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Template: Joker
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Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Aelare anotherbreeze Sendhil Ramamurthy Tayane
Alice edgeofyourseat Heath Ledger Earth
Beast deslandes Heath Ledger Rêverie
Brilliance cardistry Heath Ledger Rainbow
Celosia howyouwanna Heath Ledger Materia
Corona shinelike Heath Ledger Gift
Delightful Jun fiery-delights Sendhil Ramamurthy Avatar: The Last Airbender
Erian Sendhil Ramamurthy Mysterious
Eternal Winter jackfrostbite Heath Ledger Narnia
Felicity inhispockets Eddie Spears Earth
Feral Orphan no-return Luke Broadlick Fantasia
Ghosty yourheartstrings Rachel McAdams Earth
Harley Andrea safekept Heath Ledger Aurum
Jade treasuresuntold Rachel McAdams Thalassa
Jellybean everyflavoured Heath Ledger Syntropy
Jewel drop-a-coin Luke Broadlick Panem
Jokes manofmyword Heath Ledger Earth
Joy joyfulnoise Equestria
Kas Petaal truthwright Heath Ledger Alethia
Lalita dream-me-up Sendhil Ramamurthy Warp
Laney edgeofyourseat Heath Ledger Earth
Loel Lalindar free-flowing Luke Broadlick Quinn
Mercy whipstitch Elliot Knight Circle
Micaiah sia a Manderra yovahs-kisses Heath Ledger Samaria
nameless jet girl Rosario Dawson Elcenia
Ninyth endragoned Heath Ledger Thilanushinyel
Nona growcrooked Rachel McAdams Lake
Queenie gunpowdergelatine Heath Ledger Earth
Rolan Quick hisowninvention Sendhil Ramamurthy Garden
Secret feel-so-free Rosario Dawson Harmonics
Sue Ivy War candleflame Heath Ledger Peace
Surprise! lastclown Sendhil Ramamurthy Wormverse
Teah you-wish Elliot Knight
the Rogue of Corus Sendhil Ramamurthy Tortall
Trouble aeskhyne Elliot Knight Earth
Victor outofthelight Tyler Posey Earth

Posts with Template Instances
Thread Continuity Authors Replies Last Updated
Complete a cloud of poofs [1 2 3 ... 8 9 10] Effulgence lost pen 243 by Kappa
Hiatused new worlds and new worlds [1 2 3 4 5] Sandboxes 120 by Alicorn
Complete keeping occupied [1 2 3 4 5] Effulgence lost pen 104 by Alicorn
Complete whole new world [1 2 3 ... 11 12 13] Effulgence lost pen 314 by Alicorn
Complete exeunt space plant [1 2 3] Effulgence lost pen 64 by Alicorn
Complete doors are complicated [1 2 3 ... 11 12 13] Effulgence lost pen 317 by Kappa
Complete a fantastic variety of flowers Effulgence will you marry me? 8 by Alicorn
Complete wellsprung [1 2 3 4 5] Effulgence who will be coming? 108 by Kappa
Complete find her girlfriend [1 2] Effulgence who will be coming? 29 by Alicorn
Complete he kind of stands out Effulgence who will be coming? 23 by Alicorn
Complete dancing less beautifully [1 2 3] Effulgence who will be coming? 57 by Kappa
Complete could readily be him [1 2 3 4 5 6] Effulgence who will be coming? 133 by Kappa
Complete sticking to her sisters [1 2 3 ... 8 9 10] Effulgence who will be coming? 242 by Kappa
Complete not generally a party person [1 2 3] Effulgence who will be coming? 62 by Alicorn
Complete the scourge of eclairs [1 2] Effulgence who will be coming? 50 by Kappa
Complete the Griffins are a-prowling [1 2 3] Effulgence who will be coming? 62 by Kappa
Complete angel of yourself [1 2 3] Effulgence who will be coming? 64 by Kappa
Hiatused the pookas [1 2 3 ... 6 7 8] Effulgence acquire (ptsd) 187 by Kappa
Complete the circle [1 2 3 ... 14 15 16] Effulgence acquire (ptsd) 376 by Alicorn
Complete the divulgence [1 2 3 4 5 6] Effulgence acquire (ptsd) 134 by Kappa
Complete the experiment [1 2 3 ... 5 6 7] Effulgence acquire (ptsd) 161 by Kappa
Complete the cat [1 2 3 ... 8 9 10] Effulgence acquire (ptsd) 250 by Kappa
Complete mmm, pancakes [1 2 3 ... 7 8 9] Effulgence acquire (ptsd) 214 by Kappa
Complete several kinds [1 2 3 ... 10 11 12] Effulgence sweeping up 291 by Kappa
Complete sweeping changes [1 2 3 ... 8 9 10] Effulgence sweeping up 243 by Kappa