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Setting: Witchdom
Parent Setting Witch Awakening
Owner Sage/Nemesis

Witch Awakening with a few changes.
1. Male witches are not rare and you do not need to take a special perk to remain or become male.
2. This version of the setting features Brutality 2, True Names 2*, Monsters 1**, and Bonk 1.

and a few other tweaks.

*True Names must almost always be given of free will or in a deal, even a R5 Psychic will have a lot of trouble getting it out of a mortal. True Names nearly cannot be shared by a person who the Name does not belong to, again even a R5 Psychic will have a lot of difficulty attempting it. True Names can't really be spoken, as they're more a series of concepts than words.
The Summer Court and Lunabella use True Names in their covenants and contracts. In the Summer Court it's common to go by part of an interpretation of your True Name.

**Monsters are hidden by the masquerade, so even if a mortal is attacked by one they will almost never realize it's a monster.