imitate sounds such as speech. Where I'm from, cats don't talk."

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"Well around here, Twolegs don't talk either."

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"Are you sure they don't just speak a different language?"

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". . . I suppose not.  What did you mean that I summoned you?"

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"It looks like it was an accident, but this arrangement of pawprints and whatnot here appears to constitute a summoning circle, that being a diagram which enables beings like myself to appear in response. Traditionally you would offer to trade me something in exchange for some sort of material object but I'm not wedded to that."

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"I don't even know what sorts of things a Twoleg would want," the cat admits.

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"I usually take media recommendations but you don't seem to be literate so I'm not sure what kinds of media you might have to hand. It's okay, don't worry about it."

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"All right."  The cat gathers his resolve, shifting from a confused demeanor to a confident one.  "I'll escort you to the border, then."

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"What border would that be?"

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"The one with Twolegplace."

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"You have a border with folks you can't communicate with?"

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"I suppose it is a bit different than the kind between Clans."

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"Do the twolegs not want cats around, or what?"

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"We're not kittypets."

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"Ah, I see. Those are a different - culture? Species?"

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"Kittypets live in Twoleg nests and - eat food given to them by Twolegs.  Clan cats live in the wild and take care of themselves and each other."

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"Can you talk to the kittypets?"

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"Of course," he meows.  ". . . There are legends about cats who don't talk but I haven't ever met one."

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Cam finds a cat video with plenty of meowing on his computer and plays it, trying to see if it makes sense now.

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No.  The tom cocks his head at the sound.

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"Okay, apparently the cats where I'm from do not speak this language, if they talk at all."

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"Very disconcerting."

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"I mean, maybe it's just that this cat speaks a different language, I don't know, but I thought I'd check. You guys are organized in 'clans'?"

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"Yes.  I'm the deputy of ThunderClan, and there are also WindClan, ShadowClan, and RiverClan.  And StarClan."

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"...that's it?"

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"Well, there are rogues and loners too."

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"Fair enough. And you have a philosophical objection to being fed."

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"It's against the warrior code."

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"What warrioring do you guys do?"

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"We defend our territory and the cats who live in it."

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The tom looks around at the burnt forest surrounding them.

"Lots of things.  Or, try to."

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"...like forest fires, or...?"

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He dips his head.  "Like forest fires."

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"I am trying to figure out how cats fight forest fires and I got nothing."

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"Poorly," he mews, somewhat mournfully.  "We helped the kits and elders evacuate; I don't know how you'd go about fighting fire."

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"Well, I'd do it with magic, but nonmagical twolegs use water sources, generally speaking, or other things that can smother fire."

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"StarClan did send rain.  I still don't know how living cats would do it.  Squeezing out soaked balls of moss on the flames, if it were a very small one?"

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"...StarClan are dead cats?"

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"They're our warrior ancestors, yes."

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"And by 'they sent rain' you mean 'it rained'?"

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"I see. Well. - Would you recognize the twolegs' language if you heard a sample of it?"

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"I know a few of their words."

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"Words for what?"

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"'Princess,' 'Smudge,' 'Henry.'  'Rusty.'"

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Cam starts trying words for "Princess", starting with English.

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"Yes, that's it."

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"Okay, cool, that means I'll be able to talk to them, which is weird but convenient. Is there anything having a translator would be useful for?"

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"I would want to talk to some other cats about that first."

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"Sure. Can I meet them too?"

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"Would you swear to stay here and not harm anything while I went and fetched them," he replies after a brief consideration.

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"This'll take how long?"

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"I'd be back well before sunset."

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"...yeah, okay, I'll wait here till sunset at the latest." He makes himself a chair and produces his computer and starts looking through local written material.

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The first thing he checks is in comprehensible English, at a glance.

"Do you swear it," interrupts the cat.

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"Is that special somehow? I don't have a particular specialness associated with it."

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"I already don't want to have to tell my Clanmates I left a talking Twoleg trespassing unescorted in ThunderClan territory, but more than that I wouldn't want to explain that I didn't even get him to swear not to go rampaging through it.  It won't change the minds of cats determined not to trust you but it's better than not."

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"I can swear to it but I do want to be clear this is not a stronger commitment for me than announcing my intention to take it really seriously. I swear I will wait here for you until sunset."

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"That's all I was asking.  It won't be quite that long," he meows, and trots off.

English mostly continues to be English (of the early 2000s variety, even), though he catches a few odd words and constructions here and there before he hears a bell jingling through the forest, somewhere off that way and low to the ground.

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And what might this bell belong to?

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Another cat, apparently!  Cam spots her before she spots him and she startles once she does.

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"Hello," she chirps back, sounding remarkably unsurprised.

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"I'm Cam, what's your name?"

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Now she looks surprised.


" - Princess.  You can actually talk, not just imitate cat speak?"

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"Yeah, it's a whole thing. Nice to meet you, Princess."

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"Nice to meet you too.  What are you doing just sitting in the forest?"

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"Waiting for somebody. And reading about your local twolegs population."

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"What's reading?"

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"You can invent a marking that signifies a sound, or an idea, and then put lots of them together, and when you look at the signifiers in a row you can figure out what the sequence of meanings or sounds was, and thereby communicate without talking out loud."

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You haven't seen any forest cats around, have you?"

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"I don't know what makes a cat particularly foresty."

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"They live in the forest instead of with housefolk?  Um, they don't have collars; they're usually skinnier; most of them are scary but the ones I'm looking for aren't . . ."

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"Why're you looking for them?"

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"I haven't seen them since the fire and I don't know if they're okay - their names are Cloudpaw and Fireheart - one of them's white and very fluffy and the other one's orange, both toms - "

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"I can't actually identify cat gender on casual inspection."

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"I always thought that when housefolk weren't being helpful it was because they couldn't understand what we were saying to them.  Are you avoiding the question on purpose?"

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"I don't know if the people you're looking for want you to find them, so I don't know whether it would be good of me to help you."

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"They're my kin!  You don't have to tell me where they are - I just want to know if they're alive - "

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"Look, I've been in this world for like two hours, I have never spoken to any cats before today - well, intelligibly to the cat - and I don't want to go around leaking a lot of information without having clarified with anyone if that's okay."

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Princess huffs.  "Okay.  Will you tell them I was looking for them if you do see them, though?"

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"That I am willing to do! You said Cloudpaw and Fireheart?"

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"Yes.  Thank you."  And she jingles off further info the woods.

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Cam goes back to reading. Mostly about cats, in case the local humans know their cats are sapient.

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They don't seem to.

The sun is still quite high in the sky when Cam's summoner (or at the very least a similar-looking cat who seems to expect his presence) approaches, accompanied by a light ginger tabby and a grey cat with a twisted and scarred hind leg.  The three of them take turns opening their mouths as if in silent conversation, then look at Cam expectantly for a moment until the orange one says, " - Oh, you have to talk down here like this or otherwise they can't hear you - greetings, Twoleg."

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"Greetings. What was your name? I don't think you ever introduced yourself."

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"I'm Fireheart, and these are Sandstorm and Cinderpelt.  What was yours?"

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"Cam. If you can't pronounce that I can make something up though. Princess was by and looking for you."

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"Who's Princess?  No I can't pronounce that."

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"Specifically Princess was looking for Fireheart and Cloudpaw, not you. How's 'Bell', my name has a part that means that in my native language."

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"Kittypets have a way of translating Twoleg names; that'd be 'Cam' - she's Cloudpaw's mother, my sister - she was here?  In the forest?  Did she go back to Twolegplace?"

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"She went that way, I don't know what her ultimate destination was."

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"She doesn't know how to navigate the forest safely; we'll have to go find her - come on Sandstorm; Cinderpelt you stay here."  Fireheart takes off in the indicated direction.

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Sandstorm follows, after a pause.

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"Well.  A talking Twoleg," comments the remaining cat, flatly.

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"This is at least as weird for me as it is for you."

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"Fair enough.  What's your story; Fireheart didn't supply a lot of details."

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"I am a magical being Fireheart accidentally summoned and I am trying to orient to this new universe because the universe I'm usually summoned to hasn't got sapient cats to the best of my knowledge."

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"That's still not really a lot of details."

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"What kind of details were you hoping for?"

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"If I had a good answer to that there'd be fewer things I needed to be told about!  But, hm, what sort of magical being are you; what's the place you're usually summoned to like; what's the place you're usually summoned from like; what do you even mean by 'summoning', really; what's it like being a Twoleg?"

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"You know what, when you put it that way, being a twoleg is not great! Without the wings and tail I can hardly balance! Hands are marvelous though. I don't have a word in this language for the kind of magical being. Twolegs would say 'demon'. The place I'm from doesn't have anyone who can talk besides demons, and we can all make stuff whenever we want, so it has lots of stuff. Summoning is causing someone to appear in one world from another."

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"How do you know what it's like without your wings and tail," she asks, sitting down and splaying her bad leg out to the side.

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"Oh, I didn't use to have them, I used to be a non-magical twolegs and then I turned into a demon after that."

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"In my world it happens if somebody summons a magical being and then dies! I got murdered, specifically. I have no idea if this will happen to Fireheart."

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"It would be nice to be able to talk to a StarClan cat outside of dreams, if we could summon him from there."

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"I have no reason to expect that to be possible besides proof of concept."

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"Oh.  Would he be able to make things like a Twoleg, if it did work that way?"

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"It would not in and of itself give him either thumbs or engineering skill."

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"Are those why they build their enormous nests and Thunderpaths and things?"

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"Yes. I mean, the enormity of the dwellings is scaled to the size of the occupants, also, but yes."

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"I think they're pretty big even given how tall you all are."

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"Yeah, if it were just a nest and all it was for was sleep a house would be pretty excessive, I'll give you that."

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"What else is it for?"

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"Cooking, elaborate water-based sandbox-and-licking-oneself substitutes, privacy, shelter, storage."

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"Altering food by combining ingredients and applying heat and stuff. Somewhat wasted on the feline palate as far as I am aware."

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"It would be pretty nice to be able to have warm prey even if the warriors had to carry it a long way back to camp in the middle of leaf-bare!"

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"Fair enough. Also I've heard cats like the taste of yeast. But I don't know that you'd benefit from spices or whatever. Maybe I'm wrong."

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"Do you mean like herbs?  Cats definitely benefit from herbs.  Though not really in a tasting way for most of them, I suppose."

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"Do you have medicinal ones or something?"

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"Yes, lots of them.  I'm - ThunderClan's medicine cat, now."

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"Is that a 'good for you' situation or a 'condolences'."

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"I'm sorry."

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"Thank you."

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"I know a lot about twolegs medicine but very little about cat medicine."

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"Are you a Twoleg medicine cat?  - A medicine Twoleg."

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"Basically, but my training was pretty focused on using magic in the doctoring process."

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"How does that work?"  She looks rapt.

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"I can make things, which includes medicines but also organs and limbs to replace damaged or missing ones, tissue to heal wounds, and various machinery twolegs have invented to help people get better."

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"With your thumbs and engineering skill?  Are those magic?"

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"They are not, thumbs are these," he waggles them, "some cats actually have them but not usefully opposable, they make us very dextrous, and engineering skill means accumulated expertise at building things, including things with lots of steps because the parts also need to be built."

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"I'm confused about what your magic does, then."

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He appears a chicken nugget in midair and catches it and eats it. "That."

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" - Oh.  That's - astoundingly useful - "

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"It is, I like it a lot."

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"You said it does limbs?"

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"Yeah, if you've got somebody down a paw I can fix that, that doesn't require that much knowledge of cat medicine. Though if they don't want it to hurt I would have to look up some painkillers and dosing."

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She sticks her leggy out real far.  "I got hit by a monster.  And I know how many poppy seeds to take."

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"- okay, for that I would want to actually remove and replace the entire leg, and put you on something other than poppyseeds."

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"Like what?"

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"Lemme look it up." Computer computer. "...apparently lidocaine will work but can be risky in cats, though in a very small localized amount you'd almost certainly be okay. Also this is me assuming that you are like a non-sapient cat of the kind I am familiar with, pharmacologically speaking, which I don't know if I should be certain of..."

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"I was mostly fine on poppy seeds the first time around.  How long would it hurt for, if you're putting a new one back on right away?"

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"Oh, not long at all, but you do have to hold still so I don't miss and have your new leg joined up wrong."

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"Well that's fine; I was afraid it was going to be a quarter-moon.  I really couldn't have done that, leaving ThunderClan without a medicine cat for any length of time."

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"ThunderClan would not be without a medicine cat for any length of time. Do you want me to do this literally now?"

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". . . It should wait at least until Fireheart and Sandstorm return.  Maybe longer."

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"Sure thing."

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"I appreciate the offer, though.  A lot."

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"No problem."

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"Tell me more about Twoleg medicine.  I bet we have a lot to learn from each other."

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"You might have to be more specific."

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"Hmm.  Diseases?  Do Twolegs get greencough?"

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"Yes, and it's not all one disease, it's any bad enough lung infection."

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"What do you treat it with?  We mostly use catmint, which works better than anything else, but we still lose a lot of kits and elders."

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"Different things, you have to treat whatever the underlying effect is. Antibiotics if it's bacterial, antivirals if it's viral."

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"I have no idea what you just said."

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"Most diseases including greencough are caused by living things too small to see, and those come in broad categories, mostly 'bacteria' and 'viruses', and there are different classes of drug that can kill those without doing too much damage to the patient."

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Cinderpelt has LOTS of questions about germ theory, enough to keep busy until the other cats approach.

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Princess is now limping harder than Cinderpelt was on her way over.

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"- whoa, Princess, what happened to you?"

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"I smelt a dog and then I saw it and it was so big and it was tearing apart a bird really violently - " she hops up in Cam's lap " - and it didn't notice me so I ran away as fast as I could and I cut my foot.  And then Fireheart found me and I was so glad that he's alive but I still had to walk all the way back here."  The way she's being careful of one of her front paws is not a way that prevents her from getting a bit of blood on his jeans.

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Is it polite to pet cats in this universe. "Let me have a look at your paw?"

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The main pad and one of her toebeans have a moderate slice through them.

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"Do you mind if I clean this up a bit and then close it with magic? It'll sting a bit but not for long."

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"I want to watch!" meows Cinderpelt, standing up with her forepaws on Cam's knee, trying to get a good viewing angle and keep her balance.

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"Suit yourself." He applies antiseptic and then pinches the cut closed and fills in the damage with fresh tissue attached on both sides, just a thin layer. "There you go."

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Princess flinches a little but doesn't make any noise while Cam works, then shakes out her paw and stretches it.  "Wow, that's really all better, isn't it.  Thank you!"  She starts purring and rubs her face on him.

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"Aw, you're welcome. Do you like to be petted?"

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"Yes!"  Headbutt; biscuits-making.

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Pet pet pet. "So do dogs definitely not talk or is it like twolegs where for all you know they could have their own language?"

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(Cinderpelt removes herself from Cam's knee and pads over to where Sandstorm is whispering in Fireheart's ear.)

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"I don't know how I would tell!  My housefolk don't have one and I don't see very many of them in more than passing."

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"Maybe a dog can be convinced to complete a summoning circle and then we will know." Scritch scritch.

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"My turn?" asks Cinderpelt.  To the other Clan cats: "He can fix my leg."

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"In exchange for what," is Sandstorm's first question.

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"...I don't really need anything, since I can make arbitrary material objects. Uh, general goodwill?"

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"He appeared a weird Twoleg prey thing out of nothing!  And he's a medicine cat."

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"What sort of things would you want with our goodwill?"

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"Native guides? More summonses performed, possibly?"

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"I would like to make it clear that we won't consider ourselves bound to do anything in particular if there are things you want from us that you're not mentioning."  She looks to Fireheart.

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"Right.  We aren't agreeing to act wrongly or against ThunderClan's interests by accepting your help."

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"...as I mentioned before, in my culture of origin agreements are not nearly so laden. I am not considering you obligated to anything specific, I just like being helpful and vaguely hope that you will look kindly on opportunities to be helpful back should they arise."

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Fireheart nods.  "ThunderClan will look on you as a friend for this."

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"Great, so how do we want to do this - if it's going to stop hurting immediately then I probably don't even need poppy seeds; they won't be helpful enough to make it worth how long they'll make me sleepy afterwards - "

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"I'm going to give you a very very conservative dose of lidocaine, which will burn for a second but cut the sensation from the leg off temporarily, and then sterilize the surface of the leg with some stuff that shouldn't hurt a bit, and then I'm going to remove it above the point of injury with magic - I'll put a very thin layer of salt water across it, so it will stop being attached - and then immediately make a new healthy leg starting from there. The lidocaine should wear off quickly after that because it will mostly be operating in the removed leg."

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"What if it does end up being poison for our kind of cat?"

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"You don't seem obviously biologically different in any way. I could make a cat-body that didn't have a mind, if you like, and try it on that and see if anything bad happened."

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"Isn't the mind the part that would make us different?"

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"I'm not planning to give you psychoactive drugs. Checking drug reactions on mindless twoleg bodies works fine."

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". . . Okay, if you say so."

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Cam makes a basement dweller Cinderpelt and demonstrates the intended operation, then checks for any of the listed side effects.

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It looks fine.

"What the fuck?" meows Princess, spotting the doppelganger and snapping out of her purrreverie.

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"Uh, I'm showing Cinderpelt how I'd swap out her leg. On this unthinking physical copy."

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She glances over at the forest dweller Cinderpelt, who isn't objecting to this process.  "Oh.  Okay.  Neat."

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"That looks fine to me," declares Cinderpelt, lying down in a similar position to the basement dweller.  "Go ahead."

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"Lidocaine going now, let me know when it stops feeling burny."

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"Now, I suppose?"  She watches her leg.

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He pinch-tests a toebean. "Working okay? - basement dwellers don't respond to pain, I can tell it's not having an allergic reaction but I don't know if it's doing its job."

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"I felt that?"

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"...oh dear. Okay. Uh, I can try a higher dose, I can try a sedative, I can make you some poppyseeds, I can try just doing it real fast..."

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"How likely are you to make a mistake doing it fast?"

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"Not particularly, if you hold very still."

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"It twitches sometimes already . . ."  She sighs.  "Probably I should take at least a few poppy seeds.  And a stick to bite on."

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Cam makes some poppy seeds and a stick for her. "Still want to go through with it?"

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She separates a few seeds out and cronches them.  "Yes of course.  Just give me a moment for these to take effect."

It's not very long at all before she takes the stick in her mouth and mews assent around it.

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"Okay. Three, two, one -" Leg goes, leg appears.

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Cinderpelt braces herself, but not in a way where she doesn't hold her leg very still.  Once he's done, she spits out the stick and starts on investigating her new limb.  "Oh, that wasn't bad at all.  Almost didn't have time to hurt."

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"I do my best!" He tosses the discard leg onto the basement dweller. "Okay if I burn these? I won't let it spread."

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Fireheart goes through several very different illegible cat facial expressions in a very short span.  "That's fine," he mews, mildly, when the other two Clan cats look to him.

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Assorted cat parts are instantly immolated; a ring of cold contains the flames.

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Cinderpelt tries standing up, walking, and - if that goes well - running?

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Her new leg should work good as new modulo some lidocaine!

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It's still been half a year since she's been able to move with any speed; she trips and wipes out almost immediately.  But she's right back up, giving it another go, and the same is true after the next two times.

A bit out of breath, she turns back to Cam.  "Thank you.  Again."

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"You're welcome!"

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She yawns and flops down.  "Ugh, wish I hadn't taken those poppy seeds - suppose I don't know whether I would have moved without them . . ."

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Sandstorm licks Cinderpelt's head.  "I recall we were originally going to discuss whether Cam should talk to other Twolegs on our behalf."

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"Oh, would you do that?  I have so many questions for my housefolk and things I want to tell them!"

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"I wouldn't mind! Conveniently humans in this universe seem to speak some of the languages I already know from mine. What do you want to say to them?"

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"Why is Jackie so sad all the time?  She should not cuddle me so that I can't get away even when she is very sad.  I want to visit my kits who live far away, or have them come to see me.  And my other siblings!  There's a type of food I like that they stopped giving me a while back and I don't know why.  They should hang up the birdfeeder again."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, I don't know how receptive they'll be to all those suggestions but if you show me where you live I can try to convince them that I am a cat whisperer. This might involve proving that I can communicate with you and vice-versa, like me telling you to do stuff that would have been too complicated to train you to do without talking or you reporting to me on stuff that's in another room."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can do that.  Oh, and you can tell them that Cloudpaw is alive!  They probably think he died."

Permalink Mark Unread

" - Don't tell the Twolegs about the Clans at least until we've discussed it with more cats.  Please."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...would reporting that Cloudpaw is alive constitute telling them about the Clans?"

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"I think communicating anything from cats to Twolegs has a risk of putting us all in danger, because we don't know why Twolegs do almost any of the things they do which affect Clan cats, and anyone not involved in the decision to let them know about us would be right to be very angry that it was made without them.  Fireheart, why didn't you bring Bluestar here?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Bluestar is . . . occupied," he replies uneasily.

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"Well.  In any case it should wait until after the next Gathering; all Clans should have input in something as big as this."

Permalink Mark Unread

"When is the next Gathering?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"On the full moon."

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"Well, none of Princess's concerns sounded especially urgent, but it's possible I will want to talk to some Twolegs before that time, depending on what the moon is doing today and how long months are here."

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"Wouldn't it be alright for him to say my things as long as they don't know forest cats exist."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't see a problem with Cam speaking with other Twolegs in ways that don't draw any attention to us, right, Sandstorm?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I bet he'd be really good at that!  He wouldn't tell me anything at all about you even though I thought you and Cloudpaw had died."  She presses flanks with Fireheart and nuzzles him.

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". . . It seems like your own business who you talk to as long the Clans don't come up," Sandstorm acquiesces to Cam.  "But if you fail to talk around it then, again, every cat in the forest will be correct in their anger towards you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can understand why you would not want a bunch of twolegs previously unaware that you were people to become apprised of feral cats living in the forest! It seems like that could in fact end badly if it were handled wrong. Uh. Now that I think about it, what do you guys eat."

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"Thank you for taking this seriously.  Prey?"

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"And, uh, how sure are you that prey... is not people."

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"By that do you mean whether they can talk to others of their kind?"

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"Eh, most animals can do that without talking intelligently. But clearly you guys are people in the sense of having politics and medical expertise and names and suchlike, and the twolegs have not evidently noticed, so if songbirds and voles were people..."

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She flicks the tip of her tail but doesn't verbally respond.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Unfortunately I don't know how to tell, I didn't get a vole language for free with my summons, but, uh, if it would not be too far beneath your dignity to take food I make for you..."

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(Fireheart is so uncomfortable on multiple levels!  He tries to hide it, and succeeds at only looking so uncomfortable on one level.)

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Look, I grew up eating animals, but on my planet the twolegs - who are so far as I know the only sapient species there - have phased out this practice because demons like me can make meat that's just as good, actually better on average, for cheaper, without hurting any animals, and those animals aren't nearly as bright as you! This planet by contrast observably contains some sapiences unbeknownst to some other sapiences, so if you can stand not catching the songbirds and voles while I try to figure out if this is even a concern, it would be a weight off my mind."

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"You keep saying things that don't make sense."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...I suppose I've been assuming that you guys are against murder. Are you not?"

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"It's against the warrior code to kill cats under most circumstances . . ."

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"Is it objectionable in any way to kill, say, me? Supposing this were feasible and you happened to feel like it for some reason."

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"That would depend on what the reason was."

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"What reasons would make it unobjectionable?"

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"Well, if you were trying to kill me, for one."

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"Apart from self-defense or the defense of the lives of others, anything?"

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"Probably.  I'm not thinking of a specific one right now."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. Well. Because I can make arbitrary material objects including whatever food your hearts may desire, killing prey is not defense of your lives or those of others, because there are other ways to get food, and I don't know how many species on this planet are people and neither do you, so perhaps you could cool it with killing stuff till we know more."

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"It's not my decision."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You don't hunt?"

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"Of course I do.  But I do it for the good of the Clan, and so it's not my decision."

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"How long do you think it will take you to figure this out?" asks Fireheart.

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"Uh, don't know. I can probably wrangle a mouse into completing a summoning circle but if that fails that's not conclusive for bluejays. Ideally I would not have to do it that way, especially since it's possible my being summoned here was a fluke of some kind and is not in fact reproducible."

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"What would you trade us if we caught you some live prey for use in determining this?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I wouldn't! I would rather have minimally terrified live prey for this purpose and I don't think you're used to hunting to spec."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How about for introducing you to some of the other Clans?"

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"If there's something you want you can just ask me, making it would take less time than figuring out trade negotiations."

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"Our Clan doesn't need anything more from you.  But if there was something you felt like offering, in trade, for help which we are positioned to provide, then of course it would be foolish not to accept."  He stares at Cam kind of intently.

Permalink Mark Unread

"...whatever the cultural significance of this is is kind of lost on me, I'm sorry."

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"Incidentally, you were correct that it would be beneath our dignity - and against the warrior code - to accept food from you."

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"Would you folks like a month's supply of vacuum sealed assorted comestibles - I can figure out how to make it so you can open them - in exchange for an introduction to the other clans?"

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . Well, that would be somewhat difficult, given our present relations with some of them, but your offer was generous enough that I'm sure we can improve on you trying to meet them alone."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Fireheart, this is - wrong - "

Permalink Mark Unread

"There's nothing wrong about making allies, Sandstorm," he meows quietly.  "Especially since you saw what he did to the other Cinderpelt.  And to the real Cinderpelt, for that matter."  (Cinderpelt is still lying down where she flopped, and though her head is up her eyes are closed; she doesn't particularly seem to be following the conversation.)  "This is what's best for the Clan."

Permalink Mark Unread

Sandstorm turns to Cam.  "I don't like any of this, but a moon's worth is definitely too much for what you're asking.  Give us a quarter of that at most, and find something else you want after that if you really must."

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"I had actually talked myself down from a year. A principle of trade is that things are often of different values to different parties and everyone wins by making the exchange; there's no objective fair price."

Permalink Mark Unread

"A quarter-moon at a time, then."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If you want it in installments that's... okay I guess."

Permalink Mark Unread

(Sandstorm looks unhappy but doesn't actually object.)

Permalink Mark Unread

"ThunderClan thanks you for your generosity."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You're welcome. Where do you want the food? And what are everybody's favorites?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"We're not taking you to ThunderClan camp," Sandstorm responds immediately.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Here is fine; we can carry it back - I like finches and voles - " and he lists a variety of species which he knows particular cats to favor.  "Maybe one of us should try one to make sure it's alright before you make the whole batch."

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"Sure." He makes a sample vole in a package that should open easily once punctured with a claw.

Permalink Mark Unread

"What's this around it?"

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"Plastic. Keeps it clean, so it won't rot even if you leave it in there for months."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It smells bad."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm sorry, you probably have a better nose than I do. Does it make the vole taste bad?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Fireheart de-plastics the package and nudges Cinderpelt's shoulder with his nose.  "Cinderpelt, try this vole."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Mmn?"  She cracks open an eye and after a moment of processing agreeably starts in on it.

Permalink Mark Unread

The vole would taste normal, to a human who ate voles, but the packaging process was not devised with the feline palate in mind.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Tastes kinda Twoleg-y," she declares after a few bites, and stops eating, and closes her eyes again.

Permalink Mark Unread

"...I hope that means that many Twoleg-derived meals have touched plastic, and not that it tastes like a Twoleg."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It tastes like all their - " she yawns "things smell."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think it smells fine," mews Princess.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, you would."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Plastic is very useful. Is this a serious enough problem that I need to find alternate preservation methods?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It is already going to be very difficult to convince the rest of the Clan to give up hunting, even for a short time."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, I was afraid of that. Hopefully none of the prey are having politics."

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"If you're facing trying to get all Clans to give up hunting forever, I should meet with them before introducing you.  I think this is likely enough to make a difference in how they receive the idea that it will be worth the delay even if prey animals are like cats."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll defer to you on that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Would you meet me at dawn tomorrow?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sure. Here?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"At the edge of Twolegplace or in Princess's yard would be fine.  If we'll be seeing each other again so soon, I suggest you give us a day's worth of fresh-kill without any Twoleg wrappings, which we can eat all of before it turns to crowfood.  And a few for me to bring as offerings to the other Clans."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sure." He makes an assortment, unwrapped but at least initially free of any spores that will molder them.

Permalink Mark Unread

"The other three Clans prefer to eat fish, rabbits, and amphibians and reptiles."

Permalink Mark Unread

He can make samples of each. Salmon, bunny, frog.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thank you again.  At dawn."  He touches noses with Princess as a goodbye, and ignores Sandstorm's quietly-sour demeanor, and re-rouses Cinderpelt for their prey-laden walk back to camp.  She leans on him for much of the way, and he tries to focus on the joy of her healing instead of the guilt at the memory of the last time he helped his former apprentice home after a major reconfiguration to her limbs.

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"Is it time to go see my housefolk?" asks Princess excitedly, positioning herself at Cam's feet.

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"As long as that isn't understood to pose too much risk of the clans being discovered!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think they said it was fine.  Pick me up!"

Permalink Mark Unread

Scoop! Scritch scritch. "Which way?"

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She points with her nose rather than stop purring to talk.

Permalink Mark Unread

He carries her through the woods to her house.

Permalink Mark Unread

"This one!" she says of a fenced-in backyard with a sliding glass door.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay - I'm going to put on a coat so the wings don't startle people -" He doesn't have to put her down to do this but it does shift his grip a little when sleeves start existing. "And I'm going to go around to the front." He goes around to the front and knocks.

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"Hello, sorry to bother you, but your cat found me and wanted me to carry her home."

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"Oh . . kay.  Thanks."  She holds out her arms for Princess.

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He hands her over. "Also she had something she wanted to say to Jackie, are you Jackie?"

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". . . Yes?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"- do you want me to demonstrate that I can talk to cats before I pass it on?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I mean I can also talk to cats, here, watch.  Hey Princess, who's a good kitty?"

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"It's me!" she squeaks.

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"Yes, yes, and I can call spirits from the vasty deep, but I mean to say that also I can understand what she says and we can have elaborate conversations."

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"Like I said, would you like me to prove that."

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"Why not."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Suppose you give me a set of complicated instructions that, unlike inquiries as to the goodness of kitties, you would not expect Princess to be able to follow, and I relay them?"

Permalink Mark Unread



She normally wouldn't ever scratch me.  So that, I guess."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...uh, are you sure? I was imagining something more along the lines of, like, bringing you a specific object or something."

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Permalink Mark Unread

Cam sighs, and meows: "Princess, for unclear reasons Jackie has chosen as her means of proof that she would like you to scratch her."

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Jackie snorts.  "At least you're committed to the bit."

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Princess's eyes are enormous.  "But I would never!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, that's why she picked it, specifically because you would never. I guess you could extend your claws and approach her hand with them and look up at her and see if she nods?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay . . ."  Claws out, paw approach?

Permalink Mark Unread

Actually Jackie is trying not to display any body language at all.  She's not even looking at Princess.

Permalink Mark Unread

She sheaths her claws and makes a scratching motion without them??  When that provokes no response she extends them a little and moves her paw very gently, definitely not enough to break skin and with barely even enough pressure to leave little white lines.

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Permalink Mark Unread

"She said 'but I would never' if you're curious."

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"One second."  She closes the door on him and locks it.

The sound of a landline being dialed and ringing carries through the door, but the content of her brief conversation does not.

The door unlocks and reopens.  "Do you want to come in."

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"Cool."  She steps aside.  "Couch is over there, have a seat, do you want anything to drink or whatever."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm good, thanks."

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"Suit yourself."  She sits in an armchair across from Cam.  Princess hops in his lap.  "So, uh.  What did she want to tell me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"She wants to see her kits and siblings, you switched catfood and she doesn't know why, she misses the birdfeeder, and, uh, she doesn't know why you're so sad all the time but regardless would not like to be restrained when cuddled."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay, uh.  Uh.  - Why can you talk to cats?  Actually."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Iiiit's complicated but the short answer is that I'm magic."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And what's the longer answer?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I am a variety of magical creature that can be summoned by the actions of a mortal, and my being here is a freak occurrence as far as I can tell since normally I get summoned by a different planet's worth of mortals, but gaining new languages in the process is normal, and apparently that includes cat language, which surprises me at least as much as you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Cool.  Is it like - is she as smart as a person, or can you just communicate really well with her but she's still like, a cat."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sort of both, honestly. She is an illiterate and cat-personality-having yet perfectly bright person who also happens to have been acculturated as a pet."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well.  Tell her I'm sorry for squishing her.  - Oh my stars was that my thing?  Kind of a lame fucking thing but like, I'll take it; 's better than having a thing that isn't fucking lame . . ."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Your thing? - Princess, she's sorry for squishing you." Switching to meows mid-utterance is kind of weird.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm a September-oh-one person.  Which is also the thing I'm sad about, you can tell her.  - If she understands birthdays?  Do cats have birthdays."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's fine and I love her; she just shouldn't do it anymore."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Princess says it's fine and she loves you, just you shouldn't do it any more. I have been assuming cats are born but admittedly I have not asked? What's the significance of being born September first?"

Permalink Mark Unread

She makes kind of an emotionally-overwhelmed face at being told her cat loves her.

Permalink Mark Unread

" - Right, you're from a different world or something.  Uh, so around here, the summer solstice person is like, super inclined to do immoral-seeming things for the greater good, and then something literally always goes wrong with that and it ends up just being in fact bad.  And I hugged Princess for emotional regulation even though I knew she didn't like it, because it seemed like being less emotionally regulated would make me more likely to do bad things and I didn't think she was a person."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Your summer solstice is in September?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sure is."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ours is in June, but I suppose that could just reflect that we had a calendar reform you did not."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What kind of a month name is June.  What are all your months, actually."

Permalink Mark Unread

"January February March April May June July August September October November December."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You have a month named September but it isn't the seventh one??  Also that's more than we have.  - Unuary Druoary"  (the first 'r' is silent) "Triinary Tetrinary Quintamber Hexumber September October."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I acknowledge that this makes more numerical sense than ours but how long are your years?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Forked aught days."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What does forked aught mean?"

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . . . Four zero zero?  What do you even mean."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I would pronounce four zero zero 'four hundred'. I did not learn this language magically upon arrival like I did cat language, but rather already knew a strikingly similar language from home."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's . . . weird . . .  Uh, but no, four hundred is base ten, which would make it - " she counts on her fingers, mumbling, "one two four eight sixteen thirty-two sixty-four one twenty-eight - two hundred and fifty-six days."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay, that is shorter than ours. What base do you use?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Eight, but like, just for time stuff."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Fair enough. Is this language called 'English'?"

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Hoc est linguam Latinam?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Beg pardon?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"We have a language called Latin! Had. It's a dead language. Many modern languages are descended from it though."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's - probably not actually weirder than having almost the rest of the language be the same??  How's your Rome doing."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It is a perfectly nice city in Italy, the state the central boot-shaped peninsula from which the Empire reigned later turned into. They speak Italian, which is derived from but not identical to Latin."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh.  Uh, we still have ours.  As an Empire."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is this part of it, where we are? Where are we?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes, and Britannia.  - Town's called Chelford?  What scale did you want."

Permalink Mark Unread

"A map would be ideal, actually. I was trying to do some background reading but I didn't come across such basic mismatches as 'the Roman Empire is alive and well and they call this language Latin' so you can tell I didn't get very far."

Permalink Mark Unread

She retrieves and tosses Cam a fridge magnet.

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"Weird map projection but it looks like the same continents. Britannia's this bit?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes.  Projection?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's what it's called when the spherical surface of the Earth is rendered on a flat surface."

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"Uh.  How to put this - do you ever get called a conspiracy nut or anything back home - "

Permalink Mark Unread

"...no. Is your planet flat?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes, of course."

Permalink Mark Unread

"There's no of course about it, that's weird! That might be weirder than cats being people and it's definitely weirder than you lacking a June!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"What's yours instead?"

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"A sphere! Like I said!" He hands her a fist-sized globe, with glass oceans.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Right, but like, what's it on?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It orbits the sun in accordance with the law of gravity." He finds an animation on his computer and holds it up. "Not to scale."

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"I have too many questions."  She holds the globe back out for him to take.

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He pockets it. "Do you have a moon? Seasons? I guess you have seasons and solstices, somehow... and why is your birthday important?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"We have a moon, and seasons, and birthdays are important because they - determine who you are as a person?  Why wouldn't we have solstices?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Seasons and the moon and solstices all drop out of the orbital mechanics, in my world," he says, gesturing at the solar system. "I don't know how they'd happen with a flat planet. Uh, how do you mean they determine who you are as a person? I too was born in September, if, uh, my September, what does that imply."

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"Well, what date.  - I guess your numbers might not line up either, but."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay, so, wunked five, that'd be - a little odd but mostly even, in terms of ambition and impact - that's across all of your geminis, not just you specifically; there's variance depending on situation - for example I am never going to do anything - an odd month means you're vaguely more inclined to flashy displays than diligence; September specifically means you're more inclined to politics and achieving your goals socially than scientifically - but if course it all depends on the gestalt of the specific day, which I don't happen to have memorized for this one."

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"So about that question you had regarding my planet being a sphere, I have the same question regarding your opinions on the importance of birthdates."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm . . . a little strange in having depression about it?  But like, not even that strange for my geminis, just most of us either grow out of it or commit suicide."  She looks maybe sixteen.

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"Pay attention to meeeeeeee," demands Princess, tragically underpet in the midst of this conversation topic.

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Cam pets Princess. "Princess, do you know if what day somebody's born is very important? Apparently that's what Jackie's sad about but I don't understand it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I suppose it was pretty tiring when I had mine, and then of course there were kits, so it was a pretty exciting day overall.  Is she having a kit?  Why would she be sad about that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"She is not as far as I know having a kit." To Jackie, "Princess does not seem to assign particular importance to birthdays in the astrological sense."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh.  And neither does your whole world?"

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"The serious astrology proponents are only a little more mainstream than the ones who are mistaken about the shape of the planet."

Permalink Mark Unread

"So how many people do you have, then, if it's not done by birthdays?"

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"I beg your pardon?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Like, we have - two hundred fifty-six, because that's how many days there are in a year, but if you're not doing it by birthdays then it could be any number."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Are you trying to tell me there are two hundred and fifty six human beings in the world, because I think unlike a misplaced September that would have showed up very quickly in my background reading!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ah, no, sorry - not two fifty-six individuals, just like, shapes people can be?  In a soul sense?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...shapes people can be?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"You know, like how - okay, I was born on the summer solstice, and everyone else born on that day has the utilitarianism issue I mentioned, but also we can all sing pretty well but aren't really inclined to make a career of it, and our names almost all have Js and Ds in them, even if you name your kid something different on purpose they'll end up renaming themself something else with those, even absent cultural influence, and we're statistically more likely to have dark curly hair, and commit suicide, and care about the poor and donate to charities - and there's a collection of traits like that for every day of the year, where people born on it are just sort of the same person underneath, put into different circumstances.  How many of those do you have?"

Permalink Mark Unread


"We don't have those. People are just individuals. I mean, I'm sure there are curly-haired suicidally-inclined charitably inclined persons named Jedediah or whatever who can sing but there aren't clusters like that - some things correlate, but like, that's there being a general factor of intelligence, things running in families, cultural accretion around various interests and subcultures."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Two hundred and fifty six clusters that specific doesn't sound like enough, even if people are deliberately aiming for some particularly adaptable cluster of birthdates in March or something!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Enough for what?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Enough for a civilization with exciting contents like a Roman Empire and everything else that made this place look like where I grew up to casual inspection!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Why not?  Everyone's still different; environment affects a lot.  - And since I'm a solquinox that's like, not very typical; the traits cluster on different axes for different days."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What is a more typical cluster?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Uh, well, everyone born on an even-numbered day tends to be, y'know, pretty normal people, not very ambitious, so there's less variation between the individual days.  And then every odd day is a little less regular, and every other odd day is more than that, with the pattern going up till you hit the first day of odd months - the solquinoxes - and then there's four of us and we're all on about the same level together, but very different from each other.  And these are all on average; there's nothing stopping somebody even-numbered from running for office or anything, just they mostly don't want to.  Does that make sense so far."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess! Do you have some sort of affinity group? Does everybody with the same birthday get together and have a party once in a while? Does it matter enormously if a pair of twins is born around midnight?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It does matter!  I was just going to say that, actually; one of my guardians, Ian, was born on New Year's Eve, which is October, er, thirty-two, in decimal, and his twin's Unuary oh-one, and I was going to use Ian as an example of somebody even.  - I also have a twin, same birthday, but we don't talk anymore."

Permalink Mark Unread

"... I have all the usual curiosities and I'm aware they are intrusive since we've just met but also I don't know which of them might reveal fascinating depth of differences between worlds."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, mind'ja business if you would.  But Ian and Nicolas are on speaking terms and whatnot if you have questions about them.  - And also my other guardian, Jordan, is another gemini of mine, and he'll be home soon enough that probably you can figure some stuff out from him.  Geminis are people who share the same birthday."

Permalink Mark Unread

"All right. Is there any understanding of why things would be this way?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"How do you mean.  Like, philosophically?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Causally. Like, uh, testosterone has personality effects, for example, you can see 'em if you suppress it in a system that makes it or add it to one that doesn't, and we can figure out where in the body and especially the brain the hormone is acting, and speculate on the underlying evolutionary psychology, and it all gets sort of confused when you throw in magic people like me but I at least used to run on fairly explicable biology."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, it's the stars."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And what is it that the stars are doing?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"They like, move around, and where they are affects things."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes, but how does the position of the stars come into causal contact with people's personalities in this way."

Permalink Mark Unread


"What are your stars like.  It sounds like you do still have them?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"We have them! They, and also the sun, are extremely large balls of high-energy mostly-hydrogen-and-helium."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Are they also dead people, in addition to that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"No, I'm a dead people."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Wh . . . y . . .?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I was murdered. But perhaps you mean why are dead people turning into magical beings and we have no idea why that happens."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh.  . . . Well, we as collective denizens of this cylinder might have any idea but I personally don't really beyond the abstractions they teach in school?  I'm not an astrologer.  - Oh man, you guys wouldn't have influenza, would you; that sounds so convenient."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...we have a viral illness that is called influenza."

Permalink Mark Unread

"But presumably not scheduled times of being sick depending on the stars?  What influence is yours referencing."

Permalink Mark Unread

"A mythological one. It does tend to come around once a year during a particular season but not because of the stars."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's not once a year for us; it's different for everybody.  Or every birthday."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay, yeah, that's different. Do you also have illnesses that randomly strike or just the scheduled ones?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"There're some that are like, transmissible, or caused by other stuff; I don't know of any entirely random ones."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah I don't mean random random I mean infectious and not star-related. When you say stars are dead people what is the... content of this proposition."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Every time someone dies there's a new one?  And they're watching down on us."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...the latter part is understood how."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well if you get high you can join them."

Permalink Mark Unread


"On drugs or in a space shuttle."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't know what a space shuttle is and probably shouldn't rely on any guesses from context that I can come up with."

Permalink Mark Unread

"On drugs or in some kind of vehicle, then. Or on foot, if you can just get to star level by summiting Everest."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess the drug is the vehicle, sort of?  It induces astral projection, which is where most of your soul leaves your body to go up among the stars, and then you're like, there with everybody.  Including all the other high living people, not just the dead ones."

Permalink Mark Unread



"That's also very weird, so you're aware."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If you say so."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What's the drug?"

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Never heard of it, so I suppose it could still be ayahusca under a brand name but maybe it's totally different."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It would be pretty fucked up for a brand name to be the primary thing people knew it by, I think."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Would it? That sort of thing happens where I'm from. Kleenex and Crisco and velcro and so on."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't know what any of those are."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Facial tissues, shortening, and hook-and-loop fasteners. Respectively."

Permalink Mark Unread

"So not anything very spiritual, really?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I cannot immediately think of any brand names that became genericized and are also about spiritual objects."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, there you go."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess! Is it hard to find specific dead people you want to talk to while you're high?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"There kind of . . . aren't . . . specific people . . ."

Permalink Mark Unread



Permalink Mark Unread

"They're still there, just not very.  Separate."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, that... sucks?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I mean we're all sort of the same people already.  So like yes, it definitely does, but probably less than it would for you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Are there two hundred and fifty six blobs of person-star?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's more amorphous than that.  Stars lose their individuality over time; they start out basically the same as living people and over time turn into - little drops of processing power.  Or comparatively little, anyway."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...processing power?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"For like, the one great sapience that they all will eventually make up?  And as an intermediate phase there's yeah, ones grouped by birthday, or a few birthdays in one, or whatever."

Permalink Mark Unread

"........can I have the, the religion for five year olds version of how this all works."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Or do you just want to get high?  - Probably a bad idea; I don't know if it would work the same for people from other worlds and it might not-work dangerously."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'd try it but I'd like to know what I'm looking for. For instance, I'm concerned that more species than just cats might be people and if I can just go look for cats and see if also other things are there, that would be a convenient way to address that, but possibly someone would have noticed if the cats were distinct."

Permalink Mark Unread

" - Yeah, that seems - important.  . . . And therefore I should probably have absolutely nothing to do with it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...not even in the role of, like, native guide?"

Permalink Mark Unread


"Historically, being ambitious at all while aware that that might be a bad idea, but thinking it's going to be worth it, has invoked the thing.  Which in my current mindset applies here.  But also, historically, it still only ever applies to actions and decisions that mes make.  So - it seems safe for me to keep telling you widely-known facts, but don't be surprised when I don't really express opinions about what you should do, and don't listen to me if I slip up and say one anyway."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Uh, okay. So what is the general process for taking omnilol, does one need a tripsitter, how long does it last, how is it dosed, should I just read this on Wikipedia."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You could go to the library and check an encyclopedia if you want, though probably it would not tell you that we in this household have some conveniently-dosed gummies.  One for about an hour, increases linearly and safely for up to four.  Though that also affects the deepness of the connection; you wouldn't have any secrets at all after that, which y - which most people don't prefer."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...can you expand on that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, when you die you eventually become One with everyone else, right, and this is just reversibly inducing a shadow of that.  And if you take enough omnilol at once then you basically end up all the way merged, for a while, and since the thingy knows the contents of itself then it knows everything you ever did, and it remembers that even once you're separated again."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...troubling. Perhaps I will recruit someone else to check for cat souls." Pause. "Princess, can you tell me more about Starclan?" he meows. "Jackie's telling me about the twoleg version of that understanding and I'd like another angle on it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Fireheart thinks they're real and very important and Cloudpaw doesn't.  I don't know very much about them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you know why Fireheart thinks they're real?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not really."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Maybe I'll ask him tonight." He looks at Jackie. "Princess unfortunately cannot shed more light on the situation."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You c - there's an option to - ugh.  My thing isn't something you can just get around with wink wink nudge nudge phrasing, so just take this as like.  A clarification of what I previously said, and not a suggestion of any particular course of action.  Which is that the troubling thing happens at higher doses and not so much at lower ones.  And the gummies are conveniently dosed but they're also like, divisible, if - if nothing, never mind."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I will consider this if I can't recruit someone less skeeved and less, uh, birthday cursed. I don't need your gummies unless omnilol is itself magic or sentient instead of just being a drug, though, I can make arbitrary material objects."

Permalink Mark Unread




Permalink Mark Unread

He tosses the sphere model of the Earth he made earlier hand to hand, taps it with his fingernail.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Why you already had that on you was one of my too-many-questions."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I didn't, I made it. Kind of right in front of you but perhaps you thought I was very good at sleight of hand. Please do not feel moved to leverage my awesome powers for world optimization, I am already on it and apparently you are under a horrible curse."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's so horrible.  I have absolutely no suggestions for what you should do with this incredible power.  Also it would surprise me a lot if omnilol weren't magic but I don't actually know."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Are there other things understood to be magic?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, for one, the stars."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Other terrestrial things?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Birthdays in general?  People in general, or at least souls?  Crystals?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Crystals! Do go on about crystals."

Permalink Mark Unread

"They do healing and stuff."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...go on slightly more? Or kick me out and I'll find a library."

Permalink Mark Unread

"There are birthstones associated with each month, and people wear theirs for miscellaneous minor helpfulnesses, like nullifying influenza, and also you can put other kinds in arrays to create resonances for more serious healing.  - I said 'you' but really I mean licensed professionals; it's complicated business.  Oh, and sometimes they use different types of herbs as part of those, too."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. Okay."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm trying to think of more really basic stuff that it's definitely safe for me to cover - uh, in your video thing it did not seem like you guys were geocentric; we obviously are, and the sun and the moon are the same size and distance away and they're always opposite each other . . ."

(There is, as she says this, something very moon-like visible through the sliding door.  In the daytime.)

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam glances outside. "- then what's that?"

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"...what is Polaris, here."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's . . . that?  Sorry, that's not helpful - it's a sphere, hovers over the North pole, goes up and down, exudes cold, is why we have seasons?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh wow. Okay."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I still don't really get how you could have seasons without it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The sun hits more or less directly on various parts of the sphere depending on how it tilts in its progress around the sun, and the tilt changes throughout the year. The equator has no seasons because the sunlight is equally direct at all times and the poles have weird seasons because their tilt situation is also unusual. Seasons north of and south of the equator are opposites."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's so weird.  Doesn't that make it hard to keep track of things?  And it's the same with your days and nights, isn't it; half the world is offset from each other all the time - or, wait, it's not even that because it would all be continuous - how does that work, societally - "

Permalink Mark Unread

"We have things called time zones within which it is conventionally the same numerical time, though exact sunrise and sunset may differ by locality within a time zone just as they might depending on whether you're up a mountain or down a valley. There are twenty-four time zones so at any given moment twenty-four times are represented on Earth, modulo greebles."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Why twenty-four?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Twenty-four hours in a day."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We have, uh, thirty-two."

Permalink Mark Unread

...clock app up on computer. "This timing for seconds look right?"

Permalink Mark Unread

She watches.  "Bit slow, I think."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And is it sixty seconds to a minute sixty minutes to an hour?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"No.  Sixty-four, for both."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Gosh. I don't know that any of this timekeeping and astronomy stuff is going to be that relevant - I guess the stars are very relevant - but it's certainly interesting how deeply weird you can make two universes to each other and still both have Roman Empires and have mutually intelligible conversations."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It really is.  - When did Rome turn into whatever other place you said, in your world; maybe we just haven't gotten there yet."

Permalink Mark Unread

"In the like three hundreds or four hundreds, common era, though the Eastern chunk also known as the Byzantine empire persisted a bit longer. ...which is to say after the ostensible birth of Jesus Christ."

Permalink Mark Unread




"It's year 785 for us right now.  Not - thirty-something."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well in my world it's 2157 so we sure know that doesn't match, is yours also counting from Jesus?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"No, ours is from the founding of Rome - if it were from Jesus it would be thirty-something, is what I meant."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...is Jesus, uh, around?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes!  Why does he get years numbered after him in your world???"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Why do you know who he is if he doesn't seem like a year-numbering sorta guy??"

Permalink Mark Unread

"He's like, moderately famous?  Does activism and philosophy and stuff?  He's a spring equinox guy; they're all kind of like that . . ."

Permalink Mark Unread

"So not a religious leader particularly?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, a spiritual one . . ."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What... is his spiritual teaching like."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Mostly it's about how, like, we're all going to be absorbed into a superconsciousness after we die, so we should attempt to encourage traits in ourselves that it would be good for that to have?  And also set up society so that it's easier for individual people to do this.  And then a whole lot of detailed advice on how he thinks people should go about that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay, cool. In my universe Jesus founded a religion called Christianity which remains fairly popular more than two thousand years later despite numerous internal schisms."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Wow, uh.  Wow.  - There's one of my geminis who does stuff with him."

Permalink Mark Unread


"Is that person's name, by any bizarre interuniversal coincidence, 'Judas'."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah.  Why."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, this isn't, like, especially closer to my heart than the thing where it's possible chickens and field mice are people, but it's possible that by bizarre interuniversal coincidence he is going to get Jesus killed."

Permalink Mark Unread




"Awesome.  I'm going to continue to do absolutely nothing about this."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Solid plan! Your curse sounds absolutely awful and I hope it is possible that one day a cure will be discovered or something."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Statistically I will probably grow out of the part where it feels like every action I could take with effects farther-reaching than the end of my nose would be a horrible utilitarian tradeoff, and then I can just avoid actual utilitarian tradeoffs and it won't hit me.  Or I will die.  So, fine either way, really."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, it's an age-limited curse? Okay. Uh, good luck. Let's see, other ways to reveal hidden differences... I will read aloud the first bits of random Wikipedia pages from when my world was around this apparent tech level, shall I, and you shall stop me if you need to tell me that, actually, penguins are eldritch abominations from the dread realm known as Timbuktu."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not like inherently, just as a trend - penguins are flightless birds that live on Antarctica?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Cool! Coca-Cola, or Coke, is a carbonated soft drink manufactured by The Coca-Cola Company?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Never heard of it."

Permalink Mark Unread

Next article. "Artedidraco is a genus of barbeled plunderfishes native to the - no, I haven't even heard of these, next, next - Roald Dahl was a British novelist, short-story writer, poet, screenwriter, and wartime fighter pilot?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Nope.  - British?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam pokes the relevant island on the fridge magnet.

Permalink Mark Unread

"We're Britannian, here."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay, so the demonym differs. Plus Roald Dahl was born well after the fall of our Roman Empire. Turgut Polat is a male Turkish table tennis player - wow, it is hard to get anything out of the random article button, I'm just concerned I'll have some massive blindspot if I pick topics on my own -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Even if I were having suggestions - which come to think of it is safe on a scale this small as long as I pay very close attention to the shape of my thoughts - I don't know enough about Wikipedia to come up with any.  Um, we did have kind of a lot of dropped conversation topics - I could give you the five-year-old's version of spirituality; I could tell you more about Ian as an example of somebody even-tempered; I could tell you what the other solquinoxes are like; um, I know you had more questions when we digressed about the twin thing; I don't remember what those were . . ."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The intrusive personal questions I was deliberately not asking? Those? Go ahead and give me the five year old's version of spirituality."

Permalink Mark Unread

"No, there were ones before that, I think, about different things - oh it was whether we have parties, wasn't it, because that made me think about Nicholas too; a bunch of his geminis all run a country together - it varies by birthday and by individual how much they care about and want to interact with each other.  I'm pretty sure we have an old kids' book somewhere on stuff that might be a good introduction; do you want me to go dig it up?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"If you give me the title I can find it in here, I just need the phrase to search." He waves his computer.

Permalink Mark Unread

"'You Twinkle Above Us?'"

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam hunts down "You Twinkle Above Us" and opens it.

Permalink Mark Unread

When you look up at the night sky, what do you see?  Stars!  Far too many stars to count.  They twinkle above us and watch over everything we do.

The sun is so very bright that stars are difficult to see in the daytime.  But they're still there!  They are always shining down from the shell at the edge of the universe.

Each and every star represents a person who once existed, just like you and me.  Eventually you'll be one too!

When you're a star, what will it be like?  Well, you will start out not too different from how you are now.  You will be you-sized, and like and dislike all the same things you already do.  But you will not have a body, and you will not be down on the surface of the Earth.  You will be way up high in the sky, and you will be just your soul!  Your soul is everything that makes you who you are on the inside.

There will also be a new dot of light in the sky that night, but that type of star is not a new body.  It is a representation of you, like a drawing or a picture.  What's your favorite drawing or picture of yourself?

Off to the side, in smaller text:

(Did you know?  Stars look like little white dots from far away, but up close, you can see they actually have five points, like these!  Can you draw a star?)

There are so very many stars in the sky that you're sure to find another one who fits very well with you.  For most people, it's one of their geminis, but for other people it can be someone else, or a whole group of other stars!  It's different for every single person.

When you find them, you will no longer be just yourself and you-sized.  You will turn into one star cloud, together, like pouring lemondade and orange juice together into a pitcher.  There's twice as much to drink, and the pitcher has everything that made lemonade the way lemonade is and everything that made orange juice the way orange juice is, but it's something entirely new!

This same thing will happen again and again and again and again and again.  Someday you will be as big as you can possibly be, and all the other stars will be part of the same cloud with you!

(Some medium-sized star clouds find a size they like and stay like that for a very long time.  They are very unusual!  We think that someday they will probably join up with the biggest one, too, but that day may be very far away.)

We know all this because grownups and big kids can go up with the stars, and talk to them.  What will you say to the stars once you're old enough?  What do you hope they will say to you?

Some people are scared to be stars.  They want to be the size they are forever.  Other people are excited!  They want to grow up and become a part of something bigger.

How do you feel about becoming a star?  What do you think it will be like when you twinkle above us?

Permalink Mark Unread


"Gosh. - why is it little kids shouldn't have omnilol?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think it's technically legal starting at age eight, which is still pretty little.  Uh, for one they're gonna be meeting a bunch of strangers in a way that's hard to supervise or control, and there's not really a way to remove them from the situation before it wears off if things go poorly, and also some of the strangers are - just massive; it's pretty overwhelming even when you're used to it, and if you do too much of it regardless of age you can end up kind of - spacey - "

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. You can't track down specific people and tell the kids to just go find Grandma?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Recently-dead people are the main reason it's legal that young, but stars merge up pretty quickly and then things get more complicated."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do they explain why merging is appealing?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't think it is, necessarily?  It doesn't really seem like they have a choice.  'Twinkle' is, you know, the little kid version; she's trying to introduce things without freaking them out too hard.  - Or I mean, plenty of people find appeal in becoming part of a superintelligence and stuff, just, probably most of them would wait longer than a week or a month after dying to start on that given the option."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...any clues why the clusters that stay one size do that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Incredible force of will?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Fair enough. How talkative are the stars? Like, would it be weird if they'd never mentioned to anyone that there are cats up there?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It does seem pretty weird, yeah."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...I guess it's possible cats haven't been people very long. Hey Princess, do you have an idea of how many generations cats have been people? Like, were your great grandparents definitely also people."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't know what you mean by that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm wondering if cats were just animals for a while, who might, like, communicate some basic things with each other, but not to the point of having politics and a complex language and stuff, and then relatively recently became smarter, or if cats in this world have been very smart for a long time. I guess related questions might be whether any other related species are smarter than the ones where I'm from, or at least as close as other apes are to humans, like African wildcats or something..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"My mother talked, and I think her mother talked too.  I don't think I would know farther back than that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Maybe I should go to a shelter or something and find a really old cat." To Jackie, "Is there a pound or whatever around here? I want to talk to some elderly cats about whether their grandparents talked."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Probably.  I could check the phone book."

Permalink Mark Unread

"There are elders in ThunderClan!  And maybe they all would know more since they can see their family all the time, not just when they're kits."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's also worth trying!" he tells Princess. "How old do you mean when you say elder?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't know.  I only know that they have a separate den and aren't warriors anymore and the warriors and apprentices have to catch food for them before they themselves can eat."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. Well, I can try them too, perhaps."

Permalink Mark Unread


"You haven't really been paying enough attention to me.  I'm used to when housefolk just talk to each other for a long time without me being able to understand it but I didn't think that would happen today.  I still have all of my questions."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sorry, it's pretty hard to juggle conversations where not everybody speaks one language! What were your questions again?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"The food and the birdfeeder and whether I can visit my family and I still don't know why Jackie is sad.  And is Nicholas coming over?  I love Nicholas.  He gives me the very best treats out of anyone."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Princess would like to know about the food and the birdfeeder and her family and also what should I tell her about why you're sad? Also she wants to know if Nicholas is coming over."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Right, uh - I think the only times we switched her food were from kitten to adult food and then while she was pregnant we had her on something else - we can probably buy a new birdfeeder if birds aren't people or she isn't going to kill them?  I think Nicholas probably isn't coming over today, why is she - oh, is it just because she heard his name, okay.  Uh.  I have no idea how to explain my thing to a cat.  I'll ask Ian about a way to visit her family."

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam relays this.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay.  Is there a way I could talk to my housefolk when you're not here?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I could maybe make you a big board with pictures on it and you could touch them with your paw to mean certain things?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes please."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What kinds of things should be on it? Jackie, I'm going to make Princess a picture board so she can communicate when I'm not here, any suggestions for what to put on it?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hmmmmmm . . ."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Probably less on the concrete nouns, since I should be able add those later myself without too much trouble, and more on the abstract concepts?  Like time stuff and some less-charadesable verbs and question words and stuff."

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam starts a list with the question words. "I have no idea how cats keep time... Princess, how do cats keep time?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"There's dawn and breakfast and when-Jackie-leaves and when-Ian-and-Jordan-leave and noon and when-Jackie-gets-home and when-Ian-gets-home and when-Jordan-gets-home and my supper and the housefolks' supper and dusk and bedtime and midnight.  And sometimes there are days when they don't leave, or leave at different times, two of them in a row after every six, and sometimes they leave again in the evenings.  I think probably the Clan cats do it differently."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...hm. Uh, Jackie, Princess can't actually tell time except by dawn and dusk and when people leave and come home, what time words did you have in mind? What verbs?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"She definitely knows enough to start shouting at us like eight minutes before her s-u-p-p-e-r.  Not that I know how to translate that into anything useful.  Uh, can she do numbers - 'four days from now' - or 'next month', 'last spring', stuff like that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam adds numbers to the list, and seasons, and a moon, and starts attaching clipart, murmuring explanations to Princess of each proposed item.

Permalink Mark Unread

Princess understands numbers up through nine and can sort of get the gist of higher ones, even though she's not familiar with them as individual concepts as opposed to 'a lot'.  "Why are there so many squiggles for eight?  That doesn't seem like it should sound like that at all."

Permalink Mark Unread

"- uh, eight in particular is spelled weird, a lot of spelling in... this language... is pretty unintuitive till you're more used to it. There's a homophone spelled like -" He brings up a popover and writes "ate" in it. "Like that, which is pronounced the same."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Why is it like that?  That sounds very confusing."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It is! It takes young humans a while to learn to read. It could be worse, though, Chinese is worse." He dismisses the popover window and resumes clip-arting words.

Permalink Mark Unread

Over the course of this it becomes clear that Princess is faster than a young human at learning to read.  Much faster.

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"Jackie," says Cam after a while, "your cat is becoming literate on a scale of hours, just, uh, so you're aware, we might dispense with the pictures and have her type instead."

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"Okay.  Uh.  'Becoming', and not 'already was', you think?"

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"That is what it seems like." Cam turns on an introductory English literacy program and then after a moment's thought adjusts his display settings for limited color vision.

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"Why did you do that thing just now?"

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"This is designed to help people learn to read! If you keep picking it up this fast we don't need to do the picture board at all, you can just write things, I can make you something that'll work with paws. Can you see it all okay?"

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"No, there's less colors now."

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"...I guess maybe cats here have full color vision." He switches it back.

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Princess works her way through the program with relative diligence and without further complaint.

Permalink Mark Unread

Do local information sources think cats are colorblind?

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Permalink Mark Unread

...as of when?

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First discovered in the 690s, widely acknowledged to be the case into modern day.

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Okay but when was it most recently replicated.

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Earlier this year!

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...huh. "Princess, do you think you can see more colors than other cats?"

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"Hmmmmmm.  I don't remember any cat ever calling something a color that I thought it wasn't?"

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"Or saying two different-looking colors were the same? Huh."

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"Not that I can think of."

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"...okay. I should definitely go to a shelter and talk to a wider variety of cats," Cam concludes. "Because as recently as last year scientists were under the impression cats saw only a couple colors."

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"This next autumn will be my third.  Or, the later part of it will be."

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"Thanks, that helps." He has a notes file going. "Jackie, do you know where I can find a pet shelter?"

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She tosses Cam a yellow pages with the spine cracked open to a listing which she has circled.

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"Wow, vintage." He notes the address and consults a map.

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It's thataway, maybe a 15-minute drive.

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"Cool. Are motorcycles a thing here?"

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"Cool. I'll set Princess up with typing first." Does his first hardware guess work for her?

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As long as the keys are big enough that she can poke specific ones on the first try!

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It's a touchscreen, but it can be a big touchscreen that accepts clusters of toebeans as a single input. Some daeva are very weird shapes.

When she is all set, Cam goes out, appears a motorcycle, and speeds off to the shelter.

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"Hi, good afternoon, what can I do for you?" asks the person behind the front desk.

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"Hi! I'd like to meet some cats, can I do that?"

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"You absolutely can!  Come on back."

In the back there are cats in cages with beds and toys.  Most of the cats are grouped up but some of them are kept alone; there are little handwritten info cards with little glossy photo printouts for each of them.  Some look up at Cam and the staffer when they walk in; others ignore them.  Also there are a bunch of dogs over there and a room with two birds and a handful of pocket pets over there.

"Feel free to look around; I'll be over here if you have any questions or want to take anybody over to meet them outside of their cage."

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And when she is slightly out of earshot and might not be quite as confused about Cam meowing extensively: "Hello there everybody, I can talk!"

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The staffer smiles to herself but doesn't, apparently, feel the need to comment.

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Some of the cats who were ignoring Cam now look at him intently.  Others remain steadfast.

"What the fuck," asks an incongruously small kitten.

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"I am a magical creature from another universe with language acquisition powers, and I can talk."

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"That's weird.  You're weird."

"Do all the Twolegs talk or just you?"

"What's magic?  What's universe? What's acquisition?"

"Why are you here."

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"They all talk, just not your language. Magic is things that, hm, behave in a way you wouldn't expect from looking at them, even looking very very closely. Universe is a whole spatially contiguous place, really really big. Acquisition is getting. I'm here to meet more cats and ask questions!"

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"Wait, what's language?  And spatially and contiguous.  - Never mind, I know what spatially is."

"Mom.  Mom.  Mom.  Moooom.  Mom."

"I'm sleeping, darling."

"Come over here, Twoleg, I want to smell you."

"I want to EAT you."

"You're not big enough."

"I'm bigger than you!"

"You still can't eat a whole Twoleg.  It's enormous."

"Fuck off, yes I could."

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"Language is the correspondence of sounds to meanings." Cam lets the one who wants to smell him sniff his hand.

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Sniff sniff.  "Hmmmmmmm okay fine.  What were your questions."

"What's contiguous!"

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"Contiguous is all next to each other. My world isn't contiguous with here because there's no part of it that's next to any part of this one. I'm wondering if I could get you to look at some colors and tell me how well you can see them? And also I want to know if all your parents and grandparents and all the other cats you've met can talk."

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"My mom cannot talk because she is SLEEPING.  Show me the colors."

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Colors! Are any of these cats colorblind at all.

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All of the awake cats who are willing to talk to him have the human range of color vision.

. . . Some of the cats are awake and seem interested in him but aren't using words about it.

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"Hey, do those cats talk?"

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"They are SO QUIET.  Mom tells me I should be that quiet."

"Sometimes they make noises but I haven't learned any new vocabulary from them, ever."

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"What kind of noises?"

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"Like 'mrrp?' and 'a!' and 'prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr'."

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All of you who talk, did your parents talk too?"

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There's a chorus of yeahs and one "Not mine."

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Cam focuses on "not mine" cat. "Can you tell me about your parents?"

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"What about 'em?"

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"About how they didn't talk? Was that weird for you? How did you learn?"

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"Wasn't really.  I just picked it up one day."

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"When you were how old?"

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"Maybe five seasons."

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"...huh. Just kind of all of a sudden? Any idea why then?"

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"Not really."

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...omnilol is in gummies, Starclan is in dreams... hm. "Did you, like, eat anything weird, or have an odd dream...?"

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"Don't remember."

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"Hm. Did you learn it, like picking up new vocabulary only from the beginning, or did it just sort of click for you?"

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"Second one."

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"Huh. Can any of you guys read?"

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"What is read?"

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"Interpret visible symbols as meanings."

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"Hmmm.  No," says vocabulary kitten.

"YES," says the one who wanted to eat Cam.  "I can read everything."

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"Really? What's this say?" He pulls an index card from his pocket and holds it up. It says "SOME CATS ARE PEOPLE".

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"I don't want to tell you."

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He turns the card around and now it says "READ THIS AND GET A CHICKEN LIVER".

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"I still don't want to tell you!"

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Card in pocket again.

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One of the sleeping cats yawns awake. "What is wrong with this one?" he wonders, looking at Cam critically.

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"He TALKS.  It's weird."

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"That IS weird." He looks more closely at Cam. "Why do you talk?"

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"It's actually very common, we just don't do it by meowing usually! Why do you talk?"

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"I went on a very strange catnip trip."

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"Excuse me, uh," what is the correct address here, Ma'am or Miss or some weird Latin thing - "uh, can I take out the colorpoint cat?"

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"Yeah, I can get him out for you if you really want," she sighs, rolling down her sleeves.  "And it's Ivy, if you need something to call me by; what's your name?  Or is it just Mr. Some Cats Are People, was that a nametag."

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"...ah. I'm Cam. It was not a nametag."

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"Yeah, normally they stick on your shirt instead of you having to hold them up for people to look at, silly me.  Or was that cat in particular not a people; I hear only some are."

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"That one was, but he was lying about being able to read."

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"What are you saying?"

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"She didn't know any cats were people! Also she's gonna take you out of your cage."

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"I do not like my cage."

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"What's he saying."

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"He wanted to know what we were saying and I told him and he says he doesn't like his cage."

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"Understandable, honestly.  Don't suppose you could ask him not to try and scratch me."

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"Sure. She'd like you not to scratch her, can you do that?"

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"Well, she could let me jump out by myself."

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"He would like to jump out by himself, he says."

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"Yeah, okay."  She opens the door to the colorpoint's cage and then the one to a small room with a large interior window, a few chairs, and blankets and pet toys strewn on the floor.

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He leaps out and does not scratch her. He trots right up to Cam and rubs against his leg. "I think it is very commendable of you to talk," he remarks.

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"Wow, he really likes you.  Uh, you can take pretty much as long as you want in here unless somebody else comes in or you hit on closing time, and honestly maybe even then because I sure do have some questions and that gets you some leeway."

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He sits down and the colorpoint cat leaps into his lap and purrs.

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Ivy shuts the door and busies herself with cleaning on the other side of the window.

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Cam hangs out with the cat for a while - the cat does not presently have a name he likes and accepts the suggestion of "Cricket", which is easily translatable into cat.

"Can I take this one with me?" he asks Ivy. Cricket is draped over his shoulder.

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"I'd be glad if you did, to be honest.  Did you have like a pamphlet about this whole thing or do I have to come up with specific questions."

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"I don't have a pamphlet. The short version is that I'm a magical being from another universe with magical language acquisition abilities and today they gave me cat language, which was very startling for me as I'm sure it is for you, but on inspection of the shelter population only some and possibly only a very small number of cats are people, which at least reduces the odds I need to worry about other animals also being people."

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"Huh.  I didn't guess the magical being part but I'm not actually very surprised about the cats - everyone who works here is like, 'oh, that's just how cats are' when they meow in really clear conversational patterns or whatever, but it really really isn't."

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"I can point out the ones who talked to me and which ones they said don't talk, though that won't divvy up anybody who was asleep and not remarked on -" Point point point.

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"Thanks.  I . . . don't really know what I should do about this except, uh, keep treating them as well as I'm able to given resource constraints?  And I guess lie on some parts of your adoption form for you if you're from another universe - do you have a place to take this cat to and supplies and stuff; I am gonna have to put my foot down on that one even if I would fudge everything else - "

Permalink Mark Unread

"I do not strictly speaking have a residence; it's not a priority for me because I don't need to sleep. I can make arbitrary material objects including whatever Cricket's little heart desires though I would appreciate the 101 on feline nutrition in case he desires more chicken livers or whatever than are good for him."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Have a pamphlet.  He does need to sleep; do you have a plan for that."

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"For situations where I can't carry him around I'll probably eventually make myself a - hm, not a space station, considering, but like a little house out in the woods, I just haven't gotten around to it yet."

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"Okay great.  I'd like a demonstration of the making stuff, if you don't mind."  She primly slides a clipboard with printouts of suggested item donations across the counter.

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"Ha, all right, where do you want the stuff?"

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"Dry storage is back this way - " lead lead flourishy gesture.

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He reads through the list and appears plenty of everything in neatly organized bins.

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"Wow, okay.  Not that I didn't believe you; it would've been kind of weird if all the other stuff made sense but you were lying about this one thing, but.  Wow."

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"It's pretty swell! Anything else?"

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"Lemme think about it while I get going on your paperwork . . ."  And she starts filling out a form with Cricket's deadname on it.  "Don't suppose you've already picked up a silver piece somewhere; obviously I'm willing to waive that but I don't, uh, actually know how to without it being really obviously suspicious - "

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"...I have not already picked up a silver piece. Are they magic or are you just concerned about counterfeiting?"

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"Just counterfeiting."

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"Would you like to buy anything off me for a silver piece?"

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"Oh, yeah that works - I guess I could just do movies - "  She lists off eleven titles, with some consideration, and slides a coin across the table, then back over to her side and deposits it in a cash register.  "I might still try and think of other stuff if you're just giving it away, but for now that puts us about square."

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"What format is in vogue here and now for movies?"

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"Magnestrip.  - Or, flatdisk if you're asking in general but I don't have a player for those yet.  . . . Can I have a flatdisk player."

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"Name a model."

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"I don't know any.  - I guess you could make a catalog or whatever too but let's get through this first - um, I'm just going to put down that he was already neutered; please be responsible about any kittens . . ."

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"I will give him The Talk."

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"Okay good."  She ticks a checkbox.  "Do other universes do birthdays differently and if so have you by chance already found a plausible correspondence I could write down."

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"Our dates of birth have negligible correlation with character traits. I was born on what is in my universe called September thirteenth, though it's in the autumn, there, and I don't know if that's locally plausible for my personality."

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"That's so weird!  I'll just put down something even, then."

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"If I seem even to you then by all means."

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"Oh, not especially, just it's the least suspicious at a glance.  But if you'd had something already it would have been more likely to stand up to any suspicion that ends up existing."

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"What are September thirteenths supposed to be like?"

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"Uh, so first of all don't go around saying 'thirteenth' for day numbers; nobody does that.  But that'd be . . . the second Fivesday; there was one of those in my grade growing up, nice kid - uh, not odd enough that you have to worry about them too much; she was good at presenting group projects but occasionally slacked off on the prep work, not that I can really complain about that; kinda sporty."

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"Well that's not me at all."

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"Then don't use your real birthday as your fake birthday I guess!"

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"What fake birthday am I being assigned?"

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"Triinary twoct-six sound good?"

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"It sounds bizarre, because I'm not accustomed to octal, but sure!"

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"That's fair, I guess.  How old are you; we can at least get the year sort of right . . ."

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"...I am a hundred and seventy two and was born in 1987, I don't think you can do that either. I stopped aging when I was 22?"

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" - Yeah, okay, sure.  Uh, you do look around 22 so I'm not going to worry too much about whether our years are different lengths or anything . . ."  Write write.

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"They are! Honestly considering how many ways this world is different it's nothing short of miraculous that I can have a conversation with you, since I only got your cats' language by magic."

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"Wow.  They're just - the same?"

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"Mostly, yeah. The octal thing is different and we call it English not Latin but it's nothing I noticed reading a casual cross-section of assorted encyclopedia articles."

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"That's really weird!  When the stars align, I guess.  Anyway, this is done; does Cricket want to say goodbye to anyone on the way back out front?"

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Cam asks, and reports back, "He says none of them are worth his time."

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"Alrighty then."  Walk walk.  "Could I get the most recent Feranli sales catalog?"

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She picks out a combo model that can handle both magnestrip boxes and flatdisks and does an excited little shoulder-shimmy upon receiving it.  She passes Cam a few coins since probably this isn't the only thing he'll need local currency for and she's still getting a deal.  "Uh, does he have any feedback for me?  Like, if the thing he didn't like about his cage was the size there's not a lot I can do about it, but anything fixable I'd want to know."

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Cam asks about this! "...he says the cage is too small, the food was terrible, there's not enough fresh air, he doesn't like how you smell, some of the dogs bark too much, he objects to linoleum, and the vet's hands were cold."

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"I'll see what I can do.  Tell him thanks."

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"...he says, uh, you're welcome, slightly embellished. He's not very polite."

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"I already knew that, if not uh, through language.  Do you have any questions or anything for me; how are you handling being in a new universe, hanging in there okay?"

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"Oh, it's very exciting. Still getting oriented but then I hope to end material scarcity!"

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"Wow.  Uh.  Good luck with that?"

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"Yeah!  And I mean I don't know what you would really need a modestly-employed New Year's Eve kid's help with, but if there's anything I can do - I guess you might need more stuff with the shelter; I can do that.  . . . And you probably don't know any of the birthday stereotypes, do you.  A modestly-employed random person."

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"I do not know of the stereotypes. Is there some kind of almanac I should keep handy?"

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"Tons!  I can't recommend like a definitive one though."

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"What's one that's, like, reasonably accessible and not too misleading or wordy."

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"I guess threaten to whip me I'd go with 'Ava Lestern's Astrological All-About'?"

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"...that's such a specific expression but I suppose so is 'hold a gun to my head'." He finds Ava Lestern's book on his corpus.

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The page design looks . . . glittery.

October 40:

   Affinities:  Enjoys sculpture and cleaning, good with animals, trusting, very sincerely focused on doing right by the people in front of them.

   Enmities:  Anxious, flakey, and socially prone to overthinking; alternatively, bravado-filled and underthinking-prone.  Either way, impulsive.

   Oddities: Their names tend to break down into pronounceable letters!  Ex. Ariel (REL), Casey (KC), Ciel (CL).


[Translator's note: the octal digits are constructed slightly differently than the decimal ones, though not to the point where one couldn't naively assume it was a weird font thing.]

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"That sounds way worse than whipping!  I think even firing squads are usually off a ways, here."

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"This book looks suitable, thank you. Is corporal punishment typical?"

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"You're welcome!  I mean I've never had it."

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"Yes, I mean, like, as a formally deployed punishment for things."

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"Well sure."

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"It's not where I'm from, is all."

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"Yeah, I keep running into stuff like that. I'm not sure how to systematically find everything that might be important."

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"What other sort of stuff?"

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"Different afterlife situation, the birthdays, the cats, the fact that Jesus is a moderately famous living person instead of a long-dead world-renowned one, the timekeeping, the world being flat."

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"Wow.  What's it instead of flat?"

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"Spherical. Goes around the sun. No cold thing at the North Pole."

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"Weird!  What's gonna happen when you run out of room?"

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"There are more spheres! What will happen when you do?"

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"Like, not the sun or the moon; spheres you can live on?  We can just dig."

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"Only so much surface area is covered by sunlight, if you dig far enough what will you eat?"

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"Uh, keeping in mind that I'm way more into the like, aesthetics and warm-fuzzies of cylinder exploration than the practicalities, I think the stars have some sort of plan?  They might make more suns or something, I dunno."

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"I guess that could work. Anyway, I'm here to solve material scarcity so y'all can dig to your heart's content."

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"And we thank you very kindly for that!  Hm, I wonder if you can prove that it's actually infinite; we already know it is cause the stars say so but there are still skeptics.  I guess they're probably still likely to be skeptical about conclusions from an interuniversal magical traveller, aren't they."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Most likely." Scale model of the cylinder-slice forty billion parsecs down?

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An uneven, slightly hole-filled little patty with swirls of dirt and stone and iron and puddles of water some of which drain onto his hand appears.

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"It is at least really really really tall."

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"That's so cool!!  What happens if you aim for the bottom?  That's like a saying here, for when you think something is really really unlikely; 'Oh, yeah, that could happen.  On the bottom of the world.'"

Permalink Mark Unread

Bottom of the cylinder?

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"I cannot conjure a bottom of the cylinder."

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"Awesome.  Uh, I should probably let you get back to saving the world or whatever, lemme think of other stuff you might need . . . here's a business card for the shelter, I'll put my number on there too; I'm usually volunteering here five or six evenings a week but which ones they are changes all the time, call ahead if you need something and don't feel like explaining all this to other people - here's a pamphlet on general cat ownership stuff in addition to the nutrition one, legalities and whatnot . . ."

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"Great, thank you." He has enough pockets in his coat, though maneuvering to get to them all might make his tail slightly visible.

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"What kind of magical creature did you say you were, again?"

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"The word is 'demon' but we bear little resemblance to mythological creatures of the same name."

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"I don't think I've ever heard of demons!  Do they have tails?"

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"Tails are popular, but not universal. Nearly all of us have wings though." He sticks the tip of one out of his coat.

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She gasps.  "Can I see them out of the coat - actually someone could walk in at any moment and I shouldn't take up more of your time anyway.  That's really cool though!"

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Cam flips to a picture of himself with his wings out playing violin and shows it to her and then heads out. He makes a sidecar for Cricket, and swings back to Jackie's house.

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There's a car in the driveway that wasn't before; Princess and an unfamiliar man are waiting at the door for him.  "Hi you're back you're back!  - Who are you?" she asks of Cricket.

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"Cricket," says Cricket, leaping to and draping himself over Cam's shoulder before Cam dismounts the motorcycle.

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"Hi, Princess. Cricket wanted to leave the shelter with me."

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"Nice to meet you, Cricket.  This is Jordan.  What did you learn at the shelter?"

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"Not all cats talk! Cricket in particular remembers eating weird catnip and becoming able to. Hello Jordan, nice to meet you, I'm Cam and this is Cricket."

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"Hey Cam, hey Cricket.  I've heard a lot about one of you; come on inside."

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"Thanks!" In they come. "Be nice, Cricket."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"I have learned so much reading come see!  But I got stopped because I didn't know what enough of the words mean to keep going even though I could type them by hearing."

She appears to have managed to navigate to a word processor.

Jackie is a good [housefolk]

(Cam can read the transliterated cat word, though presumably the locals cannot.)

Jackie is a good kitty
Good good good good kitty
Jackie is a good jackie

Ians home
Outside outside outside outside now now now
Ian is a good ian
Ian is a good good good ian!!!!!!
Kisses for princess now now!
More kisses!

Jordans home outsi
Jordan is a good jordan!

Supper now now now now now now now!!!!!!!  Supper time now!!!!!!  Now now!

Cams home!

Permalink Mark Unread

"You'd want to spell 'housefolk' h-o-u-s-e-f-o-l-k. Or you could write 'human' or 'person'." Scritch scritch. "Did you get your dinner?"

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"Yes, but no treats yet.  Treats happen at bedtime but I think I should get extra because it's an exciting day; I got extra when I had my kits.  And Cricket should get some too.  What are human and person?  You keep saying person but I don't know what it means."

Permalink Mark Unread

"A person is - it's sort of complicated but you won't go far wrong if you say 'someone who can talk'. Human is the twoleg word for twolegs."

Permalink Mark Unread

Jackie ian jordan is a good person!

More treats good princess cricket now wanna!

She's not as fast as a human typist but she already seems to have some sense of the keyboard layout over hunting and pecking.

"I don't know the words to say the rest of what I mean."

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"That you think you should get extra treats, or something else?"

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"Why I think that.  I think my reasoning is very sound and they would agree with it if they knew it."

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"How about I turn on speech to text, and whenever I translate something you're saying it'll show up there for you to have a look at." He does this and relays Princess's remarks.

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"I like that!"  As the words appear she makes notes next to words she has guesses about, some of which are wildly incorrect but any of which are not.

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"Yeah, that sounds reasonable, assuming it's all right with you," says the person who by process of elimination must be Ian, to Cam.

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"Assuming what, giving Princess treats? I can do that. Princess, what kind of treats do you want?"

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"No, to - uh, the cat who's with you, I didn't catch their name - "

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"The kind Nicholas gives me!!!  They are so good!!"

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"He's Cricket. She wants the kind Nicholas gives her, what's that kind?"

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"Oh, is that why she likes him so much.  Well - " he looks around the room, "I don't think any of us knew he was doing that, so, not much help there.  - And even if we did it'd probably be smart to veto on the grounds that I bet they're drugs."

Permalink Mark Unread

"He wouldn't drug my cat."

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"It's not his style."

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"If you say so."  Handsqueeze.

Permalink Mark Unread

"...why is this suspected?"

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"Well, he's a New Year's; they're kind of evil.  - Not like me; like, on purpose.  Though in fairness not in a way where you can't have mutually beneficial relationships with them.  . . . Maybe 'evil' is unfair if you aren't already familiar with the associations.  Definitely at least spooky."

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"Princess, you catch all that?"

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Princess has figured out that she can sit up on her hind legs and use both front paws to type, and is typing much faster than she was before though still not very fast objectively.  The notes are more on hypothesized grammar structure than vocabulary, which she has mostly abandoned trying to have guesses about on as little information as she has.

"They said 'Cricket' and 'Nicholas' and 'cat'!"

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"They think maybe the treats Nicholas gives you have drugs in them. That might even be why they're so appealing. Would you like some fish or something instead?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay!  I like fish too."

Permalink Mark Unread

Sashimi for Princess.

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Om nom nom nom n - she pauses and checks whether Cricket got any, bravely prepared to pass over half of hers should the answer, stars forbid, be 'no'.  She is a good kitty, even when that means making terrible sacrifices.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cricket has some!

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Permalink Mark Unread

While she's working on that Cam sets Princess up with a cat-hardware program for teaching new daeva English.

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"Oh good, now I can learn all the words I don't know!  Like pets; I thought the word might be [kisses] but apparently that is only one part of pets and attention I think."

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"True!" Pet pet.

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"You're a very good person and I love you.  - Do housefolk like to be pet?  I have always wondered."

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"I think not in the same way cats do."

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"That's sad, I think."  She starts in on a lesson.

Permalink Mark Unread

"So is Princess going to learn Latin with your accent?  Not that I mind if she does, it's a neat accent, I like it."

(The Britannian accent resembles a British one in a sprinkling of sounds but is otherwise not very like any Cam's familiar with.)

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Jackie's knees now have a slightly murderous glare directed at them.  "Right, because this is going to end with her physically able to produce human speech," she says, lightly, despite her expression.

Permalink Mark Unread

"That program will actually train her on an accent common to people who live on the moon where I'm from because it was judged the easiest to distinguish minimal pairs."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You have people living on your moon?  How does that work?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Our moon, like our planet, is a sphere of rock. It doesn't have air, so people live under domes."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Right, and - gravity points to the middle, apparently, so you don't have to worry about falling off?  What got rid of the air around a whole celestial body?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not having air is default, the air on Earth was generated locally and kept in place by gravity, which as you have surmised points to the middle of the sphere."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We've got air here pretty much everywhere there isn't something else.  What does your world have instead?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you have the concept of higher and lower pressure air?"

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Permalink Mark Unread

"If you lower the pressure enough, there's nothing there. That's what's most places is nothingness."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, just vacuum everywhere?  How thrillingly abhorrent - we have a little piece of vacuum in a tchotchke, Jackie, where's the tchotchke - "

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think it broke."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess we might not have a little piece of vacuum in a tchotchke, then."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Alas, that's one of the things I can't make, since it isn't a thing."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We shall have to acquire our empty symbols of rebellion against the natural order elsewhere.  Or go without them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...okay. Uh, anyway, I'm mostly just here to check in with Princess and see how her hardware's working out but if you guys need anything other than vacuum I can help you with that before I go build myself a cabin in the woods."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Might be nice to have a way to contact you if anything came up?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sure. I can't make satellites under the circumstances but I'm not going too far for grounded repeaters." He gives her a phonelike object.

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Permalink Mark Unread

"What does 'woods' mean?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Area with lots of trees."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's what I'd thought!  You aren't saying anything about the forest cats, right?"

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh good.  Why did it come up?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm going to put a little house out there."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Won't the forest cats be mad about that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I wasn't going to put it particularly near any of them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think they have pretty strong feelings about all of their territory.  And you can't smell where the borders are . . ."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you think you could show me? Or tell Cricket how it smells?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I know what ThunderClan smells like but not the other three."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is there a side where ThunderClan doesn't border anyone else?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Just the one right out there, that I know of."  She noses in the direction of the glass doors.

Permalink Mark Unread

"And this is how far from their border?"

Permalink Mark Unread

" . . . It's right out there.  I could see it if the fence wasn't in the way."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay, well, maybe I will have to find somewhere else to put my house without stepping on any toes."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I've had my tail stepped on by housefolk!  It hurt.  You shouldn't step on anyone's anything."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's a metaphor."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh.  I hadn't heard that one before."

Permalink Mark Unread

"No big deal. Do your housefolk know you go out in the woods sometimes?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It was really only today because I was so worried.  Mostly I stay around here with the other housecats and Fireheart and Cloudpaw come to see me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"But do they know? If they ask what we're talking about I don't want to get you in trouble."

Permalink Mark Unread

"They know I go outside?  I have my own door . . ."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay, cool." He turns to the humans present. "Sorry for the digression."

Permalink Mark Unread

Jackie looks up from trying to figure out her phonelike object.  "It's fine?  She's never had a chance to talk to humans before so probably whatever she has to say should get priority for a while.  - Humans and whatever you are."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The English word is 'demon' but I would understand if that were distracting."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Why would it be?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"On my planet the word is shared with some unpopular mythological beings! If here it isn't then no trouble."

Permalink Mark Unread

"They might just be kind of obscure.  I haven't heard of them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Me either."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Nor I."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Fair enough. Do you know who owns that woods, by the by, is it public property or what?" Gesture.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think it's mostly private.  There's a campground where we go sometimes out thataways," he points out the left side of the door, "but that's not even really in the woods; it's kinda fieldy."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ooh, campground, okay." Maybe he will just make a very fancy tent.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, Morgan's Farm; it's a nice place.  You might have passed it on the way to the shelter, actually, if you went on any dirt roads instead of sticking to paved ones."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I stuck to paved ones. It's not an off-road motorcycle particularly."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Mm.  Well, it's in that general direction."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Cool." Cam scritches Princess, bids everyone goodbye, and motorcycles away with Cricket in the sidecar to the campground in question.

Permalink Mark Unread

There are picnic tables and spots for campfires and a box nailed to a tree containing printouts of the rules, all of which are pretty standard campground fare even to extradimensional visitors (or at least this one).  A path leads off towards a cluster of trees far in the distance.  There are not presently any other campers.

Permalink Mark Unread

Are RVs allowed?

Permalink Mark Unread

They at least aren't disallowed going by this sheet.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cool. Cam makes a tiny-house-on-wheels that is probably street legal unless their streets have something weird up. He consults Cricket on cat furniture and installs him on a cat hammock to sleep. And he spends the night in the tiny house eating toasted marshmallows and sausages on sticks while he reads through the astrology book.

Permalink Mark Unread

The astrology book has some alarming things to say, particularly about New Year's babies.  It seems to take for granted that everyone knows they're a specific type of bad news and instead focuses on how many of them are totally productive, relatively normal members of society who you don't have to be that scared of.  Mostly the dangerous ones cluster with each other and are more overt about the risk of being around them, and you should still avoid those for the most part, Ava claims.  They're a very specific sort of trustworthy: good at coordinating with each other, including in abiding by internal rules which keep them from collectively getting banned from normal society, and are known to keep their word, though they can at times be slippery about exact phrasings.

The winter solstice people seem to have a well-deserved reputation for mad science; the book credits a slightly absurd number of important inventions to them alongside a lesser but not very lesser number of catastrophes.

Spring equinoxers have a reputation for being the most genuinely good out of any of the solquinoxes and are responsible for a lot of social change for the better.  They're known to be very charismatic, eloquent speakers, and are frequently martyred as part of their activism.  Particularly tyrannical rulers throughout history have been known to preemptively order babies born on that day put to death.

(All of the even-numbered entries are as short as Ivy's was, with the ones between those and the solquinoxes varying according to the every-other every-other pattern Jackie described.)

Permalink Mark Unread

Once he's done with that he will find a not for small children book about stars.

Permalink Mark Unread

There are lots!  What in particular is he looking for?

Permalink Mark Unread

What does he get if he looks for case studies, and the history of the understanding of the topic?

Permalink Mark Unread

Here is a case study on one star cloud which has existed for at least several centuries.  It still gains new members occasionally, though largely from the same birthdays which already make it up.  It has been known to try and help other clouds maintain their separation, and the targets of its aid have usually lasted notably longer than similar clouds without it, though most of them still end up absorbed eventually.  It is composed mostly of rather odd people, though there are a select few even members.

It took humanity collectively a while to find out there was an afterlife at all, and a bit longer out to figure out the birthday thing, and much much longer to understand it in the amount of detail they do now.  There's still disagreement on how it all started, whether people were initially born into individual shapes and the first ones to die created the clusters after the fact, or if the system had always existed and the stars merely exist within that framework.  Lots of people from both groups of belief think the other ones are blasphemous.  The One cloud doesn't give solid answers on that and there's no one left from that time period who isn't a part of it.

Omnilol, crystal healing, homeopathy, and several other forms of magic are widely agreed to be the work of the stars, as there are records of times before they existed, and also the stars were like 'hey we did this' when they announced their release.  They also seem to be responsible for a number of things that don't seem very magic, like materials science and genetic engineering for crops.  The author regards these as obviously superior to their counterparts made by living people.

Permalink Mark Unread

...before omnilol, how precisely did the stars announce things?

Permalink Mark Unread

Dreams sent to a very small number of carefully chosen people.

Permalink Mark Unread

Chosen how?

Permalink Mark Unread

For being inclined and well-positioned to spread the news and be taken seriously.  It worked varyingly well before the omnilol announcement but they got that one right enough for it to catch on decently quickly.

Permalink Mark Unread

What is the stars' mechanism of influence over things such as dreams, the existence of drugs, possibly birthdate attractors, and, possibly, in the case of cats, the weather?

Permalink Mark Unread

He can find an author waxing poetic in one of the prefaces about how stars, being the most natural piece of existence, can of course not only bring nature to heel but dictate its very flow and form; yada yada destiny yada yada weaving the great web which connects us all yada yada the supremacy of nature over man but the eventual incorporation of man into nature.  No coherent descriptions of anything resembling a hard magic system for the stars can be shaken out of his corpus.  (Although the forms of magic accessible by the living are by contrast quite rigid; both crystal healing and homeopathy have strict rules and require quite a bit of precision.)

Permalink Mark Unread

Have the stars gone into any detail on why they chose crystal healing and homeopathy of all things to implement? Also, influenza: why.

Permalink Mark Unread

Healing is good and being able to make a lot of a thing from a little of a thing is useful!  Cam can't find anything that explains the resemblance to similar processes that don't work from his homeworld.

Influenza has existed since the start of birthday clustering and so the One has mostly refrained from commenting on it.  A younger cloud at one point suggested that it was better to have scheduled sicknesses than unpredictable ones, with it left implied that influenza's existence cancels out or otherwise avoids other diseases somehow.  But since it's younger and was not in fact there, many people disregard the comment as not being worth much more than what a living person would say.

The disease rates are in fact lower here than Cam's earth at a similar tech level, but it's hard to separate that out from crystal healing and all the other oddities of this world; they don't have good statistics from before lots of confounding factors became things.

Permalink Mark Unread

Huh. Okay.

What has been said on the absorption process and its voluntariness?

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Nothing is explicitly forcing any individual instance of merging.  It's just really easy to fuse accidentally, and gets moreso over time.

Permalink Mark Unread

Any idea why?

Permalink Mark Unread

It's The Natural Order of Things.

Permalink Mark Unread

How enlightening.

Where's a fact sheet for omnilol?

Permalink Mark Unread

Here's one!  It has more specific dosing information, including rows by age and weight and with notes for a couple variants with minor differences between them, and seems to be directed at parents who are letting their kids take omnilol for the first time.  It reminds them to (soberly) stay with their child until the dose has entirely worn off, to have some form of hydration on hand, to start with a low dose, and to not let them take it more than twice in two weeks or eight times in a year (for eight year olds, with increasing safe frequencies as they age; there's a chart).

It and all other sources Cam goes through assume that basically everyone will have tried omnilol at least a few times before adulthood.  One of the variants mentioned claims to be impossible to overdose on and to give a gentler trip than the others; it's recommended for first-timers.

Permalink Mark Unread

And what in more detail happens on an omnilol trip?

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All of the direct descriptions are either reviews of specific variants or directed at children.  But, collected from those: it takes a few minutes to set in and then you start to astral project, which can happen more abruptly or smoothly depending on what exactly you're on.  This manifests as a sensation of leaving your body, though you remain in (somewhat more clumsy than usual) control of it; it's advisable to remain seated or lying down for the duration of your first few times.  It doesn't get rid of sensory input from your body, though the input may change in some way; some people find their senses feel softer or more distant while others say they're about the same as normal and it's just comparatively harder to pay attention to them.

Once you're proprioceptively up in the sky (which is only proprioception; you can't use omnilol to spy on your surrounding landscape), you'll begin to feel the presence of the stars and the other currently-high people.  Aiming for specific people or clouds usually works, at least when they want to be found, and children are advised to aim away from the One unless they're like, terminally ill and nervous about what death is going to be like or something.

From there, you can telepathy people on a scale of exclusively intentionally-sent words and tone to full-on mind-meld, depending on dose and variant.

And eventually it wears off, the telepathy becomes more difficult and lower fidelity, and you sink back into your body.  Some people are immediately fine to go do other things once that happens; others get drowsy or have lingering sensory or emotional effects for a while afterwards.

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The next time Cricket wakes up Cam has made himself a gummy of a variety that just does intentionally-sent words, though he doesn't know if it will work; Cricket is advised in tripsitting protocol and Cam takes his dose. It's probably too magic but Cam would expect his crystals and his homeopathy to work, since that seems to be not about the physical structures at work at all, so maybe it'll do what it says.

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He remains sober.

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Damn. It's pretty late at night, but is there a 24-hour (...or, uh, whatever) drugstore he can hit up?

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If he wants to drive half an hour to a bigger town than Chelford.

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Yeah, all right. He gives Cricket a phone and hops back aboard his motorcycle to the nearest place that appears to have his chosen strain in stock.

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Here it is!  This one's a liquid; it comes with a little plastic measuring cup.  Blueberry flavor.

Permalink Mark Unread

Blueberry flavor it is. He can cover it with his change from the shelter without having to awkwardly give the cashier a spiel and a stack of videos.

He brings it back to his RV and reminds Cricket about tripsitting protocols and measures carefully and slurps.

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And a few minutes later it sure does feel like he's rising out of his body, even though he also is still very much just sitting in his chair.  It's soft.  He can still see the inside of his RV in just as much clarity as before, although it seems markedly less real and present and important than up, up, up . . .

Consciousnesses other than his own twinkle into his awareness.  Who is he looking for?

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Cats. Or anybody else who isn't human, actually, but he'll take cats.

Permalink Mark Unread

Does he mean star clouds made up of lots and lots of former individuals?  Those aren't really very human anymore.  There's some here and over there and there and over that way.

Permalink Mark Unread

No he means ones that were not previously human.

Permalink Mark Unread

Your search - 'ones that were not previously human' - did not match any available spirits.  Did you mean: really big star clouds?

(Cam can feel the presence of said really big star clouds.  They're enormous, collections of thousands or millions or in one case tens of billions of souls, all collapsed into a single entity, and complete with all the intelligence and wants and dreams and hopes and hates which that entails.)

Permalink Mark Unread

Okay, maybe Starclan is a different thing somehow. There are seriously no ex-cats here? Really? He will take whoever died most recently in that case.

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It's this person over here!  No, now it's this o - over h - that one - now it - here's - this -

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...he will take the nearest non-cloud person.

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That one doesn't want to talk to him.  Here's the second closest?

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hi there??

Permalink Mark Unread

Hi! Can you tell me what it's like to be a star?

Permalink Mark Unread

I guess it's like what you're doing, only you can't go back
kinda scarier
but also more peaceful
I guess the scary part will go away when I'm more used to it

Permalink Mark Unread

Are you hoping to stay separate or are you going to merge soon?

Permalink Mark Unread

probably gonna wait a few more days
give everyone a chance to come say goodbye and stuff
uh sorry if we like went to high school together or something but I super don't know who you are, should I or are you just a rando

Permalink Mark Unread

Definitely a rando, I was just trying to find somebody who was separate. I'll back off if someone you actually know comes by.

Permalink Mark Unread

okay good, normally I can tell but you're on like a baby dose - wait are you an actual little kid

Permalink Mark Unread

No, I'm an adult with reservations about mind-affecting drugs.

Permalink Mark Unread

o . . . kay
uh, no tea no shade no pink lemonade but then why
are you here

Permalink Mark Unread

I want to learn more about the world, and this is part of it.

Permalink Mark Unread

I guess

Permalink Mark Unread

Do you have an idea from here about how a lot of stars working together can do things like implement crystal healing? Or is that not obvious at this stage?

Permalink Mark Unread

yeah no I'm just me right now
I guess I could ask somebody bigger
you could also ask somebody bigger
I'm normally more polite and put together and stuff, only I just died a few days ago
really throwing a wrench in my groove to be honest

Permalink Mark Unread

Please don't worry about it. I plan to ask somebody bigger at some point but thought I'd talk to singlets for a baseline. I'm sorry for your loss.

Permalink Mark Unread

it's fiiiiiiiiiiine
I just hate weird intermediate stages
anticipation is worse than participation and all that
I kinda want to just get a move on and join up with somebody already but I'm kind of hoping one of my exes will make a showing

Permalink Mark Unread

Your exes in particular, really?

Permalink Mark Unread

just one of 'em
he was a bastard but I'm kind of hoping he's the sort of bastard who'll be all like oh no you're dead and then I can be like well you should have appreciated me when I was alive, bitch
I would find that very satisfying
I know it's petty
but I am allowing myself some pettiness on account of how I just died and stuff
once in a lifetime chance
or like
zero times in a lifetime
you know what I mean

Permalink Mark Unread

I do! Do you already feel some pull to join up with a cloud? I'm wondering what that's like.

Permalink Mark Unread

it's not really a pull
more like
if you're kinda thirsty and you have a glass of water in your hand
and if you were thirstier and not paying attention you might just take a sip automatically without really noticing
and right now it's not hard at all to not drink it
but I have been getting a little thirstier over time

Permalink Mark Unread

Can you tell which cloud you'd go to, if you did?

Permalink Mark Unread

oh uh
right now in this metaphor I don't have a cup because I'm just talking to you and you're not a star
it would be like
whoever I was talking to
and I guess by conventional wisdom different people would be different drinks?
and they'd seem more or less tempting depending on how like compatible we were
but I haven't noticed a difference yet
I mean obviously I can tell in all the ways you can when you're alive
but like
they don't really feel different in like a mystical sense
because I haven't been looking too closely

Permalink Mark Unread

Makes sense. That's a really useful analogy, thanks.

Permalink Mark Unread

so uh why are you trying to learn more about the world as an adult or whatever
in this particular way

Permalink Mark Unread

I'd never tried omnilol before, believe it or not, and I hit a point where it seemed like tripping was the best way to figure out more of how everything fits together, you know?

Permalink Mark Unread

that's wack
seriously never?

Permalink Mark Unread

Seriously never!

Permalink Mark Unread

was that like your parents being kinda weird
or just you

Permalink Mark Unread

As far as I know my parents have never had omnilol either!

Permalink Mark Unread

were they like in a cult or something
do you need resources for how to not be in a cult anymore
I don't think I can actually get any of those for you from here

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm fine; as you can see I can now just drive to a drugstore and get it whenever I want.

Permalink Mark Unread

do you have a support system?
I think people who were in cults need a support system or whatever even if they're like, out

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm fine! Please don't worry about me.

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Permalink Mark Unread

You haven't talked to any other stars yet?

Permalink Mark Unread

sure I have
what gave you that idea

Permalink Mark Unread

Must have misinterpreted the thing about not looking too closely. Who've you talked to?

Permalink Mark Unread

uh, said hi to part of the One for a bit
a few randos from all over the world, living ones
a cloud that's part my dad
more rando clouds
buncha people I knew on earth came to visit, though all that
and then you

Permalink Mark Unread

Part of the One?

What was your dad's cloud like?

Permalink Mark Unread

yeah, I mean why not, right
it's kind of a jerk to be honest but that's not that surprising who he is as a person
I just thought I would let it know I'd died and stuff
and now I don't have to really interact with him until we inevitably merge
which like doesn't really count cause I'm not gonna until we're both real big

Permalink Mark Unread

What do you mean by part of the One?

Permalink Mark Unread


are you super sure about being okay
uh, you know, the One cloud that has everybody except for the people it doesn't yet?
it's okay to need help when you need help
or something
you know?

Permalink Mark Unread

I am very okay, just taking some new opportunities to learn stuff. I know what the One is but I didn't know that it spoke in parts.

Permalink Mark Unread

oh okay
but yeah it's like dozens of billions of people
obviously no single star could hold its entire attention?
that would be terrifying

Permalink Mark Unread

Can smaller clouds do that too? Could you in theory talk to just-your-dad?

Permalink Mark Unread

no it's like
I guess I hit my max on good metaphors for today
but like, I wasn't talking to a piece of it that's the same as just a single person used to be
oh oh okay I've got it
it's like
I wasn't talking to an egg, I was talking to a little cut off piece of a completed chocolate chip cookie
it's all one thing

Permalink Mark Unread

Huh. What's the One like?

Permalink Mark Unread

I don't even know how to answer that haha
big, I guess

Permalink Mark Unread

What did you talk about?

Permalink Mark Unread

I was wondering whether some people I knew were already a part of it or not yet
asked for some random trivia
it always has the best random trivia, it knows so much
my aunt was always like that's a 'flagrant' 'display' of 'disrespect' 'for the greatest and most sacred being in the universe'
but she already came to visit so probably I'm never getting yelled at about that again

that's kind of sad
like not really but I'm allowed to be nostalgic about random shit right now
even when it's like objectively bad

Permalink Mark Unread

Makes sense to me.

Permalink Mark Unread

you're starting to get the very teensiest bit hard to understand
we still have a couple minutes but I bet you're gonna start to come down in a bit
do you have any questions you wanna prioritize before then
on your learning adventure

Permalink Mark Unread

This is going to sound weird, but have you seen any cat souls? I couldn't find them but it's possible they're there and more obvious from your perspective?

Permalink Mark Unread

you're right that does sound weird
I have not
you should ask the One about that
or I guess I could do that real quick for you if you're shy or whatever

Permalink Mark Unread

If you could that would be great.

Permalink Mark Unread



it does not know of any cat souls
but it does know of a couple hundred stars
like the literal ten-sided glowy things on the shell of the universe, not dead people
that don't have attached souls
at least that it can tell
and it's really sure that there wouldn't be new stars without corresponding people dying
and also that human souls would never not be findable by it
so it doesn't know what's up with those
that's probably not what you're looking for but woo trivia I guess

Permalink Mark Unread

That's really interesting! I think I'll use the rest of this trip to see if I can find those.

Can he find those?

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okay seeya
probably not seeya, huh
this was cool tho
stay safe

He cannot.

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He tries a few different ways, but he's running out of time and he can go back later.

He descends. Cricket is purring on his lap and Cricket gets petted.

Permalink Mark Unread

It appears he is one of the people who omnilol makes slightly drowsy.  Nothing a little coffee won't fix.

Permalink Mark Unread

Mmmm, coffee. (Cricket tastes it and does not like it at all.) He reads an intro to feline veterinary care for demons till dawn's approaching, then scoops Cricket and flies to the meeting place; it's still dark enough that's probably safe.

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Fireheart is there waiting for him.

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"Good morning!"

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"Greetings.  I have spoken to the other Clans about you.  And who is this?"

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"This is Cricket! Cricket, this is Fireheart."

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"That's a stupid name."

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"Man, you really don't let up with the being impolite, do you. I met Cricket at a shelter and he wanted to come with me."

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"Alright.  Did you find anything out about whether prey are like cats?"

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"I suspect that not only are they not, most cats aren't either. I think cats being able to talk is recent and local and traceable to a particular batch of catnip or something that got on that batch."

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"That's very strange to think about, though it's good about the prey.  Do you still want to meet the other Clans or is that no longer necessary?"

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"Oh, I'd still be happy to meet them, it's just no longer urgent that I be able to get them to make dietary sacrifices."

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"I don't know enough about Twolegs to tell whether you want to go or are just okay with going."

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"I would like to go, if this involves any inconvenience on your part you haven't already incurred I do not ask this of you."

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"I did already tell them all I'd be introducing you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"In that case lead the way."

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"Let's start with RiverClan."  He trots off in about the direction Cam flew in from.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Slow down a little, I'm not that steady on foot."

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"All right."  He sits and waits for Cam to catch up, then continues at a more sedate pace once he does.  "So what did you find that made you think only some cats can talk?"

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"Well, I went to the shelter and only some of the cats could talk, and of the ones that could only some of them had parents that could talk, and Cricket in particular remembers becoming able to talk and attributes it to some weird catnip."

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"What was it like, not being able to talk?" Fireheart asks Cricket.

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"It was not so different. Almost nobody is worth talking to anyway."

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"I disagree.  But maybe it's different for rogues."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Cats who don't have a Clan but don't belong to a Twoleg, and aren't loners.  - Do you belong to Cam now?  You don't have a collar."

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Cricket considers this question beneath him, apparently.

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"In the Twoleg legal framework yes he does, but I have philosophical objections to owning my fellow sapient beings. I could make him a collar if he weren't just riding around my shoulder all the time and it might be necessary."

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"Why would it be necessary?  Is it in the Twoleg version of the warrior code?"

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"I guess you could frame it that way. Twolegs don't know any cats can talk, except for me and the ones I've told, so they think of cats as similar to, say, dogs, who can't make all their own decisions very well. So cats are supposed to have a twoleg designated to take care of them, and I am Cricket's designated twoleg if any other twolegs ask and they can't just be told he's in charge of himself, but between us he is in charge of himself and merely likes to ride around on my shoulder."

Permalink Mark Unread

"But how do the collars come into it.  I had some of an idea of what they might be for, but now that I know Twolegs can talk I realize it might be more complicated than I assumed."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If a cat gets lost the collar has some writing on the tag with the associated twolegs' address so other twolegs can bring the cat home."

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"You use so many words which I don't think any cat knows the meaning of.  But I believe I understood most of what you meant anyway."

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"Sorry, I can define things as necessary, it's just actually really hard to guess what vocabulary you have and use only that."

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"I could try and point out all the things that aren't really cat words, now that we're mostly alone."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Go right ahead."

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"'Writing' and 'address', most recently."

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"Writing is symbols that convey meaning, I think I may have explained it before, address is a way of specifying a location."

Permalink Mark Unread

"So you use them instead of being able to smell well?  If you'd explained that before it wasn't to me."

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"It's not really a substitute for smell as I understand it, just a way to talk to people who aren't with you. If I write a note that says 'I'll be back at sunset' then it can tell people that while I'm away doing whatever, for example."

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"Cats can just smell who lives together.  It's interesting that there are other uses, though."  They cross a dirt road; Fireheart doesn't look both ways first.

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Cam does, but it doesn't look like anybody's coming.

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Trot trot trot trot across.  He turns and watches to make sure that Cam gets to the other side alright.  "What's it like not really being able to smell?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"We rely on it less. Twolegs are mostly focused on vision and hearing. Actually I have reason to believe that you can see better than most cats can - most cats can't distinguish many colors but the ones I checked in the shelter can tell apart as many as I can."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Which ones can't most cats see?"

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Cam pulls up a human color vision spectrum and a cat color vision spectrum on his computer. "Twolegs can almost all see these colors," he points at the one, "and a normal cat looking at that same bunch of colors would see this instead," point.

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"I don't think you should call cats who can't talk normal.  At least around most Clan cats."

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"Yeah, that makes sense, I'll watch it. 'Typical'?"

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"I still have never met a cat who couldn't talk.  Even if they're - normal out of all the cats in the world, they're not typical here, to us."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you have a suggestion for a short term for 'overwhelmingly more populous outside this area non-speaking cat'?"

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"Well, just non-speaking cat.  Or dumb cat.  Voiceless.  I don't know."

Permalink Mark Unread

"All right."

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"Have you found anything else like that?  Differences about things besides just talking?"

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"That and color vision. And Princess learned to read very quickly, but that's probably under the header of 'talking'."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How did it go with her and her Twolegs?"

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"They seemed to cope reasonably well with the information that their cat could talk and I have set her up with some stuff to let her write to them!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's good.

Maybe if all the Twolegs end up finding out about the Clans, I'll go and thank my old housefolk, and let them know I'm doing well.  I - my heart belongs in the forest, but they were all right, in their own way."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'd imagine conditions for cats would improve in households if everyone involved can communicate!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I suppose so . . ."

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"But if you like living in the forest for some reason far be it from me to suggest you stop."

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"Of course I do.  It's just - I respect the choices of cats who want to live as kittypets, but even for them, it's strange to think of Twolegs as . . . as basically the same as cats, instead of - like the weather.  Something that just is the way it is."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...that must have been awfully bizarre weather."

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"Twolegs are awfully bizarre!  I understood them better than the other Clan cats but even so.  - I suppose I imagine that we must seem very strange to you too."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You seem culturally dissimilar but not that weird, really. Are there any persistent twoleg mysteries I can answer for you?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Why are your pelts like that?"

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"You mean the very thin hair on most of the body and more on top of the head? Uh, I don't know why it's like that here because I don't know if twolegs here evolved. Where I'm from this would involve explaining the underlying theory of why all living things are how they are and would still not in the specific be a satisfying answer."

Permalink Mark Unread

"No, the way you change them.  How do you even do that?  Or, I suppose you can just make them, but how do the Twolegs who aren't magic get them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh! Clothes! They're not attached. We wear them because we think they look nice and they keep us whatever temperature we prefer to be and have pockets for carrying objects and other such practical purposes. Most fabric is made of fibers - like sheep wool, if you're acquainted with sheep, but you can also use plants and other things - twisted into very thin strings, and then wrapped around other such strings so it will hold together. At a lower technological level everyone has to do that themselves and it's very labor intensive but at this technological level machines can do a lot of it and most people just buy clothes."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Please explain 'technological', 'machines', and 'buy'."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Technology is stuff that you can build or do because you know more things. Machines are a subset of technology that have complicated moving parts; they include cars, for example. Buying is exchanging tokens of value for other things - trade, but with half the trade abstracted every time, so you don't need to specifically have whatever the other party wants, you just assume they'll be able to buy it later."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, that's another mystery: please explain everything about monsters.  - And if you can do anything about the Thunderpath without letting the other Twolegs know about the Clans yet . . ."

Permalink Mark Unread

"- do you mean the large objects on wheels that travel quickly along paved areas of ground?"

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"I don't know what wheels or paved are, but - the kittypet word is cars, I know, it's just that I'm not a kittypet.  So: monsters."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I feel like monsters implies they're alive and they aren't alive. They're intended to help twolegs get around faster and farther and with more stuff than they would otherwise be able to. I cannot prevent them from being used, but if there's a specific place that's a routine problem I could add a fence, maybe a bridge?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"ShadowClan and Highstones are on the other side of a Thunderpath; many cats die or are injured there.  Do you mean not alive as in dead or as in," he takes a moment to consider, "rocks."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Are all machines rocks-not-alive or can it also mean living creatures?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It is sometimes possible to replace parts of a living thing with machines but a machine by itself is never alive."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is Cinderpelt's new leg a machine?  It obviously moves, and she said you were a medicine cat so I assume you had to know things in order to make it instead of just being able to do that with your magic automatically . . ."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Cinderpelt's new leg is not a machine, and I don't have to know things very well to make them, I can copy things from the past or present. It's just like her other back leg. But it's possible to get around using a machine leg instead."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm still a bit confused but maybe it's not important."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Machines are mostly made of metal and plastic and are fueled with electricity, like controlled lightning, or by burning something, which is why cars smell like they do. Cinderpelt's new leg is made of normal leg parts and fueled by her eating food like all her other legs."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Monsters do smell awful.  And the Thunderpath.  - Does the Thunderpath eat things or does it just smell bad from so many monsters walking on it, or something else?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It doesn't eat things. It's made of a substance called asphalt which doesn't smell great and, yeah, accumulates bits of monster exhaust and bits of stuff from the four round things they roll on, which are wheels."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We just call those their paws."

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"They don't work like paws. They turn around and around." Cam makes a little toy-sized wheel and axle to demonstrate.

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Fireheart uses his paw to slowly turn the wheel around, examining it closely.  "They don't work like paws," he agrees thoughtfully.  "But they're like them in other ways.  They're the part that goes on the ground and are used to move something bigger and there are usually four of them, in the same sort of places that paws go."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Some vehicles have different configurations and numbers of wheels."

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"I did say usually."  He picks up the axle in his mouth and resumes walking.

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Cricket eventually hops down from Cam and walks the rest of the way.

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After a while of silent walking, Fireheart says something that's probably, "There are a few things you should know about RiverClan," around the axle.

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He sets it down on the ground.  "One of their elders died yesterday, and their leader, Crookedstar, is very sick and on his last life."

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"His last life?"

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He nods solemnly.  " - Oh, StarClan gives nine lives to each Clan leader."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How does that work?"

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"When they would otherwise die, they go into a brief trance and are healed of their lethal injuries."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...gosh. Uh, I continue to be not very trained in medicine for cats, just twolegs, but I can see if it's obvious or something."

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"RiverClan may appreciate your assistance.  But I mostly wanted to explain things which will probably affect their moods today."

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"I will keep it in mind. Cricket, you are not diplomatic, maybe don't talk much."

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"I have no reason to want to talk to them."

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"All right.  Hm, other things that might come up - you'll probably meet Graystripe; he was in ThunderClan until recently and he's a close friend of mine.  We were apprentices together."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How does switching clans work?"

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"It doesn't happen enough that there's a ceremony about it or anything.  In Graystripe's case, he fell in love with a RiverClan cat, and when she died giving birth to his kits, they were going to be raised in ThunderClan.  RiverClan wanted them instead and - he went with them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...RiverClan wanted them instead and he didn't have a say in the matter?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It was his choice, ultimately.  Our camp was - attacked by some rogues, at a time when most of our warriors were away - and the RiverClan warriors who had come to ask for the kits helped drive them out.  Most of us were still willing to fight to keep them, but Graystripe called it off."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...I see. Why do rogues attack your camp?"

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"It's not really a 'do'; we defend our borders well.  But the time that it did happen, it was because the deputy before me betrayed the Clan and brought rogues there in an attempt to increase his own power."  One of Fireheart's ears flicks.  "He's the leader of ShadowClan, now."

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"They suffered a terrible plague recently; their leader, deputy, and many of their warriors all died."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Wow, that really sucks. Remind me why you guys like living out in the forest without vets and everything?"

Permalink Mark Unread



"I can imagine a future now where Clan cats can have productive relationships with Twolegs going forward, but - you don't really seem like someone who would be a kittypet, if you were a cat and couldn't talk to Twolegs - "

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"I'm immune to diseases and getting hit by cars! I guess if I had nine lives that might be equivalent."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You're very confusing."

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"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be."

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"It sounded like you thought of vets as something that might make some cats want to be kittypets?  But the one I went to mostly just poked at me, and sometimes cats are different when they come back from them."

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"I suppose the use of vets is probably not very obvious when you have no communication established. They're like medicine cats. The part where they neuter folks is a drawback I admittedly did not think of when I said that though."

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"Well, we already have medicine cats.  And prey tastes a lot better than kittypet food, and we belong to ourselves and our Clans instead of to Twolegs."  He idly rolls the set of wheels back and forth with one paw.  "Like I said, I respect cats who want to live as kittypets, but - it wouldn't really be living, for me - "

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, I hope it works out for you. How much farther are we going?"

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"We're not too far from the border.  I wanted to get most of the talking we might want to do alone out of the way now, since each Clan will likely want to escort us off their territory and into the next."

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"That makes sense. I'm curious about Starclan?"

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"What about them?"

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"So, twolegs here apparently turn into stars when they die, and they have a magical drug they can take that lets them go talk to the stars, and I tried it and tried to find cat stars, but I couldn't."

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . That's . . . very strange.  - Er, that that's how Twolegs work, not that you didn't find any cats there.  I wouldn't really expect it to be the same for us since, you know, we're not Twolegs."

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"Yeah, but it seemed like it might work since you call them 'Starclan'."

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"It makes sense that you tried; I'm just not surprised it didn't work.  I think they would have told us if they could talk to Twolegs."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How do they normally talk to you?"

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"In dreams.  Omens, sometimes; if they disapprove of a Gathering they'll send clouds to cover the moon, that sort of thing."

Permalink Mark Unread

"A Gathering?"

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"On the full moon, all four Clans meet at Fourtrees," he nods towards something ahead and to the right of them, "under a truce, to discuss business that applies to all forest cats.  And socialize with each other, I suppose."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...and sometimes this is disapproval-worthy?"

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"If it looks like the truce is going to be broken, for example."

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"Ah. I'd worry that the twoleg stars and the cat stars were using similar omen channels, honestly, but I guess that wasn't something you knew about before."

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"I think medicine cats and leaders and such usually get a feeling about what omens are supposed to mean along with the more obvious signs."

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"Well. Maybe I'll take a nap at some point and see if I can get any star dreams."

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"I'm not sure they would or would be able to appear in Twoleg dreams.  They don't give most cats any; it's really just leaders and medicine cats for the most part.  - Well," ear-twitch "and me."

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"What have your dreams told you lately?"

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"The most recent one - that was an omen and not just the regular kind - was a little unusual.  I wasn't sure how to interpret it."

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- Fireheart nods.

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"Is this a very personal topic or something, I don't have a lot of experience with prophetic dream etiquette."

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . It's not that it's a secret, really.  I just haven't discussed it with anyone else before, and I'm not sure whether you should be the first.  Maybe you should; you're very unusual, but - I'd have to think about it."

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"Do you have any other questions or should I try to think of more background information."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How long have there been clans of cats living around here?"

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"I'm not certain."

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"Would the elders remember?"

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"They might."

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"Maybe I will ask some."

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"I encourage you to do so should you meet any."

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"Am I not likely to?"

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"Not necessarily unlikely.  It's only that many of them stay in their camps most of the time, and I'm not sure you'll be invited to any Clan's.  - I'm not sure you would fit in a camp, for that matter.  But elders do go to Gatherings and I suppose you may be attending at least one."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"It's odd to think of inviting a Twoleg - or even a cat outside of a Clan - to a Gathering, and yet I can't imagine any cat agreeing to have the possibility of communications with other Twolegs discussed without them, and Gatherings are really the only time when everyone is together."

Permalink Mark Unread

"When's the next full moon?"

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"Between a quarter-moon and a half-moon away."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Cool. I will hope to be invited."

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Fireheart nods again.

"I'm not sure what Tigerstar - ShadowClan's new leader - will think of you.  I didn't speak to him directly yesterday."

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"What's he like?"

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"He's - a good warrior; skilled at fighting, cunning, clever.  I almost hope that his ambition may be sated now and we have nothing left to fear from him."

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Cam is not really used to CAT POLITICS yet but he doesn't laugh. "Here's hoping."

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"I'm not sure how realistic it is.  He is responsible for multiple deaths and many more attempts at them.  But he's very competent at what he puts his efforts towards, and at least for now it seems that his goal is returning ShadowClan to its former strength and health."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Does that mostly mean - recruiting, or... managing prey populations, or... what?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I believe they lacked the healthy warriors to keep their elders and nursing queens fed.  He admitted rogues to the Clan - some of whom were originally from ShadowClan in the first place, and had been exiled - and, well, he's very charismatic and decisive, which are naturally important qualities in a leader for a Clan recovering from such a series of tragedies . . ."

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Nod nod. "What do cats get exiled over?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not the previous leader of ShadowClan but the one before that, Brokenstar, was very cruel.  He apprenticed kits at half the age the warrior code dictates and many of them died, and he had kits stolen from ThunderClan to supplement ShadowClan's numbers.  They drove out WindClan from their territory for a time as well.  The cats who were exiled supported his leadership.

Of course, the warrior code also dictates that the leader's word is law, and Tigerstar claimed at the last Gathering that the ones he allowed to return are all loyal warriors who will thrive with a just cat to lead them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Where does the warrior code come from?"

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Fireheart cocks his head.  "Why do you ask?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...well, it sounds like someone had to invent it and I'm wondering under what conditions that occurred."

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"Oh.  I don't really know."

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"I'll put it on my list of things to ask an elder."

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"All right."

Permalink Mark Unread

"But all the clans agree on the same code?"

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"Yes, of course.  Though some cats are better or worse at following it.  . . . I suppose that wouldn't be an 'of course' for you, would it.  But StarClan wants all living cats to abide by it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not just the clan ones?"

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"I imagine they'd prefer it?  Or at least parts; I don't think they expect all cats to stop being kittypets.  But some things, like that you almost never need to kill your opponent in order to win a battle, or not to neglect a kit in danger."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Those do seem like good rules."

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"They are.  - Though I don't know whether the first one would apply to kittypets either; I'm not sure they fight."

Permalink Mark Unread

"By and large not to the death. I didn't even realize that was a major concern in fights among non-pets."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Of course it shouldn't be, ideally.  But when you have cats like the way Tigerstar was . . ."

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"Yeah, makes sense that it might come up occasionally."

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"I shouldn't really know this, but Graystripe mentioned yesterday that Tigerstar came to visit RiverClan, and spoke a bit with Crookedstar but for much longer with Leopardfur, their deputy.  Graystripe said he heard Tigerstar say he'd be back again soon, as well."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm afraid I don't have enough context that the implications aren't lost on me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's not concrete evidence of anything in particular.  But it is a little suspicious."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Duly noted."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Are you ready to enter RiverClan's territory or did you have any more questions."

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"I'm ready." He picks Cricket up again.

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"All right.  Will you carry this?"  Axle paw-poke.  "You seem better suited to it."

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Cam pockets it.

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Fireheart watches it disappear but then starts walking.

Still, after not too long: "How did you do that?  I mean, I've seen Twolegs - swallow things with their pelts, before, but.  Persistent mysteries."

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Cam pulls his pocket open. "It's in here. The material is shaped like that to make things easier."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's very interesting.  I wonder if there could be something similar for cats, but without the whole pelt."

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"Sure, do you want me to design you something?"

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"Maybe later.  We're nearly to RiverClan."

And indeed, a short while later, they approach a riverbed.

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There's a cat sitting on the other side, her tail flicking back and forth.

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"Hello, nice to meet you! I'm Cam."

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"Hello.  I hope to be able to say the same.  You have some requests of my Clan, I have been told."

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"I don't any more; I had a concern but I no longer have it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I see.  Do you have any further business to discuss; I would prefer to keep this brief."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can translate between cats and Twolegs and propose that you establish diplomatic relations with your Twoleg neighbors but have no strong opinions on the timetable there."

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"We shall consider it."

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"How is Crookedstar doing, Leopardfur?"

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"Very poorly."

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"I have some magical powers with medicinal applications and would be happy to try to help."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What would this involve?"

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"It depends on what's wrong with him. I replaced somebody's entire leg yesterday but diseases are more complicated."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes, Fireheart mentioned to us about Cinderpelt.  Greencough is a different matter; I would like a demonstration of your power."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What sort of demonstration?"

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"I heard you could make things appear."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sure, what do you want?"

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"Something to fix the poison that - other, I presume - Twolegs put in our river."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...well, let me see if I can figure out what that is, first." Water quality test on the river.

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The results turn up a couple of recognizable bad-news substances and several more unidentifiable ones.

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"It's from them dumping their rubbish at their camp," supplies Leopardfur.

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"How rude of them! I can make a filtration fountain for you guys to drink from. And put up a 'no dumping' sign, though I don't know how effective that will be."

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"The fish are also poisoned."

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"...trickier. Even if I put a filter upstream in the river itself that won't immediately clear out the fish's poison. I can make new fish but that'll just improve your odds with every particular fish..."

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"Making new fish would help substantially.  The issue is less than it was last leaf-bare, but the fish which died then are still dead."

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"Okay, sure, I can put a filter in the river and restock it with fish, plus a fountain for drinking. Won't completely fix the problem but hopefully it'll help. Plus the NO DUMPING sign but sometimes signs get ignored."

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Leopardfur looks at Fireheart expectantly.

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"Twolegs can talk to each other even when they aren't in the same place.  A sign is - that, I think."

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"Yeah, basically. I will make a visible rectangle and Twolegs who look at it will think 'ah, someone wanted to tell us "no dumping"' but they might ignore it."

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"All right.  You may do that, or have you already."

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"I haven't already. Where do you want the fountain?"

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She spends a moment considering, her tail lashing.


"At our camp would be best."

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"Show me?"

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"All right."  She turns away and starts walking.

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There are cat-sized stepping stones; Fireheart carefully makes his way across them.

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Cam is not cat-sized but follows as politely as he can.

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Leopardfur begins loping once Cam reaches the other side, but Fireheart catches up with her and speaks inaudibly with her for a bit and thereafter she moves at more Cam-appropriate speeds.  It takes a while, at those speeds, to reach a half-orange willow tree with its branches dipping into a river, but not terribly long.  "Wait here," instructs Leopardfur before disappearing into the canopy.

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"ThunderClan is also somewhat short on prey, after the fire," Fireheart meows softly, sitting down.  "I wonder if you might help replace those populations as well."

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"So the thing with making animals is they come out stupid. Fish are pretty stupid to start with, and also they hatch out of eggs, so I can make some stupid adult fish and some normal fish eggs that will become normal fish later, but this works less well for anything that raises babies, like rodents and birds. What I could do is scatter around a lot of stuff they like to eat? Seeds and things, and maybe that'll attract them in greater numbers."

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"I think we would appreciate that.  Or, some of the undergrowth and such is growing back already, but there could certainly be more of it in some areas."

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"Sure, just tell me what plants and where."

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"All right, next time we're in - "

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Leopardfur pokes her head back through the willow curtain.  "Enter."

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In Cam comes.

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It takes a bit of effort to part the branches above cat height, but he can manage to get in without breaking a permanent hole in their wall.

Inside, there's plenty of room for him to stand; it's not a small willow.  The river cuts through the camp, quite close to the trunk, with a relatively large island in the middle; the area is dense with reeds, with some signs of intentional construction and weaving.  There are maybe fifteen or twenty cats visibly watching him, sitting in clusters or looking up from a fish they were eating or wading out of the river.  Leopardfur disappears into a reed cluster.

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"Hello, everyone. Where would be the ideal place for a fountain?"

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"What are the considerations?  How big is it; does it need anything to work; does it go in the water or on land . . ." asks a pale greyish-blue tabby.

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"I was thinking about this tall, this wide," Cam gestures, "it'll go right on the border of the water. I'm going to set it up so it's powered by the river flowing and it's self-cleaning so it won't need much maintenance, but it's always possible for things to break."

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"I suppose over here would be best," she says, padding over to a a bit of shoreline between where Leopardfur went and another patch of reeds.  "Will it still be usable when the floods come or the river freezes?"

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"Floods won't be a problem. It'll be able to pull non-frozen water from under the ice in the river, but it will be less good at getting power from the river flow then so it's going to charge a - yes, it will be able to work then."

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"All right."

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Leopardfur and a light brown cat are dragging a third, largely unresponsive cat out into the open, her by the scruff and the other tugging on a woven reed mat.  Presumably-Crookedstar has a broken jaw which at second glance is not an active injury and looks to have healed that way long ago, and his breathing is loud and labored.

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Poor kitty. What does a germ scan get him.

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It's mostly not anything his test can recognize.  Just a big old unidentifiable lung infection.  With pneumonia.

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"Okay. I have some things I can try, but the last time I tried medicating a talking cat it didn't work very well; this may have been a mistake on my part or it may have been that talking cats are different from the cats I was able to get information about. I would not expect trying some medications for this to be dangerous but it might be unhelpful. If it doesn't work, I can try doing a lung transplant, replacing the infected lungs with healthy ones, which would be extremely unpleasant since there's something I don't currently understand about how painkillers work on talking cats but might help in the long run."

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There's silence for a moment before the other cat who helped bring out Crookedstar says, "Do what you must.  It's unlikely to make things much worse."

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"He can't talk himself?"

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He does not seem very present, no.  Leopardfur and the other cat look to Crookedstar in hope but not expectation of a response and receive none.

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Okay. Cam will try, with frequent consultation of references, conservative veterinary doses of antibiotics and expectorants.

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Crookedstar coughs a few times.  His breathing is getting less loud in a way that might be improvement or might be rapid deterioration.

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What do Cam's futuristic machines think about this mini model cat.

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They think it's rapid deterioration!  Wow this model cat is right on the brink of death.

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Okay but are the drugs HELPING. What do you RECOMMEND, Hellvet Mark 5.

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They're at all helping, but way less than they should be and they're not making up for how roughly he was moved.  A lung transplant would be great if he survived it but it's unclear whether he would.

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"My machine here is recommending the lung transplant option. It would be very risky, though, he's very fragile."

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"If he's already going to die without it . . ."

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"The medicine is helping, but much less than it should be and it's too early to say if it'd be enough. I will try the transplant if you guys want me to but I'm going to want to watch an instructional video first, I've never done this on a cat."

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"All right."

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Cam finds an instructional video of performing a lung transplant on a cat. It is two minutes long and includes the vet demon chattering in Arabic while replacing the lungs of a demonic tortie.

Once he has watched the video, he switches over to slide view, props his computer up where he can see it with his hands free, and carefully positions Crookedstar.

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He's gotten yet worse in that time but - yes, okay, still seems to be breathing.

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Crack chest, interpolate out the one lung, add the replacement almost right away, add more blood to replace what's being lost, replace second lung, more blood, close him up, seal everything back into place with thin layers of cells, ribs and muscles and skin -

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He twitches a bit, during this process, and then he -

doesn't, anymore.

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Fuck. Can you defib a cat - Hellvet Mark 5 says yes - he tries that -

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"I'm sorry."

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"You have our sincere thanks for your efforts."  It seems a true enough statement on the brown cat's part, though a few of his Clanmates are looking on in horror rather than grief.

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Cam folds up the Hell Vet to bring back to his house later. "What do you normally do with dead bodies?"

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"We bury them."

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"Do you want me to do the digging for you?"

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"Please do not."

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"Okay. I can - leave the camp, if you prefer." He picks up the Hell Vet.

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"Thank you.  Mistyfoot will escort you out."

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"Crookedstar was a noble leader, and will be missed," says Fireheart, bowing his head and slipping through the curtain after the fountain placement cat.

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He installs the fountain on the way out. It bubbles merrily.

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Mistyfoot is waiting outside, sitting and miserably grooming behind her ears.

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"He didn't make it."

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"I saw."

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"I'm sorry again about Graypool," Fireheart meows quietly.  "For you and your brother, if you would pass on the condolences."

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Mistyfoot maybe nods and maybe just tips her head as part of grooming it.

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Cam sighs and rustles his wings.

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Mistyfoot looks like she really doesn't want to stand up and walk places but eventually she does anyway.  Here they all go along the river.

"What are you planning to do here besides making water things and trying to save dying Clan leaders," she asks after a bit of silent padding along (and one false start where she forgets to keep her meows within the Twoleg range of hearing, before being gently corrected by Fireheart).

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"Uh, I'd like to end material scarcity but I need to know more about what this world is like before I get really started on that." He scatters handsful of birdseed as he walks.

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"End . . . what?"

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"The limitations on how many resources there are of various kinds."

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She doesn't respond, or say anything to Cam unprompted for the rest of the walk.

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"This is a bit earlier than I told WindClan to expect us, Mistyfoot.  Perhaps we'll cut back into ThunderClan here," meows Fireheart as they approach a human-made footbridge.  A path continues off it in both directions, the farther aiming through some trees and the closer cutting through a field, which on closer inspection Cam's RV is on the other side of.

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"All right," she responds, sounding somewhat relieved.  "Safe travels to you both."

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"Likewise." Cam can go drop off the Hell Vet in the RV. "Maybe you can show me where to put the no dumping sign?" he asks Fireheart.

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He looks around for a moment.  ". . . I imagine here is fine?"  And indeed upon inspection there are a few torn-open garbage bags scattered under the bridge and on the bank near it.

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Cam puts up three large intimidating NO DUMPING signs and goes down to drag the garbage bags that look too close to the river. He conjures a sampling of local fish and then restocks the river with the correct kinds, eggs and demonic fish alike.

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Mistyfoot is still rather pervasively glum but she does perk up her ears a bit, watching that, and nabs one of the new fish out of the river, biting it sharply on the spine before sniffing it thoroughly and poking at it a bit with her paw.  "Thank you," she meows, having determined to her present satisfaction that it seems to be a mostly normal unpoisoned fish.

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"You're welcome."

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Fireheart pads across the bridge and then turns off of the Twoleg path, looking to see if Cam's following.

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Yup, here he is.

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Fireheart waits to start talking until there's a bit more distance between them and the border and Mistyfoot is far enough along on her return journey to camp to be out of cat hearing distance.  "It was good of you to try and help with Crookedstar.  I'm sorry for your sake as well as RiverClan's that it wasn't enough."

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"Yeah. Losing patients sucks. I hope he is having an okay time being star-affiliated however that works for cats."

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"'He hunts in Silverpelt now,' we like to say.  I know Cinderpelt had a rough moon or so after Silverstream's - Graystripe's mate's - death; she was there to help with the kitting.  I don't know whether it helps medicine cats to talk about those sorts of things with each other.  But she'll be able to travel to injured cats more quickly, with her new leg, and it seems like you would have been able to save Crookedstar if it hadn't already been too late, after many days of being sick, so in a sense now that you're here you'll be able to get to them faster as well."  His ears twitch and his eyes dilate slightly.  "I'm sorry I wasted time with background information.  I didn't realize we'd have another chance to talk again so soon, or that Crookedstar's condition was so advanced."

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"Background information is also important."

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"Still."  He resumes walking along but not on the path.  "I also have been partly responsible for cats' deaths.  - Who I was trying to protect, not in battle.  Though also in battle, or situations between the two."

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"I haven't had very many opportunities to practice medicine before outside of training."

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"Yeah, I haven't been summoned for it. There's not a good way to coordinate in advance."

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"You don't do any healing for your . . . whatever Twolegs have instead of Clans?"

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"When I'm home everyone else is like me, and doesn't need it! I only meet people who aren't indestructible on summon."

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"I think that probably doesn't mean what I think it means; please explain."

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"You know how I appeared suddenly? That's called being summoned. When I'm summoned I go from where I normally am, Hell, and appear wherever I've been summoned to. In Hell, everyone is the same species as me. We can't be injured more than a little or for more than a moment. If a car hit me I'd get knocked over but I wouldn't be in danger. So nobody there needs medicine or anything. We get summoned by some twolegs who do need it, sometimes, but I have not been."

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"Oh.  I was right, then.  Not being able to be hurt is even stranger than being able to make things.  It seems so . . ." he flicks the tip of his tail back and forth and doesn't produce an end to the sentence.

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"I like it, personally."

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"Well, yes.  It's . . . very different from anything I'm used to thinking about.  But it would be good if cats were like that."

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"On my world, people who summon somebody then turn into one of us when they die. That's what happened to me. I have no idea if it would work here, since you have something else going on when you die."

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"Oh.  I'm not sure StarClan cats can be hurt either."

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"It seems likely they cannot."

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"But they also can't walk around with with us or anything.  It's not quite the same."

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"Yeah. I'm sorry."

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"It's not so bad.

I still speak with Spottedleaf, our twice-former medicine cat, fairly often in dreams."

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"Oh? What does Spottedleaf usually have to say? - also what does twice-former mean."

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"Yellowfang was before Cinderpelt, and Spottedleaf was before Yellowfang.  She usually gives me advice or prophecies.  Minor ones."

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"About what?"

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"One time she told me to beware a cat I could not trust and then Tigerstar - he was Tigerclaw then, of course, and still in ThunderClan - almost let me die in a battle against RiverClan.  Short term things like that."

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"She didn't know his name?"

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"Of course she did."

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"Then why put it that way?"

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"Well, I already didn't trust him."

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"I guess that would narrow it down. Still seems a bit odd."

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"I don't think prophecies are usually very specific like that."

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"Why not?"

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"I don't know."

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"Maybe you can ask Spottedleaf next time you see her."

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". . . Maybe."

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"Just a thought."

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"No one has ever appeared in my dreams," says Cricket.

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"I don't think it's very usual."

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"Well, then what makes you so special? You don't seem very special."

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"I don't know."

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Walk walk walk walk.

"Thank you for not talking while we were in RiverClan."

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"Maybe if you ever think of something useful to do you can thank me that way."

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"I'll keep a lookout."

The three of them crest a small hill and come to a clearing which is presumably the 'Fourtrees' Fireheart mentioned previously; there are indeed four very large trees, and a clifflike rock jutting up above the rest of the area.  Fireheart sits.  "WindClan will meet us here."

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Cam sits on the rock. Pets Cricket, when Cricket jumps into his lap.

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". . . That's where Clan leaders stand during Gatherings.  I'm not saying don't sit there, but you should know that that's where you're sitting."

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"...I think I will still sit here but thank you for telling me."

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Fireheart nods uncomfortably and waits for maybe 40 minutes before declaring, "I'm going to see if I can find a patrol or otherwise get us an earlier invitation."

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"Okay." Cam has spent these 40 minutes conversing with Cricket on random subjects.

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And he has another hour or so to continue doing that before Fireheart returns, flanked by a handful of lean and lanky cats.  Two of them make faces when they see Cam, but the one in front just says, "Greetings, Cam, and Cricket.  WindClan welcomes you."

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"Hello, it's nice to meet you!"

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"Cricket what," interjects a younger-looking cat.

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"What's the second part of your name?"

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"That's very provincial of you."

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"I just named Cricket today, he doesn't have a compound name like you guys."

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"Why did you name him?"

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"Gorsepaw," the cat who first spoke chastises.  "It's nice to meet you as well."

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"I named him because he didn't already have a name in mind and he liked the one I came up with."

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"I'm Tallstar, leader of WindClan, and these are Onewhisker and Gorsepaw, and my deputy Mudclaw.  Fireheart says you wish to facilitate communication between cats and other Twolegs?"

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"Right. I can talk to the Twolegs - at least the ones around here, others may speak languages I don't - and I can talk to you. The Twolegs don't know you can talk and apparently it comes as a surprise the other way around too."

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"It certainly does.  WindClan doesn't get much trouble from Twolegs, although we're glad to hear you might be doing something about the Thunderpath."

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"The Thunderpath is liable to continue to exist but I can probably put some kind of bridge over it."

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"If the monsters stop swerving to try and hit us, that would already be a marked improvement."

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"I... expect that's probably a misinterpretation but if they're intentionally hitting you I don't actually know that I can get them to cut it out, since that's fairly sociopathic and might not be responsive to the information that you can talk."

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"Then perhaps a bridge is in order."

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"It's not all of them," supplies Fireheart.  "But it's happened to me twice, if I wasn't misinterpreting."

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"Yikes! Yeah, I'll do a bridge, someone'll just have to show me where."

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"We would like one between our territory and Highstones.  I imagine ShadowClan might as well, though if they ask for one connecting our territories directly I would prefer you didn't."

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"Where along the road would constitute connecting directly?"

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"There are two Thunderpaths, with one that joins to the other.  Highstones is between them, and there's a small stretch where WindClan and ShadowClan border each other, just over there."  Tallstar nods in the opposite direction Cam approached from.

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Cam hops off the rock, picks up a stick, and scratches a map in the dirt. "Like so?"

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Tallstar stares for a moment at the map.  "Why don't you come and look."  He trots a ways in the indicated direction, followed by his entourage and, more slowly, by Fireheart.  It's not enough distance that they get too far ahead for Cam to follow; he can see the road as soon as they exit the clearing.  It's also much louder - the cars were barely audible where Cam was sitting even though there doesn't appear to be anything substantial enough to block the sound between there and Fourtrees.

"WindClan's territory is along here," nose point to the left "Highstones is over there," nose point to the far corner enclosed by a T in the road "and that's ShadowClan," nose point to the nearer corner at the right of the T.

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"I'm not good at interpreting nose-points but I think I follow you."

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"Alright.  So our bridge can go anywhere along here, really, although perhaps it should be a bit closer to Barley's farm than Fourtrees."  He gestures somewhat awkwardly and exaggeratedly with a paw to a farmhouse in the distance.

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"Cool, I can do that. I don't know of cat-specific bridges to copy but if I have to use a model intended for turtles probably you can manage."

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"I don't see why that would make a difference."

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"It doesn't make much of one, I'm just thinking out loud."

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"Okay.  Should we head that way now?"

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"Please go slowly; Twolegs can't walk very fast," meows Fireheart before the WindClan contingent gets too far ahead.

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"Ah, of course," Tallstar apologizes.  "It would have occurred to me if you were a cat with only two proper legs."

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"Many Twolegs walk much faster than me but I in particular have poor balance."

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"I was just born that way. Having the wings and tail helps but less so when I'm wearing a coat like this to hide them."

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"That makes sense.  Everyone should have a tail.  - I heard you fixed ThunderClan's medicine cat's leg by giving her a whole new one; can't you make yourself a better number of them?  Or could you only do that if you had a bad one?  Or doesn't it work on yourself."

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"I could make myself more legs but they wouldn't work well unless I felt like I ought to have more legs, and I don't. Do you feel like you ought to have more legs?"

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"If I didn't have four or couldn't balance with the ones I had I might."

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"Well, I don't feel that I ought to have more legs, but I do like having a tail, and wings, it's just I don't want to alarm any twolegs I meet."

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"Well if there are any other slow Twolegs you should ask if they want more legs.  Would wings help a slow cat?  All of the other Clans are slower than WindClan."

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"I don't know how to safely attach more legs to a normal Twolegs or wings to a cat, but the latter would probably be possible to figure out if anybody wants them, I'm sure someone's done it back home."

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"Do you already know of any requests the other Twolegs might have for us?"

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"They might want to... I don't know but wildly speculating they might want to ask you to kill rats and mice instead of songbirds when possible, or to bring them sick cats for medical treatment, or... form trade relationships, maybe?"

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"Rats are crowfood," one of the entourage remarks disdainfully.

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"WindClan mainly hunts hares and rabbits anyways."

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"Hares? Those things are huge, wow. I don't think they will mind if you hunt wild rabbits but I'm, again, guessing wildly, this world is unlike mine in many ways."

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"We're the only Clan who can catch them!"

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"Do you have any idea what sorts of things the Twolegs might want in trade?  Or what they might offer us?"

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"They might want pest control services? Help figuring out which kittypets can talk and which can't? They could do improvements like the bridge, though I'm going to do that one since it sounds pressing, and veterinary care - though talking cats do seem importantly different, so while I expect they can improve on medicine cats' state of the art in some ways I don't know by how much."

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Tallstar waits for a few cars to pass rather than try and be heard over them.  The road they're walking parallel to (though not very near) isn't even that busy, in terms of the percent of time there's a car approaching, but it seems to be the sort of wide and deerless country road that drivers feel comfortable going recklessly fast on, and getting good visibility from cat height looks like it might require getting right up next to it.

"You should speak with Barley and Ravenpaw; they already have a trade relationship of sorts doing pest control for the Twoleg in their barn."

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"The Twoleg doesn't likely conceptualize it that way but yeah, makes sense."

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"I'm not sure they do either, but it seems like the closest thing out of any cats I've met.  Should I send someone ahead to ask if they'll meet us?"

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"Sure, if you don't mind!"

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"Onewhisker, if you would."

Onewhisker, apparently, lopes off.  After a bit more walking in silence: "The warrior code instructs us to hunt prey only in order to eat it.  You seemed shocked that monsters would try and hurt us even though most Twolegs don't know we're any different from prey; do you live by a similar rule?"

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"- uh, I don't kill things even to eat them, though I'd kill bugs, if they were in my space and I didn't want them there. It's normal for Twolegs to kill bugs and mice for being in their space, and food animals, but it's not normal for them to kill cats, unless the cat is their kittypet and they think the rest of their life will be short and painful and it would be better to end it peacefully, and that's not done by hitting them with cars. Separately swerving to hit an animal the size of a cat is very stupid driving behavior even from a purely selfish perspective."

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"They also drown kits sometimes."

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"Ah. That's probably an attempt at population control."

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"Which is what."

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"Trying to make sure there aren't too many cats - maybe because they're worried about the birds, maybe because they think you're spreading diseases to twolegs, maybe because they just think cats shouldn't be wild and they don't want to take care of the kits, I'm not sure."

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"It's one of the things I would ask them to stop, if you'd pass that on."

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"Why do they think cats shouldn't be wild?"

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"So, they don't know you can talk, right, and with that as their context cats are just one of many species that are domesticated and normally live with humans. It's obviously not better for any specific cat to be dead rather than living out here but if you're a twolegs who thinks cats in general as a species are better off as domestics then trying to prevent wild populations from forming and continuing makes sense."

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"'Domesticated' is - kittypets, but for more than just cats?"

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"Sort of. An animal can be domesticated and not a pet - twolegs don't like hunting as much as cats do so they often keep domestic animals that are just intended to eat, like pigs, and they also keep chickens and cows for the eggs and milk respectively. But dogs, for instance, are domesticated as pets."

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"But why do they think we'd be better off as kittypets?"

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"Kittypets probably tend to live longer and to not get, like, hungry or cold or whatever, and since they don't know how smart you are they don't expect you to abstractly value freedom very much."

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"I guess."

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"We may hope that the revelation that you have politics will change this perception. Though empirically some of you still like being kittypets."

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"We may hope that learning the new information that you can talk and stuff will help, but it seems in practice when you look at the world that some of you like being kittypets. Like Princess."

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"Well, kittypets are like that."

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"Not all of them, of course."

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" - Right."

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"Not all of them are like what?"

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Dismissive tail-flick.  "You know, how they like being kittypets.  They're - soft.  Except not all of them."

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"I haven't met a wide range. I don't think there's anything wrong with being soft, though."

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"Sure, it's fine for kittypets.  - The ones who want to stay that way, not - I don't mean Fireheart or whoever else for any of this."

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"I don't have much of a handle on your culture around that."

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"Is there anything in particular you'd like to know."

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"Not if it's a sensitive subject or something, I'm just registering that my remarks will all come from a place of limited context."

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"I don't mind answering questions about it."

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"It seems like there's sort of - pushback among the clans about kittypet lifestyle, like it's threatening or disgusting or something?"

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"That seems accurate."

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"Why is it that?"

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"I don't think it's that; I think it's accurate that there are lots of Clan cats who think that."

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"Well, what leads to the prevailing opinion?"

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Fireheart looks like he maybe does mind answering questions about this after all.

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Tallstar steps in.  "Most warriors don't know very much about what it's like to be a kittypet."

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"I suppose that's unsurprising."

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"And the things most do know are that Twolegs have lots of things that smell bad, and they made the Thunderpath, and drown kits, and they'll take you away and lock you up, and the Cutter will make you lazy, and they have bad food, and when they come out in the wild they're noisy and scare away all the prey.  And kittypets are the cats who don't mind any of that enough to not make denmates of them."

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"They have bad food?"

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"Worse than fresh-kill, certainly."

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"Fair enough."

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"I - have deep respect for some kittypets.  But that's why certain Clan cats feel the way they do."

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Nod nod. Do cats nod.

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"Anywhere along this next stretch would be a fine place for the bridge.  I don't know if there are specifics of the landscape that make a difference in precisely how many fox-lengths along it should be."

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"Heh, fox-lengths. I need to see both sides of the path..." He peers around, then strides across to the other side, and picks a site. A bridge arcs over the road; his computer performs a laser measurement and he adds a clearance sign, and then a pair of warning signs regarding that clearance a ways up and down the road.

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The cats are all fairly awed by this.  Fireheart tentatively steps forward to sniff the base.

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It smells like wood, pretty much.

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And it supports his weight if he veeeeery slowly steps on it?

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The other cats start sniffing as Fireheart steps his way across, until a car comes by and he darts back as fast as he can.  "It's safe," he declares, fur on end.  ". . . Leopardfur will be traveling to Highstones tonight; you should tell her of this if you see her."

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" - Ah.  We will."

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"Who's Leopardfur?"

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" - I suppose I didn't really introduce you; she's the new leader of RiverClan.  Tomorrow she'll be Leopardstar."

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"Is that how that works? I didn't get name conventions along with the language. I hope the bridge is useful to her."

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"Yes, it's after she gets her nine lives from StarClan.  The bridge will be useful to all of us."

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"I'm glad."

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The cats all take turns investigating the bridge a bit more; Gorsepaw even stays in the middle while a car goes by, though he presses himself very flat to the floor as it passes.

While they're doing this, Onewhisker returns, accompanied by two black and white cats.

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"Good morning," Cam says to these cats.

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They startle a little even though they were presumably told to expect the talking Twoleg.  "Good morning!  Nice bridge."

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"Thanks! I hope it helps you guys out."

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"We don't really go over there.  It'll be good for the wild cats, though."

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"You should have seen it go up!  It was amazing."

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"I'm sure!"

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"Cam, these are Ravenpaw," tailflick at the darker cat, "and Barley," tailflick towards the whiter, mustachioed cat.  "Ravenpaw, Barley; Cam."

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"Delighted to meet you."

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"Onewhisker said you had - questions?  Requests?  For us."

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"I'm trying to learn more about how talking cats currently interact with Twolegs and you're sort of in between the ferals and the pets! How does that work out for you?"

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"Pretty well.  The barn is warm and has plenty of mice, and the Twolegs don't bother us very much."

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"When they do bother you what do they do?"

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"They mostly just come out to take care of the animals.  Sometimes they give us food."

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"They're old," adds Barley.  "It's not really bothering even when they come out; they're quiet folks."

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"They don't take you to the vet or anything?"

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"Do you think things would change in any important way if they knew you could talk and maybe had a way to have conversations with you?"

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"Probably not.  S'pose I wouldn't know if they had something to say to me all this time."

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"If they're old do you know what will happen with you when they die?"

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"Do you have relatives they'd be able to help you see?"

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"Not as such."  Ravenpaw entwines his tail with Barley's.

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"Okay. Then probably things wouldn't change that much for you guys."

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"That's good; it's a good life.  Maybe being able to talk to each other will mean more Twolegs will want barn cats, or more cats will be okay living - next to them, instead of with or away from them."

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"Quite possibly, I think reasons to not want barn cats would probably include things like not being able to ask that they avoid certain areas or be sure they won't scratch or things like that. Though I don't know how the supply of barns is around here."

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"Being a barn cat doesn't strictly require a barn per se.  I think there are less barns around here than cats who might specifically want one, but still some.  And they can probably share."

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"What situation would you see as a barn cat without a barn?"

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"If a cat has a warm place in a Twoleggy spot to make a nest, and can come and go as they please, and catches their own food but sometimes the Twoleg gives them something extra, and the Twoleg doesn't touch them or pick them up without permission, then that's pretty much a barn cat.  Even if the nest is in one of the wooden caves that Twolegs walk on in front of their homes, or a shed, or some other place."

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"Cool. I can see that working reasonably well except that a lot of people are not used to needing permission to pet cats."

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"Then I assume they're used to getting scratched, if they're trying that with cats who aren't kittypets?  I don't mean talking permission."

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"Fair enough, though it seems likely there will be cultural differences about how much of an escalation scratching is."

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"I don't think most cats go for it right away, just if they keep trying and you can't get free . . ."

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"Yeah, legit. It'll just take some adjustment for the twolegs who aren't used to thinking about it like that even though having behaved this way even to non-speaking cats wouldn't reflect well on them."

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"Our Twolegs in particular are fine."

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"I'm glad to hear it! How did you wind up in their barn?"

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"I had to leave ThunderClan for personal reasons, and Barley let me stay with him for a while."

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"And then we liked each other so much that we got rid of 'for a while'."  Barley presses his nose into Ravenpaw's shoulder affectionately.

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"How about you, Barley?"

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"I grew up in Twolegplace as a stray, woke up and decided I didn't really like it there, walked out, found the barn and stayed.  The Twolegs and me warmed up to each other after a bit."

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"- 'woke up'?"

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"Mmhm.  Everything just came together one day."

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"Could you talk before then? I'm wondering if you ate the same catnip as Cricket."

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"Don't think so.  I was smaller then, though, maybe two or three moons.  I think it's just part of growing up for cats."

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"Nnnnno," Gorsepaw chirps in.  "I could talk a little when I was very very small, and got better at it not all at once.  And I wake up every day, from sleep, not - whatever you mean."

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"Do you remember if you interacted with catnip around that time?"

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"No.  It was years ago."

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"Fair enough. I don't know for sure if it was the catnip anyway, it was a while ago for Cricket too." Scritch scritch.

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"Don't know for sure what exactly was the catnip?"

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"That made me able to talk, you nincompoop."

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"I don't think cats who can't talk can become cats who can talk, except for that some kits take longer than others."

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"I was four years old. You nincompoop."

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"I suppose you were one of the slower ones, then."  Ravenpaw brushes against Barley in a nonverbal suggestion of leaving.

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"Some adult cats do not talk, I checked. It seems like a child of talking cats is always a talking cat, as far as I have determined, but sometimes a non-talking cat becomes a talking one. I think talking cats are a fairly local phenomenon, even."

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Ravenpaw is already stalking away, though he pauses when he looks over his shoulder and sees that Barley isn't following him yet.

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"Huh, I never met any cat before who changed whether they could talk.  Except I s'pose myself, if it wasn't just growing into it."

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"My suspicion would be that there aren't lots of ways for cats to become able to talk, so probably you and Cricket had the same one and he seems pretty sure it was the nip, but I could be wrong."

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"Alright.  It was interesting to meet you."

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"You too. I apologize that I have brought an ill-mannered cat with me."

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"Yes goodbye."  Ravenpaw and Barley, the latter looking slightly amused, canter away.

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"Did you have any other business with WindClan?" Tallstar asks once the loners have gained some distance.

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"Don't think so."

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"Would you like an escort back to Fourtrees or did you have other plans?"

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Cam looks at Fireheart.

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"You could perhaps fly there?  Or - if you're hiding the wings from other Twolegs I suppose the moors don't have much cover from the Thunderpath.  You could make a monster.  I don't have plans for the rest of today beyond meeting ShadowClan and maybe a bit more of ThunderClan."

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"I'm not hiding the wings very carefully, but I'd rather not be flying around in broad daylight, especially carrying Cricket. I do have a small monster I could go get, we passed the campground."

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"That would take many times longer than walking to Fourtrees, and we'd be trespassing in RiverClan.  And I don't know how far around you'd have to go in it before you found a way to get back to this Thunderpath."

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"An escort sounds fine then."

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"Mudclaw will lead you.  Thank you very much for the bridge; we look forward to seeing you in the future."

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"You're welcome!"

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The other three WindClan cats depart and Mudclaw leads Cam and Fireheart on the trek back to neutral territory.

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"I don't think I quite understand the territoriality thing," Cam tells Fireheart. "I mean, humans have analogous things but it seems possibly different."

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"That seems likely.  How do Twolegs do it?"

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"Usual caveat that I'm from another world, but. You don't enter someone's house without an invitation, but that's actually hard to do, by and large, the doors and windows will be closed by default and often additionally hard to open past that. You can walk into their yard, if you have a reason, like because you're bringing them a delivery or something, but if you do it a lot without a reason they might start complaining about trespassing. Countries - like enormous Clans, I guess, though so enormous that there are qualitative differences - may have laws about how long visitors can stay and who gets to live there, but they're pretty - impersonal, I guess is the concept I want."

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"That doesn't really sound too different except for how Clans have more cats than Twoleg nests have Twolegs, and our territory is bigger than their yards.  And that we think it's right to complain about trespassing on the first time without a reason."  Ear flick.  "Or sometimes even with a reason."

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"Also, to me, at least, the boundaries aren't very obvious, and I can usually tell where a Twoleg property boundary is and can definitely identify a house."

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"They're very obvious to us.  And the fact that most cats don't know where the other Clans' camps are is part of what makes them harder to invade."

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"Yeah, maybe most of the difference is that I can't smell borders."

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"And we teach apprentices where their territory is as part of their training.  Rogues or kittypets sometimes get more slack than other Clans do.  - Could you make yourself a better nose, or do you not feel the right way?"

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"I could possibly make myself a better nose but I would need to look up how to do it, and then I'd still have to learn which smells meant what."

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"Well, if you did want to do that, I would teach you the Clans' scents.  Or - do you think you'll have picked them up by the end of today, Cricket?"

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"Most likely, but I can't piss them into place as a teaching aid, he'll still have to go sniff the borders."

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"But if you're with Cam you can point out when you're crossing one."

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"I would still want a better nose if it were me, though."

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"It seems like it might be distracting at least at first."

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"I suppose.  And then maybe all your Twoleggy things would smell bad to you and you'd have to replace them."

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"Possible! And that would be so inconvenient."

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"I - imagine so.  . . . Ravenpaw likely didn't want to say in front of WindClan, but the reason he left ThunderClan is that Tigerclaw was trying to kill him."

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"...why was Tigerclaw trying to kill him?"

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"Ravenpaw knew Tigerclaw killed Redtail, ThunderClan's then deputy."

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"I'm going to need to take notes on cat politics."

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He opens a new file. "Can you go over all the cat politics I might need to know again so I can write it down this time?"

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"Yes.  Bluestar is the leader of ThunderClan and I am its deputy.  Our previous deputies were Tigerclaw - now called Tigerstar - Lionheart, and Redtail, in order.  Leopardstar is the new leader of RiverClan and we don't know who she'll pick as her new deputy.  WindClan has Tallstar and Mudclaw, and ShadowClan has Tigerstar and Blackfoot.  ShadowClan's previous leaders were Nightstar, who led for a very short time before dying during their recent plague, and Brokenstar, who was in all respects a terrible and cruel leader."

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"Great, thank you."

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"Oh, was that all you wanted?"

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"You can go on," Cam clarifies.

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"I see.  Where to start . . .

Sunningrocks is a piece of ThunderClan territory by the river.  It's been ThunderClan's for as long as I've been here, but it used to be more contested.  RiverClan attacked it one day, just as I was joining ThunderClan, and both Clans' deputies died in the ensuing battle.

Tigerclaw told us that Oakheart, RiverClan's deputy, had killed Redtail, and that Tigerclaw had killed Oakheart in retaliation.  But Ravenpaw had seen that Tigerclaw attacked Redtail, and we later determined that Oakheart had been killed by falling rocks."

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"Accidental falling rocks or assassination falling rocks?"

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"I don't know for certain.  Probably accidental, although it was still during the battle so I don't imagine it was entirely clear-cut.  Ravenpaw started running away after he saw Tigerclaw attack Redtail - he was just an apprentice, there really wasn't anything he could have done - so he didn't see Redtail die, but I think Redtail was probably pushed under the rocks, instead of killed by Tigerclaw directly.  From what I remember of his injuries."

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"I don't suppose it would be useful for me to check."

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"Just - make a new dead Redtail body?  Here?"

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"More like a tiny diorama of the entire scene, possibly several of them from various moments."

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"I don't know what a diorama is, but - there's quite a lot to cover and I'm not sure this specifically is important to check right now.  I can ask someone back at camp which it was."

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"Okay. Offer's available for historical mysteries in general."

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"I will keep that in mind; thank you.

This was also when Brokenstar was in power.  Brokenstar killed his father, who was Clan leader, as well as several kits, and framed his m - his own medicine cat, Yellowfang, for it.  ShadowClan exiled her and she came to live in ThunderClan.

They drove out WindClan from their territory for more hunting ground.  They stole kits from ThunderClan to replace the ones Brokenstar killed, and in capturing them one of his warriors killed Spottedleaf, our medicine cat, which - medicine cats aren't warriors; it's more wrong to kill them than other cats.  Yellowfang succeeded her.  We helped ShadowClan remove him and his followers from power while retrieving the kits, and Ravenpaw went to go live with Barley.  We said he'd been killed by one of Brokenstar's patrols; Tigerclaw had already done things like send him alone on a hunting mission to Snakerocks and was trying to turn the rest of the Clan against him."

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This is so much cat politics. Why is there so much cat politics. "Motives for all this murder are mostly - covering up other murders and securing power? But I'm not clear on why clans attack other clans' territories."

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"The deaths of ShadowClan kits were because Brokenstar apprenticed them at two moons old instead of four and his training regimen was too harsh, not - as deliberate as the other deaths he caused, at least.  Still very obviously avoidable.  And when Clans want more territory it's because - that's where we live, that's how we get our food; more territory can support a larger and healthier Clan . . ."

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"And there's nowhere around nobody's using?"

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"The leaders who've tried to conquer other Clans apparently didn't think so.  Or they just didn't care.  ThunderClan has never tried to expand our territory that I know of; Bluestar sent me and Graystripe to find WindClan and help them return."

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"Do clans ever peacefully split or merge?"

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"As far as I know there have always been four."

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"...bout how long is 'always'?"

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"Many years?"

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"Like, twenty, fifty, a hundred, two hundred -?"

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"I don't know what any of those words are.  Or, I know 'like', 'a', and 'two' . . ."

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"...huh. You have four paws. Five cats have twenty paws between them. Five - litters of five kittens each - have a hundred paws between them."

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Fireheart puzzles a moment.  "I still don't know.  I think there were elders who were born as Clan cats when our current elders were kits, from the stories I've heard them tell, so at least that long."

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"Okay, so fiftyish years maybe more. I wish I could tell by conjuring which cats can talk and which can't but I don't seem to be able to."

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"Fifty is . . ?"

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"Slightly less than three cats' worth of toes."

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". . . I think that our elders are not that old.  Hm.  There's - one two three four five six seven eight nine - "  He pauses and makes a face, tail flicking back and forth.  "And ten?"

The numbers up through nine are catspeak words Cam got with his summon.  'Ten' is the English (or, Latin) word, transliterated.

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"Yes, ten. The current elders are almost certainly not fifty years old, but if when they were born the elders who were around at that time were born to already-existing clans, that's like three or four generations of clan cats."

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"That's a new word to me.  And I knew what you meant with the generations and I still think our elders are not that old."

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"How old do you think the elders are?"

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"Smallear, our oldest cat, isn't more than three paws' worth of toes; the other older ones are probably around two front paws - er, ten years - and I think Patchpelt was maybe seven years."

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"...ah. Indoor kittypets live like ten to fifteen years."

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"Well.  Patchpelt died in the fire.  Or.  After the fire.  The - smoke, even though I got him out - "

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"Yeah. It's not that being wild is unhealthy all by itself on any single day, it's just that the risks add up, over time, and wear and tear adds up too, and you're not getting vet treatments for things like greencough."

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"It was the same with Yellowfang; she - got caught in the camp.  And was still alive the next morning when I found her there," meows Fireheart, almost ignoring Cam's comment.  "But I suppose I'm getting ahead of myself."

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"I can sort out the notes later if they're out of order, don't worry about it."

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"Twolegs don't share tongues, do they."

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"Share tongues?"

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"Most days, Clan cats spend time off in pairs where one cat talks a lot and another grooms them.  It's usually more about gossip, than - this sort of thing, which I suppose is more like a formal meeting . . ."

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"... I could brush your fur, if you want, but I am not going to lick you."

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"I was not suggesting you lick me."

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"Oh good."

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Fireheart takes in a deep breath and sighs it out.


"So, we went to fetch WindClan, and there was some trouble on the way back which resulted in the death of a RiverClan warrior.  Graystripe and I were given apprentices: Cinderpelt and her brother - which I guess isn't really important information about how the Clans relate to each other.  Er.  Around then is when he started seeing Silverstream, and then we had whitecough going around the camp, which in Bluestar's case developed into greencough bad enough that she lost a life.  Cinderpelt had - her incident, with the Thunderpath.  I'd call it an accident except that I believe it was a trap which Tigerclaw had set for Bluestar.  And also because it was my fault for not teaching her well enough."

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"...how would Tigerclaw set a trap that took the form of a car?"

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"He sent another cat back to camp saying he had an urgent message for Bluestar and that she should meet him at a particular spot where the Thunderpath is narrowest and hardest for a cat to realize they're near it.  It probably only worked on Cinderpelt because she was so overzealous and ran right out onto it, and I imagine the plan relied on how sick Bluestar was.  Maybe he would have pushed her."

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"But there aren't constantly cars, it would have required pretty delicate timing to do on purpose."

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"Well, Tigerstar is very clever.  And anyway it still wasn't really an accident because I just should have been a better mentor and taught her to be more careful."

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"I don't think it's your fault Cinderpelt got hit by a car."

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"Anyways, after that Princess gave me her firstborn, now named Cloudpaw, to be raised in ThunderClan, and then there was some tension between the Clans because everyone was scenting trespassers - I think that was one of the times StarClan covered the moon with clouds at a Gathering, like I mentioned before - but it turned out to be Brokenstar and his rogues."

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"Huh, when Princess mentioned wanting to see her family she didn't bring up Cloudpaw. I guess she can sometimes see Cloudpaw."

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"We visit her pretty often."

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"I wonder if that will be weird now that her housemates know cats can talk."

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"It's 'housefolk', if you're using the kittypet word.  Why would it be?"

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"Because it will make her social life less inscrutable to them."

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"I don't really see how that would change anything.  Unless you mean risking them finding out about forest cats before we're ready to tell them?"

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"Maybe, yeah, if it occurs to them to follow somebody, though you'd probably notice and I'd imagine you could lose them."

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"We'll be careful.  So: Brokenstar's rogues still smelt like ShadowClan, so when we found concrete evidence of them having hunted in our territory most of our warriors went to go confront them.  Yellowfang realized who it actually was, but they'd already left and so I was the only warrior in camp when the rogues attacked.  We killed or drove most of them out despite that, but Brokenstar himself still had a life left.  He'd been blinded in the battle, and rather than kill him in cold blood Bluestar decided to let him live with us."

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"How does a cat come to smell like a clan?"

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"A Clan's scent is made up of all the cats who live together, and what they eat and where they live.  So a cat joining a Clan would start to pick up its scent, but they'd also change everyone else's, a little."

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"Huh. But can't you distinguish individuals by smell too?"

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"So the scented trespassers were - identified as Brokenstar et al, but you didn't know they were not part of the clan?"

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"Oh, no, it's just that you have to know a cat fairly well to recognize them individually, and we mostly meet multiple members of other Clans at once - and not usually for very long.  That's why Yellowfang was able to tell the difference, because she used to live in ShadowClan."

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"Oh, that makes sense."

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"Right.  A while after that ShadowClan and RiverClan tried to drive out WindClan again, and ThunderClan was called in to help defend them.  - That was the time Tigerclaw saw Leopardfur about to kill me and did nothing.  Which I mentioned before because Spottedleaf had warned me about it."

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"Whence the grudge against WindClan?"

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"The other Clans didn't know about the rogues yet and might've thought it was WindClan.  Or perhaps they were just low on prey and unconcerned with justice or keeping the balance of the Clans."

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"The Clans are supposed to be balanced in a particular way?"

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"Well, Fourtrees has four trees, so presumably StarClan doesn't want us driving any Clan out?"

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"I admit I'm not sure how you get from the trees to the Clan number thing."

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"It's - Fourtrees isn't just a spot with four big trees.  It's right in the middle of all the Clans' territories, and it's where we come every moon and put aside our differences and talk to cats from other Clans like they were from our own, and all the elders share stories, and queens talk about their future kits, and apprentices brag about their latest accomplishments.  And during the actual meeting the leaders announce what's been going on in their Clan, births and deaths and apprenticeships and new warriors and things that might be of interest to other Clans, like if a fox or a badger was scented near a border.

And - sometimes there's fighting anyways - with words only; I've never seen the truce broken.  But Gatherings are us trying to be like we'll be in StarClan, all together instead of separated by Clans.  And that's - important.  And we have them at Fourtrees, and the fact that there are four trees and four Clans is also important, because . . . if any Clan left or was wiped out, then - all of us would be missing something, even if it meant we'd have more land or more prey."

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"Was something about that confusing?"

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"In my own world I'm better at evaluating claims about things in the same - general category as claims about Starclan - by comparing to what else I know about the world. Here I know much less about the world, so I'm still not sure how much I should take assertions at face value but I don't have a good way to improve on that."

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"So you . . . think it would be okay to drive out WindClan, or . . . ?"

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"No, not at all, but I wouldn't base that belief on a number of trees."

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"Does your sort of Twoleg have anything like Fourtrees?"

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"Then it makes sense you wouldn't really get it, I think."

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"It's certainly not giving me any advantages."

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"After that, Graystripe and I spent a lot of time collecting evidence about how Redtail died, which involved a lot of talking to RiverClan cats.  I'd tried to tell Bluestar about how dangerous Tigerclaw was before, but since we didn't know as much then there were a few pieces that didn't make sense to her and she thought I was exaggerating.  We - also found out - " Fireheart pauses, the tip of his tail flicking back and forth in consideration.  "A lot of other things.  And found and returned some drowning RiverClan kits; it was newleaf and the river was flooding from melted snow.  They'd been washed out of the camp."

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"Were the kits okay?"

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"Yes.  They turned out to be Mistyfoot's, and most of RiverClan was suspicious that we'd been trying to steal them even though we nearly drowned ourselves rescuing them.  But eventually they were convinced.  They told us about how the river was poisoned, since we could see how skinny they were - RiverClan is normally the best-fed out of any Clan - and we offered to hunt for them a little in ThunderClan's territory.  But we were caught before too long and had to stop."  Fireheart's expression is more than a little sour.

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"Caught by?"

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"It was Cloudpaw to begin with, but since he was only a kit at the time I suppose the relevant thing is that Tigerclaw followed him."

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"And they didn't approve?"

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"Well, it was against the warrior code."

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"Hunting for other clans in a bad spot is?"

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"Yes.  It's an important rule; it's also the one that prevents warriors and apprentices from only hunting for themselves without feeding our elders or kits.  So Graystripe and I had to live like apprentices for a while as punishment."

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"What does living as an apprentice consist of?"

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"Having to do chores like taking care of the elders' bedding, not being able to leave camp without permission, sleeping in the apprentice den.  It's not a bad life but it's.  Humiliating, for a warrior."

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"Why aren't apprentices allowed to leave without permission?"

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"Because they're not fully trained and it's dangerous outside of camp?  Or they might be needed for something, and if they're out where no cat knows where they are then it's a pain in the tail to go looking for them.  Adults are better at knowing when there's work to be done."

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"After that, the river was still flooded, and it blocked the way to Fourtrees, so a few days before the Gathering Bluestar sent Tigerclaw and Longtail and me to see if there was a way to cross.  There wasn't, but in trying to find that out Tigerclaw had me try and cross the stream on a very narrow branch, and I fell in and probably would have died if Longtail hadn't pulled me out.  I don't think it was planned in advance but it did seem like he saw the opportunity and decided to take advantage."

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"Do you want a bridge over the river too?"

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"Well it's not flooded now."

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"...yes, but it might be again in the future..."

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"From what the elders said I think it was a really unusually bad year.  But I'll - ask Bluestar."

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"How do you normally get across, just jumping?"

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"It's usually very narrow; there are places we can just step over."

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Hey, uh, totally unrelated question."

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"How do you know about tigers and leopards? I can't rule out that they live around here but in most ways the ecology doesn't seem like a tiger- or leopard-having ecology."

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"There are stories about them.  I've never met one."

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"I wonder where the stories come from. I suppose someone could have been to a zoo at some point."

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"What is a zoo."

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"Place where a bunch of different kinds of animals are kept so twolegs can go look at them."

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"Oh.  Is that . . . less bad than it sounds?"

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"Well, the animals can't talk. I think. I don't know how I'd check, I only know your language, not a definitively complete list of all animal languages, so. It's closer to being a kittypet than being out here, for the animals in question, but not exactly the same, most of the animals just do whatever they want in their enclosures and people look at them but don't pet them or anything."

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"Some kittypets have to live with dogs, which is bad, and it sounds much worse if you add more sorts of animals to that.  Unless it's just cats and prey and Twolegs that don't bother you."

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"- the animals are kept separated."

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"Oh, alright."

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"Yes, sorry, I should have specified. Do all of you guys dislike dogs or do some of you cope all right with them?"

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"I think Cloudpaw's main complaint when he was locked up with one was that it was noisy, so I guess if there are any that are less noisy then maybe their cats wouldn't have a problem."

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"Dogs vary quite a lot."

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"The ones who come out here mostly stay with their Twolegs.  They scare off the prey but aren't really hard to avoid, except I guess for the one Princess saw.  Though I think she might have been exaggerating or confused since she doesn't really know anything about forest life."

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"People usually walk dogs on leashes so they don't run off if they see a squirrel but they're not perfect about that."

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"That makes sense.  Anyways, when the night of the Gathering came we of course still had to go, so we crossed into ShadowClan territory to get here.  They let us, and escorted us the rest of the way, but during the meeting they announced that we were sheltering Brokenstar.  StarClan had to cover the moon with clouds again, and ShadowClan said they'd attack us despite the truce if we used their territory to return home.  RiverClan let us use theirs, though."

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"I suppose that's one way to think of it.  ShadowClan and WindClan attacked our camp shortly after, trying to get to Brokenstar, but even though every ThunderClan warrior present was injured in some way we did hold them off."

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"Seems like a lot to stake on protecting him."

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"Yes.  Most of the Clan was unhappy about it."

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"Why, then?"

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"Bluestar said to.  And - I'm not sure I'd have made the same choice, if I were in her position with the information I have now, but there's something to be said for demanding you and your Clan be merciful even when that's very hard.  It's sort of the same reason that whether prey is bountiful or scarce, we take care of any elder or sick cat.  Because it's important."

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"I want to see a zoo."

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"I can probably take you to a zoo but they might want you on a leash."

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"It honestly sounds unpleasant just to visit, even if I wanted to be leashed.  But I wish you the best."

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"If it is unpleasant we will leave."

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After that battle is when Silverstream died having her and Graystripe's kits."

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"Is that common? Childbirth can be dangerous for Twolegs but that's partly because we're bipeds with relatively enormous heads..."

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"No, not at all; something went wrong.  Cinderpelt did save the kits - this happened at Sunningrocks, in ThunderClan territory - and, er, Tigerclaw was also there and helped us."

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"How... nice of him?"

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"You'd really have to be pretty evil and not very smart to refuse to lick a newborn kit to warm it up when a medicine cat tells you to with several other witnesses present."

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"It is sort of hard for me to get used to the prevalence of licking in cat culture."

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"It would be a very weird thing for a twoleg to do to another twoleg. Or for that matter to a cat. Also being licked by cats is kind of uncomfortable for us because your tongues are rough and we don't have fur."

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"Oh, I'm sorry."

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"I don't believe you have ever licked me! But if you are ever tempted to I'd rather you didn't."

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"I only meant that it's a nice thing you're all missing out on."

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"Well, I'm glad you enjoy it, but I wouldn't trade you. I like having hands."

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"I suppose hands would make up for it a little.  Do Twolegs pet each other?  I never saw mine do it but it seems a little similar to sharing tongues, if some of you do."

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"Twolegs sometimes pet each other but mostly it's adults petting children or people who are - mates, I guess is the word you have for it."

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"That sounds . . . lonely.  But your ways are your ways."

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"It varies culturally a fair amount."

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"Alright.  There was some arguing over whether anyone would want half-Clan kits, but Bluestar decided to take them in.  Goldenflower, who had recently had Tigerclaw's kits, agreed to nurse them."

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"That was nice of her."

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"Goldenflower's a good cat.  I'm not even sure she was romantically involved with Tigerclaw; they might have just made an arrangement for kits."

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"She couldn't find someone less, uh..."

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"Everyone in ThunderClan still thought he was one of our most noble and honorable warriors then."

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"Fair enough. How are his kids doing?"

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"That's good. One of the many things I'm not clear on is, like, family structures, how much it matters who your parents and grandparents and siblings and aunts and uncles are..."

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"It . . . varies.  I was glad to find Princess, since I didn't have any kin in ThunderClan, but some cats don't care at all.  Sometimes parents will mentor one of their kits; other cats basically only see theirs as another Clanmate once they're apprenticed.  And queens don't always say who the father is."

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"Huh. Is it often unknown to the father too?"

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". . . I think probably not, but perhaps I wouldn't know."

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"I remember reading somewhere it's possible for the kittens in a single litter to have different fathers but I don't know if that's true."

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"Really?  Well I don't think it would be very common for a queen to want to have kits with more than one tom at once, but I suppose it could happen."

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"I think most species can't do it at all and I certainly don't know if talking cats or cats in general on this world are different or anything."

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"I suppose it could happen that a queen could want to have kits with more than one tom at once," Fireheart clarifies.  "I don't know anything about litters having multiple fathers."

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Nod nod. "Where were we?"

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"I found out that Tigerclaw was in Twolegplace meeting with rogues.  A few days later, he sent out nearly the whole Clan on patrols, and the rogues attacked while the camp was undefended.  One of them tried to kill Bluestar.  I stopped her, and since I'd sent Cloudpaw to call back all the patrols, our warriors started returning.  But we still might have lost if a RiverClan patrol hadn't shown up to ask for Graystripe's kits and helped us fight.

Bluestar and the rest of the Clan finally believed me about Tigerclaw, and she exiled him."

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"Where'd he go?"

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"Apparently to lead ShadowClan!"

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"Why is ShadowClan called that, anyway?"

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"How do you mean?"

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"I've been assuming RiverClan is so called because they're near the river and you're ThunderClan because you're near the Thunderpath and Starclan are so called because they're dead but the other names don't make obvious sense to me."

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"WindClan is called that because they live out on the open moors and are very fast.  And I don't think ThunderClan is named after the Thunderpath."

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"Oh, what is it then?"

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"I don't know.  But RiverClan's the only Clan not next to it, and ShadowClan is the one on the other side from everyone else, so I think it must be something different."

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"Huh. Pity you guys don't write, if you'd had records I could recover them even if they were lost."

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"There might be other cats who know.  Anyways Brokenstar had sided with the rogues during the attack and afterwards he died."

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"And then RiverClan came back and took Graystripe's kits.  And Graystripe."

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"If the Clans want more cats why isn't there recruitment among feral cats that live in the town?"

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"I don't think they want just any cats.  Admitting me into ThunderClan was - controversial."

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"Why's that?"

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"Well, I was a kittypet, but even rogues weren't raised with the warrior code and mostly don't follow StarClan and - might not be a good fit for Clan life.  I imagine that one who really wanted could join a Clan, but recruiting sounds like it would just lead to cats entering Clan life without really wanting to be a part of it."  He flicks an ear.  "And that would be troublesome."

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"Don't follow StarClan meaning what?"

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"Hmm.  Cricket, do you believe in StarClan?"

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"I have seen stars. They did not act very clannish as far as I could tell."

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"And what do you think of the warrior code?"

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"I don't know most of it, but it doesn't sound like it applies to me anyway."

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Fireheart turns back to Cam.  "Like that."

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"Does StarClan want every talking cat to be a warrior?"

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"Probably not.  If nothing else there's medicine cats and elders and whatnot, but - cats can walk different paths.  And I think Clans work best when they're made up of only cats who truly want to walk this one."

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"Fair enough." He scritches Cricket, who purrs.

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"So.  I was named deputy of ThunderClan, and a while later Bluestar wanted to go to the Moonstone to share dreams with StarClan, but a WindClan patrol led by Mudclaw stopped us and escorted us home.  Stopping a leader from going to Highstones is I think unheard of and anyone would agree it was wrong, but we chose not to fight them and allowed ourselves to be escorted here.  Two ShadowClan cats trespassed on our territory, begging for food and herbs because of their plague I mentioned earlier.  Cinderpelt wanted to help them; Yellowfang said that Carrionplace disease was too dangerous to risk spreading to the rest of us and sent them away.  But Cinderpelt later ended up helping them hide in our territory, far from the camp, and took care of them."

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"There's a specific stone you go to to get StarClan dreams?"

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"For leaders and medicine cats seeking out guidance or doing specific ceremonies, yes.  They're also sent unprompted sometimes."

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"Can I go sleep on the rock or is it cats only."

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" - I would say it's probably cats only and even if it wasn't I think you wouldn't fit; it's deep underground."

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"What does that mean."

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"I am disappointed."

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"It isn't even for more than a very small number of cats.  If that makes you feel better."

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"Not really, I'm just very curious about StarClan."

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Fireheart's tail is swishing a little.  "That makes sense."

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"Maybe I will take a nap and see if they say anything."

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"I think they probably won't talk to you but if they did I'd expect them to do it during your normal sleep.  I'm not sure I've ever had a dream from StarClan while the sun was up."

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"I will take a nap at night, then."

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" - Okay.

Cloudpaw is my apprentice, and he . . . hasn't always been certain that he wanted to walk the path of a Clan cat.  He lived with us, but sometimes he would sneak into Twolegplace and go into one of their nests and they'd give him food.  And after a while some other Twolegs captured him and took him away in a monster."

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"- have you seen him since?"

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"Yes, we rescued him."

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"Oh good. I know this doesn't, like, help, but the Twolegs presumably thought they were doing him a favor."

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"If a kittypet lost their collar and was taken away to a different family I don't think they'd be very happy about that either."

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"Well, no, that's why the collars. I don't know if they've invented them here yet but it's possible to insert little things under the skin of a pet that can serve the same function and can't be lost."

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"Under the skin?"

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"Yup. I have a similar thing in my head, so I can use my computer."

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"Do Twolegs mind pain?"

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"...yes? I can't feel the one in my brain. Brains don't actually have pain sensation. Probably inserting a chip under the skin would hurt, but not, like, that much."

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"If it stays there all the time forever that still sounds pretty bad."

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"I don't think it's supposed to be noticeable but I admit that on my planet it was never possible to ask the cats."

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Then there was the fire.

We evacuated the camp but realized that Halftail, Patchpelt, and Bramblekit - Tigerclaw's son - were missing.  Yellowfang and I went back for them, and - she - found Halftail, and - a tree was falling.  I grabbed Bramblekit instead of her.  And she was trapped in the camp."

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"And like I said I dragged Patchpelt all the way to the river but he died anyways.  Bramblekit was fine."

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"I'm glad Bramblekit's okay."

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"So am I."

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"And that brings us to now, I guess?"

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"Nearly.  RiverClan also let us spend the night outside their camp, and gave us medicine and caught prey for us.  And at the most recent Gathering, when we found out about Tigerstar, Bluestar was still slightly sick from smoke inhalation so I led ThunderClan.  But that's everything I can think of to mention."

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"Okay. Thanks for the history rundown."

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"You're welcome.  It's strange to talk about all that; mostly everybody already knows or it's not their business."

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"I guess you could argue it's also not my business."

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"It's less not your business than the other Clans'.  There were things which were not your business which I did not tell you."

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"Very fair."

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"Everything should be Cam's business because he is very good and powerful."

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"That's why I said as much as I did.  I don't think anything I skipped is very likely to come up."

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"Well, let me know if you want any forensics done but it sounds like there are not major pending mysteries."

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"Mostly I'm wondering what you're going to do about Tigerstar."

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"...not trust him, I guess? I don't know that I have the moral authority to go interfere with ShadowClan's setup, if they want him leading them."

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"I don't think they know what he's done."

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"In that case I guess I could introduce myself to them and mention the forensics offer to them?"

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"That seems helpful."

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"Greetings," says a voice coming from behind Cam.

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"Greetings to you too. I'm Cam."

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"So I've heard; I am Tigerstar, leader of ShadowClan.  But perhaps you've heard that as well."

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"I've heard the name but I did not recognize you since we haven't met. What can I do for you?"

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"I understand you were to be meeting with all the cats of the forest today, and came to offer you an invitation to visit ShadowClan myself."

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"Cool. Is it okay if Cricket comes along?" He indicates Cricket. "He's been accompanying me."

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"I would prefer if it were you alone, but if that is a condition of your attendance I will accommodate it."

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"I can drop him off if you'd prefer, it's just an extra trip."

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"We could wait here for you."

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"Okay. Back in a few." Cam takes Cricket back to his mobile home and leaves him there with some tuna and Princess's reading program to play with.

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Fireheart and Tigerstar are waiting on opposite sides of the clearing when he returns.

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"Okay, he's squared away. Lead on."

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Tigerstar heads for the Thunderpath and crosses via a somewhat hidden drainage tunnel running underneath it.

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"Ooh, a tunnel," remarks Cam, crossing aboveground.

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"ShadowClan is fortunate to have a method of safe crossing to Fourtrees."

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"Yeah, that might even be safer than the bridge I made at least when it's not rainy."

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"Presumably the tunnel is full of water, in the rain?"

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"Sometimes.  What bridge did you make?"

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"One across the road!"

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"Interesting.  Where?"

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"I don't really know how to describe locations to you? Obviously not right near your tunnel."

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"I see."  Tigerstar pads away from the road.  "I find it unfortunate that Fireheart is serving as your introduction to our way of life."

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"Oh? I mean, feel free to provide an alternative perspective."

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"I can imagine what he's told you, although I don't know the specifics.  I even expect he believes at least most of it himself, if only because the level of implied skill at manipulation seems too high even for him.  But you should not trust him, and you certainly should not trust everything he says."

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"If anything comes up where I need to know more objectively what happened, I can conjure scenes from the past arranged exactly as they were in reality."

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"I would appreciate that greatly."

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"Cool. Anything in particular you want looked up like that?"

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"I didn't hear very much of what he told you about me."

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"He was giving me a long rundown of cat history."

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"I cannot refute accusations I don't know the content of."

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Cam scrolls up through his cat politics document. "Killing Redtail?"

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It is true that the story of that battle told to the Clan is not precisely what happened, and that I was partially responsible for Redtail's death.  It was not intentional."

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"How'd Oakheart come into it?"

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"Well, he started the battle."

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"Why's that?"

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"To take Sunningrocks from ThunderClan."

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"Well, I can check on the physical facts if not cats' motives once we're no longer walking, it's awkward while walking."

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Tigerstar stops and sits.

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"...right now? Sure." Cam sits down too. He doesn't know exactly when any of this was and suspects Tigersuffix doesn't either so he just starts with Redtail's death, that being conveniently conjurable, and he can pan back from there, making a series of little dioramas.

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Redtail is a tortoiseshell who was under some rocks at the point of his death.  Next to him, under the same rocks, is a broadly-built solid brown cat.

Redtail is bodychecking presumably-Oakheart in the direction of said rocks, both of them looking frightened.  Tigerstar watches with an unreadable expression, or at least one which is that with Cam's knowledge of how cats arrange their faces.

Ravenpaw appears at the edge of the diorama, younger and skinnier, obviously terrified, running away.  Tigerstar is backing away from a fleeing Redtail, ears flat and eyes wide.

Tigerstar has his paws on Redtail, still with wide eyes, and immediately before that has his claws in him and a ferocious snarl.  Ravenpaw is hiding behind a bush.

Tigerstar is facing a completely different direction, with Redtail behind him, nearer to the river.  He un-recovers from being bowled over by Oakheart and lands on top of a gray cat, pinning them.

There's more cat fighting for a while.  Tigerstar loses the scar which currently crosses his muzzle; Ravenpaw largely fails to participate.  The two groups run backward away from each other.

Oakheart and the gray cat are standing, backs arched, as the ThunderClan contingent nears the edge of the diorama.  The five cats have a brief, irritated conversation.


And then the two RiverClan cats are laying on the rocks, alone, enjoying the sunshine.

Permalink Mark Unread

That's kind of hard to parse. He takes images of each one and composes them into a video.

Permalink Mark Unread

It kind of looks like Tigerstar was startled by Redtail and attacked him only briefly and accidentally!

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. This does look more ambiguous than Fireheart indicated."

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"I should expect so.  It was the day he joined ThunderClan; he was hardly there to see it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Fireheart also thinks you somehow managed to get Cinderpelt hit by a car but that sounded pretty farfetched to me even without hearing your side of it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"'Car'?  - Ah - Cinderpelt's injury was a tragedy.  I don't see how I could possibly have caused it to happen; it's absolutely mouse-brained to think that any cat could control a monster."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I mean, Twolegs can, so if there were secretly another Twoleg who you could talk to I guess you could have put a hit out on her but it would still be a really wacky plan."

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"If you check for conversations between me and other Twolegs you will find none."

Permalink Mark Unread

"So I'd expect. Uh, attempted murder of Ravenpaw via hunting mission to Snakerocks? Is that a rocky area with snakes in it or is there something else murdery about the place?"

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . It is a rocky area with snakes in it.  He came back with an adder; I was very proud.  And as I recall it was on a hunting assessment where myself and two other warriors were supervising from afar and would have been able to intervene if anything had gone wrong."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...how would you have intervened if he'd gotten a snakebite, do the medicine cats have something for that?"

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Cool, good for them. Uh, thing with Fireheart and walking on a narrow branch?"

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . On the scouting trip before that Gathering?  Someone had to try it and he was the lightest.  The path we all ended up taking was hardly less dangerous."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Meeting with rogues who promptly attacked ThunderClan?"

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"I did not call for them to do that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What did you talk to them about?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Other things."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The weather? Their favorite colors?"

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"How being rogues was suiting them and whether they would rejoin a Clan if they could."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What'd they say?"

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"Most of them missed Clan life."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How d'you square that with the subsequent attack?"

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"They thought that attacking the Clan which was harbouring Brokenstar would make the remaining members of ShadowClan take their repentance for having followed him before seriously.  I set more patrols than usual to watch out for them, though I hadn't thought they'd try something as extreme as attacking ThunderClan as a whole instead of just going for Brokenstar."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. Did ShadowClan react as they'd hoped?"

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"Well, not immediately; I was the one who took them in.  But they're integrating well."

Permalink Mark Unread

"No hard feelings about them attacking ThunderClan?"

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"We have, with effort, largely overcome them.  Most cats just aren't very good at decision-making and leadership on their own; it doesn't make sense to punish them for that by continuing to deprive them of a structure which they could contribute to and thrive in."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. Okay. Standing by while Leopardfur was threatening Fireheart?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Threatening?"  Tigerstar bristles.  " - If he meant during that battle with RiverClan, it was a battle and I had other concerns.  Several other cats needed my help more than he did and the fact that I took a moment to decide which to prioritize does not mean I was standing by.  Unlike what Fireheart did that day when the situation called for attacking his friend's mate."

Permalink Mark Unread

"- okay, glad I asked, clearly I did not get very much context with this one. Can you tell me when it was - or if anybody died I can anchor off that -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"ShadowClan and RiverClan unsuccessfully tried to clear out WindClan again, and ThunderClan was called in to help defend.  It was this past leaf-bare."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Season doesn't narrow it down enough, unfortunately..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't recall any cat dying that day."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If I conjure models of you on particular dates with your surroundings throughout that leaf-bare will you be able to say if it's before or after the day?"

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"I didn't get any scars in that battle."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Did anybody else?"

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"I'm afraid I don't remember.  It was . . . probably not more than a quarter-moon after the death of Clawface and when Brokenstar was blinded and lost a life?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Okay. Barely visible dead Clawface model and then skip forward two weeks, what's the scene around Tigerstar then.

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In the middle of the woods, looking fairly relaxed, a sleek white cat and a dark gray tabby on either side of him, dead prey in all their mouths.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you remember this event?"

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"Not specifically.  It's a hunting patrol."

Permalink Mark Unread

He skips around fairly aimlessly till he finds something Tigerstar can direct him from.

Permalink Mark Unread

" - There."

The battle is far larger than the Sunningrocks one; probably ten or fifteen times as many cats are fighting here.  There is indeed a moment where Leopardfur has Fireheart pinned and is repeatedly scratching him pretty badly; Tigerstar looks on for a moment before running over to intercept someone about to tackle a dark brown tabby.  And later Fireheart is attacked by a silver, black-striped cat who he manages to get on top of before pausing, stepping off, and racing away to pounce on someone else.

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"Yup, seems like Fireheart maybe read into that one."

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"What a surprise."

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"Do you have any idea why he is so suspicious of you?"

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"I cannot think of why any reasonable cat would be.  I could guess; my guesses may be unkind.  I suppose he has not worked very hard not to be unkind to me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I mean, I guess not, but it has to have started somewhere."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Kittypets love gossip and big stories, and he wanted to make a villain of the only authority figure who didn't deny the reality of the situation in favor of trying to appease a vague prophecy.  He thought that being strict is the same as being evil.  Or maybe he ran into a series of wild coincidences which he didn't have the intelligence - or experience, I suppose, if I am aiming for kindness - to evaluate as such.  He hasn't even had his second leaf-bare as a Clan cat, and he joined ThunderClan right at apprenticing age."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The reality of what situation?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"That he was raised as a kittypet.  I admit he has certainly surprised me in the particular ways he has developed incompetence; I would have expected him to be lazy or bad at hunting or unprepared for the harshness of wild life rather than skilled at turning his Clan against an entirely innocent cat.  But kits begin their education well before they're old enough to be apprenticed, and Fireheart spent his first four moons getting coddled by creatures he had no way to talk with."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh. Well, now my guess for what originally set him off was you being prejudiced against cats with kittypet backgrounds. I have no idea how much of a handicap living indoors for four months would be, though, when a twoleg is four months old they can't even sit unsupported."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I took less issue with Cloudpaw, Fireheart's nephew, since he joined ThunderClan when he was still a young kit.  I would take less issue with an adult kittypet who has their own skills and can be assumed to understand the weight of their decisions.  I did think that admitting a random adolescent into the Clan based not on any personality traits he had displayed at the time, but on the color of his coat, was somewhat hasty; it is true."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What does him being orange have to do with anything?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Maybe an honorable warrior wouldn't divulge even their former Clan's secrets, but since I am clearly dishonorable enough to be exiled I see no reason not to say there was a prophecy stating that 'Fire alone will save our Clan', and Bluestar found the closest orange cat and named him to suit."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...that's pretty weird but I don't know what's up with prophecies."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Prophecies are almost always true in some way but the first and most obvious interpretation is not always the correct one.  If there had been a longer wait before bringing him into the Clan than Bluestar having met him once and given him a day to decide, perhaps I would have had less to complain of.  Though - perhaps not; it is true that before Fireheart I had seen no evidence that a kittypet could be a warrior, or even would want to be one if they knew everything it involved."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It doesn't sound appealing to me but in the absence of a way to talk to twolegs it seems like a reasonable tradeoff. Though I'm not a cat."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you expect that being able to talk to a Twoleg will change what it means for cats to live in a Clan?"

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"Not especially, I just think it'll change what it's like to be a kittypet."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Are you going to serve as a go-between for every kittypet-keeping Twoleg?  Or - " he cocks his head, "do you think the . . . meaning-sights, will let them talk on their own.  - Text, is it called."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...the text will let them talk on their own. Did you just - derive out of thin air that it's called 'text', from looking at filenames on my computer?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't know what those are."

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam pulls up one of the diorama-videos he made. It says "catpoliticsvideo2" in a little bar on the top. "Like this part?" he says, pointing at it.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I learnt the word after I had already looked at that.  'Cat politics' is . . ."  He repeats the phrase in cat speak instead of English.  "'Video' is the small moving flat past?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes, that's right, how the fuck did you do that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do Twolegs not learn words?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Of course we learn words, but we don't learn them by looking at them and knowing what they mean like that having not previously been exposed to the concept of text!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not 'learn', 'learn'."  Cats apparently have two different words for it, one of which does seem to imply the ability to snatch understanding out of the ether rather than needing to be taught it.

Permalink Mark Unread

"- huh. Okay, twolegs don't do that second one now that you mention it."

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"You'd need it less since you're kits for so much longer, I suppose."

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"I guess! How does it work?"

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"Sometimes you just know a word you didn't a moment ago.  Like remembering something new."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay but how does that happen?"

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"It's something that happens to all cats.  Some say it's a gift from StarClan."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Maybe it is. I really do need to take a nap at some point and see if they'll say hi."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That seems unlikely."

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"Seems worth a nap to try, though."

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"If you say so.  If anything would help you, I think aiming for a more respectful attitude than 'saying hi' might.  But you can't help being a Twoleg and I expect that to be prohibitive."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What kind of attitude is normally expected?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It is not customary to speak of what happens when a new leader gains their lives, but there is no such taboo on what one does in their own head before that.

StarClan is just dead cats.  I often find myself irritated with them, because so many living cats look up to them as a source of infallible guidance when really they are just normal but dead cats with access to some abilities that we lack.  But when I went to share dreams with them, I focused on a different aspect of that, which is that - it's actually very good that they're just dead cats.  It means that when I die, I will not be transformed into a completely different cat with unlimited wisdom or patience, and despite that I'll still be able to help those who are still living.  StarClan is a Clan; it's cats coexisting and together being something more than any of them could be alone, which is all the more impressive for the fact that what some cats can do on their own is not very much.

I'm not sure you have any similar concepts to draw on."

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"Mythological ones. Dead folks in my world are still just themselves but they don't do the - dream thing or anything."

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"I meant more in the sense of Clans in general."

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"Twolegs have politics. I live in a place that has very little politics and don't involve myself in what there is of it, but there's probably a structure like a cat Clan somewhere among Twolegs, it isn't that weird."

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"Well, if you can muster some respect and admiration for the spirit of cooperation I expect you to have better chances than otherwise, although still almost none."

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"I guess we'll find out."

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What is your purpose here, by the by."

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"Oh, I want to end material scarcity but things are different here so I'm trying to orient to local conditions before I do anything big."

Permalink Mark Unread

"For whom?  And why."

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"For everybody so they'll have nicer lives."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How noble.  Do you have any implementation plans yet?"

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"Well, I don't think there's any reason I can't just make large amounts of stuff once I have a distribution plan, but I keep being surprised so I think I'll wait to go a day or two without being surprised before I try even something that straightforward."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And what sort of stuff is it that you intend to distribute?"

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"Mostly Twoleg stuff, honestly. You guys seem both to care a lot about catching your own food and being independent; Twolegs are different that way. Also there are more of them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I see.  What do Twolegs do all day, for the most part, if they aren't responsible for their own food?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"You know how you guys bring food to cats who can't do their own hunting? Some Twolegs handle food for lots of Twolegs, and the ones who aren't handling food are doing stuff they can trade - for food, and also for clothes, and cars, and houses, and stuff. And then when they aren't busy doing stuff for trading, they have hobbies like music and reading and playing games."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What are the things they trade?  And what is music."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Different Twolegs specialize in different things! Some of them move stuff around and make sure it gets to whoever wants it - Twoleg civilization is very big - some of them invent new things, or make clothes, or teach younger Twolegs things, or do medicine, there are hundreds of things but going into much detail would take a lot of explaining. Music is sounds that we think sound nice, would you like to hear some?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Clothes are your smoother pelts, yes?  I could hear some music."

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam's violin appears and he plays some Vivaldi.

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Tigerstar cocks his head back and forth as Cam plays, and he watches the fingering closely.  "Interesting," is his verdict.

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"I'm glad you think so." He makes a case for the violin and puts it over his shoulder.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is that your magic or can any Twoleg - may I see that - "

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"I made these with magic but they can be made without." He sets the case down and unzips it.

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"But the music itself," asks Tigerstar, sniffing at the fingerboard.  His fur abruptly stands on end (which is quite a sight, with the amount of fluff) when his whiskers brush against the strings.

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"The music itself is not magic at all."

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"Interesting," he repeats.  "I'm not sure it sounds particularly nice to cats but it's certainly interesting."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I remember reading about a study where they tried to figure out what music some non-talking cats liked best..." He looks that up and then makes a little speaker to play the winning piece.

Permalink Mark Unread

This elicits more head-tilts, which escalate to walking around to listen from different angles.  "This one is more pleasing.  Is the - stone throat; I'm not learning the word for that - magic or also not.  Why don't you have to touch it when you did the other one."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's not magic but it is much more complicated than the instrument. The music it's playing was made for real a long time ago and then captured for later use."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I see.  What is the word for the stone throat.  . . . I suppose this is less important a conversation than whether there is anything else Fireheart told you which you would like an alternate perspective on."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's a speaker. And I was basically out of those, I think..." He checks his list.

Permalink Mark Unread

There aren't any accusations of Tigerstar left, but maybe he has opinions on things like why his new Clan is called that?

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah we've covered what Fireheart said about you but I want to know why it's called 'Shadowclan', if you know."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The Clans are each named after the cat who founded them: Shadowstar, Thunderstar, Windstar, and Riverstar."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, cool, that makes sense."

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"That's the sort of thing that gets covered in a Clan cat's kithood, incidentally, if you had already asked Fireheart."

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"I had, but it doesn't seem to be a practical necessity, just a historical tidbit."

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"I would be less concerned if it were the only thing I expected to be left out."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What else would you expect?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Did he tell you Bluestar's mad?"

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"I don't believe that came up, no."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Unsurprising.  I suspect anything I say about it will sound like nothing but an empty defense of why she exiled me, but I suggest you ask Fireheart, or speak to her yourself.  And know that I lied to the Clan about Redtail's death at her request, when she was still sane."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I will make a note of this." He does.

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"She gets confused about things and doesn't trust anyone.  It's unfortunate; she was once a great leader."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's normal in older folks but I couldn't begin to guess how it interacts with the nine lives thing."

Permalink Mark Unread

"She's only a year older than I am."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How old are you?"

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"Wow. Okay, yeah, it would be weird for a... seven year old cat to be senile. You are all so young."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How old are you?"

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"A hundred and seventy-two, but even a non-immortal Twoleg can live to be like ninety, even a hundred, if they're healthy."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That is more numbers than there are.  Were.  Yesterday."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I had to explain large numbers to Fireheart. They just keep going up. Forever."

Permalink Mark Unread

"A hundred and seventy-two is . . ."  Tigerstar pauses at length, his tail sweeping an arc back and forth in the pine needles behind him.  "Nine nines, and that again, and nine and one?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Uh -" He does some arithmetic. "- yes, why was that the most intuitive way to break it down? Do you think in nines because of nine lives or something?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It is the largest specific number which existed yesterday."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Wow. You didn't have ten? Aren't there sometimes more than ten cats around? You have more than ten toes."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't have much cause to speak of my toes or my Clanmates in that particular sort of detail.  Either I want specific cats, or all of them old enough to catch their own prey, or some other criteria that matters more than the precise number.  Lives are almost the only thing as many as nine matters for."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If you say so. Numbers are useful when you have more - stuff, I think, not because you can count the stuff but because it helps you think about the stuff in a more efficient way."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I suppose it would also be useful if I lived that long and wanted to tell someone my age.  Most cats retire to the elders' den by then but leaders don't really."

Permalink Mark Unread

"No? Do the replacement lives make you as spry as a younger cat?"

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"No, they only heal lethal injuries.  But we've made a stronger commitment to serving our Clan.  Not that all leaders keep those commitments."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What's a normal cat retirement age?"

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"It depends on the cat.  A permanently-injured kit could move to the elders' den right after the nursery, even, under certain circumstances."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess that makes sense."

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"But usually they'd train as a medicine cat instead of a warrior."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Surely there needs to be some underlying aptitude for medicine?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, yes; then they might retire.  But most cats very dearly want to contribute to their Clan in some way, and motivation is much of aptitude, I've found."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Fair enough. Do you and/or the rest of ShadowClan want any material objects?"

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"I think not at present, thank you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You're welcome. You saw where I put my house, you can stop by there any time if you want to talk though it's possible I will have to move it at some point."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I see.  ShadowClan is on good terms with RiverClan so I expect to be able to travel there if I so wish, but the same may not hold for the other two Clans."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can leave you a little computer setup like the one I gave Princess for using text? Since you can learn to read and write nigh-instantly, apparently. And then you can send me messages like that, and I can give everybody one."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How generous."

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"If you want one you should tell me where to put it, it might be awkward to haul around by biting it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What is it like?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yea big," he gestures, "will need to be away from water but I can make it a case you can open up if there's nowhere good sheltered from rain and runoff."

Permalink Mark Unread

"This way, then."  He stands and turns, then pauses.  "Ah . . . what about all the not-flat small still pasts?"

Permalink Mark Unread

They go up in flames.

Permalink Mark Unread

Tigerstar arches his back and goes all spiky again!

Permalink Mark Unread

"- sorry, I should've warned you. I'm not letting it go anywhere."

Permalink Mark Unread

It takes a few seconds for Tigerstar to successfully unfloof but then he's as cool as previously.  "That's very responsible of you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thank you." The fire burns all the dioramas quickly and then Cam puts it out with a bit of frosty mist.

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Tigerstar continues in the direction he was originally walking.

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Cam goes back the other way.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Where are you going?"

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"Back to get Cricket? Did you want something - oh, right, you were going to show me where to put a computer."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes.  This way, please."  Tigerstar leads Cam a few minutes away to a small pine-covered hill.  "Here.  It will need a case, I expect."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yup." Cam spends a moment designing one that should be easy for a cat to open and close, and then creates it. "This won't last forever, it needs fuel, but it'll last weeks and I can recharge it as needed."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thank you."  Can Tigerstar and his zero previous technological knowledge figure out how to send the message 'cat politics' to Cam?

Permalink Mark Unread

Princess could! Whether Tigerstar can depends on him.

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It turns out that having never seen someone operate a computer by touching it is a bit too much of a barrier to overcome.  He mostly glares at it for a minute before turning to Cam expectantly.

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Cam pokes the machine demonstratively till a collaborative document comes up and the keyboard presents itself.

Permalink Mark Unread

cat politics

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam laughs.

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Permalink Mark Unread

"It's just an amusing choice of first message."

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"I have only learned three text words so far."  He types a space, v, i, and d before backspacing them.  "And there is not a video here."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Fair enough. The program Princess is using to learn to write is over here." Cam navigates to it for him.

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"I see.  If there's something very urgent I will bring a kit here; they learn words more frequently."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh, okay. Is that all you need for now?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well - speaking of kits.  Mine are still in ThunderClan."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I have absolutely no idea how child custody among cats works."

Permalink Mark Unread

"There is not a standard way to resolve these sorts of cases."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't think I have a comparative advantage at figuring it out and worry I'd unbalance something delicate or cause more problems than I solved if I tried, but I'm sorry that you aren't able to share a clan with your kits, that sounds like it really sucks."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I was not trying to get you to fetch them for me.  But it seemed important context if you are to continue interacting with the Clans, that I do want them in ShadowClan if that's where they'd like to be, and I want the chance to make my case to them so their only knowledge isn't whatever their Clanmates are telling them about me.  I had intended to request this at the next Gathering."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll keep it in mind."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thank you.  What other business . . . Bluestar still has moments of clarity.  Don't think I lied if you happen to catch her on a good day."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How many consecutive moments of lucidity would you predict impossible?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't know.  On the one paw she was getting worse, but on the other if Fireheart is picking when you meet and leading the discussion he could keep it up a long time.  She wasn't at the last Gathering; Fireheart spoke in her stead and claimed she was recovering from having breathed smoke during a recent fire in ThunderClan.  Mainly she was just much more suspicious and less competent.  I don't know how obvious it would be for a - Twoleg, who didn't know her before."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, I'll keep an eye on it. Do you think she knows she's declining, when she's more aware?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's hard to say.  She certainly didn't discuss it with me if so."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Fair enough. Anything else?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I believe not.  I'll escort you back to Fourtrees."  He starts walking, not quite in the direction they came from.

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Cam picks up his violin and follows.

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Fireheart is still waiting for them there.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hello again!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hello.  How did it . . . go?" he asks, glancing at Tigerstar.

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Tigerstar sits a bit off to the side from where Cam is standing.

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"Fine. I gave him a computer like Princess's, do you guys want one too?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't know what you gave her."

Permalink Mark Unread

"A thing to help her learn to read and write, which can also send me messages while I'm not right there."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Where d'you want it?"

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"Probably closer to camp."  He keeps glancing at Tigerstar and the tip of his tail is twitching.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Great, lead the way."

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He does.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam is not sure exactly how well cats can hear, so he waits a while before saying, "So it kind of looks like either Tigerstar orchestrated all his criminal enterprise to look thoroughly coincidental and innocent to a form of evidence-checking he cannot possibly have anticipated, or it's just that you kind of read into things which would be understandable since he does have a genuine prejudice against pet-background cats. Mind, I'm not saying it's not the first thing, it's possible, but it would be sort of weird. Lots of things are weird here but not all of them."

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". . . What does it mean to 'read into things'."

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"...sorry, it means to interpret them as having more depth and meaning than they necessarily do."

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"So - you think I . . . made it all up, to myself, that he did all the awful things I said he did.  Or that it's the other way and he's much more clever than I already thought."

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"There's, uh, some possible middle ground? He might have some doublethink going on, like he had some impure motives but wasn't really thinking about them. But he didn't make any moves that were apparent, viewed in conjuration, as malfeasance. I can show you if you want, I took pictures of the conjurations."

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"Yes please."

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Cam shows Fireheart the video composites and the stills.

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"That . . . isn't what I would have expected," Fireheart says of the Sunningrocks video.

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"It does . . . look . . . a bit like an accident."

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"It's possible he staged it like that in case of observers who were there at the time? But - yeah, it does look that way. I'm not saying you should be his friend or anything, he doesn't seem to like you, and I will certainly be very concerned if you die under remotely weird circumstances while he's in the same general area..."

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"Ravenpaw did end up seeing part of it - if it was an accident is there a reason why he would still try to kill Ravenpaw - "

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"I asked about the hunting mission to Snakerocks and apparently he was fine and caught an adder, and was also supervised from a ways off and medicine cats can treat snakebites. Were there other attempts?"

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"We overheard him trying to convince some cats that Ravenpaw was a traitor, which eventually probably would have gotten him killed or driven out."

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"What other cats were these?"

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"We heard him talking to Darkstripe and Longtail about it, maybe Dustpelt as well; there was other less-concrete evidence about the rest of the Clan.  Suspicious glares and things directed at him."

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"Would any of them be likely to admit where they heard what?"

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"Dustpelt at least, I think.  I could ask around.  - Also I should mention that there were almost no cats in ThunderClan who weren't distrustful of or angry at me at first for having been born a kittypet.  Only Bluestar, Whitestorm, Graystripe, and Ravenpaw weren't - were nice to me right from the beginning.  So it's not that Tigerstar was special in treating me poorly and so I made things up about him."

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"Yeah, I was more imagining that the prejudice led to him making some judgment calls in your disfavor than that it led to you making things up."

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"Oh.  Well, it still didn't happen with any other cat."

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Cam nods.

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"It's - strange.  I was willing to believe there was a chance he'd reached the limit of his ambition, but I don't know what to think of the possibility that . . . there might not have been that much of it in the first place.  Enough to kill cats.  Maybe."

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"Since he's in a different clan now and everything there probably isn't much you'd want to do differently either way, is there? - he did ask after his kits."

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"They're doing fine."

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"That's good. Where's their mom now, is she ThunderClan?"

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"Okay. It seemed to bother him that they weren't in his Clan but I guess if she isn't then there's not really a straightforward resolution there."

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"Goldenflower's ThunderClan; Tigerstar was ThunderClan when they were born, and they were born in our camp.  They're ThunderClan; it's not anywhere near as ambiguous as, say, Graystripe's kits were."

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"Twoleg custody arrangements usually have more to do with which parent is going to be raising them, if the parents separate."

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"That makes sense, since you don't have Clans really?  I'm not sure I understand what you mean."

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"Uh, my parents got divorced when I was a baby, and my dad stayed where I was born and my mom moved somewhere else, and I went with her, and visited him during the summers."

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"Cats can't live with a paw in two worlds.  Given that you haven't got paws I suppose that doesn't apply to you."

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"I assume it's a metaphor even in the original case."

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"But anyway I think a Twoleg in a situation like this would be taking as input that Tigerstar might reasonably want a relationship with his children even if they live with their mother by default and that doesn't seem to be culturally how things work here?"

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"I suppose I do still visit Princess.  It wouldn't make sense to have them live in ShadowClan part of the time, though."

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"Why not?"

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"Clans have secrets from each other, and fight each other, and it would be cruel to pull kits in two directions like that.  Of course there are cases like Graystripe, and - if he wanted to come back to ThunderClan and it were my decision I'd take him back, but - switching Clans knowing you're going to come back later is . . . not very good for fostering loyalty.  And it would be against the spirit of the warrior code."

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"They could maybe have visits somewhere neutral?"

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"I think visits would be fine.  Or, I'd say they were if it were any other cat.  Maybe they still are even though it's Tigerstar."

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"I'm not planning to make a fuss about it and he didn't obviously seem to be either but it's something to think about."

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"Thank you for letting me know."

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"You're welcome."

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"Is there anything else he mentioned?"

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"He suggested I meet Bluestar."

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" - Of course.  There's a chance she might be occupied today, but of course you two should meet each other at some point."

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"Our camp still needs rebuilding, from the fire, and we're doing double the normal amount of patrols.  You seem very important so I think it was worth it to spend a day on this but we're really all very busy."

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"Do you want rebuilding help while I'm by to put in a computer anyway?"

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". . . I'm not sure.  I don't know what the rest of the Clan would think of it.  - Oh, but you were going to scatter seeds and things, weren't you; you can do that."

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"I have been while we walk, yeah."

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"Oh.  I suppose it makes sense that you wouldn't have to do it very noticeably - but in any case I'm not sure you'd fit in the areas that need the most work.  Maybe you could leave materials outside the camp; I'll ask Dustpelt that too since he's been organizing the project."

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"Happy to provide. Where do you want the computer?"

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"I'm taking you there.  - Wait . . ."  Fireheart stops walking and turns to face Cam.  "If killing Redtail was an accident, then why under Silverpelt would Tigerstar lie to the Clan about it and say that it was Oakheart?"

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Cam re-watches the video in case it looks sort of like Oakheart did anything.

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There's kind of a weird moment where he tackles Tigerstar off of a gray cat and proceeds to say something which appears to confuse all other cats present, including the gray one.  Also Cam may note a note which says that Tigerstar claimed Bluestar told him to lie about it.

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"Oh, right, he had an explanation for that, he said Bluestar told him to lie - can you magically read this -" Cam turns the transcript his way.

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Fireheart stares at the text and waits to see if it'll resolve itself into meaning.  "That's fox-dung; why would Bluestar want - " and then his eyes go wide and he's still looking in the direction of the transcript but does not really seem to be looking at it, for a moment, until he scowls in apparently-sincere concentration.

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"- you okay there?"

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". . . Yes?"

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"Oh good. Can you in fact read now."

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"'I . . . something . . . I something it something . . . that . . .'  Hmm.  Not very fast, I think."

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Cam will read it to him then.

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"I'll be two soon," says Fireheart when Cam gets to the bit about ages.

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"God you're young. Jackie is probably eight or nine times your age and she's not even grown up yet. No wonder you turn out to have magical word learning properties, you need them to be able to talk!"

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"Is 'god' just an exclamation or does that mean something."

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"In this context it is just an exclamation and the background of the exclamation, while potentially interesting, would take all day."

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"Alright."  He resumes walking.

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Cam resumes reading aloud as they go.

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" - I learned the word ten earlier today.  When you and I were talking about how old the elders are."

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"I wonder how that works... probably experimenting with it shouldn't be a priority."

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"We might already know how it works, depending on what you mean by that."

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"Well, where does the information that you 'learn' come from?"

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"...huh. Where do they get it?"

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"Well, it's mostly all the same things for all cats I've ever met, so I guess whoever came up with the words originally?  It's unusual that different adults are getting new words so close to each other.  - Which I suppose must mean it's you, mustn't it."

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"I guess! At whatever remove."

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"You said you gave Princess a word-teaching computer?  Maybe it's from her."

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"Could be, though she learned so fast, I think she was getting helped along somehow if that's a thing at all."

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"Maybe Twolegs are just slow.  Compared to cats," Fireheart suggests, gently.

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"That was in fact my first guess when she got started but then I found out that you can learn words from thin air."

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"So did you."

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"My thing is different. When I'm summoned, I get the fluency level of my summoner, in this case you. I don't then continue getting new words from nowhere after that event."

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"I don't see why that makes a big difference to you."

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"Well, you're clearly not doing the thing daeva do and you're clearly not doing the thing nonmagical Twolegs do, so you are doing something that involves you being fed information in real time."

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"How can time be not real?  Like dreams?"

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"- no, 'in real time' means, like, in prompt response to events, as opposed to the words being already around somewhere and you, say, taking actions to pick them up."

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". . . How would you tell the difference?  Is there even a difference between something responding to events and me having to take actions?  Those seem like the same thing, if the actions were specific."

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"I... guess there could be things that were ambiguous between the two," Cam allows. "But Tigerstar seemed surprised by some of the words."

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"Maybe some of them need more than one action, and interacting with a talking Twoleg is one of them, and we've had all these words all along but no cat could learn them until you got here."

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"Maybe it's something like that. Has anybody who hasn't met me turned up with new words?"

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"I can ask when I get back to camp.  Which we're nearly at."

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"Actually, will you wait here, and I'll bring some cats out?"

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"Sure." Cam finds a place to sit.

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"Thank you."  He trots off.

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Cam receives a message from Jackie's phonelike object before Fireheart returns.


It occurred 2 us that maybe the railway cat (who is a cat who lives on a or some trains and gets news coverage sometimes on slow days, and has a name we can't remember) is a person.  Is there a way 2 check that or maybe U should.  Hope things are going well 4 U.

Jackie, Ian, and Jordan, and


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Huh. Cam writes a reply.
I can't check that from here but I can meet him, if he's meetable. Or if he meows on TV Princess could check.
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We didn't strip the news when he or she was on and Princess doesn't remember ever seeing a segment about it.  Ian thinks it was the sleeper passenger kind of train, which would be meetable, but Jackie remembers it being mail, and we can't figure out which was first or if it's on both.  We are pretty sure it runs out of Londinium.

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Can I sell you some material objects to fund train rides should I take a trip to Londinium?
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Yes.  Or we could also just give you some money.

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I mean sure but also I can just make you some groceries or whatever.
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It takes them a while to respond.

Since it doesn't inconvenience you at all we guess that's fine, but we do kind of have an entire new family member because of you and that's worth a lot.

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Princess was already there! But I'm glad you can talk to her now. Go ahead and make a grocery list and it'll take me like one second, it's really no trouble.
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A cat approaches before Cam receives their reply.

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"Hello there!" Cam meows.

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"So it is true.  It would be unlike Fireheart to tell tales, and yet . . ."

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"Here I am. Do you want proof of the material objects thing too?"

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"I suppose."

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"What can I get you?"

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She laughs, once.  "Nothing I want is so easily obtainable."

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"Suit yourself." He holds out his hand flat so she can see and makes himself an apricot cornetto. Munch.

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"I see."

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"Are you Bluestar?"

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"I am."

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"It's nice to meet you. How are you guys doing with recovery from the fire?"

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"I've been dropping seeds, to attract animals and help regrow stuff."

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"Fireheart continues his trend of correct character judgements, I see."

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"It's a trend?"

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"I haven't known him to be wrong yet.  Though he's sometimes naïve."

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"We were actually just talking about whether he was reading Tigerstar correctly."

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"He was the one who tried to warn me about him."

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"And you've since come to the conclusion that Fireheart was right?"

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"Given that Tigerstar tried to have me killed:  yes."

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"How did that play out?"

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"Have you not already heard; he sent rogues to attack ThunderClan."

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"I had heard but it's turning out to be sort of complicated so I was hoping for more detailed perspectives on it."

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"I see."

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"Can you tell me about how you learned that he sent them?"

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"Fireheart said before it happened.  And Tigerstar sent nearly all of our warriors out on patrol, so the camp was underdefended."

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"Okay. His story was framed differently and my way of gathering evidence doesn't discriminate well between different motives."

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"You okay?"

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"What a strange question."

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"...it's pretty customary where I'm from."

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"If you say so."

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"Uh, in this case I said it because you went quiet and I wasn't clear on why."

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Bluestar doesn't immediately respond to that either, and then her ears prick up sharply and she swivels her head around to stare in the direction she came from.

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"What's -" He turns to look too.

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"Quiet," she snaps, and proceeds to hold very still except for tilting her head up slightly.


Cam can hear - something, in the distance, after a moment; it's difficult to make out what exactly -

- and then visible in glimpses through the trees it becomes clear that a fuckoff big, extremely buff hawk is somehow flying above the canopy with an entire screaming, struggling cat in its talons.

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- Cam flings his coat off and launches himself into the air with a burst of high-pressure air since he doesn't have the room to take off conventionally in the woods, and he chases the hawk, which is going to gradually have heavier and heavier things added to it, he doesn't want it to crash but being forced to land would be fine, and if it drops the cat he can give the cat a parachute -

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That proves necessary.  The hawk stumbles in the air and gets rid of what weight it can as it attempts to flee.

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Parachute. Cam will try to also actually catch the cat but he's not sure he can. The hawk will be fine, all the weights are attached with a little ice and will melt off presently.

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He can catch the cat, who does not at any point stop screaming or struggling (with claws), and has blood seeping into his fur from a few deep scratches running across his back and neck.

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When they're safely on the ground he says "Hold still for a second and I can help you with that -"

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The cat does not react to this at all.  The wailing continues.

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...ugh. He squeezes the cat a bit more than is probably comfortable so he can get a clear view of the injuries and put some blood back in where it belongs and some skin on top of the scratches.

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Well, that gets him to stop squirming, after the initial burst of even more Put Me Down.

He looks at Cam's face for the first time and stares, before pressing a paw against his forearm and gradually increasing the pressure.  Clawlessly, though, at least at first.

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This is not going to deter Cam from stopping before he's patched up all the scratches but once he's done that he will set the cat down.

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He darts off to hide in a bush as soon as he's able.  This is not particularly effective since they're back in the part of the forest that's quite extensively burnt and the cat is, despite being somewhat red from blood and a little black from ash, mostly white all over.  Cam can see him hunched and trembling through the remaining branches.

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Cam... takes a picture of the white cat, and says, "Are you okay? Do you need anything?"

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"S'all right," he says, with a heavy speech impediment.

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Oh good they can talk. "Oh good, you can talk. I wasn't sure. Did I miss any of your injuries?"

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He opens his mouth once but no sound comes out.

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"I didn't catch that, I don't know that I have the same range of hearing as you?"

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The cat repeats the action.  Twice, growing slightly more insistent each time.

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"I can't hear you. Do you want me to take you to Bluestar - are you with her clan or one of the others -"

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He stares at Cam for several seconds before giving up and starting to groom the blood out of the most reachable spots in his fur, still wary.

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...okay. "I'm going to go show this picture of you," he displays it, "to some other cats till I figure out where you're supposed to be, okay?" And in the absence of a comprehensible response he will take off again and go back to where he was hanging out with Bluestar.

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He seems pretty interested in the picture but doesn't manage to produce audible words about it.

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The clearing is empty when he lands but before too long someone comes rocketing in his direction.  " - Cam?" they call out, still a fair distance away.

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Thataway he strides. "Hi, uh, the cat the hawk got is okay but didn't seem able to talk very well? I got a picture, do you know who this is?" Picture.

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"You already saved him?"  He slows down to a lope.  "Where is he?  - That's Snowkit, he's deaf; I'm Brackenfur."

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"Oh, deaf, that makes sense. How do you... communicate with him?"

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". . . Poorly?  So far.  We'd been working on some signs.  Where is he?"

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"I can show you." It's a little harder to find the place on foot but it's not that far.

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Snowkit has gone back to crying but stops once he sees Brackenfur, who circles around to be in his field of view rather than risk startling him from behind.  Brackenfur gestures with his tail and Snowkit emerges from the bush, looking significantly calmer but still confused.

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"Maybe Snowkit'll like the computer I was going to set up."

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"Maybe.  You could show him?"  Snowkit is looking curiously at Cam; Brackenfur illustratively rubs up against Cam's legs and that seems to clear up some confusion.

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"Sure, as soon as I know where to put it."

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"What about the one with the . . . " he makes a shrug-like gesture with his tail.  "The other Snowkit?"

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"Oh, my one, sure, I can show him." Cam brings up a text file and writes Can you read this? on it and shows Snowkit.

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It takes maybe a minute of staring and tail-thrashing but he does eventually look up at Cam and open and close his mouth again.

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"- Er, he said yes," clarifies Brackenfur after a beat.

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"Cool!" Cam adds to the file, I am going to make a machine like this that cats can use to make words like this!

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While Snowkit puzzles:  "I don't know how one would go about explaining pitch to him.  He can say quite a bit to other cats."

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"I could probably rig something up on my end to pitch his voice down but it'll make all other things harder for me to interpret. I guess it might come in a chiplocked version with playback..." He can't look through possibilities on his computer while Snowkit is still looking at it though.

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Brackenfur relays, "When?"

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"When what?"

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After some back-and-forth with Brackenfur making a lot of incomprehensible-to-Cam body language, Snowkit says and is repeated down a few octaves, "When can cats make words like this?"  He poke poke pokes the chiplock.

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"As soon as I make it but I need to know where it's supposed to go! I am still waiting to be shown!"

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"We should probably head back to camp and let everyone know he's alive anyways."

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"Quite." He writes to Snowkit, Would you like me to carry you?

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It still takes him a while to read that, but he might be getting a touch faster?  "Why," he asks, still via Brackenfur.

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"Because you were injured and it might be more comfortable? I don't know how good a job I did patching you up, it might still hurt."

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Snowkit doesn't quite rub on Cam's legs, once he gets the meaning of that, but he does go stand quite near them.

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Cam reaches down in case Snowkit wants to climb into his arms.

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It seems he does!

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So Cam will carry Snowkit and follow Brackenfur.

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Snowkit starts purring before too long and has absolutely no volume moderation about it.

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Brackenfur's glances back over his shoulder look pretty uncomfortable but he doesn't object out loud.

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Probably there is cat politics about being carried, or something. Cam is not going to pet him unless asked.

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He is not asked.  Snowkit stops purring when he catches one of Brackenfur's looks and adjusts his weight uneasily, but starts up again after a few minutes.

They approach a dry ravine with a dozen or so cats inside it; contrary to what Fireheart said it looks like Cam could fit in it just fine.  One of them is a pale tabby surrounded by a few other cats and crying, in the human sense of hitching with sobs rather than wailing the way Snowkit was before.  "Mama mama mama mama," Snowkit repeats urgently in Cam's range of hearing once he spots her.

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Cam puts Snowkit down right next to the apparent mama mama mama mama.

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It turns out that these cats are more capable of producing tears in response to overwhelming emotion than the ones Cam's familiar with.  She wraps her forelegs around Snowkit and licks fervently behind his ears.  Both their motors are going full force.  All of the other cats are watching them or Cam and murmuring amongst themselves.

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...he will take this opportunity to find out what there is in the way of pitch-adjustment hearing aids and stick one in his ear.

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" - a miracle from StarClan."

"Doesn't even matter, something else'll just get him next; what's he going to do in battle - "

"Someone should get Bluestar."

"Twolegs don't normally have wings, right?"

"It's so big.  I've never seen one this close."

"Everyone seems awfully certain it's not going to kill us all or take us to the Cutter when we only have a kittypet's word for it."

"Show some respect for your deputy!"

"I'm just saying; you get one talking Twoleg and it just happens to be one who fixes broken cats and hands out prey and doesn't want anything for it?  Better to scare away a mouse than welcome a badger."

"Cinderpelt's not broken.  And I think it can hear you."

"Well, yeah, not anymore.  And Fireheart said it couldn't unless you're mewling like a kit, which I'm not.  Unless you want to believe him about everything else but not that."

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Awkward. Cam will wait patiently till someone gets Bluestar.

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Someone (Sand??storm???  There are a lot of cats; it's a pale ginger one.) presently fetches her.  She sits a conversational distance away from Cam.

"You saved Snowkit?" she asks at too quiet a volume to be for the benefit of the rest of the camp, though they all hush their conversations to listen anyway.

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"Yeah." Cam points Snowkit out.

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She flicks an ear irritatedly.  "I saw.  Thank you."

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"Yes, thank you so much," meows Snowkit's mama mama mama mama, still weeping.  "If there's anything we can do to repay you - "

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"I don't need anything, thank you."

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"Alright.  Who's even heard of a hawk carrying off a kit of his age - " (Snowkit is maybe a little slimmer than the other cats, but he doesn't look overtly kittenish to Cam's eye.) " - but it doesn't matter now.  Thank you again."

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"You're right," mutters Bluestar, looking more contemplative then she previously has.

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"- sorry, who's right?"

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"Speckletail is.  A hawk, diving right into the middle of camp and picking up a nearly-grown cat?  No such thing has ever happened; it cannot be mere coincidence."  She stands up, projecting now.  "StarClan is at war with ThunderClan!"

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...that seems slightly extreme but he doesn't super have context to challenge her on that. What does everyone else think.

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They're talking over each other too much for the hearing aid to pick up much of anything specific, especially since some of them have switched to speaking in Cam's register, but they all sound pretty shocked and incredulous.

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Okay, so it sounds weird to them too and hopefully someone will talk her down if she's wrong. Where's Fireheart.

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Not present.  Bluestar turns back towards an opening under a standalone rock in the middle of the ravine and disappears inside.  Some of the cats lean against each other or look up worriedly at the sky.  Eventually they start to quiet down a bit.

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One statement is said a bit too loudly not to be clearly audible even though it's directed at a specific cat the speaker is sitting next to: "No, I'm not saying it makes sense, but - StarClan's just a tale for kits; it's not real - "  He cuts himself off when he realizes his comparative volume.

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Well if THAT'S in the range of possible beliefs Cam doesn't know what to think.

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"What's happening," Snowkit asks up at Cam.

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Cam writes The other cats are arguing about whether the hawk grabbing you was a coincidence or something more sinister. Bluestar proposed that it might have been StarClan but that seems weird to me and most everyone else.

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" - You can talk to him?"

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"He's learning to read! What I came here for was to put a machine in place that would let you all read and write and then you can all talk to him."

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"Thank you!  Please do."

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"Where shall I put it?" Cam asks for what has to be the fourteenth time or something.

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"Right here, I suppose?"

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Point. "There?"

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"I don't see why not."

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Fine. There. "I can make more if lots of you want to use it at once."

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"Oh, that is big.  I thought he'd be able to carry it around."

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"No, I can try to make a version he can carry around but these are normally all used by Twolegs so getting something that would work portably for a cat would be a project. Not impossible, I can work on it."

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"We would all appreciate that!  Thank you."  She goes over to investigate the tablet more thoroughly; Snowkit follows.  The rest of the ThunderClanners have dispersed somewhat, though several have kept watching with various expressions and amounts of pretending to be doing something else.

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Cam will hang around and offer tech support till they seem to have the hang of it.

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Fireheart arrives during that time, out of breath.  "Oh, good, you did - thank you - "

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"Hey. Yeah, Snowkit's all right. Uh, Bluestar is - suspicious - about the apparent coincidence? You might want to talk to her."

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"I will, thank you."  He goes to drink from a nearby stream before disappearing into her cave for a few minutes.

When he emerges, he goes around talking to a few cats one at a time before returning to Cam.  "Thank you again for rescuing Snowkit and giving us a way to talk with him.  Did you have any other business here or would you like an escort back to Princess's?"

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"I should probably offer the other two Clans computers too but I guess that can wait a day or two if it would be inconvenient to go offer now."

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"Your nest does border RiverClan."

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"Yeah, maybe I'll go that way on my own. I guess I'll see you all around? The computer can send me a message if you need to."

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"Thank you.  . . . 'See us around'?"

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"It's an expression, it means I will encounter you again at some point in the future probably but we are not making specific plans."

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Fireheart takes a deep breath.  "Alright.  Every Clan patrols its borders at dawn and dusk, if you want a better chance of an encounter without going all the way to a camp."

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"Presumably they'll still want the computer at their camp if they want it at all but I guess they might not. I'll bring Cricket to smell the border for me."

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"Excellent.  Thank you.  Cloudpaw, would you walk Cam to Twolegplace."

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Cloudpaw, apparently, looks up from his conversation with the white-and-ginger cat he was addressing before.  " - Uh, sure."

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Cam was not especially anticipating this but has no objection and will follow Cloudpaw.

"I didn't know there were talking cats who didn't believe in Starclan," he remarks.

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"I didn't know there were adult cats who did!"

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"...huh, really? It doesn't get discussed much? I guess I've probably been having unrepresentative conversations."

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"I mean they talk about it a lot but I thought it was all, you know, stories.  'Oh, StarClan is covering the moon with clouds' to mean 'maybe we should all chill out and go home and not murder each other', or 'I call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice' to mean 'this is an important ceremony and I'm being formal about it'.  Stuff like that."

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"Huh. My impression has been that it's a very literal belief, and I also personally verified that dead Twolegs here turn into stars, but I couldn't find any cats up there so I'm not certain it applies to you guys."

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". . . Okay.  - What about the Dark Forest; do cats actually believe in that too??"

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"...I don't think that one's come up, what is it?"

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"It's supposed to be another place cats go to when they die, if they didn't follow the warrior code, where it's always night and there aren't any stars, or prey, and living cats can go there in their dreams to learn to fight better, only they'll still have any injuries they got there when they wake up, and the dead cats there can die again and then they aren't anywhere at all."

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"Well, that sounds pretty weird but lots of things about this universe are pretty weird. I don't know if anyone literally believes that one."

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"I hope not!  It sounds awful.  Although if they're really warring on us then I guess StarClan isn't that great either."

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"Seems a lot to read into a hawk attack."

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"Do you think?  It was pretty weird; if you're already imagining StarClan exists it's not too far off from the other things they're claimed to do."

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"Are they often claimed to control animals?"

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"Prey, I guess, and how well it's running?"

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"It's possible they do some things attributed to them and not all of them, also."

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"I guess!"

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"I'm planning to actually go to sleep, which I normally don't, to see if they'll talk to me, but I'm not super optimistic."

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"Yeah, I wouldn't count on that; as far as I understand it - which is apparently about a kitstep - you've pretty much got to go to the Moonstone?  Or, hm, you're a medicine cat, aren't you; maybe that's enough."

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"I am a medicine Twoleg and presumably normally doctors on this planet don't get dreams from dead cats but maybe the combination of that and speaking cat language will do it."

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"Well, I'd be interested to hear if it works.  Or if it doesn't but in a way where it seems like I was right."

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"I'm not sure what would constitute it not working in that way!"

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"It just kind of seems like Twolegs can do more sorts of things?  Maybe learning stuff like that isn't one of them; I don't know."

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"I suppose I'll let you know whatever happens next time I see you, at any rate."

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"Yeah.  - I have kind of a lot of questions about Twolegs, dunno if you're up for those."

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"Go right ahead, though I can't promise my answers will be locally accurate, I'm from another universe."

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"Sure.  Dogs: why."

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"Dogs were domesticated from wolves - I don't know if you know anything about wolves. They're easy to train, which makes them suitable for some kinds of work - smelling things twolegs can't smell and want to find, herding sheep, pulling heavy stuff, hunting, guard duty. Twolegs also just like them, and like that it's easy to get a dog to really like their Twolegs."

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"I don't know anything about wolves.  Do Twolegs not mind noise or do they just want all the other things about dogs more than they don't want that?"

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"Second thing. And not all dogs bark very much."

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"I've met a lot of dogs and they all barked very much."

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"Maybe they bark especially at cats? They don't all bark very much when cats aren't around."

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"Why do Twolegs like cats, for that matter?  I mean, I know cats are great, and I have guesses about why Twolegs agree, but, you know, they're only guesses."

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"You're soft! And decent company even without a language in common. Cats and Twolegs originally began hanging out because Twolegs collect a lot of plant matter to eat in one place and that attracts rodents and those attract cats."

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"I am so soft.  I'm glad you all mostly seem to like us instead of being envious?  Or do you like your bodies alright; I guess hands seem pretty useful although I'm not sure that'd make up for the rest of it.  For me.  No offense."

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"I wasn't actually aware that you could fully appreciate your own softness! It seemed like it might get in the way of itself. Twolegs usually like our bodies all right but there's people who want specific alterations - not necessarily cat-themed ones, to be clear, I have wings and a non-catlike tail for instance."

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"Brightpaw" (he says the name like it's bookended by sparkle emoji) "says I am.  And it's not like my tongue's soft."

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"Humans don't like to experience fur texture on our tongues, so I guess that hadn't occurred to me."

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You can pet me as long as you don't tell anyone."

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"I wouldn't dream of it." He stops walking for a moment to pet Cloudpaw.

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He is so soft!  Surprisingly so for someone living outdoors although not as much as Cricket.  He arches his back into Cam's hand.  "I guess I also should have made you promise not to steal me but it doesn't really seem like you would."

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"I do not need to kidnap any cats! I already have wound up with more cats than I was planning on because Cricket decided he wanted me to bring him out of the shelter!"

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"Taking me back to the shelter is what I'd be worried about!  If I were worried at all."

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"Oh, were you there?"

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"Yeah, that's where I met so many dogs!  And then the Twolegs who brought me to their nest had one too."

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"Shelter dogs are probably barkier than usual. You ran away from the Twolegs? I hope they aren't too worried about you, they probably think you got hit by a car."

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"They saw me get rescued.  I guess I could have gotten hit in the meantime."

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"Rescued? Some Clan cats met up with you and led you to the woods?"

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"Fireheart and his mate - Sandstorm, I dunno if you've met her - did.  The Twolegs let me out a bunch but it was so far from here that I couldn't find my way back, and then I guess some barn cat named Ravenpaw saw me or scented me or something, and mentioned it to Fireheart, and then they came and got me."

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"I didn't even know Fireheart had a mate. Ravenpaw I've met, he seems nice."

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"I'm not sure Fireheart knows either, honestly; he's awfully mouse-brained for how smart he is."

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"...how would he not know, is 'mate' here being used in a really loose sense?"

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"I don't know how tight a sense Twolegs usually use it in?"

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"Twolegs actually usually don't say 'mate' about one another, we have a bunch of more specific words, except in dialects where 'mate' just means 'friend', but if we are using 'mates' to talk about pairs of other species, it tends to mean they're going to have kids together."

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"That's not what it means for cats.  I mean, it can, and I bet those two'll have kits together eventually, but you can have kits with someone and not be mates or be mates without kits.  What are the Twoleg words?"

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"Most Twoleg cultures have a formal ceremony of some kind you can do and then the parties who have done it are 'married' and are each other's spouses, or for gendered versions husband and wife; before that if they're planning on getting married they're fiancés, before that if they're just in a relationship of that genre it's usually 'boyfriend' or 'girlfriend' or 'partner' or something sorta cutesy."

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"Huh!  That sounds like an awful hassle to keep track of but also kind of lovely.  What about when some Twolegs are romantically together but one of them wants to have kits with someone else?"

(Cloudpaw is missing a very neat notch out of the tip of one of his ears.)

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"It's not typical but you'd use all the same words for the romantic Twolegs and the outside source of kid contribution would be called a 'donor'. Or maybe a 'coparent' if they were all raising the kids together. Twoleg children are not called kits, we chose to borrow the name for baby goats instead."

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". . . If it's for Twolegs and goats then why did you say it for 'pairs of other species'."

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"'Mates' is for pairs of non-Twoleg species. 'Kids' is for young Twolegs and also young goats."

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"Yeah, and you called the young other-specieses 'kids'.  And I didn't correct you."

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"Yeah, Twolegs sometimes generalize vocabulary like that, sorry, 'kids' has become synonymous with 'children' in many contexts and 'children' - or alternately 'babies' - is more generic but since you can talk I said 'kids' without thinking very hard."

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"S'okay; as long as we understand each other I don't see anything wrong with you saying the Twoleg thing and me saying the cat thing.  But I'm not going to say the Twoleg thing unless it's different or more useful somehow.  Like with marriage.  What's the ceremony like; I assume you don't invoke StarClan?"

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"We do not! But the details vary enormously - there are a whole fuck of a lot of Twolegs and have been for a really long time, so stuff changes and diverges. I don't know much about what it's like in this area, it's one of the things where I'm specifically pretty sure it's not exactly what it was on mine at this approximate historical time-equivalent but have no idea what replaced it. And I'm not personally married. But I think in the typical case there are vows exchanged about the structure of the partnership they're trying to commit to? And a party."

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"That sounds nice.  Maybe I'll copy it and marry °・:*✧Brightpaw✧*:・° someday."

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"Awww! I hope Brightpaw likes the idea too."

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"I think she might!"  And if uninterrupted Cloudpaw will totally just infodump about how smart and pretty and good-smelling and sweet and perfect his girlfriend is and how much he loves her for like the next ten minutes.

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This is very adorable. Cam hopes to attend the forthcoming cat wedding.

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"And she doesn't even mind that I went to the vet at the shelter!  Or, she did at first, but she decided it doesn't matter, and someday she's going to get a, what did you say, a donor, but that should definitely wait until after we're both actually warriors and probably then some but it's really exciting anyway."

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"- uh, if you want to get un-neutered I can actually do that."

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". . . Oh.  Uh, I'll think about it?"

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"Sure. Also, less invasively, if Brightpaw wants kits that are related to you instead of donor kits I can do that too."

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"I'll ask her!"  This kicks off another several minutes of elaboration on Brightpaw Is The Greatest and then they're at Princess's fence.  Cloudpaw scales it and sits on the corner post.

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Cam checks to see if he has any messages from chez Princess but will continue to his nest from there if he doesn't.

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It seems they did eventually reply to Cam's previous message:

We're glad we can talk to each other now too.  More "long lost" family member than "entirely new," maybe.

And then, forty minutes later:

It's the weekend and we're spending the day at home together; you can drop by to pick up the money anytime it's convenient for you.

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In that case he will bid Cloudpaw goodbye and go around to the front door and knock.

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"Hi!  Do you want to come in or just be handed a bag of money?"

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"Whichever is more convenient for you!"

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"Step inside, then."

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Princess slips out the door and heads for the backyard with a quick "Hello again Cam."

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"Hey Princess! Have you met Cloudpaw?" Cam meows.

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"He's my son who I thought was dead and Fireheart said he wasn't but I still need to go see him right now don't tell my housefolk about the Clans unless they said you could!"  And she's around the corner of the house.

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...gosh. "Bye!" In goes Cam.

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Jordan quirks an eyebrow but doesn't ask what that was about before fetching and passing to Cam a compartmented sack with four golden pieces (which, should Cam check, seem to actually be brass on the outside), sixteen silver pieces (silver in color, nickel-copper in composition), and sixty-four copper pieces (legitimately copper).

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"Do you not have paper money here?"

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"Not in the Empire."

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"Is there an Emperor, for the Empire, or is it just called that?"

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"Used to be, but since the first female one they renamed the position 'Caesar'."

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"Huh! Fancy that. Who is the current Caesar?"

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"A Tetrinary seasonchange, acting outside his capacity as an Arbiter.  Not that you'd catch me saying there aren't good reasons for that.  - How much reading have you done; is there anything there I should elaborate on."

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"I've done a fair amount but it was less about politics and more about your wild birthday thing and also cats."

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"Cool.  The obvious reason Caesar shouldn't be an Arbiter is that it would risk privileging them as a group in Rome or privileging Rome on the international stage, and then what's the point of anything.  Even if it, ah, superficially would seem like that ruins the effect of having a Tetrinary seasonchange as Caesar in the first place."

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"What is an Arbiter? Or for that matter a Tetrinary seasonchange."

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"A seasonchange is another word for the 01s of even months, like solquinox is for the odd ones.  The Arbiters are a group made up of only people with that birthday who're really dedicated to providing impartial judgments on things.  Not in their personal lives or anything; you have to explicitly hire them for it."

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"Huh. And they're - understood to be especially good at it?"

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"As a group, yeah; they're supposed to be able to make the call when they can't personally handle something fairly and escalate it to someone else."

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"Interesting. Do a lot of birthdays have characteristic jobs like that?"

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"Less organized or less - public-facing, usually."

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Cam nods. "I tried talking to a star," he mentions. "It was interesting."

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"Oh?  Or I mean, yeah, it usually is, but I don't know what specifically would be for someone who doesn't know anything about it going in."

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"It was interesting that it worked at all but the individual star I wound up talking to was not standout. I did have to buy the drugs, making it didn't work."

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"Huh!  What'd you use to pick who to talk to?"

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"Well, I at first naively tried to find whoever had most recently died but of course that did not work. Then I just went for a random lone star."

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"You can actually do that; you just have to stop and then aim for one that already went past.  As long as you don't mind one from three seconds ago instead of zero, which, probably you don't since conversations don't happen instantaneously anyways.  Considered a bit rude though, dying is usually pretty overwhelming and people generally want a bit to collect themselves."

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"I know the feeling."

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"So I heard!  Pretty weird to think of dead people just walking around basically like normal except for being able to - "

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"Huh.  Well.  There's an idea which I definitely can't tell you."

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"...well now I'm all curious though. Does your tragic curse work through having ideas then executed solely by others?"

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"Awful. Do you at least get to write a novel about it and publish it posthumously, is that safe?"

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"I thought you were past the age where just telling people things counts," Jackie projects from the living room.

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"Guess you're contagious, kiddo!"  To Cam: "Yeah, we're safe when we're dead.  - Possibly this is worth kil - hm.  Hm."

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"You poor soul, I cannot express how awful I would find your curse, can I get you a basket of fancy chocolate or something as a poor recompense?"

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"We were going to request a motorcycle, actually."

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"Motorcycles are great fun but I can't recommend them without caveat to people who aren't indestructible. Like, you can still have one, just, you're planning to get actual lessons and wear your helmet, right?"

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"We'd collectively already decided on it as an ask for the cash before this and I'm not generally very depressed?  I mean separately from that I'll take the chocolate if you want."

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"Sure. Do you have a model in mind?" Cam inquires, handing over the chocolate basket.

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"Yours didn't look terribly out of place and I imagine is cool and futurey?"

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Ian enters the room and slings an arm around Jordan.  "Hey, sorry to interrupt, but: solquinoxes out of the house; take a walk, eat your chocolate, Jackie gets half - minus this - "  He plucks out a bonbon.  "Go around a block or two and see if fresh air fixes anything."

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"You can't just make us take a walk every time something distressing happens, you know."

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"Can so, long as it keeps helping."  He squeezes Jordan's shoulders.  "Now git.  Don't kill yourselves out there."

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"Obviously I'm not going to do that because it would fucking count, now wouldn't it."

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"'Kay, good, fantastic, love you, see you in eight."  Jordan receives a peck on the cheek before getting pushed towards the entryway.  Jackie waves to Cam on her way past.


Once the door's shut: "So, completely random question, what happens if you try and make a person?"

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"Uh, it's technically alive but it's not a person, I can't make anything smarter than a snail. So it's fine for medical school practice but - OH do you think you could download a star into one?"

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"I at least think Jordan thinks that!"

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"Is this a curse risk given that you guessed without him saying anything?"

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"Nope!  Would've been if he'd tried to hint at it or something but he's smarter than that."

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"This is a very strange and annoying but apparently readily subverted curse! Will there be a problem if I tell him what you guessed?"

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"He might tap out on interacting with you ever again to avoid risking anything else, depending on how it goes?  It's not inherently going to lock us all into an unavoidable horrible future."

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"Gotcha. Before I go get my jar of omnilol to find a volunteer, do you know what color of motorcycle you guys would like? Likewise helmets?"

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"Oh!  - Can you do Colographic?  If you copy their sales book from the shelf at my studio I can point at swatches."  Once Cam has done this Ian picks out something covering the full sunset range for the bike and one each of orange-red, red-purple, purple-indigo, and indigo-midnight for the helmets; two adult-sized and two teenager.

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Shiny bike! Shiny helmets!

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"Ooooh, thanks!  If you end up needing more money than that we'd be happy to buy more stuff from you."  There's a meowful "Iiiiiiian" outside the garage's person-door; he opens it.

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Princess stands in the doorway rather than coming all the way in.  "Hi!  Sorry I left so quick, how are you?"

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"I'm fine, did you and Cloudpaw get to catch up?"

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"A bit!  Also I understand almost all of English now and I think I should get some more fish for that; I worked very hard on it.  I still can't really speak it, though.  Also Cloudpaw is still out back and he should get some too."

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"Sure. It's not a problem if your Twolegs see him?"

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"Hmmmmmm, I don't know.  They're very good and I don't see what could go wrong but I don't really understand why the Clan cats don't want them to know things.  I think they've seen him around here before but not since they could ask me questions about him; maybe that's different."

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"I'll give you two pieces and you can bring him one." Fish!

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oh NO now she has to give up half of the treat which is going to have already been in her mouth.  even if it's twice as much treat this is probably the worst thing that has ever happened.

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Conveniently Princess is saved from this horrible fate by Cloudpaw walking right up to the door.  "Hey."

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"Oh, hello, I thought you were trying to avoid being conspicuous to Twolegs?" He gives Cloudpaw a separate piece of fish.

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Cloudpaw looks extremely conflicted about the fish.  ". . . Can't you just tell them I'm someone else's kittypet or something?  If they even ask."

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(Ian is politely ignoring the fact that a foreign language conversation is happening in the same space as him by inspecting the motorcycle really thoroughly.)

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"I can say something like that, I guess."

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"Alright."  He continues to watch the fish for several seconds.


"So, okay, question: what do you think about Clan cats eating Twoleg food."

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"Uh, the rule against it doesn't make sense to me particularly but I can see why it's the sort of rule you'd have for cultural reasons?"

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"I mean, so - hm.  There's also a rule that 'the Clan eats first'; warriors and apprentices can't eat on hunting patrol; they have to bring back fresh-kill for the kits and elders first.  And for a long time I thought this was really stupid, because why wouldn't you want your hunters to have their strength up?  But eventually I realized that it is actually pretty important, because if there's less prey than normal then the non-hunters would starve and die, instead of the whole Clan going just a little hungry."

And then I got some Twolegs to feed me regularly, and I didn't think it was that big of a deal because I was still hunting a lot and it's not like I was using up the prey by eating first.  But hanging around that far into Twolegplace is what got me stolen, which is a pretty good reason not to do it I guess - but you're not going to steal me . . . . but I don't know if there are more reasons which I just haven't thought of yet."

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"That's the reason I'd expect for the rule, getting stolen and just generally getting, hm, less totally committed to Clan life instead of a mixed strategy like barn cats have. You can give the fish to your mom if you want to be on the safe side."

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"I . . . actually I think I'll see if anyone back at camp wants it.  Thanks."

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"You're welcome." And out he goes to see if he can catch up to the solquinoxes.

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They're coming back towards the house presently.

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"Hey guys! I'm gonna go back to my RV and see if I can download a star into an unoccupied body!"

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" - Oh!"

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" . . . Ohhhhhh.  Okay."

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"Ian's very clever, isn't he. Do you guys want to come or nah?"

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"He really is.  Sure, I'll tag along, assuming there aren't any more-traditional sacrifices involved.  I assume Jackie's gonna sit this one out."

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"Yeah naw, I'll pass."

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"See you later, then, Jackie." And off he goes RVward.

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Jordan offers to drive them both there.  "So, do you expect to need help with anything in particular, or want company while defying the natural order in bold new ways, or did you just think I'd want to be present for same."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I was actually hoping you could escort the ex-star to civilization if this works!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Can do!  That's a much easier job than being the first test subject.  Not that that would have worked anyways; 's a pretty clear case of trying to cheat and who even knows how things would work with resurrected mes.  . . . If dying and coming back is enough to - stars fucking curse it, if you were able to guess the end of that sentence you should definitely not do that now."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I do not know how you were going to end the sentence except that it's probably horrible curse related."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh good!  It is that.  If it turns out to be sensible I'm sure you'll come up with it on your own.  It might not be even aside from the fact that I was the one who thought of it, though."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Understood. Do you want to request any specific stars who are still single?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't know anyone who's died that recently."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll try the one I talked to before, then. Is there a good way to make a general announcement to lots of stars, if it works?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Just let the One know, probably?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's, uh, crossed my mind that there's some chance the non-individual stars might object to the idea."

Permalink Mark Unread

" - Ahuh.  I mean, if you spread the word with any scale at all someone is going to tell it; that's not . . . avoidable . . ."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes, but it does mean I shouldn't rely on it to put out the news."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Fair.  There's not a way to - mass broadcast to the stars or anything, if you've only got one person's worth of attention span; you'd have to recruit people to help or rely on word of mouth or go awfully slowly.  - Well.  You can aim for heaps of stars at once, just, most of them will probably ignore you and they'll also all be able to talk at once and it's generally considered unwise to pile up too many in a single conversation."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. I'll rely on word of metaphorical mouth, then, I guess."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sure.  Once we see if it actually works."  Jordan pulls into the campground and parks next to Cam's RV.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam lets him in to the RV - it's very cozy and space-efficient and doesn't have any plumbing - and scoops up Cricket and finds his omnilol.

Permalink Mark Unread

And in short order he is once again among stars.

Permalink Mark Unread

Absent a request he will try the star he talked to earlier!

Permalink Mark Unread

baby dose is that you
or, I guess that isn't really distinguishing is it
not-cult not-kid, is that you?

Permalink Mark Unread

My name's Cam! Do you want to try a wacky experiment aimed at bringing you back to life?

Permalink Mark Unread

do I know you

Permalink Mark Unread

Sorry, yes, I'm the not-cult-not-kid, but also I have a name and it's Cam.

Permalink Mark Unread

hello again
do you wanna like, reference anything from our last conversation so I know you're at least dedicated enough to visit the recently dead twice before pranking them
kind of cruel to target this demographic in particular I gotta say
but I'm a good sport, I'll play along

Permalink Mark Unread

You told me I was on a baby dose. And also used an idiom about pink lemonade.

Permalink Mark Unread

sure okay hit me with the wack
'wack me' would've been better wouldn't it have

Permalink Mark Unread

I think they're roughly equivalent. Anyway, the actual reason I had never taken omnilol before is because I'm from another universe, which doesn't have omnilol but does have other magic.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

And the kind I can do is making arbitrary material objects, including living human bodies with nobody home.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

So if you want to tell me what age you liked being best, and any cosmetic or medical adjustments you'd want to throw in, and an outfit you would prefer to be wearing, I can make one of those, and you can try to move in.

Permalink Mark Unread

bigger tits

I know I said I'd play along
and this can't be a prank show because how would you film it so there's not even any footage I could wreck
if it's a transcript you can just censor stuff can't you
I do want like a copy of whatever this is when it's done; send me up somebody not on a baby dose who's seen it, kay?
but uhhh
shave off like three years and give me longer hair with maybe a cool dye job and put me in something trendy from Roman Eagle
and uncarwreck me, that's pretty important

can you just do 'prettier'
if not I'll take perfect teeth and yeah no still a cup size
just like one though
or I mean still both of those even if you can do prettier

Permalink Mark Unread

If you tell me where I might be able to find - in an informational sense, I don't have to physically go get it - a photo of you, I can work off that using my own aesthetics but I don't know if they'll match yours.

Permalink Mark Unread

uh there's some magneted to Dexter Adroit's fridge
unless he took them down since I died
I'm the cool blonde one

Permalink Mark Unread

Okay, I can start working on that once I'm not on drugs, I don't want to try making things while I'm high in case I accidentally intersect something I shouldn't. Do you want to just start trying in like twenty minutes, or should I come back and let you know when I'm done?

Permalink Mark Unread

what exactly am I supposed to try???

Permalink Mark Unread

...descending? I don't know, this is an experiment!

I can try to find you physically in a flying vehicle if that doesn't work though

Permalink Mark Unread

okay sure
I'll try that in twenty and when that doesn't work you come on up after like another eight how about

Permalink Mark Unread

Sure thing. Dyejob, Roman Eagle, plus a cup size, perfect teeth, minus three years, you're the cool blonde one.

Permalink Mark Unread

longer hair's more important than the dyejob, just gimme a hot pink streak or something
and Dexter Adroit, don't forget him
you can remember it because it's the most Boft name ever
but only given that he's one of the left-handed ones

oh and where are you coming up from

Permalink Mark Unread

Chelford, Britannia.

Permalink Mark Unread

what the edge would someone from another universe be doing in Chelford
whatever, never mind
I can be over it in a bit

how long are you planning to stay up while I try getting into the body or whatever
and are you gonna do another dose afterwards if it doesn't work
like when can I be done

Permalink Mark Unread

I'll do another dose afterwards if it doesn't work in case there's something we can change about the process. I don't need to sleep, I can stay up indefinitely if you think you're making progress or the body's reacting interestingly or anything.

Permalink Mark Unread

sure, fine

Permalink Mark Unread

See you soon, hopefully!

And down he goes.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Went okay so far?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yup, she's up for trying it and told me where to get a photo of her so I can design an upgrade for her." Photos on Dexter Adroit's (what a name) fridge?

Permalink Mark Unread

There are several photos of several people, one of whom is cool and blonde!

Permalink Mark Unread

Cool. In that case Cam will inspect her for obvious deblemishings, and then consult the latest Roman Eagle catalogue for something trendy to put her in copied off a model of similar coloration.

Permalink Mark Unread

The cool blonde person is relatively attractive already but not like, dazzling; Roman Eagle bears an uncanny resemblance to its American counterpart in 2004.

Permalink Mark Unread

Then she will be put in a suitably 2004ish pair of jeans and pullover, and once he's picked them out, he appears her.

Permalink Mark Unread

The resulting basement dweller fails to move within 20 minutes.

Permalink Mark Unread

Does a little brain activity monitor on its head read anything?

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm going to try flying this up to her physically," Cam tells Cricket and also Jordan. "I have no idea if it will work so you destructible folks shouldn't join me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Makes sense; good luck."

Permalink Mark Unread


Cam makes a little shuttle suitable for air or vacuum, either one, and goes up in the direction the omnilol was pulling him.

Permalink Mark Unread

There's air all the way up to a black dome with glowing five-pointed stars embedded in it.  The sun gets awfully bright as he passes it, but is substantially dimmer from above; the ambient light is evening-like even though it's not yet noon on the surface of the planet.

In case there was any doubt, said planet sure does seem to be an infinite or at least very very very tall cylinder, with a parody of Earth's continents arranged on its top and with Antarctica keeping all the oceans in.  The universe's shell, extending straight down from the dome, leaves an Earth-diameter's worth of empty air around each side of the cylinder, and stars ornament it densely before coming to a gradiented stop a few thousand miles down.  The moon, below, casts a glow up one side; Polaris, floating higher than the sun over the North Pole, likewise casts a shadow over a portion of the sky.

Permalink Mark Unread

Polaris is very weird! What even is it, what does it look like.

Permalink Mark Unread

It looks a lot like Cam's Earth's moon, in that it's a white-gray sphere which does not emit light, unlike this moon which definitely does.

Permalink Mark Unread


Can he find his star. He really should have asked her name.

Permalink Mark Unread

The stars pretty much all look alike, physically; there's some variation in size but nothing that would help connect them to specific people, and it turns out that altitude is not a replacement for more metaphorically getting high in terms of facilitating communication.

However there is something on the brain activity monitor, a few minutes in.  And a stutter in the body's breathing a bit after that.

Permalink Mark Unread

"- hey? You there?"

Permalink Mark Unread




Permalink Mark Unread

"Uh. Mmf once for yes and twice for no, are you all in there?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I - "  She rolls over on her side and curls up and shivers, despite the pullover and despite the fact that it really isn't all that much colder even this high up.


"This sucks."

Permalink Mark Unread

"- I'm sorry, did I mess something up -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Howw'd I know?  S'cold.  Feels like - not anything like pins and needles, 'cept it is, 'zagdly.  Eg - ehkd.  Ex-act-ly.  Exactly like them, except for how it feels . . ."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...okay, maybe it's only that you got slightly used to being a star and it'll pass?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Mn.  Gimmea warm."

Permalink Mark Unread

Electric blanket, already toasty.

Permalink Mark Unread

She sigh-hums contentedly and lies mostly still with her eyes closed for a few minutes, murmuring 'shut up's and 'I'm fine's and 'just needa minute's at every slightest noise, including her own sniffles and teeth-chatters.

The brain activity monitor is kind of freaking out, but it's at least doing so very consistently and isn't reverting to the state of less-freaking-out it was at before there was anyone in the body.  Her shaking gradually starts to subside.


She looks - surprised, rather than radiating misery, when she opens her eyes again.  Her speech is much less slurred, too.  "Uh, first of all thanks a bunch.  Second of all you really need to work on your pitch.  And - okay wow stots I really wasn't expecting you to be so - are you single?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Uh... yes, but I'm not really in the market at the moment since apparently I have just discovered resurrection and expect that to be taking up most of my time. You ready to land? Where do you want to be put?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Cool no yeah that makes sense - I lived in Londinium?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can put us near there! Maybe you can introduce me to the Railway Cat."

Permalink Mark Unread

" - Oh fuck, the cats, I forgot - why did you ask if there were any cat stars before?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Some cats are people. I can speak their language for magic reasons. It seems to mostly be an isolated population in Chelford and environs but there's some reason to think the railway cat might also be a person."

Permalink Mark Unread

"There's two - it was a winter solquinox but she didn't know it worked, either time - "

Permalink Mark Unread

"- I beg your pardon?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Someone tried to make cats people, and it worked, twice, and so there's one group in Londinium and I guess one in Chelford."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...oh. Do you know who that is?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, she's dead.  - And all merged up, so not - as fixable.  As I was."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ah. Gotcha." Where is a good place to land outside Londinium.

Permalink Mark Unread

Here's one.

"The One will probably be able to talk to dead cat people within a year or so, it thinks, and maybe way way sooner."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh! Did you tell it about the cats, or did it already know?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"You asked me to?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, but did it already know at the time?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, no; it started investigating and figuring it out after I asked.  Or I mean some of it was already trying to work out what all the empty stars were, but way less cause it didn't have any good leads."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Empty stars! I did not know about those."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah you did, I'm just not great at talking right now.  Or really ever.  But I mean the - where they - there's that couple hundred that didn't look like they had any souls attached?  I guess they're not empty, they're cats."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Aha. Cool." He touches down. "Is there any sort of ground vehicle you would like to continue to own so I don't have to deal with it, that will get you into Londinium from here?"

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . No."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay, let's go with a bicycle and you can leave it somewhere to be stolen once you've made it to a tube station. - does Londinium have the tube."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't think I can walk right now, let alone ride a bike?  Like, the fact that I feel like garbage has been getting better but it's not okay yet.  If it ever will be."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...okay. I will just make a car and you can give me directions and I will see if a random passerby wants a car." He disembarks from the shuttle and offers her a hand down.

Permalink Mark Unread


"Listen, it's not that I'm ungrateful or anything, but your pitch was real bad and I didn't actually at any point think about whether I actually wanted to be alive again, let alone in a body that feels like spikes and like I'm not really in it at the same time, with way more emotions than stars have to deal with, and if I decide I don't want to then I'm not sure I wanna put anybody in my family through seeing me again first, all right?  . . . Plus I died in a car crash you asshole."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...okay, sorry. I guess you can hang out here for a while? Do you want me to stay?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do whatever you want."  She starts to shrug off the blanket but immediately pulls it back up.  ". . . Sorry.  I'm not normally such a bitch.  And I'm literally the first one, right, other people probably won't have it this bad?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can make sure the others have electric blankets to start out? I'm not sure what else to do to improve the experience."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I mean - in a natural order way?  Like how the first bits of vacuum all exploded or whatever?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm afraid I don't know what you mean."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I feel like resurrecting somestar is definitely pretty unnatural.  But eventually the universe'll probably get used to it and stop making such a fuss?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh. My universe doesn't work that way so I don't know what to expect in terms of the universe objecting."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh.  Well the first buncha times people tried to make vacuum the containers all crumpled or shattered or whatever even though they were as strong or stronger than stuff that can hold it now."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How delightfully fucked up."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's . . . better than it not working forever, probably?  At least for this; I checked and vacuum was pretty itchy.  - Though I guess float boxes are still pretty cool; I went to a party somewhere that had one once."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...itchy? Float boxes?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Uh, stuff has to go through other stuff, so stars can't act in vacuum and it feels weird and kind of bad to like try and poke at it?  And float boxes are where they make a special room and load a bunch of people inside and seal it all up, and then there's like another, slightly bigger room on the outside that they take all the air out of, and then almost no gravity can get in and you float around and there are glowsticks and stuff."

Permalink Mark Unread


"That's not how it works in my universe at all."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, in my universe the physics is different even though if you're just walking down the street or something the differences aren't obvious at all, and I had not yet become aware of the difference in that particular area."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh.  Well if you need a break from yoinking people out of the sky sometime you should rent one; being able to float around's pretty cool."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We can float around! Just not like that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Then how?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"In my universe gravity is a force that attracts all matter to all other matter and it drops off with the size of the matter in question and distance from it, so if you just get far enough away from all the big matter you float."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How big is your universe??"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Bigger than this one? In terms of - interesting contents and the space between them, it's possible that your cylinder does go down forever."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, pretty sure it does.  Does yours not?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"We don't have a cylinder, the continents and stuff are laid out on a sphere."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Shut up, really?  How far out is your shell?  - Or - does it sit on the bottom so it's like touching there and really far away on top, instead of being centered?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"There is no shell, and remember how gravity is toward all the matter? So a sphere pulls toward itself, and near it, down is toward the center."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I have no idea how to imagine what you're talking about, not gonna lie.  Probably not very important, though.  If - ugh, this really sucks.  I get that you're trying to do a good thing here and I even think you're going to manage it, probably, eventually, but - what am I gonna do?  My family'll be glad I'm back but everyone at my job already knows I died; I probably can't use my bank account - I don't have my keys and what about my landlord - were you seriously going to drop me off in the middle of the city expecting me to pick up my life again just like that - "

Permalink Mark Unread

"I was expecting your family would help you but perhaps they're not equipped to do so. I can make a copy of your keys though that won't solve the landlord issue."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If you wheelchair me to a payphone I guess I can call up Uncle Dex and probably he'll be able to do some dumb good person thing which'll instantly make everything better even though I don't have a legal identity.  If I wanna stick around, which - it's not really very sexy for the first ever resurrected person to off herself again and wait to come back until there are a couple hundred others and everybody already knows about stuff and hopefully existing doesn't feel like shit, is it.  And - what if I merge in the meantime, I don't really want to do that now - but I hate weird intermediate stages ughhhhh."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Thank you.  And sorry.  I get that you're - trying . . . maybe I could go to Verona instead, though I guess that's kind of a bad look for you if people found out later even though I'd probably do okay - can you make money; I could hole up at my uncle's and just not really interact with society until later . . ."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Counterfeit is a bad habit but I could make you stuff to pawn?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah okay."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I do also, like, have some money, but I'm not used to this currency and don't know how far it would get you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"No yeah I'm okay with pawning.  It's fine - like, actually fine, doesn't make me want to take enough omnilol that I don't come back down at all."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Does that happen?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not on accident?  - Maybe little kids could, I guess."

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam fills a bag with plausible heirlooms.

Permalink Mark Unread

The ex-star sits up and scoots her way across the floor to the shuttle door, still enblanketed.

Permalink Mark Unread

"You ready to, uh, wheelchair out of here?"

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Wheelchair is produced and he rolls her out.

Permalink Mark Unread

No payphone is immediately in evidence but if they head towards civilization one becomes apparent in pretty short order.

"Kay, if you wanna head off - which it kind of seems like you do - I'll probably be okay from here."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I do want to have a way to get in touch, can I give you a phone-like thing?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll take it."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Thanks." She tries to dial her uncle on it and looks back up at Cam when that doesn't work.  "You got a couple black pieces for the - oh, somebody left some."  It takes her two tries to input the number correctly.

"Hey.  Uh don't hang up but it's Ashley.  Yeah.  I - let's go with 'I had to fake my own death'; I'll explain later I'm really sorry.  It's not - no - I'm fine but can you come get me?  Not that fine, right now please - I'm at - "  She names the intersection.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam will wait with her for the uncle in question.

Permalink Mark Unread

She doesn't try to make conversation.  Fiddles with the controls on the blanket but doesn't take it off.

Permalink Mark Unread


" - Ashley!  And who's this?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"My name is Cam."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Nice to meet you.  Ash, are you - fragile - "

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not enough to be like 'no hugs'.  Gentle though."

Permalink Mark Unread

Hug!!  Gently.  "Explanation now or later?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Uh, I.  Did super really actually die but I'm back now.  Also I have stuff to sell so I don't need a job or anything for a bit."  She hoists the bag of plausible heirlooms.

Permalink Mark Unread


"Right . . ."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Don't you dare give me like, 'Oh, you know you can tell me anything, I'll never make anything worse if you do', I'm so serious right now.  For real."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I wouldn't have!  Because you do know that.  But it doesn't have to be right now; let's go home, have some tea - will your friend be joining us - "

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can if that's desirable for more - explanation or anything?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I mean if nothing else we can go dig up my corpse, right; that's probably convincing.  If you wanna go do whatever."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I am accumulating a to-do list. I'm sorry I mishandled things, I will try to learn from the experience, please contact me if you need anything."

Permalink Mark Unread

"'Kay.  Good luck I guess."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thank you. Please keep me posted on your recovery."

And then Cam can drop the Chelford gang a note and go looking for the Railway Cat.

Permalink Mark Unread

There is not any railway immediately in evidence; it's a decent-sized city.  However there are a sprinkling of people wearing the same long coats with . . . sculpted metallic ab-shaped armor under them?  Every couple of blocks.  Some of them have kind of Darth Vadery helmets with mesh visors.  In general the fashion trends slightly more punk here than was implied by what Cam saw in Chelford or the existence of Roman Eagle.

. . . This abs armor person appears to be engaged in conversation with a calico.

Permalink Mark Unread

Gosh, interesting. Cam will go within eavesdropping distance of the weird dystopian movie costumery and the cat.

Permalink Mark Unread

The human, once close enough to be overheard, does not really seem to expect himself to be intelligible; it's a lot of 'Oh really's and 'You don't say!'s.  The cat likewise is not earnestly trying to communicate: "Yep, yes, gotcha, for sure - nnnnooooo keep looking this way, over here - yes right good."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Good morning," Cam meows, "I actually speak cat, what are you playing at here?"

Permalink Mark Unread

The cat double-takes.  " - What."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I said I actually speak cat, what are you playing at."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't know what you mean!  I'm just here having a friendly chat."

Permalink Mark Unread

(In the distance behind the police officer, a nearly identical cat trots slinkily into an alleyway with a comparatively enormous fish.)

Permalink Mark Unread

"I mean, if you're just meowing at him because it's amusing, far be it from me to stop you, but it did seem weird. - is that other cat also a talking cat, the one with the fish?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't know her."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I see." How is the person in the weirdass uniform reacting to another party joining the meowing conversation.

Permalink Mark Unread

Pretending he was never part of it in the first place!  He's flipped his visor down and is standing up quite straight with his back to the nearest wall.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you and this fellow know each other?" Cam asks the cat.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not intimately."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. Anyway, I suppose I've confirmed that there are talking cats in London."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Where?"  The cat rubs a bit against Cam's legs.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sorry, Londinium, I'm from an alternate universe where the same city has changed names."

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . Oh?"

Permalink Mark Unread

(The same cat, or a third extremely similar cat, disappears into the same alley with another massive fish.)

Permalink Mark Unread

"...would you and any friends you care to invite like all-you-can-eat fish for the duration of a conversation off somewhere?"

Permalink Mark Unread



Permalink Mark Unread

"Can you direct me to a good place for that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"After you get the fish and I get my friends, sure."

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam offers the cat a sardine. It's subtle from human height but the cat can tell it wasn't there a second ago.

Permalink Mark Unread

- And it tastes like a real sardine and everything?

Permalink Mark Unread

Tastes like it was a live sardine just a moment ago.

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . Wait here."  The cat runs off into the fish alley and returns a minute later, heading in the other direction with a passing rub against Cam's legs and an "Okay this way."  Cam is led along a slightly circuitous route - it almost seems like the cat might be trying to make him lose his way but if so it's not enough to be effective even in an unfamiliar city - to a building with several shattered windows.  "There's a tailless door up ahead a little," they say, leaping up on a windowsill and ducking through a missing corner in the accompanying pane.  There is indeed a human-sized door a bit farther along.

Permalink Mark Unread

A dialect difference! Cam makes a note of this for future cat linguistics. Is the door locked?

Permalink Mark Unread

Sure is.

Permalink Mark Unread

Now it's not. In he goes.

Permalink Mark Unread

Inside it's a dusty, mostly empty building, unlit except for what sunlight can make it through the grimy windows.  There are a few clustered crates; one of them, tipped on its side, has a nest made of a sweatshirt and a small blanket in it.  The calico is sitting primly atop it.  Something glints up in the rafters - a few things, actually, but it's not possible to make out what they are at this distance.

Permalink Mark Unread

He wants to say "nice place you've got here" but it seems mean. Instead he says, "I'm Cam, it's nice to make your acquaintance" and sits on a non-nested crate.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Mungojerrie.  Explain the thing you said before?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm from another world! Many things about my world are very different - for example, here some cats can talk and at home no cats can talk as far as I know." He shrugs his coat off and displays his wings and wags his tail. "Also I'm not, strictly speaking, tailless."

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"Oh.  What are you then?  I don't like to say 'Twolegs' because I met a cat once with three legs and missing one more wouldn't have made him one of you.  It hasn't really caught on though.  - And I also met a cat missing most of her tail but she still had a stump and I don't think the other . . . . very big mostly furless usually tailless twolegged pelt-changers . . . do.

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"You could say 'biped' which is like 'twoleg' but means the species is typically two-legged. Or you could say 'human', but I'm not a human, I'm a demon, we're just very humanlike."

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"Maybe you could all be 'humanlikes', then."  Mungojerrie peers at the closer of Cam's wings.  ". . . Are you going to swat me with that if I sniff it?"

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"No, go ahead. 'Humanoids' is a word we use sometimes."

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"Okay."  Sniff sniff sniff sniff.  They flinch into a defensive stance at Cam's slightest movement, as if not quite convinced about the swatting.

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The (or a) similar-looking cat hops up outside the same shattered window and pokes their head in.

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"Hello there!" Oh right, he promised them fish. Dish of sardines.

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Mungojerrie steps onto Cam's lap instead of going for the platter right away.  They're much lighter than one would expect of a cat who regularly heisted fish as big as the ones from earlier.  "That's Rumpleteazer, my sister."  They lean a little against Cam's torso.  " - She isn't the same cat as the one I said I didn't know."

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Said sister drops onto the floor and circles around to the front of the crate cluster, giving Cam a wide berth until she notices the sardines.  ". . . Hello there," she echoes.  To Mungojerrie: "I might have talked to Presto.  No one else around."

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They nod.

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Cam was not expecting a lapcat but he holds out his hand to be sniffed. "Presto?"

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Sniff sniff.  . . . Headbutt.  "There's a cat named Mr. Mistoffellees and she figured out how to get this one bird to do things, sort of.  And she calls it Presto."

(Rumpleteazer warily starts in on the fish.)

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"Mr. Mistoffellees is a she?"

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"Yes?  Why is that surprising."

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"'Mister' is a title for men, among humans, at least where I'm from."

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"What's a men?  - Oh I see.  I think her humanoid was the one who started calling her that, so maybe they don't know she isn't one."

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"Oh, if she's got a human that's probably how it happened, yeah. Do you in fact not know the one you said you don't know?"

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"I learned it."

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"Huh, I didn't realize that happened with facts other than vocabulary."

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"It was a vocabulary: 'men'?"

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"- I meant, do you in fact not know the cat you said you don't know."

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Mungojerrie is no longer in Cam's lap.

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"- sore subject?"

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"I . . . don't know what kind of humanoid you are."

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"I don't want to hurt anybody. I'm just trying to figure out more about this universe."

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" - It was just her, then.  If you hit me I'll scratch you good."

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"Why would I hit you?"

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"I don't know if you're the kind of humanoid who hits cats when it's annoyed!"

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"I'm not."

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"But if you were we would certainly scratch you good," Rumpleteazer chimes in.

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"What kind are you instead?  I don't understand what you want."

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"I want to end material scarcity."

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". . . With the fact that you can summon fish?  You should summon us more fish then.  It would advance your goals I think."

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"...I mean, you can have as much fish as you can eat today, like I said, but you haven't even finished this bunch yet and if you leave it lying around it'll rot. Mostly I'm just trying to learn more about the world so I don't make big mistakes when I'm trying to end material scarcity for everybody."

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"We know a lot of cats and could find hungry ones before the fish rots even if I couldn't find any before I came here.  And fish that's a little rotten is still better than none."

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"Is it just fish and dishes or could you do - kibble and things - "

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"I can do those too." Big ol' kibble dispenser.

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Mungojerrie starts kneading at the crate they're standing on, their claws scratching up the wood.  "So you're not the kind of humanoid who only gives us food if we have shinies, but are you the kind that wants some anyways?"

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"- no, I can make those too. Is that something you do a lot?"

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"Is what?"

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"Exchange shiny objects for food."

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"When we have them."

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"They're pretty hard to get.  Sometimes Presto helps."

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"The humans who have the shiny objects to begin with probably don't appreciate that."

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"I don't appreciate starving."

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"No, no, I wouldn't expect you to, all the arguments against stealing stuff kind of fall apart when nobody knows you're a talking cat anyway, but if I made you a bunch of shinies those wouldn't rot, and once the kibble ran out you could bring them to your usual fences, in case I haven't solved material scarcity and told everyone some cats can talk by then?"

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"Okay!!  - If I start eating and it makes me throw up are you going to kick me or throw me or anything."

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"I'm not going to kick you or throw you! If you throw up or hack up a hairball or something I would rather you aim away from me, but I'm not going to get violent."

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"Sure.  I didn't very much think you were going to, but I also didn't think that any of the times humanoids kicked or threw me before.  And you're askable."  They set in on the fish with none of the restraint expressed previously.

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Cam, meanwhile, comes up with small cat-transportable objects of the sort someone who normally feeds cats for stealing them stuff might accept, and makes them in a heap off in the corner.

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A black cat with one white paw, an intensely spiked collar, a little tailored kitty jacket, and a raven perched on her haunches is presently sniffing the heap.  It's not clear where precisely she came in from.

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"- you're all dressed up! Can I take a picture of you and your bird?"

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" - I guess."  She poses.

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Picture! "Thank you. Nice to meet you, I'm Cam."

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"I'm Mr. Mistoffellees.  How did you learn catspeak?  I've been trying to teach my housefolk since forever and she still only knows a smidgen."

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"I'm impressed she could learn any! I have a magic language learning ability that turned out to work on catspeak. Would you like to bring your housefolk a device you can use to write to her, if you have learned* to be literate?"

*apprehended sourcelessly

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"I haven't but give me one anyway; I'll figure it out.  Is the magic shareable?"

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"It's complicated but for the time being at least no. Uh, I'm not confident you'll be able to carry the device."

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(She is in fact quite small, in frame if not in weight - it's hard to tell with the jacket on - and still has slightly kittenish features.)

"Why not?  Hands reasons or size ones or something else."

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"Size ones. A keyboard you can use with cat paws actually has to be bigger than one suitable for human fingers so the whole thing's pretty chunky. If it's a smooth walk I guess I could give you a little wagon to pull it in."

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She sits up on her hind legs and wiggles her front paws - seems she's polydactyl - and two rudimentary mechanical hands slide out of her sleeves.  She tucks her paws into the undersides of them and presently they can wiggle too.  They look much more able to grip things than cat paws; they unfortunately don't look much better at typing since the articulation between the individual digits is still not that great.

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"Gosh. But I'm not sure if you can walk and also carry something moderately heavy, like that? Maybe you can."

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"I can't walk very far with them but maybe one for me could be smaller than other cats need."

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"I don't think so, the thing you do to enter letters is touch small buttons and not grab things, but it's a clever thought."

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"Shame.  - What if my housefolk and I made a pair of hands with one small finger each, would that do it."

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"Quite plausibly but you could also just introduce me to the housefolk in question and they can find a good place to put the model of computer I have previously been giving out."

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"That doesn't sound very clever but I suppose."

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"You're not disallowed from doing things just because they aren't clever," one of the calico twins meows, and leaps back out the broken window.  Shortly after she can be heard vomiting in the alleyway.

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"- are you okay," Cam says, going to stick his head out the window.

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"...oh good." He wishes he were a vet. It didn't seem important before. He sits back down.

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"Cam thinks that humanoids are wrong about your gender," the remaining twin tells Mr. Mistoffellees.  " - I think I would like them to also be wrong about me."

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"- I'm not sure what you mean. Do you even have a name humans call you?"

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"Just you, recently.  We did have a family when we were smaller."

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"Then I have no idea what humans think your gender is. Honestly even if they were calling you any of a thousand normal cat names I couldn't tell, Mister Mistoffellees is unusual in having a clear marker there and if they were calling you Spot or Brickle or something then that would be no information."

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"Tortoiseshells and calicos are all girls."

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"Are they? I didn't know that. I think I'd heard orange cats were all boys though so it stands to reason there's some kind of sex-linked color genetics going on."

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"Orange cats aren't all male.  But I think I would like humanoids to think I am if they are thinking about that sort of thing at all."

(Rumpleteazer hops back inside and resumes nomming fish.)

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"...huh. That happens to humans sometimes too but unfortunately I have no idea how any of the things humans do about it would translate to cats. I guess I could dye your fur if you want to pass to observers who know that your coloration is sex-linked."

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"What's dyeing?"

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"It's when Twolegs put bad-smelling stuff in their fur and then it turns a different color."

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"Oh.  I don't want that."

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"And I'd have to look up if it's poisonous to cats, and there's reason to believe talking cats have important biological differences, so yeah, maybe best avoided."

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"I don't want to be a different color anyway.  I didn't even know that was related to anything until Misto said so."

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"Fair enough. Would you like a collar with a boy's name on it?"

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"I want one too; Twolegs were nicer to us when we had them.  Not with a name on it though.  Maybe some shinies instead?  But not enough that it gets taken."

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"Sure." He can make a sparkly plastic collar with a few sparkly plastic charms on it. "Like so?"

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"This is fastened like so," he says, demonstrating a magnet clasp, "so I think it should be possible for you to get it off yourself, and get it back on with cat help instead of needing a humanoid every time." He magnets it around her neck. "Do you have name preferences?" he asks Mungojerrie.

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"I don't know what ones would do the thing I want them to do."

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"My housefolk's name is Mom.  So don't use that one, it's probably female."

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"...Mom isn't a name, it's what folks call their mothers. Jerry?" Cam suggests. "Tom? Sir Bedivere?"

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"The last one I guess."

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"Sir Bedivere it is." He makes a less sparkly similarly magnet-clasped collar and thus adorns him.

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"No shinies?"

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"You wanted it shiny?" He can add a layer of silver glitter and some charms like Rumpleteazer's.

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Sir Bedivere removes, examines, and replaces the collar.  "This is very good.  You're good."

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"Do you want to come meet my housefolk now."

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"Sure." He tops off the fish supply for the torties.

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"Goodbye, it was good to have met you, visit us again if you need something stolen maybe."

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Mr. Mistoffellees shakes out her front paws and the mechanical hands retract back up into her sleeves.  The raven stays placidly on her shoulders as she hops out a different broken window.

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Cam lets himself out through the door. And locks it behind him, so the cats are less likely to be disturbed. When he meets up with her he asks, "How'd you train the bird?"

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"I copied some of the things my housefolk tried on me before she figured out I was smart.  And she was already friends with it before I lived with her."

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"Aww, cute. Do a lot of people around here know cats can be that smart?"

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"I don't think so.  - Huh, 'people', that's useful."

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"I'm so glad you think so, it's sort of hard to keep saying 'cats' and 'humanoids' and 'talking creatures' and so on."

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"I haven't known that word for very long but I don't think I got it right when you said it either, so maybe every cat will know it soon.  And if not you should just tell them; it's a good word."

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"I agree. How far off is your housefolk?"

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"Not very; she's home this afternoon and home's right up that way."  She yawns.  "Most of the time it took to get to Jerrie and Teazers' place after they sent Presto was it waking me up."

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"How useful of him. ...I wonder how he came to this conclusion. Do you reckon it's possible he's smart enough to talk too?"

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"Do birds have sexes?  It does talk a little but not complexly.  Presto, say hi."

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"Hiiiii," says Presto, in catspeak.

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"Hi Presto! - birds do have sexes but I can't actually tell what this one is by looking, Presto just sounded like a boy's name to me. Presto, how many wings do you have?"

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"It mostly only talks to me and m.  My housefolk.  Presto, how many wings do you have?"

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"See?  Anyways this is my door; you should open it."

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"That would be rude of me, we knock instead." Knock knock. "Saying he doesn't know instead of giving a nonsense answer or ignoring me is actually smarter than I expected, I might need to talk to him more at some point..."

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"Okay.  We don't knock, though, because if I did then other humans would see my hands and I don't want them to; mostly when I want to go inside on my own I just climb upstairs on the outside of the building or send Presto up to get my housefolk or scream down here until somebody lets me in.  Why is it rude of you to, when you already can open the door yourself?"

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"You live here and can come and go whenever you please! I do not live here and must wait for your housefolk to invite me in - maybe once you can talk to her you inviting people will count but for now I think she'd be alarmed."

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"You don't have to go in but you should still open the door for me."

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"The house is probably locked, and while I can conjure keys, I think it would alarm your housefolk if I demonstrated the ability to do this by opening her door."

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"Okay, I'm going to start screaming then."

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"If you think that will work better than my having knocked far be it from me to stop you."

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"I DON'T THINK IT WAS LOUD ENOUGH."  She continues yowling wordlessly, making an impressive amount of noise for such a teeny tiny kitty.  Presto flies off.  She stops and shortly after that someone can be heard trotting down a flight of noisy stairs.

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The door opens without audibly being unlocked.  "Hey, M, did you have a nice - uh, hi."

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"Hi! Your cat and I have been talking. - I can speak cat and I can prove it."

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"Incredible!  You should do that."

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"What would you like me to ask her to do? - she's a girl, by the by. Or so I'm told."

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"You could tell me things only my cat would know, or convey any burning questions - she's - been trying to ask me.  . . . Why don't you come inside."

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Cam comes inside. "Hey, to prove to your human that I can talk to you, can you tell me something only you and she would know? Or are there any questions you want to ask her?" he asks Mr. Mistoffelees.

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Inside has a dimly-lit hallway and a flight of stairs with traction treads rather than a proper home interior.

"Why did she lie to me about her name?" Mr. Mistoffelees supplies immediately.  ". . . And the day she took me home she tried to put me in a bright green collar and I hated it, I tore it to shreds."

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"She wants to know why you lied to her about your name - to clarify she was referring to you as 'Mom' - and she says the day you took her home you tried to put her in a bright green collar which she hated and tore to shreds."

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". . . Because I wasn't planning on parenthood but once I found myself there it seemed important to treat it like what it was instead of pretending it was something else?  But she can call me Ellie if she wants.  So can you; it's my name."

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"Nice to meet you, Ellie." To Mr. Mistoffelees: "She says her name is Ellie. I think it's okay with her if you go on calling her Mom though, human kids call their moms that."

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"I'm almost four months old; that's basically grown up."

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"It isn't for humans, and I'm a hundred and seventy two years old and still call my mom Mom."

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"That's so slow.  Anyways come upstairs and give me my thing."  She scampers up a few steps.  "Or I guess just give it to Ellie if she's big enough to carry it."

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"She is." He offers the device to Ellie. "She can learn to read, and write, and this is adapted for paws."

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"What the edge.  - Uh, thank you.  Sir."

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"My name is Cam."

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"Thank you, Sir Cam.  I have - probably obvious questions - "

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"I am an immortal winged being from another universe who can talk to cats, bring the dead to life but not all that well yet, and create arbitrary material objects inspired by the much higher tech level of my home."

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"Stots.  Uh.  Cool.  - Multiple cats, it's not just her?"

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"There's a population hereabouts and another in Chelford. Plus any that have gotten farther afield."

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"Okay.  What does it mean to be able to bring the dead to life but not all that well yet?  If I'm allowed to ask."

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"I have only done it once, the deceased had some complaints about the process, I don't know how I'd do cats though I'm not completely despairing about it, I don't have any idea about the prognosis for already-merged stars."

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"Okay.  If it's not disrespectful of your time, sir, do you want to come into my apartment instead of loitering in the foyer?  It's, uh, not a very good apartment but.  Yeah."

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"You don't have to call me sir, Cam is fine. And yeah, assuming you have additional questions I should probably explain whatever you have them about."

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"Sure, sorry, I just didn't know how people from other universes would expect slaves to act."  She starts up the stairs, following Mr. Mistoffellees.

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"Would expect who what now!"

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"S . . . laves?"

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"Is there a good reason for me not to inquire of the address of whoever you belong to, meet their asking price, and then go around doing that for everybody else I can get to before the gold market craters. For anti-slavery purposes, to be clear. I'm against it."

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" - Oh.  Uh, probably.  I in particular belong to the state, so I think there might be something more complicated going on there?  I don't know about privately-owned people, and I guess markets cratering sounds - kind of super bad but I don't know much about that either."

Here is her apartment; the paint on the door is chipped but things are pretty much clean inside except for a desk with all sorts of papers and craft supplies spilling off the sides; there's a sewing machine sitting on the floor next to it with sequinsy black fabric still presser-footed in and a couple boxes of popsicle sticks set on top with some bolts and nuts and a craft knife set on top of those.  Ellie locks the door behind Cam and sits in a beanbag chair facing the room's futon; Mr. Mistoffellees hops up to perch on one of her knees.

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"I wouldn't do it without a very strong reason but, you know, if you want to end material scarcity you wind up breaking a few eggs. It is so bizarre how much this looks, superficially, like my planet when I was in my twenties, and then, surprise, slavery, talking cats, stars are dead people, world is flat, Roman Empire, birthday personalities, Jesus is alive and well."

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"I'm very specialized and so probably less qualified to comment on - general sorts of things like that, sorry.  Though I guess I don't know how much economics they teach in regular high school either."

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"Couldn't tell you. How do people typically come to be slaves?"

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"Some from the Empire expanding, though not really that so much in recent years, some from debt, some from parents selling their kids - like me - and some from slaves having kids."

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"What an exciting variety." Sigh. "Score another point for my orient-more-before-ending-material-scarcity approach."

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"How long have you been here?"

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"Like a day. It's been very exciting."

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"Cool.  Uh, I support being cautious in general but I'm not actually sure this in particular should very much change your plans?  Like it seems a lot less important than death and it kind of seems like if you solve material scarcity slavery would just sort of follow, if it's harder for people to go into debt and they don't have any reason to sell their kids.  And even for existing ones it'll be way faster to save up for manumission if everything they need to live is way cheaper."

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"I guess if it's you saying that I should take it seriously! It does downgrade my estimate of how well I can expect to be value-aligned with the government. Maybe I should go ask Jesus for help. Does he have a known opinion on slavery?"

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"I dunno who that is, sorry, I don't keep up with . . . celebrities?  Is he a celebrity."

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"A random person had heard of him but I don't know what percentage of random people have."

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"Okay.  Plus, uh, it would be really bad to collapse society on the way to fixing it, for the record; I live in society too, and like - my situation is not so great right now, but I don't think it's reasonable to have expected anyone to predict my cat would turn out to be a person and things were mostly fine before that?"

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"The gold market crashing will probably happen anyway just once I publicly announce the ability to create arbitrary amounts of gold but it is possible to arrange this in a fairly controlled fashion, I did it once. Can I help you in any less drastic ways?"

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"I don't just mean the gold.  I work at a power plant, and pretty much everyone who works there is a slave or used to be, and the reason for that is that it's pretty technical and just goes a lot better if you can train kids for it without having to worry about teaching them most general stuff, and if you freed all of them right away then the city wouldn't have any power and that would suck!  And that's not something you can solve even by making more crystals out of nothing; if we're ever low on crystals that's, uh, let's say it's going to be the absolute least of our worries.

Though - huh - if you have a higher tech level and your universe knows better arrays, then I could suggest those and it'd probably take less people to run and I'd get a bonus about it."

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"My universe doesn't use specifically magical crystals for electrical generation because crystals aren't magical there but I can replace the power infrastructure. - can you give me a tour of the power plant so I can get an idea of how hard it will be to replace it with something noncrystalline."

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"Iiiiiiiii don't - maybe?  Probably not right away; I'd need to like get permission."

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"Can I help with that in any way? Bribery is the most obvious but I'm flexible."

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"If you wanted to - give me something to be used as bribery and to be returned to you otherwise, you could; it still might take me a couple days to find out."

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Cam hands her a bracelet. "Keep it or sell it if it doesn't work, I don't really have any use for it. You can send me a letter any time anywhere by writing down what you want, adding 'letter to Cam', and there are no other steps."

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"Stots.  - What stones are these?"

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"Probably I'll sell it first and use the money instead, but - "

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(Mr. Mistoffelees is still sitting on Ellie's knee, but her eyes are closed and her head is diiiiiiiiiiiiping forward, and then it snaps up, in the manner usual of cats too sleepy to properly lay down.)

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Ellie stage whispers, "Oh my staaaaars.  One second," and starts de-spike-collaring and de-jacketing her.

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Awww. Ellie can have another bracelet; it appears surreptitiously on her wrist.

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"Thanks."  She smiles and deposits the sleeper on a shelf of a bookcase which has been converted to a cat nook via some fabric with a circle cutout stretched over it and a pillow and blanket stuffed inside.  ". . . I'm so worried about her all the time.  So many things kill outdoor cats but - I can't just lock her in here forever if she's a person - "

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"Well, once she's learned to write you can explain to her how to look both ways before she crosses the street and all the other things that worry you."

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"I wouldn't let her out alone if she didn't know how to cross the street, regardless of autonomy concerns.  But the life expectancy of an outdoor cat is something like a sixth of an indoor one and that's already so short for a person, and it's not just cars that make it that way.  It's - I don't know, I just think she might be better off with someone who has - more room to take good care of her, in the way their life is set up.  If she has a way to talk with them."

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"Well, maybe you and she can work something out in that department once you've gotten to talking. For all I know she won't be that attached to going out as long as she can have friends over or something."

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"That's fair.  - Uh, feel free to leave at any point if I'm keeping you from saving the world; most of me are kind of bad at everything and I'm not but knowing when to stop talking to people who're probably going to save the world isn't one of the things I'm good at."

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"Most of - oh, the birthday thing, I'm not really used to that yet - yeah, I need to go back to Chelford at some point, I just wanted to check up on claims of a Londinium population of talking cats and here they are indeed."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, all the free New Year's Eve-ers pretty invariably end up useless and miserable unless they're like, born rich or manage to leech off someone?  Do you just - not have anyone to compare yourself to; that seems hard."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't have anyone mystically guaranteed to have the same personality as me, no. - huh, that's a disproportionate number of New Year's Eves I've met, do you have a thing about being near interesting happenings or something?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"There's a disproportionate amount of us in general?  My parents were going to aim for a New Year's solquinox but chickened out and had me instead; that's common."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh, okay. - what's New Year's Day's shtick, I don't have all these memorized yet."

Permalink Mark Unread

"They . . . have monetary incentives for people who parent them; they run their own country where anyone who physically gets there can stay, no questions asked; they, uh - is that enough for you to recognize them?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think I read their entry, yeah."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, they're.  Yeah."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's interestingly coordinated of them. I guess that explains why I have met several Eves. Man, you guys must have such a relatively simplified time of social science research and such."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Interestingly coordinated is definitely one way to call it.  I was going to say that it's actually really complicated but I guess probably not more so than if literally every individual was basically their own birthday?  Though it'd probably be easier for you guys to separate things that are innate to everyone from cultural influences and stuff."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We need ridiculously huge sample sizes because there's so much noise, and they're hard to get.

"Lemme give you your own device to talk to me with, Mr. Mistoffelees's is very much paw-shaped." Phone! "The letter thing I mentioned works fine but if you need me faster than 'whenever I check my mail' or if you want an answer back that's what this is for."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thank you!  I'll uh, try to use it wisely."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thanks. I expect to be real busy pretty soon but I appreciate being able to hear from individuals about their perspectives and I still want the power plant tour."

And Cam will let himself out and head for his shuttle to fly back to Chelford.

Permalink Mark Unread

Jordan is still hanging out in Cam's camper.  "How'd it go?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"The star is back in a body but she found readjusting to it difficult and says I need to work on my pitch and I agree. There are in fact talking cats in Londinium. Also, I found out you have slavery."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, it's not great.  That's - really promising and probably about as good as could realistically be hoped for?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, pretty much. I'm torn because I want to get a move on - I'm not nearly so optimistic that I'll be able to do anything about already-merged stars and they are presumably merging constantly - but I keep finding out new things on a really frequent basis about how this world fundamentally works and that suggests I should hold off on large-scale projects. I have some pending experiments I need to try, can I delegate telling the One and any other largish star clusters to maybe try not to absorb singlets for a few days to you or will your curse get all over it?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"That I can do."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Cricket begins attempting to climb Cam, and gets picked up for his trouble.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Anything else or should I head off to get started on that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think that's all. Thank you very much."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't think I've ever meant 'No, thank you' more."  He exits with a two-fingered salute.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam goes into his camper and reclines his chair and snuggles his cat and drugs himself to sleep because it's faster.

Permalink Mark Unread

When he next opens his eyes he's dreaming, and knows he's dreaming, and knows the dream isn't an ordinary one.


He's in a patch of forest - no, the same patch of forest that he was summoned to initially, right down to the circular indent he's standing in, but it's unburnt and thriving and the ash at his feet is missing.  Crisp autumn afternoon sunlight dapples through the turning leaves despite the fact that if Cam looks up or far enough through the trees he can see a night sky with stars densely speckling everywhere not obscured by strangely-colored clouds.

"Finally," mews a voice behind him.  "But still a little sooner than I expected."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sorry to keep you waiting. What were you expecting?"

Permalink Mark Unread

There's a teeny kitten - not that much smaller than Mr. Mistoffelees in size but visibly quite a bit younger - sitting on a branch conveniently at Cam's eye level.

"I thought you said you were going to wait for nighttime!  Not that that would have made a difference, obviously."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's getting a little late!" He has had a busy day bopping all over the place resurrecting the dead and discovering slavery and the electrical grid running on crystals. "And I wanted to know sooner than later. How can I help you?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"You already have - immensely, tremendously, boundlessly, extensively!"  The kitten is speaking cat-phoneme-friendly English rather than catspeak.  " - But actually you should tell more people how to resummon you as soon as you can."

Permalink Mark Unread

"- okay, uh, is Fireheart in danger -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"No, he just might die soon."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...that seems like it might constitute danger!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"When new Clan leaders receive nine lives, they don't end up with ten to lose."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It means that something is likely to happen to Bluestar, one way or another, and Fireheart will be given nine lives - or eight, if things go well - and then he'll be able to die nine-or-eight times before fully joining us, not ten-or-nine, because the leadership ceremony kills cats once."  The kitten sighs.  "See this is why I haven't given out prophecies before; I hate it when people are confused by words."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You seem perfectly able to hold an intelligible conversation, I just had to clarify because I didn't know that about leadership ceremonies! Why are prophecies so generally cryptic?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"They each have to do more than one thing, sometimes a whole bunch of things.  Like 'Fire alone will save the Clan' was about your circle, but it also had to get Fireheart accepted into ThunderClan so that he could finish it, and for other reasons I guess he's just a good cat to have around - and I think there are myriad more things it was referring to or causing but I don't know what exactly.  That's not my department."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...what is your department, who are you?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I didn't have a name when I was alive and I haven't picked one yet because it should be the best word I can find!  Or the best two words, if I decide I want a thingthing name.  I don't think I do because I wasn't a warrior or even a Clan cat - did you know Clan cats call thingthing names warrior names?  I think that's dumb because plenty of cats who aren't warriors have them, like medicine cats and elders mostly but also kind of queens depending on how you look at it.  And if people who I didn't know were talking to me they might ask why I didn't have a thingkit name instead and that would be annoying but it's so hard to narrow it down to just one word!  Especially now that you gave us so many words - it's so many; you're the best thing that has ever ever happened to me or any cat, already, just because of the words.

I think 'people' is my favorite out of all of them; it's just so beautiful to be able to call people by the fact that they can understand things instead of what species they are, but I don't think it would make a very good name.  You have a thingthingthing name, or maybe a 'thingthing name thing' name depending on how you look at it, and I like that and I like you so maybe I'll do that instead.  You know Crookedstar, the person who you tried to save but he died anyway?  His thingthing name was Crookedjaw because he had a cruel mom, but also it's basically what Campbell means and I think that's really funny.  He's doing fine up here as far as I know; you don't have to worry about him but some RiverClanners said thank you for trying anyway.

Anyway I'm not the person who gives all the words to all the cats because there are a lot of cats and a lot of words, but I am the one in charge of all the dead cats who do that and I am the one who's been giving specific words and also literacy to all the cats who you've individually been talking to today and yesterday."


(Apparently dead dream cats don't need to breathe; he doesn't once pause in his delivery.)

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, is that how that works. It's very convenient of you, I appreciate the work your team is doing on that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thank you; we're all very dedicated.  You should set Princess on getting machine translation going; we can teach all the cats Englatin but we can't teach the Twolegs catspeak.  Yet.  Not for years, at least; translation's definitely going to be faster."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Good idea. Why specifically Princess?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"She's the only one so far who's fluently literate."

Permalink Mark Unread

"This time tomorrow Cricket and Mr. Mistoffelees will be too! And probably Tigerstar! - do y'all happen to know if Bluestar is nuts or if Tigerstar is evil."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I made her literate and we still have to do that manually for every individual cat, while also dealing with your incidentals and giving everyone important concepts like personhood.  There's a lot to prioritize."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You're doing that manually? Yikes, I'll get machine translation chewing on stuff and teach Princess... How do you know all the stuff you know?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I was one of the very first people-cats, and back then there wasn't anyone doing magic about talking so I died before ever being able to really communicate with anyone and that was terrible!  Another reason person is such a good word is that calling me a talking cat wouldn't even have been accurate while I was alive but I was still a person.  So that's why when I died I decided to make it my project that all cats could talk to each other, but for the first while I still barely knew any words so I focused on using my magic to make it so I can know any word that any catspeak speaker - catspeaker - knows, and that's very robust and a lot more thorough than putting words in living cats' brains, and it works for all my team members too.  It's really good magic not just because it taught me all the words in the first place but because whenever somebody has an idea that they make up a word about then I get that too and then everyone can have it.  Did you notice that cats don't say somebody or anybody or everyone?  Our versions were all cat specific and I think the general versions are almost as beautiful as 'people'.

So we have good magic for putting all of the existing catspeak in cat's brains because we've had time to work on that and there are a lot of kittens and uplifts - uplift is also such a good word! - who need it, but all your words and literacy are new; we'll get faster over time but for now it's pretty much manual.  Manual isn't a beautiful word because it means hands and I don't have any.  I could have some, since this is a dream, but I don't have anything to use them for right now and they'd look weird.  Do you want any cat things since this is a dream?  If you want to smell better or something I can probably do that.  - Smell is also not a beautiful word because it doesn't distinguish between gathering and outputting and it sounds like I meant that you stink when I don't."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You know what, I'd take a better sense of smell for the purposes of this dream, might be useful for empathizing with the cat experience. So you have all my languages now? I don't know if many of them match as much as Englatin. Which is a charming coinage."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thank you.  We haven't found any other matches so far yet but nearly all the people-cats are in places where they mostly just speak Englatin so there might still be some, or a whole lot.  Increased olfactory precision and intensity in three, two, one - "

And then Cam has a bunch more sensory data!  It's far less overwhelming than it would be in the waking world, but it doesn't come with an automatic understanding of how to interpret it.  This bit is clearly the scent of the forest and the fallen leaves around him, recognizable from the weaker version his human nose can pick up; he gets a whole lot of fine detail about the cat in front of him but nothing to connect or compare it to.  If there was another cat here he could definitely tell them apart with his eyes closed, but as it is: yeah, that's a cat.

Permalink Mark Unread

"- huh, wow, thank you. Circling back: Bluestar insane? Tigerstar evil?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think if I try to tell you too many things about individual Clans you'll wake up."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How annoying! What if I go right back to sleep? I'm doing it with drugs anyhow."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think the StarClanners who wanted to stop me from telling you things would just keep waking you up!  Or prevent this kind of dream in the first place."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Why do they want to stop you from telling me things??"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Because they're the wooooorst.  - Obviously not all of them; lots of StarClan cats are on my team or on the one to make medicine more effective.  But some of them just only care at all about their former Clan and wreck anything that would hurt it, even if it's only a little and it would help someone else enough to be worth it.  So be careful about doing that sort of thing in general otherwise you might have a harder time working with the Clans at all."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...gosh. So that means you can't tell me whether Bluestar is nuts but I guess it does make sense of the range of possible truth values of her assertion that StarClan is at war with ThunderClan."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hmmmmm no comment.  Do you want to hear a story?  I'm pretty sure I can tell you true stories that are just facts everyone agrees on that aren't secrets."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Please do."

Permalink Mark Unread

" - Actually I'm not going to risk telling you most of the parts that would make it a good story.  But once there was a Clan leader who, for whatever unsayable reasons, left his Clan to finish out his days as a kittypet.  Unlike in cases where a Clan drives out its leader, his successor did still receive lives, though not the full nine, because he retired and - well he didn't go to the Moonstone to surrender all his lives but one but that didn't really matter because he only had one left in the first place.  Anyways his name is Pinestar, and he was the leader before the leader before Bluestar, and also Tigerstar's father.  He's why there's that rule about kittypets in the warrior code."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...huh. Is Pinestar alive?"

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Can you and human-stars talk to each other?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"No.  Somebody might be working on it, I don't know, but we can't right now at least."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is being asleep the only way for a living person to talk to you?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, I can spy, and also give cats words."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I suppose that's not zero communication. Do you guys in fact send rain and whatnot?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not my department but yes."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Does anybody from other departments want to talk to me or is it just you?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I've got dibs."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Does that mean they don't get to talk to me or just that they don't until you're done?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"The second one.  But transferring is inconvenient and I'm one of the least controversial options; other people are more likely to get blocked."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Lot of infighting, I see."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes, that's why they have to do so many prophecies and omens instead of just speaking frankly like you and I are doing.  So please do be particularly careful about showing any favoritism between Clans, otherwise I'll have to stop."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I will make sure I get computers to the remaining two Clans, is there anything else in that department I'm forgetting?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't think so."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you want me to tell the humanstars anything, since you can't talk to them yet?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I bet there are an awful lot of kittypets who want to talk to their dead humans but I don't have any specific messages."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Aww. - can you tell me if there are person-cats outside of the Chelford and Londinium regions, I don't know how far the lines have had a chance to spread."

Permalink Mark Unread

"There's Skimbleshanks - the Railway Cat - and some kittypets whose humans moved.  No one has made it off the island yet."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. They have the Internet here so I can maybe publicize a 'is your cat a person' quiz or something once machine translation's ready and that won't dump a ton of work on you?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I appreciate that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What else should we cover during this nap as opposed to some future nap?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"First off this is time-dilated, so if there's anything you want to do that would benefit from that you can.  Except probably not reading or forensics; I wouldn't trust dream conjurations to match real life."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...huh. Less handy than time dilation where I can read, but my main project now is getting oriented to the universe, and I guess you can tell me things about the universe, especially if you have noticed any linguistic gaps or whatever that imply things about mine by comparison."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hmmmm there's nothing outside the shell of this universe.  - Less than nothing, it's not even void; there's just no space there."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Real ripoff of a universe. Anybody know where it came from?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not me, at least."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you know a date for when cats were first enpersoned?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's hard to say because I only got numbers yesterday and I wasn't attaching them to time as it went by.  But maybe - a small handful-slash-pawful of decades for the Clan cats and their associated kittypets, a bit less than that for the Jellicles.  That's the name for the Londinium ones; they're actually two separate strains of uplift-catnip."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Are the effects different in any way between the Clans et al and the Jellicles?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"The Jellicles are not asexual."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...the Clan cats do not seem obviously asexual but I suppose I wasn't asking..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"They are!  It doesn't stop them from making truly idiotic decisions about who to have kittens with but they are."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh! I guess I can interrogate Cricket about that on my own time if I think of questions about... cat asexuality."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm also time-dilated since I'm dreaming too, but yes I still don't really know much about it since I didn't grow up enough."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I mean I'd ask you if I had any questions about it now but I kind of don't, I just feel like there should exist cat asexuality questions that I happen not to have. Anything else?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"StarClan isn't the whole afterlife, it's just what we call the part of it where all the Clan cats hang out.  The Jellicles have one too, called the Heavyside Layer.  They're working on reincarnation there but they haven't got it yet."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, huh. Them you can talk to?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes, it's all very nebulous; there isn't a consistent geography.  Just lots of little places kind of like this one, built partly by the expectations and partly by the intentions of cats in them, with some other rules.  I think most of the former Clan cats would pass on reincarnation because either they're doing good important work or they're doing stupid petty work or they're just sort of living about the same as they were except minus the scarcity and natural disasters and whatnot.  But probably a lot of kittypets will want to go for it; this place can't do humans very well.  They still move around and pet you and stuff but there's no one inside and you can tell."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...would anybody like me to pet them while I'm here, and I can try to memorize a list of who-all wants to come back for whenever I find a family that would like a person-cat?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll ask around.  You can pet me if you want; I've never had a person do it I don't think.  Or the humans that were around me when I was alive might have ever but if they did I forgot about it because the part where they drowned me was much more memorable."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Man, why did that one lady decide to uplift cats in a social environment where it's still socially acceptable to drown them." Pet pet.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't know!  I think I'm glad for it anyway but I can't imagine it was very well considered."  He headbutts into the pets.  "This is pretty nice but it's not that much nicer than having another cat groom you.  - Oh, some of the other cats who were watching things with me thought you should pet Fireheart.  They said that he basically asked you to and it's just that he never says anything straightforwardly.  Or, it was just commentary; they didn't ask me to pass it on but I am telling you anyway."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...I'm not actually sure that I should take your word for it, that would be pretty rude in my culture. Also I imagine if any other cats smelled it on my hand that would be embarrassing for him."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That makes sense.  When are you planning to nap again?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't have a schedule like that, do I need one?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"No, just if it's going to be a while I'd want to try and think of more things to tell you than if it was sooner."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It'll be whenever I have a few minutes and a place to lie down, I guess. Or something to tell you. Will it be really noticeable to Cricket if you give him a word? Such that I could tell him to tell me if he gets a weird one?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Only if it comes up.  I guess you could . . . tell him a word, but not what it means, and that he should be on the lookout for suddenly knowing what that word in particular means?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay, how about 'somnolent' for if you want me to take a nap to talk pronto?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Cute, I like it.  For ones you initiate yourself it really does help if it's at night, by the way, though obviously daytime's not prohibitive.  - Also probably don't tell Clan cats that I'm cool and funny and informationally-transparent; StarClanners like to keep a very serious, mysterious image."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's so rude of them though!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It really is!  I think I'm doing an okay job of working around it though, since I can't fix it.  Except by facilitating communication between all thinking creatures in a way that will hopefully eventually lead to more open-mindedness."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I appreciate this about you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thank you!  I knew you would, that's why I helped bring you here."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Here like the dream or here like the universe?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Both!  Or, I gave support to the 'fire alone' people even though I was mostly not involved with the technical implementation."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And there was some intervention on setting up a circle for him? Was it aimed at me specifically, it didn't feel like it..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think they had to be really really really exceedingly precise with the timing."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, that makes sense. How does your future-seeing work?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hate to say it but that's also not my department!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"- does that mean you can't tell me anything I don't already know or just that you won't be able to answer most follow-up questions?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I just haven't ever worked with it directly.  It . . . lets some dead cats see the future?  You have to invest in it a lot to really get anywhere and I haven't at all."

Permalink Mark Unread

"But ballpark how far in advance, say."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think it's getting farther out all the time but I don't know exactly where the frontier's at right now.  I think we first got inklings - that's also a good word - about this project around two years ago?  But that was, hm, I remember somebody describing it as a blossom of potential.  Not seeing specific courses that you would take but that you would do a lot of things, fragments of better maybe-futures, fragments of worse ones with other demons . . ."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. Does it get very - conditional, can they outcome-pump things if they keep changing stuff till the future looks how they want -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Depending on what precisely you mean, yes.  I think the forest was going to be all torn down and paved over soon and they were looking for ways to fix that?  You should obviously stop the Clans' forest from getting all torn down and paved over if that doesn't automatically happen as a consequence of you doing other things, which it probably will I think."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...gosh. I guess if I have to I can find out who owns it and buy it off them?"

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Cool. That can go on my mental to-do list to be written down when I wake up."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Would you like to do that now?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Didn't you say other people wanted to talk to me too?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not right now!  I didn't have specific people in mind and anyways it takes prep work to run a dream and it's hard to switch hosts during one.  What departments did you want to talk to?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, I didn't have anybody specific in mind, I just assumed they'd swing by, I didn't realize dream architecture was complicated. What-all departments are there?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I have mostly been calling them departments because I think it's a fun new saying; they aren't nearly so concrete.  But the other big good group is the one where they try to make medicine work better!  Or I guess make people work better with the medicine available near them.  - That's what was up with Cinderpelt and the lidocaine, by the way.  We're just biologically different from the cats you're used to."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I had begun to suspect! Partly because of the colorblindness but also the lidocaine. Can I get a quick summary of how that will affect things - does it mean kittypets at the vet have a bad time -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm pretty sure they're keeping everything mostly in line with this world's existing medicine, which is already very different from yours.  I don't know the details but I trust their collective competence in making things better instead of worse."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. I will try to use my copious spare time to read on local vet state of the art."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Would it be easier to hire a vet as an assistant or consultant?  Or a cat doctor, or one of each - probably one of the apprentices; don't try and steal some Clan's main cat doctor, they won't let you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Also good thoughts, though I don't know if this is going to come up enough that I need to be hiring personnel about it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Shrug," says the linguistics ghost kitten, out loud.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam giggles.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't think my shoulders move the right way to actually do it."  He tries; they do not.  It comes out as sort of a head dip.

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's okay." Scritch scritch. "Anything else I should know?"

Permalink Mark Unread

He tries again!  His shoulders sure do go up and down, although the part where this is accompanied by a tiny front-feet hop is somewhat more salient.  "Just that you're doing a very good job, and all the reasonable people up here are grateful to you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Aw, thank you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You're welcome.  See you later!"  And after a few more scritches, Cam wakes up.  Less than a minute has passed since he knocked himself out.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam makes Cricket a circle to finish, has him finish it, and leaves it flat on the floor of the camper. And then he explains the "somnolent" thing, and gives Cricket pets and snacks, and then he goes to Princess's house.

Permalink Mark Unread

Jackie and Princess get the door.  "Hi.  Jordan's not done with the thing you asked him to do yet."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's fine, I wanted to talk to Princess."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, cool."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's me I'm here!  Hi."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hi Princess! I have a task for you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay!  What is it?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"You are the most literate cat, and it would be convenient if machines could do more of the translating! So I'm going to set you up with a machine translation program and you will tell it if its translations between cat and Latin are silly, or if its pronunciation is bad, or whatever." He inserts the software into her computer for her.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Wow, the most?  I guess that makes sense - sure, I can do that!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thanks! Should be all you need to do from here is read instructions on the screen and do what they say but let me know if you have any issues."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I will be SO diligent."  She sets to it.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't know what else he's doing now but Jordan said the One didn't agree to not merge with singlets.  It almost never does that anyway though; most individual stars pair off with each other and it's usually clouds that're already pretty big who go for the One.  Except in the case of the winter solquinoxes - something like a third of them join up with it basically immediately upon dying."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Which ones are those again?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Uh, they're sciencey, not evil on purpose but kind of lacking in good sense a lot of the time, and like baths a lot?  - Baths being metonymy for luxurious indulgent things but also a specific stereotype."

Permalink Mark Unread

"- oh! Cat uplift lady, that's the one."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"A star told me that the cats were uplifted on purpose on two separate occasions - hereabouts and Londinium - by a winter solquinox who didn't know it worked."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That - does sound more like one of them than anyone else, if I were going to guess that it was an individual living person."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yup. She's not a living person anymore though."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh.  Well I hear that's sometimes a temporary affliction these days.  Plausibly not in her case."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Speaking of," interjects Jordan, entering the room swayfully and leaning against the wall, "you have a . . . a volunteer, for a star cloud, who wants - to try . . ."

Permalink Mark Unread

"- from a star cloud?"

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"That sounds potentially awkward but I guess if they have specs I can try! Do they want to talk to me direct?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ummmm, can if you want, says s'fine if you just wanna go through me; I have - "  He waves around a sheet of paper uncoordinatedly.  "You'll need twenty-eight of these, uh - uh, bodies."

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam takes the paper.

Permalink Mark Unread

It has what appears to be a keysmash on it, comprised of eight case-sensitive letters and the numbers one through four.  It covers the front and most of the back of the page, though in handwriting less loosely scrawled the content might only take up half of one side.  Some segments are scratched out entirely; others have occasional single characters slashed and corrected at their upper right corner.  In the space left on the back and in some of the margins there are notes like 'hair: very short', 'patterned sweater, slight diff. colors per body, rangebow, pastels', 'kinda muscley', and '2ct6ish twenty-two'.

"I wanna check it over a few more times but that's.  About . . ."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I... think I will have to talk to them myself. Can you give me their identifying information?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think - the finding can go in the other direction, pretty sure, yeah?  Yeah.  But it's the one who's twenty-eight and's heard of you and wants bodies."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sure thing. Thank you very much."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The thing I said before about meaning the thing most! Wanna borrow a dose or?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I have some left over back in my camper, thanks! You look like you're on a pretty strong hit there."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Mostly not used to trying to - do stuff, while.  Copyin' out a whole genome'd be hard enough sober, with no stakes - "

Permalink Mark Unread

"This is a genome? I didn't recognize the notation."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is that surprising, you're all different anyway . . . . . . 'm being told to tell you you can up your dose slightly and you'll 'be fine with it'; dunno who - purports to know that; the one I'm talking to was also told to tell me, apparently, won't say by who . . . m.  By whom, but apparently, 'legedly, you can go up to expressions level and not hate it.  By buying a very slightly 'less'" airquote "'baby'" airquote "kind than what you already have, not - guess I shouldn't've offered ours.  - 'Yet maybe', what does that - hm.  Mmhm."

Permalink Mark Unread

Jackie peeks at the paper.  "This does look about like what I remember of genomes from school, if you wanted confirmation on that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Wow. Okay, expressions level."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Mm.  Wanna still talk to the volunteer yourself or was that just cause you thought I was - not very.  Right now."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You're not very and also I need more information than this to make the bodies and coordinate on timing."

Permalink Mark Unread

"No presh.  Can just ask more questions for you, though, if - "  He pauses and closes his eyes, speaking slowly and carefully enunciating on each word.  "Omnilol doesn't impair judgement; it's just very difficult to split one person's worth of attention span between multiple conversations and.  And sets of sensory input.  So - maybe it's still easier for you to go up yourself, but - yeah."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I mostly just am not sure if I understand what's on the paper. Like what's a rangebow."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sweaters across the range of the rainbow, so people can tell the bodies apart.  Was gonna rewrite it less note-to-self-ily, 'cept you were back before I expected."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ah. I think I'll go up myself just so I can be more confident I won't make some kind of mistake and have a bunch of bodies to dispose of, but appreciate the offer."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Mmhm, fair."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And if your stuff is too strong and my stuff is too weak I will need to make another trip to the drugstore... anything else before I go?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Nnnnno.  Do you want me to bother checking this again, writing it up neater?  Or's that redundant."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think redundant but thank you."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"It was nice to see you again!  Thank you for the machine translation I'll work really hard at it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thanks, that will help a lot!" Pet pet.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Might be able to still catch me on - the other side - before this dose runs out, if you hurry."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I will do my best."

Cam is off to the drugstore to make a purchase! And back to his camper to trip in it!

Permalink Mark Unread

Unlike the previous times, several entities are queueing to speak with him as soon as he's up.  Two living singlets, one cloud with maybe five or six people - he has a general sense of the size of the clouds but not with enough granularity to pin down an exact number - another with thirtyish, and one that's incomprehensibly large.

Permalink Mark Unread

Wow, would it kill them again to form a line. Can he get them all in a... conference high.

Permalink Mark Unread


(Apparently the expressions dose doesn't do literal faces, just an impression of mood that's controllable to about the same degree and an easier time of recognizing specific entities.)

Permalink Mark Unread

Permalink Mark Unread

Permalink Mark Unread

Permalink Mark Unread

Hi, nice to meet you!  This is a bit more of a crowd than I was expecting for a logistics meeting; is this not one of those?

Permalink Mark Unread

It transpired there was a line! Do any of you have a guess whose business is most urgent?

Permalink Mark Unread

Plausibly mine.

Permalink Mark Unread

Hers, agrees the smallest non-singlet.  Though Jesus can just give you his phone number and drop out, get in touch later.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh, Jesus is here! Hi Jesus! Do let's have the phone number and then I will talk to her.

Permalink Mark Unread

He lists one!  It doesn't have the same number or grouping of digits as those Cam is used to.

Permalink Mark Unread

As long as it is reasonably short Cam can chunk it and return his attention to Miss Most Urgent. Hi there, I'm Cam.

Permalink Mark Unread

Jesus exits the group high.

So I've heard!  I'd like to apply for resurrection - or just surrection, possibly, given that I as an entity have never strictly speaking been alive, or desurrection, given that one can hardly rise higher than being stars in the first place - and also for the position of being your personal assistant.  You're going to be very busy; it'd be helpful to have someone around without a life and existing commitments of their own and with extra attentional capacity and plenty of bodies to do things for you.  Such as, for example, prioritizing all the people who want to talk to you every time you get high, the number of which is only going to increase as your fame does.  And I think I in particular would be a good fit for the position based on my composition.

Permalink Mark Unread

Gosh. Uh, I'm happy to - incarnate you - you're a cluster, do you have some reason to expect that to work well?

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

- and you are -"

Permalink Mark Unread

Most star clouds don't have names.

Permalink Mark Unread

though be the summer's peak a curse
for those all who then born are living
they find in death a broader sight
and strive for outcomes more forgiving
though massive I, I see no light
which streams beyond this universe

Permalink Mark Unread

I do, though.

Permalink Mark Unread

...we'll circle back to that. Would-be PA, is the genome that Jordan took down correct? And you want a bunch of different colored sweaters for some reason?

Permalink Mark Unread

At least close to correct but we should check it a few more times.  The sweaters aren't a big deal; I just thought it was a cute idea.

Permalink Mark Unread

How does one check that sort of thing while mostly experiencing stars? Is there a real body that has ever existed that matches it that I could just copy?

Permalink Mark Unread

Carefully, collaboratively, and optionally with sense-sharing.  - Hi it's Jordan, now with added coherency.

Permalink Mark Unread

It's not impossible that someone somewhere has ever matched what I want but not that I know of; I spun it up custom.

Permalink Mark Unread

And you can just kinda do that in your - not head, I suppose, in your you?

Permalink Mark Unread

I can!

Permalink Mark Unread

It's not too difficult for stars to develop a pretty thorough understanding of what-all one should stuff in a quadruple helix.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh, is that how genomes here work. Okay. Maybe you can work with Jordan on getting that typo-checked so you don't come out with six ears or something, and I'll fly on up and make the bodies for you after this trip. If I need to fly up. I did last time.

Permalink Mark Unread

I think you probably will; stars obviously can affect things on the surface but generally not in so direct or concrete a way.

Permalink Mark Unread

On it.  Jordan disconnects.

Permalink Mark Unread

Okay. Anything else from you or should I see who's next?

Permalink Mark Unread

Not if I can specify non-genetic requests through Jordan as well.

Permalink Mark Unread

You can!

Permalink Mark Unread

Then I'm all set.

Permalink Mark Unread

Okay. Next!

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm just here for moral support.

Permalink Mark Unread

Permalink Mark Unread

Moral support of whom??

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Cool, thanks! And... big guy, what's your deal today? It just feels right to call the One "big guy".

Permalink Mark Unread

(The entities with deeper connections to the conference high than Cam feel the smallest cloud metaphorically flinch.)

Permalink Mark Unread

no longer satisfied by wiretap
I wish initiate a presence as communicator
correct the wrecked impressions of one as amalgamate, or:
pursue our missions where they overlap

Permalink Mark Unread

Feeling unusually poetic?

Permalink Mark Unread

ehn; naw

Permalink Mark Unread

Huh. Uh, can you try again in a haiku or something, I'm not sure I follow you.

Permalink Mark Unread

it seemed like we should talk, is all

Permalink Mark Unread

Okay! That's fair. It's nice to meet you. Dead cats have their own setups but don't know how to talk to yours yet. I don't know what you already know about my activities among the living.

Permalink Mark Unread

you want to drain the sky of all who'd leave it
so fewer constellations fill the night
and bring prosperity to all these creatures;
you expect me to oppose with will and might.
I want to see my future children thrive
though I will, yes, confess the factor features:
the sum of brightened souls, postponed, alive
some far-off patient day I'll still retrieve it

Permalink Mark Unread

I wouldn't say I expect you to be against it so much as that it did occur to me that you might have some opposed interests and I wasn't sure how things would shake out.

Permalink Mark Unread

I haven't had much chance to try and guess what templates of which I am not composed will do

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, you can try practicing on cats, they don't seem to do the birthday thing.

Permalink Mark Unread

I will, though it may take some time for routes to be established

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

a metaphor for forums and for other forms communication takes

Permalink Mark Unread

Huh. Good luck with that. I can talk to the dead cats, if you need to relay anything particularly urgent there.

Permalink Mark Unread

I do not at present, though the time until our first successful meeting
would likely lessen if they worked to bridge the gap as well:
a message which you might pass on

Permalink Mark Unread

I believe they're already working on that.

Permalink Mark Unread

that's good

Permalink Mark Unread

Anything else while I'm here?

Permalink Mark Unread


Can you do unusual limb arrangements, an extra set of arms on some of the bodies?  Apparently I'll have the leftover attention span as long as I'm not piloting them all complicatedly, according to -

Permalink Mark Unread

I hereby declare myself nicknamed Nudge for the purposes of word-limited communication.  Even though it sounds like it's for wingèd girls, which I'm neither of.

Permalink Mark Unread

According to Nudge.  - Oooooh, can I have wings on some of them too?  I suppose I should also name myself: Felicity, how about.

Permalink Mark Unread

I can do multi-arm configurations, yeah, there's prior art on that. I can do wings, too, but it's hard for humans to learn to fly and you won't have great stamina for it. You'll need to specify what kind of wings, they're harder to change on a human baseline.

Permalink Mark Unread

I'll think about it and tell Jordan.  Should he send you a message via technology once everything's thoroughly checked?

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

did you have any general questions for me

Permalink Mark Unread

Am I missing any glaring problems in parts of the world other than the Roman Empire? To your knowledge are any other species people besides humans and some cats? Do you know if my language knowledge has more correspondences than English with Latin? Is there a good way to put in for changes to the laws of physics where that would make improving the standard of living easier? Am I missing any major discrepancies between physics here and at home?

Permalink Mark Unread

I make note of all the physics tickets and suggestions given me directly through the way we're talking to each other now

Permalink Mark Unread

Do you not have answers for the other things?

Permalink Mark Unread

no left angle bracket three

Permalink Mark Unread

??left angle bracket three-?? - oh. Okay, thanks.

Permalink Mark Unread

are there pending physics asks or did you merely wonder

Permalink Mark Unread

I will do some electrical engineering experiments and get back to you. Will Felicity have an easier time reincarnating than my prior patient did?

Permalink Mark Unread

not as such when counted strictly but in practice yes

Permalink Mark Unread

...if you say so. Will future reincarnations go smoothly?

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Can you give me a ballpark estimate of time or number-of-reincarnations?

Permalink Mark Unread

it's yet unclear if clusters count as one or as their number

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, the virtue of a ballpark estimate is that you can figure it out either which way.

Permalink Mark Unread

Basbalo ne estas sporto ĉi tie.

Permalink Mark Unread

Imagu tion. Dankon. I am looking for an order of magnitude guess.

Permalink Mark Unread

the time it takes depends upon how fast you go

Permalink Mark Unread

That's why I suggested number of reincarnations as a non-time unit of measurement!

Permalink Mark Unread

the number too may vary based on choices

Permalink Mark Unread

Are we talking days, weeks, months, years

Permalink Mark Unread

most likely

Permalink Mark Unread

You're a big help, thanks. Anything else?

Permalink Mark Unread

it's not my fault you're asking me instead of aiming questions at the psychic

Permalink Mark Unread

Who's a psychic?

Permalink Mark Unread

the one who knows what baseball, something I had never heard of, is
I said as much before

Permalink Mark Unread

Sure, over a week ago and not very clearly.

Permalink Mark Unread

half false

Permalink Mark Unread

A quarter at most.

Permalink Mark Unread

I had that filed under 'mysterious language behavior like cat literacy' but yeah come to think of it that's peculiar, how do you know about baseball, Nudge?

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm psychic!  Don't worry about the details.  I mean that; there's several avenues through which worrying about it might make things worse in some way.  But to answer your previous questions:  Verona sure exists, and probably other stuff too.  It's just cats and humans.  Esperanto plejparte samas, sed ne estas konstruita lingvo kaj havas malsamas namon.  I almost just said a sentence in what would have sounded like an either horrible or intriguing mishmash of French and German but here's it in Latin instead; most of the ones here are kind of like that or don't match at all.  I don't have any physics facts on tap - though that shouldn't be taken to mean you've come across everything - but I'll give you a biology one: you have and had a much hardier respiratory system than these folks; be careful with that when you're planting power and such.

Permalink Mark Unread

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that with such compact genomes some robustness got jettisoned, I will mind the air pollution. Verona is an Italian town on my planet, is it not part of the Roman Empire? Are there any details that would not make things worse in some way that I could know?

Permalink Mark Unread

No, it's a country by the Great Lakes, though it's surrounded by Rome.  Probably things will go fine with them as long as you don't have any interactions where they don't know you're ridiculously powerful.  And the genomes are unrelated to that; it's - do you get the joke if I say you shouldn't make any mosquitos here -

Permalink Mark Unread

Are there not mosquitoes here? I mean, I guess if genetics is totally different the gene drive wouldn't work anyway...

Permalink Mark Unread

There are not mosquitos here.  Plenty of people are still listed as dying of malaria.  It's hilarious, right?

Permalink Mark Unread

I mean that's probably just the word meaning 'bad air'? Especially if everyone's lungs suck. Sort of like how influenza is not, apparently, viral here.

Permalink Mark Unread

It super is that!  Plenty of them are people who die in fires, from smoke inhalation; some places count drownings.

Permalink Mark Unread

my current understanding's that the suckage is a feature, not a bug

Permalink Mark Unread

Of course it's not a bug; there's no mosquitoes here.

Permalink Mark Unread

you know I don't know what those are

Permalink Mark Unread

Flying biting insects. Which carry blood parasites.

Permalink Mark Unread

I would not allow those to exist

Permalink Mark Unread

Good for you! They suck! Both literally and metaphorically. Why do you allow influenza-in-the-local-sense?

Permalink Mark Unread

it's less offensive and more fundamental when compared with parasites

Permalink Mark Unread

I mean, it still seems worse than nothing, though?

Permalink Mark Unread

many useful purposes are served with influenza

Permalink Mark Unread

Like what?

Permalink Mark Unread

right angle bracket colon three and c

Permalink Mark Unread

You're not very forthcoming, are you.

Permalink Mark Unread

iamb not

Permalink Mark Unread

Is there anything else you WILL tell me that I might care to know before I go down and then up again to retrieve Felicity?

Permalink Mark Unread

a cluster made of equal counts of summer solquinoxes and the even day before the autumn's crest
is isomorphic to the seasonchange that nests betwixt them
and if you took a cloud made of said seasonchange and mixed them
you'd have something identical to what you'd had before
(the one exception being that it's bigger, greater, more)
and this result can thrive by virtue of its composition
it cancels out the curse of one and gives the other mission
and so in terms of what you're looking for (or weren't but should've been) it seems that ms. felicity's the best

Permalink Mark Unread

...thanks? Nudge, anything else from you?

Permalink Mark Unread

The One contains the memories and personality of the cat uplift person if you want to sort of ask her anything, though as always there's still a chance any of the other billions of jerks inside it might get in the way.  Clouds with a wider spread of birthdays might not be incarnatable because we have seasonal genetics. You can probably get an answer about why there's malaria even though you couldn't get one about influenza.  Periods are considered a type of influenza here.  The One is sulking at me in backchannel about whether you liked its dumb pun.

Permalink Mark Unread

PERIODS are influenza? But a single birthday can come in both sexes! I've seen it!

Permalink Mark Unread

I mean it affects them differently?  Girls get physical symptoms and guys just get kind of bitchy.  Or, that's when people have them at all, almost everyone uses crystals to skip 'em.  But it's a completely regular occurrence that affects how you feel so yeah, that's an influenza.

Permalink Mark Unread

Gotcha. I guess that makes more sense than malaria including drowning.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Okay I think I'm coming down now, last call for ominous parting remarks.

Permalink Mark Unread

semicolon close paren good luck

Permalink Mark Unread

And down drifts Cam. Has Jordan got a complete spec for Felicities?

Permalink Mark Unread

Not the moment Cam lands but pretty shortly after.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh good.

In that case Cam will add a module to his shuttle so it has room for all the bodies, and make them and their rainbow of sweaters, and then go on up to collect Felicity.

Permalink Mark Unread


"Oh I see," says one of the bodies, and sits up.  The others shift around the way Ashley did at first; the winged two (both sets feathery and in pastel gray, one tinted warmly and the other coolly) adjust under their blankets to try and examinatorily run their fingertips along the leading edges of their new appendages; the six four-armed ones give themselves double hugs.  "This is extremely uncomfortable!  Thank you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You're welcome! I did crank up the heat, my first subject came out a bit cold, is there anything else that would help you out there?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Stots.  It's been a long time since any of me's been able to listen to music?  Nothing loud or surprising please."

Permalink Mark Unread

Light backgroundy strings?

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh . . ."

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh good. And down they go.

Permalink Mark Unread

The one closest to the window scoots over to it to watch their descent.  The rest close their eyes (though the one sitting up, in periwinkle, opens hers every once in a while to check and make sure Cam isn't trying to flag her attention) and occasionally shiver and sigh in ways at least sometimes unrelated to the fact that her soul is loudly announcing its displeasure with being crammed back into physical forms.

Permalink Mark Unread

After a leisurely descent and landing, Cam opens the door. "Do you need wheelchairs? I don't think they'll play well with wings but I can figure something out."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It would be a bad idea to try and take these out all at once but I think I can manage one or two at a time."  She tries, mostly successfully though not very steadily, and sits the bodies on the ground one by one as she's done moving them.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. Anything else I can do for your adjustment here?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll let you know!  Is there anything I can do for you like this; do you want me to - read up on things from your world so I can look for differences and better understand what you're working with, sift through ads for purchasable land that would make a good center of operations, get high and spread the word that resurrection/incarnation is available and look for good candidates to go next, something else entirely that I haven't thought of - "

Permalink Mark Unread

"Those are all good possibilities! What do you need in order to get on the internet for land ads?" He hands one of her "A Brief History of the World".

Permalink Mark Unread

That one starts reading.

"Stots, I'm not sure how many are going to be on the internet?  I was imagining you make me a bunch of classifieds, or I suppose realtor phone numbers if that's something you can do?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I need to copy something, d'you want to name newspapers and I'll make you their classifieds?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ones from around hereish or a wider range?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hereish seems good, I might travel around later but here's where the cats're at."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm so excited to meet talking cats!!!  There's Londinium Now; I don't know of anything closer so that probably does call for internet to at least get their names.  I bet a member of Jordan's family would give me a ride to their place and let me use their computer if they have one, since I'm not well enough to go to a library yet, or I could just call and ask them about local newspapers directly."

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam makes assorted devices for Felicity to use - "I'm not connected to the internet per se, this just has the current state of the internet loaded on to it, but it can also call Jordan et al -" And he makes the last week of Londinium Now's classifieds.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh wow!"  One of her digs into the internet.  "Is there a writeup somewhere of the sorts of things you can and can't make?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Uh, sure. Sprechen Sie Deutsch? It's probably been translated if not."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Let's go with not, I think."

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam looks up a translation and hands her the English version of Apselpotenz.

Permalink Mark Unread

Over the next while she asks for writing materials, headphones, the local newspaper by name (Chelford is too small to have one on its own; it's printed out of the town with the pharmacy Cam had to drive out to last night), and some snacks (she is so! delighted! to be able to taste again!!!).  One of the winged ones (in rose) practices walking around a bit; the other (in raspberry) poses for one of the more standardly configured ones (in aquamarine) to inspect and accidently but non-injuriously thwaps aquamarine in the face.

If he checks his mail there's a letter to Cam with no other content attached.

Permalink Mark Unread

...that could just be in progress, but it could be something else. Who from?

Permalink Mark Unread

It's Ellie!  . . . There's blood seeping out from a few places across the back of her shirt, quite visible on the white fabric.

Permalink Mark Unread

Well shit. "Would any of you like to come along on what may be a rescue mission?" he inquires.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes; what of?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Lady down in Londinium. She did mention she was a slave but didn't seem to consider it an emergency at the time - she'd been going to give me a tour of the power plant -" He and a Felicity are up up and away!

Permalink Mark Unread

"And there's an emergency now?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"She wrote me, she's bleeding, I'm going to assume there might be."

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh no what's the thing you say when you're a human and alive and something bad is happening to another human.  ". . . Oh no!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Indeed." Londinium here we come.

Permalink Mark Unread

(The view out the window is still awe-inspiringly pretty; honey-sweatered Felicity keeps her eyes on it for the rest of the flight.)

Londinium here you are!

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam comes in for a landing.

Ellies in a five block radius of her apartment?

Permalink Mark Unread

She's in her apartment.

Permalink Mark Unread

That's easy then. Motorcycle, sidecar for Felicity, zoom.

Permalink Mark Unread

No one answers out front if Cam knocks there but if he goes up to her individual door -

" - Hi.  Uh, sorry about - I remembered after I'd already written it that you said that part should go at the end; I was working on a better one . . ."  She swipes a sheet of paper off the kitchen counter, crumples it, and dumps it in a wastepaper basket, walking backwards rather than turning around.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, I can't tell the difference between 'wrote the letter in the wrong order' and 'somehow was not able to get down more than three words'. Since you were bleeding I thought I'd figure it was the latter! What happened?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Stots, sorry.  I'm - fine, really, I just went to go sell the bracelets you gave me and didn't tell a very convincing story about where I'd gotten them.  Should've thought about that ahead of time."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And this results in you bleeding? Nobody will have reported them stolen!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I mean it's just very obviously suspicious given that I work with crystals in a power plant and am a crafty sort of person?  I mean I don't think I could have made those but it's - reasonable for someone not to know that if they know I can make a lot of things.  And it was only four."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Let me have a look? I went to medical school and biology is different here but I can still close wounds."

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . If you wanted to test whether crystals you make work right I'm also - not a certified healer but like.  I would be if I was free."

Permalink Mark Unread

"They probably don't but I can give it a go, give me specs?"

Permalink Mark Unread

She does.  Some of the names aren't the same as English's but Ellie can describe those ones by their properties well enough and the rocks themselves match.  After receiving them, Ellie measures out a complicated symmetrical array and lies face down in the middle of it.  She at least hasn't bled very much more since Cam made the model but Felicity makes a face anyways (or, with the benefit of omniscient narration, makes sixteen faces).

"I think it's working," says Ellie, slightly muffled, after a minute.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll take that as a no on the trying to patch you up my way?"

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"I don't have a strong preference."

Permalink Mark Unread

So Cam will carefully patch up the skin on her back. "Does this happen a lot? - oh, by the way, this is Felicity, my new PA, she used to be several dead people, Felicity this is Ellie."

Permalink Mark Unread

Ellie props herself up on her elbows.  "Thanks.  Uh, no, this was the first time - I'm actually extremely upset because I've never done anything wrong before - or still, I guess - or, I mean I've messed up at things but I had a perfect record for intentional wrongdoing and now I don't and I think that will still be true even if this gets cleared up.  But probably that's fine because even in the very best case scenario you're still probably going to be uprooting all of society as we know it?  If you're like, you know - hi Felicity nice to meet you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's honestly not very nice to be meeting you!  Nice name, though."

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . Thank you . . ."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Felicity in your capacity as my PA consider reading an etiquette book or something so you don't alienate people unnecessarily?" suggests Cam. Ellie's skin is all put back together and she has some replacement blood now.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I will do that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's fine?  Or, I at least don't object to her implying she doesn't approve of whippings."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Was there something else you objected to?"

Permalink Mark Unread


"I mean I'm not thrilled at the insinuation of emotional immaturity but if there are going to be star clouds walking around at ground level I guess we're all just going to have to get used to that, yeah?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean to insinuate that you were emotionally immature, just that you should consider being kinder to yourself and performing less deference in this context.  Do you want a hug?"

Permalink Mark Unread

" - I have a cat but thanks."

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"...emotional immaturity?" says Cam.

Permalink Mark Unread

"'Ellie' is a very October Fourct sort of name and there are certain stereotypes."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, I see. All the more reason for the etiquette book! Ellie, is there anyone I should go, like, talk to for you -? Can your record be cleared at this point?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I haven't actually ever dealt with this part of the system so I have no idea.  Probably not.  It doesn't matter though?  On the scale of like, ending material scarcity.  I think it won't affect whether I can get you into the plant if you're already willing to tag along and be an obviously real person who exists and is maybe going to donate stuff or something."

Permalink Mark Unread

Permalink Mark Unread

"If you say so. When's a good time for that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . Before, I was imagining it being around the time of my next shift, but that has its own flaws and since the plant has to run fourct-oct I guess it could really be any time?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I am not yet accustomed to local timekeeping. Is now good since I'm here anyhow?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It has to be running each of the fourct hours in a day, oct days a week.  Now's fine."

Permalink Mark Unread

" - I will try to avoid saying twisty pointed things the way stars are wont to but over a third of me are your geminis and I recognize what you're doing on a personal level and think it's very unhealthy!  At the very very absolute least you should have a cozy warm drink or something before going off to have a complicated social interaction with intimidating people of higher standing than you immediately after having been whipped for failing to successfully navigate a complicated social interaction with intimidating people of higher standing than you!  There's a strong case to be made for waiting which rests on your likely effectiveness, if you're unmoved by ones about your personal wellbeing and emotional state."

Permalink Mark Unread


"You're very - aa.  Sure, I'll give it a bit."  To Cam: "Sorry."

Permalink Mark Unread

"No, that's fine, that's why I asked instead of being like 'so this is next on the itinerary' - what kind of warm drinks do you go for?"

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . Silver tea?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Never heard of it." He will rummage in her kitchen for a cup rather than saddle her with surplus dishes.

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's just plain hot water?  I'm aware that sounds kind of pathetic right now but I do actually like it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I did not myself grow up in a culture where drinking hot water was commonplace but I have heard of people doing it!" When he comes up with a cup he hands it to her full of steaming water.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thanks.  It's not very usual here either, really."  She carefully sits up inside the crystal array and then steps out of it, removing a few key stones and setting them aside before making her way to the couch and starting in on her 'tea'.

Permalink Mark Unread

"You all better? I don't know how helpful the crystals tend to be."

Permalink Mark Unread

"They would have patched me up fine eventually but yours was faster and also fine.  . . . Better than fine, actually; I, uh, asked for the good stuff.  Probably you should take them or something so I'm not.  You know."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...so that you aren't caught in possession of valuable crystals or so that you don't enjoy whatever recreational side effects they come with?" says Cam, gathering up the rocks into a bag and handing them to Felicity.

Permalink Mark Unread

"The first one, and I wouldn't really call it recreational; it's just health ben - doooon't!  Do that??  That's really dangerous; I'll describe you a case - if you put them all in a bag together that risks making some sort of array - "

Permalink Mark Unread

"- oh, okay, whoops." He holds very still till a case is described.

Permalink Mark Unread

Ellie gingerly removes the rocks that made it into the bag, sets them carefully askew from each other, consults a catalog off a bookshelf, names a model of case, and starts tucking crystals into foam indentations.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sorry. I don't know why I assumed magical crystals were typically safe to handle."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess there's a reason there are multiple units in elementary school about how most people should pretty much just leave them alone; it makes sense that someone not exposed to that wouldn't know.  Just be careful going forward."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Will do." Case, properly packed, gets handed off to Felicity.

Permalink Mark Unread

Ellie returns to the couch and sips awkwardly at her water.

". . . Oh, they also confiscated the - device? - you gave me.  I don't know if that's.  Important."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I mean, I can replace it - did they take Mr. Mistoffelees's too -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"No, they didn't come here, I just tried to use it while they were investigating."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Gotcha. Do you want a version with, like, a panic button?"

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . . . . Not that I'm implying that you would suggest things that wouldn't help anything, but I just don't see, uh.  How it would help anything."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's entirely possible it wouldn't help anything, I don't know how things work around here! It'd be a way to get a notification to me sooner but there'd still be travel time."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, um, the order of operations here is that, I tried to sell the bracelets, the person I tried to sell them to turned me in, I tried to contact you via device to see if you'd vouch for me, the device was also extremely suspicious so they confiscated it, I got put in a holding cell and asked for some paper while they investigated, wrote the first start of the letter to you, realized that was a bad idea, started on a second one in the right order, got convicted of not being legibly unsuspicious, served my very light sentence, went home, started on a third letter and then you got here?  So it seems like that was already about as fast as you could have gotten here and a panic button wouldn't have given you any more useful information or anything."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is 'not being legibly unsuspicious' a real crime?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sometimes?  Like, I think it's fair that - the thing that happened here is really unlikely, right?  You can't blame the law for not being able to predict that there would be someone with magic powers who can make extremely valuable objects out of literally nothing at all!!  So - if you have somebody that you know works with crystals, and is crafty, even if you can't point to where exactly something might've come from, it - makes sense to just go 'the most likely thing by far is that you stole them, even if you found some really clever way to hide it' and whip them and mark their record and let them get on with their day instead of, what, keep them locked up for even longer while you looked for concrete evidence about - what in any other circumstance would really clearly have been something I very obviously did?  And obviously it's way less than whatever I would have gotten if they actually had proof."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, that's fucked up, but I guess before demon forensics were popular on my planet our criminal justice situation was also fucked up."

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . Thanks?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Shrug. "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Permalink Mark Unread


"I think it would be useful to keep at least this one of me - and probably more - in Londinium, in case anything happens that I can handle which it would be useful to cut down on travel time for.  Since I'm kind of like a set of living phones, myself."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, that makes sense. I should get you a hotel room or something then."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It might also be useful to have someone else along, in case incarnation works well for a while and then goes badly, or if something requires enough of my attention that I have trouble piloting this body, or just if being dead for a while makes it hard to navigate this environment in some way."

Permalink Mark Unread


"I continue to have a cat."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Lots of hotels let you bring cats."

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . Also he's a person and Cam'll back me up on that.  - She, dangit.  I was doing so well with that but it usually goes the other direction - "

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes, the cat's a person. Ellie, would you actually object if I went about purchasing your you and then freed you and hired you as Felicity's Londinium helper?"

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . I, um.  Um?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...to be clear I am not planning to do that against your will, buying people over their objections is the sort of thing I frown upon very seriously actually."

Permalink Mark Unread




"I don't . . . have a strong preference???"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...I wasn't really expecting that but you do you, I suppose."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I assume it's that you have a lot of feelings about both of those rather than not having very many feelings about either, right?"

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay, well, you don't have to decide right this minute, I can probably bumble through getting -" He assesses the color of Felicity's sweater. "- Goldenrod Felicity a hotel room."

Permalink Mark Unread


"If you're going to buy me then you should wait to do that until after we've tried for the tour, but also we could go to a hotel before then either way as long as it allows cats and isn't too far from work or anything."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, actually could you - hold on I'm going to look something up."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is what you're going to look up relevant to finding a hotel?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"No, we can go ahead with that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Alrighty then. Ellie, do you know where to start looking, because I don't."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sure, um, what sort of place do you want?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm not going to stay there! Criteria I have heard so far are 'allows cats' and 'not too far from your work'."

Permalink Mark Unread

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you mean 'which side of high-class versus cheap should I err on' because you're worried about both of those being potentially offensive even given magical conjuration."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"- well I'm not going to stay in it, I don't need to sleep! But it might get tedious to pawn enormous numbers of objects eventually? Or suspicious or something."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Things can still be insulting by proxy," she mumbles.  "Should I wake up my - daughter, or."

Permalink Mark Unread

"- oh the cat I was confused there for a sec. I guess she might have an opinion on the hotels, sure."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah I almost said cat but I'm trying very hard to avoid dehuman - uh, depersonizing? - her."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Cats don't seem to mind being called cats, their language didn't even have a word for 'person' before I introduced one, but it's a thoughtful impulse. Anyway yeah. Mr. Mistoffelees!" he says, raising his voice a tad.

Permalink Mark Unread

"She's very nocturnal," Ellie says, walking to the bookshelf cat nook.  "Also I feel like the connotations of 'cat' definitely aren't the same as 'person' in Latin even if they're the same to cats and that it would have sounded dismissive in at least that particular sentence.  Hi sleepyhead."

Permalink Mark Unread

Presently there is a yawning kitten being held like a baby in Ellie's arms.  (Felicity is too professional to squee with this body.)  She stiffens when she notices the other people present in the room and hops down on the floor.  "You're back already?"

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"Yeah, I wasn't expecting to but something came up. Do you want to come with us to pick out a hotel room?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess."  She spots the blood.  " - What happened to Mom‽"

Permalink Mark Unread

"She got in some trouble but I fixed her up, she's okay now."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay that's good but what happened."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I should, uh, probably change shirts and wash up a bit and pack?  A set of clothes??"  Ellie slips into her room and then to the bathroom.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I gave her some shiny things to sell, like the pile I gave Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer, and someone thought she must have stolen it from someone, and they hurt her about it. I'm going to try to set things up so that won't happen again."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"I found the thing I was looking for," chimes Felicity after a moment of silence.  "Given that it does look like you can replace all the relevant volatile crystals with diamond, which is inert, is there something you were hoping to get out of a tour of the power plant that couldn't be satisfied by making a model and having Ellie describe its contents?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"That seems like it might work fine."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Then if at any point she decides she wants to be manumitted we could probably do that right away."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Um, I mean," says Ellie, stepping enhoodied out of the bathroom, "I?  . . . . - would maybe benefit from a description of which specific parts of slavery are the ones you object to.  In order to make more useful suggestions."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...the part where people are coerced into doing things for other people, especially if that situation is uncompensated, otherwise abusive, permanent, hereditary, or accompanied by other inequal treatment in the eyes of the law."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay, um, thank you; sorry.  So - I don't know how long it's going to take to replace all the power plants with - something that nobody has to run?  But in the meantime, y'know, somebody's got to run all the power plants, and currently that's pretty much slaves - and if you freed everyone but we all kept working that'd be somewhat of an issue but maybe not too much of one?  It'd mainly be, um, cost, and everyone only working a quarter of a day instead of a third although I guess you could maybe fix that by paying overtime, possibly out of their manumission fees?  But the thing is that I don't know whether we'd keep working; the whole point is that we're very specialized so maybe people'd stick around but I don't really have any idea.  And, uh, I guess my point is that - if, um.  You wanted to free me, for reasons of I guess being principled, I'm not actually sure that I'm better than a random person off the street to be a random local guide and in fact might be worse?  Um.  Sorry if that's - mischaracterizing you, or the situation, or.  Yeah."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm aware that you're basically a random person but - I don't like situations I have contacted to go on having glaring problems it is within my power to solve. Uh, replacing the power plants might be very fast, depending on how many of them there are and how complicated the hookups are. We can go over a model later to figure that out."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, that makes sense."  She starts helping Mr. Mistoffellees into her jacket.  "If it's fast enough then I don't really have an opinion I guess.  . . . About power plants; presumably there are lots of other ones doing important things which I know nothing about."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hey, Felicity, is there some kind of existing abolitionist organization I should be hooking up with that has thought about this sort of thing?"

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"There are definitely existing ones; I'll look into which if any would have you, them, and slaves benefiting from your collective interaction."

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"Thanks, I could really get used to this having a PA thing."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh good!"

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . do alternate universes have less-degrading alternatives to cat carriers; I'm not sure we can get away with having her walk freely in a hotel."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Leash harness?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess?  If that's any less degrading? It can be her call."

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Cam explains to Mr. Mistoffelees this constraint and asks how she'd like to handle it.

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"I think a carrier sounds fine as long as it isn't a sucky one."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What makes a carrier suck?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"The one you make should be easy to see out of but have a place where no one can see me and it should be hard to swing me around or bump into things on accident.  Maybe something like what - Ellie, has."  She points with her paw to the backpack slung over her human's shoulder.  "But with more structure in the base so I have something to sit on properly."

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam whips up a design on his computer of a stiff-bottomed backpack with the bottom compartment roofed in fabric but easy to poke one's cat-sized head through. "Like this?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I was thinking more like the type of fabric that's all little holes, for a window.  And it has to be black."

Permalink Mark Unread

Black mesh!

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's fine.  Co-designing things is way easier when you can talk to the other person.  And I guess when you have screens and can just appear things."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's very convenient, this sort of thing used to be a lot harder before they invented the kind I can control with my brain." He materializes the designed backpack.

Permalink Mark Unread

" - I want one."

Permalink Mark Unread

"They'll have to be redesigned for cat brains, if they work on this planet with its weird biology at all."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hmph."  She climbs in the backpack.  "I guess I'll just have to keep making better hands."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's the spirit." He dons the backpack since Ellie already has one.

Permalink Mark Unread

Then Ellie can lead them all to a hotel!  It is neither ritzy nor a dump.

Permalink Mark Unread

Does Cam have enough slush money for putting up Felicity here now?

Permalink Mark Unread

For sure.  It's about nine copper.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cool. He will book a room with two beds in case Ellie wants to move in later.

Permalink Mark Unread

He can do that!

"Do you need a brief rundown of how money works here?" asks Felicity once they all get to the room.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Did I screw something up?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"No, it's just not very intuitive in some ways and I've been reading enough to see that your world's system was different.  The short version is: a gold is eight silver, a silver is eight copper and is allegedly kept at about a basic day's wage but is in practice usually a bit higher, coppers can be physically broken in eight and also are tied to a fluctuating number of black pieces so that inflation and whatnot can happen."

If Cam were to do the math on converting the contents of the bag Jordan gave him into the 2022 USD of an alternate alternate universe which he has no reason to have ever heard of, he would find himself in possession of about six and a half thousand dollars.

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"Cool, thanks. I guess it makes sense I have a lot, I sold the guy a motorcycle."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Right, Jordan mentioned before you came on up."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Cool. Ballpark how big will the power plant model have to be, I don't know if we can do it in here."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Uh, at what scale?  And if you can do different ones how much detail do you need to see."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...at whatever scale? I don't know how big it is in real life either. But I can make us loupes if there's important tiny details."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay.  It can probably go on the bed."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How will we get rid of it afterwards if I put it on the bed?"

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . . cleaning crew?  Me taking it to a dumpster in pieces?  I'm sorry.  - Or should we just start with a layout map."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Map sounds good, is there an existing one somewhere I can copy?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"There are definitely drawings an architect made in order to build it.  I don't know how much information you need."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I just want a reference for you to use when you're telling me how the inputs and outputs of the plant as a whole work, the blueprints will do." Blueprint?

Permalink Mark Unread


" - Sure.  Um, so here's the entry and the offices, where we do our calculations for how long an array can safely be up and track scheduling for current and planned arrays and whatnot, and next to that is where the kids stay when they aren't doing other stuff, or if an adult needs to look something up for some reason it's also where the more obscure reference materials are.  Here's the cooldown pools for crystals that are just coming out of active arrays, and the room for recharge arrays, and safe storage for charged but currently unused crystals.  And then the active arrays go in these ones, not all of which might be in use at any given time."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Why can't arrays be up indefinitely? They just get too hot?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"And then explode, sometimes.  And the farther you let them go, the more recharge and the longer a rest they'll need before they can be used at all efficiently again."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. Electrical plants mostly don't have that problem. Can you tell me about the output - does it go through, like, conductive wires -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Mmhm, and there are a few different ways of doing that; some magnetically or magically spin generators directly, some heat water to make steam to do the same, some give off concentrated light onto something that turns that into electricity, uh, somehow, I'm not specialized towards that in particular - "

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. What are the advantages of those different ways?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"A lot of it is honestly availability of crystals and what the state of the art was at the time the plant was built.  We're on all direct generator manipulation here; older places tend to heat water and newer ones are sometimes doing light but it's kind of niche because the receptive electrical panels aren't very reliable yet."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. But the receptive electrical panels and everything else just put watts into wires? Do the wires then go to a transformer? How much variance in output can the transformer handle?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Put whats into wires?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't know your units, do you want to, like, get electrical engineering 101 from my universe and translate or try the reverse?"

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . I can take a look, sure.  I know comparatively little about the electrical side specifically but it might be enough."

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam introduces her to the concepts of watts and volts and so on.

Permalink Mark Unread

Something appears to occur to Ellie midway through.  " - Could you just make, like, thousands or millions or however many batteries.  Uh, those being little delicate arrays that only need to be swapped out on the scale of years to centuries."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Uh, sure? If those are just crystals same as the array I did in your room. We do batteries differently in my world, they're mostly lithium and stuff, but there's no reason I couldn't do crystal batteries."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, they're just unusually elaborate normal arrays, and they trade off pretty steeply on output to get the longevity, and they're basically not ever worth considering at all on the scale of grid power unless you can make crystals from nothing, but since you can I think that solves it!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"So the nice thing about some of the other designs I was considering is that they don't require fuel, and get energy from tides or wind or sunshine, but maybe batteries are in fact the way to go if we can't figure out how to convert my volts to your magical crystal electricity, though I'd be surprised if we couldn't since, like, electronics I conjure do still work here and that means the underlying physics didn't need much adjustment to accommodate them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Crystals aren't fuel but I think I see what you mean.  I could read up some to figure out whether our infrastructure would work for your ideas - "

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm already on that, actually!  And about niche battery designs with good output which require rare enough crystals that they were previously untenable.  And about sorts of arrays that can't even be constructed without conjuration - 3d batteries suspended in resin that can't safely exist in some of the intermediate states it would take to put them together, stuff involving truly massive hunks of rock - Ellie, it's possible to derive the properties of crystals no one's encountered before, right - "

Permalink Mark Unread

"In principle, yeah.  When you say you're already on that, what does that, uh, mean - "

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, I have twenty-eight bodies and all of them but this one are back in the wilderness with a bunch of reference material!  It's very exciting."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Tangent, what does 'stots' mean."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's like a less ambiguously-swearing version of 'stars'?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Fascinating. Okay, sounds like I can put the electrical project on the back burner while battery specs are drawn up?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sure!  Um, if - now that -



Permalink Mark Unread


"Go on?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"If.  This is a thing that needs planning, and I'm.  Actually qualified to have a go at it, or would be useful to have on standby, or, yeah, then - possibly I should in fact, not - um?  Keep doing what I was doing with my life??"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...I mean, uh, the thing you were doing with your life was experiencing slavery, so insofar as I get a vote, which, as part of my anti-slavery belief package, I don't think I should, yeah?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Right, so.  Yeah."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. How expensive are you, where do I go to turn you loose?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think I had it paid down to thirty-some gold but the last few months - I'm not exactly sure right now.  City hall has my account."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Where's city hall, will they want to know who the fuck I am or anything...?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"They will probably want to know who the fuck you are.  It's, uh, lemme think - thaaaat way?  Wait no," she points a quarter-turn off her first guess, "over there."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm trying to think of established people who we can bribe or sponsor into manumitting her themself, to skip on a bit of bureaucracy for now even though we shouldn't expect that to work in the long term - I'm somewhat loath to contact people my components knew personally, for the time being - "

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, I could phone Jesus? Since I should do that anyway."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sure!"  The hotel room has a phone on one of the nightstands.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam dials Jesus's number.

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Hi Jesus! This is Cam, we spoke earlier."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's good to be doing it again with voices.  Is there anything I can help you with?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Maybe! What is your opinion on slavery?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Deeply harmful not only to its direct victims but to those who enforce and support the institution, and to future generations: while it exists it causes souls who will eventually join the One to fail to flourish in life through either their oppression or their enabled cruelty, leading to all of us having a less benevolent and effective god reigning above than we otherwise would.  Has useful functions regardless, some of which should be replicated when it's replaced by a less abusive system."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Great, cool, nice spiel, can I get your help with buying and manumitting my electrical grid consultant? I don't have a legal identity and it seems like one might be called for."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'd have to shuffle the budget some but I think so."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can cover it monetarily, I sold Jordan a motorcycle recently."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Then certainly."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Great. Is Londinium city hall convenient to you? We can meet there and have the rest of this conversation in person."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How quickly?  I'm presently on a different continent."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It is not urgent on a scale of hours. I can come pick you up, or you could maybe recommend me a local friend who also has a legal identity or something."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can find someone near you who my network will vouch for within the hour."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Great. I do have another thing I wanted to mention."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"You know how I'm from another universe?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"So I've been told."

Permalink Mark Unread

"My universe had a Jesus! Little over two thousand years ago. Super duper famous. I would like to guess some things about your life so as to see if that's a coincidence or not."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Fire away."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you have a friend named Judas, possibly Iscariot?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"You could call us that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Simon and/or Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, another James, Thaddaeus, another Simon?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Those match."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is your mom named Mary? And your dad or possibly stepdad I'm not sure Joseph?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Mary and Joseph Christ.  Why possibly stepdad?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, in the mythology associated with your alternate universe self there's a god involved - not a star cluster, just, like, a being with a ton of superpowers and stuff - and it is a very prominent part of the mythology that, if you will excuse me, that my universe's Mary gave virgin birth due to miraculous intervention. She didn't in reality, busybody demons have checked, but it might have fit with Joseph being your stepdad. However also in my universe Christ was not a surname, it was a title meaning 'anointed one', so."

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . Interesting.  I'm simply a person with opinions, myself."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Cool. So, obviously the mythology doesn't match super well, but, just in case, I recommend not hanging out in anywhere named 'Gethsamene' and, especially, not letting Judas kiss you there, lest he be intending to betray you to hostile authorities."

Permalink Mark Unread


"I'll take that under consideration.  Out of curiosity, do you have any plans for publicizing your ability to resurrect stars among the living yet?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"No, I am playing it super by ear, this world is incredibly confusing and that inhibits my ability to make confident decisions about things that are large and complicated. Do you have an opinion?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well.  For complicated political and spiritual reasons I was already planning to provoke Rome into executing me, under circumstances I suspect will attract quite a lot of press.  It might make sense to move the timeline on that up half a year - you'd want to wait a few days to bring me back, so no one could reasonably say I hadn't really died - but since I'm starting with a moderate amount of fame and expect my death to direct yet more attention, it might be easier to spread the word that way than whatever else you might have planned.

Of course, this would in some sense set you against the Empire, which may be unstrategic.  But perhaps the opposite is true."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...ah. A few days like, say, three?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'd expect that to be sufficient."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. Uh. Are they going to nail you to a cross, I hear that's an awful way to go."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That is one of a few ways it might be.  But if you conspicuously resurrect everyone the Empire tortures to death I have some hope that they'll torture fewer people to death."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Are you at least planning to be high the entire time or something?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"If feasible."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, I'm sort of curious about the complicated political and spiritual reasons but perhaps we can cover those another time. In the meanwhile I want to buy Ellie and turn her loose, and I'll scale that up if I have reason to believe it won't cause, like, an empire-wide power outage, I don't know about here but at home that sort of thing is bad for people on ventilators or whatever."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Like I said, I should be able to have someone meet you at the Londinium city hall in an hour.  How should I contact you if that falls through?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's a good question. I will buy a phone on my way there and call you from it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Alright.  - I don't have any reason to think it'll come up, but if you speak to Judas or anyone else involved with me please don't mention my potential upcoming martyrdom.  Peace, foresight, and victory to you, Cam."

Permalink Mark Unread

"- I'll take that under consideration," Cam mutters back. "Okay, I'm off to buy a phone and meet a friend of Jesus at the city hall, does Ellie need to be there in person or anything?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I should probably come along, yeah, especially since getting a phone also probably needs a legal identity and we can use mine for that at least?  Uh, that was quite a conversation to hear half of.  Not that I'm trying to pry."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It was quite a conversation to BE half of. Presumably all will become clear at some point."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"No big deal." Off to buy a phone and sell some things at a consignment shop or whatever.

Permalink Mark Unread

Ellie proceeds to be visibly socially anxious as she accompanies Cam but can totally be a real person with a real address and such for getting-a-phone purposes.  The consignment shops will give him money without issue as long as he stays clear of the gemstones.

Permalink Mark Unread

He will sell consignment shops musical instruments and clothes and shoes if they prefer! When he has enough money for one (1) Ellie he proceeds with her to city hall.

Permalink Mark Unread

It takes kind of a lot; an Ellie is apparently pretty valuable.  Or maybe manumission is just disproportionately expensive.

(It occurs to Felicity midway through to check whether local hours match the ones Cam's used to.  It transpires they do, which is kind of weird since literally every other unit of time is different.)

Once they've accumulated another four or so motorcycles worth of cash: here's city hall!  It's mostly empty at present but there are a few loiterers on the atrium's granite benches and some staff members behind their counters and a number of business seekers talking with them or in various short lines.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam texts Jesus. This is Cam's new phone! Who am I looking for here?

Permalink Mark Unread

He receives a picture.

Permalink Mark Unread

And is she present?

Permalink Mark Unread

Over there, reading a magazine.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam walks up to her. "Hey, did I keep you waiting?"

Permalink Mark Unread

In a somewhat lower voice than Cam might expect:  "No worries.  Assuming you're who I think."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm Cam!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Elevation.  A pleasure."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Lovely to meet you. What's the procedure here?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I have a form mostly ready; it needs a few last touches - "  Here is a thin packet slid out from between some earlier pages of the magazine; here is a pen pulled from behind an ear, both offered to the space between Ellie and Felicity.

Permalink Mark Unread

Ellie takes them.  "Thank you, uh, sssssssss.  Sir.  - Citizen?  Sorry."  She buries herself in the paperwork.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Huh, Cam totally thought he was a woman, but he as far as he can recall did not act on that thought so he will just let it lie.

Permalink Mark Unread

Ellie finishes the form, checks it over a few times, and makes faces at some of it but doesn't ultimately change anything.  "Okay."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Are you coming with or just handing over the cash?" Elevation asks Cam.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm sort of curious about the process."

Permalink Mark Unread

Then they can all go up to one of the nook-counter-window things together.  Rome apparently isn't quite evil or incompetent enough to be anything less than perfectly polite to Ellie in front of the people paying thirty-some thousand alternate alternate universe dollars in order to free her; in fact the staffperson is quite celebratory.  Elevation mumbles something about the mailman winning the lottery as he passes Ellie an 'I was manumitted today!' sticker.  She doesn't apply it on anything.

And once the paper copies of Ellie's new documents are printed (with assurances that more durable versions will be mailed to her later), the staffperson informs the ensemble that they're free - he does a polite little customer-service laugh at the joke - to go.

Permalink Mark Unread

"They have stickers," Cam mutters incredulously on their way out.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well we can't just commit grievous moral abuses, we've also got to be tacky about it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yaaaay you bribed us to stop committing grievous moral abuses have a sticker!"

Permalink Mark Unread

(This Is Ellie's Neutral Face.)

Permalink Mark Unread

"Did you need anything else from me for now?  I intend to continue generally existing in Londinium if something else comes up."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That is my only pressing errand! Let's swap numbers though."

Permalink Mark Unread

He fishes a rubber-banded stack of business cards out of a pocket and hands Cam one.  Elevation D. Clarke, Spring Solq., Alphabet Conglomerate.  Work phone, personal phone, "fac" number.  An address.  One cannot uplift humanity without its lowest members.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam snaps a picture and hands it back. "Alphabet Conglomerate?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's an activist meta-group."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...that didn't really explain much."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We work to coordinate smaller and more specific activist and charitable organizations throughout the Empire and beyond in order to move resources and effort between them so we can collectively generate the most and most-impactful good.  It's through them that I was called here to assist you today; I'm somewhat surprised you hadn't heard of us."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I just asked Jesus if he happened to be able to help me out and he said he'd send you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's also just kind of generally famous."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, I'm not up on all the generally famous things."

Permalink Mark Unread

"No worries.  Do you have a card?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not a fancy one." He can put his name and number on a rectangle for him though.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thanks.  Feel free to reach out to me for similar services going forward."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll bear that in mind."

Permalink Mark Unread

And he's off, with a nod and an unfamiliar gesture.

Permalink Mark Unread

"...what does that gesture mean?" Cam asks Ellie.

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's kind of like a salute but less . . . . but more, uh, spring solquinox-y?  - Less military, I guess, among other things."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh, okay. Uh, should I leave you here with Felicity, do you need anything else from me here?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Uh . . . probably not."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think Ellie should get a computer to help her design the new arrays and read up on how electrical systems work on your world and whatnot.  And a fancy snack basket.  This body of mine should probably also get a computer, and some money for doing things in Londonium, and if you want to load me up with more things to pawn I can just keep doing that in the background while there aren't other things happening."

Permalink Mark Unread

Computers! Bag of jewelry! Basket of snacks!

Permalink Mark Unread

"Then I think we're set!  See you shortly?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"See you!"

And Cam makes his way back up north. He has some things he was supposed to distribute to some cats.

Permalink Mark Unread

(Back in north, in the local idiom.)

"Hello again," chirps the closest Felicity.  "Update: I'm in much less discomfort now!  I'm not sure if it's starting to wear off in generality or just because some of me is sleeping."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, next time you're all awake take another data point, I suppose!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, I've been keeping notes as detailed as I've had the spare attention for this whole time; I just thought that might be of interest to you.  What's next on your docket?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Cat stuff!" he says. "You can't speak cat, so probably you should all stay put."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It wouldn't bother me but if it'd inconvenience you or cats then by all means as you say."

Permalink Mark Unread

He doesn't have authorization to tell Felicity about the forest cats yet so he drives off in the wrong direction and circles around to deliver computers to those who need computers.

Permalink Mark Unread

WindClan's moors are open enough that Cam can see a cat darting across them, and then pausing and loping towards him, from quite far away.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hello!" Cam meows.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hello, Cam!  What business do you have with WindClan?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I have come to offer you a computer so that all the clans can have one!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"What's that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It is a device that can manipulate information! Starclan is working on getting you guys able to read so you can use them. I can show you how to use the kind I came up with for cats when you tell me where you want it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If you come along with me I can find someone who can make that decision."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Lead the way."

Permalink Mark Unread

She starts off in the direction she came from.  "So StarClan sent a sign about this?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"About computers specifically? No. But ThunderClan and ShadowClan have them now."

Permalink Mark Unread

"So everyone but RiverClan will . . . be better at lying to each other??  Why are they getting left out?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"They're not, I just came here first."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh."  She continues walking in silence a while.


" - Oh, I see, it's not actually about lying at all, is it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I mean, nothing stops you from putting lies on it, but yeah, that's not the central use case."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I didn't know what else it might mean to manipulate information.  But it's just for far-away talking of any kind?  With whom?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Other people who have computers - so the other clans, but I'll be handing out more of these. In the long run it'll let you talk to twolegs who aren't me and don't speak cat, if you want."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That seems . . . interesting.  - I heard you've been escorted around the territories by Fireheart; is he well?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Was last I saw him!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm glad to hear it; he's a good cat.  He helped me carry my kit back here after we had been driven out by ShadowClan."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How's your kit doing now?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Quite well.  I heard you spoke with him this morning, I hope he was well behaved.  Gorsepaw is his name."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm not so good at names as to specifically remember him, sorry."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Very understandable."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That having been established, if you tell me your name I will try to remember it for the duration of this conversation."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's Morningflower."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, that's pretty, most of the clan cat names are kind of lost on me aesthetically but I like yours."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh.  Thank you.  I don't know much about Twoleg names to compare yours to."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's short for Campbell and doesn't mean anything in my native language."

Permalink Mark Unread



I also had two other kits.  They were stillborn, while we were in exile."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh no, I'm sorry. Does that happen a lot?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"A dirty Twoleg cave under some Thunderpaths without access to any prey but occasional rats isn't really the best environment for a kitting.  I believe it happens less under more usual circumstances."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Are rats bad to eat in some way? This is the second time I've heard them mentioned disparagingly and I think I would have expected them to taste about like mice."

Permalink Mark Unread

"WindClan mostly doesn't eat mice either.  But rats sometimes have Carrionplace disease, and they're big enough that colonies of them have killed cats before."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Carrionplace disease?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It killed half of ShadowClan a little bit ago."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...yikes. What are its - symptoms, any other ways it can be caught besides from rats -?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm not a medicine cat.  And it's usually only ShadowClan that gets it, because they're the ones with the Carrionplace."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What manner of location is the Carrionplace?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's where Twolegs dump enormous heaps of crowfood."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ah, yeah, that seems like a likely disease reservoir."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes.  It serves them right, anyway."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...for... exiling you?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well yes."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is the Carrionplace new since then?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"No, but the outbreak was."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. Why did they exile you?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"There isn't a better reason than that they were greedy and wanted to hunt in our territory and claim it as their own.  WindClan is an honorable Clan."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...'kay." Are they almost there.

Permalink Mark Unread

No, the territories are pretty expansive when traveling through them at Cam-safe walking speeds.

"I have some concerns about what might happen if the Clans could all talk to each other at any time.  You seem - well-intentioned . . ."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I try! What might go wrong if the clans can all talk to each other at any time?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I expect it to get used for minor helpful things, and then for at least one dire harmful thing.  Other Clans have conspired together against us before."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I acknowledge it would make a conspiracy easier, but it would also make it pretty easy for someone to tip you off, or for you to build better relationships with the other clans so they wouldn't feel like conspiring against you in the first place."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't think that would help."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Why not?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I consider Fireheart a friend and have spared him in battle, but that doesn't fix the cause of the battle itself.  If a Clan shelters and feeds the cat who drove us out and killed my kits then it's just not right to let that stand, regardless of my opinion of individual ThunderClan cats."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is that in the warrior code or just a personal intuition?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"'Defend your Clan, even with your life. You may have friendships with cats from other Clans, but your loyalty must remain to your Clan, as one day you may meet them in battle,'" she quotes.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, sure, but that doesn't seem to call for not 'letting it stand' if they do something that isn't actually battling you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well the word of a Clan leader is the warrior code, and Tallstar chose to lead us in battle.  And he was right to; what if some Clan decided to drive us out again because they thought we were too weak to retaliate against such a serious wrong?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I am not an expert on cat politics. This just sounds like a lot of violence it would be worth some creativity to find a way to avoid."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, it's not my decision and even if it were it's not that I would want WindClan left out if every other Clan were getting one, but I just think that computers may be more likely to hurt than help in that regard."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well. I hope you're mistaken. I guess if it seems awful I can disable their communication ability."

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . What else do they do?  I thought that was what they were for."

Permalink Mark Unread

"They will teach you to read! They actually have a lot of abilities that are not easily describable using words you know, but I can show you stuff."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh.  Well I foremost hope that they don't make things worse at all, and otherwise hope that if they're going to, you realize it before anything very awful happens."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Extremely valid."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thank you."

Permalink Mark Unread

Tallstar emerges from a patch of heather at the crest of a nearby ridge.  "Greetings, Cam.  Back so soon?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm here because I wanna give all the Clans a computer," He will repeat his explanation of what they do.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I see.  You'll need to include the case; we don't have anywhere with enough coverage that it would stay dry on its own.  Does that mean we won't be able to use it while it's raining?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can set it up so it'll be sheltered from rain when open as long as it's not too windy."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What happens if it gets wet?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It might break, some of the components need to be dry at all times to keep working."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, if we put down over there it should be at least mostly sheltered.  When the wind does blow through there it usually goes this way."  Tallstar positions his body to indicate the direction.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam will position the computer accordingly!

Permalink Mark Unread

Tallstar investigates how to interact with it.  Morningflower sits down behind him and watches over his shoulder, her tail curling around over her toes.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam will walk cats through computing! The computers have messaging functions, and a way to locally save files and password-protect them in case you don't want other cats seeing what you wrote, and some basic games and drawing programs and stuff that would have been more effort to remove than include.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thank you for this gift and for your instruction," meows Tallstar once everything seems to have been covered.

Permalink Mark Unread

"You're welcome. Do I need an escort to the border?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Morningflower will walk back with you, yes."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thanks!" Walk walk walk.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do all the Twolegs Clans have computers too?" asks Morningflower once they're a ways away from Tallstar.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't know how widespread they are on this planet and they aren't as good as the kind I make anyway."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The Twoleg Clans where you're from," she amends.

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"Oh, yeah, there everybody's got them pretty much."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do they cause much strife between you?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not really. I mean, there's - people who'll be mean on the internet? Especially if the person they're talking to doesn't know who they are. But mostly computers are great. And if you are not having a great time on the computer you can go do something else."

Permalink Mark Unread

Morningflower responds to that only with a thoughtful swish of her tail.  At least it's a nice place for a walk; the moors are pretty.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam hums after enough silence has gone by in his opinion.

Permalink Mark Unread

"What is that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Scarborough Fair. - twolegs like to make decorative sounds."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Like purring?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"- maybe? I thought purring was more like communicating your emotional state than like decoration."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's a communication and a comfort, for cats.  Is it different for Twolegs?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, we don't purr, though we do like it when cats purr. But I think it's not the same thing as music. Are there things cats like just because they're pretty?"

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . I don't know if just because they're pretty.  That seems a little shallow."

Permalink Mark Unread

"There's more depth and complexity to any specific kind of music but the class of it is for prettiness. Do you like... flowers, or autumn leaves, or sunsets? Do you prefer the particular configurations of colors and stripes on some cats to others? Are there things you'd go sniff solely because they smell good and not because you needed information about them?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I like seeing the heather on the hills, but an important part of my liking is that it's my home.  I like looking up at the night sky, but I would care less about it without the connection to our warrior ancestors.  Obviously some cats look better than others, but that doesn't matter very much if they're not also brave and honorable."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. I suppose it's possible that cats are just not very aesthetic sorts."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think kittypets are generally shallower.  Why do Twolegs not like to purr?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"We can't, physiologically, it's just not how our throats are set up. I guess some people can make sort of similar sounds but it's not the same thing and it's not really instinctual."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh.  That's too bad."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Kinda is, yeah, but we can make lots of other sounds to compensate."

Permalink Mark Unread


Morningflower starts making a really weird noise as they walk.  She eventually hits upon a pitch interval she apparently likes and tries to repeat it a few times, with mixed success, before moving on.  After a few more of those it becomes clear that she's attempting Scarborough Fair.

Permalink Mark Unread

- awwww! Cam will hum along once she's not starting and stopping much.

Permalink Mark Unread

She pauses when he starts.

Permalink Mark Unread

"- it's permissible for multiple people to make music at the same time if they're doing the same song."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You're better at it, though."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If we were performing for an audience that would matter, but we are not."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If I decide I like this I can practice alone.  I'll learn less from listening to you if I'm also making sounds."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, okay." He will hum the rest of Scarborough Fair and then do Danny Boy.

Permalink Mark Unread

Morningflower occasionally squeaks along for two or three notes at a time.  On a few of them she manages to match Cam's pitch but not most.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think there's a pitch app on the computer."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Are there more of the things that you're doing?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Music? Yeah, I think some comes preloaded with the software pack I included but I don't know if there's much or what kind it is."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Alright.  Do another one?"

Permalink Mark Unread

He will sing the next one! What does Morningflower think of Lunapop?

Permalink Mark Unread

She still doesn't give much indication of an opinion beyond her occasional off-key attempts at chirping small handfuls pawfuls of notes.

Permalink Mark Unread

That's okay. After that he veers into humming Ode to Joy.

Permalink Mark Unread

Morningflower tries a string of notes long enough to be limited by her breath support.  She gets more pitches at least approximately correct but trends distinctly flat by the end.  She lets Cam finish the piece solo after that.

Permalink Mark Unread

When they get to the border he remarks, "I think it's cool you wanted to try it. If you don't wind up liking what results you can get with vocals I can set you up with a musical instrument sometime."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I might only like music at all if I can find a non-decorative reason to; I still haven't decided.  But to offer that is generous; thank you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You're welcome. See you around."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Safe journeying," she bids.

Permalink Mark Unread

And on to the last clan on the list!

Permalink Mark Unread

The first cat he comes across in RiverClan territory is a gray tabby peering curiously out from some reeds.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hi there! I am here to give RiverClan a computer."

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . Wow, okay.  What's that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam will explain computers AGAIN.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Probably it should go in the camp; I can't imagine Leopardfur - er, star - would object, since you already put that spring there."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That was my thinking, can you escort me?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sure."  He starts walking.  "So you're with Fireheart?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...we've met? He's not here right now? I'm not sure what the question is."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I dunno, allied with?  Working with?  I heard he came to RiverClan with you.  Unless there's more than one talking Twoleg Twolegging about."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Just me. He was the first cat I met, and helped introduce me to folks."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Couldn't have asked for a better cat for it.  I would know, we were apprentices together."

Permalink Mark Unread

"He's been very helpful!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"So, if this thing will let Clans talk to each other, and cats can make things on it that need a secret word to be seen again, is there something that's both?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"There is, but I just encountered some worried rumbling about computers fomenting interclan conflict..."

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . I guess they might?  I'd expect it to go the other way."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's what I said, but I'm not a clan cat so I'm not sure my guess is any good, and secret messages seem like they might be disproportionately risky if this is going to come up at all."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'd expect it mostly if they weren't actually very secret, I think."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, there can only be intraClan conflict if the Clan knows about what there would be conflict over.  Mostly."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess, but not knowing what's going on can make folks anxious."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah.  But sometimes they're anxious over mouse-brained things."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Tragic that mouse-brained anxieties don't come with mouse-level ability to act on them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess?  Kind of a weird way to think about it, though."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, how would you put it?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I mean, I wish Leopardstar would have a little more faith in me and get off my tail some, but it's not like I want her to be, I don't know, made to do apprentice duties or something instead of being the leader.  I just wish she'd stop worrying about the things that don't need worrying over."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, I hadn't meant mouse ability in quite that broad a fashion."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm glad mice did not turn out to be people here."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Me too!  That was a pretty worrying half-day."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh, I hadn't gotten the impression that many cats were anxious about it especially."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think most cats would be pretty upset if the number of deaths-that-mattered they were responsible for went from a pawful or so to all the paws of all the cats in all the Clans.  So maybe they just didn't want to think it could be true."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Maybe! Though it did also seem like deaths were maybe only considered to matter if they were cats."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Was this yesterday?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, why?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, I learned1 the word 'people' last moonrise when discussing the topic with my kits and hadn't heard it before then.  And it turned out they had just learned2 it a little earlier in our conversation.  So it seems kind of hard to talk about it and maybe even to think about it, when the closest concept to that is just . . . 'cats'."


1 The traditional meaning with which Cam was already familiar.
2 The cat ghost magic kind.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, huh. Score one for Sapir-Whorf, I guess... that's a linguistic theory about it being easier to think about things you have words for."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It was just a guess.  And I understood the importance before Stormkit mentioned 'people', the conversation just went more smoothly once he did."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you guys just... change your names several times during your lives so you have the appropriate suffix? Like, you're all something-kit and then something-something and the leaders are something-star?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Apprentices are also something-paw."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is the first something always the same for a given cat's life?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Usually but not always always."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Does the non-generic suffix usually get picked out in advance? Like, when you were, presumably, Graykit, was it understood that eventually you'd be Graystripe, or could you have been, I don't know, Gray...tree, or something."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The Clan leader announces it at the warrior ceremony.  I guess in some cases it might be really obvious what the right name is ahead of time, but it's not declared until then."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. Is the first part chosen by your parents or also by the clan leader?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"The leader, although parents often make suggestions."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. Where I'm from parents always name their kids and the name usually sticks entire except for a part some people change when they get married - uh, pick an intended lifelong mate."

Permalink Mark Unread

Permalink Mark Unread

...walk walk walk.

Permalink Mark Unread

"My mate died last newleaf."

Permalink Mark Unread

"- oh, I'm so sorry."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thank you.  And for - you fixed the river being poisoned - "

Permalink Mark Unread

"I didn't actually, I can't remove things, just add them, but I restocked the fish..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And you made something so that we can drink fresh water in our camp, and I heard you did a far-talking thing so that maybe other Twolegs won't keep adding more poison.  Even if that doesn't fix everything it's - she was fine up until the kitting, who knows what difference even any of those on their own would have made - "

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah... I hope it helps."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think it will.  And - and now today her father's in StarClan with her; they were very fond of each other - "

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's really good that you've got an afterlife."

Permalink Mark Unread

" - Do some people not?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, as far as I know everyone does but the local twolegs' one is much worse, they wind up merging into each other into blobs."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That . . . does sound worse, yeah.  Unless you just mean like how StarClan is its own Clan instead of cats still being in the ones they belonged to while they were alive?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I do not just mean that, the individuals blob up together."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't really know how to picture that but I guess I'm not a Twoleg.  - Or do they end up with four legs after the first time, if the blobs have legs?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"They turn into stars! Literal stars in the sky. No legs at all."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh, weird.  I'd probably stick around even without my kits to raise if that's what was waiting for me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't think it's especially optional. Is it for cats?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is what?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Dying and going to the afterlife that exists for your species."

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . It's pretty easy for cats to die from lots of different things.  Mostly they try not to."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. So what do you mean about -

- oh, never mind, I just got it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well.  I do have my kits to raise, and they're shaping up to be fine warriors - they'll be apprenticed soon - and by the time they don't need me anymore things will have evened out a little bit.  But if it was them, too, on top of Silverstream - and with all of ThunderClan and RiverClan hating me . . .  I did already end up switching Clans to be with them.  It wouldn't have been that different."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, that's legit. Most people where I'm from don't know they have an afterlife, so the culture around it I'm used to is different."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Probably still don't tell Fireheart about it, please.  I think he's already pretty sad about me leaving ThunderClan even though I visit him all the time."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, no, I wasn't gonna."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thanks.  . . . And also don't mention to any other cat in RiverClan that I visit Fireheart all the time.  They make a fuss about it even though I'm completely loyal to them, and Fireheart and I hunted for them on ThunderClan territory at the start of when the river was poisoned."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I have no intentions of bringing it up. Don't wanna get anybody in cat politics trouble."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's kind of a weird way of saying that but thanks again anyways."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You're welcome."

Permalink Mark Unread

Graystripe's attention is caught by something in the river and he pauses to swat a fish out onto the bank.  He doesn't try to talk around carrying it and shortly the two of them reach the enormous willow which contains RiverClan's camp.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hello the camp, I'm here to give you a computer."

Permalink Mark Unread

It transpires that several cats here have already learned2 the word 'computer' and have been discussing what they think those are like from their impressions!  Kittens are disproportionately represented.  Will it be like a Gathering all the time?  Does it move?  These two think it doesn't move, how can it have games if it doesn't move.

Permalink Mark Unread

He will show them the games. Here is one intended for toddlers where a butterfly flutters around the screen and you get points for bapping it.

Permalink Mark Unread

Bap!  Bapbap bapbapbapbap!!  (Graystripe is positively glowing.)

Permalink Mark Unread

Awwww babies.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I won," she informs Cam seriously.

Permalink Mark Unread

"The camp sometimes floods," an adult cat comments.  "Will this be safe when that happens?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"If you close the casing." He demonstrates.

Permalink Mark Unread

She opens and closes the case a few times, making sure that she's reliably capable of it.  "Have you any other business with RiverClan?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Nothing else in particular, nah."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll escort you out again, then."

As with last time she's not a very talkative walking partner.

Permalink Mark Unread

That's fine by him.

Once he's out of clan territory he'll take off and collect his motorcycle and drive back to the campground.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam can see from pretty far away that there's someone unfamiliar engaged in conversation with a Felicity.

Permalink Mark Unread

...hm. Well, better see what that's about.

Permalink Mark Unread

The two of them stop talking and turn to watch as he pulls in.

Permalink Mark Unread

He parks and dismounts. "Hello there."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hello.  Is this your flying machine which is parked on my campground?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes, is it bothering you?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's interesting me and will probably be bothering me if it attracts much attention from the sort of people who care an awful lot about flying machines that look nothing like any of the ones I've ever seen before."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That is entirely reasonable. Felicity, how is real estate shopping going?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I've found a few promising listings but so far everywhere I would need to reach out to in order for progress to happen is closed for the weekend."

Permalink Mark Unread

"So hopefully nobody finds the shuttle terribly interesting over the weekend but if they do I can send it up into the sky to get it out of your hair," he tells the campground owner.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thank you.  Are you also going to do that if I have questions."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You can ask questions."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What's your birthday, you a winter solstice?  - I let odd people stay here same as anyone else as long as they aren't, y'know, being odd.  Destructively."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We use a different calendar where I'm from, my birthday wouldn't mean anything to you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Please feel free to go 'fuck off, none of your business' over trying for immediately, obviously untrue lies."

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam takes his coat off.

Permalink Mark Unread

" - Yeah, I saw that some of the clones had those too, earlier.  So: you a winter solstice, friends with one, enemies with one . . ."

Permalink Mark Unread

"No, I'm a demon." He makes a hot dog and takes a bite.

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . okay . . ."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can make arbitrary material objects. Which, if you're here wondering about rent on the campsite or something like that, would be more convenient for me than currency, though I can do that if I gotta."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The campsite's free to use.  And if any interesting people come a-knocking I probably don't want to have received anything of particular value from you."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Really I would like to know exactly the amount of information to prevent, should interesting people come a-knocking, it being expectable that they'll say to me, 'What, you mean you weren't at all curious about all this weird shit?  Why didn't you investigate?' instead of taking whatever scraps I give them and carrying on to follow the trail those lead along."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I am afraid I have no specific experience at crowd control or the management of public opinion with which to advise you."

Permalink Mark Unread

She sighs.  "You're expecting crowds."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't know if I'm expecting crowds and certainly don't know if I'm expecting them before Felicity manages to find a good real estate option, but it would not bewilder me. I haven't been giving out this address, if that helps."

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . Well.  Why are you here in particular in the first place."

Permalink Mark Unread

"When I arrived in the universe I was nearby here, and I wanted a place to stash objects and take naps and stuff."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well," she repeats.  "I may be selling this place anyways, as it happens.  At some point."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, cool, how much?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"The farmhouse, the field on this side of the river, and a bit out on the other to Windover past Druid's Hollow.  Kind of a triangle shape."  She gestures to the lines implied by the edge of the forest and by where the cultivated land gives way to natural moor.

Permalink Mark Unread

"What's your asking price?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's still being surveyed and evaluated."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Order of magnitude?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"A hundred or two gold."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Cool. Felicity, can you look into revenue-generating opportunities for me there?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I have been."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thanks, you're a peach." He consults her sweater. "A plum."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"What is the deal with the grown-up homeopathic embryos."

Permalink Mark Unread

"- homeopathic embryos? What's that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"She means me.  I'm not clones; I'm arbitrary material objects with a star cloud inside."

Permalink Mark Unread

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, I can do that. Preliminary pilot experiments are uncomfortable for the stars I incarnate though."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. Plus I can't disentangle the clouds at all, which is why there are so many of Felicity, but it's a convenient trait in an assistant."

Permalink Mark Unread

"He means me; I'm Felicity.  Also most of me is much happier together than they ever were apart."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Good for you, I guess."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm glad you're a cozy cloud of yourselves."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Me too!  And I guess now I probably don't all have to hide away since you already know about me.  But how did you see all my bodies in the first place?  I thought I got them in there very quickly."  A few Felicities start filing out of the shuttle.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I own binoculars."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Binocularing people who think they are unobserved is a kind of sketchy use of your campground."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hosting a crowd of weirdly matchy people with wings and four arms out of a mysterious flying machine is also kind of a sketchy use of my campground."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You said it's free to use and do not exactly have a 'no flight' sign up."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, normally I just use the 'nocs to watch birds and check on fires, and that was kind of both what with the wings and how something that odd is decently likely to explode somehow.  - I don't have to justify myself to you.  Buzz off."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Literally what."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Are you kicking us out or just cutting off that line of conversation."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Second one."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Fair enough. Do you have further questions or comments?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I do!  What's your name and how can we contact you?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Netra Florentina.  I live over there."  She gestures with a tilt of her head.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you have a phone or anything?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Nope.  The house technically has a wireline but there's nothing attached to it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Would you like a phone?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Solid pass but thanks."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Mmhm.  I assume you'll come knock if you end up wanting to buy the place and otherwise I have no reason to need a way to contact you.  And if you blow up my campground or look like you're going to I'll come visit again."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't intend to but swing by any time."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I surely will.  Äœis la revido."  She turns and parts.

Permalink Mark Unread


"I really like being able to talk to people out loud again," Felicity comments once Netra's gone.  "I didn't miss it while I was dead but maybe now I retroactively do."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Estis bone renkonti vin!" Cam calls after the departing campground owner. "What's so great about talking aloud?" he asks Felicity.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Maybe it's just having more reasons to talk to living people at all?  I don't think she or anyone like her would have bothered to have a conversation with me as a star."

Permalink Mark Unread

"She doesn't seem very sociable. Did you get many people talking to you?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"She really doesn't; I like her a lot.  It was mostly other star clouds; all of my living spouses have remarried except one and even he doesn't visit more than a few times a year anymore."

Permalink Mark Unread

"He might be confused next time he trips, should you call him?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm really nervous to!  Probably I'll work up the courage at some point."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I support you and him in whatever weird arrangement you manage to cook up together."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can't really see myself getting romantically involved with him again."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Child custody?" he wonders.

Permalink Mark Unread

"The relevant piece of me didn't have any."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What about the others of you?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Some, all grown up now.  I don't think I would have been Nudge'd into this position if I had very many attachments."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Makes sense. What is Nudge's deal anyway."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, all the summer solqs become psychic as stars, as cosmic balance for what I think you called their birthday curse.  But they lose it as soon as they merge with anyone else, and develop total amnesia covering the span between then and when they died.  So I don't really know much about what it's like even though I was ten of them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...that doesn't sound like very good birthday curse compensation."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Balance and compensation are not necessarily the same thing, I would say."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I suppose. How psychic? Should I be consulting Nudge whenever considering doing anything big?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Notoriously they don't, or can't, stop their living geminis from walking curseful paths, but they do occasionally help other people.  I don't think it would hurt to ask."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not even indirectly? Yikes. Fortunately I'm uncursed."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess they could be preventing some cursiness and that wouldn't necessarily be common knowledge.  But it's definitely not something one can rely on."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Understood. Does anybody else get weird powers only when dead?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Nothing so standout.  Obviously stars made crystal magic and omnilol and whatnot."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How do stars even do things like that, what is their mechanism of intervention..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Our channels of sensory perception are quite different even from being on omnilol and a few of them are for doing magic with.  But - it's a bit like there are cobweb strands everywhere, and you're trying to delicately pluck one end of one and then the other, and carefully carry it over to where you need it without getting it caught on yourself or moving so fast that it breaks or drags too much, and then you repeat the process until you have enough to twine a thread with, and then spin a yarn and twist a rope and tie a net strong enough to hold the weight of living humanity.  It's very time consuming but conveniently there are an awful lot of stars to share the work between."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That sounds like a really annoying way to have to do magic but better than nothing!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It seems like it would be at least a little bad if people could alter the fundamental structure of reality on more of a whim."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Maybe it could be easier but only doable by majority vote or something."

Permalink Mark Unread

"There are projects in progress with the aim to make magic somewhat easier, but I believe they're all metaphorically in the thread stage because even that is such a terribly large and complicated change."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Makes sense. Sort of an explore/exploit tradeoff, there. Anyway. How goes, apart from the visit from our landlady?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ellie's doing okay and I'm trying to learn to speak a little cat from her and her kitten, who is very cute, in between discussing ideas for the power grid.  I read an etiquette book but naturally there wasn't a section on what's most polite when one has recently been resurrected so I'm not sure it helped very much; probably when more people like me exist we can collectively decide on norms about the appropriateness of acting more like a star versus a living person.  I'm a little anxious that I will inadvertently end up setting heaps of norms for embodied star clouds but I expect that to be steerable as long as I pay attention.  My sleeping bodies turn out to dream, which is a very strange thing to also be awake for."

Permalink Mark Unread

"- that does sound like a strange thing to be awake for, gosh. Do you have enough room, between the little house and the shuttle, or should I make you your own little house with barracks style beds in it, or what? What are star clouds supposed to act like, anyway?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think I'll manage okay until real estate is acquired and will probably want more once it is.  It's more socially accepted and expected for star clouds to give unsolicited advice and be somewhat condescending and cryptic about it.  Which I expect is partially because interacting with us is more strictly opt-in than with mortals and therefore wouldn't really apply to incarnated stars, although we really do have much more life experience so it would be a shame to lose all of the relevant expectations."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't think condescending and cryptic is a good look on anybody, really."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, ideally those are the parts that would go and we could just keep the useful bits.  And then maybe it would rub off on the bodiless ones."

Permalink Mark Unread

"One can hope! What makes being cryptic appealing?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, does it not to you at all?  To me it certainly doesn't appeal more than the results of being straightforward but it's still somewhat tempting in the moment.  Or rather, some of my components used to find it much more so and the impulse remains even though it doesn't quite jive with the rest of me now."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess it might appeal if I were generally in a mood to fuck with people but probably not if I weren't, or was kindly disposed and thought they weren't?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"That makes sense.  I expect there's also some downstream of the fact that the One is frequently very cryptic, even to other stars, and it generates plenty of imitations even among those who want to hold off on becoming a piece of it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I wonder why it does that. I suppose I could ask but then it would most likely just be cryptic at me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's rare for asking the One questions about itself to yield useful results.  Although the same is not necessarily true of questions about its components."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Anybody notable in there? I guess cat lady?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"You mean besides basically everyone in all of history?  I suppose not."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I didn't actually know what proportion wound up in there at any given time rather than being smaller clouds!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's fair.  And it's true that plenty of the more recently dead, who are more likely to be relevant specifically to you,  aren't joined up yet.  But most of those older than a strong year and everyone over a cubennium is in it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"A strong year? A cubennium?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"What, don't you have those even adjusted for the differences in the rest of the time system? A strong year spans as many years as there are days in a year, so two fifty-six for us and I'd expect three sixty-five and a quarter for you folks - I suppose I can see why one wouldn't have a unit of time that large which doesn't last an integer of years - and okay, looks like you have millenniums; that's strange because we also have those but they're kind of an awkward phrasing which Rome is trying to make catch on as part of their humanist cultural aspirations.  I would have expected you to still say 'cubennium' and just have it mean ten to the third instead of eight."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And yet we do not do either of these things! How long is a local millennium?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"A thousand local years.  Which is a tidy segue into the fact that I have several more answers to 'how goes' and one of them is that after having looked at a lot of pictures and books on baby development, I think humans here and in your universe each age at the same rate relative to our respective years.  Our eight year olds and our sixty-four year olds look the same as yours even though the time they've lived is shorter.  Pregnancy is the exception; ours last nearly exactly one of our years."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...huh, that's weird and I have no explanation for it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Given the differences in genetics, lung quality, and, apparently, heart placement, it doesn't seem too surprising that there would be other differences as well."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's still weird that it would match up to the numerical year count - heart placement, goodness. Where do you keep your hearts?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"About here."  Felicity performs the gesture which is usually more metaphorically associated with putting one's hand over their heart.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Wonder if that interacts with the lung issue. Well, good to know if I need to doctor anybody, though really I should avoid having to if at all possible."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That seems wise.  Going back to large time units, my initial findings are somewhat unclear on whether you have ages?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...my age is a hundred and seventy-two?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I mean as in - plausibly you don't call them astrological ages and plausibly they aren't exactly 2048 years long?  But that general shape of thing.  We started with the age of Gemini, had the age of Cancer, and are currently in the nightfall of the age of Leo; presumably you've had a lot more of them if you have them at all."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We don't have those. Or, I'm not sure that astrologically inclined people back home don't call something that, but it's not a significant thing."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hm!  - Would it be rude to request you put the coat back on?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not really, I don't expect to need to take off suddenly. Why?" Coat back on.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Some of my components are from cultures with fairly strict modesty norms, summer solqs are all completely monosexual but not all in the same direction and stars don't experience attraction so I didn't have a chance to get my heads sorted out about that ahead of time, and although I absolutely do not expect this to be a problem in the long term, it's the only aspect of the overwhelmingness of being newly embodied which is conveniently lessenable."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Was that alright to say?  I apologize if not; I really don't have any useful intuitions around this sort of thing anymore."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't mind personally but could see it being awkward if it comes up with other people?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It won't," she assures him earnestly.

Permalink Mark Unread

He's not gonna try to unpack that at this time. He's gonna go collect and pet Cricket. What is next on his to-do list.

Permalink Mark Unread

Information gathering!  One of the Felicities follows him curiously, apparently unaware of any awkwardness.

" - Because I expect it to not be even a small issue for very long!" she realizes.  "And furthermore don't expect to encounter very many shirtless people in this geographic region in October.  And would be loath to ask something like that of anyone at all under nearly all circumstances.  . . . Not that - you seem very admirable.  But pursuing anything in that general direction seems extremely ill-advised for the foreseeable future, for reasons of accidental norm-setting if nothing else.  And I'm married.  To myself.  Twice."

Permalink Mark Unread

At this he snickers. "I didn't say anything! But thank you for clarifying."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes, you very obviously didn't say anything, by walking away in the middle of a conversation.  At least if it's this easy to fall back into mortal foibles we might not have to worry too much about resurrectees being condescending."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We shall see what we shall see. Is it common for married couples to cloud up together - I guess if it's often an accident it might happen a lot just because they'd be most likely to talk to each other? -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"One of my couples had 'at death do we join' in our vows and the other one did it on purpose but not planned quite so far in advance; they died years apart and the second one joined up with the first's cloud directly instead of starting with another singlet and working their way up.  But given that we all end up in the One eventually, it makes more sense to think about the question in terms of what size cloud usually contains how many married couples, which I don't have statistics on.  It's not usually too soon though; wanting to be around someone is different from wanting to be them and it would be quite terrible if there was social pressure to join up with incompatible stars so people actively push a little in the opposite direction.  And accidents mostly only happen when people try to remain the size they are for too long; generally one plans ahead."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's such a weird and fucky system. How long has it been going on, how long have humans existed in a star-forming fashion here?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think that might be kind of a rude comment to make to people who are a part of said system even if it's true!  But nearly three ages."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Might it? I mean, it's not like you designed it. I wouldn't be offended if somebody said becoming a daeva after dying was a fucky system. Though I would question their taste, I guess. How long is an age? What happens at the turn of an age?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm not offended but lots of people are very spiritual and might take it the wrong way, or the right way while in possession of opinions which in combination make them like you less.  An age spans eight strong years and nothing necessarily happens at the turning although they do seem to have arcs or themes associated with them so far."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...what are the themes of the ages thus far?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Gemini was the beginning of sapient life, establishing how we as a species should go about existing, and founding the first civilizations.  Cancer was learning that humans are capable of affecting our universe in negative ways, taking steps to avoid those, and building a sustainable industrialized society.  And Leo seems to be about acknowledging the worth of mortal lives as more than just the larval stage of stars."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. How did sapient life begin, here?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It won't say."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Rude. But there's not an evolutionary fossil record for humans?"

Permalink Mark Unread

" - Give me a moment to look into that - no, we don't seem to have one of those."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What about for other animals?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not for them either, I think?  I'm slightly unclear about what specifically counts as a fossil and also on what we might have, though, with the amount of checking I've done so far."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Like bones and stuff that get mineralized after hanging out in minerals for long enough."

Permalink Mark Unread

"There are at least some old remains of some kind on this planet.  I'll get back to you once I find out more?  Or you could do forensics about it if you have a better idea of what you're looking for; that might be easier."

Permalink Mark Unread

Hm. Last living triceratops on this planet cylinder?

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, apparently you did not have the dinosaurs we had. I wonder if the creation situation was copying off my world - or some other world - like, evolution is important, I realize you have some biological differences under the hood but you and mice are still both, like, mammals, right, and that is meaningful for evolutionary reasons."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We at least call both ourselves and mice mammals although I'm checking to see whether that means all the things you think it does.  And we definitely have enough evolution that a substantial portion of star power goes to swatting new species of parasites out of existence; that's most of what I did before this."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. Any other interesting discrepancies I should maybe read up on for general orientating myself?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hm . . . genetics?  It seems like none of the babies from your world are born soulless - as basement dwellers, approximately - because their birthday was too far off from what it should have been based on their conception?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...how far off is too far off?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"A month - or, half a season - in either direction; I recall Nudge mentioned that our genes are made of quadruple helixes and not double?  They correspond seasonally, centered a year out from the conception date, and anything too far off from that isn't stable to attach the other three quarters of soul shapes to.  I just barely fit, myself, since I have September 01 and October 01 and October 40; one day farther apart and I don't think it would have worked.  Yet.  Nudge said it should be possible to engineer something broader; we might want to hire some winter solqs to work on that eventually."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...is animal genetics like this?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't think so although as far as I know no one's looked at the sapient cats' yet!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Maybe I will have to do that! But first I wanna read a good history of the discovery of genetics - if it was discovered and not just, like, divinely revealed?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It was discovered."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Got a recommendation or should I rummage around?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you speak Surran?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not by that name, but also this isn't Latin as I knew it, so..."

Permalink Mark Unread

Felicity produces a phrase incomprehensible to Cam.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not in my repertoire."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Then I don't think I can recommend anything better than rummaging except by doing some of my own."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I shall rummage, then!" With his cat in his lap and a cup of mocha.

Permalink Mark Unread

In his rummaging, Cam first learns:

  • Heredity has been known to be a thing for a long time, although it does seem to be somewhat less of one for humans than on his Earth, what with all the attractors for the various birthdays.
  • Genetics specifically was discovered by living humans a century or two ago.
  • DNA apparently stands for 'Difference Notation for being Alive', here.
  • The basic building blocks for creating a member of a local species are all mostly the same and DNA just refers to the things that can vary between individuals.
  • There are physically separate strands for species (SSNA, 'Species Similarities Notation for being Alive') and for being a living biological being at all (FNA, 'Fundamental' et cetera).
  • Mules and ligers still exist.
Permalink Mark Unread

Wow, that's weird as fuck. Do they have sex chromosomes? Trisomies? Mutations? What individual genes in which of the NAs are known to do what things?

Permalink Mark Unread

Yes no depends on your definition.  There are genes for hair color and skin color and other things related to physical appearance, as well as the seasonal cruft Felicity mentioned, and then there's one for the birthday which forms when the soul attaches.

Permalink Mark Unread

Do babies kick, in this universe? Do they have population variation in, oh, lactase persistence or alcohol tolerance?

Permalink Mark Unread

Babies kick - and on further investigation soulless ones seem to have a little more capacity than basement dwellers, though only very little - adults do not as a phenomenon have trouble digesting lactose, and allergies as Cam knows them appear to not exist at all, although some forms of influenza are called that.  Alcohol tolerance varies mostly by birthday.

Permalink Mark Unread

...wow. Anybody done anything in the gene therapy space?

Permalink Mark Unread

Ugh, yes and it's awful.  Don't the people who do that know that they're defiling the subjects' fundamental nature??  Fucking winter solstices.

Permalink Mark Unread

...were they doing anything actually sketchy or do people just hate the idea.

Permalink Mark Unread

It's a mix; lots of perfectly innocuous things have real bad press and then there's stuff that's at least kind of wack like trying to make various supercreatures by messing around with SSNA and then - wow okay that's a lot of historical attempts to sapientize animals before cat uplift lady succeeded.

(Also it seems like there might be a chance that having one's 'nature' 'defiled' is worse for local lifeforms than naively expectable but it's kind of hard to tell around all the negativity.)

Permalink Mark Unread

Has anyone with a defiled nature commented?

Permalink Mark Unread

Some of them have commented negatively!  Some of them have commented positively but had weird symptoms, or died.  Some of them have commented positively and been, apparently, fine.

. . . In fact.  It seems like a fair number of autumn equinoxes totally do a ton of gene therapy and related treatments, mostly to themselves, in a way that gets basically no public press.  They have pretty extensive records which they share among their geminis, though.

Permalink Mark Unread

...huh, cool? What are they doing?

Permalink Mark Unread

Making themselves really hot, mostly.

Permalink Mark Unread

Good for them, he supposes. Maybe it has effects that aren't noticeable to that particular personality or something.

He should learn more about more of the world, while he's thinking about this one birthday with its own entire country. How much of the world does Rome run? Who else is relevant either for size or tractability?

Permalink Mark Unread

Rome has an awful lot of land in what Cam would call Europe, northern Africa, western Asia, and North America.  There's a big country covering most of the rest of Asia called the ARRE which is super definitely not in open war with Rome, but this board game championship with one competitor representing each of the two empires is sure getting way way more press than similar events, and the coverage is primarily focused on the political situation.  Also apparently Australia is called Pacifis here and was underwater for a few strong years before resurfacing and becoming home to a culture which dedicates itself to philosophy.

Permalink Mark Unread

...how did it resurface? How long ago was this? What does ARRE stand for? What's going on in South America, southern Africa, the Indian subcontinent, various islands...?

Permalink Mark Unread

The Stars Did It a few octades ago.  The Association of Realitists Republican Empire, which the Indian subcontinent is also part of.  Various islands and also various non-islands form an alliance called Archipeligo, which has a few base rules and otherwise lets its member nations set their own laws.  (It definitely has member nations, with rich and varied cultures, instead of being a homogenous green mass.  One of them is known for its tourism industry and its weird rivalry between surfers and bikers.  Another has a ton of winter solstices living there even though they don't especially involve themselves in the government.  Verona, the country of that one birthday with its own entire country, is kind of ambiguously a part of it depending on who you ask.)


Permalink Mark Unread

So three major powers. What languages do they speak, he should get machine translation running on that.

Permalink Mark Unread

Rome officially uses Latin for everything; the ARRE uses Surran.  Both of them have lots of languages still in various amounts of use from all of the countries they conquered; none of them are perfectly recognizable to Cam except Esperanto, which is locally called Paroleblo and does not appear to be a conlang.  There are several other languages that seem to be uncanny combinations of two or more that Cam is already familiar with; some of those are close enough that he can get some understanding out of reading in them though none are intuitive enough that he can speak them outright.  Archipeligo has five or six dominant languages that most people speak at least one of.

Permalink Mark Unread

He will set the machine translation tolerances a bit closer to "pidgin", the way you do when you're trying to figure out how to understand what a Limbo community consisting of Earthlings no two of whom speak a language have figured out how to talk and begun to record cute amateur theater that the Library of Hell wants to archive.

Permalink Mark Unread

The sun finally starts to set on Cam's first full, 32-hour day on this cylinder.  In a slightly different direction than it did yesterday.

One of the Felicities knocks to request dinner.

Permalink Mark Unread

Dinner! They can all have a picnic. Fried chicken and biscuits and apple pie.

Permalink Mark Unread

Felicities lean on each other and eat and a few of them cry a little about the fact that food is really good.  (One of them had previously been crying a little about the fact that music is really good).

"It's interesting how much of emotions is being in a body," says the aquamarine one, unimpaired by sniffles.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I hadn't put a lot of stock in that model myself but it's cool to have empirical evidence!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, it might be different for you.  But I definitely have a lot more than I did when I was a star, and more - I suppose I would call it splintered?  More room for being conflicted, and the bodies each have this sort of emotional inertia even though it's all just me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. Do you think there's any risk you'll - fragment, over time?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"That doesn't sound like something which could happen but if it was I wouldn't expect to be able to tell this early."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, I guess keep tabs on it for other star clouds to reference if they're considering incarnating. Genetics here is weird, by the by."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, I've had at least two of me taking notes on the experience of being remortalized in as much detail as I can manage nearly this whole time.  And do you mean more than the fact that yours isn't seasonal?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Having a genetic soul-attachemer is weird, it being seasonal isn't that weird on top of that. It seems unfortunately likely that I can't circumvent the too-many-birthdays-in-a-cloud thing as long as that's a problem."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, like I said, that's what winter solqs are for."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess! Maybe we should put out a job ad for a mad geneticist."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Would you like me to draft one presently?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, please, thank you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What level of discretion should I be using?  I don't imagine this is the best medium for a public announcement that resurrection is possible."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's probably not, though I don't know what is! Is it normally hard to get mad geneticists on demand?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll admit that I've never yet tried."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, once we know how I'm going to make money we can advertise obscene pay, if that attracts the right sort."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Speaking of!  It looks like Verona has a huge fund for the purpose of, very approximately, bribing unforeseen powerful entities into not smiting them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...it seems dishonest to take that bribe when I wasn't planning to smite anyone anyway."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Very approximately.  It's . . . I still have very mixed opinions on them; let me think of how to phrase this - autumn solquinoxes are very cooperative, in their own way.  And they would still count themselves relevantly smote - the phrasing there is mine - if you peacefully drugged unconscious all of the individuals who'd been doing things you considered morally abhorrent and moved them to some luxurious facility carved out of the side of the cylinder where they could live out their days without harming anyone else.  The fund isn't a bribe to let them keep on doing the morally abhorrent things; I'm sure they'll mostly stop now that there's someone to stop them although there is enough variance that not literally all of them will.  But there are reasons they haven't been birthday-aimed or massacred or whatnot out of existence, and most of those are that they make themselves very useful to anyone who would have the opportunity."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"When people attempt to have or not have babies on certain days.  In this case, at scale.  Usually one omits the 'birthday-' and relies on context."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh. Ellie mentioned her parents had her a day earlier than planned to avoid it..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, that doesn't happen nearly frequently enough that they've ever dipped very far below even rates."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. Do I want to know what morally abhorrent things I will be stopping them from doing?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't think I have enough information about your preferences to say!  One of me belonged to one of them if you're curious, though.  And of course others of me interacted with them in various capacities."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Belonged to them. Well, I suppose they're not unique in practicing slavery."

Permalink Mark Unread

"They indeed are not.  Although legally we were actually considered married."

Permalink Mark Unread

"In a way that made it better or a way that made it worse, I could see that going either way."

Permalink Mark Unread

"My component considered himself relatively content and well-off during his lifetime.  With the benefit of increased perspective, less so."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, I guess that's better than considering yourself wretched and miserable only to then realize how good you had it. How should I go about collecting my bribe?"

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . . Plausibly we should first test your invulnerability against various forms of local magic, it occurs to me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...'kay. What's a good way to aim some destructive magic at something replaceable, like a wing?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Probably dripping some disresonant essential oils on it.  Though in fact I was mostly thinking about drugs; have you tried to come down early from any of your omnilol highs?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not especially, no."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I would advise testing that before attempting to collect this sum.  There's a myth that omnilol was created to cater to the interests of the four solquinoxes: the ability to temporarily become more than mortal for winter; the opening of circular mortal communication for spring; the standardization of communication between the living and the dead for summer; and for autumn, well.  They like to be around people who are impaired in that sort of way."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How... charming. I'll try that now unless there's some reason to wait? If I can throw it off it'll take no time at all."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I would like some more pie first, please; otherwise no, go ahead."

Permalink Mark Unread

More pie! And off he goes to try to not trip.

Permalink Mark Unread

He has an easier time of it than when walking.

Permalink Mark Unread

In that case it will take no time at all; he pops right out again. "I can no-sell omnilol."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Heartening!  I'll start drafting an email to get you a meeting with a Veronan representative although we should probably wait to send it until you've tested the essential oils too.  - Or, let me ask Ellie something; it might be possible to make an array that only targets part of the body, which would be faster to obtain the materials for."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Odd that the crystals are conjurable and the oils aren't."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Essential oils are secreted by crystals, so it wouldn't seem very strange to me although I don't actually know for certain that they aren't.  But I don't have sufficient technical knowledge to be as confident as is necessary here in my ability to distinguish 'this doesn't magically hurt daeva' from 'this is entirely inert in the first place'.  Without potentially seriously harming one of myselves, I suppose."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Secreted by crystals, goodness. Yeah, we can source them in some way that doesn't have the false negative risk."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ellie is designing up some specs for a wing-harming array; it'll be just a few minutes.  In the meantime: it seems like our worlds' relative proportions of the directionality of handedness and transgenderism are approximately opposite?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. I guess if you have birthday-related personalities some of them might tend to gend in a particular way whichever bits they get, is that what's driving it?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes!  Spring solqs are nearly all male and most of mortal society mostly doesn't have much of an idea of the concept beyond that, but we're precisely half and half on handedness, at a population level."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Spring solqs specifically? It seems curious that there would be only one personality that gends consistently if that's a thing that happens at all!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I suspect there are more who have the inclination, but that's the only one which is very culturally acknowledged, let alone acceptable.  It's sort of like - am I remembering correctly that Jordan has a boyfriend - "

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think so? I don't know if they explicitly clarified."

Permalink Mark Unread

"He communicated that he was dating someone but we weren't using words at the time so I wasn't certain that I had retained the gender.  So: in terms of orientation, fall and winter solqs aren't picky; springs are mostly uninterested in sex and only slightly moreso in romance, and summers are only attracted to one gender each although sometimes it's the same one as they are.  But that's, well, odd of all them.  From multiple personal experiences I know for certain that even people are sometimes not entirely heterosexual, but the general societal perception is that whoever Jordan's dating is probably doing it for the status or the connections or the money or because he finds the oddness in itself attractive enough to outweigh gender.  Two same-sex even people dating each other would face much more disapproval; it would be seen as - self-absorbed, depraved, against the natural order -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Wow. I don't know whether to expect that your even people are - evener - than just people in general where I'm from, or if they merely have uncorrelated enough traits that they don't get the - protection of inevitability, when one of the traits is weird - do you have a sense of that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't know about the whole population, but I myself at least contain enough transgenderism that I'm fine with being instantiated as women despite having male components?  But part of that is that the social infrastructure for being a man in a woman's body exists at all, even though I don't intend to make direct use of it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. I'm possibly too cis to have much insight about this."

Permalink Mark Unread

"So if you imagine sharing a mind with twenty-seven other people and you collectively get the chance to acquire some bodies . . .?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...I mean, I'm pretty horrified by the idea of sharing a mind with twenty-seven other people, and don't know what I'd be like after having done it anyway."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What do you find horrifying about it?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't want my mind - read or altered?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Mm.  Well, it's a good thing you're already your own kind of dead."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's convenient, yes!"

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . I don't know whether I actually conveyed that handedness is partially separated by bir - oh, Ellie's done with the array description; there's a 'letter to Cam' on it as of . . . . now."

Permalink Mark Unread

Letter to Cam!

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam should make these crystals of these sizes shaped as these polyhedra, which should be created either instantaneously or from the inside out in circles of these approximate radii, perpendicular to the ground and suspended in resin which completely envelops all the crystals on all sides but with a wide enough hole in the center to stick a wing through.  Once he's done he should disassemble the array from the outside in and put the crystals in these three models of specially-designed case, unless he for some reason wants to keep a bone-hurting flat donut around for a while; Ellie claims the array is safe to leave up for at least a month.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I need to know how instantaneous is instantaneous. I can make things very quickly but it is not literally instantaneous. Also what happens to the resin in the disassembly process?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll ask!  . . . Oh dear, now she's being anxious at me.  Um, probably it's instantaneous enough from what she saw, she thinks, but just in case go in concentric circles from the inside out, and either east or west within the circles is fine but don't, for example, start at a point and radiate out in both directions; it needs to be one after another along the same line.  As for the resin - stots, I really dislike being treated like an authority figure whose disapproval matters, is painful, and exists - alright, apparently it doesn't even have to be resin necessarily but you do need to be very certain that the crystals won't move relative to each other until it's time to take it down."

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam sketches out an order of operations for the crystal creation. "I can interpolate the resin, but that runs some risk of fracturing the crystals."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you know of any materials which are more easily gotten rid of but definitely won't drop the rocks?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ice? Then I can just gently melt around the ones I'm removing."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Mm!  Clever.  . . . Apparently plain water is mystically resonant but you could make juice ice or milk ice or whatnot and that would work."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Gosh. Okay, apple juice ice it is."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Any further questions?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't think so, but if I fuck this up how big an explosion are we talking about?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"'Definitely not enough to kill anyone', apparently.  Diamond's inert, so this should really be nearly harmless beyond what it's intended to do and most of the warnings are general safety practices."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Cool." He will assemble a bone-hurting donut, lightly analgese his wing, and dip it in.

Permalink Mark Unread

It feels kind of . . . tingly.  Spicy?  Crunchy.  Not at all in a pleasant way but all at a very familiar threshold of discomfort.

Permalink Mark Unread

"It is giving it a solid try but running into my indestructibility," Cam reports, and he removes his wing from the spicy crunchy tingly donut, gives it a flap, and starts disassembling the array carefully.

Permalink Mark Unread

The unpleasant feeling stops the moment Cam's wing is out of the ring.

" - Oh, I kind of wanted to give it a try?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...you're not indestructible at all!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I haven't experienced pain proper since being incarnated and it seems best to reintroduce myself to the sensation in a very controlled environment?  Ellie said it doesn't last."

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam sets the crystal back in place and refreezes it there.

Permalink Mark Unread

Felicity very gingerly sticks a finger in, jerks back, and then gives it another two tries of several seconds each before shaking out her hand, declaring her exposure sufficient, and assisting Cam in taking down the array (with multiple bodies).

Permalink Mark Unread

Then presently they will have it all packed away safely and he can stow it in a compartment in the shuttle.

Permalink Mark Unread

Felicity rinses apple juice off her many hands at the campground's spigot.  "You're going to be so riiiiich."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's very exciting! So, given that I'm properly indestructible, bribe is collected by...?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll have a few potential drafts of an electronic mail message ready for you to check in a few minutes, and then we'll need a computer with a proper local internet connection to send it.  . . . Or, it might be better to just walk into a lounge or otherwise meet one in person, honestly, so the demon-strations can happen right away; I don't know how frequently they get fraudsters."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You can shorten 'electronic mail message' to 'email'. They have designated lounges?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I've said email before too but also I was several little old ladies and a few little old men and I think it's a little funny and - myself-shaped - to still talk like that sometimes; I'll stop if it annoys you.  And yes, they're places where people can go do drugs and hang out with tame autumn solquinoxes and occasionally get fancy gifts or favors out of it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sounds like a fine place to make an entrance, is there one nearby?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"There should be; give me a minute to look into it.  Oh, and it's Vensday night so there'll be a fair number of people there, that's good."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Vensday is a popular lounging day?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's the first day of the weekend."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I will probably get used to this. Eventually. Should I just fly there or what?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's probably motorcycling distance."  She names an address in the town Cam drove out to last night to pick up omnilol after dark.

Permalink Mark Unread

He will hop on his motorcycle and head out.

Permalink Mark Unread

And here is a tastefully decorated establishment, with heads in laps, the description of an elaborate color-coded wristband system posted on the wall, and a serious-looking bartender.

Permalink Mark Unread

Gosh, what do the wristbands mean?

Permalink Mark Unread

They appear to signal what kinds of drugs and 'affections' the wearer is open to.  Alcohol's on the list; none of the others are recognizable.

Permalink Mark Unread

Presumably "here to mention that I wanna collect bribe money" is not on the list. Is there a "just business" one or something?

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not participating" is indigo and "first time" is a pale yellow charm clipped on one of the holes.  ('ALL wristband charms MUST BE RETURNED before exiting the premises of Laxtrict.  Theft is a crime.'  And on a neatly-markered index card taped next to the sign: 'Disposable wristbands do not belong in the charm basket. Being inconsiderate to staff is rude. Tip your Arbiter.')

Permalink Mark Unread

He will take an indigo and a yellow charm and venture further in among the people. Can he... tell... which of them are the "tame" solquinoxen?

Permalink Mark Unread

They're the ones with black metal bracelets instead of plastic wristbands, but even without those it's mostly possible to spot them by vibe; they're the ones who have a head in their lap, and/or are petting someone's hair, and/or are giving a massage, and/or are dressed very sharply, and are all looking completely composed and unnaturally gorgeous as opposed to on drugs and with a usual range of attractiveness.

Permalink Mark Unread

Any of them currently unoccupied-looking? And maybe not in an obviously predatory mood while he's at it.

Permalink Mark Unread

Here's one.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Good day! It has come to my attention that your gemini collective or whatever you call it has a fund for appeasing powerful entities, do you know much about that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . Good evening.  An interesting question, and conveniently one I had been reading up on earlier this very day.  Are you perhaps an interesting person, or a convenient one?  Or: both."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I am unambiguously interesting and ambiguously convenient, why do you ask?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam receives an appraising look.

"I would like to establish that I have not been drugging my brother's cat."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...oh, is it you with the mysteriously appealing treats? How do you get them that way without drugging her, then?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't know about mysterious.  Do people usually achieve deliciousness via drugs where you're from?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"To my knowledge I'm the only human who can talk to cats so I'm not sure how you achieved culinary superiority but I suppose it's not impossible."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It isn't particularly difficult to discern what food a cat does or doesn't like if one pays attention.  And this is presumably even less the case when she is, apparently, secretly a person and applying her intellect to communication."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, congrats on your five-star feline cheffery. Unrelated to the appeasement fund though."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Quite.  How shall my less incidental geminis contact you?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Write 'letter to Cam' on the correspondence. There is no step two."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How terrifying.  Are you interested in any more-immediate deals; I expect this one to take some time to process especially if you have no legal or financial identity."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Go ahead and pitch me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Should you have any conveniently conclusive proof of your trustworthiness handy, I'll offer up to onect aught gold, delivered tomorrow, in exchange for an unspecified future favor of equivalent value which is fully agreeable to us both.  Should you not, I offer a silver in exchange for a comprehensive description of your abilities, delivered now, with the intent of negotiating a more substantial deal tomorrow."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What constitutes conclusive proof of one's trustworthiness?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It doesn't sound like you have any handy.  Seems a bit hard to establish on short notice without - "  One of the couch dwellers who was receiving a hand massage starts enjoying it with rather more vocalization than previously, and to a degree that would be completely implausible outside of a ¿magic? not-quite-human-biology-based drug club.  The massage-giver radiates smugness.  ". . . Geminis.  Would you like to move this conversation somewhere slightly and only very slightly more private."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Suits me fine."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Please signal your consent to the staff."  Nicholas tilts his head to the color-coding board; desire to enter semi-private rooms is marked with rose pink charms and fully private ones with wine red.

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's a nifty system you have here." Cam will take a pink charm.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Incredibly, it turns out that the most effective way to make people feel at ease is generally to make them legitimately safe and very legibly so," agrees Nicholas.  Here's a hallway of little rooms with narrow windows in the doors and sturdy chairs and plush chaises longues on the floors.  The two of them pass an employee patrolling by and glancing in each one as he does.  A poster on the wall opposite the rooms informs readers of hand signals they can flag down staff with and reminds them that these rooms are not particularly soundproofed.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I did not read the complete list of 'affections'," Cam remarks, "so I'm just sort of guessing what goes on here based on what I have observed elsewise and it paints a fascinating picture." Room.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I couldn't begin to guess what impression any of that would give to someone entirely unfamiliar with the rest."  Nicholas takes the room's chaise and crosses an ankle over his knee.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Lacking much cultural connotation it seems like it would be pretty straightforwardly popular among people who like this sort of thing to show up and get high and be attended to by well-behaved - doms or whatever the dynamic is called, but I think it's possibly more complicated than that? It's not my thing though, I just know people who'd like it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That seems a fairly accurate assessment, if I'm not equally ignorant of your broader context."  A silver piece appears by sleight of hand and is offered to Cam.

Permalink Mark Unread

"- is that for a comprehensive description of my abilities?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Assuming your agreeability, yes."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How comprehensive are we talking?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"At maximum a silver's worth."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's not informative."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The primary method of deal enforcement currently available to me is that if I'm left with a poor description, I will be less effective at coming up with additional deals, and therefore you will be less likely to legally and fairly get a substantial amount of money from me tomorrow.  Beyond that I bow to your discretion."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can create arbitrary material objects but they can't be minds or magical or involve vacuum or be antimatter or start in motion except via frame-of-reference trickery. I am indestructible. Also I'm from another universe. All my other capacities are downstream of that one way or another."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What's your favorite thing you've made?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...I don't know how to quantify that. A lot of the time I copy things that already exist."

Permalink Mark Unread

"A favorite thing, then."

Permalink Mark Unread

"My violin."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What sort of things have value in your society?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Where I grew up or where I live when I'm at home?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"What's the difference?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, they aren't spatially contiguous and are inhabited by different species."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's not informative about which would better answer my question."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Your question didn't make it clear to me what kind of information you're looking for such that I can discern which society you're trying to ask about!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Perhaps a different angle: is there anything in particular you expect to retain value despite your continued presence here but which is still possible for you to make in the first place."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Customized objects, generally speaking. Plus in general there will continue to be a market for labor, land, performance, etcetera. And I guess anything I would not choose to make."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is there anything which you were already planning to make some but not much of?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I am still in an exploratory phase because your world is very weird and I should go perhaps multiple consecutive days without being blindsided by potentially relevant facts before I step into place in your economy."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I see.  Did you ever have an official occupation or vocation?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I taught at a university for a little while."

Permalink Mark Unread

"As which?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...as a professor? Sort of, since I didn't have a doctorate, just practical expertise."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Vocationally, then?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm not sure I know what you mean by that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Did you do it for income or for fulfillment, broadly speaking."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...both? They paid me enough to live on but I could have made much more money in industry."

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . A very weird world indeed.  Does your society simply not distinguish between these at all?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"People do do volunteer work but it would not be a strong probability if someone tells you they taught at a university, no."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Which of the workdays and the leisure are very long under this system?  Or is the difference split between them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Our days are shorter!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"By how much?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"They're 24 hours."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How much sleep do people need?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Eightish a night, for humans."

Permalink Mark Unread

"No wonder you don't have time for vocations."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is that, like, an entire second job you do out of conviction?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Approximately.  Jacquelyn's is self-study and that's quite usual for someone of her age and especially of her birthday; lots of people are vocational artists and musicians - how do people parent small children if all their time is split between sleep, occupation, and self maintenance?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...I mean, I guess if you put it that way the answer is 'with more difficulty'."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I understand it to be quite difficult to begin with."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I've never had small children, I couldn't say."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That would tend to limit one's useful commentary on the subject.  Well, if this counts as an economic blindside I'm happy to have reset your counter sooner rather than later."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It is, yeah! I don't know if it's a particularly material one but it is is one and they sure do keep happening."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What's the most notable one so far?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Geminis. Being a thing. Instead of everyone getting a random personality independent of birthday. It's competing with 'some cats are people' but that seems like the sort of thing that might be true somewhere, if you checked lots of universes, you know? The birthday thing didn't."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Seems lonely without.  Or at least confusing."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We're accustomed. I can see the appeal, it just hadn't occurred to me to wish that a substantial fraction of the population were my personality duplicates even though it sounds great now that I've been prompted to think about it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Some people here - even aside from the obvious and even among my geminis - don't prefer the existing setup over being unique.  But I personally am quite comfortable with this arrangement."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Anyway, was that a silver's worth or do you have more questions?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"As I said, it's at your discretion.  But if I were allowed precisely one more I would use it to ask for your best guess at a recommendation tailored to me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"A recommendation for what?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Something to accept from you in exchange for a large sum of money."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...I don't feel like I know enough about your tastes, like, do you go in for food or music or chachkas or what?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I do like food.  Although - I may be uncreative, but while I can imagine spending a few gold on food I admit to having a hard time seeing how I could reasonably spend eights of gold on it on a timescale relevant to you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can make things that cannot be conventionally cooked but I am still getting used to your monetary system and don't know how much it would be reasonable to charge for a tasting menu of demonic comestibles. If you wanted to throw a decadent party I could cater it, I suppose."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm not quite the throwing decadent parties sort.  How well do your most interesting and delicious options keep?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Depends if you want, like, weird candy, or doctored salmon, or what. There is some weird candy that keeps fine."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hm.  I'll mull on the question and write you tomorrow, I suppose."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sure. Note that my cash flow problem is almost certainly short term. Because of, among other things, the appeasement fund situation, which my assistant assures me I qualify for."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Naturally.  I'd have taken a different approach if I expected to be notably useful over a longer term.  Would you prefer to have a way to contact me as well or is that unnecessary."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Wouldn't hurt. I have a local phone now."

Permalink Mark Unread

Nicholas lists off a number with two more digits than Jesus's.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam dutifully puts it in his contacts.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Incidentally, does your personal name contain any additional syllables."

Permalink Mark Unread

"My full name is Campbell Mark Swan, why?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"A fair few of my geminis only use nicknames to indicate close possessiveness.  I wouldn't want to create any confusion there."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ah. I guess you can say Campbell if you want but basically nobody calls me that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Plausibly nearly point four percent of people are about to start calling you that unless you prefer that we don't strongly enough that something else instead happens."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess I'd prefer 'Mr. Swan', if you must?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Certainly.  Or, if you wanted the entire norm changed or yourself exempted from it I expect both of those to be within your power."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't want to go around changing people's norms just because people call me Cam normally."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Polite of you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I try! Besides, I hear I might want to save my social capital for causing miscellaneous atrocities to wind down."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You might.  I offer another half a silver in exchange for for a brief description of your morals with particular attention paid to any striking differences you've encountered between yours and those of a typical local."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I am against slavery. I favor universal sapient flourishing and as of recently this includes talking cats."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I wonder how many staunch abolitionists will hold less-becoming opinions on the subject of pethood."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Some cats seem to like being pets! Princess seems accustomed. I don't want to abolish pethood, just make it voluntary if the cat's a talking one."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The fact that the distinction between slavery and work should perhaps be generalized to involuntary pethood and - multi-species housemates, is precisely what I expect some people to have trouble with."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, there aren't that many talking cats, so it seems possible that I will be able to handle all those situations individually or delegate doing so, whereas slavery is a much bigger problem."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I wish you good luck in handling both."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"I count myself very fortunate that I can't personally recall treating any cats poorly in ways which I regret in light of new information."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, some kitten-drowners are going to be, best case scenario, very upset about their past behavior soon enough."

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . Is there a One Cat, do you know."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Are you going to pay me for cat afterlife information, that being the kind of conversation we seem to be having?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"If I've not earned enough goodwill to be trusted with the knowledge of whether my family member will someday have her soul annihilated then I suppose I shall wait for any of the people who don't pay for information piecewise to tell me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Princess will not have her soul annihilated."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thank you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You're welcome. I would be moving much more urgently if I thought otherwise, for what it's worth."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Does you credit.  What are your opinions on the moral valence of lawbreaking, mercy killing, eugeminics, homosexuality, and genetic tampering."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Depends on the laws, tentatively fine if it's the best option, I don't actually know that word but suspect based on etymology it's broadly okay, pro, tentatively pro."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Interesting.  Discrimination based solely on birthday?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It wouldn't make any sense on my planet but it might here? If it has an ugly history of some kind I am not yet enlightened about that. I do think it would be reasonable for people to aim pretty aggressively at desired birthdates in their own children."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I only mention it because it would appear at least plausible that I have not, personally, done anything which you would strongly disapprove of."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Thank you kindly."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Anytime. Have we further business?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't have further coinage on my person so it would seem not."  Nicholas gestures to the stack of five pieces, one silver and four copper, which somehow previously made its way over onto the arm of the room's chair without Cam noticing.

Permalink Mark Unread

"All right. Thank you very much, and let me know when further information about the fund thing becomes available." Scoop.

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's not at all within my purview but I'll relay how to contact you to someone whose it is."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Mm-hm!" And off Cam goes.

Permalink Mark Unread

The person receiving the hand . . . job . . . is if anything even louder and more enthusiastic than the last time Cam was in the main area.  A woman sprawled across the laps of a solquinox of each gender double-takes in the corner of Cam's vision and smooshes her face into the nearest available torso.  The sign on the wall reminds him that his wristband charms MUST BE RETURNED.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yup, here they are, plink plink.

Permalink Mark Unread

Then the bartender will not accost him as he exits!

Most of Felicity is in the shuttle when he returns but lavender is lying out on the grass stargazing.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hi! Looking for somebody you know?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Trying to find the spots where I used to be."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I wonder if astronomers are freaking out - do astronomers even exist here really -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"We have something called that but I'd be surprised if the meaning was exactly the same."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What do yours do?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"They study the stars as physical phenomena, but since your world's stars are so awfully different I don't imagine the details of their work can be very similar.  And, sidenote, contrast with astrologers, who focus on stars' extranatural effects."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Legit. Yeah, our astronomers study our stars qua giant balls of burning plasma, and other planets, and they determine the age of the universe via redshift and stuff."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's very strange that you call them planets when their surfaces aren't even cutouts of planes."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It means 'wanderer'."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's even stranger!  But how did your lounge visit go?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Went fine, I got some petty cash for answering some questions."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Nice.  What do you think of them?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"They seem fine! The specific one I talked to was related to Princess's family."

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . May I ask for elaboration on 'fine' or should I drop it for now."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I had a perfectly reasonable interaction, find their bracelet charm situation charming pun intended, was not exposed to knowledge of any particular atrocities during my visit, and apparently may not much disapprove of anything the specific guy I spoke to has done ever in his life."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay.  I'm not sure how much I should elaborate on personal experience versus letting you do your own research, but I'll at least say that while it doesn't surprise me that your specific guy might be fine I would not necessarily describe them that way collectively.  Different lounges have superficially different signaling systems but Verona doesn't have one at all."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I totally buy that left to their own devices in a place run by themselves and only themselves their more socially acceptable trappings would give way. That wouldn't even surprise me about a grab bag of people from Earth who had a tight-knit ingroup that ran a country."

Permalink Mark Unread


"I'm still sort of having trouble grasping how things work without geminis, I think.  I don't know whether to imagine what you describe as being about the same as a bunch of even folks banding together and committing atrocities along the way or as something else."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Honestly I don't know either because I have the reverse problem. Do you want some history books?"

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

He hands her a nice big stack of 'em after a quick skim through relevant parts of his notetaking history.

Permalink Mark Unread

She carries them to the shuttle and distributes them amongst herselves.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Anything I should be reading for context on Verona and whatnot?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Given a few minutes I can probably come up with a list . . ."


Here's a short memoir by a former Roman slave who escaped to Verona.  He lives a basically normal life for a few weeks, with his fellow citizens not being quite as fearful on a day-to-day basis as his fellow slaves had been, until he's drugged in the grocery store and brought home with an autumn solquinox who takes a liking to him.  After more than a year's worth of adventures with various affect-affecting drugs, some superficially-datelike outings, and an incident with a memory supressant, he manages to escape again to Archipeligo.  He suspects he might have only managed to do so because the solquinox got bored of him and wanted to spark false hope in their geminis' more cherished victims.

Here's an analysis of trends in so-called 'black rose' / 'dangerous boyfriends' / 'romantic suspense' novels over the past couple of decades.  Initially, nearly all of the love interests were autumn solquinoxes and though the subgenre's branched out a bit over the years this paper is only focusing on those.  The author notes that the older books tended to have the male leads be more unrealistically sincerely affectionate, sometimes kissing the heroine on the lips or even participating in relatively normal sex with her, but recent ones usually have more accurate power dynamics.  The essay goes on to talk about a recentish split in the genre between those which embrace the horror element (frequently also to an unrealistic degree) and usually end up with the heroine being whisked away to Verona and forced to bear solquinox children or locked in a basement forever or murdered, and those which take a gentler tack and typically have the solquinox setting up the heroine with a different romantic partner and a more stable and prosperous life than she had before (sometimes with occasional visits for loungeful activities later on).  There's a passing nod to the fact that of course female autumn solqs and odd male ones exist in real life even though tawdry books about other gender configurations get published rather less.

Here's a collection of reviews for a catalog drug order service, published by an Arbiter-run third-party product evaluation magazine.  The ratings are quite high for the most part, and are mostly for recreational and/or sexual products, although there are some entries for stimulants and nootropics and some, relayed mostly from dead summer solquinoxes, for poisons ('🟊 4/4  Painless, fast.  Good shelf life.').

And here's an article from half a century ago reporting on a small wave of people who each gave an autumn a taste of their own medicine in hopes of dissuading their collective from constantly drugging everyone else.  The piece takes pains to avoid mentioning any of the solquinoxes' reactions while on the assorted truth serums and aphrodisiacs and other such things, and instead focuses on the fact that they all killed themselves as soon as they had the option and then immediately joined up with the One.  The journalist beseeches people to stop drugging them, because it would be really bad if the One ends up disproportionately full of autumn solqs.  Also their collective retaliation and defense measures are probably not going to be fun for anyone.  Also also it's probably immoral or something, maybe.  Possibly.  (Even though if anyone deserved it it would be them.)

Permalink Mark Unread

Such a focus on drugs. Do the autumn solqs produce writing of their own explaining themselves?

Permalink Mark Unread

Sure they do.  Here's a press release disavowing one who illegally kidnapped and tortured someone outside of Verona and reminding readers that their crime rates are actually much lower than nearly everyone else's.  Here's a coauthor credit on one of the romance novels.  Here's a ton of research documentation, mostly for (surprise surprise) drugs, but not exclusively; they also seem to do a lot of uncredited collaboration with winter solqs.

As for explanations of their behavior, well, he can easily turn up a lot of evasive quippery; anything more than that might take some digging.  Or he could just check the transcripts from one of the times other people truth-drugged them!  Those exist and are reasonably findable on the open internet even without infosec hazardry.

Permalink Mark Unread

Is there, like, a particularly good reason those transcripts were not published? It's not like the people who did this were paragons of ethical reasoning.

Permalink Mark Unread

They were super published!  Many destructive coincidences which weren't traceable to any individual autumn solqs kept happening to most of the physical copies, but published they definitely were!  And he can find them nearly immediately in several places on the copy of the local internet he already made; they're just well-labeled enough with fancy ASCII art title pages that they're easy to avoid should he want to.

Permalink Mark Unread

...it does seem very rude to read somebody's transcripts from when they were on drugs that they wanted to have destroyed. Maybe he will text Nicholas about it.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread
It seems to have been quite emphatically communicated that the transcripts of the truth drugs incident would not be read by polite persons, even if that weren't the default polite thing to do with such transcripts anyway; do you suppose my situation is meaningfully different at all or nah?
Permalink Mark Unread

Not that I yet know of.  What considerations do you suppose would make that so?

Permalink Mark Unread
If I were a nationstate considering negotiations with a remarkably powerful out-of-context entrant into geopolitics and economics I might consider disclosing information that was ordinarily secret as a gesture of good faith or something, especially if it wouldn't be hard to get anyway, but I don't wish to pry so I thought I'd inquire before moving on to other parts of my background reading.
Permalink Mark Unread

It's terribly inconvenient that I am not personally a nationstate, then.  Whoever is assigned as your liason may have a different answer for you, or may be (1/3)

willing to answer the relevant concerns in a more direct manner, and of course no one can stop you, but if the question is politeness then I wouldn't distin(2/3)


Permalink Mark Unread
Maybe I'm overgeneralizing from how I'd behave on behalf of my geminis' nationstate if they existed and had one. Apologies.
Permalink Mark Unread

Accepted.  Please don't hesitate to reach out again with any concerns I'm capable of addressing.

Permalink Mark Unread

Is there any public writing about the appeasement fund itself?
Permalink Mark Unread

There is.  It turns out that there are already a few similar arrangements in place with other entities including Rome, a subgroup of Archipeligo, and the Alphabet Conglomerate.  Not all of them are strictly monetary; the Alphabet Conglomerate's mainly takes the form of advancing legal standards for the treatment of even folks within Verona's borders.  The gist of the messaging seems to be: 'If you'd dismantle our country, why don't we first see whether we can work something else out?'.  There aren't too many specifics about what sort of resources they have on offer, though.

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, hopefully he'll hear back about that soon.

He checks his mail.

Permalink Mark Unread

Nothing yet.

Permalink Mark Unread

There's a message from Nicholas, though.

Would it be impolite to forward the previous conversation to Veronan representitives?

Permalink Mark Unread
Go for it.
Permalink Mark Unread

Felicity approaches.

"At least from skimming, there don't seem to be inherent differences between our even people and your people in general.  Although odd people have a bit of a tendency to take over anything important unless it was set up from the beginning to not let them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. Would I be out of place as an even person, do you know me well enough to tell yet?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think the thing with the difference between even and odd, like you kind of said before, is the inevitability.  You could be an even person, if probably a bit of a strange one, because the question is more about what the rest of your geminis are like and whether they would be strange in the same sorts of ways."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Gotcha. I don't think in my case my upbringing was especially formative but if we omit that part of the equation."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think the degree to which you're the same person even with very different upbringings is probably the crux of oddness!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"How much variation is there within odd birthdays?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, quite a bit.  But there's a sense in which it's trimmings around a common core that - well, evens still have that but a lot less so."

Permalink Mark Unread

Nod, nod. "Nicholas brought up eugeminics, what should I read about that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hm, I'm pretty sure Ilkskolre had a schoolbook on that; I don't think any of me ever read it specifically but the series is good."

With some digging it turns out the individual book is titled The Aim of the Aims: A History and Philosophy of Eugeminics.  Part of the table of contents is arranged in a normal list format but part of it is a glossy two-page spread of a circle with some birthdays and corresponding page numbers marked along its edge.  It's definitely not all of them; evens all get one chapter to share, but most of the birthdays in the four oddest levels are listed.

Other topics include 'Pre-Astrological Aims', 'Aiming vs. Eugeminics: a Matter of Scale', 'Methods: Soft and Hard, Flat and Sharp', 'Spiritualist Moralities', and 'What's the One's Take On All This?'.

Permalink Mark Unread

...what does Pre-Astrological even mean here. Is "soft and hard, flat and sharp" a euphemism. What is the One's take.

Permalink Mark Unread

In this context it appears to mean 'before living people figured out that birthdays did all that', and it turns out that even before there was a cohesive model people had superstitions about babies born on certain days or in certain seasons or what have you, and occasionally tried to do a little primitive aiming about it.  Some of them make sense given what's known in modern day, but others probably just arose out of coincidence or people making up things based off their allies and enemies.

It's a discussion of the axes along which attempts at eugeminics have historically varied!  'Soft' here represents light, non-forceful pressure, like the New Years' financial incentives and writings meant to convince prospective parents to avoid or try for certain geminis.  'Hard' refers most often to laws, sometimes by denying particular birthdays entry to a country or exiling its existing ones, sometimes by carving out exemptions or adding extra strictness (although the authors note that this is only eugeminics insofar as it influences parents or causes people to move; the effect on population numbers is what's relevant here.  Everything else is just sparkling discrimination).  For unknown historical reasons 'flat' refers to preventing or encouraging births on certain days and for slightly clearer ones 'sharp' methods are those which involve people who already exist.  (It's all the murder.  And state-sanctioned geminicide.)

For a while people were worried that it was important for there to be completely equal numbers of each gemini in the long run but the One apparently doesn't think so.  It steadfastly refuses to express an opinion about what proportions of people there should be, refraining even from cryptic remarks!  Here are four cryptic remarks that it made about adjacent things, with a handful of interpretations about what each one might mean.

Permalink Mark Unread

Okay. So Cam has no problem with flat soft eugeminics and has a problem with hard and/or sharp instances. Good to know. What is a spiritualist morality?

Permalink Mark Unread

This book seems to assume the reader already knows that and instead goes over some examples of them.  Some people apparently think that any sort of aiming whatsoever is wrong, and believe all astrological knowledge to be harmful.  The strictest of those have spent periods of hermitude in caves in order to attempt to lose track of what day it is before conceiving a child; the milder ones advocate using some sort of randomization method when deciding what days to have potentially kidmaking sex on.

Conversely, other people believe really strongly in extensive research to find the exact best child for you and your partner, even among even days.  Some in this camp have tried to make official registries of what sort of people came from which sorts of parents to find the best matches, and have tried with varying success to enforce adherence to those.

One group of people believes that even if it isn't fated to be necessary, it's still a good idea for there to be as level a proportion of birthdays across the population as possible, and most parents should aim for whoever there's currently the least of.  There've been lots of scandals within this group about its loudest proponents tending to have kids who aren't the very least popular, though, ones more on the 'ignored' side than the actively avoided one.

Permalink Mark Unread

Who are the very least popular?

Permalink Mark Unread

Unuary 31.  There are graphs of geminial proportions across the past few strong years and octades, and while there are plenty of dips and hills for the other birthdays, that's the only one that's much lower than everyone else on literally every single chart.

Permalink Mark Unread

What's up with Unuary 31s?

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, all this book has to say is that there's been almost no hard flat methods employed against them, because parents are almost entirely willing to avoid that day without external pressure.  More than half of them have at least one parent who's one of their geminis.  It's a short section, not even a full page.

Permalink Mark Unread

Okay, what's his little book of all the birthday personalities and what they're like say.

Permalink Mark Unread

Unuary 31:

   Affinities: They can be really friendly and good at doing favors!

   Enmities:  Often greedy and untrustworthy.

   Oddities: They're the least common birthday!  Having one of these as a friend is a rare treat.

It's notably more taciturn than even most of the even entries.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

There doesn't appear to be an equivalent, at least in terms of scale and standout popularity.

Permalink Mark Unread

..."What's the deal with Unuary 31s?" he asks the nearest Felicity.

Permalink Mark Unread

"They have a bad reputation that in my experiences is at least partially warranted?  I'm sure trustworthy ones exist, but I never personally met any and - I don't think our society is very well shaped for bringing out the best in them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"My book of birthdays was also vague, but as far as I know I haven't met one, what are characteristic things they might do?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I suppose - acting very friendly and generous but then demanding steep payment in return, even though you never actually asked for any of what they did for you.  Cutting out on deals the moment it benefits them  . . . They don't really treat children well, I think, even when they have their own geminis as kids; there might be something cyclical there - in general they make it very difficult to sincerely cooperate with them in lots of ways, I'd say.  You personally might manage it with enough bribery.  But if it were me I would dole out small installments of goodies at regular intervals, with the threat of stopping in the event of any nefarious behavior."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Got it, thanks." He makes a note of this.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Anytime.  . . . Just wondering, have you given any thought to where all the resurrected stars are going to live, for the ones who can't just pick up their lives again and don't have positions as PAs waiting for them?

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is there a major living space shortage? I suppose I could have somebody summon an angel or three and excavate some cylinder, although I don't know that living underground in large numbers is actually good for people, what with sunshine and ventilation issues."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Less a physical space shortage and more of a societal space one, I would say.  And - I'd have to read a few papers to refresh my memory and check whether the scientific understanding has updated, but I think it's been calculated that gravity applies to celestial light in convenient amounts for future people living on the edge of the cylinder.  What about ventilation worries you, that people will be . . . blown off the edge?  - Or do you think we have vaccum lower, we don't, it's all air."

Permalink Mark Unread

"In my universe, people exhale carbon dioxide, which plants reprocess into more oxygen, which people need to breathe. Plants require light, but if light's handled plants can grow down there, I suppose, I did notice earlier there's water throughout the cylinder."

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . I think we're talking past each other but I'm not sure what questions could resolve it.  Do . . . hm, no . . . are you worried that - I don't know."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If you went into a completely sealed room and hung out there for a few hours what would happen?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I suppose I'd die of malaria - unless resurrected star clouds need all of their bodies to die at the same time in order for it to work, assuming it was only part of me - but I don't see what that has to do with this."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. In my universe, the word 'malaria' means bad air but it refers to a disease caused by microorganisms transmitted by bug bites; I'd call dying of being in a sealed room for air-related reasons 'suffocation', do you have that word?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think here we only say suffocation when somebody is prevented from breathing entirely, like if they're choking.  If they can breathe but the air isn't life-sustaining that's malaria."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. And what makes air life-sustaining in the open, that a sealed room lacks?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's as you said with the carbon dioxide, I believe.  Our molecular terminology is different but from an initial check I think it's referring to the same thing."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Which is why I expect plants to be called for underground, for air filtration. You can do it mechanically with enough electrical generation, but plants are multipurpose."

Permalink Mark Unread

" . . . I think the miasma is pr - oh, do you mean - I was just picturing shuttling off the edge and going at it from the side; you meant starting from the top, working your way down, and keeping everything fully contained?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"You could also go from the side but it seems like it would make it harder for people to travel and be a little precarious... Anyway, ventilating to the side doesn't actually help much? In my model, which I'm assuming is wrong somewhere but I don't know where yet, where a room doesn't have to be completely sealed in order to not have enough carbon getting out and oxygen getting in to the air supply. So if the total number of plants does not scale up to match the number of breathers we run into trouble, even if it takes a while because there's so much air to begin with in the world here."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's entirely possible I've filled my heads with too many science fiction paintings of the cylinder seen from afar and giant holes filled with futuristic megacities carved out of it.  Although so have an awful lot of other people and you might get some mileage out of playing to that image - what did you think I meant when I said I thought gravity applied to celestial light in convenient amounts for this?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It sounded like you were saying that for weird reasons light would filter down into the caverns so plants would grow."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ah, no, just that it won't get unliveably hot in places on or in the side of the cylinder which the sun passes close to."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ah. How far down does the sun go?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Two surface-diameters."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is the bedrock unusually structurally stable for a rock, or is it holding itself together in a cylinder by special-case physics such that I still need to do all my engineering math on how big and how deep to put caverns very carefully?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"There's a core made of indestructible celestum - or locally believed to be indestructible, anyways - running down it, so I don't think you could topple us by accident but I expect there are other outcomes worth working to avoid."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, well, how big is the celestum part, I need to know for geographical planning reasons - the other rock also matters, though, because there's a whole world on top of this thing and that is presumably pretty heavy and creating a cavity underneath I'd better be sure the ceiling will stay put under a wide range of possible stresses."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It fluctuates by depth; there's some that sticks out a bit onto the surface at the center which is about this big."  She holds her hands at about a flagpole-sized circumference.  "But there are also less-central veins of it, some but not all of which connect back to the core.  Stars in general have mapped out a fair bit of it but not in a way I expect to be easily translated to a form useful to you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess I'll conjure whatever cross-section I have in mind..." He tries making celestum, though he expects it not to work.

Permalink Mark Unread

It doesn't.

"There's a ring of cold celestum under Antarctica, like what Polaris is made of, so you'd probably want to start at least far enough down to be mostly out of its reach, too."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Are there other celestum subtypes or just cold and not-especially-cold? Is it conductive? Is it nonbioreactive? Can things adhere to it if it's exposed after excavation?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"The sun, moon, the physical components of stars, and the shell of the universe are also made of different kinds; it's more of a category than a specific substance.  I don't know most of the answers to those because I don't imagine that anyone has tried to run electricity through the sun or whatnot - well, successfully - but I don't see why you couldn't attach things to the less destructive varieties."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh, okay. There were some holes in the slice I conjured before..." Let's have a plastic model of the first five thousand miles down of cylinder, translucent so he can see caverns and gaps that might not all be missing celestum.

Permalink Mark Unread

Here is a cylinder, not quite half as tall as it is wide, with a hole down the center that starts out almost invisibly small at the top and widens greeblishly out to the width of a finger or two.  There are lots of speckly holes dotting the model, and a really big, much smoother torusish-funnelish one ringing around under Antarctica as expected.  There are also some swirl-shaped holes here and there - most smaller than the torusish; some smoother, some kind of scaly in the same way as the core; some connected to it and some separate.  The biggest one curls under much of the western part of the Pacific Ocean and the eastern part of Africa before getting cut off by the bottom of the model.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay, there are existing caverns in the cylinder so I don't have to worry about excavating and whether that's safe for a while."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Good news for the Cam Empire or the Resurrection Nation or whatever you should choose to call it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't know if that many resurrectees will choose to live there! Presumably lots of people are mostly motivated to be resurrected so they can go back to their lives and I will wind up freeing up space for them by taking immigrants from elsewhere."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I imagine that's true of the long run, as the recently dead keep deciding not to stay that way, but in the short term I do expect a fair number of star clouds and a fairer number of star cloud bodies to want it, though maybe I'm more of an odd gull than I realize.  - It's a good thing you can do houses, now I'm imagining somestar hundreds of souls big all wanting to live in the same enormous apartment."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hundreds of souls would want an entire apartment building!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, it could be a duplex."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Maybe when I next get high if I meet any clouds that are considering it I'll tell them to design themselves a home. I should probably ask Nudge for psychic course-correction soon anyway."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Good thought.  Do you want me to come with?  At some point it would probably be good to test what happens to embodied clouds on omnilol but of course it doesn't have to be now."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh, your call. Or I guess the call of how much I have on hand left." How much has he got.

Permalink Mark Unread


"I believe I shall if the option's available."

Permalink Mark Unread

"'Tis!" he says, passing her the container after pouring himself some. He settles in comfortably (lap Cricket and all), and down the hatch it goes.

Permalink Mark Unread

Starshine up hug, hugshine down.  And happy birthdays!  Some of them slightly belated.

Permalink Mark Unread

Uh, what does that... mean?

Permalink Mark Unread

Traditional greeting, and then also today you turned thirty-five, yesterday ten, and four days ago one.  From the point of view of certain other flows of time.

Permalink Mark Unread

...what other flows of time?

Permalink Mark Unread

Don't worry about it.  For the record I'm sincerely sorry that my main purpose in death is to make jokes that go over your head; it's very rude I know.  You can have a present to make up for it, though, if you want.  In addition to the answers you came up here for.  Which should possibly be given first.

Permalink Mark Unread

...do you already psychically know my questions or should I spell them out?

Permalink Mark Unread

How about we start with the spelling.

Permalink Mark Unread

What should I expect if I attempt to install elevators at the edge of the cylinder to allow settlement of the existing top handful of caverns, and what should I expect if those caverns are later expanded by mechanical or magical means, especially in terms of whether there'll be a cave-in?

Permalink Mark Unread

An important thing to remember - or learn, rather - is that because the line which twenty-nine thirty-fourths of the people in this conversation are sitting on top of is infinite, it's hanging, not resting, and so the stress involved is somewhat less than you might imagine.  But to actually answer your question, you can expect decreased relations with most governments and increased relations with some portion of their populaces.  Also it'll look super cool.

Permalink Mark Unread

Anything nonobvious I should know about how I will tick off governments?

Permalink Mark Unread

Not that I can see although I can't in fact see everything.

Permalink Mark Unread

What can you see, besides my - alternate timestream birthdays?

Permalink Mark Unread

Is that a request to move the conversation on to your present?

Permalink Mark Unread

Not necessarily, if there's more to know about Project Elevator.

Permalink Mark Unread

The very top caverns are going to be way too cold; make sure you visit anywhere you're planning to remodel well ahead of time to check for things like that.  Install really good guardrails very liberally.  Probably you could hire locals to run a shuttle service in addition to the elevators and nothing would particularly go wrong with that.

Permalink Mark Unread

Can I install chiplock computers in the locals without issue? It's possible to pilot a shuttle without but way easier with.

Permalink Mark Unread

Ha!  No, definitely not, your food barely worked for people here, chiplocks for sure won't.  Fun fact there was totally a brief alternate timestream moment where you almost killed Jordan with the chocolate basket.  But - and this is me using my basic guessing ability rather than my otherworldly sight - you could probably hire some autumn and winter solqs and set them to it and given enough arbitrary materials and volunteers and resurrections they just might manage it.

Permalink Mark Unread

...I'm glad I did not almost kill Jordan with the chocolate basket. Are there any foods that will harm people that I might otherwise make naively?

Permalink Mark Unread

I don't think you'll do any immediate harm but locals need a lot higher proportion of quote natural unquote foods and are generally a little more nutritionally delicate than the ones you're used to, if you end up feeding anyone long-term.

Permalink Mark Unread

Okay, so more with the fruit salad and less with the pop tarts?

Permalink Mark Unread

You've got the idea.

Permalink Mark Unread

Am I looking at anything I won't expect in terms of embedding stuff in the outside of the cylinder rock? What kind of rock is it? Will I be looking at anything weird in terms of airflow or lighting that I won't notice by visiting?

Permalink Mark Unread

It's not just one kind of rock, and it's not only rock.  Gravity applies to sun- and moonlight on a celestial scale but it shouldn't be too inconvenient.  Airflow ought to be fine although the terminology might throw you off.

Permalink Mark Unread

Besides 'malaria'?

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, we could hardly call it the atmosphere.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh, good point!

Permalink Mark Unread

It's the miasma instead.

Permalink Mark Unread

That is an awful word. I wish I had gotten local-Latin with the summoning so I wouldn't be so distracted by how awful a word for 'all the air that exists' that is.

Permalink Mark Unread

Reesies in piecies my dude.  Also we say circular instead of global; that one's come up a couple times too.

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, hopefully my slipups will be charmingly foreign or something.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Any tips on juggling governing the place and ending material scarcity?

Permalink Mark Unread

Nah, probably you've got that covered fine.  Incidentally, though: you're very odd.

Permalink Mark Unread

I assume you mean something other than my having been born on a thirteenth.

Permalink Mark Unread

I do!  I instead mean the obvious thing.

Permalink Mark Unread

I am not very shaped by my upbringing?

Permalink Mark Unread

Not in comparison to most people.

Permalink Mark Unread

How strangely validating, I guess.

Permalink Mark Unread

Better than the alternative.

Permalink Mark Unread

I guess! Are you going to want to be incarnated at some point or would that reinstate your curse?

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh yeah no, please never.

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm not going to do it without your permission, worry not. It would restart the curse? Why is there a curse, it's dumb.

Permalink Mark Unread

You have no way to do it without my permission, worry not.  It would, yeah, and also I wouldn't remember anything that had happened since I-plural had died, which, y'know, no thanks.

Permalink Mark Unread

That didn't happen to the others!

Permalink Mark Unread

I'd remember it all when I died again.  Until I merged with somebody other than one of my geminis, like Felicity mentioned earlier.

Permalink Mark Unread

Does anyone else have weirdnesses upon dying like you lot?

Permalink Mark Unread

Nope!  Say, would you like some mystically-guaranteed nicknames for some of the different birthdays most of which aren't in general use but all of which are way easier than going 'tetrinary seasonchange' and 'september oh one' all the time?

Permalink Mark Unread

Mystically guaranteed to be what?

Permalink Mark Unread

Nicknames.  - Feel free to ask follow-up questions in general but when I produce some sort of shutdowny cryptic bullshit please be aware that it's because I would probably be prevented from elaborating on pain of forced amnesia.

Permalink Mark Unread

Who's preventing you from answering things on pain of forced amnesia?!

Permalink Mark Unread

Eh, don't worry about it.  And it's not like it could happen to you.  You don't have a handy mechanism for it.

Permalink Mark Unread

Is this another thing where if I worry about it it makes it worse somehow?

Permalink Mark Unread

Yep!  But also you don't have to because, one, I will simply refrain from telling you certain things, and two, I've got one of the best deals available, no failed vampiric murder attempts or mind control reality shows or anything, so, y'know, I'll take it, this is fine.

Permalink Mark Unread

...are there mind control reality shows? Or vampires?

Permalink Mark Unread

Not here!  It's great.  - Actually there was one vampire here for about ten minutes a while back, but that's another story.  Do you want the nicknames or not?

Permalink Mark Unread

Sure, why not.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cool!  So: me, Jordan, Jackie et cetera are Jidas - that's 'Ê’idÉ™' - on account of the Js, the Ds, and the Ineffective Altruism.  Ellie, Ian, and Ivy from the pet shelter are Soups, and there isn't actually enough of them to account for why you've met so many from a concrete statistical standpoint; it's just that one of their birthday things is being around talking animals so that's come up a lot.  The Veronans are Chevrons.  Because they're pointy!  And also their initials all contain acute angles, and somethingsomething about the romance novel genre but that's not mystically guaranteed.  Winters are, locally confusingly, Starchilds, but that can be shortened to Starches because rebracketing is fun and, y'know, everyone here is already starchildren.

Permalink Mark Unread

Are these names known to people? If I say 'ah, another Soup' are Soups going to be like 'yep that's me'?

Permalink Mark Unread

They're all in at least limited use but the popularity varies.

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, I agree with you that they're more memorable than octal dates and season markers, at least.

Permalink Mark Unread

You can at least use them with Felicity.  Who, for the record, finds that omnilol works fine, and is following along with this conversation though not currently participating because we're also talking to each other - any time you've got multiple star clouds on the line you should assume they've also got a backchannel going, if they're bigger than you which in your case of course they will be - and even though she can direct her attention as she wills, she can't say multiple things while only one of her is high any more than she can harmonize using a single mouth.

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, and I hadn't really had anything to say.

Permalink Mark Unread

Hi Felicity.

Permalink Mark Unread

Hello!  We've been discussing other candidates for early resurrection; I'll go over the notes with you later.

Permalink Mark Unread

Awesome. Has the One made any progress on making it less, uh, abhorrent?

Permalink Mark Unread

Not on a noticeable scale.  But even Ashley should be pretty much adjusted by tomorrow so, y'know, it's nothing long-term debilitating anyways.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh good. I should probably check in on her. Also I promised to take Cricket to a zoo, I should do that before I get too swamped.

Permalink Mark Unread

She'll write you tomorrow afternoon; you can let her be until then.  And be sure to show zoo pictures to Fireheart.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Any more excavation inquisition?

Permalink Mark Unread

Do you psychically know a good name for the cavern settlement?

Permalink Mark Unread

I have one guess at what you might go for but no suggestions.

Permalink Mark Unread

Fair enough. Is there anyone I should talk to while I'm up here?

Permalink Mark Unread

You could ask the One about cat uplift lady if you want?  A bunch of other people were going to talk to you but I headed them off since it was just about resurrections and it's more efficient to compile a list of them you're welcome.  Or I could offer your present!  Super unfortunately though, if you figure out what it is you can't have it, and I don't know whether or not you'd want it.

Permalink Mark Unread

...can you tell other people and triangulate a good guess about it that way? And, yes, thank you for the list.

Permalink Mark Unread

Sure, I'll try that too.  But do you want to hear the pitch?  I'm not big enough to compose poetry on the spot but I'm psychic enough to do it in advance.  Though it does assume a little less conversational preamble than ended up happening.

Permalink Mark Unread

Go ahead and pitch me.

Permalink Mark Unread

Hi and a salutation, too
sent from this constellation to
the one who builds utopia from scratch
and for the revelation who (it's you)
could call on me and maybe use a universal physics patch

Your origin's in one sense golden, though
the patterns it was told in show
that the proposition gifted should appeal
but if the lights your star was holdin' glow:
fixed in your twilit home is the reveal

The offer's this: to grow in your ability,
to introduce a novel vulnerability,
and join the shadows laid here on the green.
multiply your greatest capability
but keep the second third and so on from repeating in the scene

And since if I omitted it I'd be remiss, I'll
mention neither up nor downside warrant your dismissal

Permalink Mark Unread

- Sorry, which constellation are you proporting to be sending something from?

Permalink Mark Unread

Why, Felicity,

Permalink Mark Unread

This one.

Permalink Mark Unread


If you say so.

Permalink Mark Unread

...how cryptic. I don't love the sound of 'novel vulnerability'?

Permalink Mark Unread

I can at least say that I don't already see anything on track to take advantage of said vulnerability.  It could well end up totally fine.

Permalink Mark Unread

But if it doesn't, sucks to be me?

Permalink Mark Unread

. . . Approximately.

Permalink Mark Unread

You're not giving me much to go on here. Can I have Felicity transcribe the poem and think on it for a bit?

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh, I already did.

Permalink Mark Unread

Thanks, you're a peach. Or possibly a cherry. I didn't take note before dosing.

Permalink Mark Unread

The one of me who took that down is not the same one who received the omnilol!  And I would say that even more than usual you're talking to all of me right now.

Permalink Mark Unread

You are a fruit basket, thank you.

Permalink Mark Unread

Not gonna lie, sans context that sounds like at least two flavors of insult.

Permalink Mark Unread

A smoothie? A produce aisle?

Permalink Mark Unread

I don't think it matters given that no one here is without the relevant context.

Permalink Mark Unread

Quite. I will mull on the cryptic poem. Are there any author's notes on what the heck it means available or am I to be working sola scriptura there?

Permalink Mark Unread

It contains fifteen and a half jokes.  Beyond that, we've hit about the extent of what I can volunteer but if you have particular questions I can, y'know, either answer them or be annoyingly yet charmingly evasive.

Permalink Mark Unread

What is a half joke?

Permalink Mark Unread

One that's a little tenuous and bad and maybe wasn't even written intentionally.

Permalink Mark Unread

What is my greatest capability?

Permalink Mark Unread

I hope and expect you already know the answer to that.

Permalink Mark Unread

I think it sort of depends on perspective and circumstances! If I fell in a volcano indestructibility would be it, for ending material scarcity it's sure making stuff, and when I am at home entertaining myself it is my capacity to appreciate musical theater!

Permalink Mark Unread

Does it help if I say that without rhymeful scheming I would've phrased it 'asset'.

Permalink Mark Unread

....nnnno I got nothing.

Permalink Mark Unread

Then neither do I.  Next?

Permalink Mark Unread

Does the golden part have anything to do with my violin?

Permalink Mark Unread

That's the reason it got mentioned but it's not what it means.

Permalink Mark Unread

...why does it have a separate reason and meaning?

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

And the dismissal part? I was warned to secure alternative summoning arrangements, so I'm not sure I should expect Fireheart to be continuously alive that long, does this affect him?

Permalink Mark Unread

Naw.  Which is so sad, it would have been amazing.  I guess you might find a way to replicate the effects down the road depending on how things go.

Permalink Mark Unread

...what would have been amazing?

Permalink Mark Unread

One of the ways it could have affected Fireheart.  Or, briefly seemed like it could have.

Permalink Mark Unread

Is he going to be a daeva one day?

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah.  But maybe not in the way you think.

Permalink Mark Unread

...is this another alternate timestream thing?

Permalink Mark Unread

He's only a smidgen more likely to end up a daeva than Princess even if she never summons.

Permalink Mark Unread


Does me being Revelation count as a joke? It doesn't seem funny but I don't know your criteria.

Permalink Mark Unread

- You're WHAT.

Permalink Mark Unread

- does 'Revelation' have a local meaning or did you just do enough background reading to know what that means where I'm from.

Permalink Mark Unread

It didn't take particularly much background reading!

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, yeah, that was me.

Permalink Mark Unread

Permalink Mark Unread


Something counts as a joke in this context if I wouldn't have known to say it without being psychic.

Permalink Mark Unread

Okay, so I guess that's one. ... not really catching any others. Do you know if I'll be able to?

Permalink Mark Unread

There's one you'll probably pick up in retrospect.

Permalink Mark Unread

Even if I don't take the mystery present?

Permalink Mark Unread

Specting retro from having already received the present.

Permalink Mark Unread


I can't think of any more questions at this time.

Permalink Mark Unread

I forgot to say the mystically-guaranteed nickname for Jesus and Elevation's birthday is 'Floodeds'.  Starches are really autoxenophilic and will have various amounts of a thing about the wings and tail.  Most slaves aren't nearly as well-propagandized as Ellie.  You should throw Ellie and Misto at designing cat-friendly assistive devices once the power grid's all sorted out; they made those hands together without sharing a language.  Absolutely no comment on Tigerstar's innocence or evilness but he did invent refrigeration and quarantine which is pretty cool regardless.  Tortoiseshells are half trans because of a glitch in the way the uplift catnip handles gender.  Give Linguistics Ghost Kitten an extra scritch for me next time you see him.

Permalink Mark Unread

Will do.

Permalink Mark Unread

And note that your present will still have to be developed using the very slow local magic system, so, y'know, take the time you need to decide but keep that in mind.

Permalink Mark Unread

Order of magnitude of time from decision to implementation?

Permalink Mark Unread

Probably a few months.  Unless a few other things turn out a specific way such that it's worth it to do most of the work ahead of time even with the risk you won't accept.

Permalink Mark Unread

Any joy on saying what things?

Permalink Mark Unread

It would make things straightforwardly worse for you if I told.  Except that it's only likely to come up in the first place if it takes you months to decide, which I non-psychically expect it won't.

Permalink Mark Unread

Golly. Okay. If I knew the best question to ask what would I say?

Permalink Mark Unread

You just hit on it!  But since I'm only cryptic when I have to be I'll say that the second-best probably has to do with whether summoning other daeva will work here.  And the answer is 'I don't know.'

Permalink Mark Unread

Will summoning me work normally, if something happens to Fireheart?

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah, but see we had to build that in specifically - summoning didn't work here for most of history - and only then could StarClan and whoever else worked on that project set it up.  And as I didn't exist at the time I don't know whether it was an exception for you specifically or if summoning just works now.  I mean on the one hand they said they needed precise timing to get you, right, but on the other it has to have been at least a couple years and nobody else here has accidentally summoned anyone?  At least, that I know of, but you'd really think I would.  So I don't know how that shakes out probability-wise.

Permalink Mark Unread

You didn't exist at the time? How recent are you - in your current form, I guess?

Permalink Mark Unread

The last time any of me was alive was a little over two years ago.

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm not sure Fireheart is even two.

Permalink Mark Unread

He isn't.  Almost, though.

Permalink Mark Unread

Well. If summoning other people works, will dismissing them work?

Permalink Mark Unread

Any tests you try should probably keep the possibility that it won't in mind.

Permalink Mark Unread

Will do. Am I correct in assuming that if demons copy crystals that here have magical effects back home they won't somehow have magical effects there any more than they did last week?

Permalink Mark Unread

Yes, but any crystal that's here for even a moment will be magic even if it leaves.

Permalink Mark Unread

- what, forever?

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Wow. Thanks for the heads up. Maybe we can ship some to Limbo!

Permalink Mark Unread

Hell yeah.  Do mind that if you have some magic crystals and some nonmagic crystals it's possible to use the former to enmagic the latter if you know what you're doing.  Which no one relevantly does yet, but it's something to watch out for.

Permalink Mark Unread

I'll have to ask Ellie, I guess.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah, she's the reason for it.

Permalink Mark Unread

She's the reason for - what? How?

Permalink Mark Unread

I mean, she didn't cause it.  She's just the reason.  And also for your present!

Permalink Mark Unread

Will she have useful insights on the poem?

Permalink Mark Unread

No, and bringing it up with her will make her awfully anxious.  Although so does nearly everything else, so, y'know, not a huge strike against it if you had a reason.

Permalink Mark Unread

Is she actually an especially good crystals consultant? I did not find her by a mechanism that would select for that.

Permalink Mark Unread

She's taking a competence hit from the context change and being scared of you but yes.  Less so at healing stuff than everything else, but there's no shortage of crystal healers and she's still better than a lot of licensed people.

Permalink Mark Unread

How convenient. Fortunately the Limboites won't need healing. Do you have psychic personnel recommendations beyond her, she might get awfully busy.

Permalink Mark Unread

See, it's kind of tough because the only people who're going to be really good at theoretical non-biological crystal work are former and current slaves, and the oddest eight birthdays are legally guaranteed freedom.  And I don't see most even people as well.

Permalink Mark Unread

I could probably use personnel in other capacities too, and could manumit more slaves once I have funds.

Permalink Mark Unread

I don't have any recs handy but I'll keep a metaphorical third eye out.

Permalink Mark Unread

Thank you!

Permalink Mark Unread

It's what I'm here for.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam is starting to come down. See you around, metaphorically.

Permalink Mark Unread

Visit any time.

Permalink Mark Unread

Not much later there's a knock on the camper door.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Come in!" says Cam.

Permalink Mark Unread

Lapis-sweatered Felicity opens the door, hands Cam a copy of the poem, and nods a greeting to him and Cricket.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thank you! I'm thinking I should maybe mull this over on the back burner while I take Cricket to the zoo, can you tell Ellie the Ellie-relevant stuff?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sure!  She and that one of me are asleep, but in the morning.  Was there anything besides the assistive devices; Nudge suggested I stop listening after those were mentioned for some manner of cat privacy reasons."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, I didn't realize you were no longer attending. I also want to plan a shipment of magic crystals for Limbo, on the possibility that daeva can come and go from here normally, which I'm not sure if they can; also, for testing that, I would like to summon somebody who wants to adopt a kid and is comfortable staying here indefinitely, can you look into the availability of adoptable kids, especially babies? Ideally ones who will stay adoptable under conditions of broadly available resurrection for whatever reason."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Certainly.  What sort of things are you imagining the crystals being for; power generation such that we should just wait on designing the long-term batteries and send lots of those fully formed, or a wider range?  Do you think people from your world will care about how even or odd the babies are?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Potentially a wide range, I'm not actually sure what-all crystals can do besides secrete oils that themselves do things and generate power. The next concordance with Limbo isn't for a couple years, so it's not an emergency, just something to be brainstorming on the back burner. I have no strong predictions about how much people will care about the oddness of their babies, even ones are a safer bet but I bet with enough looking I could find a daeva parent for just about any baby."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Noted.  Also, when you were talking about your greatest capability Nudge said to me in backchannel - ahem - 'Oh come on he's not even sad; he does a really good sad you know; you don't have to worry because he does an even better shitposting but that's really saying something,' end quote.  I don't know if that sheds any light on what that part of the poem meant."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...I have no idea what that's getting at. What does 'doing a really good sad' even mean?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't know!  I got the impression if he could elaborate further he would have said it to you directly.  - Are you at all an actor?  It sounds a little like something one might say about an actor . . ."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I haven't delved into the field! I have - stood in for an absent participant at a table reading, ever? I attended a couple of improv nights once. I'm a hundred seventy-two, one gets around. But I'm not 'an actor'."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If you have any tendency to depression it could be that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I do not!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, I've got nothing then.  Except an in-progress spreadsheet of future resurrectees.  Obviously the most urgent are the singlets on either side of being in that state; recent enough and some of them can just slot back into their lives bliplessly; old enough and they're at risk of merging soon.  Although they can hold off by just not talking to anyone dead, since they can't merge with the living - you might want to hire some living people to keep singlets company, depending on how often you do resurrections in the long term?  But I think the primary bottleneck at this stage is transportation for the recent ones and temporary housing for the close-to-merging ones."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Cool. I don't know that I can pay many people to do things, I'm still not flush with cash - are we anywhere on batteries, I could start selling batteries?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Those'll take a bit because no one has really done much research into 3D arrays, since they would be so difficult and dangerous to assemble precisely enough without conjuration.  You could copy existing ones but I don't know that they'd be any more profitable than what you've already been doing.  But the company-keeping would only come up in the long term - if you wanted to settle into doing a batch of resurrections daily or weekly or biweekly, then if you had people on retainer for stars to talk to you could push the time between them longer.  Getting close to merging when you've resolved not to mostly just feels like a terrible loneliness."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Gotcha. Hm. I could maybe heal amputees for cash? Most of my medical knowledge won't transfer well but I think that should."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Maybe so!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Can you call hospitals and find one that'll entertain the idea and be a staging area, while I take Cricket to the zoo?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Right now?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can be flexible on the timing if now is no good, I think I have enough money left for a zoo admission."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I just don't know if there are any zoos that would be open to the public at night, is the main thing."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh. It's night. Amazing how that happens. Tomorrow then."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I apologize on behalf of my universe for it being populated with entities which spend a full quarter of the time sleeping, nearly every night, and also only having one - I don't remember what they were called.  Time . . . areas?  Time codes?  - For it being the same time everywhere."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Time zone."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm sorry we only have one time zone.  I guess it'll be two-ish once there's a cavern city - daylight beginning with the sunset, at least for part of the month . . ."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That'll be a fun adjustment for everybody!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I hope so!  Erm, should I have a more formal introduction with Cricket; I wasn't sure how to handle that.  Ms. Mistoffelees taught me a few words of catspeak but my pronunciation is still very poor, and it's not enough for even a very simple conversation anyways."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Cricket is an extremely rude person except insofar as he seems fond of me personally and I'm not sure it would do either of you any good for you to introduce yourself and him to insult your accent."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, I don't want to be an extremely rude person, so please do let me know if that changes."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Will do. I guess as long as it's night here and there's nothing requiring people to be awake I should be doing, I can go visit the cavern and check it out!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sounds good!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is there anything unwise about using 'chucking things off the edge' as a method of garbage disposal that isn't already encompassed by it being unwise to leave the edge accessible in the long run?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"No, we do as much of that as it's feasible to transport."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How convenient. Do any of you want to come - I don't know if it's wise, I'm going to check for environmental hazards, but you could stay in the shuttle if it's too hot or something."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I would really love to."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Kickass. Cricket -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I will stay here."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. See you later!" Cat food, scritches, and off into the shuttle.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do we want to bring nearly all of me or should I mostly file out?" asks the closest Felicity of the twenty-plus in the shuttle.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Uh, hm. Do you have anywhere else to... go. You've kind of been hanging out in the shuttle all the time."

Permalink Mark Unread

"No, not really.  If there was another camper I would mind it being a little cramped less than with bodies that weren't mine?  And if you give me some jackets I would probably be fine staying partially outside, unless it rains."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I shall whip up another camper for you, one moment." He computer-aided-designs a cozy little barracks on wheels; it's about double decker height in total and includes a small sitting room for any of her that don't care to be lying down at any given moment. "Look good?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Looks great!  - Also could I please have a radio flatdisk player and the four most recent Céline Daaé albums."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sure thing." He puts one under the sitting room table in the design, and presuming there are no more last minute requests, instantiates the barracks-on-wheels.

Permalink Mark Unread

She wakes up her sleeping selves and starts to file over.

The remainder (Tangerine, one of the four-armed ones) declares, "It's lovely!  Or, well, given the constraints, obviously.  A perfectly adequate felicityper."

Permalink Mark Unread

After he works that out he laughs. And they can go fly off the edge of the world to the nearest settleable-looking cavern.

Permalink Mark Unread

"One thing to note is that your version of 'English' is missing some direction words that ours has that might be helpful when all of the options are already both south and down," she mentions on the way.  "We use west and east instead of 'clockwise' and 'counterclockwise' - which seem a bit of an asymmetric mouthful to me but as you like it - but those are only for relative positioning.  So adon is the direction that we've assigned to point up on all the maps - it's where the sun rises on the first of the month - and then there are cortal, aset, and fital, going around starting to the left as seen from above."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Where is it that the sun rises on the first of the month?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Tangerine has brought along a computer and pulls up a map thereon; she points at the top of it.  "Here.  And one week in it rises here," point to the left, "halfway through here," the bottom, "and three weeks in here," the right.  "Completing a full spirograph every fourct - or thirty-two - days."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How elegant." He starts trying to model this on his own computer to produce a cute little animation; it'll take a while to get all the way to the edge of the world and down a ways.

Permalink Mark Unread

"So, I don't know if there are any land masses you prefer to be closer or farther away from but that's a consideration.  And for now we probably want to do a lap anyways to check out different caverns as a shortcut to see what the city will be like at different times of the month."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Lap sounds like a good idea. I don't know how much settlement patterns match what I expect, is there a big chunk of worthless desert in the middle of this one?" He pokes not-Australia.

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . I don't know if there's a material difference or whether we just have different cultural norms around thinking about the usefulness of land."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I mean, it's useful nowadays on my planet too but it did want some magical intervention to get that way, it wasn't worthwhile to develop before that. There were previously people living in the area but only very sparsely."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't think there are very many humans living there, no."

Permalink Mark Unread

"So it might be a good place to set up near, lots of room to build shuttle stations and suchlike."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It might be!  Pacifis is kind of a weird polity though; they might not be too happy with it.  I'm not sure, none of me were from there, but it might be better to set up ports in the open ocean, or in that general area but in an Archipeligan country."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I could make a giant island! Maybe only after installing a hole in the edge of the world so the sea level doesn't rise too high."

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . One must expect the solution once enough water had drained out would not involve a giant cartoon cork stopper, and yet, that certainly is precisely what I'm imagining."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I could make a giant cartoon cork stopper but I'm not sure it would be ideal for the task."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Especially given that I don't think cartoon versions of even more-ideal materials would be particularly helpful."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Honestly at these scales with this much weird physics I don't even know if a hole in the side to prevent the ocean from getting too high is even the right way to go. Do you want to try summoning more daeva to see if that works, once I have a bead on one who'd like to move in?"

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"I will look into the Wistful recommendation records, then. How hard do you expect it to be to get a baby?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"We could manumit one, if nothing else?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do those usually not have parents we'd be kind of conspicuously not also manumitting?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Usually.  But it's legal to sell your children, and even though some of those cases are going to be the result of desperate circumstances - it's not all of them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. Manumit a baby sold by bad parents or belonging to dead 'n merged ones whose clouds would like the baby adopted."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sounds like a plan."

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam scrolls through the records of Wistful Parents of Hell. "There seems to be a clear frontrunner in these internal voting things they do where they try to figure out who would be the best parent and they're not allowed to vote for themselves, I can write her."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'd offer to but I imagine your experience is much more relevant than mine on this subject."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I am not myself a Wistful Parent but yeah I don't think it adds anything for you to pen the letter." Write write.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Mm."  Felicity holds hands with herself (on both sides) and occasionally starts humming along to distant music before catching it and stopping.

There are more airplanes than one might expect flying beyond the edge of the world, which is to say at least one.

Permalink Mark Unread

"- huh, is that normal?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yep.  Sometimes people do garbage disposal that way but I think it's mostly tourism."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It is a really neat view! And there isn't as much weird wind behavior as I might have guessed - do you not have here the thing where a big diamond mine or whatever can suck in helicopters -"

Permalink Mark Unread

" - What!  I don't think so . . ."

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam looks up an explainer about the Mirny mine for her.

Permalink Mark Unread


"I think air works differently than that here," she declares after reading.

Permalink Mark Unread

"How so?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hot air rises at a humanish scale, but that looks big enough for gravity to start applying and so everything would even out well before it got helicopter-sucking windy."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What is the local definition of 'gravity'?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"The force which pulls stuff down?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"And it does this in a way that evens out air temperature?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes.  There's about the same range of mostly human-friendly temperatures even very far down.  It's part of why universal warming could have been such an issue and we had to spend the Age of Cancer learning how to avoid it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. Gravity in my world is not like that, it just pulls everything toward everything else proportionally to their sizes, dropping off with distance, and it's a sizable force near a planet but can be overcome with sufficient applications of other phenomena with their own opinions about where things ought to be."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It would be even stranger if our versions somehow worked more similarly, don't you think?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Our version would certainly make an infinite cylinder rather difficult!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"One would imagine!"

It really is a view.  Also as they go further south the apparent phase of the moon changes from about first-quarterish to nearly new.

Permalink Mark Unread

"- how's the moon work?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Half of it's lit up, half of it's not, it spins a little every day in addition to spirographing around half a step between the path the sun follows, and as it arcs over the surface it stays pointed at the North Pole.  The new moon as seen in the north is on the first day of every month."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Gracious. What a way for a moon to be."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I suppose so!"


After they're past the edge, Felicity peers out at the view below before near-immediately retreating back to the center of the shuttle.  It sure is a long way down.  Also the sun is over there, to the left, looking nowhere near as bright as the one Cam's used to, as well as being more uniform and pale in color.  There are plenty of natural caverns, although fewer than showed up on his model when accounting for scale.

Permalink Mark Unread

. . . One of them has a fair bit of smoke coming out of it.

Permalink Mark Unread

"- two questions, one, are you scared of heights, two, do people sometimes already live in these caves?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"One, looking that far down while inhabiting bodies will probably take some adjusting to but hopefully not be a long-term problem, two, not as a common phenomenon?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"There's smoke in that one. Also I was expecting more caves but probably some of them were the magical material failing to materialize." He approaches the smoke cave.

Permalink Mark Unread

Felicity reapproaches the window and firmly plants all four of her hands around it.  ". . . Interesting.  I suppose it could somehow be naturally occurring?  Which of course would still be quite important to investigate."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, if things spontaneously combust in there that's needful to know." Fly fly.

Permalink Mark Unread

The burning object seems to be large and made of colorful fabric.  After a bit of fly-flying a figure becomes visible and starts waving its arms wildly and jumping around for a few minutes before sitting down and - maybe having a coughing fit or something?  It's hard to tell from this distance.

Permalink Mark Unread

"- maybe he got stranded and it's intended as a signal flare!" Zoooooom over to the maybe-stranded.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh no!"

Permalink Mark Unread

There's enough room in the cavern to maneuver around the fire and land without cutting too close to the strandee, who's watching the shuttle and wearing oddly clashing clothes.  Including a pair of shorts over some jeans.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam pops his head out of the shuttle once it's settled. "Hello there! D'you speak Latin?"

Permalink Mark Unread

He holds his index finger and thumb about a centimeter apart.  "Some?"  And then he tries a sentence in a foreign language.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Felicity, do you have whatever that is?"

Permalink Mark Unread

She responds in the same language.  "Yes, it's Barbliic."   Which was one of the popular Archipeligan ones Cam started working on machine translation for.  "If you wanted to call another one of me that might be an easier way of doing simultaneous interpretation?"

Permalink Mark Unread

- The unstylish teenager looks really excitedly at Felicity when she exits the shuttle!  Specifically at her arms and their fourness!

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam will get another Felicity on the horn, sure.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hello, so far we've just confirmed we both speak this and I'm explaining the relevant parts of the interpretation setup."  (The nearby one is indeed explaining something).  "What would you like to say?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...hello, what brings you here, do you want to keep being here and do you have the ability to leave on your own?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Felicity relays: "I could use a ride!  I was feeling lucky so I went glidering out here, and I thought my luck had run out when my hot-air balloon caught on fire but now I see that it hasn't!  I'm Isaac, what are your names?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"End quote - does your universe have luck; reports seem kind of conflicted about that - "

Permalink Mark Unread

"My universe has no specific phenomenon that is luck, it just describes situations where unpredictable events go in a favorable direction, especially a few times in a row."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh I see.  Ours mostly doesn't noticeably have it, but apparently if you have enough of your lucky items at once it can have a more substantial effect?  Right now he's just saying 'and this is my lucky' whatever - "

Permalink Mark Unread

Isaac is indicating his incredibly mismatched articles of clothing and miscellaneous objects one at a time.  " - And these are four of my luckiest shoelaces; two in the shoes one as the shorts drawstring and this one - "  He gestures to one wrapped several times around his ankle on the outside of the jeans.  "And the jeans are just because it's cold and I don't have any lucky long pants.  I've been working on finding out what all my lucky objects were since I was eleven - or really four, but I didn't get serious about keeping track of it till I was eleven - so I really thought the flying part would go better but I still met you and probably am not gonna die alone out here anymore so I'm pretty happy with how it's going."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How long have you been stuck here, do you need water or food or anything?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Since this afternoon.  I'm doing fine."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Wow, our timing really is lucky. Anyway, I'm Cam and this is Felicity and we're checking out the habitability of these caverns."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah! Apart from the flaming balloon wreckage how would you rate the habitability of this cave?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's kind of - " he's interrupted by some coughing.  "It was kind of cold farther in."  He extracts a hard plastic water bottle covered in clashing stickers from a well-used duffle bag and takes a long drink from it.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam rains gently on the flaming balloon wreckage. "How cold?"

Permalink Mark Unread

- Isaac stares at the rain and doesn't respond.

Permalink Mark Unread

"- I can create arbitrary material objects and am thinking of colonizing a cave of this kind."

Permalink Mark Unread

(Felicity pauses very slightly before relaying that.)

"Really?  Can I be part of it?  Why can you do that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"The species of person I am can! I don't have a clear sense of what sort of colonist filtration I will be doing yet."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You're a different species??"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yup, I'm a demon."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What are you doing all the way up here?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"- up here?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Demons live in very deep caverns?  - In stories.  Much deeper than this one."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh, I'd been under the impression that there were no local demon stories. I'm not from a cavern; I'm not from this universe at all."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Wow!!  - I know a lot about old underground niche stories."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If you recommend me some books I will set about having them translated. How cold does it get if you go in deeper?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I didn't go too far, but I wouldn't have landed in a cavern so close to the antarctic celestum on purpose because it's supposed to be very."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess I'll go in and check myself. I wonder how far in this goes." Does a laser measurer hazard a guess if he aims one in?

Permalink Mark Unread

It's too far.

"Can I come?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"If you wanna put on a heavy duty coat I guess you can!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't have one."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...yeah, so, if you're coming, I would provide you with cold weather gear."

Permalink Mark Unread

Isaac dances for two and a half seconds about that, striking a few poses and footworkily bouncing between them.  "Thanks!  Can you make it lucky for me?  Can you make it so it can go under my windbreaker?  My windbreaker is so excellent and deserves to be displayed on the outside."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't think I can make it lucky on purpose though I have no particular reason to believe it would interfere with whatever process normally makes things lucky for you. If your windbreaker is roomy enough to go on top of a large coat I don't see why not."

Permalink Mark Unread

"My beloved and perfect windbreaker is a little snug."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Then tragically it will not fit over any properly insulatory coat."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We'll work something else out, then."  (Exclusive 'we', Felicity notes.)

Permalink Mark Unread

"If you say so." How rough is the terrain in the floor of this cave?

Permalink Mark Unread

Pretty rough.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think I should fly further in rather than making a ground vehicle, so I guess you could stay in the shuttle when it gets too cold for you." He heads back to his shuttle.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay!"  Isaac trots in behind and almost starts running his hands along things before firmly putting them behind his back and holding them there.

Permalink Mark Unread

And Felicity follows.

Permalink Mark Unread

"If you want to pet my shuttle it's not gonna break," snorts Cam, and it lifts off and enters deeper into the cave.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Cool!" he exclaims in Englatin, and pets the shuttle a few times before turning to a more investigative kind of touching.

Permalink Mark Unread

The shuttle has almost no mechanical controls at all and just responds to Cam's chip; it glides into the cave. Cam turns on its lights.

Permalink Mark Unread

The cave may or may not have obvious differences from caves Cam is used to depending on how used to caves Cam is.  Isaac switches to watching out the window and occasionally sneaking glances at Felicity and Cam once he's done looking around and touching things.

The temperature stays mostly the same, trending slightly cooler, until they approach a bit of cavern way bigger than they'd previously flown through.  At which point it promptly drops well below human-comfortable temperatures.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh, pretty sudden drop in the temperature hereabouts. Is there something Polaris-ish that sticks under the surface of the world up top?"

Permalink Mark Unread

The Barbliic translation of "And the next piece of celestum / is the cold cold cold ring / a sunken saucer / underneath Antarctica. / The funnel shape connects to the core / and when we make our new low homes / we'll make them far below it!  Hey!" rhymes and scans and is set to a little tune.

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"Ah. Well, I guess I could just pick a lower cavern to start in."

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"As I said I would not have landed here on purpose."

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"Understandable." He turns around and flies out of the cave. "Anything you want to see about retrieving from the wreckage of the crash, given I don't know if I can replicate luck, or nah?"

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"No, I got everything mine."

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"Alrighty. Let us seek a more hospitable cave so the climate control isn't fighting celestum." Out and down.

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Isaac produces a fiddly protractor-looking thing from his duffel bag and announces, "I can tell how far down is safely warm!"  He checks his wristwatch and adjusts some slidey mechanisms on the device before holding it at arm's length and lining it up with the sun and squinting.

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"...is this the mystical exotic power of trigonometry or is it straight up magic," Cam murmurs to Felicity.

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"I think it's just trigonometry."

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"Also, is he going to wreck his vision staring at the sun, or is this sun friendlier?"

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"I'm not sure; I think we're closer to it than most places one would generally go on the surface."

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"If it would be in question on the surface then your sun is friendlier."

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"Stots.  Well I'll ask if he knows," says phone-Felicity as Tangerine presumably does that.

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"The sun is safe to view from above when it's the apparent size of a fist at arm's length and from below or at height when matching a thumb!" he declares.  "Or smaller."

(They're currently still above it and it looks between fist- and thumb-sized.)

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"If you say so! I don't personally need this information because I am indestructible but I wanted to know if I should be scheduling you an eyeball transplant."

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" - An eyeball transplant!!  You're indestructible??  Can I have indestructible eyes?  Or anything else?  I'll trade for it if there's anything I could do that you want."

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"I can't make parts of you indestructible, sorry, even if I transplant them."

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"Thanks."  Gadget squint fiddle fiddle point.  "That cave and below should be safe in terms of cold."  Cough cough.

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"Do you want an expectorant? - uh, or whatever's recommended locally for smoke inhalation, I shouldn't give out the drugs I know -"

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"I predictably kind of want to try the probably-poison indestructible people medicine - " coughity cough cough " - but I have some more honey and will start with that."  He rifles through the duffel and produces a mostly empty little screwtop jar with a crack running through it and sets to slowly drinking the honey out of it.

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"The issue isn't actually that I'm indestructible, I'm trained to work on people who are not, but the medical paradigm is otherwise different."

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"The kinda people I'm trained to work on are biologically more robust and stuff."

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"Could you transplant me into a more biologically robust person?  In theory?"

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"No, you're genetically incompatible, a brain transplant would not take."

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"Aww."  Here's the cavern Isaac pointed at.

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"And a soul transplant to one wouldn't work either.  Yet.  Maybe you can work on that if you feel strongly about it."

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"Maybe I will!"

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Into the cavern they go!

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This one's bigger than the last and has a ton of person-made objects in it - lots of flags hung on the walls near the entrance, mostly different from each other but with some repeats; a few smallish statues of different people in different styles of clothing; several skeletons in various states of assembly and with accompanying displays of various elaborateness; some quilts in between the flags and in one case draped over a skeleton; lots of words and pictures carved into the stone directly.

"Ahhh cool first try!!  Second try.  - No, still first try really."

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"Huh. I wonder why these colonization attempts failed. Did they just - not have an exit strategy -"

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"That's not what these are!  It's just people visiting to leave stuff!"

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"...including skeletons?"

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"Some people have very good friends and families who will go to great lengths to bring their remains to the requested best place!"

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"Well. Are these people's stars going to be ticked off if I inter them in a mausoleum to clear up the cave for settlement?"

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"I think they chose this place specifically because they expected it would be the first one settled, and people who wanted something else out of being buried sixty million feet under picked sparser caves!  But they should still be visitable and visible and have their displays intact."

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"I will probably delegate that beyond the construction of the mausoleum but I will keep it in mind." Anything else neat in here? Does it get real cold inside? How's the gas mix?

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It gets a little cooler further in but there's no sharp drop like in the higher one.  Cam's instruments find the air a little weird, but in pretty much the same way that it was outside.  There are lots of objects among those set near the walls which are too small to be seen from the shuttle, some of which are presumably neat.

"I brought some stuff to leave here; I wonder if it'll be extra famous if it's the last before a city gets built!  . . . Or maybe it won't count because I didn't get all the way down here by myself."  Cough.  " - Or maybe my glider will become a historical site of its own!!"

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"What did you plan on leaving?" Cam asks, fiddling with his scopes so he can see what kinds of stuff there is scattered around.

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"I have a copy of my notes and records about how I identified all my lucky items and a miniature glider in a bottle and some personal ads and some of my blood and some streamers for the next person to drop off the side and a plank for the balcony."  He gestures at the motley beginnings of a platform foundation which hasn't yet reached the edge of the cave.  "Or, I had a plank; it's still in the real glider."


And Cam can spot:

  • a low case with glass doors, half full of books and files
  • detailing on the skeletons; one of them is held in position by thin wire wrapped around it until the bones themselves were covered nearly completely; one is carved and dyed with elaborate designs, held in place with stronger wire embedded at the joints; one has the skull sitting atop the rest in a neatly-stacked pile
  • plaques next to each of those in different languages and materials, formatted like gravestones but with longer descriptions
  • dolls and figurines and miscellaneous knickknacks
  • legible Englatin wall carvings: 'Marcus Romano was here 704/5/07, age 25', 'Clara Romano was here 704/8/35, age 20', 'HI FELLOW ADVENTURERS - AND EASYGOERS OF THE DISTANT FUTURE', 'Yet Unconquered', 'below and above us; looking up, watching down'
  • flowers: some dried and hanging upside-down between the flags; some potted, dead, and rotten; two potted and alive
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"People go pretty hard on all this stuff, wow."

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"If you're already going past the ends of the Earth of course you must want to show off."

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"I guess so! There's probably comparable stuff where I'm from but it's not so all in once place, the world's in some ways bigger."

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"Are you the sort of demon who would definitely know if there was such a place?  Most people don't know about this."

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"I would expect to know but I guess I wouldn't be floored if there were in fact a moderately popular interment site on Titan that wasn't common knowledge where I'm from."

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"What's Titan?"

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"I was born on a sphere, not a cylinder. Titan's another sphere. There are many spheres."

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"And people can just live in caves on the bottom halves because you can make things and so flying out to supply them is very cheap?  - Or do things grow there naturally.  . . . Or you can just make things there because you can make things, duh."

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"Actually gravity just works totally differently, so the spheres have stuff growing on them on all the sides and getting there doesn't require flying, flying just speeds things up."

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"If you'd like a relevant textbook once you're done reveling in the payoff of your accomplishment that can probably be arranged.  Or now, if you're in a hurry."

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Isaac makes a slightly pained indecisive noise.  "No, I should probably go look at the stuff.  Let me out?  - Please."

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"Do you want a coat?"

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"I'll take my chances without."

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Cam touches down and releases him into the cave.

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He runs for the bookcase!  And grabs a stack of files and sits down on the rug someone left next to it to start going through them.

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"I should probably start composing a basic explanation of how your worlds work, tailored to locals' assumptions."

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"It does seem like it might come in handy."

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"Did you still want to do a lap around or was this enough information?  I had no idea about this place, personally."

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"It seems habitable and it's not experiencing routine events that mess up all these little shrines, so it's probably a fine choice."

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"Well, some of the stars and clouds on my list aren't picky about the initial conditions of their instantiations as long as their basic needs are taken care of."

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"Yeah, I should release some survey drones, get an idea of how much space there is to work with and how uneven the floor is, design an artificial lighting situation for spots that are too far back to get enough sun, computer-aided-design a nice city..." He does the drones part while he says the rest of the sentence and they fly off to measure things with lasers.

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The ground here is slightly more even but also more sloped; at the opening there's enough clearance for seven or eight stories and the roof mostly slopes lower towards the back although eventually it opens up to another cavern.  Nearly all of the human-brought objects are clustered in one spot against the wall but some of them sit alone farther back or in the middle (a cairn, another flag, two unfamiliar musical instruments in cases).

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A model of the cave builds itself up on his computer while the drones aim lasers at all the cave surfaces.

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"I don't know how important greenery - or whatever other colors of plants you can spin up - is for more biologically robust people, but you'll probably want to include a park of some kind."

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"It's important for aforementioned gas mix reasons and psychological ones, so yeah, I'll have plants in here. And nice bright lights." What kind of rock is this, he conjures ten randomly sampled pieces of ceiling and analyzes them in a suddenly appearing geology object to figure out how he will need to install the lights.

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There are five of the same type of a rock which it doesn't know how to identify, two of another, two slate, and yet another it doesn't know.  They mostly seem convenient for light-installing in terms of stability although the kind that there was two of is a little soft for it.

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"Gosh, you've got some exotic minerals here, my thingamabob can identify slate and none of the rest of the samples I made."

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"Do you know whether that was also true of ones on the surface?"

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"Good question!" Random scattered chunks of bedrock from upstairs.

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Here's some of Unfamiliar Rock #s 1 and 2, a few new varieties, a few which are normal for Cam's Earth, and a chunk of quartz.

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"Huh. Okay. Is there a good materials science reference I should be using to identify these rocks and look up their properties? For things like installing light fixtures in them and whatnot."

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Felicity names one.

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Cam will start doing ~*~data entry~*~.

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The ones most numerous in his initial random sample seem pretty good for it although he'll have to watch out for occasional spots of weaker stone.

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He enters all the kinds of rock into his rock analysis program so they can be identified going forward and starts panning around the developing model of the cave to find a good spot for a whole-ass city, convenient to the cave-mouth transit system that will have no choice but to be located there.

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It will have to be a moderately winding and sprawly whole-ass city unless he wants to go check out a different cave, but there are lots of forks and the passages between them mostly aren't very narrow at all and could fit shorter buildings of their own.  Two of the branches seem to end up partially on top of each other, and after some math it looks like it would be safe to either put in two separate levels of city or to clear out the middle.  This one part is pretty deep and could fit some sunken towers and/or cliffside construction - on further inspection its path eventually leads back out to the side of the cylinder again.  There are like four lakes and a few smaller bodies of water.

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It can be a moderately winding and sprawly whole-ass city though he does also investigate, in small models with tension measurements on them, the feasibility of adding additional tunnels between subcaves.

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There's a few that are kind of iffy but most of what he tries would be fine.

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Marvelous. He will put down some tentative chalk marks as he flies about the cave.

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"You know, if you put in space for a zoo, once there were people to staff it and animals to fill it there would be at least one in each time zone.  For the convenience of sleepless and distributedly-sleeping beings."

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"I guess a bustling metropolis should have a zoo! And I guess your version of sleep is going to get more common even if mine won't."

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"It'll be really interesting to see how other clouds decide to split occupation, vocation, maintenance, and rest between their bodies.  At some later point we should probably also discuss how I'll end up doing that, though I'm fine being on call fourct onect at least until we settle into some sort of stable pattern."

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"Don't the bodies all need maintenance and rest at a normal rate?"

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"Yes, but I can imagine wanting some time completely off, or other clouds wanting to have all of themselves sleeping at once, that sort of thing."

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"I suppose that makes sense! - is 'fourct onect' like 'twenty-four-seven'?"

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"As in the number of hours in a day and days in a week?  Yes."

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"I will get the hang of it eventually." City city city! He makes a larger screen so Felicity can see as he puts mockups in locations.

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"I don't particularly expect them to be depicting anything architecturally sound, but there are a fair number of speculative paintings of these kinds of cities, if you'd like to take some inspiration from the local vision of futuristic."

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"Ooh, good to know." Can he find a coffee table book of it or something.

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Felicity can name a few artists and from there collections aren't hard to find.  They're really big on things being silver or white or encased in brightly-colored semi-transparent plastic these days, though there are also several other distinct trends.

"I don't know whether you were planning to do different aesthetics for different districts or keep it consistent or what, but if it's a mix I vote this should be one of them."

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"I was thinking maybe I'd run a concept art contest for specific neighborhoods or something. The plastic trend, I predict, will not last."

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"Say it isn't so!  But I like that idea.  Do you have anything in mind for a place to put stars whose need for resurrection is time-sensitive?"

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"I can do something blocky with a modular facade, put up something plagiarized from my world for now and change it later by popular demand."

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"Modular facades are popular in Hell because that way you can have disposable architecture without having to demolish a whole building every time you want a new look."

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"How clever!  And there aren't substantial effects on the overall durability?"

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"Nothing you can't compensate for with demonic materials science!"

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"Then one of those big enough to house a few hundred people seems like a fantastic idea."

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"A few hundred people all of whom have a dozen bodies, or a few hundred bodies?"

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"A few hundred bodies.  The clouds are mostly at less risk of merging and of fundamental alteration if they do, and can afford a bit more patience."

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"Super legit." He puts in a nice big boxy modular-facade apartment building in his mockup, imports some hellish mosaics for each side.

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Incidentally I expect it's not strictly necessary to go up to retrieve stars; probably getting close enough to the shell in any direction will do."

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"Any part of the shell?"

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"Which encases the universe."

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"I mean, yes, but like, that does make it easier, if I can load basement-dwellers on a dumb shuttle that then just heads straight out and straight back."

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"Those who find themselves suddenly dwelling in neither skies nor basements might appreciate a shorter trip back?"

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"I'd trick out the shuttle to make it comfy and it wouldn't have to be unmanned, but if it can just go stupidly that way and stupidly back, it doesn't have to be manned by me."

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"It seemed a good thing to note my expectations on while I was thinking of it in case it becomes relevant for any reason even if it isn't particularly at present."

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"What would happen if a shuttle rammed into the shell of the universe very fast, anyway? Or a fairy?"

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"It's locally believed to be indestructible but I vote we refrain from testing that if at all possible."

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"Especially since fairies are too! I will make sure to warn any that wind up coming through here." City city city. How is their wayward starchild doing.

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He's switched to lying on his stomach, kicking his feet back and forth in the air above him, but is otherwise as intent as before in his reading.  He makes sure to turn his head away from the material when he coughs, and waves at the shuttle when he notices its approach.

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"Is there anything I should be doing about his malaria situation?"

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"Probably we should make sure he goes to a crystal healer sometime tomorrow, but it doesn't seem to be bothering him too much in the meantime.  You could replenish his supplies of honey and water if he's out and maybe offer some ginger tea?"

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"Ooh. Hey you, do you want ginger tea?"

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"Could I have candied ginger and a different tea?"

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"Sure thing!" Candied ginger and... "Is chamomile medically active?"

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"...raspberry leaf? Mint? Rooibos?"

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"Raspberry please!"

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Raspberry it is!

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"Thank you!"  Sip.  "Did you learn exciting things you needed to know?"

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"I'm mapping the cave and planning a city in it!"

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"Any thought yet on who will be allowed to live there?"

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"The idea is to have a place for resurrected stars to go so they don't overwhelm places upstairs and I do not otherwise have an immigration policy at this time, in part because I have no idea how many people will want to up and move here."

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"I do!!  Please let me I won't cause trouble and I won't be missing; people can just think I died when I crashed if that would be convenient - "

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"I'd rather you not fake your death!"

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"Then I won't; I'm easy."

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"I have no specific objection to you moving into the city of Atriama when it's up but give it like. A week. Okay?"

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"Sorry, I just expect to be kind of busy moving in the various stars and dealing with a bunch of things that become obvious issues needing patched only in retrospect and stuff."

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"I could help.  Do you need someone fresh to test anything about it on?  I could die for real if you did."

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"- no! Please do not volunteer for things like that, it makes me uncomfortable."

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"Sorry.  What other things are like that?"

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"Uh, anything involving grievous bodily harm to people."

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"Okay."  He pulls out a tiny notebook, wider than it is tall, and jots something down in it.  "Did you really mean a week or did you mean 'no but I don't feel like dealing with telling you no right now.'"

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"A week is a very, very made up figure but, once things that I cannot put off till later with respect to creating a new city for stars to live in calm down, assuming, as may be very much erroneous, that no other crises then demand my attention, I will figure out letting more people move in, such as you."

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"Thank you for your understanding." Cam resumes chalking the ground to mark where things might tentatively go. He needs a way to either water-cycle everything internally or drain stuff off the edge, does Felicity have an opinion on that.

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"Either seems fine.  Separately from the waste disposal an infinite waterfall would look gorgeous if implementing it were convenient."

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"I think I'll recirculate, it'll hold up better if I am called away or there wind up being a ton of these. An infinite waterfall I can just turn off if the situation calls for it though..." He designs a river to go through the city and pour off prettily.

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"Ooh.  Is there a grate or something to make sure people who fall in don't fall out?"

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"Yeah, and I'm keeping it pretty shallowly graded so it won't flow fast enough to thonk somebody into the grate at high speed."

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"That's good.  Although at least that way we would find them quickly instead of waiting for them to die of dehydration or I suppose probably starvation if they had infinite waterfall water handy."

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"I assume someone who falls into a slow river will either drown, or not drown and thus be spotted sooner or later, and not have time to starve."

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"If they did manage to fall off, I meant."

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"Oh. Yeah that would be bad, I'll have a net. - what's terminal velocity here?"

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"I think I remember that a dummy with lots of sensors on it took about five hours to fall the distance of one diameter."

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Cam does MATH about this.

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Bout the same as his Earth.

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He designs the netting - several layers of it - with this in mind.

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Isaac, who had returned to the rug by the wall with his ginger and tea to read and occasionally cough, flops down on his back (though with his knees still up and one foot tapping) and throws his arms across his eyes.

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The drones, as they finish mapping, trickle back to perch on the shuttle barnacle-style and draw charge from it for any future mapping they may be called upon to do. "Hey Isaac, how about you come aboard while I figure out an elevator situation?" he calls out of the shuttle. "Wouldn't want to lose track of you. And then you can watch it all go up."

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" - Yes please!"  He deposits his reading material in the low case in a reverent scramble and sprints to the shuttle.

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Cam pilots them all out of the mouth of the cave, takes more rock samples to figure out where to anchor things, CAD's a many-giant-car elevator arrangement from the edge of the world on down, massages throughput numbers.

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There are a few really large hunks of the softer rock he'll have to work around along an otherwise optimal placement.  Isaac's coughing upgrades to hacking for a bit post-sprint.  " - Sorry - "

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"I'm not blaming you for coughing, dude, I just wish my medical knowledge weren't basically useless!" Plot plot plot.

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" - Okay."  Once he gets his breathing under control he sits in unobtrusive quiet.

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Elevator: go.

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Isaac bounces a little as it goes up, and goes to raise his hand vaguely in Felicity's direction before pausing, again clasping his hands behind his back, and returning to watching the construction.

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Felicity pats him on the shoulder and on the back with both of her left arms simultaneously.

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And mutters a sentence which she doesn't interrupt Cam to translate.


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"Okay," he replies, which also does not get translated though it's recognizable from the times he's said it before.

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Elevator is up! Cam hovers the shuttle and flaps out to push some buttons and run it through safety checks.

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" - You have WINGS???‽‽!!!"

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Cam is already a bit too far away to easily hear the original pronouncement, but he laughs at the translation! He waves, perching on a maintenance platform to see how the pitons staking the elevators to the wall are holding up.

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They seem to be doing pretty well!

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Oh good. He checks them all, loads up the elevators with test loads of something that'll melt without leaving weird residue and isn't magical in this universe, sets all the elevators on test runs.

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They carry their cargo in the manner expected.

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He rides one himself for a bit to make sure it's comfortable, and then lets himself out - the doors are very locked during the ride, but he has the chip that's coded to the whole thing - and closes the door behind him and swoops back into the shuttle.

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"You have wings!!!" Isaac giggles again.

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"I do! Some of Felicity do too." He folds them up again. "But only I have a tail." Swish. He pilots the shuttle back to the cave, lets Isaac and Felicity out, and takes off again to build a city over his chalk marks.

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He has a very appreciative audience.  "Are you filming this?" inquires translator-Felicity.

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"The shuttle has cameras but I'm not considering cinematography very much. I'll give myself a headband camera." He does this.

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"Excellent."  Her local instance chats with Isaac as the two of them watch on in wonder.

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The city has stalactite towers and a lazy river and a constellation of lights on the ceiling and walls and parks and gardens and an empty zoo and mosaics on the streets.

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It all goes up according to plan and without issue.  The humans go for a walk (on Felicity's part, and a coughing-interrupted skipping-jumping-run on Isaac's) in the finished part nearest them when Cam gets too far away for them to keep watching.

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City city city! Cam swoops through it for the benefit of the forehead camera once he's gotten it all up and then alights next to Felicity and Isaac.

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"It's lovely!"

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"Thank you!" And now it is time to carefully move all the dead people and their stuff to a suitably respectful museum building so he can turn the cave entryway into a transit hub.

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"Do you want me to do that for you?  Or help?  I didn't mean to only volunteer for gruesome things; I'll do nearly anything really - "

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"You can help tote everything into the museum, yes."

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"Okay!"  And he hops to, with exuberance that doesn't preclude carefulness.

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Felicity joins in as well, making up for having less bubbly enthusiasm with having more arms.

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Cam can make hover wagon things but doesn't have any robots good at delicately picking up skeletons and stuff so they will still have to do some manual labor. Apart from consolidating the layout some and putting stuff behind velvet ropes with paths for observers to traverse the museum attempts to maintain the vibe of the pre-colonization cave.

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"It seems there should perhaps either be digital or otherwise multiple copies of the library available, or the papers themselves should acquire some security?  What do you think, Isaac."

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"The first thing, very definitely!!  - Except, maybe not the contact information on the personal ads, for living - going to be living?  People?  Or, just, if it's recent enough that they would get bothered a lot."

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"Are those easy to separate out without me having to personally read them all?"

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"Well, I could do it!  Most of them are separate from their descriptions but not in a standardized format."

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"All right, go ahead and compile me a list of what-all should be in a nice accessible record of the contents so the originals can be safe behind glass."

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"Happily!  I will need some sort of materials to record it with, though."

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Cam hands him a yellow legal pad and a pen.

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The legal pad receives a glance of mild confusion, like it isn't quite an object Isaac recognizes.  "What format?  Should I just rewrite everything that isn't someone's contact information?"

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"Titles or similarly identifying details, with whatever runs of page numbers or whatever I should include."

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"I think most of the things I would need to redact are on the scale of paragraphs to words within sentences, not pages."

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"Inconvenient. In that case I will give you a handheld scanner," he does, "and you can take a picture of each page and then do this," he demonstrates drawing a rectangle across the screen and then pressing a button to blur it, "and then that'll turn into a conjurable compilation."

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"Okay!"  Isaac has a few more questions aimed at becoming confidently competent in using the scanner and then sets to it.

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"He's helpful," Cam remarks to Felicity, loading up more mausoleum objects onto his wagon.

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"They're all like that, when it involves something they want."

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"Do you find it inhibits your ability to go into meeting new people with an open mind to have that kind of advance knowledge?"

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"Not in this case.  I do believe we mostly can and mostly should give him the things he wants, and I think it's fine for him to want them, but it's better to know what's behind it rather than thinking he's just inclined that way.  Especially because he's unlikely to set any boundaries that he thinks might stand in his way; I'd rather have an idea of what to watch out for."

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"Boundaries like, uh, not signing up for lethal experiments, or...?"

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"I'm not sure he would actually mind that one given handy resurrection, though the side effects hadn't come up so I don't imagine those were being factored in - he seems to legitimately enjoy this work but it would be possible to extract quite a lot of labor he didn't if that were a condition for staying here - I think other, less conscientious people in our positions could receive basically arbitrary numbers of sexual favors in return for letting him touch the wings or extra arms, again some of which would have him as an enthusiastic participant and others of which he would - endure - "

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"Wow, let's not. I'm not good at judging ages but he looks like a teenager to me."

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"Yes.  He - fairly restrainedly, to be honest - indicated interest while you were building the city; I pled married-to-myself-twice on my part and said I'd be uncomfortable acting as a go-between for flirting on yours and if he wanted to try he'd have to work out his own translation method."

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"I will leave that as a problem for Future Me, I guess. Is that entire birthday going to go nuts if there's ever commercial wing-adding services available?"

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"Yeah.  - If you put them on resurrectees for free and don't offer a comparable opportunity to living folks we're probably going to get a lot of suicides."

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"...oh dear. Have you found flying difficult? I know it's normally hard for humans and I don't know how much having worse lungs would affect that."

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"I haven't tried it yet."

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"It might be good to have data on that. Do you need a learn-to-fly video tutorial?"

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"I'd accept a link if you had one in mind.  Does it work in places as flat as the campground?  I suppose I could use most of me to hoist my wingèd selves on top of the Felicityper and try to glide off it if not."

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"I can take off from a standing start but it's harder when you're starting out." He sends her a document path.

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"Thanks.  . . . How much crashing did you do to start with?"

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"Uh, there's sort of a blurry line between 'awkward landing' and 'crash' and all my awkward landings were crashes because I have really bad balance, but also yeah."

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"I almost wonder if it might be safer to try it out there - " she gestures with a spare hand towards the mouth of the cave, "since at least there isn't much to hit.  Presuming the existence of a way to retrieve me if I just start falling."

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"The shuttle can exceed terminal velocity, though it wouldn't be a walk in the park. Do parachutes work here?"

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"Those would probably help.  And I might manage to land on the side of the cylinder or in a lower cavern, just.  As long as there was a way back up in general.  I wouldn't want to try it while you were otherwise occupied."

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"Reasonable. I could set up a big net somewhere, maybe."

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"It wouldn't even have to be out here, I could put it over a lake or something."

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"That does sound less nerve-wracking."

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"And a shorter commute."

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"I suppose so!  Separately, do you think most of me should move into this handy city?  It's certainly less cramped but I don't know whether we'll want most of me easily accessible topside soon enough to make moving pointless."

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"Good question. How about like half of you to start, hedge our bets."

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"Sounds reasonable to me.  Is there anything else on your docket before we start moving singlets in?"

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"Don't think so. Who's up first?"

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"Well, how large a batch do you want to start with?  And here, let me send you the spreadsheet."

The spreadsheet contains a little over three hundred entries, most of which are sorted to the top and marked READY.  They also all have a size of singlet, a DNA finalized? of N/A, a housing preference of not picky, and a priority of urgent.  Some of them have notes on changes they want made to their bodies - different ages, different weights, making curly hair straight or straight curly - but many simply want to be healthy and alive.  Some of them have specific medical conditions marked which would get in the way of that.  Ashley and Felicity have listings on a separate sheet for completed resurrections.

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"Awesome, you're a - what is that, kumquat? Let's start with, like, fifteen people, so if they somehow all have a correlated freakout no one of us three is trying to handle more than five, and we can up the batch size after that. I'll do the ones who just want to be alive and design bodies for the ones that want alterations while they're in transit..." He picks out fifteen with the relevant qualities and makes a dummy shuttle that can go out to the edge and back in and dock itself next to one of the elevators to let people off; he fills it up with wheelchairs and the wheelchairs with basement dwellers and sends it off.

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"If you wanted to tell me where your omnilol on the surface is, I could get high - or possibly sideways - to let them know we're coming and make sure there aren't any problems or last-minute changes."

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"I left it on the little shelves next to where Cricket likes to sleep."

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On the surface, seafoam Felicity knocks twice on the camper door before letting herself in.

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She does not attempt catspeak.  "Hello, very sorry to interrupt, just need to grab this - "

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Cricket observes this eventuality in silence.

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"Have a great rest of your night."


Tangerine Felicity, down below, reports: "I've alerted these fifteen and they say they don't need any changes; I'll let you know when they're settled in their bodies and ready to come over."

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"Great, thanks." He gets going on another batch's basement dwellers.

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This one wants to be twenty-four, and to have his back fixed because it had already started getting bad by then!  This one wants eight feet of hair!  This one wants the click in her jaw fixed!  This one wants to be super buff!  This one wonders if she can look basically the same, but with a dick?  This one wants to be underweight!  This one wants a different nose!  These ones all want to be in their twenties!  This one wants better eyesight!  This one wants to be twelve!

"They're all ready, or at least they've all stopped talking to me."

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Cam recalls the dummy shuttle and tries to diagnose the back and the click and needs some clarification on the desired manner of hermaphrodism and wants to know if that height/weight ratio is medically advisable here and has to re-read his optician notes.

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The back is a bad disc, the click is downstream of misaligned teeth, the ratio is inadvisable, and the soon-to-be hermaphrodite is shy enough that Felicity has a bit of trouble getting details out of her but eventually a sufficient description accumulates.

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"I'm inclined not to do the underweight one?" Cam asks, fixing the disc in a computer model to be sure he has it right.

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"That's reasonable."  Pause pause.  "She says, 'Please?'"

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"...okay but if she dies again of anorexia-related complications I will not do it the next time."

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"I will pass that along."

Here come the first batch!

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"Welcome!" Cam says, calling down to the hatch as it opens onto an elevator car.

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He gets a few 'Hi's and 'Hello's back, none of them particularly enthusiastic.  Six people are crying, ranging from sniffles to sobs.  One of them is on his hands and knees on the floor.  Most of them are hugging themselves or otherwise curled up; nearly all of them are visibly trembling.

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Well, that's sort of like being ready. Cam rolls their wheelchairs out for them, offers Floor Guy a hand up.

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Floor Guy at first insists (in gestures and in something other than Englatin) that he doesn't need any help, but accepts it after two failed solo attempts.  He does seem able to locomote himself once he's up there, though, as do some of the non-Floor Guys and Girls.  A few crying folks would probably benefit from some tissues.  "Are there any - refreshments?" asks one of the snifflers, Felicity-translated, once everyone is out.

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"Uh, sure, one sec -" Buffet with a fruit platter and muffins and hot... cocoa, he doesn't want to find out right this second how locals react to caffeine - and assorted cheese?

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The creation of the buffet gets a few mildly awed looks despite these people presumably already being aware of conjuration's existence.  The guy who requested it just gets a mug of hot chocolate and holds it close to his chest without immediately drinking it.

"Now what," an Englatin speaker wonders.

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"Well, if you need anything else, let me know, and otherwise you can explore the city and pick places to move into? Uh, here's notebooks for everybody to scribble down any furniture you're going to want or whatever."

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"Anywhere?" someone wonders.

"What do you get out of this?" asks Floor Guy.

Several questions in foreign languages come in quick succession which Felicity responds to directly instead of translating.

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"I get a beautiful city that has people in it instead of a beautiful lifesized model of a city that doesn't have people in it? Also the warm glow of altruism. I don't recommend trying to live in anything that is currently laid out as a trolley stop, or in the river, but take your pick of apartments and rowhouses."

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"So there's no rent?  For how long?  Can our families move here?"

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"I might eventually charge rent if only because I am currently cash-poor but no rent for, let's say a month at least, and if any of you have always wanted to be a property manager let me know. Immigration policy for people who were not resurrected pending, but you can go up the elevator and visit them."

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He nods.

"Two of these people don't speak any languages that I do, but they both have at least one in common with other people here, so there's no one in this batch we can't communicate at all with," reports Felicity.

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"Hopefully we don't have anything sufficiently complicated to say that it will be lost in translation."

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"What if I just want to lie down; do I have to pick an apartment first?  Do any of them have furniture yet?"

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"They mostly have carpets, if you want to lie on the floor."

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". . . . . I . . . don't?"

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"Then you can recline your wheelchair or pick an apartment for me to furnish or go lounge on a park bench or on the grass."

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He puts his elbows on his knees and buries his face in his hands and starts crying again.

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"My understanding is the One is working on making getting resurrected less overwhelming but if there's anything I should be changing about the process please let me know, it's early days yet."

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He briefly tries to respond but it doesn't end up very intelligible.

"Are we likely to get lost if we go exploring?" one of the more put-together ones asks.  "What if we do?"

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"You might! I put this up from the air and did not spend very long determining how navigable it is on foot. But the river runs through the whole thing, so you can always follow that downstream and end up back here. Except for the downstairs part. If you go down a flight of outdoor stairs you will need to find a similar flight of stairs or an elevator or something back up before you can find the river."

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"Okay."  She wheels over to the buffet and starts transferring cheese and apple slices onto a plate.

One of them goes for the closest patch of grass and climbs down his chair to lie on it; another follows his lead.

"S - sorry," manages the crying guy.  "Thank you for saving my life but - I just really would like to go lie down - inside, on a bed?  Or a couch?  Right now - or - very soon.  Please."

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"- yeah how about I make a little, uh, receiving room type thing -" Cam whips something up very fast on his computer with a lot of copy-pasting and puts it over, let's see, there. It's SRO-style, rooms with a bed and a chair each.

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"Thanks," he sniffs, and starts wheeling over.  He's pretty slow at it. Six people follow him.

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"I hope the One gets on fixing the post-rez overwhelm pronto," Cam remarks to Felicity.

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"I'm not actually sure to what extent that's its purview as opposed to just being a natural order sort of thing."

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"Is it not poking the natural order?"

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"That doesn't seem like it would be very natural?  Not that there's anything wrong with unnatural things, but star magic takes a very long time and quite possibly resurrection would just become the sort of thing that can happen, smoothly, before effort in that direction saw any results."

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"...I'm not sure I have a definition of 'natural' that suits this assertion."

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"It makes sense that English wouldn't have the concept.  It's the sort of thing I natively expect to change on its own over time rather than via intervention, is the main thing.  Including intervention from the One."

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"I mean, I got that part, but why do things change on their own without intervention in this way?"

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"I don't have much of a non-tautological answer to that.  It's the way things are, and when things change, the way things are also changes.  Just with a bit of delay."

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"Huh. Well. I hope it changes fast. Should I go ahead and do the next batch now, do you reckon?"

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"Does anyone else have any further questions or concerns," she says in several languages, and makes sure it gets passed along to those who don't understand any of them.

"Do the apartments lock?" Floor Guy wants to know.

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"Yes but I can make keys if you become unresponsive for a weird amount of time or anything."

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Someone else: "Where are the keys?  Is there anything stopping someone from taking a bunch of them?  Can we move apartments later if we decide we don't like our first one?"

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"The keys to the receiving rooms don't currently exist, I can just make them if I need to, you can lock them from inside only. I am not going to insist that you continue to live in your first apartment forever. I do not especially have anything lined up to prevent people from taking the keys out of a dozen apartments, do I need anything like that?"

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"Wouldn't . . . them not existing . . . prevent someone from stealing them?" asks one of the translation telephoners.

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"The apartments and houses are currently unlocked, with keys to their locks inside. This place I made for you all to lie down in while you get used to being alive again has locks, that you can twiddle from the inside of each doorknob, and then unlock again before you exit the room; the keys don't exist because you will not need them to use these rooms as intended. However, if you faint or something, I will be able to create keys for these locks as well."

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The translation telephoner looks like maybe she's going to start crying but she holds composure.

"Is there food in the houses, or will you make it when you come to make the furniture?  What about after that?"

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"There are some canned things in the grocery stores and I can make anything else you want. In the long run we're going to want cargo transit between here and the surface, of course."

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"Which way?"

"Do the elevators just go to some random spot on Antarctica?  How will things get there or wherever they're going from there?"

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"Nearest grocery store is over there." Point. "I have not yet, but will soon, make a port and whatnot on the relevant bit of Antarctica."

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"Which way is cargo transit important," the first person clarifies.  "Can't you just go places to make things wherever?"

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"Yes but there is only one of me and it may or may not be the case that more of me can be introduced."

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"Do birthdays all have the same powers on your world, or different ones?"

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"Birthdays do not have any effects in my world."

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"So you mean everyone can do that."

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"No, it's a species thing, but everyone in my species can."

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"But, what, you only trust the ones who're you?  If you can't get any of those will someone else work?"

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"- none of them are me, birthdays don't do anything and nothing else does the thing that your birthdays do either, we just don't have that and are all individuals. I will be happy to attempt to source additional people of my and other useful species but I don't know yet if it will be technically possible for them to commute here."

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"Then why did you say they were you - " She doesn't look close to crying but she's tugging at her hair a little.

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"Sorry, I meant, more of me in the sense that they could serve my magical role."

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"Well, it sounded really misleading," she grumbles.

"I have a question," a previously silent and somewhat burly guy remarks.  " - But it can wait until everyone else is done."  No one else has any more immediate comments; some of them peel off to go exploring or lie down.  "Can my dog move here?  Or - I don't think I have anyone who would have taken her in; she might have been put down or somethin' already . . ."

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"Sure, if your dog is available I see no reason you can't have her here."

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"I don't know if she is or not."

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"I cannot resurrect dogs, at least not at this time."

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"How would I find out?  Just going back upstairs?  If the Antarctic port takes a while to build she might well die in the meantime.  Or if it's a trip from the port to where she is."

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"I do mean to get Internet access down here but I think the Internet isn't yet popular enough upstairs to make that a definite way to find out. Maybe one of Felicity can help you track down your dog as long as there is only one person who needs a dog tracked down, most of her are up there."

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"I'll certainly give it a go - maybe I can get details from you while we're waiting for the next batch of people to arrive?"

"Sure."  He dips his head.

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And unless there's anything else to mop up here, next batch!

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The rest of the bystanders head off in various directions while Felicity determines that the dog, if alive, is probably somewhere in the middle of Roman Vespuricca (which is apparently what the locals call America), in a place Cam might naively label as being in or around one of the Dakotas.

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Well, hopefully the likely custodians of the dog have a phone number and can be told to feed it for another couple days till the port is fully operational.

Batch batch batch and out goes the shuttle full of basement dwellers in wheelchairs with electric blankets!

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Felicity assures the man that she'll call relevant shelters in the morning.

Group three all died elderly and want to be young again!  One of them also wants to be supermodel-pretty without care for preserving any individual features.  A few of them want to be teenagers, but only if that's possible without the sucky parts?  Some would like to be teenagers regardless.  Several would like to be generically more attractive and/or physically fit.  One wants his hair to grow in curly.

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These are all doable, though Cam might need a referral to local supermodel fashions so he doesn't instantiate this person with last week's eyebrows.

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"I think with this batch I'll just tell them while they're still stars what their options are once they get here.  Lying down in the receiving rooms, exploring or hanging out in the city itself possibly including picking out a home, hanging around to ask us questions - anything else worth mentioning?

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"Putting in requests for phone calls to make upstairs, I suppose!"

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"Maybe requests in general?  So far between you and all of me we just have one phone that works on local networks, and I don't imagine you get signal down here, so that probably has to wait for a trip up although I could walk to Jordan's and likely use theirs if necessary."

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"Yeah, you'll have some triage to do."

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"Quite.  Should bringing more of me down here possibly get moved a bit up the priority list, for dealing with various local concerns?"

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"Maybe, yeah. Especially if the laws of nature don't notice resurrection is a thing sooner than later. I don't think I should try to pilot remotely from this far away, though, the repeaters would be doing a lot of work around weird corners and they're not tested for that, so it will have to wait till I go upstairs to fetch some of you."

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"I'm just wondering whether it might be smart to push that to before too many more batches, in case something or other goes wrong."

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"Plausible. How long do you think I should hang out down here before I go fetch more you?"

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"Maybe until after the incoming batch gets relatively settled?"

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"Sounds good." He sits himself down on a bench near the edge to wait.

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The next group has a similar proportion of criers but a slightly more enthusiastic set of greetings.  The one with eight feet of hair is most of the way through chain-stitching it into a slightly more manageable state; several people are poking or patting at their rearranged faces.

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Do they want mirrors? He'll install some in the shuttle too as long as it's here.

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Yes they do!!  A couple people who weren't crying before start once they see themselves.

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...in a good way or does he need to make some emergency adjustments?

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Two of them seem probably positive, the other is - definitely overwhelmed?  It's not very clear.

Just under half of the batchees head straight for the lie-down building.  One of them requests a book first and then a few other people pause or turn around to ask for one as well.

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Books for all who desire books!

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Only a few of them manage to come up with specific titles they want.

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The rest of them can have... uh... coffee table book type things full of landscape and wildlife photography?

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Sure, that causes most of them to start wheeling away, until a newly-teenaged guy asks whether there's music on offer and half of them stop again.

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He pipes some strings into the built-in speakers in the lie-down building.

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That group rolls off with a smattering of 'Thanks's, sniffles, and 'Dankci's.

The one who asked to be made prepubescent wants to know, "What are the laws here?"

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"Work in progress, is there a specific controversy you need a ruling on right now?"

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"Am I legally an adult or a kid?  Or is there not going to be a difference?"

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"You are an adult what with having an adult soul! You should probably apprise anyone you are going to have sex with, if applicable, of the situation, to avoid awkward misunderstandings."

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"N - I - it's not going to be applicable," he stammers, flushing.

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"Then you are an adult full stop, enjoy."

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"Okay."  He rolls off into the city, a bit more briskly than everyone else has been going.

Jawclick lady asks, "What about star clouds, I heard those were going to be here later?  What if they're a mix?"

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"I'm part child," Felicity notes over the earpiece.

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"I don't have a principled intention for those! Might depend on their average age or something. Felicity is apparently part child but seems functionally adult to me."

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"Does time spent dead count as growing up, for an all-kid cloud?  What are the legal differences going to be anyways, approximately?"

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"I don't know what all-kid clouds are like developmentally, nor what the practical upshot will be - something something reduced culpability for wrongdoing, educational responsibility on the part of the community, if they're really little might need a guardian?"

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She nods.  "And you're just doing singlets right now?"

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"Except Felicity, yep."

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"Do you have any idea - I know it's a tough case, I won't hold you to anything, but I had a kid, died when he was six years old a few years ago, now he's in a cloud with eight other kids and some teens, do you have any general ideas about - custody, or timelines, if they want to come back -"

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"- hoo boy. Uh. So, clouds need multiple bodies and they then do a sort of multiple location thing. I think probably the most elegant result would be if one of those bodies lived with you and - mostly drew on your previous relationship for determining how to interact with you? - but I have no cultural understanding of star clouds, I'm making this up as I go."

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"If more of them want to live with me would that be fine with you?"

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"Sure! I can't guarantee it will be fine with all of their other parents but if you want slightly dilute triplets or something and so do they far be it from me to interfere."

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"Also please note that we currently only have the ability to resurrect clouds with a range of birthdays covering no more than a season.  Until we get some winter solstices to work out the genetics and geminics."

"Oh.  . . . I'd have to check."

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"Right, that. Which is very weird but I accept that the experts have told me not to try it at this time."

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"Will you be - generally available for questions later?  How many people are you resurrecting?"

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"I will be bopping around but you can have my mail label and I'll see your note once I have a minute -" He explains mail labels. "And in the long run everybody who wants it."

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"Okay, thanks.  For everything."

And the rest of this batch disperses!

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And Cam can - all by himself, since both this Felicity and the rescuee are staying - shuttle back up topside to see what he has to work with in terms of airfield space and harbor at the elevator's top end. And to check in on Cricket and get some more Felicities.

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There's ice about as far as the eye can see from standing at the top of the elevator, mostly pretty flat and stable.  The shore straight north from there isn't very harborable but there are some okay spots at various distances to either side.

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Okay! Airfield, highway, harbor, various nice warm buildings for stopovers en route.

And then to collect more Felicities.

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Half the rainbow of Felicities (including all of the remaining six-limbed ones) file into the shuttle in an orderly manner.  "Possibly we should pick up some more omnilol before heading back down?  And maybe leave some snacks for these fourteen of me."

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Snacks! Heavy on the crudites and fruits and low on the nacho cheese powder, he doesn't wanna hurt the local delicate systems. "You can grab what's left of that bottle, if that'll do, I'll pick up more next time I'm somewhere that sells it."

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"I don't think this was sold in a quantity meant to take into account the possibility of a crew of bodies using it for administrative purposes."

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"In that case I will go pick up more now, you need anything else before I abscond?" He pats Cricket, who meows to the effect that he, at least, does not need anything.

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"I suppose I could also send one of these," she points a thumb over her shoulder at the felicityper, "to go pick some up, given a vehicle I know how to drive, some money, and directions."

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"Sure, what do you know how to drive?" he asks, fishing out his cash to count out some reasonable most-of-it for her.

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"A 756 Honda Accord?"

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"I'll have you know that's a very funny mental image." Accord! It matches the speaking Felicity's sweater.

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It's a pink van which bears an uncanny but incomplete resemblance to the 1975 version of the car with that name Cam's more familiar with.

"Really, why?"

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"Honda was a car company and Accord a model thereof in my world! I don't remember what they looked like, never been a big cars guy, but this looks not far wrong."

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". . . I'm going to do a quick search to see whether any other brands match between worlds, even though it's not important at all," she announces as her cornflower-sweatered body starts the engine.  "Directions?"

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He relates the directions to the drugstore.

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The Accord drives off.  "Then I think we're all set up here for now unless Cricket needed anything."

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"He's remarkably self-sufficient and I left him plenty of food. Do you want me to just drop you off at the elevator and you can try it out? Or maybe one of you can do that?"

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"Sure, let's do one; that seems easier to retrieve in the event something goes wrong."

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"You got it."

To the elevator!

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"How are you feeling about all this?" asks a Felicity to kill time on the flight.

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"I'm very glad to have you helping me out, I do not actually have the logistics knowhow to undertake all this without running a really unnerving risk of fucking it up."

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"I'm also feeling somewhat ill-equipped to handle the logistics, but I think if I wasn't it would be a sign we were moving too slowly, at least specifically with regards to star singlets who would otherwise merge up."

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"Agreed! And at least there is more of us to go around with you aboard. I wish we had a better ETA on when being rezzed will suck less. Does it still suck for you at all?"

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"It's down to pretty ignorable levels.  There's a noticeable difference between my bodies who've slept and those that haven't, but we'll see whether I end up any perkier tomorrow aside from that."

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"Oh, sleeping helps? I could make the next batch come out a little dozy hormo- I have no idea if you guys run on melatonin or magic sleep chemicals, never mind."

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . Should we just stop at a compound of winter solstices and take whoever wants to come, it just now occurs to me, given that these sorts of questions keep coming up and an assortment of those is likely to know at least some of the answers."

Permalink Mark Unread

"- sure, why not, if they have conveniently geographically concentrated compounds, where to?"

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Felicity apparently doesn't have any trouble with the amount of heights involved in flying over the top of the cylinder rather than by its side; most of her are already looking out the shuttle's windows.  "Turn a little left?"  And she sets to looking up more specific directions.

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He bears slightly to port pending detail. "Will these ones speak Latin?"

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"Most of them should, we're still over Roman territory."

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"Hopefully it's not a dialect of Latin that doesn't mysteriously resemble English in a weird number of particulars. Are there? Dialects, I mean?"

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"Dialects in general or ones that don't resemble English?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Both, I guess! In my world the language we call Latin split into a bunch of languages and I speak most of them. English isn't even a pure Romance language, it's got a lot of German mixed in there."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think you should be able to understand most everyone; the Empire goes pretty hard on assimilation in that respect.  But there are different accents - I've mostly been using a mishmash leaning slightly Britannian, you've heard full Britannian," (she switches to it as she says so) "Gaulmanians have this fun sort sharp-gooey mix; Rome-as-in-the-city is like so; go a ways east from there and you'll find something like this . . ."

None of them sound exactly like ones Cam already knows, except that the last two both sound awfully British.  Much more so than the Britannian one, in fact.

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"Well, that's an entertaining spread of accents - I'd expect those last couple to be native to the island we just set out from - but all intelligible, yes."

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"Interesting.  Which reminds me, among the brands I've checked so far there haven't been any other matches."  Here are some more specific directions, they get handed to Cam.

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And he descends into the solstice compound.

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It takes a while for anyone to poke their heads out, but eventually someone does.

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"Good morning! Do you and several of your friends want to join me and my multibodied assistant on a trip to the city I built in one of the cylinder's caverns with a buncha people I resurrected and there consult on whatever your areas of expertise may be as things come up?"

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". . . What's the catch?"


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"...the city's brand new and I have not explicitly ruled on most possible things that might come up in it? Commute'll be kind of a bitch?"

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"Then well, yes.  Obviously.  What sort of things do you need consultation on?  How many is several?"

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"We had the idea to stop here after it occurred to me that I don't know how humans from around here sleep, on, like, a hormonal level, but all kinds of wacky things might conceivably be relevant. Shuttle can fit like five more people, maybe more if you're all real friendly?"

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"I expect we can be friendly for these purposes.  Would you like to come in or shall I just fetch people?"

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"Is the place interesting to look at? I might as well."

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"Moderately?  Do you want to come too, presumable assis - oh."  She appears to notice that the Felicity leaning out of the shuttle is one of the four-armed ones.  ". . . Presumable assistant."

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"I also might as well, mightn't I."


Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, come in, then."

The inside of the compound is just this side of opulent, and looks like it was once aiming for a cohesive aesthetic but has since had a fair number of items replaced with ones that are optimized to be luxurious to senses other than sight, though none of them are ugly.  There's an entryway and a lounge with a kitchen off of it, and a few hallways which aren't lit well enough at this hour to make out what they might contain.


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"Interesting place. Eclectic, like."

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"Mm."  She pulls a notepad and pen off the fridge.  "How long have you been working on your city?  Will you be taking more immigrants later?  How secret is it?  - Have a seat if you'd like, or . . . can."  She gestures with the back of the pen vaguely over her shoulder, where there are zero wings; the lounge has a couch and some armchairs, one of which has an associated ottoman.

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He sits on the ottoman. "Not very long, like less than a day? Yes. Not super."

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . How built is it, precisely."

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"Oh, it's all built, here's a picture." He brings one up on his computer.

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"How is it built.  Precisely."

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"Like this." He holds out his palm flat and appears a tater tot on it. Nomf.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, so completely revolutionary to the point I don't have to be exactingly careful about picking who to wake up to tag along, because their lives will soon change drastically regardless?"

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Permalink Mark Unread

"That's convenient; I really hate putting a lot of thought into things that won't matter the next time I wake up - I'll be back."  And she disappears down one of the unlit corridors.

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A pair of barely-awake men wrapped in a single blanket emerge shortly thereafter.

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"Hello there."

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"M'rnin.  You're - kidnapping us?  Friendily?"

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"Oh, you can stay home if you want! I'm inviting you."

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"That's what he meant by 'friendily'.  'Friendly-y'?  - Consensually.  Forgive the threect-four phrasing."  The bundle pads over to and flops on the couch.

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"I feel like kidnapping is still not the right word. What is threect-four phrasing? I'm new to base eight and associated turns of phrase."

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"Very early."

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"Replace with somewhere between two and five in the morning, I'd say?  The conversion's a little arbitrary what with the day length and proportion of needed sleep being different."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Aha. I knew somebody who called that 'the fucking morning' because if someone phones you then you'll be like, 'it's three in the fucking morning!'"

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"Weird time system.  But thank you for not-kidnapping us regardless of whatever hour it may fucking be.  Prob'ly."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is there time to make coffee."

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"Sure, or I can do it with my magical matter conjuration powers."

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Permalink Mark Unread

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sure, that works."

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"How do you take your coffee?"

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"Cream and sugar, lots of both, please."

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One of each! And a mocha for himself.

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"Oh fuck.  Thanks.  Why can you do that??"

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"We didn't really get briefed, and weren't very awake for the briefing we did get . . ."

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"My entire species can do it but I'm the only one here in this universe at the moment."

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"Wow.  Wow."

"So we probably don't need to pack anything, then?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"If you have objects which you do not want to describe to me, or might want suddenly while I could be occupied with something else, or which are sentimentally valuable to you in their original form such that a replacement would not be satisfactory, pack those. Especially the middle category, I don't want to be making everybody a change of clothes every morning."

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"Reasonable."  The two of them set to downing their drinks a little faster.

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And someone new clicks down the hallway to the lounge, looking a little tired but not freshly awoken.

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"Good morning!"

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"Good morning."  She already has a suitcase.  "You're our benevolent kidnappers, I assume?"

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"Why is 'kidnap' the vocabulary word chosen here? Isn't 'benevolent kidnapping' a contradiction in terms?"

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"It's what Sadie said."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think there's a cultural thing; there's - a joke that's also just common knowledge, I suppose I would call it - that anyone magic or alien or otherwise very special is welcome to pluck winter solstices from their lives into very-specialhood without advance warning and for nearly any purpose."

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"I mean, that is why we're here, but still! I'm trying to be polite as well as welcome."

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"You seem great but it's not a fundamentally different act from if you weren't; we would still want to come along."

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"It matters to me even if you'd be just as excited to be abducted for sinister reasons."

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"Then I guess we won't call it that anymore.  I will say that it was definitely more exciting and information-dense to wake up to 'get up losers, we're being kidnapped' than something strictly accurate."

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"It seems like a fine in-joke, just, I'm not very in on the joke."

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"I don't know that I'd say it's a joke; we spend money to advertise this and we call it that there.  - But it's not really important, if you prefer a different phrasing."

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The silver-haired one finishes his drink.  "Let's go pack?"


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"Hmmmmmyeah," his blanket partner assents.  "Actually can you magical matter conjuration power me a suitcase, please?  The zipper on mine broke."

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"Do you want the same kind only without a broken zipper?"

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"Only if that's easiest for you."

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Suitcase appears. "In terms of overhead, yes."

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"Thanks."  And those two head off.

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(The new addition bounces slightly at the suitcase's appearance, though her expression remains mostly unchanged.)


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A yet-newer invitee with a gravity-defying hairstyle passes them on her exit from the hallway.  ". . . Hello there."

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"Hi, nice to meet you! I'm Cam."

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"Mutual; Sydney.  Pleased to be one of your k - "

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"Don't call it kidnapping," interrupts the other woman and one of the boys from down the corridor.


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"Pleased to make your acquaintance."


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"Also the rest of us are Sam, Silas, Simon, and Sadie."

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"How alliterative. Is that a birthday thing?"

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"Yes, but zz names are more common than ss ones in places that don't speak Latin."

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"Huh, interesting. I don't think S is an uncommon sound crosslinguistically but I don't speak most local languages."

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"I think it's something like three-eighths of us globally.  Assuming you include the ones which don't directly start with the relevant sound; it might be different for strict initials."

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"Anyway, how many of you should I be expecting, or is this the lot?"

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"We might be it but I'm not certain."

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"Okay, well, if you might be it you can start loading your stuff on the shuttle at your leisure, I suppose."

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"Thank you kindly."  The two packed ones lug their bags outside.

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The Felicity still in the room with Cam giggles when they reach the shuttle.  "I guess the 'multibodied assistant' part hadn't made its way to them."

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"Are they charmingly enthralled?"

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"Oh, at least one of those."

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Permalink Mark Unread

" - Now they're discussing whether the two or the five of them and possibly some other people should merge up now that resurrection is possible; how do you want me to respond to that."

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"I'd rather they didn't? I have this huge backlog."

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"You certainly do."

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"Did I hear resurrection is possible?" calls either Simon or Silas, looking significantly more wakeful as he sock-slides to the lounge.

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"Yes but I have a huge backlog please do nothing rash!"

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"It's not like I want to die just for fun!  - Unless there are other - not that I would, now that you've asked - "

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"You can always get around to it later. Just not soon please."

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"I appreciate the permission to eventually pass away!  - That was quite some strong coffee, I think."

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"Did I overdo it? I should possibly have checked local caffeine dosages."

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"Oh, I feel fantastic."

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Sadie and the former blanket partner return, bags in hand.  "That's everyone, assuming you talked to Sam and Sydney?"

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"I have no prayer of keeping all your names straight when they all alliterate and I met you all at the same time and you all have the same personality. I talked to some people. Some people are on the shuttle."

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"We could pick up nicknames if that would help."  She and the two men walk to the entryway to put on shoes.

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"'No prayer'?"

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"It's an expression. I don't speak Latin, but a curiously nigh-identical language from another universe called English."

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"That's . . . strange . . ."

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"I am as confused about that part as you are, and yet here we are. Anyway, nametags or nicknames or tolerating me being like 'hey you', your call."

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"I vote nicknames!"  Shoes are on; contingent heads shuttlewards.

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And Cam can take off and resume course once everyone's aboard.

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Felicity gets the groups up to date on each other's conversations; the previously-enshuttled pair have mostly spent the time asking her questions about being a star cloud.

"You know, you'd only have to keep track of one name if we merged."

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"That is true, and yet, there are a lotta stars and I have barely made a dent."

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"Also, Sam, love you very dearly: still not sure I want to share a mind with you at this stage of my life."

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"It's a big decision, you should probably take more than ten minutes about it."

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All of the solstices bristle a little at that for some reason.

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"...is that a faux pas? I did not intend to upset anyone."

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"Putting a bulb around the light generally leads to moths still smashing themselves on it, even if they remain unburnt."

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"Which isn't an argument with anything to do with practical considerations, but . . ."


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"Don't pretend - or think, it makes sense you wouldn't know given that you're from English - it's for our sakes."

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"- okay? I think I follow? Maybe? - English isn't a place, the language developed in a country called England but I'm from one of its emancipated colonies."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, I'd thought you'd said . . ."

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"English is the name of the curiously nigh-identical language, not the universe."


Permalink Mark Unread

" - I see.  Has the universe got a name?"

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"Not really, but the most inhabited bit of it is called Earth."

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"We also call the cylinder that."

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"How inconvenient. Well, the specific country I was born in is called America, do you have one of those?"

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"No, we call those continents Vespuricca."

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"Curiously parallel. Anyway. I'm from America where they speak English. I know lots of other languages but they are not in circulation here."

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"I have a draft of a pamphlet explaining the basics of your world and your presence here; if it looks okay to you now might be a good time to pass it around?"

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"Oh, sure, let's see." Pamphlet?

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Pamphlet!  Actually several pamphlets, ranging from pretty simple and fitting on one glossy accordion-folded page to letting in a little elaboration at more of a booklet size.  One of them has all the information but notes and color-codes what isn't included in the lighter versions, for Cam's proofreading convenience.

In paraphrase, Cam is from a different universe where planets are round and gravity goes towards the middle of them, the stars are the same thing as the sun, and it's as if every single person has their own entire birthday.  (The booklet version has diagrams of the solar system at both condensed and accurate scales, a description of the ways vacuum works differently, and a note about galaxies.)  The humans also work very differently biologically (and the booklet details how).

People don't become stars in this other universe, and they don't merge up in other ways either.  Instead, they turn into one of four types of indestructible being (booklet-description of limboites, fairies, and angels, and their respective realms).  Cam is a demon who is summonable, was summoned here, and can conjure objects out of nothing (booklet-description of the specifics of his limitations, with an arrow from a parenthetical note asking "(This version maybe just for friendlies?)").

This power allows him to create empty bodies for stars to move back into, and a project of mass resurrection is already underway!  Star clouds can be incarnated under these specific conditions.  There's a city under the world called Atriama (picture included) where they're all moving for now.

Booklet-exclusive announcement that some Britannian cats are people.  Booklet-exclusive semi-detailed description of becoming embodied and of the current resurrection prioritization policy.

Near the end there's a brief mention of Felicity herself: her composite birthdays, her 28-ness, her PA-hood, her relative availability for requests and questions compared to Cam.

And to wrap it up there's a toggleable box with a description of how to use mail labels, along with 'letter to Cam' and another parenthetical: "(Do you want to come up with a new one as more of an official channel?)".

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Cam hands around the booklet without the limitations part and with a replacement mail label, let's go with "Attn. Governor of Atriama" for official communiques.

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The assorted starchildren get to reading them!

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"Incidentally, why 'Atriama'?" a Felicity asks at an unobtrusive volume.  "Do you know whether that's the name Nudge thought you might go for, or was there another that you intentionally picked this instead of?"

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"It feels like an obvious go-to? It's my favorite work of art, it's an aerial ballet and Atriama's the title character."

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"Oh, that's sweet."

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The solstices get collectively wigglier the farther they read.  The redhead is the first one done.  "So you had a question about something to do with sleeping?"

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"Oh, yeah, resurrectees seem to feel better after they've gotten some sleep and I realized I don't know if there's a hormone profile I could make the bodies start out with such that they could doze off right away! I know how to do that for my kinda humans but not the locals."

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"I know how sleep works but I think not yet enough about your power to advise very well.  Can you make people as though they've just drunk chamomile tea?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can put chamomile tea in their stomachs directly, but this trades off their not needing to pee any time soon, so if there's a downstream product I could imitate that would be slightly better."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Depends on whether you can make their blood different directly or if you're only working with the digestion."

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"Blood's fine, I'm making the whole body from scratch. I'd know how to do this in my kind of human but they're more robust in general and in particular have different drug reactions."

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"Making the whole body from scratch, but in what level of detail?  You sound like you have expertise, could you make a body without that?  Are demons who know less about the human body advantaged over you in making them in any way?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can copy things I know almost no details about, and I can do some things like substituting all the water in a model for plastic, and more stuff like that the more I know. Knowing more is strict advantage, except in the sense that when presented with superficially similar organisms I keep almost overconfidently giving them melatonin for sleepiness."

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"Or rather a lot of caffeine, also for sleepiness!  I'm at the metaphorically able to see time stage; normally that doesn't happen for a while."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Geez, I'm sorry. I went to so much med school and it's hard to remember that it doesn't work here."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Neither of us are strangers to stimulant edge and now you'll probably have an easier time remembering for the birthdays who care more!!  But you should probably test whatever sleepiness things you're going to do on somebody fully living who also isn't either of us unless it's not going to happen for at least several hours."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Assuming it's possible to test on some-body not made from scratch."


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"Melatonin? Yeah, I can administer it to live people. But if you know how sleep works and don't know melatonin to exist it might just not for you guys."

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"I know it to exist but wouldn't necessarily reach for it first in this context; dosing's tricky and the side effects that come with using too much don't seem like they'd be ideal to combine with what former stars apparently already experience."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's already different from what I expect, so, thanks! Chamomile on my world is so mild that it takes a lot of scrutiny to be confident it works literally at all."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It might be worth mentioning at this juncture that I expect new resurrectees to already be somewhat tired; none of the bodies I sent to bed shortly after arriving took very long to fall asleep and all those people went into the receiving rooms even before you gave them books and music."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. I wasn't aiming for that but I suppose it's probably emotionally exhausting and also a bit, hm, enervating since it's so unpleasant..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It as least felt physically exhausting as well.  I think aiming for tiredness on purpose is still a good idea - as an option available to the souls, at least, if not something we should necessarily apply to everyone without asking - but that's something that might affect the ideal dose."

(One of the coffee'd boys absentmindedly starts bouncing his leg quite rapidly for a handful of seconds before realizing that he's done so and putting a stop to it.)

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Cam hands him a fidget spinner. "Well, I can put literal chamomile in their literal stomachs till we know what to do instead, it won't make them have to pee right away."

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"I can still explain what it does chemically.  Though doing so may be easier with a chalkboard, textbook, or some other visual aid."

Permalink Mark Unread

Whiteboard and markers! With colors!

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Then the orange S-person can explain sleepy chemicals to Cam!  They're off from spherical-Earth biology in the same wacky direction as everything else, but nothing that should stand in the way of achieving this particular result.  Except maybe the concern Felicity mentioned, which they don't really have a way to test except on actual resurrectees.

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(The blue one is NOT volunteering to be an actual resurrectee.  She is very obviously exerting effort to not do that.)

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There are probably plenty of dead people who are also Like This.

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There's one on the spreadsheet, yeah.  Or at least someone with this birthday.

Permalink Mark Unread

Can Felicity ask them if they will be a test subject for sleepitude?

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Yes she can and yes they will.

Permalink Mark Unread

Convenient. By the time they touch down in Atriama they can probably have a test protocol worked up for how to conjure the new body.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Would it be faster just to swing by the shell on our way there, do you think."

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"Not by much, especially not if we're counting in terms of my time and not total shuttle airtime since I can send for resurrection batches automatically."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ah, I wasn't sure of the speed comparison between driven and unmanned shuttles.  - Oh, or the fact that we could mix that one in with a regular batch instead of having to give them one to themself, assuming - probably safely? - that at least fourteen other people won't want help sleeping."

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One of the starches raises his hand.

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"Yes you?"

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"Are any cats citizens of Atriama?"

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"Uh, I have a cat but he hasn't wanted to come so far. I haven't asked any others, I should maybe do that."

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"If we work out some practicalities I could go clear out relevant shelters once there's daylight on the surface."

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"Yeah, that sounds good, I couldn't take all the talking cats out of the shelter where I got Cricket but the situation has changed. Not all the cats in there talked though, how will you tell?"

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"That is a practicality which we would have to work out!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess I could make you a recording or ask Cricket to go with you. - or possibly Princess, since Cricket is kind of an asshole. You'd need a way to wake up the sleeping ones."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If Cricket wouldn't want to help with this be it far from me to ask that of him, and I'd be excited to meet Princess from what Jordan said about her.  Plausibly the paperwork on all of them will take long enough long enough that each cat will be awake for some of it?  . . . If they'll even let me walk out with however many cats; I'm not sure that they will."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, Cricket might well volunteer to help, he'd just be an asshole throughout. - you know what, I think I got the shelter person's number -" He conjures that up.

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Here is a number the same length as Nicholas's, scrawled on the shelter's business card (which has one two digits longer).  "I'd hope to be resilient enough to remain unaffected but if you think it would cause the other cats a problem then I'll take you at your word."

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"I think the other cats might not be primed for ideal levels of cooperativeness by Cricket being like 'hey you worthless fleafood' or whatever."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is there any chance of us meeting this fellow?  I so desperately would like to."

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"I will have him with me at future points."

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"I want to know what our distinguishing nicknames are going to be!  Even if they aren't assigned to us by excitingly rude cats!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"He'd probably be happy to assign you nicknames, honestly, but they would be excitingly rude."

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"Noooo, I mean the ones because you can't tell the five of us apart!  Or also the Cricketous ones at some later point, but - later."

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"Can't tell the five of our names apart, rather, surely."

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"Fair."  Nod nod nod nod nod.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you all have distinct academic specialties?"

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"Not as such.  Current projects, maybe."

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"Syd and I are both on possession.  - Were."

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"But you're doing the history and she's doing the strain."

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"It's one project."

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"As you say, I suppose."

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"Possession being...?"

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"There are lots of reports, mostly old ones, of star clouds temporarily taking over people's bodies; they probably never happened but we were working on it.  Your way is better."

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"They're called angels but I assume the appearance of that word in the pamphlet is a strange language coincidence?  They don't sound at all like the same thing."

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"Yeah, nah, our kind of angels take their name from a mythological supernatural messenger being sometimes depicted as looking similar. Folks with feathered wings."

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"Sometimes they were said to look surhuman in various ways but those claims mostly died out with the rise of cameras."

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"'Sur'human? - also what's the strain."

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"Of omnilol, which would let star clouds possess living people.  And above-human, more than human."

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"Sometimes wings, sometimes an ethereal presence or various other magic powers."

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"My dialect says 'superhuman' or 'transhuman'. - are your last names also weirdly similar?"

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"Well no, we aren't mostly our own parents."

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"I could just call you all by your last names, if you want to wear nametags for a bit." He passes out nametags.

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"Not very fun, but practical."  All of them are left-handed; a few of them write the letters in the opposite order even though the end product is still in the usual orientation.

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How charmingly quirky. "Thank you."

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"What were the rest of your projects?" Felicity wonders.

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"Very preliminary research for SSNA editing."

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"Why, lucid dreams."  She seems really amused.

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"Lucid dreaming works with people in my world if they do some annoying practice to set it up, is it an unsolved problem here or something?"

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"A drug to induce it consistently."

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". . . Would you still have picked the four of us if you knew you were awake?"

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"Well, I'd have thought about it somewhat longer."

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"Is there anyone we should be going back and getting?"

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Cam's Antarctic base is just becoming visible.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Shuttle ride all the way to point B or do you want to test out the elevators?"

Permalink Mark Unread

" - Elevators."

Manius'll stay in the shuttle; Fulgencio also wants to ride an elevator; Viator and Valentius confer and decide on the shuttle.

Permalink Mark Unread

Elevator-riders can be dropped off and the shuttle can carry on. The elevators can go really fast, they have some of the same gravitics tricks the shuttle does to compensate for the acceleration, but the shuttle will still get there ahead of them by a bit.

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The remaining solquinoxen go pretty quiet looking out at the view.

"The one of these who we're going to be resurrecting wants to know the limits on transhuman traits for new bodies."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Uh, the weirder I get with it the likelier it is they'll have an awful time moving around, healing from injuries, not getting cancer, etcetera. The human brain expects a human body plan, and it's plastic enough to figure it out if you give it more limbs and consistent feedback associated with those, flying is just exhausting for humans, but if we start talking mermaid tails and tentacles that will tend to break down as an assumption. I especially don't know how any of this interacts with your weird genetics, I was taking your word for it on wings and arms being safe enough for you."

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"I've been fine so far in that regard, yes.  How willing are you to reresurrect people in the event of improper healing or 'cancer'?"

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"I mean, I'll do it, I'd just sooner not have to - do you not get cancer -"

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"I hadn't heard of anything matching the little I read about it, but none of me were medical folk.  If we have something similar we call it something else."

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"It's when a cell stops playing nicely with the internal coordination mechanisms to do with which cells should divide and which should not and which should die off, and starts dividing uncontrollably. It comes up with supernumerary parts because they're dissimilar from what the normal anti-cancer mechanisms expect to encounter."

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"I'm a medical folk.  Never heard of that happening."  She doesn't stop looking out the window to speak.

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"Point to the stars doing star magic, then, cancer's nasty. - what diagnoses do deaths from old age tend to involve?"

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"Usually something to do with the heart, lungs, and/or bones becoming weaker and less effective."

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"I was one of the star clouds working on keeping parasites from evolving, which is a really common thing for people to do with their afterlives.  I never heard of anyone working on preventing cancer.  Maybe it was solved a long time ago or just takes less maintenance, I suppose, but it might just be another difference between our humanities the same way lungs are."

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"Yeah, I'd be sort of surprised if it was low-maintenance and less surprised if your cells just don't get jumped up in quite that way in the first place."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Mm.  The star is trying to pitch me on having you load up the body with the highest potentially-reasonable number of extra limbs, since other people will presumably also want similar things and they expect it would be better for the limit to be known sooner rather than later."

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"I guess I could do extra arms and wings and a big tail to balance all that."

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"They're also wondering whether it would be possible to split each arm at the elbow, total of eight hands, but I think I'm making progress on convincing them that even with four I'm only as coordinated as I am because I don't have to divide my attention equally between my bodies and am generally not moving all of my selves at once.  Yes or no on digitigrade legs, being really tall, unique skin tones and eye colors, horns, fangs, pointed ears, that sort of thing?  Any sensory enhancement on offer?"

(The various remaining winters smile to themselves out the window and squirm and bite their lip and dig their fingernails into their arm, and say nothing.)

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"I can do digitigrade and tall. Colors and horns and fangs and ears are all low risk and doable as long as I don't use a pigment that'll poison a local or something. If they wanna be furry I can do that too. I do not know there to be prior art on arm splits so I wouldn't be confident I could make that work to begin with. I can add weird cartilaginous superfluities no big deal. I can do claws but they might want that on only one set of arms. I can do hooves, on the digitigrade legs. Sensory enhancements I wouldn't want to build in organically knowing as little as I do about how you work but there's tech options."

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" - Would we have to die to get at the tech options?  Or otherwise generate inconvenience?"

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"No, I can do those on live people no big deal. Do you know how to use contacts?"

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"The lenses that go on the surface of your eyes?"

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"That's them."

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"Given the context I expect I would be very motivated to learn!"

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"Well, I don't want to stick a pair on your eyeballs if you're going to try to pry your cornea off when you next go to bed, but when you know what you're doing with contact lenses let me know and you can have fancy ones. Hearing doodads I can hand out now." Earbuds in a little case with the controls on the lid for all the starchildren.

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"I sometimes wear contacts; I could teach the rest of us," notes Manius (or S. Manius, her nametag helpfully clarifies) as the three of them dive into the earbuds.

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"Sure." He doesn't stick them directly on her eyeballs, she gets a little case too, and an instruction manual.

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"Are these magically my prescription?"

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"They dynamically adjust. If you're more into the HUD features than the vision ones you can wear them with your glasses and tell them not to do that."

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"Eee."  She holds out her hand.

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Case! Instruction manual!

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"Just one?"

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"I guess it might be inconvenient to get me for more sets after everyone has had Intro to Contact Lenses." More sets.

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"I don't know how I would teach Intro to Contact Lenses without having any for students to use.  And it's unsanitary for our kind of human to share them."

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"I was assuming you had packed some but perhaps you felt there was too much of a hurry."

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". . . But those are mine - never mind, thank you very very much for these."

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"Sorry, I don't actually know how contact lenses work, I have never used them, I thought maybe you had unused spares or something. It doesn't matter."

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She nods.

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"I think - ow - "  Valentius mashes a button on his earbuds' case. " - I think at our tech level the prescription is - Syd can you please figure out something I can take for a caffeine migraine - "

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"Yes."  She asks a few diagnostic questions and comes up with a drug and dosage to request from Cam.

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Cam hands that over. "It's not magic, right? Omnilol is magic and I have to buy it at the store like everybody else."

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"How do you define magic?"

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"You know, that's a great question because some things I can make, like ice, have magical properties here, but in that particular sentence I was just using it to stand in for stuff that won't work if I make it."

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"Then I don't know.  It shouldn't kill him even if one of the component substances is inert, is that what might happen?"

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"Yeah. Though usually I try to aim higher than 'not fatal'."

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"On the one hand I was understating but on the other I don't in fact have every possible combination of ingredients here contained memorized well enough to account for if any one or two or all is missing."

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"I'd prefer to take it but not enough to want to spend down your tolerance for our collective mothing."

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"The - thing that we all do?  But have mostly been trying not to, today?"

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"I'm just not familiar with moth being used as a verb."

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". . . Si, can you words for me."

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"You know, like how you had to request we not kill ourselves, and the dead one is pushing the limits of their new body, and if we'd known about the caffeine we probably still would have wanted to drink your coffee - maybe more slowly, but still - and in general that when something is bright enough we find it very hard to care whether it'll light us afire."

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"Yes thank you that."

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"Oh, what a cute yet concerning term."

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"That's us.  Will you be annoyed if I take this pill and it metaphorically sets me on fire instead of fixing my headache."

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"Go ahead, I suppose. If you actually die you'll contribute to my backlog but if you merely give yourself months of debilitating problems I can get around to you at some more convenient time. - am I hitting the right tone on your mothfulness."

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"Noting potential consequences is much less grating than people expecting they know better than us whether we should pursue said consequences, yes, and knowing the boundaries of your willingness to accommodate us is much more comfortable than trying to tiptoe around them."

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"That said, between what I know from having been stars and some double-checking just now, I think it's very unlikely that any drugs except omnilol and essential oils are unconjurable, and as I understand it this contains neither."

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"Marvellous."  He downs the pill.

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"Splendid." They touch down in the cavern and he opens the hatch.

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"If it sounds alright to you I think I'd like to send a few bodies off to sleep," she gestures over at the SRO building, "and maybe one to be generally available in the lobby if a lobby exists?"

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"The building has an entrance hall type thing, yeah, sounds good! Sleep well."

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"Thank you."  A handful of her walk off.

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The moths are all staring in wonder at the city.  "Where do you want us?" the bouncy one manages to ask.

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"Do you wanna, like, pick apartments all convenient to each other or something?"

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"Sure, if we're not needed right away.  Do any have particularly nice baths?"

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"I did not stratify the bath niceness in constructing these."

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"Also there's a younger one of you already here who was rescued from a glider crash in one of the higher caverns; you might want to consult with him on living arrangements if any of you speak Barbliic.  He's probably still at the museum off that way."

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"Awwww. I think Sadie knows a little. . . . Love, do you want some help with that?"

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Valentius is having some trouble carrying his suitcase; it doesn't have wheels. "Yes please."

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" - What have you got in this, rocks?"

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"Why, yes, dear." He clears his throat. "I thought we might all need them."

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"Oh." To Cam: "There was a way to contact you on the pamphlet, but do you have a way to get us if you need us?"

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"I can give you all devices that are like mine but less awesome because the brain surgery would not work on you."

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"Thank you!!!"

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He hands around tablets with tutorials queued up.

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The three of them head off museum-wards, marvelling at the architecture as they go.

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"I think our test subject is mostly settled on a body, if this looks good." Felicity sends over some specs.  The solstice would apparently like to be a very tall, stunningly beautiful woman (Felicity has sketched a face for reference; she's pretty good at drawing) with white feathery wings and a tail to match; digitigrade legs, not hooved but clawed to match her upper set of arms; a mostly normal skin tone but kind of glittery and with a white gradient fading out at her extremities if that's possible.  And fangs and elf ears and metallic eyes.

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"Does it harsh her vibe if all I'm actually doing with the glitter is tattooing her? I didn't see any of 'em with literal tattoos."

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"Give me a moment to look at some pictures of glittery tattoos from your tech level . . . these are fine, she says."

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"Oh good." He assembles a virtual version of the body to make sure all the ligaments hook up correctly and displays it for Felicity to verify.

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There are some requested tweaks (different proportion on the legs, slightly more tapered claws, gradient on the ears) but it doesn't take too long to get final approval.

Permalink Mark Unread

Then there can be one of those on the next shuttle out.

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The rest of the batch mostly only wants the sort of changes Cam's already made, although someone's really concerned about the type of clothes he's putting everyone in?  What are they made of?

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He has been putting everybody in 100% cotton robe things.

Permalink Mark Unread

Okay perfect.

The elevator riders land and receive contacts, earbuds, tablets, and directions to the museum.  Cam can get the requests sorted for the next few batches of resurrectees before the next one arrives; some people are picky about various things but Felicity can do most of the legwork especially now that she has access to stronger omnilol.

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And then the next one arrives, including a very sleepy and undistressed person who isn't really capable of fitting into a conventional wheelchair.

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"Welcome back to the world of the living, everybody. You figuring out walking okay on those?"

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There's a chorus of hellos and a crowd of Felicities to help wheel everyone out.

"Hmmm.  No," she murmurs from where she's lying, looking much cozier down there than the first group's Floor Guy.  "The chamomile is quite effective."  Her accent matches the sharp-gooey one Felicity demonstrated earlier.

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"I'm glad it's helping! Good luck on tottering around once you've slept off the being rezzed."

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Do I have to move so you can use the shuttle again?"

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"Yeah, do you want me to put you on a cart or something?"

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"Hm, I'll try . . ."  She sits up, a little laboriously.  "Yes, that may be faster.  Please."

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Cam grows a cart under her and hands her a remote control for it.

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She makes a surprised little noise, stares at the controls for a solid few seconds, and passes the remote back up to Cam before making a nest out of her arms and resting her face in it.  She says something muffled enough that it takes a moment to parse as "Friends don't let friends drive" [still unintelligible] "resurrected."

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"Understandable." He pilots her into the receiving building.

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"Hmmmm," she interrupts along the way, propping herself up on one set of elbows.  "Here's good."  And she shimmies out onto the grass and re-flops, wings sprawling.  One of them thwaps Cam mid-shin.

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"...if you're comfy there! Enjoy."

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If she responds it's too muffled to hear.

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And he will go see if anything else is emergent that needs him.

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Felicities are mostly handling it.  She's finished two translations of the pamphlet, which she would like a stack of conjured, and is having conversations with a few people in languages she hasn't gotten to yet.  Someone doesn't like the music playing in the receiving building.  The members of the next groups up for resurrection are getting shuffled around in order to batch the people who do or don't want to be chamomile'd.

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Resurrections make Cam wag. Pamphlets appear; music switches stations. He tells Felicity she is various fruit; she is great to have around.

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"Thanks; slightly more obviously: so are you.  Any details on the chamomile I should convey to stars undecided on whether they'd prefer it?"

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"You know as much as I do about how people are feeling on it."

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"I'll shift those ones down the queue until we have more data, then."

The next group comes in all sleepy.  They're definitely less complainy and seem probably less uncomfortable; all of them are content to be wheeled into rooms rather than wanting to flop in the grass.

Permalink Mark Unread

Can he delegate the wheeling to the longer-ago-rezzed ones yet?

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No, they're still not feeling great but conveniently there are Felicities.  There's enough to be done that it's still most efficient for Cam to wheel a person or two, but she can get most of them.  "Should we offer to drug the ones from earlier rounds, do you think."

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"Yeah, though they could just, like, drink it probably?"

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"Yes, that does seem easier."  She holds out a hand.  "Should we make an announcement or shall I just offer it to people being publicly miserable?"

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Cam hands her an insulated drink dispenser and a stack of paper cups. "Use your judgment."

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"Thank you.  Is there some sort of microphone with which I could make a PA PA or would I have to knock on rooms individually."

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"I do not have the place wired for announcements."

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"In that case I'll at least hold off until we've got everyone alive for today."

Batch batch batch batch batch.  People want to be younger and stronger and healthier and prettier and more themselves in various ways.  In the middle of unloading one group the wingless winters return, and the six of them pitch in with wheeling people away to individual rooms.  They form a cuddlepile on the grass around the rezzed one of them between rounds.

Permalink Mark Unread

How adorable of them. Rez rez rez the stars.

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The last group is a mix of adults and actual children, not just formerly-adult stars who want to appear that way.

Permalink Mark Unread

Are their parents... here? At least some of the parents of each child?

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No, none of them died from anything that killed more than one person.

Permalink Mark Unread

How old are these children. Do their parents know this is happening literally at all.

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There's a range, six of them between the ages of five and fourteen.

"I can notify any of the parents who go on omnilol from now on, but it's still not quite waking hours.  If you want to track them down sooner than that - these are kids who are close to merging; it seems likely to be bad in only relatively recoverable ways if we get them in bodies first - "

Permalink Mark Unread

"- yeah, okay, we can stick them in a playground with a snack platter and phone all their folks in the morning." Sigh. Batch of kiddos.

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"One of them doesn't want his parents to know, and died for - reasons plausibly related to that; he's not quite sure."

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"How old is that one?"

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"...well, I guess we can figure out how to handle his custodial situation after he's out of merging danger." Sigh.

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"Quite."  She sighs as well.  ". . . Your murder mysteries must be so different, what with living people not knowing they could interview at least some of the victims.  And having demonic forensics."

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"I think most mystery stories have demon forensics hard to access for whatever reason, but yes."

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"Most competent murders here are on sleeping victims.  Sometimes it's in the dark or the killer is masked or it's a slow poisoning or the victim is legal to kill - plausibly not anymore, actually; laws about those sorts of things have been trending justice-ward since I was last alive."

Permalink Mark Unread

"When were you last alive?"

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"The youngest of me was about a dozen years ago, but that one wasn't really paying attention to politics.  Most of me died twenty to fifty years ago."

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"It's sort of weird that I don't know all your names."

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"Is it?  Why so?"

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"I dunno, just, you had all these names, and then you turned into star soup, and now you are Felicity and I am delighted to have you and also don't know a lot about the components in your fruit salad. Apologies for mixed metaphors."

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"Forgiven.  Alf Allie Anabel Ari Ariel Artie Casey Daisy Edie Elizabeth Ellie Elsie Emmy James Jane Jasmine Jason Jax Jesse Jesse Jo Josie Juniper Markus Mary Owen Victoria Vielé."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Such initial clustering, wow, is that a birthdays thing?"

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"Mmhm.  Can you tell which-all are which, yet?"

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"Uh, well, you're namesakes with Ellie the once, so probably that one was one of those? And - your J names aren't the solquinox one, those have Ds in them?"

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"No, they all are; the D can go in the last or middle name and on occasion is omitted entirety, and sticking it in the middle name was rather popular when most of me were born.  I'm ten summer solqs, ten Ellies, and eight October 01s, which I don't think you've met any of except that apparently according to Nudge and the One I somehow still count as one."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Count as one for what... purpose?"

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"Mystically, I suppose?  Apparently the October seasonchanges are just already inherently like what would happen if you put a September oh one and an October fourct as an instantiated star cloud.  It seems strange to me as well; I haven't heard of any other birthday like that although perhaps I wouldn't have."

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"Huh. Did you - collect yourselves - in birthday clusters like this on purpose?"

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"Yes, some of me knew about it and convinced the ones who didn't that it would be a good way to be, together.  . . . I've been wondering how much of all this I saw, when bits of me were psychic."

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"You can't remember being - a Nudge or whatever we wanna call 'em?"

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"No, nothing between dying and merging up with other birthdays.  One of them I'm missing less than a week from but for a few it was several years."

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"Did you know that was going to happen? Or, uh, would you have presumably known..."

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"I presumably knew at the point of doing it, but I didn't before dying.  It was pretty disorienting."

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"Did you tell the rest of you anything psychic first?"

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"Yes, but not much of anything specific, just that it was going to be great.  Nudge filled me in on a few things closer to when you arrived."

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"How long were you merged up?"

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"As in all twenty-eight of me?  A bit over nine years."

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"Huh. Do you think it had to do from the beginning with seeing me coming or is that just selection effect?"

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"I have no idea.  I'm talking to Nudge right now and he's just winking at me about it.  Or, you know, the bodiless version thereof."

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Cam snorts. "Nudge is a bit weird but I like him."

And the shuttle with the kids in it returns. The city had playgrounds in the parks already, so once the kids have slept off being resurrected there's a place for them to hang out.

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All of the adults in this batch and most of the kids wanted to be instantiated sedated, but the maybe-murdered one didn't.  He doesn't want to go to the receiving building either.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you want to go straight to the playground? Or lie on the grass, that's also been weirdly popular."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If I pick out an apartment will I be able to keep it?  Myself?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...I think that might wind up depending on how competent you are to live alone. Most people your age are not, it'd be psychologically unhealthy even if they didn't wind up with an emergency they couldn't handle."

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He starts crying a little and looks really frustrated about it, wiping at his eyes with his sleeve.  "So what are you going to do with me?"

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"I mean, for now you can pick an apartment and live in it by yourself, I don't think you're going to be psychologically damaged by it in the next week, but I'd recommend trying to make friends with an adult you might be able to tolerate living with."

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"Okay."  Snif.  "And if I pick one out you'll fill it up so it isn't empty?"

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"They come with some furniture but yeah, if you need something tell me, or tell a Felicity so I can do stuff in batches."

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"What about food?"

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"There are stores; they currently contain only nonperishables but that'll be enough to get along with for a bit."

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . I don't have any money."

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"Yeah, no, they're stores in that they store things, not in that they do transactions. Just take stuff."

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"Isn't that stealing?"

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"From whom?"

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"From the store, I guess."

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"It's my store, I made all the stuff in it, and I'm saying you can take stuff."

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He bites his lip.

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"...would you feel better about it if I accompanied you to an apartment right now and put food in it directly?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Nod nod nod nodnod.

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"Okay, I can do that, but I do want to observe in the process that taking responsibility for making sure there is food in your home is exactly the sort of thing a cohabiting adult is for."

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" - Fine, okay, bring my parents here, I don't care!"  He seems to actually care very much.

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"It doesn't have to be your parents! It can be anybody who is at least eighteen, or a precocious sixteen year old or something. I'd suggest it be a cat except I don't think a cat would know how to take care of a human and they are mostly younger than you."

Permalink Mark Unread

Sniffle.  "A cat?"

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"Some cats are people, I forgot to mention - hm, what if one of me lived next door to you until you find someone you like enough to have as a roommate?"

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". . . . I guess."

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"That'll work, at least as long as there aren't too many kids in this situation at once." Wingshrug. "Where to, kiddo?"

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"I don't really care, I guess."

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"Have a place in mind, Felicity?"

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"Yes.  Let's go test out the trolley, shall we?  May I push your chair for you?"

The kid nods and Felicity sets off at a sedate pace.

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Cam will follow after to fill the apartment with food.

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The building Felicity has her eye on is a few stops down and right next to one of the playgrounds.  The kid's quiet on the way but points at the elevator once they're inside and presses the button for the third story and touches his hand to a particular doorknob.

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"What do you eat?" Cam asks.

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He doesn't answer right away, looking for a way to communicate an answer with simple gestures and coming up short.  "Mac'n'cheese."

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Cam puts some in the fridge. "What else?"

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The kid blinks at the conjuration and smiles for just a moment before putting his serious look back on again.  "Chicken.  Rotisserie.  And lime gelatin desserts."

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Chicken appears. Lime Jello appears. "I'm going to keep asking till you name something containing a vegetable."

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Microwave popcorn in its bags. (There is a microwave installed already.) "Corn is not for these purposes a vegetable. Neither are potatoes."

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"Not even regular corn?  I guess celery, with peanut butter and raisins and apples."

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Celery, peanut butter, raisins, apples in a fruit bowl on the counter. "Spiffy. Think that'll hold you for a while?"

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". . . I want - I would like a stuffed horse, please.  Dapple gray."

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Horse! It is small enough for a kid this size to haul around but big for satisfying hugging.

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It is hugged!!  "Thank you," the kid dutifully says from where his face is buried in its mane.

"How about clothing," wonders Felicity.

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"Oh, yeah, good thought - I have never attempted to parent a kid at even arm's length, they're a rarity in Hell, should try summoning more people and see if we can solve one problem with another - what do you like to wear, kiddo. Do you have a name."

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"Ethan.  Green."

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"Have you heard back yet from that Wistful Parent you wrote?"

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"I should check." Kiddo has not exhibited any style preferences so he gets green t-shirts and kiddo sized jeans. Socks. Boxer briefs. Velcro sneakers.

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"Thank you.  - What about PJs?"

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Flannel pajamas! Also green.

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Ethan thanks Cam again and wheels to the bathroom to put them on.

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Before he shuts the door Cam remembers to supply him with standard issue toiletries; they appear on the counter.

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"I'm good to try summoning your candidate right now if she's ready; if she wanted a baby specifically we can grab someone else once we've confirmed that summoning and dismissal work normally, assuming they do?"

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"She did want a baby but I'm sure she can recommend me someone less picky if it works at all, yeah."

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"Or differently picky.  Though I suppose babies might be more appealing for those who don't have to sleep."

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"That is my understanding, yeah. You're going to take up residence next door to here? I can put the summoning circle down there."

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"If we find a suitable flatmate I might not strictly need to, but having an apartment might be useful for various purposes so I don't see why not."

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"Yeah, it'll be slightly less crowded than the felicityper anyway." Next door. Circle. Marker for Felicity.

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She draws a line segment.

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There appears a demon! She's as dark as Felicity, and clearly very excited to be here. "Hello!" she says. "I'm Mrindeh."

"Hi, nice to meet you! We do not have a baby handy yet, but can go get one pending the experiment working as expected."

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"Ho, kiel mirinda.  Do you think it matters what fraction of my attention I'm using to concentrate on the dismissal; I'm starting with what I would consider a regular amount for one person but if that doesn't work maybe we shouldn't yet start worrying . . ."

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"Oh, good question, if it needs all your attention that'll be inconvenient for everyone. It should only take a minute if one person's worth cuts it though so definitely start there. Is there localization to your attention, if it might matter if it's this body or not?"

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"I'm mostly just one person but if Mrindeh's still here in twenty-seven seconds then maybe I'll try mentally attaching it to something kinesthetic in this body before I interrupt the rest of me to concentrate?"

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Nod nod.

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And about twenty seconds later Mrindeh disappears.

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"Marvelous. Rinse, repeat, and a trip topside for a baby and my cat?"

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"It seems to me like 'rinse, repeat, enquire about a flatmate for Ethan, summon if applicable - or maybe have Ethan summon them?  He seems like maybe he would find that comforting - and concurrently with that I look into the fastest way to find a baby to rescue' might be a better order of operations?"

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"I defer to your superlative logistical judgement.". New circle.

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New line segment!

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The return of Mrindeh.

"We have an eight year old next door whose original parents were unsatisfactory. Want to meet him and see if he'd be a fit for any of your friends?"

"Oh sure!"

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Ethan is pajama'd and no longer in his wheelchair, sitting on the floor in the hallway between apartments.

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"This is Mrindeh! We're going to get her a baby but she knows people who would appreciate a kid your age. You wanna tell her about yourself? Note that everyone she knows socially also has awesome making stuff powers."

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"Um.  I'm Ethan . . . I like cowpokes, and . . . . drawing?  And movies.  Um."

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"What kind of movies?" Mrindeh asks.

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"Funny ones, I guess.  And ones with animals."

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"What's your favorite? I'm going to tell people they should watch it and write up what they think and then you can read what they said and see if anybody sounds right for you."

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"Oh, Catastrophe Ann and The Favorite 3.  I've seen them both a thousand times at least."

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"Gosh. Okay. Does the second one have prequels?"

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"Yeah.  They're pretty good but not as much."

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"I'll put that in the bulletin. Anything else people should know?"

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". . . My parents might have killed me?  And I don't want new ones, just," - he swallows - "just a friend who's a grownup.  And I guess has magic powers."

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Mrindeh nods very seriously and writes this down.

"Should we be like. Getting your parents prosecuted," says Cam. "Or is somebody probably already on that."

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"I don't know that they did, for sure.  But I wasn't sick or anything, and I woke up dead, and they didn't come to talk to me while I was a star - "

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"Felicity, is there a good way to make sure someone is investigating this? - do you have any siblings, Ethan -"

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"Two half ones.  They don't live with my parents except some weekends."

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"Did anyone else living talk to you while you were a star?"

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"Not except you, I guess. There were some clouds but I mostly didn't want to talk to them."

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"Right." She sighs. "How long has it been since you died?"

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"A couple days. I missed some school but I did that a lot anyways."

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Felicity nods. "I can send in an anonymous tip to let the authorities know to look for you, if you'd like to tell me about where you lived."

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"I mean . . . I guess if they really did kill me they should get fivect lashes, but what if - I don't want them to know where I am at all . . ."

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"An anonymous tip could be from someone who just talked to you while you were a star, couldn't it? - also unrelatedly I'm not thrilled about corporal punishment but I'm not going to jump on it for this specific case, just, like, if you notice an interest group I can throw stuff at let me know, Felicity."

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"I guess."  He starts scooting back towards his apartment.

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"The Alphabet Conglomerate can probably point us at at least one."

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"Baby?" prompts Mrindeh.

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"One unfortunate fact is that I really don't think it's going to be possible to resurrect baby singlets on a timescale relevant to you, because stuffing one's soul back into a corporeal form is - somewhat difficult, and I haven't found a way to communicate how to try to them.  So, we could either try with a cloud of babies, if that interests you, or look for a cloud of for example three babies and a four-year-old, or Cam can send one of my other bodies last month's slave registry and I can snoop on parents who sold babies to find a set who won't miss their child even once we've freed all the slaves."

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"A cloud of babies," says Mrindeh thoughtfully. "What would that be like?"

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"How much do you already know about our afterlife system?"

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"Cam said that people who die here become 'stars' except they aren't like our stars, and can merge, and that you're a merged group of stars, and you're occupying a lot of bodies and know what all of them are doing all the time. I'm mostly wondering about whatever would make a baby cloud different from a baby singlet such that you could get them to incarnate in the first place."

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"I'm not certain that it would work, but there's a chance that just having more processing power would be enough, even if it was still baby-shaped processing power.  If you would be very upset if we tried it and it didn't work I don't think we should try it."

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"...I'd rather not see the basement dweller babies till they're awake and I'm not sure I can juggle more than three but I would try if there is a cloud of three."

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"We can try with three.  Should I assume you've already considered and rejected the idea of enlisting a coparent?  I would expect the chance it works to go up the bigger the cloud, although there are some limits on what clouds can currently be instantiated and many babies just merge with the One straight away."

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"I had a - wistful coparent - for a while but not in the last several years."

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"Well, we can try with three.  I'm looking around for a good candidate presently."

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"- I'm assuming here that all the, the enslaved babies, will have someone ready to adopt them presently even if it's not me."

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"I suspect many of the parents will want theirs back given sufficient financial stability.  And it's my understanding that there are plenty of other daeva in line behind you for the ones who don't."

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"Yes, I just wanted to make sure you were in fact planning to summon more."

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"I think we are?"  She turns to Cam.

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"I see no reason why not!"

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There's a sniffle from just inside the open door of Ethan's apartment.

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Cam sticks his head in. "You need anything, kiddo?"

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"No."  Snifl.  ". . . I wanna watch a movie.  And I want a drink, but I can't stand up yet - to get one - "

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Cam puts a bottle of water in the wheelchair cupholder and queues up Catastrophe Ann on the TV for him. "Could one of you help him back into the chair, I'd probably drop him -"

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" - No.  No thank you."

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"- okay." Cam puts the water on the floor next to him instead.

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Ethan picks it up but doesn't drink it.  After a moment of consideration he starts scooting over to the floor in front of the TV.

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"Last minute requests?"

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". . . I don't really understand how movie book reports are supposed to help me pick a magic person."

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"I mean, you could wait till we summon a bunch of them and meet them in person but I imagine that might be kind of overwhelming."

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"But if it'll be a while before I have a magic person then I should think harder about things to ask you for."

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"I will be gone for a few hours, not days."

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"And I'll be next door.  Unless you want me to hang out over here."

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". . . Okay.  I guess I can't think of anything else right now, then."

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"Welcome back to life, sorry it's such a rough transition."

And off for a cat and a baby! And all the other talking cats in the shelter. Once it's open.

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"I've found three merged babies born in the same season, but since they're a cloud I've got to compose some custom DNA for them - any preferred traits, Mrindeh?  I'm going to try and match it to traits they had while separate, but there's some wiggle room given that I have to write everything from scratch anyways."

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"Oh - a healthy baby, of course, who looks a little like me if there's room for that?"

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"Yes yes, of course the healthiest it's genetically possible to be.  Cam, I'll need some materials from you; there isn't a way to learn anything about what they looked like and whatnot from them if they won't tell me and of course they won't tell me because they're babies - "  She lists a few documents they should have and a few tests they might have had done, and a model of machine to sequence their DNA if no such results exist.

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Cam can supply these items!

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Two of them have DNA records already but one of them Felicity has to run a sample through the machine for.  One of her bodies approaches with the canister of chamomile, requests a refill, and heads back off to distribute it.

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And Isaac runs over, accompanied by the first of the compound winters.

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"Hullo hello hallo," she greets the three of them.  "We were wondering what the legal age of sexual consent here is if there is one, specifically for Triinary solquinoxes if it's lower."

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"- is it often lower?"

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"Huh. Uh, Felicity, do you have an opinion, I'm still not used to year lengths here let alone disparate age of consent laws depending on birthdays."

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"The ages should match pretty well to what you're used to number-wise.  I believe the reasoning for the uneven standard in the countries which have it is that winters are precocious consistently enough that prosecuting would do more harm than good to both them and their partners, especially since they're, pardon me, not well known for resisting temptation."

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"Okay, uh... does sixteen in the general case fourteen for winters sound non-insane?"

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"That's pretty standard for the table I'm looking at of what other countries are doing."

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"Oh good. Let's go with that then, and maybe, like, a Romeo and Juliet exception for if you have a couple fifteen year olds dating and then one of them turns sixteen that doesn't suddenly make it wrong."

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" - I think consent laws work differently enough here that I'm not parsing that even aside from not being familiar with the name."

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"Oh. Can you just look that up, I don't expect it to be important in the next twenty minutes."

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"Of course."

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"I do, what is it.  Specifically how could that make something wrong - or perhaps just illegal - that wasn't already."  Isaac is hugging her arm with nervous anticipation.

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"Uh, where I'm from if the age of consent is sixteen that means it is prosecutable for anyone older than that to have sex with anyone younger than that, and possibly illegal but at least less so for two people who are both younger than that to have sex with each other, which sometimes historically created awkward situations where teenage sweethearts had a birthday and then briefly became extra illegal before another birthday came around."

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"Oh, not applicable then."  She translates a bottom line to Issac and picks him up around the waist to twirl him around.

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He giggles and the two of them run off towards the pack of other starchen.

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"...have fun," says Cam, not particularly pitching his voice to actually reach them.

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"I have a workable DNA sequence here; should three of me head out in a shuttle with baby basement dwellers?"

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"Sounds like a plan. How old should they be, what are they going to look like -"

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"They were born across last Druoary, so sevenish local months or I think about ten of yours?  I should have successfully given them approximately your eyes," she says to Mrindeh, "and otherwise they're a mix of the three of them."

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"So ten-month-olds and if I just make them off this DNA sample they'll look right?"

Mrindeh hugs herself and squees very softly and trots off so she won't be saddened by the appearance of the basement-babies if they don't successfully wake.

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"I'll take your word on whether you expect thinking of it in your time system to work out better!"  Two more Felicities run over.

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"I think so, it'll calibrate how big I'm expecting them to be and stuff..." He makes a basement baby. And then two more of it when that one looks all right.

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Felicity takes them.  "It is somehow more unsettling when they're babies, isn't it.  Could I have some carriers and supplies for once they wake up?"

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"Sure -" Pacifiers, small stuffed animals, the baby bodies are already diapered and swaddled, triple stroller?

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"Thank you.  Probably two of me would be plenty, but better not to risk it I think."

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"Agree wholeheartedly. Is it safe to chamomile babies?"

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"Iiiiii will check.  I can probably intercept one of the winters before they all become too distracted - there she is."  Felicity rocks the babies for a moment despite their inability to appreciate it.  "She says it's fine by bloodstream but not digestion, and you can just extrapolate the dosage from the whatsit she already gave you for body mass."

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Cam does the relevant calculations and doses the babesment dwellers.

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An additional Felicity strolls up during the calculations and once Cam's done the other three stroller away.

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"I hope they make it in, though I confess I'm not sure how it'll even be communicated that they should try. I guess stars don't strictly limit themselves to language."

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"I've been talking with them and I'm more hopeful than not.  Incidentally in the medium term we'll need additional staff for interfacing with stars; I've been staying within safe dosages per body and can keep that up for a bit but I probably shouldn't, in the course of getting all of everyone's details sorted, be the test subject for how well embodied star clouds handle long-term omnilol overuse."

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"And finding a test subject for that is probably less urgent than getting data entry adequately staffed - any volunteers?"

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"None yet but I've been prioritizing other things than looking."

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Cam makes a note of it in case a potential volunteer should appear in his radar before Felicity's.

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He's got some mail now, should he check it.

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He does, he has a computer notification for it that goes off now and then. Mail for Cam?

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There's a letter signed by Andrea Tralle, Representative of Verona! There's a lot of fluff about welcoming him to this universe but the gist is that she'll make herself available for discussing the appeasement fund at his convenience.  Her contact information is this phone number and this email and this address.

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He does not have phone or internet service down here - he adds this to the to-do list - but will head topside to collect Cricket soon anyway, so, yes, she can also go on his to-do list. Is it morning yet. Days are so LONG here.

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The sun is up over thataways; it's hard to tell from down here but it's prrrrobably after daybreak?  If he asks a Felicity she confirms that it is, although still pretty early for a lot of people.

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Well, it'll take some time to get topside anyway, he should get going. Are all the Felicities under the planet-top meaning to stay there?

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"Probably for the best, don't you think.  If any of the new resurrectees need objects am I clear to ask Mrindeh for those, or should I have another circle on hand just in case?"

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"You can ask her but you should probably make particularly sure that the request is very straightforward and doesn't require her to do any detail work, since she's presumably going nuts decorating a nursery. I can get you another circle in case she can't look away from their - his - li'l faces long enough to make you anything, though, this'll get you the runner-up in the Wistfuls' internal voting - he comes with coparents, if he stays long term, but probably wouldn't mind taking things off your plate till 'get him a kid' floated to the top of the queue."

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"Excellent; thank you.  I can meet you at Princess's house if you don't prefer to stop by the campground and if that's where you're headed?"

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"I'm going to get Cricket first so I can pick you up there."

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"Alrighty.  Convenient travels!"

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"Thank you!"

And up up and away.

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His travels are convenient!

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And he lands at the campground to collect Cricket and whatever number of Felicities.

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"Probably only one of me should go to a given shelter at a time, and given the translation bottleneck I assume that means one total."  She hops in.

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They can start with the one he met Ivy at, then, and presumably she'll be able to point them to others in the area.

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She intercepts them in the parking lot, in sunglasses and a hat.  "Heyo.  So I guess the first question is how licitly you want to do this?"

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". . . I called ahead," Felicity notes to Cam.

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"Oh, that makes sense. Uh, I am still moderately cash constrained but cats are not very expensive. I guess possibly you have some anti-pet-hoarder regulations."

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"We super do, yeah."

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"Is there a way to do this licitly, then?"

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"Over the course of a few months, maybe?  Or if you wanted to involve a whole lot of other people?"

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"Well, I guess we could see how urgent the cats feel about it."

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"Sure, sure.  I'm uh gonna hang out out here, it's not technically my shift."

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"Cool, I appreciate that." In Cam goes to talk to cats, assuming whoever is on shift will not obstruct this.

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He doesn't.


"You're back?  Why are you back?  You already got a cat.  Who's that?" says the vocabulary kitten.

"I'm STARVING.  I'm hungryyyyyyy I'm going to DIE of hunger," complains the one who wanted to eat Cam, over her sibling.

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"I'm back to see if any more of you would like to get out of here and how quickly would be quickly enough to suit you!" Cam replies.

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"YES right NOW how about, if you have food."

". . . What's in places that aren't here?"

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"Lots of stuff. I built a city, really far from here, and you could live there if you wanted to, for example. We could try to match you with humans to live with or not, whichever."

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The vocabulary kitten looks pensive.  "What's a city?"

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"It's a great big Twolegplace with lots of buildings!"

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"Is there FOOD there."

". . . I'm also curious about the food there," admits the kittens' mother, softly.

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"There is food there, yes, probably better than what you get here, not that amazing unless someone's making it right then like me or some other people like me, even then maybe not as good as live-caught I'm not sure."

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She nods.

"I want to go unless you'll kill me," someone new pipes up.

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"I am not going to kill you. The thing I want, here, is for all the talking cats in the world to find places where they will be happy to live; what I don't know is how quickly you all feel I should do this for you guys."

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"I think the Twolegs here are going to kill us."

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"I don't know if this shelter does that or not. It might. If it turns out that taking you sooner makes the difference there I will take you sooner."

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"I am not very happy to live here.  I'm more happy to live anywhere than nowhere, but I would prefer a not-here place."

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"Yes but does it matter to you very much how many days that takes?"

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"Not really."

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"I would like not to have any more of my kits taken away . . ."

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Cam starts attempting to take a list down of everybody's urgencies in this regard, which ones want to go together, which ones have anxieties that the shelter staff can presumably resolve.

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They pretty much all want to go but some of them aren't in a particular hurry; some of the ones who want to stay together disagree on how quickly they want out; some of them would explicitly prefer NOT to be together.  Some of them want to go but they want to be part of a Twoleg family and they want to meet the Twolegs first.  There are definitely more who would prefer to leave right away than would be reasonable for a normal person to take home at once.

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What about three normal people, or five of them?

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Mayyyybe?  Probably it's fine at least at this one shelter.

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In that case Cam is going to come out and report on the situation to Felicity and Ivy. "- and I'm sure we could patch this with more daeva, but there aren't conveniently already mailing lists for daeva who want more than anything to have a talking cat, for several reasons. So I think we can and perhaps should time-stagger things a bit, spread things out over a few adopters - Princess's folks might be good for a few."

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"'Nother talking cat, her humans know."

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"Oh good, so not like a lost future true queen of Britannia or something.  - If the future true queen of Britannia is a talking cat for some reason I don't really want to know about it as long as we're doing things licitlyish."

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"Uh, noted."

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"Does this place put cats down?"

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"- Right, I was gonna say - we don't, or like happen not to, pretty much, but half or so of the shelters around here do."

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"Do you offload surplus cats onto other shelters?"

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"Yeah, there's a network of all the local ones that pets get shuffled between depending on who has room and how long they're taking to get adopted and stuff."

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"Are you at risk of having to do this soon?"

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"So I mean if you're going to take a bunch of cats from here that looks pretty good for having other places move their cats to us instead of the other way around, right.  And I don't know how much you want to hit up other places, but if you wanted to go snag some death-row kitties I think there being less of them in total would outweigh the thing where you'd probably get more cats sent there instead of to other shelters?  But also shelters talk to each other at all and you'll probably run into some trouble if you go around hitting up other places with only as many people as you'd need to de-cat one of them."

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"Maybe Princess's humans can find more? Or I can haul up some resurrectees from Atriama."

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"Some who."

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"Oh, I can resurrect dead people with some caveats, if you want to put in a request tell Felicity so she can figure out if they're in incarnable condition."

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"I uh, stots."  She clears her throat.  "I will.  Is that good news for the cats?"

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"Cats are caveated, alas."

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"Catveated," she mutters, and clears her throat again.  "Are they at least somewhere nice, do you know . . ."

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"If you ignore the possibility of resurrection I consider the cat afterlife broadly superior to the human one."

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"Are we taking anyone with us today, then?"

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"I think the most urgent bunch that don't want to be split up, ideally - unless you can put a must be adopted together flag on some groups, Ivy, in which case we should maybe triage across all the shelters in the area."

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"There's not like an official system but sometimes we put up a little card or whatever.  I only work here vocationally though, so I would need approval about it and I've kind of already been acting suspicious lately."

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"So valid. So think we should call Princess's folks." He will do this.

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It rings a fair few times.  "Hyello."

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"Hello! Would you be willing to metaphorically launder some cats?"

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". . . Plausibly?  What's it involve."

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"Adopt some cats, on paper, and then I whisk them off to the city I built in a cavern to live as independent persons. I was able to do this with no fixed address so probably everybody in your house is good for a couple cats if you don't tell them where you live."

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"Oh, sure.  Of course."

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Ivy waves for Cam's attention.

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"I made you up an address.  Or like it's a real place that I drive by, and we can probably make up some number of real places but eventually someone might check."

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"Ah. Belay the part about not telling them where you live but possibly claim to live at a friend's house," Cam clarifies to Ian.

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"Easy enough.  When's this happening?"

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"Nnnowish? If nowish is awful I will find alternate adopters, you're just nearby."

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"No, nowish should be fine - my brother's visiting but apparently you've met?"

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"We have, if he would also like to pretend to adopt some cats he's welcome to join us!"

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"I'll pass that along; see you soon.  - Oh, or should we come separately?"

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"I don't super expect them to check your travel arrangements but you might want to just in case."

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"Sure thing.  Bye!"

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"It occurs to me," Felicity notes, "that it seems like this plan might rely on things staying mostly the same.  Were you intending to publicly announce the existence of cat people anytime soon?"

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"I have failed wholly to formulate a plan for that. I don't even know how mass media works here."

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"Entirely fair!  But I would expect operation rescue the rescues to get either a lot easier or a lot harder if we did, and both possibilities warrant some consideration."

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"True enough. I can see why easier. Why harder?"

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"It wouldn't be out of character for Rome to get possessive of them one way or another such that taking them to Atriama might be escalatory in a way that already having taken them wouldn't be.  I don't have any concrete guesses on details; it just seems like it could get messy."

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(Ivy grimaces.)

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"Gooood point. Perhaps we should parallelize more and only make announcements and demonstrations of cat personhood as necessary to convince individuals to part with cats. Can you communicate to Misto that she should tell all her Londinium pals to collect in... let's say the place where I met her, seems fine, so we can pick them up on the next trip down?"

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"I can certainly try although I really haven't learned very much cat language.  I suppose if you gave me a phrasing I could try and copy it phonetically?"

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Cam records himself saying "any cats who don't want to be in Londinium when the humans find out some cats are people can congregate in the place where I met Misto to be brought to my city in a few hours".

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Felicity sends the file off to her relevant other body while asking, "Is Ellie invited to Atriama?"

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"Sure, why not. She can study the nonmagical electrical system I've got going in there."

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"And work on designing conjuring-requiringly precise crystal arrays and getting the colder solquinoxes - that is, the falls and the winters - up to speed to be competent at same; I really do think that's going to be the most exciting avenue of technological progress for both our worlds."

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Wag wag. "Very excited to get to the point where we can start developing care packages for Limbo."

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"Ellie thinks with sufficiently complicated arrays we might be able to get portals."

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"Holy shit! That would be so cool!"

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"I know!!!"

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A familiar motorcycle pulls into the lot.  "So I realized on the way here that we never actually asked how to refuel this thing - "

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"- you know what, I don't know why I assumed you have, like, petrol, gasoline - what do you normally put in cars here, now that I think of it I'm expecting something like tea tree oil."

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"Sounds fumey.  No, we use compressed deep gas."

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"Ah. Anyway, yours actually has a nuclear battery, it'll last for decades."

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"Oh!  Convenient.  I hear I'm here to nominally adopt some cats?"

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"That is correct." He assigns adopters cats in a spreadsheet and passes out assignments.

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"Cool.  How much acting do I need to do about having chemistry with these cats, do you know."

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"Uh, probably a fair bit?  We can enforce a waiting period of up to four days or, y'know, just not let you take them at all if it doesn't seem like a good fit.  - Hi I'm Ivy and I vocate here but it's not my shift right now."

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"Nice to meet you.  I'll do my best."  Handshake.

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"Should Cam perhaps go first, and let the cats know what's going on and tell them to act friendly and whatnot?"

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"Yeah, I'll go talk to cats." He goes. He tells the cats who are most urgent about leaving that he has plans to get them pretend adopted and for this to work they have to pretend to be super into the people he sends in, they look like this and this and this, can they like, rub up on their legs and purr and let themselves be picked up by their designated people?

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Good, because otherwise they will be much harder to get out of here. It's just for a little while.

Back out he goes.

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The worker gives Cam a weird look as he leaves.

And in goes Jordan!

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Jordan is assigned to the would-be anthropophage cat and their family.

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He's in there a while.  A car driven by Nicholas pulls into the lot well before he's done.

"Good morning."

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"Good morning."

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"Morning," mumbles Ivy, and pulls her hat down to further cover her face.

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Cam assigns more cats.

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Nicholas looks his over.  "I can't say I've come up with much of anything that's both conveniently expensive and personally appealing, overnight," he notes.

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"Inconvenient. I do have a meeting with an actual representative person, though, so I will stop bothering you for all inquiries relevant to your birthday and/or transaction attempts."

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"Bittersweet.  Do let me know if any useful ideas come to mind."

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"Useful towards?"

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"Your ends and mine, especially with relevance to monetary concerns."

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"Will do!"

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Eventually Jordan emerges.  "So, he won't actually let me take more than the two kittens, and also I need a carrier to have 'forgotten' in my 'car'."

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"Do you also need the car?" Carrier.

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"I can probably pass the pink one off as mine if it comes up?"  He nods in the direction of the Accord.

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"Here's the keys if you need to sell it." He hands over the keys with the carrier and makes different ones for everyone else who is adopting a cat today.

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". . . Edge, thanks.  Can't say I was expecting that even though it's not that different from getting the bike, is it."

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"It's Felicity's but yeah, same diff."

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"Well, thanks."  He heads back inside and returns a minute or two later with encarriered kittens.

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Very unhappy encarriered kittens!!  "Why are we going without Mom, I thought she was coming too - "

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"She is, we have to do this in batches." Next!

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In goes Nicholas.

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"Well, feed us until then."

"But you said the three of us were going to be in a batch together," trembles the vocabulary kitten from where he's pressed very small against the back of the carrier.

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"The twolegs wouldn't let Jordan take all three of you at once." He appears a couple kitten treats through the bars.

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The more forward kitten scarfs them all down.

"Why not?"

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"I don't know, but hopefully Nicholas will be right out with your mama."

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Ivy spends a hot second looking like she's going to say something and not doing so before: "Uh - can you ask, or - does he like me?  Like would he prefer being held, to.  The carrier."

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"Do you want that twoleg to hold you instead of having to be in this box?"

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"He says yes." Box: open.

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The vocabulary kitten pads out onto Ivy's lap and settles warily back onto his haunches, but not before his sibling steps over her legs and starts sniffing at the fallen leaves covering the low stone wall.

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Ivy wraps her jacket around the vocabulary kitten so that his head still pokes out and scritches down the back of the adventurous one.

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And Nicholas returns after much less time than Jordan took.  "My behavior has been deemed suspicious and I will not be capable of serving as the legal adopter of any cats today."

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"Well shit. - were they like, watching us in the parking lot, or did they just not like your face."

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"I expect the timing was suspicious, and that my birthdate was more of a consideration than my face.  I don't know how visible this spot is from the employee-only areas."

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Ivy gives a so-so handwobble while keeping her head very firmly down towards the enjacketed kitten.  "Could probably see us if they thought to look."

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"Well heck. These ones want their mom. Ivy, next time you're on shift how many cats can you hand out own-recognizance, what will happen if somebody doesn't like you doing that...?"

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"There's not a strict limit, but anything more than like two adoptions of two cats would be kind of suspicious?  And that's under normal circumstances, most days we don't get any and every few days we usually get one, unless there's some kind of promotional event or whatever.  I'd probably just get sacked and maybe investigated if the guards around here felt like it and anyone complained loudly enough?  They might tell other places around here to watch out I guess."

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"How do you feel about getting sacked and then moving to my city about it, I don't know how many roots you have here or if you like your job-job or whatever you call the one you get paid for."

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"I mean, I asked how licitly you wanted to do this."

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"Yeah, turns out possibly not very but you will notice I'm not at this moment bursting through the wall of the shelter to perform a heist. When is your shift?"

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"I definitely did notice that.  Tomorrow afternoon, but there'll be someone else in with me till onect six.  You want to wait till then and not just have me come in after closing tonight?  I have a - it probably doesn't matter that I have a key, does it."

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"Are there not humans in the place at all after hours?"

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"I mean, at all yeah, but once they're done wrapping up and have gone home it should be fine?"

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"Okay. When will it be un, uh, unmanned?"

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"Probably by like . . . twoct-seven, to be safe?"

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...how many hours is that, Cam's Computer.

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Almost 21 (decimal).

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"...okay. That's a long time to leave these kittens without their mama. Any chance the staff would be sympathetic if we just... explained? Do you know these folks?"

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"Yeah uh, sorry for not realizing this might happen sooner.  I recognize Ben's car and he's kind of a jerk but I don't know who's on for this evening.  I could maybe call in, say something came up later in the week, see if I can swap shifts to tonight?"

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"Incidentally," Jordan clears his throat.  "I'm assuming nothing about this plan relies on me specifically and I should leave to avoid cursing anything, as opposed to me specifically being in some way important such that I should stay to avoid cursing anything?"

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"I think you are clear to leave and possibly the lot of us should relocate somewhere so nobody can see that you have abandoned your new kittens."

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"I'd invite you to my house but given the circumstances: I won't."

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"Quite." Is there like a place around the corner they can park and plan.

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There is!

Jordan holds out the Accord's keys to Felicity.  "Hope incarnation's suiting you well, and I also hope in-car - no, that doesn't really work, does it.  Hope you still want your car, because I don't actually."

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"It suits me very well indeed, thank you for asking and facilitating; and yes."  She accepts the keys.

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"Good, good.  Feel free to come over to meet Princess or whatever, just not - well, you know.  I'll make sure to be out for the rest of the day, why don't I."

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"If you had things to do anyway."

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"Yeah.  Yeah."  He helmets up.

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"I am again very sorry about your curse, remind me later to introduce you to video games about it."

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"Sure."  Off he goes.

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"Uh," says Ivy.

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"S'that guy a summer solstice?"

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"Yup. One of Princess's humans."

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"And he's been involved with like, this, and resurrecting people?"

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"He's managing his horrific curse very responsibly and does not have creative input."

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"If you say so.  You seem like you're doing a lot of," her eyes flicker over to Nicholas.  "Uh."

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"Yes, Ms. Gilbert?"

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"Never mind."

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"A Princess-human's brother," Cam says, gesturing at Nicholas. "I have sought out some winters on purpose for miscellaneous science consultation but am not otherwise deliberately filtering my circle of acquaintances by birthday at all, it's not a thing where I'm from."

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"What is happeniiiiiiing?"

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"Sorry, we're having some complications about getting your mom. Before tomorrow for sure, hopefully sometime today."

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"What are the complications?"

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"The Twolegs who decide who gets to leave with cats got suspicious and don't know why this many people would want cats. If we don't have an idea that lets us get your mom before nightfall we'll wait for the Twolegs to leave and then go get her without asking them, but it'd be a problem if we tried to get her without asking while they're still there."

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"What is nightfall?  - Never mind."

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"When it gets dark. I'm sorry."

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"I learned2 that but why is it called that.  I don't like the noises and smells out here and how far away some things are."

"I'm still HUNGRY.  I haven't eaten for SO LONG except what you gave me and it wasn't enough."

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"I'm sorry about the noises and smells, there's not a lot I can do about that unless you'd rather be somewhere else farther away from where we'll get your mama." Chicken liver.

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"Does she know what's happening?"


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"No, we don't have a good way to tell her what's up... Ivy," he says, switching languages, "if I went in with Cricket ostensibly on the hypothesis that he might be lonely do you think that would work?"

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"Absolutely no one would believe you."

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"He's really not the ideal candidate, is he. If... another of Princess's people brought her?"

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"Could maybe work.  Depends on how good they were at acting like normal people who might adopt a cat for normal reasons."

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"Ian's probably fine at that? I'll send a message." He does this.

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The less HUNGRY kitten steps gingerly off Ivy's lap to start in on the chicken liver.

I invite you all over to my place if a time buffer and being farther away would be less suspicious or more convenient.

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"We can all go hang out at Ian's place," Cam relays. "To defray suspicion."

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Nicholas nods and ducks into his car; Felicity positions the carrier so the kittens can crawl in.

"Is that for going somewhere farther away but with less smells and noises?"

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"I don't actually know about the smell ratio but it's quieter there, yes. You can tell the cat who lives where we're going how to find your mom, and then she and her twolegs can go try to get her."

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"Okhefff," assents the bolder kitten, dragging as much meat as she can into the carrier.

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Cats don't eat themselves to death like dogs do, right? Right.

Off they can all drive.

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"Hi!!  Hi Cam and Cricket and Nicholas and this new housefolk and that new housefolk and kittens!!!  Hi kittens!"

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"Princess, the kittens' mom is still in the shelter, so the plan is we wait a bit so the staffers get less suspicious and then you and Ian go in and make like you've been lonely and want more cat friends and you click really well with their mom."

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"Okay," she meows seriously.  "Would you two like to learn how to read?"

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" - I already know how," declares the vocal (but not the vocabulary) one.

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"You didn't last time I checked!" Cam says. "Have you learned since then?"

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"Yes I DID.  I did already."

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"Then you'll be able to use Princess's computer, if she lets you!"

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"Yes!  Come inside and out of that and see it!"

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In they go. The kittens are released.

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One of them has to get out a small round of zoomies when let out and the other is a little wary but pretty quickly they're both attentive to Princess's lecture on the glowy rectangle.

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"So which one of you is Felicity?  - 'Scuse me, does anyone want a drink or anything."

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"I am!  I'll take one of whatever's convenient; I haven't discovered much about my composite taste preferences yet."

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"I'm good, thanks.  . . . Composite?"

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"Yes, I'm a star cloud.  Or was; who knows whether people will or won't end up calling incarnated ones that still."

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"Not all star clouds are rezzable but she was."

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"Huh.  So you're like, not anyone?  Or anyone else, I mean - or are you all the same - "

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"Actually I'm apparently an October seasonchange despite having more yous and summer solstices in my composition.  About a third of each."

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"That's . . . strange . . ."

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"From what I know it seems like most star clouds aren't anyone else and would continue to not be anyone else if resurrected, and it's just that for some cosmic reason still unknown to me summerfalls are already a mix of equal parts of those."

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"Huh," Ivy repeats.

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Jackie appears in the doorway to the kitchen.  "I had some - " her voice breaks; she clears her throat.  "I had some hot spiced cider earlier; the pot probably hasn't cooled down yet."

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"That sounds lovely, thank you."

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"Helloooo," re-greets Princess, leaving the kittens distracted by the computer.  "I've been working so hard on the machine translation.  Are any other cats as literate as me yet so they can help?"

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"Not that I know of! Let me pull an update off what you've got and see how it's going." Yoink. How is it going.

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Slowly, without an existing corpus to work from.  It's clearly had several hours put into it, but between pawful typing speed and the audio side of things not being optimized for meowing, the results are pretty paltry.

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"I'm going to try replacing your microphone, but the fact is that this is just a lot of work for one kitty and your progress probably won't let anybody else have machine translated conversations with cats very soon." He fiddles with her microphone.

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"That's what I thought."  She rubs up against him.  "You should give more kitties this job if you can."

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"Hmmm... what I might be able to do is set something up that will show pictures and then other cats can name what's in the pictures, for vocabulary. You'd still be doing the grammar, but it'd help some." He starts poking around at code to accomplish this.

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"I want to help."

"Meeeeeeee too."

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"Sure, why not." It's not a complicated setup. He plunks down lil' screens with microphones and they can start showing objects to be named. "If you don't have a word for an object, like if it's a very unfamiliar object, paw that button." Point.

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"What if I learn2 a word after I already pawed it?"

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"Then the computer will have inaccurate beliefs about your vocabulary, but that's okay."

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". . . Why is it okay?"  It kind of sounds like he doubts that would be okay.

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"Because it can always learn those words later."

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He swishes his tail unhappily.  "BLANKET," declares his sister, already having skipped at least a dozen prompts.

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Is it in fact a blanket?

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Oh good.

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She continues bapping through the images while her brother spends a full minute staring at a picture of a spoon.  The humans are chatting over cider (Ivy's acquired a mug of it as well) about cosmology and resurrection.

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"And apparently it means 'cloud'; I quite like it - Cam, does it sound ridiculous to call a living star cloud a nebula?  We don't have the word here."

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"Oh! I quite like it, that's a good name."

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"Marvelous.  I'll add it to the pamphlet in hopes it catches on."

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"There's a pamplet?"

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"One can get so much copywriting and visual design done when they're twenty-eight people!  Especially with newfangled computers; they're also very helpful."

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". . . I probably shouldn't read it.  Today, at least."

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"I am so so fucking sorry about your horrible curse, do you want cheesecake about it."

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"Sure.  Thank you."

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Plate of cheesecake.

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"Thanks."  She kind of stares at Felicity while she eats it.

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"So, uh, about the wait time for Gabbie and Tenor's - "

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"Stop."  She swallows.  "I - Nicholas, can we go to your place - "

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"Certainly."  He rises to fetch his jacket.

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Poor cursed Jackie.

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She hugs Ian and scoops up Princess for a forehead kiss on her way out.

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"So did the kittens arrive at the shelter already called that, or . . ."

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"Do you have any idea how many names we have to come up with."

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"Are those names funny in some way - hey kittens do you have names -"

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"Just that she's, y'know, gabby."

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"And they don't really match or interestingly not match.  But mostly I was just trying to lighten the mood, to be honest."

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"They claim not to have names. Or, well, the one I assume is called Gabby claims this."

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"If they wanna pick something else I'll obviously roll with that."

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"The twolegs have been calling you Gabby and him Tenor."

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"What do those mean?"

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"It means you talk a lot and he, uh... has a medium-low vocal pitch, I guess?"

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"Yes I do that.  I can be so loud.  Do you want to hear it?"

"No.  My voice will be different when I gr - "

"I wasn't ASKING YOU."

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"Oh, I believe you, I don't think further demonstration will be necessary," Cam tells Gabby. "Do you want a different name?" he asks Tenor.

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"Do you have any ideas for what would make for a good name?"

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". . . It should mean something interesting and nice, and sound nice too.  In both catspeak and Englatin."

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"What things do you think are nice?"

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"I don't know.  Maybe I should keep looking at the pictures until I know a lot more words."

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"Well, let me know when you're ready to brainstorm." Back to Englatin. "You were saying, Ivy?"

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"Uhhhhhh, about . . . ?  - Oh, that it might be smart to just wait till the shifts are switched, especially since the kittens seem to be doing okay here, but depending on how well Ian can act like a normal person trying to adopt a cat that might not be necessary."

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"I could do a practice run here with you and we could see what you think of it."

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"Oh, sure, good idea."

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Probably they don't need props. Cam refines the cat vocabulary program.

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Perhaps to include a back button?  Or, even better, a way to see a lot of options at once, so the wait times on Tenor learning2 words can overlap with each other?

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Hm, yeah, sure, it can display six things at once and the kittens can paw what they're identifying.

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This allows Tenor to proceed much faster.

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Ian's initial strategy (mosey around letting Princess interact with several cats, play it casual, don't rush things, demonstrate cat husbandry knowledge, mention Princess had kittens a bit ago and seems to be missing them) passes Ivy's muster, though she has few tips (pick a different name to pretend is Princess's given her coworker's political disposition, come up with a convincing time-sensitive reason to want her today that doesn't sound irresponsible).

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Felicity leans over to Cam.  "Do you think we should stick around here, hit up other local shelters, or something else?  I'd be happy to go to some on my own - or on my owns - but I would want to have someone who understands cat along so I think we're still bottlenecked on you and Princess."

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"Hm, if that's a bottleneck plausibly I should be helping with the machine translation project too." He can do that.

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It's decided that Ian and "Livy" will go in with a story about how she's going to get spayed next week and Ian would prefer more time for pre-surgery bonding rather than less.

New carrier?

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New totally different looking carrier.

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Off they go.

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"So is there, uh, a way to learn how to talk to cats?  . . . And have them understand it?"

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"I think it shouldn't be impossible for you to learn a few words but I did not have to learn the hard way myself. What do you want to learn to say?"

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"Stots, I don't know.  Maybe 'How can I help you?' and some responses they might have to that - 'I'm hungry', 'I'm cold', 'My whatever hurts', that sort of thing?"

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In that case he will teach her these phrases in catspeak.

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Her pronunciation is honestly pretty good.

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Felicity runs Cam through a few updates - no luck on the baby nebula yet but they're still trying; Ethan and one of her are watching the The Favorite series and he's doing about as okay as can be expected; a few resurrectees have emerged with various requests (nothing she's felt like completing her circle over) and some of them have picked out apartments.  She's finished another two pamphlet translations.

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"Mrindeh holding up okay waiting for her nebula?"

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"I think so.  I've been looking into backup options just in case."

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"Thank you. I am so fortunate you volunteered your way into my haphazard worldfixing thing."

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"It's quite sincerely my felicitous pleasure!  This is both much more enjoyable and much more worthwhile than parasite prevention."

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"Do things try very hard to evolve into parasites all the time?"

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"Not all the time, but between the necessary level of surveillance and the speed of the magic there's certainly enough to do."

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"Am I going to cause problems if I increase the ratio of live people to dead ones too much?"

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"Almost certainly, but also almost certainly not ones serious enough to be net negative, in my estimation.  Living people can develop anti-parasite treatments too."

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"And that's if they can't import any from my world due to having fragile lungs."

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"I personally wouldn't want to risk it but I'm sure we can find some willing winters, if no one else."

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"And they can come right back if it goes horribly wrong."

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"With wings and ribbons on."

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He giggles. He pets Cricket and adds more cat grammar. Pity catspeak doesn't have a written form or this would go faster. Cricket eventually wants his own setup to participate, but across the room from the other cats.

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"We're back!"

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"Don't worry, they're right in here!  See?"

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Catfamily reunion!  Gabbie gets her mom up to date on how interesting the outside was and how great she is at words while Tenor snuggles up and only occasionally interrupts to tap pictures and state nouns.

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"Oh wonderful, thank you, Ian."

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"Happy to help!"

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"Awesome!  Very relieving.  . . . Is there a plan yet for all the rest of the shelter cats?"

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"Not really. Maybe I should phone Jesus and ask if he has anybody who wants to smuggle cats."

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"I think an important question is 'how many sapient cats are there'.  Because if it's a substantial portion of more than one shelter, then we might run into trouble or at least suspicion no matter how many people we involve.  But if they're mostly at the one Ivy works at, and then there are one or two cat people at each of a few surrounding shelters - and we assume about the same distribution in Londinium - then that's probably doable with at most two illicit extractions and a few volunteers."

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"I... don't know. I can try to find out by taking a nap."

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"Do you mean a trip?"

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"Nope! A nap! Ian, where's a good place I can go lie down and have a nap."

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" - Uh, mine and Jor's room?  It's, uh, that one."

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"Cool. No worries about waking me up if you need me for anything." He nopes his current quantity of caffeine and goes to pass out on the bed in question. Cricket sits on him while he does this.

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The place he wakes up in is nowhere near as coherent as the previous dream forest.  There's still the stars and colorful clouds in the distance, but they're much more obvious, being unobscured by trees.  He's in an open backyard, with a fence that travels down one side and across half of another before stopping uselessly.  The climate is discordant, with a few inches of snow tucked in the fence corner, a warm summer breeze blowing, distant rolls of thunder, and amber evening lighting.  He's on a couch, which is positioned against the facade of a house with more clouds and stars visible through its windows.  A few songbirds splash and sing from a combination bath and feeder that doesn't look like it would be designed by humans except maybe as high-concept art.

And there are nine unfamiliar dead cats, half of them lying on him or pressed up against his side or tucked at the crook of his knee, the other half perched on the back and arms of the couch.

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"Hi there. Do you guys want scritches?"

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"Do me do me do meeee!"

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"Yes but I can wait."

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And they generally headbump and rub on him.  One of the back-of-couchers hops down directly on his stomach and starts making biscuits.

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Scritches for all the kitties. "It's nice to meet you all, I'm Cam."

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"Yes, we knew that!"

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"Rude.  I'm Charlie, or Char-char, or Leeby-deebity, or Leebicus, or Charlicus, or Kitty, or Kitty Baby, or Stinky Baby, or Sweet Baby Idiot, or -"

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"I'm Luna, or Lulu, or -"

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"Can we please limit everyone to one name.  I'm Haydrox."

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"I wasn't being rude, I just meant that we were all waiting for you and heard things about you.  Leo."

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Pet pet. "Are we time-dilated?"

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"Oh good." Then he will have lots of subjective time to pet all the kitties during his catnap.

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One of them, who introduces herself as Senator Gracie, starts crying humanlike tears a ways in.  "It's been so long," she sniffs in explanation.

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Petpet. "How long?"

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"I don't know.  Longer than I was alive."

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"You died a few years after I did, and I've been dead much longer than I was alive, maybe twice as long, and I died old . . ."  He's tearing up as well.

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"Were you all talkers your whole lives?"

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There are six 'yes'es and three 'no's.

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"See, I'm trying to figure out about how many talking cats there are right now. Some of them are in shelters and will probably want to leave and it's complicated to get them out, but how complicated changes with the number." Pet pet.

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"I've met every dead cat but big numbers only happened two days ago so I haven't counted them."

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"Wow, every single one? What a social lunamoth you are." Scritch.

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"Well, a lot of the Clan cats didn't like me but they hang out in groups so you can meet lots of them at once.  And I didn't want to miss out on anyone who would be a good friend just because I hadn't met them, and then when cats die of course they usually need a whole new friend group and that's scary so I help them out if they need it."

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"That makes sense." Petpetpetpet. "Can you give me an estimate now that you have big numbers?"

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"Hmmmmmmmmm."  (Prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.)  "Hundreds?"

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"Welp, depending on what fraction of them are in shelters right now that's going to be a whole undertaking. Do you have a loose idea of what fraction of them have been in shelters at any point in their lives?"

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(Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.)  "No."

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"I know a cat who isn't in a shelter but needs rescuing."

Permalink Mark Unread

"- a live one? Who, where?"

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"His Twolegs call him Perĉjo and even though he doesn't like it he doesn't have anything else to be called.  I had some other Twolegs first but then they took me to this other family and I don't know why.  I got outside a few times and I always came back eventually because I didn't want to die from starving or cold or dogs, except a few seasons ago a car hit me.  And now it's better because I don't get picked up when I don't want or put in strange places or dragged out of safe ones so maybe I should have done that sooner."  It's clearly a well-rehearsed speech.  ". . . Except now you're here so maybe you would have rescued us anyways.  I don't know if you would have known to."

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"I mean, I'd try, but I don't think there is already a good way to get ahold of every cat in every home to check them for being able to talk and it'd take some doing. Do you know where, like, was it London or Chelford? Were you two acquainted with other cats who'd know how to find the place, if I ask around? Do you know the Twolegs' names?"

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"I don't know; I knew other cats around my first Twolegs but the new ones didn't let us outside.  One of them might've been called Dad.  But the words leader baby said you had ways to find things out by making things?  Why don't you do that?  Or - what do you need to do that."

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"I don't think 'Domino's erstwhile twolegs' will be a conjurable parameter. I could probably find where you got hit by the car, if you can tell me how far away that was, and then you can describe the house for me."

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". . . I think I can make the house in the dream, would that help?"

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"Yes, it will, especially if you can do it in a lot of detail from the outside."

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"Okay pet me more while she does that."

Domino hops off the couch and onto a fencepost, where she focuses her attention on the space behind the facade.

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"Can you talk to dead Twolegs too?"

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"Yes, though they do a thing where a lot of them blend themselves with other dead Twolegs so a couple dozen of them or whatever will be a new larger person with the memories of all of them."

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"It's really weird, I think the cat afterlife is mostly better apart from the thing where I can't bring you back. So I can talk to dead people but the humans may be merged with other dead humans."

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"We're very close to being able to bring back a very small number of cats.  Somewhat."

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"They'll have to start over as a kitten and depending on some details in the final steps we might only be able to do it to living cats."

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"Awkward. Well, if you asked because you want me to pass a message to a dead human I can do that."

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"I love my housefolk but they were very confusing.  I thought they might have things to say to me, if they could."

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"Okay. I can try to find them just on the basis that they were yours but it'd probably help if you knew when they died and stuff."

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"Barry died five years ago and I don't know if Fiona has.  If she did it was in the past two years."

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"I will try to find him and ask him about her, then." Pet pet such soft cats.

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"I want you to please tell my housefolk Anna that we're working on trying to get it so dead cats and humans can interact with each other.  Or maybe also the rest of my housefolk but I think they're all still alive."

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Cam starts writing things down; he can't take the writing back with him but it will give him something to study while he is petting cat.

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"Do you think we might be missing any important magic-work for making cat lives better?"

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"Hmm. I don't know what's easy for you and what isn't. A Londinium cat I met seemed to have some kind of digestive trouble but I don't know what it was exactly."

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"Health is where most effort is going already."

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"But not so much at individual cats, really . . ."

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"Yeah, I don't think I've met a representative enough sample to be confident of the best places for you to push."

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And eventually Domino meows, "I think this is about as good as I can get it."

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Cam studies the house and writes down human-salient features.

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The most interesting thing about Domino's house is definitely that when Cam looks through the windows of the facade which the couch is up against, there are still only the usual stars and clouds visible through it, but when he gets up and walks around the side there's an entire other house right there.  The most interesting thing not about Domino's house is that the facade also completely disappears from the other side, should Cam turn around to look back at it.


The house itself seems comparatively normal after adjusting for dream weirdness.  Beige vinyl siding, natural-finished porch with a bench swing, garden with a mix of vegetables and decorative flowers at springtime growth states.  The leaves and petals blend into each other impressionistically in places.  On the door in brass are a few squiggles resembling an old-fashioned CAPTCHA, probably corresponding to an address number but not usefully decipherable.  And the scale is off; he'd have to duck to make it through the front doorway.

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"This part in particular would be good to have clearer if there's any way to do that," Cam says, gesturing at the number.

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"I didn't understand what writing was for until very recently," she frets.  "I think I could watch the real world and pay better attention but not from inside this dream."

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"Well, I'll do what I can with this. Pity they haven't invented Street View."

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"What's that?"

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"Car going around taking pictures of all the things visible from the street so you can see what places look like without going there."

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"When will you sleep again?"

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"I don't know, I don't really have a schedule and things keep coming up. Is there a time that would work best on your end?"

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"There's not a best time for us, but knowing roughly when you'll be asleep is a lot easier than not having any notice.  We - or mostly I - had to rush to get everything together for you this time."

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"Ah. Sorry. I can try to take another nap circa... sunset? Topside sunset."

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"It's okay but you did do some regular sleeping for a while before this started."

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"That will be enough time for me."

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"Then I will see you then unless I am swamped."

Cam finishes taking notes on the house and sits back down to pet cats and study the notes and put mnemonics to them.

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The cats are so happy to be pet.

"Are you going to sleep often enough to pet everyone who wants it sometimes?  Or is this it," she bonks her forehead on Cam's shin, "for some of us."

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"- heck. Uh, I can try to have a nap at least once a day around topside sunset, would that work for everybody? - will you be able to grab other catspeakers if more humans learn the language?"

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"I think it would have to wait until the living Clan cats decide if they want humans learning about them or the StarClanners would block it, but there's no magic reason it couldn't happen."

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"Any idea which way the wind is blowing among the StarClan folks?"

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"I think the main thing they agree on is that they don't want the forest to be destroyed, or any things that would ruin Clan life like that."

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"Yeah, I'm hoping to buy it and keep it as a sort of, uh, cat preserve."

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"Don't call it that in front of any Clan cats.  If you want to be smart."

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"Yeah, I kind of realized that as I was saying it."

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"What kind of cats will you want to dream with next time?"

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"What expertises," Domino clarifies.

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"Well, my current project is getting anybody who is not happy with their current living situation moved to Atriama, I'd love some help brainstorming what a good cat accommodation system there will look like."

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"You should have at least some rooms that are too small for Twolegs to go in.  And places outside but without cars and foxes and things that kill cats."

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"There should be ways for cats to get their own food but not have to hunt."

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"But also hunting, just not having to."

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"And doors we can open and close."

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Cam writes these things down. "Atriama's not very outside, it's a cave, but hopefully it will be outside enough. Is being able to get food in a store like a human can good enough for the not-hunting option?"

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"What are stores like."

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"They are buildings, so if that's going to sink it..."

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". . . Maybe if some Clan cats want to move there it would?  I don't think normal cats would mind."

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"Okay. So there'd be food in various displays and people can take some of it, maybe in a basket with wheels or something, and a way to pay for it - that part may be important if it's got to be fresh unpackaged food, if it's okay for it to be dry or canned or frozen then I can make it less frequently in larger batches and don't need to establish a supporting economy."

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"I don't think cats can open cans on their own.  I've tried a lot."

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"I can give them all electric can openers."

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"I think that Clan cats are also the only ones who would really care about it being fresh and unpackaged."

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"I get that sense. Will it matter a lot what prey is handy? I'll have to import it, I am not a mama bird and can't get a nestful of eggs to maturity without way more time investment than I care to put in. And humans like wild birds and are not wild about wild rodents."

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"Oh, I hadn't thought about there not already being any.  Are any rodents likely to sneak in anyways?"

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"I guess they might if I'm not super hardcore about making sure they don't, but we'll mostly be importing people, not stuff, so it'll be hard for rats to sneak into shipping crates or whatever."

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"Hmmmmm.  Well, birds are fine too."

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"Yeah, I just want to know in advance if I should expect cats to be complaining about not having shrews or whatever they're into."

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"I liked catching mice for my Twolegs and I don't really know what other parts of the experience might be important to other cats."

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"Hopefully everybody can compromise on birds. Is it very important to torment the prey before it dies, nonperson cats do a lot of that and it's pretty grisly but I don't know if it's important to the experience."

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"Oh no, I always broke their necks right away."

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"It was for me!  I know Clan cats hunt for food but what's the point at all if you don't need food and aren't using them as toys?"

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"Oh dear. I am going to maybe have a slightly worse time integrating the populations if the cats want to not only kill but also torture the songbirds."

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". . . Should I stop hunting here too?"

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"I'm assuming all the prey here is just constructs without internal experiences, sort of like how not-me twolegs are?"

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"Probably but I don't know how I would be sure."

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"Well, at any rate I'm only partly concerned for the birds and the rest of my concern is about how humans who are fond of birds will react to their neighbors torturing birds, and that part at least is definitely not at issue here."

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"I mostly used to hunt when I didn't have any good toys and my Twolegs weren't playing enough with me.  So if you can make good enough toys maybe just do that, and I'll try and do that here too.  Since one day maybe I can hang out with more Twolegs again and I don't want them to not like me."

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"Thank you." Scritch scritch. "Though I can just hear Fireheart telling me that Clan cats don't play with toys. Maybe I'm wrong."

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"Why would any Clan cats want to move?  Especially if you're preserving their forest?"

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"I guess maybe none of them will. I imagined they might do tourism, or there might be older cats who want to retire from Clan life but still have some sort of dignity objection."

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"I don't know about either of those things.  They're very . . . themselves."

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"They are certainly a way." Shrug. Cat-petting.

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It takes a good long while for everyone to get sufficiently petted, but eventually: "You'll definitely try to sleep every sunset?"

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"Yeah. I'll set a recurring alarm on my computer. I might forget, but I will try."

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"As long as it's not goodbye forever.  I love you!"

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"I love you!"

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"It was nice meeting you."

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"Yes. See you soon."

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"Love you."

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"Goodbye for now."

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"Thank you."

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"See you!"

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"Love you bye!"

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"It was lovely meeting you all and you are all so soft. See you later."

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The wakeup is rather more gradual this time, and the clock on the nightstand reads 05:73, which is less than an hour after he'd lain down but not very much less.

He has a few unread text messages, the first one from the middle of his nap and the second two more recent.

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Found something I can fairly give you a useful sum for.


A resurrection, or an absolution.

If the subject isn't interested in the former.

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Up he gets, setting his sunset alarm and writing down all the notes he studied in the dream as fast as possible. Then he'll read his messages.

I might need more of the story than that to do either but I have proof of concept for at least one of those things
Cam replies.

And how are the living cats?
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"FLOOR," Cam hears from the other room in the same tone as a previous 'BLANKET'.

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But his phone rings only a few seconds after his text goes through.

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- okay?


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"I seem to recall you saying mercy killing was fine when it's the best option, but I'm willing to pay a substantial restitution to secure your patience and understanding if it turns out not to have been."  There's some sort of staticky noise in the background.  "And hello."

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"Gosh. Okay. Uh, I can have my assistant go talk to whoever this is and get them on the rez list if they want to be but I need to know, like, who it is."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"- ah. Just now?"

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"Perhaps half an hour ago.  I've held off on alerting the authorities or her family members."  Cam can hear a faucet turning and the static stops; there's rustling consistent with Nicholas drying his hands.  "She left a note reading 'back soon', though if she intends to return I lack clarity on what the point of breaking into my chemical cabinets was."

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"Oh, she did this herself?"

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"I finished it.  Most possible combinations of lethal chemicals don't lead to a painless end."

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"I super do not blame you for that part, wow. - uh.

- okay. It's possible she has. Deliberately already merged with somebody."

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"Thank you for your unpurchased understanding.  Shall I continue holding off on informing anyone else or does an obvious course of action already exist, from your perspective."

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"Well, somebody should talk to her. I'll message Felicity, some of her might already be high."

Hey Felicity! Jackie killed herself! Might be trying to turn into a you! Can you raise her/her+?

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There's a quiet two-knocks on the door to Ian and Jordan's bedroom.

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Nicholas nods inaudibly into the receiver and then says, "Understood."

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"Catch up with you in a few." He hangs up. He lets Felicity in.

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She closes the door behind her.  "Oh dear."

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"Yeah. I don't know that's what she had in mind but it seems suspicious."

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"It really does.  She wants to talk to you; she's not telling me much of anything.  Still a singlet, though."

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"Okay. Do you have any omnilol on you?"

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"No.  I know there's some in the house but now probably isn't the best time to try out upping your dose."

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"Ugh. I will nip out to the camper then, I suppose."

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"See you there.  How should I interact with Ian and Princess . . . ?"

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"Nicholas hasn't told them yet and I tentatively agree with this course of action given the givens."

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"Alright.  Let me see - "

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"- whether I expect myself to be a competent enough actress!  Yes, I think I can work with this well enough to not require riding to the camper with you."

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"Oh good. Oh, also, remind me later, some dead cats want some folks checked on, but order of ops."

Off he motors.

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Here's a Felicity with a gummy ready in an outstretched palm.

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Nomf. Collapse into chair.

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Hi. Did I guess right about what you were after?

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Permalink Mark Unread

Haven't found a partner this quick?

Permalink Mark Unread

You know surprisingly I actually have.  He doesn't want to talk to you yet, though.  But you only get to be aware of the crushing truth that you were born to - no, not born, created - purely to suffer - and that this entire universe is a joke - and -


. . . once.  So I'm waiting a bit.  I wanted this onscreened.

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Oh, right, you're a Nudge now. You don't seem to like it much.

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It's almost worse than being alive.  But it's more - distant, without a body and hormones and whatnot, so it squeaks into second place.

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I think you fucked up Nicholas a lil bit. Nobody else knows yet. They will probably also be a lil fucked up.

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Not as bad as I was.  . . . Or as they would have been, probably.  I've been going to do this for over a year, apparently, so I don't know what could have happened if I'd stuck around.

Permalink Mark Unread

Over a year? I wasn't around to resurrect anybody a year ago!

Permalink Mark Unread

Sure you were.  Happy incremented birthdays, belatedly.  Nothing very special happened visibly on them but that is when I offed myself, isn't that fun.  What a great present for everyone involved.

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Somehow this sort of thing is more charming when Nudge does it, though I guess that might just be because he didn't off himself half an hour ago.

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It's really throwing a wrench in my groove to be honest.  Ready for me to give you hints about last year's present until I get forcibly merged and amnesia'd about this?  There is no other way this conversation can end, I don't think.  Well, I could try and tell you other things you can't know, but fundamentally.

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I mean I picked the partner and it's not as if I especially want to stay like this very long, but, yeah?

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If you don't want to merge with them I can rez you before they can - throw themselves at you or whatever?

Permalink Mark Unread

Absolutely not.  It's - I'm not going to be happy but I'm going to be a person not fundamentally incapable of ever being happy -

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I'm not excited about explaining to your family but I can do it if you don't want to.

Permalink Mark Unread

Thanks.  And - they've been expecting this, you know.  For actual years, not alternate timestream ones.  So the only surprising part is that I get to come back, even halfway.  And you'll get to meet my sister, and - maybe my other sister?  . . . I can't remember how many sisters I have right now.  But they or she or whatever is or are pretty cool, despite what I probably would have said an hour ago.  I didn't actually move out of Londinium because I hated them.  You can - I'll tell them that.  Later.  When I'm back down.

Permalink Mark Unread

Do you have DNA designed for you and whoever else you're going to be?

Permalink Mark Unread

There's DNA designed for us.

Permalink Mark Unread

For you? By whom? I was assuming you'd do it with Nudge powers or something.

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm not actually psychic about how DNA sequences work but one of the other me clouds learned the long way and did it ahead of time for us.

Permalink Mark Unread

Ah, that was nice of them. Will they tell Felicity?

Permalink Mark Unread

Sure.  Maybe they already have.  I didn't actually talk to them and I don't know anything about them specifically.

Do you want advice on how I think you should handle my death?

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah, shoot.

Permalink Mark Unread

Tell Felicity to drop the act and let her handle it for my family; have Nicholas alert the authorities - probably do that first, you told him it'd only be a few minutes and I realize it's kind of hypocritical of me to care about other people stressing him out but there's no reason to pile on, you know? - and just have me stay legally dead until you go fully public with resurrections.  Have my biological family travel in for the funeral and break the news to them where you can conveniently provide physical proof.

Or don't but that's what I'd guess would work best.

Permalink Mark Unread

Is this a prophetic guess or just a regular guess?

Permalink Mark Unread

I don't . . . know . . .

Permalink Mark Unread

Ah. I will take it as strongly recommended but probably not infallible or anything.

Further words of wisdom?

Permalink Mark Unread

I'd ask you to pass on apologies but despite how - deeply, inexpressibly upset I am right now, I think this is about the best way things could have turned out involving me.  And that's not my fault, and I hate it.  I have other apologies for things that are totally my fault but I can probably make them myself.  The cheesecake was pretty good; thanks for that.  I guess I'm kind of sorry for inconveniencing you but again in the long term this is probably the least inconvenient I can be.  I feel really bad for my imminent other half even though I think we're both going to bring our fair share of issues to the fusion.  He doesn't want to talk to you because he doesn't have a face.  I mean he has an actual reason too, and I didn't push it because I'm trying not to be awful even though this is miserable and being awful isn't a curse risk anymore, but it's totally just because he doesn't have a face and I resent that.  It would be helpful if you explained the concept of being nonbinary to us in a little bit; I'm not going to remember it.  Don't forget to introduce Jordan to video games, and go ahead and loop the two of me in on that too; we'll like them.

I wasn't being flippant when I said that the universe is a joke, but I guess it's more accurate to say it's built on jokes.  I really want to advise you to just go 'fuck off' to Nudge's present but I don't - actually - think you should build your life to spite everything I hate right now and I don't know whether picking it or not will make you happier in the long run.  No one is focusing enough on the 'fixed in your twilit home is the reveal' line of Nudge's poem; it's the main clue.  The actual main effect of accepting would be -

Permalink Mark Unread

Permalink Mark Unread

How do you mean he doesn't have a face, you don't have a face either right now - hello, I'm Cam.

Permalink Mark Unread

. . . Hi.  What?  I know who you are but not - who are you talking to?  Me?  Did she - I don't remember - I only remember - that's what you said would happen.  We're gonna be fine this is exactly what she said would happen.  And there aren't any terror fits up here, see?  You can't have them without a body.  It's . . . nice . . .

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh, for some reason I thought she was planning to find somebody who was already dead.

Permalink Mark Unread


What?  I - he was, he died a few days ago.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh, you're - did you just merge, I could tell this was a different conversation but I thought it was with the other, uh, principal -

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah I'm both of us.  I - he, didn't want to talk to you, because he's - he was shy, and meeting new people sounded like too much to handle after dying.  New living people, at least.  But I know you, because she knew you and this is - well it's almost fine.  It's close enough to fine.  I'll be fine uh, uh - about it.

Permalink Mark Unread

She was in the middle of a sentence!

Permalink Mark Unread

I didn't mean to!  Was she?

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah. Probably one of the things you can't remember. Like being non-binary, which is a thing where you feel like neither of the standard genders is quite right and you're some kind of both or neither or timeshare situation between them. Who do I talk to about your DNA?

Permalink Mark Unread

. . . I think there's an awful lot of things I don't remember for having only missed under an hour.  Am I supposed to know that?  She didn't - take care of it?  Was she supposed to?

Permalink Mark Unread

There was a cloud of her geminis who did it for her but I don't know which one.

Permalink Mark Unread

There's a metaphorical knock on the conversation.  Just thought I'd check in.

Permalink Mark Unread

Felicity!  Hi.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Felicity, hello, this is - cloud, do you have a name - Jackie's successor. Some nudgecloud did DNA for them, can you track that down? Also Jackie recommended letting you explain to her folks, I'll text Nicholas to tell the authorities, biofam will congregate for the funeral and can be explained to then.

Permalink Mark Unread

I've been relevantly tracked down already and came over in part to say so.

Permalink Mark Unread

- Ian and Jordan aren't my folks.  They're my family, and so is Princess, but it's not like an adoption thing.  . . . And wasn't for Jackie either.

Permalink Mark Unread

I do not actually speak Latin, I speak a mysteriously similar language in which 'folks' is usefully ambiguous on that topic.

I'm gonna... go down unless there's more to cover here.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Down he goes.

When he has a body again he's going to start... hm... yeah, crying, that seems like just the thing. Though he will also text Nicholas to the effect that he should go ahead and contact whoever you're supposed to tell when there's a body.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

And he already told Felicity everything she needs to know and has no immediate tasks till whatever their name is wants a couple bodies, and -

Yeah, crying. On Cricket, who paws his face gently about this development.

Permalink Mark Unread

There are a few Felicities outside enjoying the morning's weather but none of them knock to interrupt him.

Permalink Mark Unread

Eventually he pulls himself together and exits the camper, Cricket in his arms. Glances at the nearest Felicity to see if there's anything to say.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh no.  ". . . You wanted me to remind you that some dead cats wanted some folks checked on.  If it's sufficiently later for that yet."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Right. I'll send you my notes on that, give me a sec." He organizes them into something a step better than "note to self".

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thank you.  . . . Would a human hug help or does Cricket have it covered?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Human hug'd be great." He shifts Cricket to his shoulder and hugs her.

Permalink Mark Unread

She's got twenty-eight lifetimes' experience at giving hugs and the sweaters he made her are very soft.  Another of her swings by and the hugging one passes the notes off.  "She'll be alright, you know.  It was hasty but they'll figure it out."

Permalink Mark Unread

"This is the first time anyone I have met has ever ceased to exist, and she did it in the middle of a sentence."

Permalink Mark Unread


We don't really think of it that way here.  Though I can see why you would . . ."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's better than people getting permanently annihilated, which is what I thought happened to dead folks till I was one, but then it turned out there was an afterlife, you see."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That makes sense.  She . . . didn't want to exist, you know.  I've been there.  And now someone gets to, who has all of her important qualities but is actually capable of using them, without having to constantly flinch away from everything that resembles something with an impact - and the boy, I don't know how to describe it but when you're a New Year's Eve lots of things seem impossible.  Not like with the summers and how they end up hurting people; it's that accomplishing basic tasks can require drawing on an enormous well of willpower for seemingly no reason at all; it's less dramatically awful but still not fun.

"And so how it shakes out is they'll both mostly feel like themselves except that all of a sudden they can just do things.  It's freeing.  And they might be fumbling over how to refer to themselves, but that's for clarity and because it's just how star clouds talk.  It doesn't mean the two of them are gone forever."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. I probably should have - considered asking you about it as a first line instead of crying on Cricket - I was definitely imagining it as more of a, can't unscramble an egg, situation, not, uh, an egg yinyang."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Maybe so, but I'd say your response was pretty reasonable.  . . . I don't hold the One's sayings as infallible and I certainly don't expect you to, but there was something it said in our first conversation that might be useful, which I think you may not have had the context to understand at the time."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Give me just a moment to consult; I didn't memorize the phrasing -

'A cluster made of equal counts of summer solquinoxes and the even day before the autumn's crest
is isomorphic to the seasonchange that nests betwixt them
and if you took a cloud made of said seasonchange and mixed them
you'd have something identical to what you'd had before
(the one exception being that it's bigger, greater, more)
and this result can thrive by virtue of its composition
it cancels out the curse of one and gives the other mission
and so in terms of what you're looking for (or weren't but should've been) it seems that' - pardon me - 'Ms. Felicity's the best'."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, that does sound familiar.

"I suppose if Jackish or whatever they wind up wanting to be called are happy with the arrangement it makes sense, the curse is heinous, it's just... a lot."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It is.  I wonder why she did it in the middle of a sentence; that seems - well, needlessly hard on you, I would say, though I imagine there was some sort of reason . . ."

Permalink Mark Unread

"She was doing a bunch of, uh, Nudge shit, it seemed of a piece."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'd suspected about as much.  It's unfortunate."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well. She is no longer a Nudge. She is a Felicity. I guess. I hope she likes it. This is going to be so fun to explain to Princess and I can't even delegate that part."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Did you not mean . . . to already do that?  I sat her and Ian down and she's been typing her responses."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, I was imagining the communication barrier would be a little much for news this weighty but if you've got it that's great. How are they all taking it?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ian's not very surprised, though this wasn't quite what he was expecting.  Princess . . . is taking it much better than I might have expected, but maybe that's just the communication barrier.  We explained that Jackie died, and she typed back a confirmation of understanding without having seen it spelled to my knowledge, but she doesn't seem to care given that there's still going to be someone around to love, even if they'll smell different.  I'm not sure whether she really understands what death is or not."

Permalink Mark Unread

"She might not, even insofar as she knows what to expect for herself the cat afterlife doesn't merge them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How did you learn how to talk to dead cats in dreams, incidentally."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The dead cats can pull in anyone who's fluent in the language, subject to some dead-cat-politics about it. They don't do it for most cats but I'm special."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You are indeed.  But they didn't know how many living talking cats there are?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"They did not. Large numbers did not exist in catspeak till I showed up and started showing off my accumulated technological knowhow with whoppers like 'ten'."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh dear.  And they're not conjurable-for?  I was trying to come up with workarounds while you were asleep but I assume you know much better than I do the shape of your limits . . ."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think they're the same species as regular cats but I should try it." Speaking-cats in Ivy's shelter?

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah!  There was a non-talking cat with distinct heterochromia which is distinctly missing from Cam's pile.

Permalink Mark Unread

"...huh. Fancy that." He is going to conjure a tiny glassified form of each living talking cat's heart and weigh them for population numbers.

Permalink Mark Unread

There are somewhere in the range of 370-380 sapient cats.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Coming up on four hundred but not there yet," Cam says. What's the proportion of green glass for the Chelford strain and gray for the Londinium?

Permalink Mark Unread

'Bout 240:135.

Permalink Mark Unread

"And most of them are here not in Londinium."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hm!  Can you tell how many are in shelters?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Uh, I could do a scale model of all their locations but it would be fairly inconvenient to narrow things down from there."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ah.  A project for maybe a little later in the day."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah." Deep breath. Back to the motorcycle. "See you in a few."

Permalink Mark Unread

She waves him off.

Permalink Mark Unread

And back chez Princess.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hi.  Come on in."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hi. I'm so sorry."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah."  He clears his throat.  "Thanks.  Doubling our amount of twoct year olds on short notice is gonna cause a few hiccups but I've been assured I can hit you up for more bed space or whatever if they turn out to want that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes, absolutely. Though I have no idea what the other - involved party's - living situation might be."

Permalink Mark Unread

" - Right.  Of course."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Jay - the other involved party's name is Jay - wasn't particularly happy with his previous living situation, I recently explained to Ian.  Which is a large part of why he was willing to join up with Jackie even with resurrection on the table."

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . Double right."  He sighs.  "I'm . . . not at my least scrambled."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Of course," Felicity echoes.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam nods. Goes and finds Princess to see where she's at on comprehending the situation.

Permalink Mark Unread

"You look so sad!  You can hold me like a baby for a minute if that would make you feel better."

Permalink Mark Unread

He will set Cricket down and scoop her. "You heard about Jackie, right?"

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"What precisely do you understand to be the situation with Jackie, it's kind of complicated."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, she went to Nicholas's house and ate some bad things there on purpose, and it killed her, only you're going to bring her back, only she and another housefolk did the opposite of tearing themselves in half, so it's like we'll be getting another housefolk except instead of being one new one there will kind of be two halves of a new one.  And she'll look and smell different but she'll still remember me and love me and be my Jackie, except for the new bits of her that are a little like Ian, and maybe she will even start crying less eventually.  And this will happen very soon so it won't even be like when housefolk get out the suitcases and put things in them and go away for a long time, but all the housefolk are very sad anyways."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...yeah that's pretty much it. I'm not really sure how sad I should be. I never met anyone who squashed themselves into another person after I met them before."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think most people could stand to be a little bit more like Ian.  He is my favorite person.  And not usually so sad."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think that's why she did it. She got tired of being a kind of person who was sad."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, that's good for her then, isn't it?  - I am done being held like a baby now thank you."

Permalink Mark Unread

Down she goes.

Permalink Mark Unread

"You can still hold me if you want, just not upside-down."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm okay, thank you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay."  She turns to Cricket.  "How are you feeling?"

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you want me to ask Ian to get the hair dryer?  Then you could be fluffy and warm.  - It is very loud though if you don't like that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I would try the hair dryer."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

IAAAAAAAAAAN enters the study where the three of them have convened.  " - Princess?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, I didn't mean to worry you.  Come along," she instructs, leading him to the bathroom and pawing at a cabinet.

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . You want the - " Ian turns back towards Cam.  "Does she want the hair dryer?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes, she has talked Cricket into trying it for his dampness." Cam puts Cricket aside and gets the hair dryer.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll go get everyone else - " and she trots off to the living room.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I WANNA TRY."  The thu-thu-thuhthu-thu-thu-thu of kitten running preceeds Gabbie's entrance.  She comes to a sliding stop and looks up at Cam.  "Hi."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hi, Gabbie." Hair dryer out and plugged in. Aimed at Cricket.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh Cricket quite likes being hairdryered actually.

Permalink Mark Unread

Gabbie does NOT.  Or rather she doesn't stick around to find out; she rescampers back away once it's turned on and even a little close to her, then peeks her head back around the corner to observe from a safe distance.

Permalink Mark Unread

Her family members join her and then approach more slowly.  The mom lets Cam dry her if he pleases and Tenor allows it but only if it's from several feet away and not directed at his head.

Permalink Mark Unread

Harrumph. Cricket doesn't love having to share his Twoleg but he is all dry now at least.

Permalink Mark Unread

The other ex-sheltered cats, being already dry, don't take up too much of Cam's attention.

Permalink Mark Unread

Princess does though!  She rubs on his shins and calves and puts her paws up on his knee to balance closer to the blow dryer.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm glad the mom cat appears to have been retrieved without incident," Cam mentions to Ian.

Permalink Mark Unread

"It wasn't too hard with Ivy's coaching, really.  You're doing a jailbreak for the rest of them tonight?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Guess so, yeah."

Permalink Mark Unread

"There was one lady there, another tortoiseshell, who seemed pretty sure it was her turn and seemed kind of upset when we left with Ms. Cleo."  He gestures in the general direction of the mama.  "If I wasn't just imagining it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"One of them was really nervous about being killed but Ivy says it's a no-kill shelter, and down three cats today I'm not particularly worried anyone will get put down before I walk in and take them all."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ah.  Princess might have told her the plan but either way she didn't seem too happy."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I will apologize to her when I go in."

Permalink Mark Unread


"Do you expect we'll have the kids in here before then, or - how much time does that sort of thing take, about?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It doesn't take that long but I don't have the DNA yet so I haven't sent out a ship yet."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Cool.  Jordan's out and about, so - he doesn't have a mobile.  So I'm not sure whether to try and hunt him down or just have him potentially come home after they're already . . . here."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It will take some hours just for the ship to get out and back, how long do you expect him to be gone?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"All day.  So you guys could come visit Princess without him being around.  In case . . ."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Right." Sigh.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't think this was his fault but I don't know whether he'll think it is."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The real risk would be that he does any curse-tempting drastic thing in response."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't really see any available drastic actions that he'd be at all tempted about.  What's he gonna do, off himself and find a different N.Y.E. to join up with, because it's going so well for Jackie?  Murder me?  And he's too sensible to do any of the things that he might actually want, like deciding that because it's his fault he should cut himself out of our lives.  I'm just - worried about him.  As himself."

Permalink Mark Unread

Nod nod.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't know.  If it were you would you rather have it be like, 'And they're right here!  Being approximately fine!' or would you want time to process it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'd probably prefer the second thing but I'm not sure!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I might go drive around in a bit and see if he's in any of the places I expect, then.  I guess I'm glad to have had some warning . . ."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Just, before they get here."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. I can send a ship out once I have the DNA. I'm not sure if they'd rather recuperate from being rezzed here or in Atriama, new resurrectees are generally kind of fragile."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh.  How . . . new?  Felicity seems fine?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Felicity is a substantially bigger nebula. But they should be okay in a few hours."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay.  Is there anything else I should know to prepare for?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, they'll look different. Also are nonbinary now since the New Year's Eve was a boy."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What's that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Non-binary as in not adhering neatly to the gender binary at least in internal felt sense, I don't know what physical sex they're going with."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, you just mean she's," Ian puts on a determined expression and makes a gesture of sorts using his posture, squaring up his shoulders and drawing his arms back, "you know, odd?"  He slides back into his mild slouch.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Whatever you just did was completely lost on me as a form of communication."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can probably just ask her when she gets here."

Permalink Mark Unread

"So I would imagine. After they've had a nap."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay."  He sighs.  "I think I'm gonna call some stores and the library and stuff and see if I can't find Jor without having to go on an adventure."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Good luck."

He scoops up Cricket as an emotional support cat and goes looking for the nearest Felicity.

Permalink Mark Unread

She's in the living room with Ivy and the shelter cats, Tenor doing machine translation work off the side of her lap.

Permalink Mark Unread

"DNA? Resurrection timeline?" Cam asks her blandly.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam gets a notification that Felicity Nebula has shared the document 'Resurrection Specs: Jackie Adams & Jay Stewart 785/8/08' with him.  "They were talking to a guard to make sure Nicholas's name stays clear.  It shouldn't take too much longer with such a straightforward case but I'm not sure whether they'll want to talk to any family members after that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, say when, I guess. Do we have anything else on between now and dark?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Locating all the sapient cats?  I also called around Vespuriccan shelters and found that resurrectee's dog, but I'm not sure of the most efficient way to retrieve her."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Does the resurrectee have anybody who could go claim it?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll ask when he wakes back up.  How would we be planning to retrieve the human retriever, then?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Presumably you'd call them, they'd get the dog, I could pick the dog up from in a shuttle, it just makes the dog's fate less short-order precarious."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, I see.  . . . In theory I have relatives in that very general area who I could call upon, but I think I'd prefer not to outside of desperate circumstances."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Reasonable of you. Didn't get along or just don't want to explain?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Once we've done more world-fixing and are in a stable pattern I might want more of a personal life, but for now it doesn't really seem like it would do to get distracted."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I have very little idea if I'm saddling you with too much work or not enough, it's hard to think about what a reasonable schedule looks like between the days being longer and you being numerous."

Permalink Mark Unread

"My main concern for now is finding a way to outsource the star interfacing before I get to questionable levels of omnilol use per body."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What happens if you take too much?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"As a nebula I don't really want to find out!  Normal living people can fall out of tune with their bodies - have trouble registering pain or noticing that they're hungry, that sort of thing, up through being almost completely disconnected from their sensations - apathy towards earthly concerns; wasting away, sometimes fatally; being quicker to join all the way up when they die . . ."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't suppose this is a service that can be reasonably contracted out."

Permalink Mark Unread

"There are existing services for, for example, hiring someone to sit with your dead grandma and read to her, or for someone to go all in on sense-sharing and have a concert for well-behaved stars with a new flatdisk in their room.  But in terms of this level of scale and interactivity . . . I think we might be better off finding a big cloud who isn't resurrectable yet, having them do all the information gathering, and just having me and possibly a few other living people interface with them."  She scritches Tenor's shoulders.  "To some extent Nudge is already helping with this, but he's only five people and I don't think he wants to keep it up long term."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. I probably can't overdose on omnilol, c.f. the bone-hurting donut experiment, so I can pick up more of this, but I'm not especially good at navigating stars yet."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can help every once in a while, too, if - what would it involve?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"The thing about talking to stars and taking information down from them is that I'm leaning very heavily on having more attentional capacity.  When Jordan wrote up my DNA, it was quite an involved and time-consuming process to make sure that it was correct because that's just an awful lot of work for one brain.  I think even twofer nebulae would be significantly more efficient.  Which isn't to say that singlets wouldn't ever be useful in a pinch, or for other applications - I think I mentioned previously that we should have some people available to talk to stars to keep them from getting lonely enough to merge up before we can get to them?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. Maybe Jackie and Jay - do they have a name yet - will help, as long as they're nebulized anyway."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Last I heard they were considering Jakey as an obvious option but weren't very fond of it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's not great. Where'd you get 'Felicity'?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, I'm happy to get the chance to be alive again."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Aw. But virtue names aren't a trend?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Most star clouds don't have names!  I suppose I might end up having started a trend; we'll see."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You're supposed to be metaphysically congruent with the middle birthday, if I recall right, what are those named?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"There's not as distinct a trend as there is on either of the other sides.  My seasonchange components were named Mary, Elizabeth, Allie, Markus, Daisy, Anabel, Alf, and Victoria."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Indeed not much of a trend, though Victoria isn't not a virtue name."

Permalink Mark Unread

"This is true."

Permalink Mark Unread

Nicholas knocks at the front door but enters without waiting for anyone to let him in.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hello. You okay?"

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"They'll be back soon."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you require any compensation for your relevant efforts?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"No, it's, uh, gratis."

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" - Yeah, thank you again for your time."  Ian hangs up the wall-mounted phone in the kitchen and rushes over to hug Nicholas.  "Nick, I - "  He buries his face in his brother's shoulder.

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"Ian," Nicholas greets, exceedingly neutral.  He hugs back lightly.  Pats Ian on the back a handful of times.

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Ian doesn't show signs of wanting to disengage in the immediate future!

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"Come now," Nicholas says after not too long, putting his hands on Ian's shoulders and pushing gently but consistently away.  "I hear they'll be back soon."  Shoulderclap.

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"I know."

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"Should I send a ship out for them like now?" Cam asks Felicity, "Or do they want a bit longer?"

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"I still haven't found Jordan," Ian interjecs.  "Not that I mean - they should come back down when they want.  How long of a nap did you say they'll need?"

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"In principle they will be able to talk and stuff as soon as they get here but they will want a nap of... Felicity, what's the average, minding that you were up much quicker and everybody else has been a singlet? -"

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"Perhaps three to six hours, as a best guess?  And they're almost ready, now.  I think we can probably get started."

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"Okay.  I," Ian swallows," can keep making phone calls - "  He keeps his eyes down at his hands and sounds a little bit like he thinks this would possibly be more stressful than another of his family members dying.

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"I can make phone calls on your behalf," asserts Felicity.  "Or Cam might have a more effective way to track him down.  Please reserve your ability to do difficult things for when he and the nebula get home."

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Cam materializes a ship with nebulae in it and sends it on its way. ...surroundings of Jordan?

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Lying down in some grass, motorcycle helmet next to him, arm thrown over his eyes.

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"That's the park I vocate at - do I have time to go get him?"

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"Yes, it'll take the ship a while to go and come back."

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"Alright."  He grabs a jacket and makes sure one of the pockets jangles keyily.  "Trust you guys not to wreck the house or anything; I'll be back in maybe half an hour."  And he's off.

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Cam works on catspeak data entry while the ship goes and comes back.

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It lands before the men of the house return even though it takes longer than half an hour.  The new nebula has clambered one of their bodies into the other's wheelchair, where they're holding themselves tightly.

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Cam rolls the chair out and sends the shuttle on autopilot back to the hangar in a cave near Atriama.

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The one on top squints around.

". . . Hi . . ."

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"Hi. Chamomile tea?"

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He hands over two straw-bearing lidded cups that should be easy to maneuver even for just-rezzed folks.

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The more alert one jostles the shoulder of the bottom one and they adjust their sitting position to allow for sipping in slightly-eerie unison.

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"Jacquelyn," Nicholas greets.  "Mr. Stewart."

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"Hi Nicholas," one returns blearily while the other drinks.  "Sorry for throwing up on your carpet."  They switch.  "And . . . stuff.  Y'know."

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"I do.  It's been cleaned.  I hope you won't begrudge me an owed favor in return."

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"Nooooooooo . . ."

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"We can discuss comfortable limitations once you're lucid."

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"Okay . . .  Maybe."  Sip sip.

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"I won't ask for anything very taxing," Nicholas stage-whispers to Cam.

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"I certainly hope not."

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"I am going to bed."  And they start wheeling themselves towards Jackie's room.

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Nicholas drops his light smirk as soon as the door's closed.  Quietly: "I hope I didn't throw you off balance in attempting to steer towards playful annoyance over excessive guilt."

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"Oh, is that what you were doing."

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"I don't have a good enough read on their combined disposition to say for certain whether it worked, but yes."

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"Well, they'll have their nap and then be more legible, I suppose."

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". . . Was that her?" asks Princess.

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"Oh.  I have to go to them."  She trots over and starts scratching at the door.

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There's a mumble projected from within which barely, kind of, just a little bit sounds like, "C'min, Princess."

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"Help," she declares back from the foot of the door.

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Cam opens the door for her and then shuts it most of the way.

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She hops up on the bed, producing a startled "Oof," from the body she lands on, but is well absorbed into the cuddlepile even before Cam turns away from the door.

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"So, uh," Ivy's voice comes out a bit rough; she clears her throat.  "Hi.  I'm still totally gonna help you spring all the shelter cats tonight, but like . . . do you need me before then?  Is there anything for me to do?  Should I like, go pack, or something, for maybe moving to your cylinder exploration city?"

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"I don't think I need you before then, you are welcome to go pack, do you need a ride?"

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"Yes please."

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"Motorcycle sidecar all right?"

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He presents her with a helmet and mounts up.

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In she goes!  "My car's just at that parking lot where we were before."

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He can find his way back there no problem.

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"Thanks.  And good luck with - you sure have an awful lot to deal with."

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"Thanks. I think it'll all shake out but it'll take a few days."

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"I hope so.  If you need me for anything else I think you have my number and I'll hang at home till evening."

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"Thank you. See you later."

And off he motors.

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Ian's car and the new family motorcycle are back in the driveway.

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Oh good. He'll pop in and see if they need anything and if they don't he might go hang out in the camper.

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"I think we're about as okay as can be expected.  Thank you."

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"It might be useful for this one of me to have a vehicle available, if I'm staying here instead of going back with you."

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"Sure, whaddaya want?"

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"A sky blue and white Lundares Vas convertible?  The . . . hm, the 786 CK Arena, please."

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"Assuming that the model adequately determines where each of those colors go on it -" Poof.

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It appears to be an existing colorway.  For some reason its appearance causes Felicity to start giggling harder than any of her current bodies have had occasion to before.

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"If this car is remarkable enough to get you pulled over I'm not sure it was advisable."

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"I hope not; it's a little new and fancy but I don't think enough for that.  It's just - when some of my kids would say, oh, 'I want Admiral Crispy's', or ask for an expensive toy, I would always respond with 'And I want a blue Lundares Vas convertible'.  And now I have one, just like that, and also we're going to make it so that every kid can have name-brand cereal and formerly-expensive toys.  And the adults, too.  So, thank you for my new expensive toy."

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"You're welcome," Cam says, awag.

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"I think I'll take it for a test drive.  I haven't actually been in one before."

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"I hope it handles nicely."

And he will leave chez Princess and go figure out how to... ah, he needs to meet the liaison from Verona, how should he be managing that...

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He has a phone number and a physical address and an email address for her!  (It's a weird email address, instead of an @ symbol there's something that spirals the other way and looks a bit like an o with an n around it.)

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That is a weird email address! He will text her to ask for as-the-shuttle-flies directions to the address.

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He gets a very prompt response.  If he faces Polaris and turns a bit left he'll get to the local equivalent of the Great Lakes ("the Magna Lakes") and they're just before those.  Her office is on this side of a nearby smaller lake next to these landmarks.  He can land on the roof if that's convenient and if the shuttle weighs less than this large amount.

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Cool. In that case he will let Felicity know where he's going. "Should I bring a you, it doesn't seem obviously overdetermined either way."

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"It . . . seems like a good idea to get at least one of me in Vespuricca?  I might not want to stick around in Verona specifically."

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"Okay, saddle up then." And off to the Greatish Lakes.

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Here are the lake and the landmarks and the lady!  Waiting on the roof, dressed sharply but not over-formal.

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Cam lands gently and trips getting out of the shuttle and pops up again. "Morning."

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"Good morning, and welcome to Verona.  I'm Andrea."  She performs not-quite-a-curtsy with a flourish.  "We're looking forward to working with you."

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Felicity waves back, a beat late.

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"I'm Cam. Forgive me if I don't bow, I've already hit my quota for falling over."

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"A simple enough request.  Will you come in?"

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"Why not." In he goes.

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The walk down the stairs has a nice view out over the water, with lots of autumn foliage visible on the other side in between clusters of tallish non-skyscrapers.  Andrea's office has quietly nice decor with lots of steel grey and a cluster of plush armchairs.

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(Felicity is too professional to visibly panic with this body.  Elsewhere, she pulls over.)

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Once Cam observes that they're doing stairs he's actually just gonna fly. Stairs are evil.

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Sure, he can fly down to ground level and take the elevator up.  Andrea will call someone to accompany him.

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(And Felicity can just . . . take the stairs!  Alone, with the equinox!  And then wait in her office, also alone with her!  It's fine.  If the relevant body were winged she might try out gliding after Cam but since it isn't she will do nothing so inadvisable.)

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And here's Cam's escort, a plainly-dressed woman with a scattering of little wildflowers in her hair.

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"Nice hair flowers."

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"Thank you.  I gathered them this morning."  Elevator elevator.

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And out on the presumably correct landing to regroup with Felicity and Roof Lady.

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Indeed.  "Thank you, Melissa."  Cam's guide glides serenely back into the hallway.  "Can I get you any refreshments?"

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"I'd take an empty coffee mug - Felicity, anything for you?"

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"No thank you."

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Andrea produces a hand-crafted mug from a cupboard and offers it to Cam before circling back to pour herself some tea.  "I expect it might be best for you to start with a description of your situation, abilities, and desires.  I wouldn't want to risk anything that might happen if the one provided by my gemini Mr. Russel was incomplete or incorrect in any way."

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Cam sips his coffee which is there now. "I am a magical being from another universe. I can conjure arbitrary material objects - material here is a real constraint, I can make crystals but not working omnilol - at quite a substantial clip. I favor universal sapient flourishing."

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"Working crystals?"  She sets down her tea in favor of a landscape-oriented legal pad and begins writing.

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"Yeah, we tested some."

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"Some people are going to be very excited about that, I expect.  Others less so."  She takes a sip of her tea.  "To be entirely frank, my geminis and I favor non-universal sapient flourishing.  I hope we can work productively together regardless."

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"Is there a reason you prefer it to be non-universal as opposed to having a priority list for whose flourishing is most urgent to you?"

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". . . Suppose we establish a convention where when you say 'you' and when I say 'we', you and I are talking about the group of all of my geminis taken as a whole, without consideration to any uncommon attitudes or beliefs I personally might hold.  Unless specified."

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"Sure. I might say 'y'all', I don't know if there's an equivalent here but it's short for 'you all' in some dialects from home."

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"As you prefer.  We like it when things go the way we want them to, because we made them that way and not by coincidence or someone else's actions."

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"They like control," translates Felicity.

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"One could describe it that way," Andrea concedes.  "I would say that flourishing definitionally requires a great deal of control over one's life and circumstances, would you agree?"

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"I don't know about definitionally. I think small children can be flourishing without that and indeed it would be kind of hard for most of them to pull it off with it."

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"Ah.  I admit I don't have much experience with children."

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"Me either but my mom has adopted a few in a different afterlife from mine and this is what she tells me, and that's with kids who cannot possibly come to physical harm."

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"That's sweet of her.  Should I assume that you would be telling me about your afterlives situation if you wanted me to know, or isn't requesting details rude."

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"Oh, go ahead if it's pertinent, there's just a lot to cover and I don't actually have in mind an order in which to do all of it."

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"There's a similar puzzle on my end.  I expect you would know better than I whether this is pertinent."

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"Our afterlives involve people showing up in another universe, either with one of three types of active magic powers," wave wave, "or not, depending. My parents both went to the 'not' one. It's pretty unimpressive there but people don't glom onto other people to form new hybrid people."

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"Do people keep telling you your world seems lonely?"

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"I think someone did say that about not having geminis but I don't think anyone's said it about not having star clouds."

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"Something to look forward to, perhaps."  Teasip.  "I might as well say explicitly that my goal for today is to reach enough of an understanding with you that you don't come back in a week or a year having discovered something you feel betrayed to have not been told about, and that would motivate you to enact vengeance or justice.  But as I've said it's hard to know where to start."

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"My understanding is that y'all are into creating setups for yourselves in which it is practicable to have power over other sorts of people, and there is an extremely broad range starting at 'inoffensive establishment with carefully managed consent verification protocols where patrons get really intense hand massages and stuff' and it's all downhill from there. I'm not actually sure it's constructive for me to know the details of how bad it gets unless I'm about to be looking at a huge influx of refugees released from whatever they have been doing with their lives thus far and I need to know what that was to take care of them."

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"I wouldn't say that's the end of the range.  Otherwise your description seems accurate."

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"Okay, yes, starting at doing weird amounts of research on what treats will be most appealing to one's brother's cat, or something."

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"It's not uncommon for us to spend a relationship with a - speaking bluntly, victim - gradually giving them more resources and a stabler life, and leaving them flourishing much more than they would have been without our intervention.  It's less common, but not unheard of, for us to do this without the victimhood.  But perhaps nailing down this end of the scale isn't important either."

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"Yeah. Not constructive to get into the details. I am broadly against the creation of victims."

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"In that case the definition of victimhood seems the most constructive thing to get into details about.  It wouldn't do to have you come back in a week or a year having expected us to stop something we didn't realize you cared about.  And conversely it would be detrimental to future mutual understanding if there was terribly much that we avoided doing that you didn't."

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"Quite. Do you have a first pass guess? I don't think my mores are all that alien."

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"I suppose you don't want any drugging without carefully managed consent verification protocols.  Probably no physical harm at all.  I'm unsure about the poisons businesses; we generally try to make them too distinctive to use for purposes other than suicide.  Medical research . . . isn't my specialty; you and I might have to call in someone to go over details with, and possibly a winter solstice although I certainly can't claim to speak for them or have the power to enforce rules among them."

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"Some people are into physical harm, you just need carefully managed consent protocols. You can sell suicide poisons if you want. I've got some winters in my city, do you mean some who are around here?"

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"Well, how moral are your winters, by your lights?"

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"I don't know but they seem awfully motivated to secure the goodwill of the extradimensional winged sort."

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"You don't say.  But it might be best to track some down who've worked alongside my geminis, whether they're in this country or elsewhere, for discussion of scientific ethics."

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"Cool, that goes on the to-do list." He glances at Felicity.

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She doesn't appear to notice.

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"I can get you the address of a local facility, if that would be convenient."

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"The address would be much less useful than as-the-demon-flies directions given the givens." Is this a winged Felicity?

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No, those are both in Atriama.

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"That's as easily arranged."

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"Felicity? Do you maybe want to wait in the shuttle, if I'm going to be flapping all over the place? I can message the shuttle systems from wherever if I need you."

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"That might be convenient."

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"Can you find your way or do you need an escort?"

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"I do not need an escort." She - very tentatively - starts towards the door to the stairwell.

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"What else should I see while I'm in town?" Cam asks the local.

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"Before I answer that I'd like to clarify that I don't think we're anywhere near close to an adequately-detailed definition of victimhood, glad though I am that you relieved your poor companion."

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"If that is the preferred order of operations. Let's see. As a first pass, a victim is someone who is extorted, coerced, maybe bribed depending on desperation level, outright forced, threatened or intimidated, or otherwise wedged into events that they do not want to partake in, particularly ones that impinge on their bodily autonomy, involve sex, feature mind-altering substances, have characteristics the victim was not informed of, are ego-dystonic, inflict moral injury, go on for a long time or otherwise have high opportunity cost for the victim, result in lasting psychological, physical, or social harm, or otherwise generally suck."

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"That's sufficiently clear, if I can get it in writing."

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Cam transcribes most of his important conversations; he runs a cleanup program to get out all the "uh" and typos and then hands her a sheet with it written down nice and calligraphic. The words "victim" and "particularly" and "suck" are all somewhat larger than the surrounding text to artistic effect.

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"Thank you."  She carries it to her desk and files it into a folder sitting centered thereupon.  "I must warn you, a fair few of us will be unwilling to live under these conditions.  But even supposing your desire for flourishing is as universal as you claim I'm not sure there's much you can or would want to do to stop them."

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"Since you didn't forbid suicide poisons."

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"If many of y'all would rather be dead than be alive and not able to victimize people, then that's their call, though it betrays a disappointing lack of flexibility and imagination."

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"I only really expect our older members to find it tempting.  Less time left to make it worth the readjustment."

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Cam nods.

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"On a happier note, our nation's need for crystal healers is in the process of sharply declining, and if you would find it useful to have one as part of your retinue we're willing to continue employing one on your behalf."

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"I have a crystal consultant but she's from a power plant, not a medical background, so plausibly."

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"It seems you may be on track to accumulate more than one healer's worth of necessary healing, as well."

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"May I? Is there a specific reason to think so?"

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"I only meant you seem like a busy man.  Though if you can summon functional crystals into existence perhaps any healers in your employ will be significantly more effective than those outside it."

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"Plus if they die I can resurrect them."

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"Still, we have one available if you could use her services."

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"One of y'all?"

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"No, she's even."

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"I shall be happy to be introduced."

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Andrea holds down a button on her desk phone.  "Melissa, if you could come back in here please."

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Melissa pleases!  Here she is.

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"Hello Melissa, I'm Cam. How much d'you already know?"

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"You're a powerful creature from a mystical other world with the ability to make objects out of nothing.  And you can't be harmed."

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"Inexact but basically correct! And you're a crystal healer, tell me about that? We don't have it in my mystical other world."

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"I arrange crystals in specific patterns that align with the body's natural resonances in order to heal or prevent injuries or illnesses."

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"Oh, it prevents them too, neat, how well?"

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"Wholly, for most influenzas; reliably, for particular activities known in advance to be risky; proactively, for long-term health and wellness; better than nothing, for whatever else might come up."

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"Nifty. I hear there is soon to be less call for your services locally, why might that be?"

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Melissa glances over at Andrea.

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Who remains pleasantly neutral.

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"Well . . . it's because of you, isn't it?"

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"I have yet to go far wrong assuming that things are because of me but I was hoping for more detail. Like, should I be imagining that you are presently employed in the maintenance of captives, or just that the service market is going to crash if a lot of people kill themselves."

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"Are a lot of people going to kill themselves!"

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"I wouldn't say 'a lot'.  A fair few; not enough to crash any industries."

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"Well, because of him.  Or because of ourselves."

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"Does that mean you are currently employed in the maintenance of captives?"

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"I do lots of things."

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"But yes, the comparative lack of captives maintenance is why crystal healers as a whole are freed up enough for this offer."

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"Sketch, but I should probably have some crystal healer around. Do you have an opinion on New Year's Eves, my current crystals person is one."

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"Not a particular one."

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"Damn, I was hoping that would be a really high-information interview question. Are you in fact interested in moving to my city in a cavern in the column below the surface of this Earth, which is going to be substantially occupied by resurrectees and sapient cats, and doesn't have comms service yet but it's on my to-do list, and is currently awkwardly illiquid?"

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"I don't know what a few of those words mean but it sounds nice."

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"Sorry, I don't actually speak Latin, I speak a mysteriously near-identical language from another universe."

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"When the stars align!  Are liquids not objects, for you?"

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"...I can make liquids." He tilts his coffee mug for her to see, and then adds a dusting of cinnamon.

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"I don't have a second guess for what illiquid means."

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"It means we don't have cash. Fabulous material wealth in all other forms and not cash."

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"Oh, well I think Andrea said they're going to keep paying me, so that doesn't seem like a problem for me personally?"

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"Right, you'd have money, but nobody around you would be using it, at least not right away."

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"Well, it sounds lovely."

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"Cool. I can bring you home with me though we might not make it all the way back down to Atriama till later today, I have more topside errands to run."

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"Whatever's convenient for you is fine by me."

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"Is there a batch of victims who might want to also leave for Atriama today or do the gears of society take longer than that?"

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"I'll spread the word and see if there are any by the time you're ready to head down.  Is here a good place for them to gather?"

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"Here's fine, nice landable roof."

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"I try.  Do you yet know what time you'll be returning?"

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"Couldn't say, but I can give you some warning if I leave you a phone."

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"I have a few already but I suppose it's hardly putting you out."

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"Plus I don't have intersystem compatibility handled yet." A phone appears on her desk. "Hopefully the controls are self-explanatory enough."

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"Thank you.  Suppose I send you a message through previous channels if they aren't?"

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"Works for me."

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"As for other tourish activities, I recommend you visit a bank to set up an account for any bribery money it's suitable for you to receive."

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"Do you recommend any specific bank?"

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"Yes."  She gives flying directions to one.

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"Thanks. Melissa, I will collect you and some refugees when I'm ready to go to Atriama, pack anything you want that it would be awkward to ask me for or inconvenient to go without between occasions of seeing me."

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"Yes sir."

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"I would appreciate a preliminary rundown of the conditions and needs of the refugees, including but not limited to medical problems, if you can have that ready for me by the time I return."

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She nods.

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"Anything else before I hit the bank and go about my business on other landmasses?"

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"Would you like me to vet research facilities according to a particular set of criteria, let you do your own vetting, or just pick the closest one I know of."

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"Closest mad science building is fine."

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Andrea gives walking/flying directions from the bank to it.  They're only a few blocks apart from each other.

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"Thank you. Can I go out the window?"

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"Hm."  She walks over to the closest one and angles it open about six inches.  After fiddling with it a bit further she tilts her head to read the fine-print sticker on the frame.  "I don't think so."

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"Tragic. Thank you for your time." He goes up the stairs to take off from the roof.

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There's a child up there!  Loitering outside the shuttle.  "Mr. Swan?" she asks.

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"That's me, you need something?"

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"I would like to go with you please, if you'll have me."

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"Uh. Why."

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"You seem nice, and interesting, and much better than everything that's going on around here."

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"I am nice and interesting and whatnot, but I'm also very busy. If you specifically want to come today you need more than flattery."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What about a different day?  One of the other things I have is patience."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, if you wait a week or three you can most likely come to Atriama, though I'd want to figure out your, like, parent situation."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't have any."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is that locally customary?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not very.  It does happen.  But not usually because both parents were dead before the child was born."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay, well, I have stuff to do but if you want to write up relevant customs and add 'letter to Cam' on the document I can look at it when I have downtime."

Permalink Mark Unread

Felicity exits the shuttle, a little tear-stained but aiming for chipper.  "How'd it go?  - Hello there."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hello, ma'am."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Went fine, I'm going to hit the bank and a mad science facility and then we'll take off. Small person, this is Felicity, my PA; Felicity, this is a random child who wants to come with."

Permalink Mark Unread

"My name is Kennedy.  It's a pleasure."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hello, Kennedy.  Should I also come along on your local errands.  Do you think."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Nah, I'm planning to fly. Couldn't fit out the window so I came up here and was waylaid by Kennedy."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, good fortune."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Mm-hm. Pleasure to meet you, Kennedy."

And off he swoops. Bank first.

Permalink Mark Unread

Here is a bank!  It's open despite the fact it's the weekend and the hours on the door say it's normally closed then!

Permalink Mark Unread

...how nice of it. In he strolls.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Good morning!  How may I help you?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Good morning! I require a bank account."

Permalink Mark Unread

The teller splits the conversation between staring at his wings and making eye contact to avoid looking at his wings and burying her attention in the forms in front of her, but at the end of it Cam has a bank account with thirty-two Roman gold pieces in it and an attached 'Vericard' 'debitum' card which should be usable pretty much anywhere that takes cards at all.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Awesome, thank you! Do you have a means of remote contact if I have some kind of banking-related need?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you mean like a phone number?"  She slides him a card with some on it.

Permalink Mark Unread

"For example!" He takes the card and writes down the contents on his computer and then gives it back.

Permalink Mark Unread

The teller observes this process with obvious puzzlement.  "You'll have to come to one of our branches or one of our CMTCs to deposit money, though; that can't be done remotely."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"A Computerized Monetary Transfer Console?  Do you need me to show you how to use one?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes please. Do you have those in lots of places?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, there's one outside."  She heads that way.  "And we have locations in most cities across Northern Vespuricca."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Most of my topside operations are in Britannia."

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . You may want to open an account at a Britannian bank, then."  Here's the CMTC!  It's Totally Not An ATM.  Works a lot like one, though.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I may! Do you have seamless relationships with any there?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I could ask someone tomorrow but none come to mind."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Alas. When you find out can you please write this information down and add 'letter to Cam'?"

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . I . . . could?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thanks. - I can conjure arbitrary material objects and that is my mailing label."

Permalink Mark Unread

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess you could also text me but I'm more in the habit of checking my mail."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I couldn't, actually.  Do you have an email address?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not yet, I don't know how to set one up on this world's internet."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Would you like me to walk you through setting one up?  You can do that for free, now."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sure. What kind of local device will I need?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Any computer that can connect to the internet.  There's one at my desk."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Are there smaller more portable models?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes, but if we set up an email for you together using mine, then anything I send to you will be there waiting for you when you log into it on another machine."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, I just wanted to make sure that littler ones have been invented. Can you name a small portable one for me?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Like a Jade, or an SNSV?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Are those specific models?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ah, no."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Can I trouble you to select a model?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sorry, I don't know any."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...okay, I'll set up an account on your machine and get my own sometime in the future." Is it hard to get an email? What kinds of domains is he looking at?

Permalink Mark Unread

The teller is so relieved.  It isn't hard to get one, given that the she has an invitation code she lets him use, but there's only one domain to pick from ('ucom.alf', with the same strange 'on' symbol before it as Andrea's had).  "It was this year's birthday present from the spring equinoxes, you know.  I think it's the best one this octade."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll have to take your word for it." Is the username "cam" taken?

Permalink Mark Unread

Yes!  The signup page doesn't automatically tell him this; he has to try and submit it (along with a password) before it declines him.

Permalink Mark Unread

How about "revelation"?

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Cool. He has a new email.

Permalink Mark Unread

The teller (who made a show of turning her back while he typed in his password) writes down his address next to a note to ask her coworkers about Britannian banks.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thanks. The card will work abroad, yes?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Anywhere that takes cards at all!" she reconfirms.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Great. I will wait to hear from you on banks in Britannia. Thanks for all your help."

And out he goes to meet mad scientists.

Permalink Mark Unread

There's security personnel at the building.  One of them is visibly ellipsising about Cam's approach and the rest are currently ignoring him.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Good morning! I'm Cam! Here to talk about mad science!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Are you!  Star-craving-mad science?"

Permalink Mark Unread

- that takes him a second and then he gets a really good laugh out of it. "Absolutely!"

Permalink Mark Unread

The security person is looking at him like she thinks he's in fact crazy.

Permalink Mark Unread

"...anyway, am I clear to go in or do you need to ask questions or something first?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"General policy is that you're clear but I think you're too batty for it to be smart."  She crosses her thumbs and makes a wobbly flapping gesture.  "Why don't you take off, eh?  Bet you've got better places to be than this."

Permalink Mark Unread

Giggle. Wag. "I'll fly away when I'm through here, never you fear."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Doubt it; I fear right now.  Come on young man, I'm trying to help you, here - "

One of the other security folks stops ignoring Cam.  "What's the hold up?"

The first one gestures emphatically and with an air of 'Obviously!' to Cam.

"So what?  Let him in if he wants."

"This is exactly what I'm talking about when I say you're a bad person."

Eyeroll.  "And this is what I'm talking about when I say you're a hypocrite.  And annoying."  The second guard reaches across the first and depresses a button to open the gate blocking Cam.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I look forward to finding out what the heck this conversation was about in retrospect," snorts Cam, and in he goes.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hey!" the first one exclaims as he passes, and lobs a small shiny object to him.  "Good luck.  I guess."  It's a piece of hard candy with a blue wrapper.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thanks." He pockets it.

Permalink Mark Unread

Inside there's a secretary who's a little too neutral about the wings.  He instructs Cam to wait in this little side room, if Cam'd be so kind?

Permalink Mark Unread

Sure. He kind of wasn't expecting there to be a wait - the bank was open special - but he can go check his mail and texts and stuff.

Permalink Mark Unread

His mail:

  • Four relatively contentless variations on "Letter to Cam, does this work?" from resurrectees
  • Sixteen relatively contentless variations on "Attn. Governor of Atriama, does this work?" from resurrectees, some of them not in Englatin
    • One letter with a pageful of variations on "Atention Governor of Attriama" "atention governor of attriama" "Attention!  Attriama Governor" "ATN: The Governor of Attriama" and so on.  "Help I'm lost!" the actual body reads, crossed out several times, followed by an attempted and then abandoned description of their location.  Then: "NEVER MIND SORRY I'M OK"
  • Any subscriptions or normal letters he has from home, of course.


His texts:

  • A picture message from Ashley the first resurrectee which was deleted near-immediately after sending
  • A summary from Princess's family's phone that apparently some Roman guards knocked on their door to inquire about a strange aircraft after a complaint by a neighbor.  They were turned away easily enough by affronted displays of grief and a lack of shuttle-related evidence, but maybe Cam ought to take off and land a bit further from civilization or at least their house, if it's convenient?  (This one arrives in the middle of him reading everything else.)


And stuff:

  • Felicity has been keeping a document with all the goings-on in Atriama that she knows about.  Many of them are redundant with things she already told Cam verbally and much of the rest is relatively unimportant minutiae.  Of the remainder:
    • Most of the resurrectees are awake again now
    • Some of them have found houses on their own
    • Felicity's helped some others decide and advised some of those on furniture to ask for, and has some lists ready for when he's back down
    • Isaac emerged from the starchildren's "festivities" to make some progress on scanning the museum documents; he's still coughing a lot
    • The chamomille'd resurrectees are still asleep
    • There's a shifting cuddlepile / hangout spot centered around the inhuman starch, and a medium-small group of people walking through the streets together and singing.  She's got some video of both, with the permission of the participants
    • No real progress on the baby nebula yet.  Is there a specific amount of time he wants her to wait with them, if things continue this way?
    • Mrindeh has been handling incidental requests for material objects fine so far
  • There's a second document with topside occurrences:
    • Ms. Mistoffelees has run off to try and spread the word and gather up all the aspiring Londinium emigrant cats
    • Ellie is still distressingly timid but occasionally gets distracted by being excited about combining conjuring with crystals and/or math about same
    • Her convertible handles great and she loves it
    • When she circled back to Princess's house there was a guard car outside and it seemed antihelpful to go inside so she's still driving



He ends up with about forty-five minutes, or sixct minutes, or three-quarters of an hour - of time uninterrupted to go over these.

Permalink Mark Unread

Do the guards have any specific desiderata about where Cam should keep his vehicles? He has no specific time frame on the baby nebula. Can Mrindeh do the furniture? Please let Ellie know about the soon to be immigrating healing crystal specialist, she's probably a spy and he's fine with that.

This doesn't take him 45 minutes so he fiddles with plans for getting internet and phone service in Atriama.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh, they totally lied to the guards and pretended there was no shuttle, should they not have done that?

Permalink Mark Unread

He has no idea how safe it is to lie to guards and pretend there is no shuttle! He can drop a transmitter in the ocean and have the shuttle fly itself up into the sky from where it is currently sitting. Probably he should be more responsible about not making shuttles whenever he wants.

Permalink Mark Unread

There's a knock on the door before they respond, and a man in a white coat enters to sit across from Cam.  He closes the door behind him.  "Good noon.  What brings you here?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I hear you do mad science! Probably unethical mad science! I hope I didn't catch you at a terrible time."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I wouldn't say so, no.  What's your concern; are you looking to join us?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, no, I want you to be less unethical. If I didn't catch you at a bad time why've I been sitting here for nearly an hour?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's an odd question.  The heavens usually arrange themselves to your whims, do they?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...yeah, pretty often."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm listening."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, I can create arbitrary material objects and am from a universe with different but overall much higher tech and I have strong opinions and these things together tend to make things fall into place more or less. Except for the adoption of shelter cats. It doesn't help with that hardly at all."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm increasingly unsure why I was sent here. The bank seemed to expect me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I imagine you also usually get far in life cryptically referencing uncontexted events, is that so?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Usually that habit is just to amuse myself. I was directed here by an Andrea Tralle, does that help?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"We aren't acquainted.  How do you expect to go about getting us to be 'less unethical'?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"At this point I think it might help me tailor my explanation if I knew you were in fact a solstice?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes, a Triinary."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Right, so, I can bribe you? I'm not sure what you are specifically into since it apparently isn't being all over how I have wings but I can still probably bribe you."

Permalink Mark Unread

He sniffs amusedly.  "And I suppose you haven't offended everyone you've said that to so far, either."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If I have they've been very courteously not mentioning it. I'm sorry to have offended you. I am beginning to be concerned that I cannot hash this out by having a reasonable conversation and should go do something else and come back to this later."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I didn't say I was offended.  I might be depending on what you have to offer, though."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can resurrect the dead, provisos apply."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's a bold claim!  Do you have any proof handy?"

Permalink Mark Unread

He can show some pictures of the resurrectees with add-ons! "Some of them wanted their new bodies jazzed up a bit!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Given that I know winged people exist this isn't entirely prooflike.  Your display format is impressive, though."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The display format is an advanced computer from another universe that I control with my brain. Ooh, do you want to see my city? I made a city." He has a whole aerial tour of the city.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll admit that's a nice city.  In what sense did you make it?"

Permalink Mark Unread

He materializes a cream puff in his hand, displays it, eats it. "Like that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How often can you do that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Much as I want. There's a volume per time limit but it's biiiig."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And you didn't lead with that? You'd said something but I was picturing . . . crystal summoning.  An involved process."


Permalink Mark Unread

"I said 'arbitrary material objects' and you didn't have any followup questions!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I didn't think it was that arbitrary!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's very arbitrary. Also pretty material - no vacuum, my omnilol doesn't work, etcetera - but yeah."

Permalink Mark Unread

"See, that's not entirely arbitrary, then - I'll still, what, let the bird kids go, what do you want exactly - "

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't actually know the details of what your unethical mad science is. Bird kids?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"There's some in the basement.  I'll take you to see them if you want but I'd like some assurance you're not going to try and kill me or anything once we're there."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I have never killed anyone and will almost certainly not choose to start with you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Reassuring enough for a walk and talk."  He stands up and goes to the door.  "What's your birthday?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"September thirteenth but I am from an alternate universe which I am told may be reasonably summarized as 'everyone is even'."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hm.  Given that I'll have to take you at just your word, do you perhaps want to say more of them about not intending to harm me, if that's true?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Somebody powerwalks across most of the way across an upcoming intersection of hallways before backtracking and changing course towards Cam and the other scientist.  " - Mr. Swan?" she calls.

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's me! - I came here fully aware that you were unethical mad scientists, I'm expecting you to have done something incredibly fucked up but I might be less likely to have a startle reaction about what it is in specific if you verbally described what I am about to behold? I don't think I have a murderous startle reaction but if this is very much on your mind it might be alarming for me to start recoiling and swearing and stuff."

Permalink Mark Unread

The second scientist catches up by the time he's done talking and re-reroutes to keep pace with them.  "Where are we going?"

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Are we.  Why?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm not going to try and take him in, if that's what you're worried about."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I know well enough that you already tried - "

Permalink Mark Unread

"That was Miller and Fields; I wasn't even in the building when they started."

Permalink Mark Unread

"As you say."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, what was it you tried? I didn't even notice, I guess that points to something in the drugs department..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"They tried to gas you.  Your patience in light of this does not go unappreciated."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Great, I hate it when my patience goes unappreciated. What am I going to be looking at downstairs?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"The main thing is a few genetically-modified children, ages six to fourteen, kept in varying, generally-improving conditions but not previously allowed to leave.  With wings."

Permalink Mark Unread

"- how do you know if they can fly if you don't let them leave?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"We have a wind tunnel."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess that would help. I will not murder you over having put some wings on some kids. Especially if you genetically engineered them and haven't been doing gruesome surgery."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"You didn't get them right on the first try and have been supplementing with gruesome surgery, haven't you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not regularly, but yes."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you anesthetize them."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"You know, people wouldn't have to ask you questions that make such aspersions on your character if your character were a bit better. I'd like to meet the kids."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Will you consider us to have acted in poor character if other things which you disapprove of come to light later, or would you prefer to prioritize meeting them over digging into that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I mean, I guess we can talk about it right now if you're very anxious about my exact character assessment."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm not, particularly, unless you would feel deceived by us having failed to mention something."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess if there turns out to be something really egregious that I would have expected to be obviously so even to you that would be bad."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The gruesome surgeon does not work here of his own free will.  We've also done - rather more - genetic experiments on non-human animals.  It was my understanding from speaking with Ms. Tralle that your purpose here was to determine what should become illegal with regards to medical experimentation and research, and that you weren't intending to go off investigating instances of personal abuse.  Given that, should I also include work we've done at other facilities, or work at other facilities which we know to have occurred but didn't participate in, or are you overall trusting us to handle this the same way as instances of personal abuse and are investigating here for other reasons."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Please go ahead and tell me what the other facilities are up to. I'm not actually too fussed about the nonhuman animals provided they are not, specifically, British cats."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What does 'British' mean?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...Britannian. Sorry. I am from another universe with similar but not identical geography."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I would have to check the records but I don't see why we would have gotten any of those, then.  At other facilities there's a lot of overlap between drug development and personal abuse; there's some creation of children who go against the natural order in various ways which I don't know whether to expect you to object to, given that their treatment is generally fine once they exist these days."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I probably don't object to violating the natural order as long as it's not violating any children but can you give me a couple examples?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"The main examples I'm familiar with involved delaying the time between conception and birth, which usually prevents a soul from attaching at all.  But if the child is born during the right 'season', centered to their conception date as opposed to matching the calendar, a soul will attach at birth even if that birth occurs many years after the samples were taken."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...yeah I don't first-pass object to that as stated. I guess you could be doing something awful to the surrogates."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, we haven't used or needed human surrogates for years."

Permalink Mark Unread

"- gosh. That might have implications though I hope it does not because they'd be annoying."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"My species can't have children and it's a whole thing. Most of them would be lovely to the children but there's absolutely nothing in place to enforce that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh.  That does sound like it could have annoying implications."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. Hopefully your thing doesn't work because it only works on the local sort of baby and those can't grow in a place without souls or something. I'd like to postpone finding out. Please don't advertise."

Permalink Mark Unread

She makes a mouth-zipping motion and throws away the invisible key.

Permalink Mark Unread

". . . I think they're fairly common knowledge among the general populace," the other guy notes.  "Though I could be wrong."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Buying a week would be nice, I'm keeping many balls in the air. I will certainly not hold you responsible if they get the idea from the news or something."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I won't tell any other mysterious bat men I see this month about them, this I swear."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I am planning to keep the mysterious bat persons mostly in my city downcylinder but if some come here as tourists, yeah."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Right, bat women as well."  Here's an elevator with a number pad and an eye scanner; both Cam's guides interact with both security measures.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam does not because presumably it doesn't have his retina on file and he's not even sure he still has a retina print.

Permalink Mark Unread

The scientists have a radio conversation to confirm they aren't being (acutely) coerced and the elevator goes down.

"As explanation and not attempted excuse, the conditions right now are somewhat worse than baseline because two of them succeeded in killing a staff member about a week ago."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Wow. Do they have specific grievances beyond that you're unethical mad scientists?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It was an escape attempt."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Why is it exactly you can't take them out on supervised walks or whatever? This isn't illegal here at this time, is it?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"We used to, but by now most of them are stronger and faster than standard humans by enough margin to make that logistically difficult even if we prevented them from taking off directly.  And I don't expect it to surprise you that walks don't quite meet their standard of actual freedom."  Elevator's done.  Hallway hallway.

Permalink Mark Unread

"No, but it might have gotten you more goodwill toward your staff, conceivably." Hallway. Tripping but catching himself with his own wings. Hallway.

Permalink Mark Unread

"They do usually have rooms with televisions and other amenities.  When they're not using them to create explosives."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't expect it to surprise you that this doesn't quite meet their standards of affection-engendering treatment." Are they there yet.

Permalink Mark Unread

"It doesn't."

Just about!  There's a corner to go around and a messily-demolished section of wall with some rubble to step over, and then another besecurity'd door.  And behind that there's a room with a cluster of six dog crates!

Permalink Mark Unread

Permalink Mark Unread

Permalink Mark Unread

Permalink Mark Unread

Permalink Mark Unread

Permalink Mark Unread

Permalink Mark Unread

"Crates? Really? You couldn't spring for some nice suites with barred doors?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"We did do that until they blew them up.  Construction's underway."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hello there, fellow winged folks," Cam says to the bird kids. "My name is Cam."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"I am powerful enough to boss the people in charge here around a bit and I am getting you guys out of there. Do you know where you'd wanna go?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"The bottom of the world."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can't recommend that, it's a really long trip. How do you feel about a city I built in one of the cylinder pockets? There'll be other winged people to blend in with."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"How, why.  - Guys, does he really have wings - "

Permalink Mark Unread

There's a few simultaneous "Yeah"s and "Yes"es.

Permalink Mark Unread

"...because I am a decent person and you are children in crates."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Why are there other wingy people to blend in with."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh! Some of them are like me from another universe - just one of those now and we've both got this kind but eventually there might be feathery ones of that persuasion - and some I resurrected from the dead and they wanted wings when they were getting new bodies anyway."

Permalink Mark Unread

("What's 'this kind'?")

Permalink Mark Unread

("Some sorta like, blue bat thing.  With a tail, too.")

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

One of the scientists hands Cam a list of codes for the mechanical locks keeping the crates shut.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thank you kindly. Please do not immediately kill people, kiddos, I'd feel obliged to resurrect them and it'd be a whole thing." Numbers numbers.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm fourteen," the first one mutters.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't know what the age of majority is around here but I was considered a child till I was eighteen!" Unlock unlock.

Permalink Mark Unread

They climb out one at a time and loiter without attacking anyone.  The darkest-haired one takes the redhead by the hand and holds it.


- But once they're all free they exchange glances with each other and bolt out of the room in unison.

Permalink Mark Unread

One of the scientists is out of the way of the door but the other . . . isn't.  He takes an elbow to the face and his head cracks against the doorframe.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam sighs. He remembers the hallway well enough to put another door across it. Downed guy have a pulse?

Permalink Mark Unread

So far!

Permalink Mark Unread

There are a few shrieks and thuds at the appearance of the door, then the flock turns about and tries racing in the other direction past the crate room.

Permalink Mark Unread

There is a door there. "Look, I'd be happy to let you go on your own power if I knew where you were going to go! You don't have to go with me if you have some other plan but I don't want you to crashland somewhere and die of dehydration or starve trying to make it as hunter-gatherers."

Permalink Mark Unread

There's just some more running and whispering and rustling around in response to this.

Head injury scientist mutters indistinctly from where he's lying on the ground.  Uninjured scientist is operating some sort of buttony pager phone thing.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I am a doctor but I am not your doctor," mutters Cam, paging Felicity for first aid instructions on concussions.

Permalink Mark Unread

It's pretty similar to what he's familiar with, honestly, except that crystal healing can do a lot of patching up once the patient is gotten somewhere safe and calm and flat.

Permalink Mark Unread

" - Kill him," the other scientist realizes.  "Or don't, but that's what he's asking for.  If you really can bring people back."

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(The mumbling is still not very clear but he does seem to be trying to implore Cam to do . . . something . . .)

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"I have never killed anyone and don't want to start here but if you do it and he confirms later that was what he was saying I will not be ticked off at you about it. However, I will not be offering him snazzy extras at this time, since I don't want the bird kids to have to live in the same place as him and at present it might be complicated for someone with snazzy extras to live topside."

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"I'd also rather not, thank you much."

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It's gone awful quiet out in the hallway.

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No doubt. Cam gets the guy stabilized and strolls out to see what's up with the bird kids.

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Some of them are in the process of tearing wires out of a section of partially-enrubbled wall.  The two non-emo-looking boys are clustered around one of the new doors and focusing on something they're doing with their hands.

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"I realize that everyone you have ever met was incredibly untrustworthy except presumably one another but can I have any benefit of the doubt? And/or bribe you with candy?" He produces a bouquet of lollipops.

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The bouquet of lollipops is distracting enough that almost all of them stop what they're doing to stare at them.

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Though the redhead keeps working at the door.

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He hands out lollipops to those who want them. They are caramel apple flavor. He eats the last one himself since that one kid is busy.

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Chomp chomp chomp chomp.  "Do you have anything more?" asks the littlest one when she's halfway through hers.

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"Sure, I'll take requests, what do you like?"

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"Some beefburgers, and a pizza?"

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Burgers and pizza.

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- Yeah okay the redhead will also tuck in.

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"If you get us outside right now," the oldest girl declares through a mouth full of burger, "we'll hang out out there and not go any further unless you pull something sketchy."

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"Yeah, okay." He gets up. "I hope you understand that if you decide to take off before I'm convinced this won't get you kidnapped or killed, I will stop you, but that is my real criterion, if you know of a place you want to go."

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"Uh-huh."  A third of the pizza and four of the burgers are totally gone.

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He picks up the pizza box and heads out the way he came, presumably trailing bird kids.

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The uninjured scientist follows along to work the elevator for them.  It's gonna be a real tight squeeze if they all want to fit but the kids show no signs of wanting to split up.

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Squeezing it is. He holds the pizza above everybody's heads so it's not taking up any square footage and his wings fold up real small.

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"Do you have further business here or are you leaving presently?"

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"Was this your only unethical mad science on the premises?"

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"Mostly, if you don't care about animals.  Is your invitation open to non-experimental-subject captives?"

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Sigh. "How many?"

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"Probably, then, what's their deal?"

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The elevator opens; the kids rush out but only as far as the hallway.  "He's the gruesome surgeon mentioned previously."

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"Hey kids, do you want me to make a separate trip for the surgeon or are you relatively okay with him?"

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They confer with each other for a moment.  "He's probably fine."

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"Let's have him too then thanks."

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The scientist goes back to her pager phone thing.

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All of the food is gone by the time she's done.

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Fries and milkshakes? "Did you not feed these kids?"

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Fries and milkshakes!

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"Their metabolisms are enhanced as well."

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"Not since - last week." (nom nom nom nom)  "Or, less.  This is the first thing we've had today."

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"So you didn't feed them enough?"

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"Unfortunately the member of our staff who passed away was also primarily in charge of their nutrition."

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"And you aren't competent to order takeout?" Fruit platter, these are locals and need less processed junk.

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"Evidently not."  Here's the entry room with the secretary.

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The kids rush outside as soon as they see daylight through the entrance, though slow enough to not mess up the handfuls of food they're carrying.

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Out goes Cam. Are there benches? Are there enough benches? There could probably stand to be more benches so now there are.

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They're mostly running around and flapping instead of sitting down.

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The security guard from before approaches, smiling.  "Hey!  They're letting you back out!"

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"It's a miracle!"

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"I assume you figured out what my half of the conversation was about.  I still don't really get yours but maybe that's just how it is!"

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"Couple things you said sounded like puns in my native language."

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"Okay.  Well, I'm glad you're not getting cut up or whatever."  She tosses more blue candies to the kids, which they flinch from at first but then scoop up delightedly.

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And within a few minutes a man dressed approximately like the other scientists but in scruffier condition emerges from the building.

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"Hello there. I know you only as Captive Gruesome Surgeon, have you got a name? I'm Cam."

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"Markus Vaughn."  He goes in for what first appears to be a handshake but then turns out to be one of those greeting forearm grabs.

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Forearm grab, shake shake. "Pleased to meet and rescue you."

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"Pleased to be rescued, I think."

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"Where are we going now?"

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"Well, if you don't have anywhere else to be, I was going to tote you with me to my city. It's called Atriama. Looks like this." He displays a picture.

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"We've never been anywhere else, so . . ."

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"Could have been someone was smuggling you letters from a pen pal or you wanted to go land on someone who was a facility janitor two years ago, I didn't know! But you are all welcome in Atriama."

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"Okay.  We, uh, don't how to take off."

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"That's okay, it'd be a really long way to fly by wing anyway. I have a shuttle on top of that building over there," point, "and the building has an elevator if you can't take off to fly up."

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"Which is good because I definitely can't take off."

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"Yeah, even if you want a set of wings I don't reckon I can teach you to fly in the next ten minutes. Do you want some food, they've been ravenous but maybe they let you order your own takeout." Do the kids want, uh, what's minimally processed. Edamame and nuts.

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The kids are starting to slow down a little but yeah, edamame and nuts!

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"It's been mostly adequate but they did miss breakfast today."

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Egg salad sandwich?

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He eats it, yeah.  "Thank you."

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"Anytime. Why haven't you guys learned to take off, do you usually just stand there in the wind tunnel till it's strong enough to scoop you up?"

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"Pretty much."

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"Man, I hope you actually have strong enough wings that you can take off, I didn't anticipate a need for a wind tunnel in Atriama." He swipes a grape off the fruit platter. "Are you guys all ready to go or do you want to pack or hit the bathroom or anything?"

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The oldest girl looks at the rest of them.  "We're good."

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The doctor nods.

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Then Cam will lead the party on foot to the building. Calls Felicity.

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"Hello.  How's your patient doing?"

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"I think he'll be fine. I have here six kids with wings who don't know how to take off and their rescued captive surgeon. Everything clear for me to call the shuttle down to street level so we don't have to cram into the elevator?"

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"Stots.  I can arrange that given a few minutes, I think.  You want me in the shuttle?  - One moment."  There's a brief background conversation barely audible through the call.  "Kennedy wants to know whether she should also get in the shuttle.  She's composed a writeup of her situation, as you asked, and she says she'd be 'awful grateful' to ride it to the ground even if that's as far as she'd be going today."

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"...yeah, sure, I may be making a trip to Atriama sooner than I'd intended anyway."

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"Heard.  I'll make sure everyone's out of the way momentarily."

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"Say when."

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He pilots the shuttle gently down onto the ground and opens the door. "Everybody, this is my PA, Felicity. Felicity, these are six rescued science experiments and Markus."

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"We have names too!  Max Fang Iggy Nudge Gazzy Angel," she points.

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"Those are sure names! I know a Nudge but he's several dead people so probably the collision won't come up."

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"The scientists didn't name us so we had to pick them."

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"What neglectful scientists. Oh, and that's Kennedy, hi Kennedy."

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"Good noon.  Mr. Swan, I thought of something else useful about me just now that isn't in my report, which is that if you're going to be rescuing a lot of children it might be smart to have at least one untraumatized child around.  For their development."

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"I do not know nearly enough about child development to contradict you. I will read your report in flight, I suppose. Felicity, do you want to learn to fly one of these? You'd need to use the manual controls since I can't chip you but it's not that hard."

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"That does seem very useful and like not knowing will eventually become troublesome."

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"Yeah, I keep having so many places to be and not all of them need me in particular to be there but they are ideally visited on shortish timescales." When everyone's loaded up he lifts off. "I'm going to drop off this crowd in Atriama and then head back to Chelford, I suppose."

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"That sounds reasonable."  Felicity pays close attention to the liftoff and can take the controls for a while if Cam thinks she's ready!

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Sure! The autopilot does a lot, honestly.

Permalink Mark Unread

Thank the stars for that.  . . . Well, probably not the stars per se.

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Kennedy's report (which a Felicity shares with Cam digitally) claims that she's an incubator baby!  Her biological parents were dead years and decades before she was even conceived.  There are lots of even kids like her but she's the first solquinox!  She lives in a house with several other unpaired autumns and is treated fine overall but doesn't much like the level of scrutiny that comes with everyone watching out for whether she came out off-model somehow because of her delayed birthday.

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"Ones who aren't romantically involved with anyone else.  If they're going to bring anyone home they have to find a different home."

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Is that what the kids are calling it these days. "Gotcha."

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"Thank you for bringing me to your city.  I'll try to make it nicer by my being there."

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"I appreciate that."

The shuttle zooms across the surface of the world and down around the corner and docks in Atriama.

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Felicity clenches her teeth through the portion of the flight that's over the infinite drop but doesn't actually leave the helm of the mostly-autopiloted shuttle.

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All the new passengers emerge and go off to ogle the city.

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(Except the redheaded bird kid, who goes, "Guys describe it, come on," until his flockmates start telling him what's there.)

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(Which causes the surgeon to pause and head off in the other direction, guiltily.)

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Cam catches up with the surgeon. "Is this a problem I can solve by straight up replacing the kid's eyeballs?"

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". . . Probably not."

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"What is the nature of the problem?"

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"They were already replaced with some grown in a modified owl, but due to complications during the surgery not everything attached correctly.  They were ultimately crystal-healed into place non-functionally."

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"- okay, so when I say, replacing his eyeballs, I mean, surgically removing these ones and any scar tissue and then magically appearing exact replicas of his originals already attached."

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"Fuzhe."  (It sounds like the first syllable of 'fusion'.)  "It would depend on how far in the scar tissue went, then."

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"Do you have a guess?"

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"The original procedure was quite invasive."  Markus clears his throat.  "I don't know the patient well so I'm not sure how willing he would be to try again."

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"Right, I just wanted to know if it was likely to be possible at all before bothering him about it."

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He shrugs.  "You sound like a miracle worker.  If he wants to try and wants my help, I will."

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"I'm not going to press it today, certainly."

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"That does seem wise."

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"If you need any help with settling in ask Felicity for logistics questions and Mrindeh who is set up over there for material objects, she has the same powers as me and has not successfully gotten a resurrected bundle of joy yet so she's not busy."

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" - Resurrected?  Do you just - you make a whole replacement body, is that it?"

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"Yup. Caveats apply - it seems difficult for a baby, even a baby that is three babies squished together, to assume a set of bodies - but yup."

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"They've tried that, in Verona and maybe other places.  It doesn't work with out-of-season ones."

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"Yeah, the babies are of birthdays that ought to cooperate, they just can't figure out how to get into the bodies."

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"Even if you keep the soulless bodies we can make alive long enough for them to grow up, stars can't attach to them.  I've heard."

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"Well, stars can attach to mine, but I don't know what the difference is - are you getting them physically close to the stars?"

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"I don't know, I didn't work on it personally."

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"You gotta get the bodies physically close to the shell of the world. Could be that's your only problem."

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"Good to know."

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The younger three bird kids trot over.  One of them waves.

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"Hi there! You need something?"

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"Do you have clothes?  Real clothes," asks the pointy-eared one, "like jeans and sweatshirts?"

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"Like on TV."

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"That fit wings!"

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"I usually don't wear shirts because I don't like any of the ways you can fasten them around wings but there are many options and perhaps you will like some of them." He assesses their sizes and appears a pile of jeans and a selection of halter, button, and otherwise wing-compatible shirts for each.

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Nudge eeeeeees.

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And Angel runs off to fetch the big kids.

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The big kids can have new clothes too.

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"Can I have a big dress?  A poofy one?  In blue?" asks Angel even though she's already picked out a pair of jeans and folded them over her arm.

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"Of course you can." Poofy dress. Leggings to match.

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"Thank you so much!"

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"Where can we change?"

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"Pick an apartment or a few of 'em that still have the vacancy sign on the door and take off the sign!"

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" - We can just take a whole apartment?  For ourselves?"

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"Several if you want your own rooms!"

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"Do any of them have ways to fly into them?  - Can you teach us how to fly for real now, I really want to try, and I want to be able to fly around and then just glide onto a balcony and walk right inside to my home, wouldn't that be amazing?"

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"Some of them have balconies but I don't know how much space you need for a takeoff or landing, your wings aren't exactly like my model! I'm a pretty busy guy but there's a big trampoline in one of the parks if you want to try taking off over it."

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"There's a trampoline?  What else is there?  Do you have a, a swimming pool, or a roller rink, or - is there a race track?  Or a real playground?  Or a garden?  Are there real restaurants?"

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"Nudge."  Max puts a hand on her shoulder.

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". . . . . Is there a toy store."

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"I have not added a toy store but Mrindeh, over there, has the same powers as me, and can make you toys."

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Angel sprints off to Mrindeh, flapping and occasionally gliding a few steps, and the rest of the flock follows at various speeds.

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Cute kids.

"You good?" he asks Kennedy.

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"I will be fine if the other lady will make me things too."

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"She most likely will be delighted to! She's not busy since - oh, uh, please don't mention artificial wombs to her, I would like to deal with the fallout of other demons knowing that's a thing sometime not this week."

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"Okay.  Am I allowed to lie to her if I'm not manipulative enough to avoid her asking about it?"

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"I wouldn't dream of forbidding you to lie to people in full generality even if I thought - perhaps especially if I thought it would work, but it will have a normal amount and kind of consequences for your rapport with Mrindeh if she discovers it."

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"I'm not usually allowed to lie because it's bad for developing my conversational gracefulness.  If this is more important than developing my conversational gracefulness then I could lie about it, but if Ms. Miranda is upset about it later then I will tell her you told me it was that important."

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"Mrindeh," he corrects. "How about you just don't bring it up and say that sounds like an awfully personal question if for some reason she wants to know about your origins."

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"That would still be lying."

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"You don't think it would sound like a personal question?"

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"Not awfully so."  She scuffs at the ground with her shoe a little, daintily.  "It came up very quickly with you."

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"You could say you'd prefer not to say, perhaps."

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"Oh."  She considers that.  ". . . It's Ms. 'Mer-inday'?"

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"Mrihn-deh. I'd propose you ask her for a nickname to call her by but perhaps this would be anathema; unfortunately she is a one-named person so there's no other to fall back on."

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"I'll learn the right way."  She tries twice more and gets pretty close.  "What's an athema?"

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"The word 'anathema' means something that is forbidden or at least deeply objectionable."

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"Okay.  Thank you for your time, I'm sorry if I wasted it or annoyed you."

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"You're fine."

He exchanges the previously mobile Felicity unit for one who has tended to various mortal biological needs more recently and has wings, then ascends back to Britannia, this time not landing his shuttle.

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The other wingy one spends the ride trampolining with the bird kids.  It turns out they take to flying much more easily than she does, though she can't yet tell whether that's better physical design or just wind tunnel experience.  "Time to find out whether muscle memory lives in the mind or in the brain?"

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"Even if you can't really fly you should be able to glide in for a landing, and I can make you an air mattress or something if you're coming in too hot."

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"Oh good.  Petoffuru?"

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"Oh, it's something people say when they're about to jump off of something very high, or are currently?  I don't really know why."

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"Ah, I guess it's the equivalent of 'geronimo'. I'll go first so I can watch you come down without having to manage my own course, and then yeah."

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Down he spirals.

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And once he's on the ground Felicity follows.  She glides with basic competence, occasionally regaining height, and lands nongracefully but noninjuriously.

She's kind of giggly about it, once she's stably on two feet.

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Cam applauds lightly. "Congrats!"

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She bows and splays her wings.  "I think muscle memory does live in the mind.  Though of course actual muscles live in the body."

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"Yeah, it's mostly a misnomer."

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"Well.  What's next?"

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Well. What time has it gotten to be.

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It's early afternoon.  13:36 local time, octal.

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He hates this time system. "It won't be time for our late-night breakin for a while, so I guess maybe I should see about buying this land now that I have a bunch of money. Which reminds me, I should figure out how to wire Atriama for internet and, more pressingly, this place where we currently stand; if I make a computer can it get a mystical crystalline signal out of the air or is this strictly a cables situation?"

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"Mystical crystical, surely - I've been looking into it and you have a few options.  There are signal towers which don't strictly need to be wired to each other, but which won't work unless whatever organization they're copied from registers and adjusts for them; there's logging on with our cell phone and plugging it into a laptop, which is liable to be very slow but might be our current best option; we can do wires and those shouldn't inherently be prevented from working if the relevant organization doesn't know about them but scale is likely to be a problem even aside from the logistics of placing the physical wires."

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"Bleah. Phone tethering. I guess it should be enough for online banking. Can you check out the state of the global market in signal towers so I can try getting a few providers into a bidding war for the privilege of being my ISP?" He makes himself a laptop and tethers the phone and checks his email.

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"I can try!"

He has exactly one email, from welcome(on)ucom.alf.  It informs him of basic email functions and gives him a couple of links where he can donate money to either the Alphabet Conglomerate as a whole or to individual organizations in its directory, should he so choose.

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Oh, cool, good to know, he's not currently comfortably liquid enough to do that but could get that way any minute. No Britannian bank recommendations though? Damn. He will Google or whatever they have around here Britannian banks.

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No Britannian bank recommendations yet!  The 'or whatever' is called Moale, apparently, and it points Cam to several options.  There are Britannian banks and Europan banks and Roman banks that span both continents (though not, it seems, any that cover both all-of-Rome and Verona).

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Which one is friendliest to online banking?

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This one!  LGMT, it's called.

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Can he figure out from its website if it can communicate with his Veronan bank?

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It doesn't advertise a seamless account integration with any other companies or anything like that, but it does look like more basic and inconvenient transfers are probably possible.  Also while this one is clearly about the best available for online banking, he can't actually set up an account over the internet.

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Wow, the state of the art in online banking is terrible. He will wait for recommendations rather than go with this one right off.

"Reckon it's about time to collect Londinium cats and bring those down? You could try piloting it."

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"I could!  Let's."

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Off to Londinium with them, again gliding down rather than landing the shuttle.

Permalink Mark Unread

What about getting back to the shuttle?

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He can call it down to grab them, if she's not confident in her takeoffs yet.

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That would be much appreciated.

It's cloudy over Londinium, which is great for shuttle inconspicuity but kind of sucky for staying dry on the way down.

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When they've alighted he can make very dry hot air for as long as necessary to feel right again and then they can head surreptitiously toward the cat hideout.

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Felicity visibly finds her new long coat very uncomfortable but such is incarnation.  The cat hideout is conveniently pretty outskirty, at least, being in the slave housing part of town.

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When they're pretty close a calico stops to stare at them, but doesn't say anything.

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He recognizes the collar. "Hello again!"

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"Oh it is you!  I wasn't sure."

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"Understandable. It's me and this is my assistant Felicity."

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"Hello Felicity."

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Felicity, not understanding catspeak, doesn't respond.

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"She hasn't picked up the language. Anyway, are there cats who want to go to Atriama today?"

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"There are some who came by but we don't really know what that means.  I'm waiting out here because some of us don't want to meet you until we understand better."

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"Super valid. Do you have specific questions?"

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"Well, what is it like there.  There'll be a lot more food, right?"

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"Yes. Not live prey you can catch, at least not soon, but whatever else you want."

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"Oh, I don't care about that.  - Will you be mad if we still steal things there?"

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"Uh, kinda? If they belong to somebody who cares about them. There will be plenty of things you can have for the asking."

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"What would you do if we did?"

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"Give the thing back, maybe put you in a different part of the city?"

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". . . What if we put it back, first?"

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"Then I don't see how I'd even hear about it."

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"Hmmm . . .  Other Twolegs will be likely to kick and hit us normal amounts about it even if you don't?"

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"Probably less than that, since there everyone will know you're people, but they will accordingly be angrier if you steal from them because they know you're deciding to do it instead of just being dumb animals."

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"Hmmmmmmmm.  What if I ask for things to steal?"

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"Do you just like getting things that are hard to get?"

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"Yes!  - Well not just, but if we have food we won't need to trade shinies."

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"I bet you could get people to do that with you as a game, hiding stuff specifically for you."

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"Oh!  I'll come, then.  Are you going to take anyone who doesn't want to?"

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"No, anybody who wants to stay can, though I don't really recommend it."

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"Why not?"

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"Not all the humans here are very nice and I am not in charge so I can't just straightforwardly fix that. They aren't great to cats they think are animals and might also be a problem, maybe even a worse one, for cats they know are people."

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"Oh, just that.  If anyone doesn't like it can they come back here?"

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"Yes though they may need to wait for a ride."

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"What's a ride?"

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"Someone to convey them back up to the top of the world. - my city is not on top of the world, it's dug into the side."

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"I didn't know the world has a side!"

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"This world is a cylinder!"

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" - Like a . . . barrel?"

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"Kind of, but it goes down forever."

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- Felicity gives a quiet gasp, to herself.

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"Felicity?" he says, not meowing.

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"I think one of the babies twitched.  But I'm not sure."

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"Ooh!" His tail swishes and he returns his attention to the cat.

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"Is she gonna kick anyone either?"

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"Felicity is not going to kick anyone. She's very nice."

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"Okay I think you can come in then."  She leads the way back; the building has a dozen or two cats in it now.

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In they go. Cam finds a place to sit and introduces himself and Felicity to all the cats.

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"Hi.  Where are your wings?"

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"In my coat."

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"I would like to see them."

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Sure, he can take off the coat and shake his wings out.

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Everyone would also like to sniff them, please.

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Cam puts up with this.

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Rumpleteazer gives everyone a rundown of her conversation with Cam while they do.

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"You smell kinda weird."

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"I'm sorry to hear that."

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"It's not awful, just . . . weird."  Felicity is getting some sniffs as well.  "Her too, but different."

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"It would be odd if we smelled identical, I guess."

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"But your weirdnesses aren't at all the same."

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"...okay. I don't really have any light to shed on this."

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"How many cats can you take with you today?"

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"All of you if you all want to come!"

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"How will we get all this food, if not by hunting?  Are you going to keep us all inside somewhere?"

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"I can make food out of nothing." He materializes some sashimi and hands it to the first cat who definitely wants it. "And you don't have to live in a building, though the city is in a pocket in the side of the world, so there's a ceiling over the whole thing."

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"Mungojerrie said you could. But how will we get it?  Will you be all of our family?"  'Family' in this instance isn't a word that cats use for each other; it's specifically for humans.

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"I can make food that will last a long time, and I can leave it somewhere convenient for you and you can go get it from there whenever you want. I'm probably not going to be around enough to be family for everybody in other capacities."

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"Oh, good.  I prefer that."

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"How convenient. If any of you do want family there are people around but it's currently pretty hard for you to communicate with them, that's a work in progress."

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"But that's not any different from how it is already.  Unless knowing we could be communicating mucks things up."

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"I don't think it will be worse but it will mean humans might be awkward about, say, petting you, since the etiquette will be unclear at first."

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"What does it have to do with that?"

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"...it's kind of complicated and I don't even know if everybody else will have the same intuitions I do about it. Suffice it to say that there's a few cats working on making it so anybody will be able to talk to you and vice-versa."

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"Can I help too?"

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"I don't see why not."

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"Can we go now.  How are we going."

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"Will there be a chance to come later for those who don't now?"

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"I will load you into my flying vehicle and fly you there as soon as we are done with this conversation. And yes but I don't know when."

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"More like a year or a moon or a day?"

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"...more like a day but maybe two or three such days."

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"We'll have someone always in here waiting for you, then, until you return."

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"If that's not too inconvenient? I don't know how many trips you guys are going to need."

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"If there's another way to make sure we don't miss you without you knowing a time now, it might be more convenient."

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"I could leave something that will show a message, if you can read well enough?"

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"What's that?"

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"Oh, it's easy," says Mister Mistoffelees, who's been hiding in the crowd, without her coat but with her spiked collar.  She turns to Cam.  "Just leave the thing and they'll pick up how to read it."

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"Okay, thanks, Misto." He puts a little device on the floor of the shack which currently reads Atriama-bound shuttle to arrive in ???.

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A few cats go over to stare at and sniff it.

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"I think don't call me that, thanks."

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"Okay, sorry."

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"No worries."

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The Jellicles want a few minutes to confer and eventually it's decided that Munkustrap will go try out the city and then come back on the next trip to report to those who want to know more about what it's like before risking moving themselves, if that's alright?

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"Sure, that's fine. Do you mind if I carry you up to the shuttle in my arms rather than landing it?"

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". . . If you can, I suppose.  Final count, who all wants to come today?"

Eight cats raise their tails.

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"It'll take a few trips, I guess I can cover a landing with fog if it's not crowded out." Is it?

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Not really.

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Then it's going to get remarkably foggy oddly fast and the shuttle will come down. "All aboard."

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Trot trot trot trot trot trot trot.

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"Do you want to take Ellie now too?  We're at a store not too far away."

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"Sure, if you can book it over here."

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"Absolutely.  Do you want to load me up with another load of items to pawn, if I'm going to remain in this handy population center?"

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Cam fills a bag with objets d'art.

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And within a few minutes the two of them arrive, Ellie behind Felicity and panting harder than her.  Sprinty Felicity takes the bag from herself and heads back off at a slower pace.

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"Hello, Ellie! Into the shuttle with you."

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"Hi," she gasps, half-stumbling into the shuttle and looking around until she identifies Misto among the cats already there.  " - Can I have a water?  Please?"

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Bottle of water.

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She takes a hearty slug.

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"Sorry for being a bit overexcited about being able to run again."

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"Yeah, for sure."

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"Surely you could go for a jog around the campsite?"

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"I might, now!  Though it's a little warm for it there and all of those mes only have one sweater apiece.  There's a nice wood on the other side of the field, though; I've been going for walks."

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"Oh yeah, there's a trail through there."

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"Hey," Mistoffelees interrupts.  "I can't see out the window, can you put a sill there?"

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"Sure." A sill is installed for cats to sit on.

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A few of the cats say thank you, and all of them hop up on it.

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Except for one, who can't quite make it.

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- Felicity takes a knee next to the window.

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. . . Which the cat uses as an intermediate step and makes it onto the platform with everyone else.

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Cam narrates while he pilots for Felicity's benefit, and they go up and break out of the fogbank and head around to deposit passengers in Atriama.

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The landing site has a few people waiting nearby.  "Kitties?  Talking cats?"

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"Kitties! Talking cats! Here, I'll hand out state of the art in machine translation." He does this, including to the cats who wanted to help with it.

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"Thank you."

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The starches do what can only be described as ':D' when the words appear on their screen and a meow comes out of the cats'.

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"And I will go make sure the supply of cat food is plentiful - anybody want to come with me to make sure my cunning packaging ideas are also cat-openable? -"

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"I will."  A few others chime in their willingness as well.

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Then they can all join him and make sure that they can claw or bite open blister packs containing various delicacies and operate the kibble dispenser. The trash can is over there.

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Most of them are cat-openable but not these two, at least on a short time scale.  One of the kittens is really mangling the plastic on one of the harder ones.  Everybody else snarf snarf snarf snarf snarfs.

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"I don't recommend eating the plastic," Cam tells the kitten, tossing the rejected packaging types and rendering abundant the good ones. "What is you guys's preferred excretion situation, do you like sand or litter or do you want to learn to use plumbing or what?"

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He gets a couple votes for each option.

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He will go wake up Cricket from where he's napping in the shuttle and have him demonstrate plumbing usage since he has already been taught to do it, and he sets up an automatic sand-over-here-litter-over-there system not far from one of the park that will scoop up and dump over the side solid clumps.

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Oh, woah, plumbing is pretty interesting actually; several of the cats who voted against it are intrigued.

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One cat who wasn't in the food testing group approaches.  "Are there any - "  Her voice is scratchy and breaky; she coughs.  "Are there houses made for cats?"

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"I haven't made any that are specifically for cats, but I did leave some space. What should a house for a cat be like?"

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"It should have doors we can open."

"And soft things and small spaces."

"A mix of small and tall spaces."

"Things to climb on and room to run around."

"Small spaces that are up high."

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"What are human houses like on the inside?"

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"Here, let's walk through one." He opens the nearest unclaimed house. With his other hand he's got his computer and is CADing a house amount of cat furniture.

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"What's all this stuff?" one asks of the kitchen.

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"Stuff for humans to make and store food with. It's possible you'd like complicated food too with some iteration and taste-testing, but my understanding is that you do not currently have such a sophisticated taste for seasoning and exact temperatures and stuff that you'd benefit from kitchens."

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"What about this?"  Shower.

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"Human self-cleaning facility."

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"Why do they need help with that," one says at the same time as the creamsicle-colored one asks, "Does it work on cats?"

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"It is not sized for cats, but it would not somehow fail to spray water on cats if cats went into it and turned it on. Humans don't lick themselves. Or each other, at least usually and for cleaning purposes."

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"Maybe there should be a calmer, cat-sized moving water."

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"More like a basin or like the spraying thing and just gentler?"

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"I don't know.  I think I meant more like a basin.  What's the spraying like?"

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If the cats will take a step back he will demonstratively turn on the shower.

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The scrungliest one sticks a paw in, then runs a few steps away and shakes off the water.  "The basin."

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"Yeah, I can get you a little pool in the park."

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"In the cat houses."

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"Instead or also?"

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"Also is fine if you want."

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"If none of you want a pool in the park it would be silly to make one." He adds a water closet situation to the draft cat house.

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". . . Will it ever rain here?"

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"Then maybe a cat-sized small rain in the park."

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"Okay. I will make a water park section. Do you want a fence between the cat section and the section that will mostly attract human children?"

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He will start a file to design that too.

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"There should be places where the - not sunlight but light - streams in."

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"Like a window, or like a ceiling window in particular, or like a window with a light outside it?"

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"All of those might be nice.  But it shouldn't be light all the time."

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"Sure. You can have curtains, if nothing else." Tinker twiddle fiddle.

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"What are those?"

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"Fabric that goes in front of windows to keep out light and prevent people from seeing into your home."

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"Fabric is the thing Twoleg pelts are made of?  Why do you do that?  Should cats too?"

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"There is no particular reason for cats to wear them. Twolegs often find it more comfortable and attractive in addition to preferring to not look at some parts of each other's bodies most of the time."

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"How could I tell if it's more or less comfortable if I've never tried it?  I don't know about 'attractive' per se but the one Mistoffelees wears looks kinda nice.  And I think Twolegs are nicer to her because of it."

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"Do you prefer not to look at the parts of our bodies that her thing covers?" another cat deduces.

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"I guess it might help if you were cold but I think having fur probably obviates all the other comfort-related features. And no, actually, the main thing is anuses and genitals which seem hard to cover comfortably on a cat. Twolegs are probably nicer to her because it means a Twoleg is taking care of her, I don't think it's necessarily better than a collar at that."

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"I've seen them make different noises at her, though.  And point at her with their paws."

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"Yes, it's more remarkable than a collar."

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"I want one."

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"A vest? Sure - does hers have anything to let her take it off and on herself, do you know?"

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"I dunno."

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"Then I will have to ask her and her human about it." He can text Ellie, at least.

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I usually help her.

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"Her human says usually she helps. Are you sure you want one if you can't manage yourself?"

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"Jerrie and Teaser had collars they could do themselves; can't you just do that but bigger or something?"

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"I can try but I do not know if I will succeed."

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Cam fiddles with his computer in yet another file. "Color, style, fabric thickness?" he asks, while he scrolls through fastener possibilities.

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"Uh, maybe that color," she bats a paw in the direction of the nearest wall, a pine green.  "I don't know, you're the one who wears them normally.  Maybe something with - I don't know the word.  When they have a lot in a little space and it fluffs out."

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She waits a moment before responding, presumably to see if she learns2 the word.  "Maybe."

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He adds ruffles to his draft vest and shows her.

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"Yes!  - Will it stay on if I don't put my forelegs through it?"

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"Not really but if you want some kind of cape that could attach to a collar that'd be simpler."

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"Sure.  I don't know what any of the words you keep throwing out mean but sure."

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"I want it."

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Materialization! Cam clips the magnetic fastener on for her this first time.

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She spins in a tight circle a few times in an attempt to get a good look at herself and/or show off all her angles to everyone else.  "Thanks!"

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"You're welcome."

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. . . One of the other cats doesn't say anything but rubs a little on Cam's shins.

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"Hello there."

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"May I have something too?"

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"Sure, whaddaya want?"

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"Maybe a red one.  And softer, less riffly."

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Red cloak.

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"It's so . . . nice . . ."

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"I'm glad you like it!"

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"Me too . . ."

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"Can we still have a cat house even if we find some Twolegs we want to keep?"

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"I don't see why not."

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"And can you make changes to it if more ideas come up later?"

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"I can't make things stop existing, only start, so it's better to get it right the first time, but in principle yeah."

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He yawns real big.  "Then maybe we should nap on it.  Can I stay here?"

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He hops up on the couch and starts kneading down a comfortable spot.

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"Can we have some Twoleg word things in here for the next while?"

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"Sure." Word things.

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Most of the cats settle down to variously nap and words.  A few of them pop outside instead.

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If none of them need anything else he'll go make sure there are plenty of spare translators for anyone who might wish to pick one up.

Is it anywhere near nightfall yet.

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Not unless he flew very extremely slowly on purpose as a time filler.  He has two new texts from Ashley, though!

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What has Ashley to say?

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It's two pictures of pencil-handwritten pages, sent a few minutes apart.

Dear Cam,

I hope everything is going well with resurrecting other people, if you have been doing more of that.  I have been feeling a lot better today.  I'm sorry for acting ungreatful for being alive again and now that I'm in less pain I'm glad you did that.  I hope you have been communicating better with everyone else about what is going to happen to them.
Have things been going better?  Do people feel less bad waking up?  My uncle says we could host one more person, and if you need a lot of places to put people he could talk to some trustworthy and discreet people who might be able to help.
If you want a lot of details about my condition I could try but I'm still pretty tired and having trouble concentrating.  Maybe that would mean it's good practice though.

Ashley Wilson

The second one is a closer shot, slightly blurrier, the handwriting looser and messier.

My uncle said not to say this and I won't push it but the thing you're doing seems really stressful and it you need someone to help unwind let me know ;)*  We could go see a movie or try a float box or something.

*The wink is drawn vertically rather than being an emoticon, and plausibly could just be a regular smiley with misshapen eyes.  It's hard to tell unless one was for some reason reading it rendered into a standard font, in which case it would be very clear.

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I'm glad you're feeling better, and yes, we're improving on the communication issues. Current state of the art is to resurrect people into chamomile-ful bodies so they can promptly sleep it off. I have plenty of space but it's kind of you to offer. I've been in zero gravity before but appreciate the thought!
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Just realized maybe float boxes are maybe really bad for people like me if we have more of a need a connection to the stars to live!!!  Careful

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Good question, I will tell my assistant to ask in case any stars know!
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This time it's a text.


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Cam finds the nearest Felicity.

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Here she is!  "I think the babies are allllmost ready!  I was going to come find you shortly."

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"Oh that's great news! Is the process not as all-at-once as I'd thought, that they're taking a while?"

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"I'd compare it to, hm, putting on a boiler suit - while tied up, and it's too small and of a very rough fabric - and while you're in the process you can feel more and more of what's happening in it, a little like coming down from omnilol, then once you've fully got it on the bindings come off and you can move intentionally even if it's very uncomfortable.  And since this is our first batch I think it's smart to be very safe about things like 'what if they're moving reflexively instead of intentionally', 'what if they've just been at it so long that they can move a little even though they aren't all the way in', that sort of thing."

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"I don't know what a boiler suit is but I think I follow anyway."

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"A pair of coveralls?  Painter's costume?  A thing you put on over your regular clothes when doing work that might ruin them."

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"Aha. Uh, are the baby bodies... hungry."

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"They're mostly very sleepy, which is most of why I'm having trouble telling whether they're ready."

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"It's just it's been a while and they're so small!"

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"I think they're just about ready but if you want to send another shuttle out with some milk to be on the safe side I won't object."

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"Is there another batch that could be heading out now anyway?"

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"Not sufficiently organized yet, information-wise."

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"They probably couldn't eat the milk anyway if they're not all settled in and I guess they don't have infantile jaundice to clear or anything. Mrindeh will presumably top them off when they come home to her."

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"I was only going to wait a few more minutes anyways."

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"Awesome." Tailswish.

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Previously, a larger-than-babies small child approached Mrindeh.

"Hello, Ms."

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"It's, uh, it's Mrindeh."

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"Hello, Ms. - Mrindeh.  May I have some hair ties?"

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"Sure, what kind do you like?"

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"The little ones for the ends of braids instead of the ones for all of the hair near your head, please."

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Little bag of hair ties. "There you go. Lots of colors."

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"Thank you very much!"  She giggles, politely.  "May I also please have a sandwich on wheat bread with lettuce, turkey, and cranberry sauce spread on the side closest to the turkey, cut diagonally, please?"

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Mrindeh blinks and hands her a sandwich, wrapped up in paper.

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"Thank you again."  Kennedy unwraps it and examines whether it's to specifications.

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It is, though she didn't specify every property of the sandwich so Mrindeh filled it in.

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Like what.

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The turkey is very thinly sliced, but it's not the slightly gelid deli style, and it's warm. The cranberry sauce is chunky and has cardamom in it. The lettuce is not a cultivar she's heard of before and it's remarkably flat and sandwich-shaped. The bread is quite crusty and rustic-textured.

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Kennedy will try a bite.


It's edible.  She'll eat the rest of it while in the general vicinity of Mrindeh unless that seems objectionable in some way.

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Mrindeh's just kind of hanging out, looking at her computer occasionally.

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The bird kids, who had gotten distracted on their way to Mrindeh by the street murals and the pretty buildings and the other person over there with feathery wings, finally flapjog over.  "The guy said you could do toys, can you?  I don't know what kinds of toys there are.  How many can we have?  What was your favorite kind when you were a kid?"

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"Oh, I wasn't a kid, I've always been a grownup, but there are lots of kinds of toys. What kinds of things do you like?"

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"Why weren't you???"

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"- most demons weren't, we just appear already grown up."

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Can I have a puppy?"

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"Sorry, demons can't do living animals that work right."

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"Oh.  How are demons different from animals?"

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"I want a peggy bear.  With wings like me."

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"Demons are mostly like humans except for being indestructible and having powers. What's a peggy bear?"

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"It's a bear that's not an animal, and it's soft and you can hug it."

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"And it has stuffing and fur and it's not alive so hopefully you can make one.  If you can can I have a stuffed dog?  Maybe a brown one.  With spots!  To match my wings but it doesn't need wings."

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Stuffed bear with wings. Stuffed dog without wings. She's smiling.

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Angel squeals.  "Your name is Celeste," she informs the bear.

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"I want a tiger!"

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"It's polite to say thank you when someone does something nice for you," Kennedy informs the bird kids.

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"Thank you!"

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"Any more stuffed animals here?"