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Sage/Nemesis's Characters
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Template: Aeson

Aeson is the disappointing younger brother, despite his older siblings' foibles and his own merits. He's a layered person, who wears so many masks to protect himself even he frequently doesn't know what's really him and what isn't.

Read MoreGenerally speaking, Aeson is a person who, under all the masks, wants to do the right thing. Unfortunately, he is usually deeply influenced by people to whom 'the right thing' is harmful to others, and he will follow this philosophy until confronted by its wrongness.
Aeson is fairly good at politics, but his actual passion is research and discovery. Aeson cares deeply for his family, usually especially so for those members who, at least at some point, showed him affection without expectation. Losing one of these people, having them threatened, or being betrayed by them can shatter him.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Abra even-while-sleeping Pokémon SV
Aeson Arendsen blood-price Lee Hyun Jae Servitor
Aeson Arendsen price-of-pain Lee Hyun Jae Astraeus
Ethan Bolton flayed-man Will Tudor Westeros, Dusteros
Ethan Byrne favourite-son Jaco van den Hoven Midnight
Ethan Byrne honestly-truly Will Tudor Laiier
Jason drop-of-ink Jaco van den Hoven Silvertongue, Seven
Jason Mac Dhuibh short-leash Jaco van den Hoven Dragon Age
Regulus Black seas-like-that Lee Hyun Jae Harry Potter
Taninim in-greater-seas Lee Hyun Jae Skyfire
Template: Alex

The Righteous.
A Tian.
Hard-shelled but soft-hearted, Alex is a musician and a poet, balancing a curious and thoughtful nature with a hot temper and love of a good fight.

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Alex struggles with hyperemotion, particularly anger, particularly directed at himself, and when he falls he falls fast and hard - into fights and love alike. He hates harming those he doesn't believe deserves it, and if forced to do so will break in various interesting ways. He's very protective of the people he loves, and of people he takes under his protection - which often includes anyone he encounters who he decides needs it. Determined, righteous, and strong of will, if he sees an injustice he is first in line to fight it, and will keep going until he is literally incapable of continuing. Alternately, if in a situation where he doesn't have the space to notice suffering outside his own and his loved ones, he can get very focused on just that.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Alec Starr/Twin distant-diffusion Jeremy Sumpter Twilight
Alecia Theobald Lion/Younger fire-with-snow Kristen Stewart The Sims
Aleixo Barreira Anes Starr/Twin Leco, Lê face-the-storm Alex Meraz Resonance
Aleksei Baratheon Ilek Alek ours-is-the-fury Jeremy Sumpter Westeros, Dusteros
Alek Starsinger Ilek meant-to-keep Jeremy Sumpter Star Wars
Alek Starsinger Ilek spark-to-flame Bailee Madison, Will Shadley, Jeremy Sumpter KOTOR
Alesan at-Jair hearthfire Jacob Anderson Skyrim, Nirn
Alesin Aradin Twin Lesi st-elmo's-fire Amber Milam, Jordana Beatty Amenta, Dioscuri
Alessa Cousland Ilek off-my-back Kristen Stewart Dragon Age
Alessa Fray burning-violin Kristen Stewart Twilight, Evenfall
Alessandro Vongola Ilek Xandro furyandfire Jeremy Sumpter Titan Fleet
Alex a-higher-power Will Shadley Polar Night
Alex ever-goes-out Charmander Pokemon
Alex first-man Jacob Anderson Legacy
Alex holy-fire Sota Fukushi Witch Awakening
Alexander Leskil open-your-eyes Keanu Reeves CyberLife
Alexander Aniston Twin the-righteous Alex Pettyfer Deep Magic
Alexander Aniston-Martel Twin mercy-no-more Alex Meraz Twilight
Alexander John Morcant the-quiet-sun Jeremy Sumpter Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Alexander Lucas Morcant meant-to-be Jeremy Sumpter Erogame
Alexander Lucas Morcant Alex passionflower Jeremy Sumpter Erogame
Alexander Lucas Morcant Ichigo purest-part Jeremy Sumpter, Will Shadley Refraindre
Alexander Montgomery what've-you-got Alex Pettyfer Pleasantville
Alexander Sansregret trust-my-soul Kubilay Aka Eighties
Alexander Starr Xanxus Alex, Lex tooth-and-claw Jeremy Sumpter Lilith
Alexandra Aniston Ilek as-red-as-red-as-red Jordana Beatty, Amber Milam
Alexandre de Bourbon ciel-et-terre Kubilay Aka Last
Alexandre de Valois your-heart-forgets Keanu Reeves Atlantic
Alexei Starr Twin Alexei Grayward fire-and-the-flood Jeremy Sumpter Elsewhere
Alexei Starr Twin Alex not-to-hurt-you Jeremy Sumpter Nemeton
Alexei Starr Twin Alex the-terrible-fire Jeremy Sumpter Mystic
Alexei Starr Twin Alex wrath-and-ruin Jeremy Sumpter Skyfire
Alex Evans prima-materia Antonia Gentry Alicante
Alex Fray heavenly-tongue Jeremy Sumpter Themis
Alex Herondale Jace super-heron Alex Meraz Psych
Alexios Grim out-of-time Kubilay Aka Stardust Trek
Alex Morcant bare-my-teeth Jacob Anderson Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Alex Morcant break-of-dawn Jeremy Sumpter Zenith
Alex Morcant Ichigo close-enough-to-fall Jeremy Sumpter Refraindre
Alex Morcant no-dawn-no-day Jeremy Sumpter Midnight
Alex Morcant nothing-to-me Jeremy Sumpter Refraindre
Alex Morcant steady-on-my-knees Jeremy Sumpter Psych
Alex Morcant the-good-fight Kristen Stewart Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Alex Morcant this-sinful-earth Kristen Stewart Mary Sue CYOA
Alex Morcant wish-I-might Jacob Anderson Alethia
Alex Nova until-it-burns-out Sota Fukushi Pokémon SV
Alex Pendergast blood-will-out Jacob Anderson Aluria
Alex Quill hand-of-glory Jacob Anderson Dead Effect
Alex Rovere Jonathan Alexander Herondale heavenly-fire Kubilay Aka Themis-Chi
Alex Starr Twin burn-out-stars Jacob Anderson Unnatural Disasters
Alex Starr tame-your-demons Jeremy Sumpter Scholomance
Alex Stormchaser our-arms-unbound Jacob Anderson Stormcage
Alex Theobald Ilek time-flies Jeremy Sumpter Aion
Alex Wayland ebb-and-flow Will Shadley Themis-Mu
Alex Wayland lumen-infinitum Alex Pettyfer Themis-Alpha
A'leyha Tia sunlight-warrior Alex Meraz Etheirys
Aliana least-daughter Kristen Stewart Knights of the Old Republic
Ali Neberi forbidden-fruit Jacob Anderson Theogony
Alis small-mercy Bailee Madison, Sasha Calle DCU SV
Alys Stark blood-of-ice Kristen Stewart Animos
Blade of the Storm Stormsinger song-of-storms Arcania Artefactum
Captain Xander Starr Xanxus perchance-to-dream Jacob Anderson Dormire
Chiba Mamoru dark-and-dreaming Sota Fukushi Sailor Moon
Commander Xander Shepard Xanxus save-your-hate Jacob Anderson Mass Effect, Catalyst
Fury passion-and-pride Antonia Gentry Polar Night
Ilek Tian Ilek center-stage Kim Jae Wook Arcania Artefactum
Ilek Tian Ilek the-colour-of-fire Sota Fukushi Arcania Artefactum
Kahlan Amnell heart-beat-fast Kristen Stewart Sword of Truth
Kamado Tanjiro Ilek charcoal-burner Sota Fukushi Demon Slayer
Kara stellar-alloy Jeremy Sumpter DCU SV
Laisa hear-me-roar Dusteros
Laisa more-heat-surges Pokémon SV
Less Fray fire-from-the-heavens Kristen Stewart Percy Jackson
Less Morcant Morcant ignis-fatuus Antonia Gentry City Witch
Less Morcant in-the-darkness Antonia Gentry Skyfire
Less Morcant punch-it Antonia Gentry Star Trek
Lex Anise heir-of-storms Kristen Stewart Stormcell
Lexi Aniston as-is-her-wont Antonia Gentry Wont
Lexi Aniston nature-wins-out Kristen Stewart Otherworlds
Lex Morcant ready-player-one Kristen Stewart Arda, Earthfic
Lex Quill lives-to-start Keanu Reeves Stardew Valley
Lord Atrox Xanxus Lexus Mor āter-oculus Jacob Anderson Star Wars
Lucas Ardelay Jace fire-from-the-gods Jacob Anderson Quinn
Lucia I-wish-tonight Antonia Gentry Alethia
Lucia Hawke all-that-remains Kristen Stewart Dragon Age
Lucille le-ciel-le-jour-la-nuit Last
Lucretia Amaryllis Potter Lu Potter, Luke James Potter bleed-to-death Antonia Gentry Harry Potter
Lucy Kent silk-over-steel Kristen Stewart DCU SV
Luisa out-of-mind Stardust Trek
Luke Organa second-sun Alex Pettyfer, Keanu Reeves Star Wars
Lu Potter Lucy Amaranth Potter the-shining-ray Amber Milam, Levi Miller Harry Potter
Nix Princess Alix red-as-rose Kristen Stewart SV Disney
Portgas D. Xan live-through-today Alex Meraz One Piece
Prince Zian Xan dragon's-tongue Sota Fukushi Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rogue Lexi, Alexandrine Aniston live-with-it Antonia Gentry X-Men
Sanandrel your-redemption Jacob Anderson
San Morcant where-there's-smoke Kubilay Aka Cuckoo
Sasha radiant-heart Kubilay Aka Servant
Seitel warlike-impression Kubilay Aka Sceptiron
Sir Zeiphel of Long Lake Zei General, King's Champion, Sir Zeiphel, Lord Zeiphel of Long Lake steady-now Kubilay Aka Tower
Votary Alexicacus to-ward-the-sun Jeremy Sumpter Paieon
Xan Xanxus all-the-nights Jacob Anderson Polar Night
Xan Xanxus become-inevitable Kubilay Aka DCU SV
Xan Xan Xander Ravenguard, The Blade of Frontiers, The Blade of Avernus heart-of-iron Jacob Anderson Baldur's Gate
Xan Morcant slash-and-burn Jacob Anderson Supernatural
Xanxus di Varia Xanxus fires-undying Kubilay Aka Skyfire
Xanxus Vongola Xanxus Dieci, Xan flames-of-wrath Aramis Knight, Kubilay Aka Skyfire
Xanxus Vongola Xanxus is-my-wrath Kubilay Aka Daevinity
Xia di Vongola unceasing-in-anger Kristen Stewart Skyfire
Zee Quill Zei cold-fire Antonia Gentry Haunt
Zee Quill Zei Alexei Quill rumours-of-summer Kim Jae Wook Otherways
Zei Aniston cage-of-duty Jacob Anderson Animorphs
Zei Aniston Xanxus stars-and-ashes Jeremy Sumpter Ashes
Zei Grim doubt-the-stars Kubilay Aka Alterra, Subnautica
Zei Lockwood bad-moon-rising Jeremy Sumpter Mystic, Primordial
Zei Quill is-to-be Jeremy Sumpter Earthfic
Zei Quill Zei mightier-than Alex Meraz Twilight
Zei Quill sigil-of-fire Jeremy Sumpter Sigil
Zen steel-man Jeremy Sumpter DCU SV
Template: Amalia

Sibling to the Das template, Amalia has a contentious relationship with her brother, the two clashing with each other where they aren't grudgingly defending each other from mutual enemies.

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Amalia tends to think men can be useful and entertaining, and consider women to be uninteresting, as general categories. Amaury thinks men can be useful and women are most useful for sex.
Amalia usually attaches herself to one or more men as a teenager-or-equivalent, seeking to please them above all others, or if they die, seeking to return them to life. Most often this is a father figure, but in some cases it can be a brother or simply a lover (rather than a lover in addition to the other things). Amalia is hedonistic and sadistic, and isn't interested in reasons why she shouldn't indulge those urges, outside of ensuring they don't come back to bite her too terribly.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Amaii Silo'an a-little-dark Christina Ricci SWTOR
Amalia Eadricson crush&cling Christina Ricci Twilight
Amalia Naess no-satisfaction Christina Ricci Psych, a/b/o
Amalia Nest Amalia Sloane favourite-childe Christina Ricci Midnight
Amalia Sloane daughter-of-slaughter Christina Ricci Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Amalia Sloane drop-of-honey Christina Ricci Servitor
Amalia Sloane pretty-little-thing Christina Ricci Themis
Amalie Mikkeldottir just-like-you Christina Ricci Mystic
Amaury Sloane progress-waits Timothée Chalamet Stormcell
Amaury Sloane sweet-dreams Timothée Chalamet Visare
Heather Sloane top-bitch Christina Ricci Heathers
Lady Amalia Tremaine all-the-while Christina Ricci Cinderella, SV Disney
Lady Amelie black-as-ebony Christina Ricci SV Disney
Nikolaos little-horror Anna Popplewall Obsidian
Queen Beryl malicious-heart Christina Ricci Sailor Moon
Regina Sloane mon-cher Christina Ricci Laiier
Template: Author

Inserts that are aware they're inserts.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Dani Campbell nothing-but-time Andrew Robertson Earthfic
Dani Sansregret Daniel Callan Sansregret just-to-be Andrew Robertson Eighties
Grace Sansregret lesson-learned Alexandra Dowling Harry Potter
Sage Campbell Sage Elizabeth Campbell all-I-care Alexandra Dowling Second Chances
Sage Senetti you-cannot-recall Alexandra Dowling Pokemon
Sarah Grace Sansregret yours-to-miss Sophia Lilis Eighties
Saraih Campbell unaware manic-pixie Alexandra Dowling, Andrew Robertson
Senna earth-blood-touch Alexandra Dowling Sceptiron
Template: Author-Shard

Author alts.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Sage Senetti Jietti of-all-things Alex Saxon Star Wars
Senetti Senetti no-constant-shape Alexandra Dowling, Alex Saxon Witch Awakening, Witchdom
The Healer water-does Alexandra Dowling Ethesu
Zinnia Senetti indomitable-self Alexandra Dowling Tentacle Realm
Template: Caine

The Dutiful.

Calculated and usually cool-headed, a Caine puts on a front to keep others at a distance. Caines are avid readers and clever tacticians, and are typically considered child prodigies in their youths. Those who break through their shields can expect a loyal friend for life and beyond.
Caine is always homosexual and biromantic, and is always a man.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Anekasi Aten mirror-image Lucky Blue Smith, Sebastian Jessen Amenta, Dioscuri
Caen Iten shieldofcialin Jang Woo Young Arcania Artefactum
Cain Atten don't-feed-it Sebastian Jessen Lilith
Cain Cassidy at-your-feet Francisco Lachowski Stormcell
Caine Atten dog-whistle Jang Woo Young StrangerVille
Caine Atten lightning-cutter Lucky Blue Smith Titan Fleet
Caine Atten underdog Lucky Blue Smith WTFMagic
Caine Atten-Cash not-a-cat-person Lucky Blue Smith Scholomance
Caine Atten-Cash tongue-of-dog Lucky Blue Smith High Mage
Caine Cash puppy-dog-tails Kare Hedebrant
Caine Kilrain right-from-wrong Lucky Blue Smith Mass Effect, Catalyst
Gauntlet of the Guardian strong-right-hand Arcania Artefactum
Kan Ha-Ten in-the-dry-leaves Jang Woo Young Heartless
Kaydin Dayne sword-of-mourning Lucky Blue Smith Westeros, Dusteros
Kay Lightwood take-my-strength Lucky Blue Smith Themis
Kay Summers light-without Lucky Blue Smith X-Men
Lieutenant Kain Hawkeye carry-the-bodies Lucky Blue Smith Gate of Truth
Nephrite dark-and-drifting Jang Woo Young Sailor Moon
Swiftrunner bitter-irony Francisco Lachowski Dragon Age
Template: Das

Sadistic and manipulative. Obsessed with beauty, body modification, and the beauty in suffering.

Raised by his serial black widow mom who wants him to be one as well, Das grows up to be more of a serial torturer than a killer. If he reaches adulthood on an unaltered path, he will trust literally no one, ever, unless they are so completely in his power they can't escape. A young Das can, however, be pulled off this path - he will in fact attempt to get himself off of it but always fails without help.

Raised by his abusive rich (and often noble) biological father instead, Daemon grows up to be a good-hearted artist who wants to make the world better and help people less fortunate. Disgusted by the rich/nobility, Daemon is a huge romantic who gets himself into all sorts of messes because of it. While his sadistic tendencies are somewhat repressed, he still finds suffering beautiful and is oriented around beauty - and innocence - in general.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Daemon Spade Daemon intricate-web Hiroshi Tamaki Skyfire
Dae Sparde Dai perfect-filament Benjamin Wadsworth Servant
Dai Bennett Daemon the-oldest-canvas Reece King Primordial
Dai Sloane every-beautiful-thing Ando Masanobu
Dai Sloane must-suffer-me Ando Masanobu Animorphs
Daisuke Ōe Das echo-ink Hiroshi Tamaki Refraindre, CyberLife
Daisuke Ōe guilty-pleasures Hiroshi Tamaki Obsidian
Damask Daemon most-divine-emotion Hiroshi Tamaki Ars Doloris
Damon Sparde life-from-clay Reece King Genesis
Darken Rahl red-web Benjamin Wadsworth Sword of Truth
Darth Kesmas means-to-end Hiroshi Tamaki SWTOR
Dasil Loen-ya Daemon Das true-nature Hiroshi Tamaki Arcania Artefactum
Dastin Lor Das to-my-tune Cillian Murphy Star Wars
Davin Lowell Das patience-rewarded Cillian Murphy Elsewhere, Nemeton, Silvertongue, Seven
Davyn Lowell inhabit-the-flesh Cillian Murphy Unnatural Disasters
Davyn Lowell Das trust-in-me Cillian Murphy Twilight, Evenfall
Davyn Sloane perfect-drug Cillian Murphy Visare
Jashin for-suffering's-sake Naruto
Lady Anastasia Tremaine feel-something Natalie Dormer Cinderella, SV Disney
Lord Tristan red-as-blood Jonathan Rhys Meyers SV Disney
Stacia Lowell to-nothing Natalie Dormer Craft
Template: Dino/Alin

Sweet cinnamon roll; too good, too pure.

Dino is weak-willed until he is Not. Dino is often possessed by and/or twin to Jalex, and is otherwise always connected to him in some way. He is frequently romantically involved with Anya's Ava template.
Dino has dyspraxia affecting primarily gross motor functions, which he controls by moving carefully and paying close attention to those movements. Despite his gentle nature, he frequently ends up a soldier, knight, and/or part of the criminal underground. He adores horses and would love nothing more than to live on a farm out in the middle of nowhere with his family.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Aladdin diamond-in-the-rough Elliot Knight Agrabah, SV Disney
Alan bow-and-bend Elliot Knight Legacy
Alana Constance Verlac glass-slipper Josephine Langford Themis-Zeta
Alan Chevalier que-tout-recommence Boran Kuzum Last
Alan Harker sea-of-wonders Xavier Samuel Dracula
Alan Knight be-very-afraid Marvel, Venom
Alan Knight blood-and-salt Elliot Knight Obsidian
Alan Knight blood-inheritance Xavier Samuel Wormverse
Alan Knight book-keeper Xavier Samuel Otherways
Alan Knight by-night Xavier Samuel Doppelgängland
Alan Knight cloak-of-night Xavier Samuel Eclipse
Alan Knight deep-and-dreaming Xavier Samuel Sailor Moon
Alan Knight did-not-hold Xavier Samuel Synanon
Alan Knight dreaming-twilight Xavier Samuel Twilight
Alan Knight Ale dust-to-dust Xavier Samuel Ashes
Alan Knight live-in-harmony Xavier Samuel Firefly
Alan Knight purple-heart Xavier Samuel
Alan Knight say-forever Elliot Knight Whoniverse, Z-Space
Alan Knight some-disconsolate-prisoner Xavier Samuel Animorphs
Alan Knight space-cowboy Xavier Samuel Dead Effect
Alan Knight strong-enough-to-stand Xavier Samuel Twilight, Evenfall
Alan Knight the-shadow-cast Xavier Samuel Firewalker
Alan Knight wer-man Xavier Samuel Bewitched
Alan Knight pour-une-chanson Xavier Samuel Mass Effect, Catalyst
Alan Maitland bucking-horse Xavier Samuel Stardew Valley
Alan Mohs Boran Kuzum Sword of Truth
Alanna shape-the-future Josephine Langford Polar Night
Alan Rivers as-above Boran Kuzum Neath
Alan Spade fade-into Xavier Samuel Twilight
Alan Willelmson earth-and-kingdoms Xavier Samuel Primordial
Alan Willsson solid-ground Xavier Samuel Alagaësia
Alen Lars sink-in Xavier Samuel Star Wars
Alin Knight space-between Xavier Samuel Whoniverse, X-Space
Alin Ritter Xavier Samuel Charmed
Allen Knight what-is-behind Elliot Knight Visare
Alyn Greyjoy half-so-mortal Boran Kuzum Dusteros, Animos
Aulus Aemilius Constans century-of-war Elliot Knight Assassin's Creed
Constantino Cavallone Dino half-tamed Xavier Samuel Skyfire
Constantius Equitius steady-on Xavier Samuel Nirn
Deeno Nyte sea-unto-the-pine Xavier Samuel Under
Din not-so-dark Elliot Knight Alexandria
Dino take-your-soul Boran Kuzum Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Dino Cavallone lonely-nights Xavier Samuel Dormire
Dino Cavallone lost-world Xavier Samuel Mystic
Dino Chevalier not-be-afraid Boran Kuzum Deep Magic
Dino Knight Constantine Knight in-high-winds Xavier Samuel Percy Jackson
Dino Knight it-won't-stop Xavier Samuel Pokemon SV
Dino Ritter on-my-life Xavier Samuel Gate of Truth
Diu Ni solid-ground Lee Ji-eun Avatar: The Last Airbender
Horemheb Ramesses through-the-heart Elliot Knight Heliopolis
Lt. Alan Knight safe-and-secure Elliot Knight Star Trek: X
Sir Dino impossible-quest Xavier Samuel Labyrinth
Tino Aristolos Boran Kuzum Theogony
Tino Cavalo deny-evil Boran Kuzum Avernus
Template: Dru

Dru would really love it if mind controlling the world would solve all his problems. Sadly, even if he's powerful enough to do it, it won't.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Anders Willelmson though-my-heart Xavier Samuel Primordial
Andrea Alatta hear-whispers Hilaria Burton Skyfire X
Andrea di Cavallone by-the-reins Xavier Samuel Skyfire
Andrea Elric ties-that-bind Hilarie Burton Gate of Truth
Andrea Song crime-of-passion Hilarie Burton Earthfic
André Knight stay-against-confusion Xavier Samuel
Andrew Knight mental-touch Xavier Samuel Twilight
Drew Knight human-pendulum Xavier Samuel Psych
Drew Knight on-my-way Barry Keoghan Stormcage
Drew Knight Andrew Knight shattered-mind Xavier Samuel Twilight, Evenfall, Afterlight
Drew Maitland devoted-effort Xavier Samuel Stardew Valley
Dru in-the-river Xavier Samuel Polar Night
Druig to-the-river Barry Keoghan Eternals
Mordred Spade in-control Xavier Samuel
River in-a-heartbeat Marama Corlett Midnight
River Song Druig of the House of Oakdown the-stars-themselves Marama Corlett, Hilarie Burton, Alex Kingston, Ritu Arya, Barry Keoghan, Nina Toussaint-White, Maisie Richardson-Sellers Whoniverse, Z-Space
Rivyn Zorander touch-of-death Marama Corlett Sword of Truth
Sindre I-remain Xavier Samuel Ashes
Template: Elia

Elia is fiery, principled, and charismatic. Different circumstances give Elias slightly different ideals, but in all cases she desires make the world a better place, and she believes she can do the most good from as close to the top as she can get.
Elia is often frail, especially when she's young, but advanced medicine or magic can heal her.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Elia come-to-dust Elodie Yung Coelesti
Elia nymphaea-caerulea Kennedy McMann Legacy
Elia Martell among-vipers Elodie Yung Westeros
Elize Neberi kin-and-country Elodie Yung Theogony
Ilia Markina Natalie Portman Jörmungandr
Islanzadí Dröttning Alagaësia
Lily Elisabeth Evans lycoris-radiata Kennedy McMann, Bella Thorne Harry Potter
Lord Elia Amadori one-side Kennedy McMann Afterlight
Padmé Amidala our-people Natalie Portman Star Wars, Mortis
Princess Irulan Corrino step-beyond-logic Elodie Yung Dune
Sultana Aaliyah shifting-sands Elodie Yung Agrabah
The Summer Queen eternal-summer Elodie Yung Otherways
Template: Erin

Warm and resilient, Erins have a natural determination that often leads them to positions of great responsibility. She always takes life along with a strong dose of good humour, which serves her well in her profession, which always, inevitably, has something to do with healing.

Read MoreErins often have a strong bond with a large, usually reptillian animal companion.
Erins are always some degree of bisexual-leaning-homosexual-and-romantic, and are always women.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Ariana Giglio Nero lightofapollo Jenna Coleman Titan Fleet
Erin cold-water Bianca Berry Tarantino Polar Night
Erin lay-hands Jenna Coleman Murune
Erin vulnera-sanentur Mariah Buzolin Legacy
Erin Chakwas tending-the-wounds Jenna Coleman Mass Effect, Catalyst
Erin Newark caduceus
Erin Newark doctor-strange Mariah Buzolin StrangerVille
Erin Newark doctosaurus-rex Jenna Coleman WTFMagic
Erin Newark spoonfulofsugar Mariah Buzolin High Mage
Erin Noak Iftheglovefits Amanda Junegren, Jenna Coleman Arcania Artefactum
Kan-E-Senna true-of-heart Jenna Coleman Etheirys
Template: Gabriel

A Tian.

Quietly brilliant, Gabriel(le) is diligent and responsible, taking the role of everyone's big sibling. Unfortunately for them, this often leads to them ending up in charge, despite usually not being the eldest. They would rather be a scholar or a knight, but they won't shirk their duty; it's not in their nature.
Don't shorten their name without permission.
They try so hard. Save this disaster gay from themself.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
A'ryel Rohja lance-of-the-sun Esra Bilgiç Etheirys
Camoran Faendal Ravus sharp-as-yours Choi Minku The Elder Scrolls
Gabriel Aniston white-knight Dylan Sprouse High Mage
Gabriel Barreira Anes Biel strike-the-bell Alex Meraz Resonance
Gabriele Tianne Paladin-King Gabriele Tianne paladin-king Dylan Sprouse Paieon
Gabriele Vongola blade-of-heaven Dylan Sprouse Titan Fleet
Gabrielle Aniston the-cautious Teresa Palmer Deep Magic
Gabrielle Danvers nothing-to-prove Teresa Palmer
Gabrielle Theobald doctor-blind Teresa Palmer Aion
Gabriel Theobald sword-and-shield
Gael Tian count-the-cost Choi Minki Arcania Artefactum
Galatea tide-is-full Teresa Palmer Atlantic
Gale Starsinger Ravus virulent-poison Teresa Palmer Star Wars
Gebhardt Theudobald sword_in_the_stone Dylan Sprouse Jörmungandr
Gerion Baratheon grey-cloak Dylan Sprouse, Haley Joel Osmont Westeros, Dusteros
King Gerion of Estwyl King Gerion the Young pillars-of-salt Dylan Sprouse Tower
Prince Gabriel Ferdinand slash-of-silver Dylan Sprouse
Prince Louis-Gabriel le-dauphin Dylan Sprouse Cinderella, SV Disney
Theodred Dylan Sprouse LOTR
Template: Idris

Balanced on the edge of the dark and light side, in Star Wars terms. A well-raised Idris believes in the inherent worth of all beings, and their right to life and freedom, and is willing to kill to ensure she and others have them.
Can be brought up to not believe everyone has equal rights to life and freedom, however. Will usually figure out this is wrong, eventually.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Daenerys Targaryen breaker-of-chains Emilia Clarke Westeros, Dusteros
Exile lost-my-vision KOTOR
Idhris Aldmeri Idhris Stormblade daughter-of-auriel Emilia Clarke The Elder Scrolls
Idris muse-of-space Sburb
Leia Organa that-space-within Katheryn Winnick Star Wars
Raziel holy-fire Katheryn Winnick Themis
Sailor Venus love-and-beauty Katheryn Winnick Sailor Moon
Template: Ista

Terrifying Mom Friend.
Consent and permission are very important to them. The sort of person who minds their own business unless you make it their business to mind yours.
Always immortal. Usually non-human.
Genderfluid - usually some flavour of neutral but sometimes not.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Camoraan of-the-green The Elder Scrolls
Hedwig mother-hen Harry Potter
Heylale deepest-sin Gakuto Oshiro Skyfire
Ialithe Ialithe Cairn touch-of-cold-iron Gakuto Oshiro Themis
Ista sylph-of-mind Sburb
Istaim Ka'Jinyi fresh-scalpel Gakuto Oshiro Arcania Artefactum
Izumi Flamel all-is-one Gackt Gate of Truth
Luna astronomical-standard Sailor Moon
T7-I17 Isk ask-first Star Wars, KOTOR
Template: Jalex

All the vices and only a few of the virtues of the Jamie and Alex templates.
Sadomasochist, Chaotic Evil. Jamie's (lack of) moral compass, Alex's temper. DNGAF. The most disaster child of all.
Likes hunting prey, fear, and inspiring emotions in others. Also enjoys possessing people.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
chaos-doom-discord Elliot Knight The Elder Scrolls
Amneris who-swallows-millions Patricia Velasquez Heliopolis
Asar awaken-at-dusk Pokémon SV
Creature sitting-pretty
Crow ink-feathers Alexander Gould, Xavier Samuel Silvertongue
Dr. Jack Spade appreciate-the-irony Boran Kuzum Star Trek: X
Glitch memory-corruption Boran Kuzum Visare
Greed noble-to-desire Boran Kuzum Gate of Truth
Jack ready-to-feed Xavier Samuel Refraindre
Jack seek-to-irritate Alexander Gould Polar Night
Jack the-ripper Boran Kuzum Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Jack true-simplicity Elliot Knight Legacy
Jackal jack-of-diamonds Xavier Samuel Skyfire X
Jackal the-little-death Xavier Samuel Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Jackal walks-with-death Alexander Gould, Xavier Samuel Beltane
Jackal Addams mon-sauvage Xavier Samuel Addams Family
Jackal Addams strangely-hungry Xavier Samuel Sims
Jackal Addams with-crooked-speech Xavier Samuel, Boran Kuzum Bewitched
Jackal Spade duality Xavier Samuel Skyfire
Jackal Spade for-a-kiss Alexander Gould Demonology
Jackal Spade ravens-eye Xavier Samuel Akren
Jack Cavallone lovely-nights Xavier Samuel Dormire
Jack Cavallone mr-sandman Xavier Samuel Dormire
Jack Cavallone part-of-me Xavier Samuel Mystic
Jack Chevalier ashes-to-ashes Xavier Samuel Ashes
Jack Chevalier the-piercing-chill Boran Kuzum Deep Magic
Jack Forrester Death good-ole-boy Xavier Samuel Obsidian
Jackie Mia Alves, Boran Kuzum Charmed
Jackie Dean make-an-impression Dakota Fanning Heathers
Jackie Knight black-heart Mia Alves
Jackie Knight mine-all-mine Mia Alves X-Men
Jackie Spade looking-for-something Dakota Fanning Elsewhere
Jack Knight bite-your-head-off Xavier Samuel Twilight
Jack Knight cosmic-santa Xavier Samuel Dead Effect
Jack Knight desoulation Xavier Samuel Revenant
Jack Knight for-ever-fall'n Xavier Samuel Mass Effect, Catalyst
Jack Knight full-of-drought Xavier Samuel Twilight, Evenfall
Jack Knight imagine-that Xavier Samuel Firefly
Jack Knight juices-like-wine Xavier Samuel Midnight
Jack Knight love-you-so Xavier Samuel Synanon
Jack Knight stranger-worlds Xavier Samuel Otherways
Jack Knight unexplored-depths Xavier Samuel Titan Industries
Jack Lowell in-your-shadow Xavier Samuel Unnatural Disasters
Jack Maitland void-spirit Stardew Valley
Jack Morcant which-devours-everything Xavier Samuel Wont
Jack Morgenstern he-eats-life Xavier Samuel, Alexander Gould Themis-Mu
Jack of Spades death-card Xavier Samuel
Jack of Spades is-our-desire Dakota Fanning Evil Overlord List
Jack Rathe and-ruin Xavier Samuel Firewalker
Jack Rathe Dr. Rathe take-you-in Boran Kuzum
Jack Rathe you'd-drop-in Alexander Gould
Jack Ritter darkling-lord Alexander Gould Harry Potter, Earthfic
Jack Rivers so-below Boran Kuzum Neath
Jack Slash jack-the-knife Xavier Samuel Wormverse
Jack Spade hungry-eyes Xavier Samuel Twilight
Jack Spade mirror-image Xavier Samuel Doppelgängland
Jack Spade one-desire Xavier Samuel Fallout
Jack Spade seeds-of-temptation Alexander Gould Miracle
Jack Spade sigil-killer Xavier Samuel Sigil
Jack Spade still-craving Boran Kuzum Resver
Jack Spade trust-in-me Xavier Samuel Craft
Jack Spade we-must-hunger Alexander Gould Lilith
Jack Spardé like-a-light Xavier Samuel The Expanse
Jack Wayland a-deadly-foe Xavier Samuel, Sarah Gadon Themis-Zeta
Jack Wayland Jacob Alexander Wayland did-it-hurt Xavier Samuel Themis-Chi
Jacqueline Amaranth sweet-unrest Dakota Fanning Alethia
Jacques Espade ma-douce-souffrance Boran Kuzum Last
Jadeite dark-and-draining Xavier Samuel Sailor Moon
Jaka defend-yourself Elliot Knight Dark Forest
Jaka Willelmson its-own-delights Xavier Samuel Primordial
Jakkie Spades apple-of-my-eye Xavier Samuel Under
Jalal way-too-easy Elliot Knight Agrabah, SV Disney
Jaleq with-a-kiss Xavier Samuel, Nell Tiger Free Labyrinth
Jalex happier-in-body Xavier Samuel Animorphs
Jaq pack-your-bags Elliot Knight Alexandria
Jashin wicked-heart Xavier Samuel Naruto
Jie Ni mirror-flower Lee Ji-eun Avatar: The Last Airbender
Jsfet do-evil Boran Kuzum Avernus
Kiyalix Iac Spadr Yalix Spadr, Iac Spadr and-it's-mine Elliot Knight Basiland
Koschei a-terribly-sweet-thing Sarah Gadon, Xavier Samuel, Boran Kuzum Whoniverse, Z-Space
Lady Jalex screaming-dark Dakota Fanning Star Wars
Laica shadow-lover Xavier Samuel, Dakota Fanning LOTR
Lieutenant Jalis Spiros unholy-spirit Boran Kuzum Theogony
Raven unkindness Boran Kuzum Summerland
Raven Xavier Samuel Deep Magic
Rook terror-into-the-heart Rookidee Pokémon SV
Sithis dread-father Lee Dong-Wook The Elder Scrolls
Taariel né-wyrda Dakota Fanning Alagaësia
Taliesin Tali departed-like-hope
Taliesin waking-nightmare Dragon Age
Tenebris little-shadow Penumbra
Tiberius Aemilius Constans constant-companion Elliot Knight Assassin's Creed
Venom so-many-snacks Venom Marvel, Venom
Yara Greyjoy upon-her-lips Mia Alves Animos
Template: Jamie

A Tian.

Cheerful, kind, and friendly, Jamie will often go out of their way for strangers to a certain point, and far beyond that point for their loved ones. They go cold as ice when you push their boundaries, though.

Comes in Wild, Heir, Experiment, and Prisoner clusters.

Fairly selfish except for with the people they care about, Jamies are friendly enough to offset this, and default to being helpful, so long as it's not too much of an imposition. Will go to seriously self-harming lengths for the ones they love, however.
Jamies have a hunger for adventure and interesting things. Jamies believe strongly in self-determination, and their greatest fear is being forced into a role they hate. They can take this for a time, but will eventually either run or break. They fear being powerless, to help themselves and their loved ones, and they fear being abandoned by those they love.
Seemingly paradoxically, Jamies are fine with devoting themselves to obeying or assisting someone else so long as they do it of their own free will.
Jamies are non-binary but usually use the pronouns associated with their sex. Jamies have context-based attraction patterns - if he's distracted by something interesting, he normally won't react to flirting anything but offhandedly. Jamie does tend to acquire an attraction to strength and power, and to sparring and/or fighting, but usually doesn't start out with it.
Jamies are varying levels of 'very intelligent' and have prodigious memories, but tend to downplay this to lesser or greater extents, preferring to be underestimated. They are also extremely hedonistic, and quietly very self-controlled.

Wild: base cluster, the original Jamies were this. Usually either majority self-raised or raised by permissive parent figures. Usually hides intelligence mostly because being known to be highly intelligent makes life more boring.
Heir: The heir of an important family, with a lot of responsibility on their shoulders which they can't shrug off. Tend to hide their intelligence significantly less than other clusters.
Experiment: Someone's failed experiment, often Val's. Often has hidden skills, is quite obviously skilled in the areas their creator demanded they be, and frequently deals with self-hatred due to having little control over whichever aspect makes them a 'failed' experiment.
Prisoner: Raised a slave or raised to be married to someone, and/or raised/owned by Das for a significant portion of their life. Most examples of this cluster spend a lot of time locked in their head, and come across as an air-head because of this.

Jamies are also greatly affected by whether they're pre-angelic, angelic, or post-angelic phase - that is to say, whether they've attached themselves to someone(s).

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Aigil having-a-blast Shirota Yuu Otherways
Amita el S'tira Heir magicmaybe Rachel Hurd-Wood Arcania Artefactum
Angela 'G' Vongola Heir Kumo cloudchowder Rachel Hurd-Wood Titan Fleet
Angela Morgenstern Experiment homeward-dove Elle Fanning Twilight, Evenfall
Angel Aniston-Martel Wild/Prisoner make-this-easy Rachel Hurd-Wood Twilight
Angela Starr Wild against-his-creed Dakota Fanning Lilith
Angelina Fray silver-lining Elle Fanning Skyfire
Angelo walk-in-the-light Alex Pettyfer Baldur's Gate
Angélo Barreira Anes Wild Angél silver-liquid-drops Alex Meraz Resonance
Angel O'Byrne Miva Johanna O'Byrne slip-of-fire Quintessa Swindell Primordial
Angelo 'Deus' Vongola Heir Timoteo Michelangelo Vongola, Angelino, Lino, Deus cumulo-nimbus Niels Schneider, Romann Berrux Skyfire
Angel Starr heavenly-treasure Quintessa Swindell Cuckoo
Angie feel-something Elle Fanning Polar Night
Angie Aniston little-patterns Elle Fanning Wont
Angie Morcant sugar-high Elle Fanning Cycle
Angie Starr truth-in-artifice Elle Fanning Scholomance
Artemis Wild satellite-mind Quintessa Swindell Percy Jackson
Artemis Wild whom-winged-darts Rachel Hurd-Wood Reborn Gods
Bow of the Nomad Bodiless/Conceptual Arcania Artefactum
Camilla Nessasdottir Wild heavenly-argosy Elle Fanning Alagaësia
Camoran Gaemir Wild more-than-treasure Shirota Yuu The Elder Scrolls
Camyle first-star Canada Jay Alethia
Changeling infrequent-form X-Men
General Jaim Heir ride-the-wave Shirota Yuu Arcania Artefactum
Genie friend-like-me Shirota Yuu, multiple Agrabah, SV Disney
Jaehaera Targaryen Jax Jae wings-of-joy Elle Fanning Westeros, Dusteros
Jaime Baratheon Heir foolsgold Alex Pettyfer, Dakota Goyo Westeros, Dusteros
Jaime Baratheon light-in-the-east Elle Fanning fall of worlds
Jaime Lannister finer-steel Alex Pettyfer Westeros
James Aniston Wild the-joyful Alex Pettyfer Deep Magic
James Michael Morcant hard-light Alex Pettyfer Buffy the Vampire Slayer
James Michael Morcant Wild shallow-water Ed Speleers, Christian Michael Cooper Refraindre
James Montgomery Prisoner technicolour-dreams Alex Pettyfer Pleasantville
James Robinson Experiment choose-to-be Jacob Anderson Mass Effect, Catalyst
James Starr Wild Jamie castles-in-the-sky Jeremy Sumpter Skyfire
James Starr Wild James Grayward-Starr fair-and-flighty Jeremy Sumpter Elsewhere
James Starr Wild Jamie honey-on-my-tongue Jeremy Sumpter Mystic
James Starr Wild (Prisoner) Jamie take-it-for-you Jeremy Sumpter Nemeton
Jamie at-the-sky Eiji Wentz Polar Night
Jamie wide-cast Eiji Wentz Legacy
Jamie Prisoner wind-up-bird Mitch Hewer, Shirota Yuu CyberLife
Jamie Evans Experiment pesky-pixie Alex Pettyfer Harry Potter
Jamie Fray Experiment Michelangelo Morgenstern burnished-with-llight Elle Fanning Twilight, Evenfall
Jamie Hart sweethart Sukiicat Catsi
Jamie Morcant great-beyond Christian Michael Cooper Star Trek
Jamie Morcant let-me-follow Alex Pettyfer Ganymeda
Jamie Morcant not-afraid Elle Fanning Haunting
Jamie Morcant stars-from-my-eyes Alex Pettyfer Midnight
Jamie Potter Angela Jamie Potter bright-spark Elle Fanning Firewalker
Jamie Rogers Wild rope-trick Niels Schneider Mystery Incorporated
Jamie Silverfox wild-roses X-Men
Jamie Starr Wild freedomofform Jeremy Sumpter WTFMagic
Jamie Starr good-for-me Elle Fanning Skyfire
Jamie Starr Wild heart-of-ocean Mitch Hewer Alterra, Subnautica
Jamie Starr present-time Mitch Hewer Erogame
Jamie Starr Prisoner pretty-bird Ed Speleers Refraindre
Jamie Starr Jacob Anderson
Jamie Summers hard-and-bright Elle Fanning Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Jamie Summers the-sweet-air Elle Fanning Deep Magic
Jamie Theobald Wild what-i-am
Jamis Starsinger Wild tooka-kit Elle Fanning KOTOR, Star Wars
Jane beloved-servant Rachel Hurd-Wood Obsidian
Jane Prisoner purest-agony Rachel Hurd-Wood Twilight
Jas Morgenstern Jax rivers-of-blood Alex Pettyfer, others Gate of Truth
JAX Experiment prototype Eiji Wentz Dormire
Jaximili-Semitur-Edorial after-an-eternity Eiji Wentz, Camren Bicondova, Sonam Kapoor Animorphs
Jax Morgenstern antimonium Alex Pettyfer Alicante
Jax Morgenstern JAX, Jonathan Morgenstern jacked-in Jeremy Sumpter Dead Effect
Jax Morgenstern Jax no-colour-at-all Niels Schneider Afterlight
Jax Morgenstern snow-drop Alex Pettyfer Themis-Zeta
Jax Morgenstern Experiment will-out Shirota Yuu Silvertongue, Seven
Jax Stellata short-fine-delicate Eiji Wentz Pokémon SV
Jaxum Midnight proximity-to-light Camren Bicondova MCU
Jax Verlac Experiment acheronta-movebo Niels Schneider Themis-Alpha
Jax Verlac Experiment/Wild cat-burglar Shirota Yuu Mass Effect, Catalyst
Jax Verlac Experiment the-red-sky Shirota Yuu Servitor
Jay ready-to-die Iñaki Godoy One Piece
Jay Underland
Jay Starr Wild catch-the-wind Jacob Anderson Unnatural Disasters
Jay Wayland Jacob Alexander Wayland, James Alexander Morgenstern angelic-canon Alex Pettyfer Themis-Chi
Jem Starr Wild/Prisoner how-to-smile Alex Pettyfer Panem
Jinyu on-the-wing Eiji Wentz Avatar: The Last Airbender
Joie to-the-sea Elle Fanning Pathfinder
Joy Wild a-sweet-love Shirota Yuu Paieon
Joy Prisoner taste-of-chocolate Shirota Yuu, Sukiicat Animus
Joyeuse swift-feet Quintessa Swindell, Kit Young Coelesti
Joyeuse Mikala have-this-wish Quintessa Swindell Alethia
Joyful Luck of the Starlit Hills Clan Wild Joy cat-like-tread Shirota Yuu Dungeons and Dragons
J Theobald Wild Sorcerer game-changer Jacob Anderson High Mage
Kurosaki Mikoto without-chains Eiji Wentz Soul Society
Lacie Joy Summers Elle Fanning Charmed
Lady Jasmine Atreides everything-it-touches Rachel Hurd-Wood Dune
Ligeia Wild sweet-strung Rachel Hurd-Wood Atlantic
Meketaten soul-to-heaven Mila Avital Heliopolis
Mica that-distant-shore Whoniverse, X-Space
Micah 'Angel' Morganrath Wild fine-lines Alex Pettyfer Ashes
Micah Morganrath lift-me-higher Alex Pettyfer Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Micah Rathe Alex Pettyfer a/b/o
Michaela Fray Wild peach-blossom Camren Bicondova, Elle Fanning Themis-Omicron
Michi Kyle kitka Camren Bicondova Gotham
Mika Irase Wild Mika seek-favorable-winds Niels Schneider, Romann Berrux Amenta
Mika Star Wild (Former Prisoner) hyper-intuition Shirota Yuu Psych
Mikh Zhtaarr Wild bright-eyes Mitch Hewer Etheirys
Mistaiwe Experiment/Wild Feacalino, Melkorion Lintalasse, Lisso bright-soul Shirota Yuu LOTR
River Tam Jonathan "Jax" Morgenstern see-the-sky Shirota Yuu Firefly
Robin spray-of-ivy Eiji Wentz Gotham
Sébastien Verlac become-a-monster Shirota Yuu, Will Tudor, Cesar Domboy Scholomance
Shemi made-for-love Rachel Hurd-Wood Theogony
Shmi Skywalker Prisoner freedom-or-death Rachel Hurd-Wood, Dakota Fanning Star Wars
Spear of the Wanderer Bodiless/Conceptual with-the-setting-sun Arcania Artefactum
The Wanderer Wild what's-stopping-you Elle Fanning, Niels Schneider Shallow Gods, Milliways
Uzumaki Mikoto when-I-wake Eiji Wentz Naruto
Uzumaki Naruto orange-lilies Eiji Wentz Naruto
Voyager little-wing Shirota Yuu Witch Awakening
Wender Wild that-darkling-sky Kit Young Labyrinth
Ymir Sidereus Wild/Heir iron-breaker-king Shirota Yuu Anima
Zephyrus pax-romana Last
Zoisite Wild/Prisoner dark-and-darling Shirota Yuu Sailor Moon
Template: Jon

Chill and friendly, level-headed, loyal. Musician. Ladies man/woman. Sex ed friend.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Gianna legacy-builder Chiara Scelsi Legacy
Gianna Bovino come-again-please Chiara Scelsi Skyfire
Gianna Bovino thunderstruck Chiara Scelsi Skyfire
Giovanni 'Jon' Bovino Jon by-the-horns Julian Perretta Skyfire
Jada Granizskular brave-and-true Alagaësia
Jan Bovino blue-moon Chiara Scelsi Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Jan Bovino in-the-night Chiara Scelsi X-Men
Jan Bovino nmk Chiara Scelsi Servitor
Janice Bobbin charmed-the-heart Renée Mittelstaedt, Amandla Stenberg Harry Potter
Janice Bovino touch-the-stars Chiara Scelsi Mass Effect
Jon Bovino at-the-door Julian Perretta Themis
Jon Bovino country-roads Julian Perretta Stardew Valley
Jon Bovino electric-sheep Julian Perretta Visare
Jon Bovino loverboy Julian Perretta Erogame
Jon Bovino maid-of-blood Julian Perretta Sburb
Jon Bovino rolling-stone Julian Perretta Refraindre
Jon Bovino servants-of-man Julian Perretta Gate of Truth
Jon Bovino sheepshifter Julian Perretta Twilight
Jon Bovino sweet-seranade Julian Perretta Astraeus
Jonquil Waynwood a-wheel-broken Chiara Scelsi Westeros, Dusteros
Jon Vibinum valley-green Julian Perretta Panem
Kino Jan love-and-courage Renée Mittelstaedt Sailor Moon
Sir Janys The Lady Knight, Jan go-with-you Renée Mittelstaedt Tower
Template: Louis

His sister's ever-loyal right hand. Delighted to be here.
Jack of all trades. Smug little knowledge hoarder. Charming. Adores all his siblings.

Jalex/Ava or Jalex/Clary kid, sometimes Dino/Ava.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Aglaia hidden-brilliance Courtney Eaton Assassin's Creed
Alaric Stark blade-of-winter Louis Partridge Westeros, Dusteros
Alaric Stark vessel-of-flame Louis Partridge fall of worlds
Aurelia Morningstar Courtney Eaton
Lea Knight dangerous-game Courtney Eaton Heliopolis
Lieutenant Alar Shale at-your-command Louis Partridge SWTOR
Louis Grim Max Burkholder Stardust Trek
Louis Knight blue-knight Louis Partridge Doppelgängland
Louis Knight out-of-range David Mazouz Eclipse
Louis Lachance blood-brother Louis Partridge The Elder Scrolls
Louis Maitland Jean-Louis Étienne Maitland close-inspection Max Burkholder Stardew Valley
Louis Rathe where-there's-smoke Louis Partridge Firewalker
Louis Ritter be-transparent Louis Partridge Ashes
Louis Spade sweet-dreams Louis Partridge Resver
Lou Spadr sweet-knife Max Burkholder Basiland
Lucanis Dellamorte my-calling Louis Partridge Dragon Age
Lucilio Vongola Lio, Gio, Jove a-bit-much Louis Partridge Skyfire
The Shadow lee-ward Louis Partridge Whoniverse, X-Space
Thursday Addams far-to-go Louis Partridge Addams Family
Thursday Addams siminal-space Louis Partridge Sims
Template: Rand

Good at mental magic. Slippery. Good pilot. Betrayer.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Adán Rendón red-rash Milo Ventimiglia Dragon Age
Adon Randas your-humble-servant Milo Ventimiglia The Elder Scrolls
Arthur Randyll inverted-mirror Milo Ventimiglia Titan Fleet
Art Randyll mind-over-matter Milo Ventimiglia WTFMagic
Aton Aradir Milo Ventimiglia Amenta
Atton Mormont cross-my-heart Milo Ventimiglia Westeros, Dusteros
Atton Rand force-loves-fools Milo Ventimiglia KOTOR
Atton Rand try-this-trick Milo Ventimiglia Paieon
Aydon Errant to-deny Milo Ventimiglia Panem
Erandur right-my-wrongs Milo Ventimiglia The Elder Scrolls
Ganauche III s-ciào-vostro Milo Ventimiglia Skyfire
Hodge Starkweather the-same-mistakes Milo Ventimiglia Themis
Jaq so-you-suffer Milo Ventimiglia KOTOR
Peter Petrelli fever-dreams Milo Ventimiglia Genesis
Rand blood-money Milo Vetimiglia Polar Night
Rand go-fish Milo Ventimiglia Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Remy LeBeau suits-you Milo Ventimiglia X-Men
Ryan "Rand" Randyll convince-me Hayden Christensen fall of worlds
Ryan Randyll black-light Hayden Christensen Penumbra
Ryan Randyll black-sheep Hayden Christensen
Ryan Randyll black-tie Hayden Christensen Ganymeda
Ryan Randyll to-the-slaughter Hayden Christensen Alethia
Template: Remus/Luke
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Lucian Graymark wherever-you-are David Oakes Themis
Luke Garroway Lucian Greymark in-his-stead Luke Grimes Themis-Chi
Luke Garroway more-than-wolves David Oakes Scholomance
Luke Garroway Garroway red-crescent Toby Regbo Twilight
Luke Garroway Garroway running-back Luke Grimes Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Luke Garroway silver-tongue David Oakes, Gregory Smith, Toby Regbo Silvertongue
Luke Garroway to-make-a-world Luke Grimes Labyrinth, Laiier
Luke Garroway Garroway Luke Grimes Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Luke Graymark blood-moon Toby Regbo Servitor
Luke Graymark boy-of-blue Toby Regbo Refraindre
Luke Graymark don't-stand-so David Oakes Refraindre
Luke Graymark greymark-books David Oakes Stardew Valley
Luke Graymark in-wolfs-clothing Toby Regbo Animorphs
Luke Lialsson living-and-suffering Jeremy Irons Alagaësia
Luke Tsukino man-in-the-moon David Oakes Sailor Moon
Obi-Wan Kenobi have-nothing Toby Regbo, David Oakes, Jeremy Irons Star Wars
Professor Garroway lend-a-hand David Oakes Mystic, PRIMORD
Professor Luke Cypress your-own-doing David Oakes Pokémon SV
Remi Iluka nothing-you-can-do David Oakes Amenta
Remus monstrous-nature David Oakes Polar Night
Remus Lupin violent-spirits Toby Regbo, David Oakes, Gregory Smith Harry Potter
Romulus Lucian Greymark requiem-rain David Oakes Skyfire
Template: Renly
Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Federico Vongola copper-skies Gethin Anthony Skyfire
Hrodohaidis 'Roza' Theudobald soft-as-silk Jörmungandr
René Fell herb-of-the-cross Nick Sagar Primordial
René Mogranrath shaken-not-stirred Gethin Anthony Ashes
René Mogranrath verdigris Gethin Anthony Alex Rider
René Morcant sin-and-debauchery Gethin Anthony Refraindre
René Morganrath best-of-all Nick Sagar Synanon
René Rathe copper-horned Gethin Anthony Sigil
René Rathe wild-things Nick Sagar
René Theobald moon-power-make-up Buffyverse
Reni Tian Arcania Artefactum
Renly Baratheon king-of-summer Gethin Anthony Westeros, Dusteros
Template: Rigel

A Tian, usually the youngest of their set.
Perceptive. Good at peopling. Not the best at balancing family and duty - often expects family to handle itself. Paperwork ninja.
Loves magic, particularly runes/seals/etc.

(Efficient, The Paperwork Ninja, loves developing magic, especially the kind that involves runes or other writing, speedy, often has teleportation and/or superspeed. Charismatic, friendly, prefers to fix a system from within rather than without, aims for the top because of that - also ambitious. Wants to rule, wants to help, wants to protect.
In combat, he is an extremely efficient killer, uses that teleportation and/or superspeed and reflexes to great effect.
A bit of a doofus around people he genuinely adores. Doting parent and partner, somewhat neglectful sibling.)

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
A'rygel Tia sand-storm Blair Redford Etheirys
Duke Leto Atreides here-I-remain Oscar Isaac Dune
Gale of Waterdeep Gale Dekarios twisted-weave Kevin Zegers Baldur's Gate
Inaril Kitani blue-blooded Zooey Deschanel Amenta
Mindaugas Markin Kevin Zegers Jörmungandr
Namikaze Minato flying-thunder Naruto
Pallas Athena Zooey Deschanel
Princess Rys of Estwyl Lerys of Estwyl steer-by Zooey Deschanel Tower
Ragna Theobald breath-of-fresh-air Zooey Deschanel Elsewhere
Regina Cullen taste-of-heaven Zooey Deschanel Twilight
Regina Starr Zooey Deschanel
Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII copycat-king Kevin Zegers Draconian
Reuel Maxwell do-not-hinder Asa Butterfield
Rhaenyra Targaryen black-and-red Westeros
Rial Tian ruleofattraction Kim Jaejoong Arcania Artefactum
Rian Theirin silverite-crown Pavel Melenchuk Dragon Age
Rian Trevelyan eye-of-andraste Kevin Zegers Dragon Age
Rigel Caelum bind-the-stars Kevin Zegers Star Wars
Rigel Callum human-pinnacle Blair Redford Stardust Trek
Rigel LaRue vital-quality Kevin Zegers Mystic
Rigel Starr claim-the-sky Pavel Melenchuk Eos
Rigel Storm-Heart crown-of-storms Kevin Zegers The Elder Scrolls
Rigel Theobald air-of-charm Asa Butterfield, Kevin Zegers
Rigel Theobald cold-iron-heir Kevin Zegers Anima
Rigel Theobald shifting-sands Kevin Zegers Aion
Rinaldo Vongola airapparent Kenton Duty Titan Fleet
Ryam Baratheon crownedstag Asa Butterfield Westeros, Dusteros
Template: Robert

Conqueror. Usually ruler of something or other. Often runs a problematic military and has varyingly problematic personal habits. Pretty personable, though.
Family was descended from a ruling line before they became the current rulers.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Arel Eteo King Charlie Hunnam Amenta
A'rohja Nunh King the-garish-sun Ranveer Singh Etheirys
Commander Robert Morcant have-command Charlie Hunnam Star Trek
Ego revolves-around Ranveer Singh MCU
Hrodebert Theudobald King Charlie Hunnam Jörmungandr
King Orion Rathe King heart-of-ashes Charlie Hunnam a/b/o
King Rojan the-garish-sun Ranveer Singh Evil Overlord List
King Theobald a-red-day Charlie Hunnam LOTR
Maric Theirin Conqueror fire-and-blood Charlie Hunnam Dragon Age
Ọlọrun there-is-a-lion Harlod Perrineau SV Disney
Rael Tian King the-best-defense Sung Kang Arcania Artefactum
Ragnar Storm-Heart Soldier Ragnar the Red bold-battle Tom Hardy The Elder Scrolls, Nirn, Skyrim
Robar Thum Conqueror warhammer Tom Hardy WTFMagic
Robert in-a-rut Charlie Hunnam Legacy
Robert Baratheon King a-hollow-victory Tom Hardy Westeros, Dusteros
Robert Fell silver-bullet John David Washington Primordial
Robert Montgomery father-knows-best Charlie Hunnam Pleasantville
Robert Morcant hear-the-river John David Washington Skyfire
Robert Morcant in-the-pines Charlie Hunnam Refraindre
Robert Morcant knight-in-leather Charlie Hunnam Skyfire
Robert Morcant trying-to-cover Charlie Hunnam Servitor
Robert Morganrath double-or-nothing Charlie Hunnam Ashes
Robert Morganrath Charlie Hunnam Alex Rider
Roberto Vongola Soldier better-than-gold Charlie Hunnam Skyfire
Roberto Vongola Conqueror fear-and-blood Charlie Hunnam Titan Fleet
Robert Rathe boar's-tooth Charlie Hunnam Sigil
Robert Rathe wrath-and-ruin Charlie Hunnam Gotham
Robert Theobald Soldier never-so-alive Charlie Hunnam Buffyverse
Rob Winchester Soldier Harold Perrineau Supernatural
Rodebert Theobald King Charlie Hunnam Elsewhere
Zeus King to-all-things Charlie Hunnam Reborn Gods
Template: Robin

In baseline form, a Robin is a cheerful goofball with a heart of gold, romantic and outwardly optimistic, if prone to cynicism in the privacy of their own thoughts. Unfortunately one of their template attractors is a highly traumatic situation which commonly occurs in their late teens. After this their personality often flips, leaving them melacholic and maliciously mischievous, and burying their optimism and kindness under a burning determination to right the wrongs done to them and their loved ones. They can escape this attractor and remain baseline, and they can also be retrieved by loved ones and left a mix of the two states.
Robins are always pansexual panromantics, and are also fanatically devoted to those they come to love. They typically identify as their assigned gender.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Adresteia whom-none-escape Vanessa Hudgens Reborn Gods
Beatriz Olívia Anes Bia desire-for-light Vanessa Hudgens Resonance
Belavahn Mahariel Sabrae nature's-vengeance Vanessa Hudgens Dragon Age
Berit 'Sjóna' Sundridóttir Bára all_is_not_lost Alyson Hannigan Jörmungandr
B-Force iwill
Bira D'cis truthhurts Vanessa Hudgens Arcania Artefactum
Dr. Horrible Dr. Robin Chiswick everything-you-ever Ethan Peck Dr. Horrible
Ivy our-lady's-tears Alyson Hannigan Witch Awakening
Jorel Drettz Light Grey come-to-this Ethan Peck Star Wars
Justice walk-a-mile
Poison Ivy grow-together Alyson Hannigan
Rhae Sand the-justice-of-kings Charlie Rowe Westeros, Dusteros
Robin roundthetwist Vanessa Hudgens
Robin wild-goose-chase Ethan Peck Council of Horrible Gooses
Robin Chis just-desserts Vanessa Hudgens Alethia
Robin Chiswick all-I-care-about Charlie Rowe Scholomance
Robin Chiswick knot-in-the-wood Vanessa Hudgens Mistletoe
Robin Chiswick missed-the-sun Vanessa Hudgens Titan Fleet
Robin Chiswick new-shoots Charlie Rowe
Robin Chiswick screwloose Vanessa Hudgens
Robin Chiswick spacemagic Carlos Pena WTFMagic
Robin Chiswick untwist Carlos Pena
Robin Chiswick vicious-spiral Carlos Pena My Hero Academia
Robin Chiswick when-you-bury-them Carlos PenaVega StrangerVille
Robin Genan justice-incarnate Carlos Penavega Arcania Artefactum
Robin Ochoa wormholephysics Carlos Pena High Mage
Robin Oswald secret-fire Charlie Rowe Skin Deep
Robin Potter will-power Charlie Rowe
Spear of the Judge Arcania Artefactum
The Arbiter just-is Charlie Rowe Shallow Gods
Tobir Tisik Tobi blood-as-red Ethan Peck Amenta
Uchiha Obito Naruto
Viatris Vakarian unjust-galaxy Catalyst
Template: Val

There is something wrong with the world. Valentine will do anything to fix it.
Valentine loved and feared and respected his father and believed in his values, until those values killed his father - or they loved and feared and respected a parent-figure until that parent-figure betrayed them and turned them against said parent-figure (and sometimes the parent-figure's people). They are usually born poor to a family with a grand history, and marry into a rich, more prestigious family. They usually engage in experiments to improve their children using magic and/or genetic engineering.

Loves their children; loves their partners.
Will kill those they love themself if it will fix what's wrong with the world.

Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Archaess Valoros precious-vein Sui He Avernus
Dr. Mora Val necessary-evil Star Trek: X
Dr. Valentina Morgenstern dr-mendel Gillian Anderson Star Trek
Dr. Valentine Morgenstern ideal-circumstances Bill Skarsgård Dead Effect
Jadis Valeria Jadis Sui He Alethia
Lucifer morning-star Bill Skarsgård Coelesti
Melkor Lucifer first-and-mightiest Sui He LOTR
Professor Valentine Mogenstern the-evolved-form Alexander Skarsgård Pokémon SV
Thalos in-my-grasp Alexander Skarsgård MCU
The Mother giver-of-life Gillian Anderson Whoniverse, X-Space
Trahaearn Llewellyn divine-sacrilege Bill Skarsgård Beltane
Trahaearn Llewellyn position-of-strength Alexander Skarsgård Beltane
[Val] no-god Marvel Cinematic Universe
Valbatorix leave-none-alive Sui He Alagaësia
Valens sands-of-power Alexander Skarsgard Agrabah
Valentina Fairchild giver-of-gifts Gillian Anderson Themis, Themis-Omicron, Themis-Pi
Valentina Fairchild mother-of-monsters Gillian Anderson Eclipse
Valentine grand-strategem Bill Skarsgard Legacy
Valentine Morgenstern a-million-dreams Bill Skarsgard Themis
Valentine Morgenstern bring-to-life Alexander Skarsgård Seven, Silvertongue
Valentine Morgenstern from-the-angels Alexander Skarsgård Twilight, Evenfall
Valentine Morgenstern Valentine greater-man Alexander Skarsgård Erudito, Assassin's Creed
Valentine Morgenstern Valentine higher-purpose Alexander Skarsgård Themis
Valentine Morgenstern light-of-history Bill Skarsgard Afterlight
Valentine Morgenstern Valentine remorseful-day Alexander Skarsgård Servitor
Valentine Morgenstern right-of-way Alexander Skarsgård Alicante
Valentine Morgenstern salvation-comes Alexander Skarsgård Mass Effect, Catalyst
Valentine Morgenstern the-beholder Bill Skarsgård Titan Industries
Valentine Morgenstern will-always-find Bill Skarsgård Harry Potter
Valentine Morgenstern your-own-hands Alexander Skarsgard Gate of Truth
Valentinus Imperator Augustus a-Deo-coronatus Alexander Skarsgard Last
Valentyn Morgenstern north-star Alexander Skarsgård X-Men
Valerion Targaryen begin-with-blood Bill Skarsgard Westeros, Dusteros
Val-Jor-El steel-your-heart Gillian Anderson DCU SV
Valloran-Semitur-Corrass ruthless-and-determined Animorphs
Total: 75